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1. Write your reaction.

Philosophers like socrates, plato, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, John
Locke, David Hume, Sigmund Freud, Gilbert Ryle, and Merleau-Ponty are the most influential in
the history of philosophy. Each one has contributed to the development and evolution of
philosophical thought in their own unique way.

When I did not study this topic, I did not learn as much about the philosophers' ideas on life, the
body, and the soul. I'll benefit from their advice and put it to use in my daily life.

2. Write an insight.

Socrates, Plato, and St. Augustine are all considered to be major figures in philosophy.
Socrates is known for his method of questioning, which sought to uncover the truth by
challenging assumptions and beliefs. Dualistic – every man is composed of body and soul.
Souls is something that I can’t see, something that make us move.

Plato was his student and went on to develop his own philosophical system that included the
theory of forms.

 There are Three components of the soul: rational soul, spirited soul, and appetitive soul.
 Rational soul – the one that uses reason
 Spirited soul – neutral one,
 Appetitive soul – the one who pursued desires

St. Augustine was a Christian philosopher who wrote extensively on the nature of God, human
nature, and the relationship between the two.
St. Thomas Aquinas is particular in the area of natural theology. Man is composed of matter
and form.

 Matter (hyle)- common stuff that makes up everything.

 Form (morpe) – essence of the living.

Rene Descartes is known for his method of doubt, which he used to establish a foundation of
knowledge that could not be doubted. This led to his famous phrase, "I think, therefore I am."
John Locke is often considered the father of liberalism, and his ideas about natural rights and
the social contract were highly influential in the development of modern political theory. Tabula
rasa (Blank state of mind)
David Hume he believed that all knowledge is based on experience and that we cannot know
anything for certain.
Sigmund Freud is best known for his theories about the unconscious mind and the
psychosexual stages of development. Man is governed by 2 drives; Eros (Sex) and Thanatos
Gilbert Ryle he believed that the mind and body were not separate entities, but rather different
aspects of the same thing.
Finally, Merleau-Ponty emphasized the importance of perception and experience in
understanding the world. He believed that our understanding of the world was shaped by our
bodily interactions with it. Denies the dualistic ideas.

3. React to your classmate's reaction. Agree or disagree and present your points.

4. Ask a question.

What is the difference between id, ego, and super eggo as suggested by Sigmund Freud. It is
not clear to me how the three provinces of the mind differ from one another.

5. Answer a question.

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