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An NPC or Adventure Seed

Open Game License Version 1.0a for HOSTILE

A scenario seed for the HOSTILE sci-fi setting:

The PCs are colonists on a low population world and are brought together to investigate
unusual events or the crimes that are committed at the colony from time to time. Possible
career options for player characters in this situation include: Physician, Marshal, Marine
and a Colonist of rank 3 or 4. Suitable colony worlds on which to base this adventure
include Congress (NEW 0402), Medusa (FOM 0105) or Washout (FOM 0309).

The PCs are a small team that have come together to deal with an incident at the colony,
or at one of its outlying settlements. A worker has stolen an ATV and after it got only a
few kilometres, it burst into flame. The PCs go out to it, but the worker has bailed out
and, although untrained, has a rifle. The team need to find a way to apprehend him
without getting either he or themselves killed. He is a hothead, angry with his boss. This is
the exciting intro. Once back in the colony, they are notified of the suicide of a 14 year old
(electrocution). As they investigate, there is yet another suicide (a 30 yr old scientist).
What is happening? The two victims are not initially connected. The woman recently
returned from a science station out in the jungle. It will turn out that the girl is her friend’s

The science station is studying a ‘synoetic’ plant network, possible intelligent, and those
flowers are part of the network. The scientist brought back two, one she has in a vase,
the other she gave to her friend’s daughter when they briefly met after she arrived. That
is in a vase, too. The flowers can sing at inaudible levels, hypnotising victims, and in
nature, compelling them towards the central carnivorous plant mass out in the jungle.
Unable to do that, the two victims killed themselves. The scientists are in great danger.
The PC team will probably not realise the flower is to blame, but will probably drive an
ATV to the station (a full day’s drive). The station is happy to receive them. After 4 hours,
the station stops responding.

The station is made up of modular bases (see HOSTILE setting book or the Explorers
book). When they arrive, the four scientists are gone. There are bags of samples, more
flowers, plants in cultivation beds and lots of equipment. One scientist bursts out of the
power room attacking the PCs with a folding spade, he is in some sort of trance. Searching
for a computer log will reveal that the science team identified the heart of the plant’s
network covering several kilometres, a narrow valley 23 km away. They call the species
Encyclia, a type of ‘synoetic’ network plant. In the rocky valley, the plants are everywhere,
luminous and sickly. White bones are scatted about, plus a modern hand radio. The radio
picks up faint breathing and static, the signal getting stronger the further the PCs go.
Then the synoetic network activates and the feeding tendrils come alive whipping out to
grab PCs, disarm them, bind them, strangle them … and try to devour them. Can they
fight their way out? Will anybody go after the surviving scientist on the radio?
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