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DEVA -1997 /


L'adresse: Adress:
Le Musee de la Civilisation The Museum of Dacian and Roman
Dacique et Romaine La Section Civilization
des Sciences Naturelles The Section of the Natural
Rue 1 Decembre 39 Sciences 39, 1 Decembrie Street

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RĂZVAN GIVULESCU - Un reste de palmier-Sabal major (Unger) Heer

-dans la flore fossile du Bassin de Petroşani, dep.
Hunedoara ................................................................ 7

CORALIA MARIA JIANU -NewTheropod Dinosaur Material from the Haţeg

DAVID B. WEISHAMPEL Basin (Late Cretaceous, Western Roumania).
Preliminarystudy ........................................................ 11

VICTOR STĂNESCU, - Oak tree Hybrids in the Bejan Forest-Deva.

NICOLAE SOFLETEA, Reactualisation and geneticprospections ............... . 29

ANA RODICA - Consideration on Some Phyto-Ecological

MANUGHEVICI Diagnosis Problems in the Piedmont of Orăştie
Couloir ........................................................................ 37

MARCELA BALAZS - La caracterisation de la flore des gorges

calcariferes des Monts Metaliferes. Des aspects
phytocoenologiques .................................................. 49

RAUL - New lchneumonid Species (Hymenoptera:

CONSTANTINEANU, lchneumonidae) forthe Romanian Fauna from the
IRINEL RetezatNational Park ................................................ 109

SILVIA BURNAZ Des considerations ecologiques et

zoogeographiques concernant la faune de
macrolepidopteres du Bassin Grădiştea
Muncelului-Costeşti (Le Massif Sureanu) ................ . 113

SILVIA BURNAZ - Des macrolepidopteres du Massif Sureanu (Le

secteur de la depression montagneuse Oaşa et le
Mont Sureanu). Des dates ecologiques et
zoog0ographiques .................... „ ..•..........•..•.............. 129

SILVIA BURNAZ - Donnees concemant Ies macrolepidopteres de

la localite Săcărâmb (le departament de
Hunedoara) ............................................................... 145

SEBASTIAN DOMNARIU - Des contributions â. la connaissance de

SILVIA BURNAZ l'ichtiotaune du couloir du Mures (Le departament
de Hunedoara) ........................................................... 169

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DEVA, 22-24th august 1996

FABIO M. DALLA VECCHIA - Terrestrial Tetrapod Evidences on the Norian

(Late T riassic) and Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms
of Northern Adriatic Region (ltaly, Slovenia, and
Croatia) ...............................................................„ „ „ „ . 175

XABIER PEREDA - Armoured Dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous of

SUPERB IOLA, Transylvania .. „ „ •.•.••.•.•...................................... „„...... 201

CORALIA MARIA JIANU -New Collection of Haţeg and Râpa Roşie Material
NICOLAE MESZAROS (Dinosauria and Chelonia) in the Cluj
VLAD CODREA University ........ „ ......... „ „ .... „ ...... „ .............. „ ..... „ •.• „.. .. 217

VLAD CODREA, - Kallokibotion bajazidi Nopcsa from the Râpa

MATEI VREMIR Roşie (Alba County) Deposits .......................... 231

CORALIA MARIA JIANU -A new Theropod Dinosaur from the Haţeg Basin,
DAVID B. WEISHAMPEL Western Romania, in the Hungarian Geologica!
SurveyCollection ............................................. „......... 237

COSTIN RĂDULESCU - Late Cretaceous Multituberculata of the Haţeg

PETRE MIHAI SAMSON Basin,Romania ........................................................... 245

NICOLAE MESZAROS -ThelifeandCareerofFranzBaronNopcsa......... 255

DAVID B. WEISHAMPEL - European islands in the Late Cretaceous: The

CORALIA MARIA J IANU importanceof Phylogeny in BiogeographicAnalyses
With Examples from North-American Hadrosaurids
and European Trtanosaurids „ „ ...... „ ..... „. ............ ...... 259

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RĂZVAN GIVULESCU - Un rest de palmier- Sabal major (Unger) Heer în

flora fosilă a Bazinului · Petroşani, jud.
Hunedoara................................................................... 7

CORALIA MARIA JIANU -Un nou material de dinozaurtheropod din Bazinul

DAVID B. WEISHAMPEL Haţeg (Cretacic târziu, Vestul României). Studiu
preliminar..................................................................... 11

VICTOR STĂNESCU, - Hibrizi de stejari din Pădurea Bejan-Deva.

NICOLAE Reactualizare şi prospecţiuni genetice .... .. ........ ..... ... . 29

ANA RODICA -Consideraţii privind unele probleme de diagnostic

MANUGHEVICI fitoecologic în zona piemontană a Culoarului
Orăştiei ... ..... ... ......... .. ... ...... ... ..... .... ... .. ..... .. .... ... ..... .. .... 37

MARCELA BALAZS -Caracterizarea florei cheilor calcaroase din Munţii

Metaliferi. Aspectefitocenologice................. ............... 49

RAUL CONSTANTINEANU - Noi specii de lchneumonide (Hymenoptera:

IRINEL lchneumonidae) pentru fauna României, din Parcul
CONSTANTINEANU Naţional Retezat.......................................................... 109

SILVIA BURNAZ - Consideraţii ecologice şi zoogeografice privind

fauna de macrolepidoptere din Bazinul Grădiştea
Muncelului-Costeşti(MasivulSureanu) ..................... 113

SILVIA BURNAZ - Macrolepidoptere din Masivul Sureanu (Sectorul

depresiunii montane Oaşa şi Muntele Sureanu).
Date ecologice şi zoogeografice .................. .. ...... ...... 129

SILVIA BURNAZ - Date privind macrolepidopterele localităţii

Săcărâmb Oudeţul Hunedoara).................................. 145

SEBASTIAN DOMNARIU - Contribuţii la cunoaşterea ichtiofaunei culoarului

SILVIA BURNAZ Mureş Oudeţul Hunedoara)......................................... 169

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DEVA, 22-24 August 1996

FABIO M. DALLA - Urme de tetrapode terestre în Platformele

VECCHIA carbonatice Noriene. (Triasic târziu) şi Cretacice ale
regiunii nord adriatice (Italia, Slovenia şi
Croa~a) ........................................................................... 175

XABIER PEREDA - Dinozauri cuirasap din Cretacicul superior din

SUPERB10LA Transilvania.................................................................... 201

CORALIA MARIA JIANU -O nouă colecţie de resturi de dinozauri şi chelonieni

NICOLAE MESZAROS laUniversitateadinCluj.................................................. 217

VLAD CODREA - Kallokibotion bajazidi Nopcsa din depozitele de la

MATEI VRt':MIR Râpa Roşie OudeţulAlba) .............................................. 231

CORALIA MARIA JIANU - Un nou dinozaur theropod din Bazinul Haţeg,

DAVID B. WISHAMPEL vestul României, în colecţia Institutului Geologic
Maghiar ......................................... ································· 237

COSTIN RĂDULESCU - Multltuberculate din Cretacicul târziu din Bazinul

PETRE MIHAI SAMSON Haţeg, România............................................................ 245

NICOLAE MESZAROS -ViaţaşicarierabaronuluiFranzNo~................... 255

DAVID B. WEISHAMPEL - Insulele europene în Cretacicul târziu: Importanţa

CORALIA MARIA JIANU filogeniei în analizele biogeografice cu exemple din
hadrosauridele nord-americane şi titanosauridele
europene...................................................................... 259

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Une visite effectuee au Musee de la viile de Deva, dep. de Hunedoara

nous a releva l'existence d'un reste de palmier provenant de la Vallee de Jiu,
a savoir le Bassin de Petroşani. li s'agit d'un reste, l'un des plus grands et
mieux conserves restes de palmier de la litterature paleobotanique.
Situation geographique et geologique: Le Bassin de Petroşani (denome
d'apres la viile de Petroşani) est situe au long du ruisseau Jiu dans le milieu
des Carpates sudiques de la Roumanie. li s'agit d'un bassin sedimentaire
comble par une grosse succesion de depots sedimentaires, divises en
cinque horizonts. Celui qui interesse est le deuxieme qui comprend 21
assises de charbon. A basse de pollen, de nannoplankton et de faune on a
atribue cet horizont a charbons, a !'Oligocene superieur, a savoir du Chattien.
A cote deces charbons apparaît une riche et belle flore fossile. Nous citons:
Taxodium dubium, Sequoia abietina (et Sequoioxylon gypsaceum), Smilax
weberi, Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, Quercus neriifolia, Q. apocynophyllum,
Alnus kefertseini, Myrica longifolia, Nyssa transylvanica, Calamus noszkyii.
Description du reste fossi/e: reste tres bien conserve, presentant tous
Ies details morphologiques caracteristiques. Le rachis est court, fort, sans
epines. li se termine· par une pointe triangulaire quelque peu elargie. Un
prolongement de celle ci sous forme d'une crete mediane n'apparaît pas, soit
qu'elle est recouverte par Ies rayons foliaires, soit que le reste presente la
face superieure du limbe ou ce prolongement n'existe pas. li y a 45-52 rayons
foliaires qui emergent de la pointe triangulai re mentionnee. Ă'la base ils sont
minces et tres plisses, en haut vers la partie superieure ils s'elargissent
beaucoup et s'individualisent. "
Biometrie-. Longueur totale- 700 mm; L. du rachis-100 mm; L. du plus
long rayon foliaire - 600 mm; largeur du rachis - 20 mm; I. du rayon foliaire
a la partie superieure - 30 mm; circonference du reste - 1884 mm; Surface
du reste - 3769 cm 2 - megaphylle.
Discussion: vu Ies caracteres ennumeres on peut affirmer que le reste
que nous venons de decrire appartient au taxon Sabal major (Unger) Heer.
Ce n'est pas pour la premiere fois qu'un pareille taxon est decrit de la Vallee
du Jiu. En 1978 nous avons decrit un reste assez modique conserve dans Ies
collections du Musee de geologie et paleontologie de l'Universite de Cluj-
Napoca, dont nous avons pu etudier !'epiderme, qui est nettement celle d'un
Sabal major (voir Weyland 1959, aussi Mai et Walther 1985). Le reste que
nous presentons cette fois est l'un des plus grands et plus beaux echantillons

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de la litterature paleobotanique. En effet, pour ne citer que quelques uns:
Heer 1855, T.35 - mesure 300 mm; Mai et Walther 1985, T.34, f.I - mesure
290 mm. En meme temps ii s'agit de la plus belle piece fossilifere recoltee de
la Vallee du Jiu.
Sabal major est un component assez frequent des flores fosiles de
l'Europe de l'intervalle Eocene superieur - Miocene moyen. li est compare
aux actuells Sabal palmetto R. et S. et S. adansoni Guers., tous Ies deux
vegetant dans Ies „swamps" de la Carolina, Louisiane et Floride dans le SE
des Etats Unis de l'Amerique de Nord. Nous pouvons dons supposer que le
Sabal de la Vallee du Jiu vegetait dans des conditions semblables de habitat
et de climat, a savoir (station Cap Hatteras) t.m. annuelle: 17,3°, m.
precipitations annuelles: 1391 mm, t.m. annuelle du mois le plus froid: 10°,
t.m. annuelle du mois le plus chaud: 25°.
Remerciements - Nous remercions a la direction du Musee de la
Civilisation Dacique et Romaine, section sciences naturelles de Deva pour
l'amabilite d'avoir mis a notre disposition ce reste, pour l'etude.




Cercetarea colecţiei Muzeului Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane, secţia ştiinlele naturii din
Deva, ne-a relevat existenţa unui exemplar de dimensiuni neobişnuite a unei frunze de
palmier, conservată în condi!ii de excepţie. După consideraţiile de ordin geografic, geologic
şi paleobotanic este prezentată descrierea materialului în cauză, precum şi datele biometrice.
Din acestea reiese că exemplarul din Valea Jiului este unul din cele mai mari exemplare fosile
de frunză de palmier citate din literatura paleobotanică, fiind în acelaşi timp şi cea mai
frumoasă piesă colectată vreodată din bazinul susmenţionat.


GIVULESCU, R., 1978, Note sur quelques epidermes fosilles. - Rev. Roum., s. Geologie,
Bucureşti, 22: 189-194. "
HEER, O., 1855, Flora tertiaria helvetica, I: 80, 35-36 (1, 2). Windertur.
MAI, D.H., WALTHER, H., 1985, Die obereozanen Floren des Weisselster- Beckens und
seiner Randgebiete. - Abh. staatl. Mus. Mineral. Geol., Dresden, 33: 133, T.34, T.35, f. 1-4.
WEYLAND, H., 1959, Krilische Untersuchungen zur Kutikularanalyse tertărer Blătter V. -
Palaeontogr., Stuttgart, 106: 6, T.2, f. 12-16.

Str. DONATH 17
BI. M2, Ap. 66

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Fig. 1 - Sabat major, vue d'ensemb/e. Eche/le 10 cm. / /



Although remains of Late Cretaceous theropods are known from Europe,

they are the rarest of all dinosaurs from this time interval. Mast consist of
vertebrae and teeth which are at best questionably determinable to higher taxa
(Coelurosauria, ?Dromaeosauridae, ?Abelisauridae, ?Troodontidae; Grigorescu
1984, Buffetaut et al. 1986, 1988, Osm61ska and Barsbold 1990, Norman 1990,
Weishampel 1990, Weishampel et al. 1991, Le Loeuff et al. 1992). However, new
skull material from the Haţeg Basin is sutficiently well preserved tobe incorporated
into a phylogenetic analysis to determine its taxonomic placement within
Theropoda. Given this opportunity, the new Haţeg material yields new information
on the affinities of members of the European theropod faunas which had not been
previously possible and at the same time provides insights into the biostratigraphy
and paleobiogeography of island habitation in Europe du ring the Late Cretaceous.

MCDRD 254; left frontal.
MCDRD 454; fused parietals.
Both specimens were collected by the senior author in 1992 from
Gârjobel, a locality south of the village of Sânpetru. This locality is situated
in the Sânpetru Formation (viz., Grigorescu 1992).
Although not found in articulation, it is very likely that the two specimens
come from the same individual because they were found along the same
horizon and can be tightly articulated with each other.

The frontal (MCDRD 254) is missing the rostral tip of the nasal process
and thus would have been considerably longer than preserved. The lateral
extremity of the postorbital process has been eroded to a rounded prominence.
ln dorsal view (Fig. 1 a), the preserved portion of the frontal is roughly
isosceles in shape, while in lateral view, it is relatively thin and sigmoida!. As
preserved, MCDRD 254 is 41 mm long; from the rostral tip to the preserv~d
portion of the postorbital process, it is 38.5 mm and the distance from this
point to the caudal extreme of the interfrontal suture is 46 mm. Maximum
width of the frontal is 40 mm and the interorbital width is estimated to be 68

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The dorsal surface of MCDRD 254 is smooth and vaulted. This doming
above the cerebral region of the endocranium rises from a trough that
extends from behind the orbital margin obliquely to the frontonasal suture.
Rostrally, the nasal facet consists of a small, narrow depression immediately
adjacent to the sagittal suture of the frontal. Laterally, there is a large, deep,
and very distinct depression for reception of the upper part of the lacrimal.
The floor of the facet is marked by ridges and grooves for the attachment of
sutural ligaments between the two elements. Farther laterally and caudally is
the base of the postorbital process. The rear margin of the frontal provides
a broad articulation with the parietal and, with the lateral processes of the
parietal, marks the rostal margin of the supratemporal fossa.
Ventrally (Fig. 1b), MCDRD 254 is marked by the dorsal margin of the
orbit, the traces of the olfactory tract and bulb, and the cerebral impression.
The orbital rim is sharp, rugase, and no more than 15 mm long; the smooth,
ovate orbital surface is pierced by a few small foramina. The dorsal aspect
of the orbit is separated from the olfactory impressions by the eroded remains
of the articulation for the presphenoid. This region alsa appears tobe marked
by the articulation for ventral portion of the lacrimal as it contacts the frontal
(creating the so-called "slotted" articulation seen in dromaeosaurids; Currie
1987, 1995).
The impression of the olfactory bulb and tract are marked by raised
margins between the wall supporting of the presphenoid and the midline of
the frontal. The tract is short, while the bulb is relatively large and ovate. The
division between the orbit and endocranium is marked by the eroded remains
of the 7 mm-wide vertical ridge that articulated with the caudal portion of the
presphenoid. Medial to this wall, the heart-shaped cerebral impression is
long, wide, and nearly smooth, although there are faint vascular traces
caudally and laterally.

MCDRD 454 consists of fused parietals that are hour-glass shaped in
dorsal view and roughly triangular in lateral view (Figs. 2a, 3a). lt is missing
the extremities of the lateral and occipital processes. Maximum length of the
preserved element is 45 mm,length to the back of the sagittal crest is 32 mm,
maximum height is 24.5 mm, maximum width is 33 mm, rostral width is 32.5
mm, and minimum width is 22 mm.
The parietals contact the frontal via a centrally-placed rostral process,
which fits between the caudal aspect of the paired frontals, and paired lateral
processes that contact much of the back surface of the frontal. ln dorsal view,
the diamoJ;ld-shaped rostral process is flat and contains a small pit. The
rostral process fits into a groove in the frontal and there is a curved groove
on the rostral surface of the lateral process of the parietal into which fits a
modestly developed ridge on the caudal aspect of the frontal.

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MCDRD 454 îs longitudinally and transversely concave, due to the very
high and downwardly sloping sagittal crest. This crest îs 1 mm across at its
narrowest point and rises 20 mm above the ventral midline of the specimen,
thus making up almost 12.5% of its height.
Ventrally, the fused parietals are saddle-shaped (Fig. 2b). Rostrally,
the internai surface consists of the smooth, conical cerebellar impression
that narrows from a rostral width of 28.5 mm to a caudal width of 15 mm.
Caudally, there is an oval pit slightly displaced to the left of the midline which
may be due to pathologies in underlying meningeal or cerebellar tissue
(perhaps as a fistula from the capitis dorsalis vein).
The ventral margins of the fused parietals are roughened to
accommodate the dorsal surfaces of both prootic (rostrally) and opisthotic
(caudally), although it is impossible to discern the border between these two
sutures. Nevertheless, it is expected that the majority of the preserved
ventral parietal margin was for the prootic based on comparison with other

Articulated Skull Roof

ln articulation, the dorsal surface of the frontal and parietal form an
angle of approximately 60° (Fig. 3), paralleling the high cephalic angle
between the endocranial surfaces of these elements.

The cranial material described here clearly comes from a theropod
dinosaur, based on the presence of a relatively large cerebral impression on
the undersurface of the frontal bone. ln tact, we regard the Haţeg theropod
as a member of Maniraptora, a clade of theropods that includes the small and
aggressive dromaeosaurids and troodontids, the ostrich-mimicking
ornithomimids, and true birds (Fig. 4; Gauthier 1986, Holtz 1994), due to the
presence of a high cephalic flexure, apomorphic for Maniraptora.
Within this maniraptoran clade, an unnamed group consisting of
dromaeosaurids, Archaeopteryx lithographica, Aves, oviraptorids, and
arctometatarsalians together share narrow nasal bones, a condition also
found in the Haţeg theropod. However, the latter shares no unique features
with oviraptorids or arctometatarsalians. lnstead, it shares derived characters
with members of the clade composed of dromaeosaurids, Archaeopteryx
lithographica, and remaining birds, including (1) a longitudinal trough and
dome an the dorsal surf ace of the frontals and (2) relatively large impressions
of olfactory bulbs at the end of short olfactory tracts. The Haţeg theropod
shares with dromaeosaurids a separation of the frontals by a rostral process
of the parietals, a "slotted" articulation between the frontal and lacrimal, and
a high, downward-sloping sagittal crest. Finally, among dromaeosaurids,
only Saurornitholestes langstoniand the Haţeg theropod have a frontal that
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contributes only a small portion to the orbital margin, sugugesting a clase
relationship with this species. On the basis of the distribution of these
features, we regard the Haţeg theropod as a member of Dromaeosauridae,
perhaps mast closely related to Saurornitholestes langstoni.

The remains of small, bird-like animals have long been known from the
Late Cretaceous of Transylvania, having been collected by Nopcsa in the
early part of this century. Described by Andrews (1913) and Harrison and
Walker (1975), this material formed the holotypes and referred material of
Bradycneme draculae and Heptasteornis andrewsi (considered the oldest
owls), and Elopteryx nopcsai (thought to be a pelecaniform). Additional
material was subsequently referred to E. nopcsai by Grigorescu and Kessler
(1980). Brodkorb (1978) rejected the avian affinities of these three species,
suggesting that they instead were small theropod dinosaurs of uncertain
affinity and his work has largely been followed ever since. Three exceptions
include Paul (1988), Osm61ska and Barsbold (1990) and Le Loeuff et al.
(1992). Paul (1988) regarded all these Transylvanian taxa as troodontids,
retaining B. draculae, but tentatively referring both E. nopcsai and H.
andrewsi to Troodon as T.? andrewsi. Osm61ska and Barsbold (1990)
considered B. draculae, E. nopcsai, and H. andrewsi to be indeterminate
troodontids. Finally, Le Loeuff et al. (1992) suggested that H. andrewsi and
8. draculae are junior synonyms of E. nopcsai.
Regardless of the ultimate taxonomic resolution of these taxa (which
requires a phylogenetic analysis), it is very likely that they fall within
Maniraptora, the same large clade of small theropods as the individual
comprised of MCDRD 254 and 454. What distinguishes the new Haţeg
theropod is that it has been phylogenetically placed within Dromaeosauridae,
a clade of at least six species of agile, small to medium-sized theropods, with
an obligate bipedal limb postu re, estimated live weight ranging from 30 to 80
kg, and distinctive foot construction featuring a large, sickle-shaped claw on
the second digit. Thus far, named dromaeosaurids come from either North
America or central and eastern Asia.
Unfortunately, the phylogeny of dromaeosaurid species is not yet
resolved, so how the Haţeg dromaeosaurid would affect the pattern of
relationships among these theropods is hard to say. Should it be positioned
somewhere high within the dromaeosaurid tree, then it is likely that the Haţeg
dromaeosaurid evolved from a non-European an cestor that itself was not the
common ancestor of all dromaeosaurids and that it thereafter immigrated to
Europe (Fig. 5). Whether this migration was from North America or Asia is
presently unknown given the lack of information about the topology of the
dromaeosaurid tree.
However, if the Haţeg dromaeosaurid is linked at the base of the
dromaeosaurid tree (Fig. 7b), it may be that dromaeosaurids had a European
14 /
ongm (fig. 9). ln order for this to be true, it must be demonstrated that
successive outgroups to Dromaeosauridae (with the Haţeg dromaeosaurid
positioned as the basal taxon) also have a European distribution. This
appears to be true for the clade consisting of Archaeopteryx lithographica
and all remaining birds (regarded as the immediate sister group of
dromaeosaurids). Whether the next outgroup has a European distribution
depends on the phylogenetic placement of the Late Jurassic diapsid
Lisboasaurus estesifrom the Guimaro.ta complex of lignitic marls in central
Portugal. Milner and Evans (1991) argued thatl. estesiwas a maniraptoran.
lf it can be demonstrated that it is not only a member of the clade consisting
of Dromaeosauridae and birds but also the stern species positioned just after
the split between the two groups, then dromaeosaurids must have had a
European origin, with later migration to North America and Asia.
Clearly we are far from a solution to these alternative phylogenetic and
paleobiogeographic questions. One part of this solution will come from
continued research on existing material, including all known dromaeosaurids
and other maniraptor.ans (Jianu and Weishampel in prep.). Anotherwill come
from the additional recovery of dromaeosaurid specimens in the Haţeg Basin
and elsewhere in Europe. Thus, it may eventually be possible to determine
whether the Haţeg theropod is a distinctly new species. New material and the
study of existing specimens will, at the very least, provide new and much
needed character information about these important theropod dinosaurs and
hence their evolutionary and paleobiogeographic relationships.
There is more to say about the biostratigraphic significance of the new
Haţeg material. Among dromaeosaurids, the earliest known member of the
clade is Deinonychus antirrhopus from the upper Aptian Cloverly Formation
of Wyoming and Montana in the United States (Ostrom 1969, 1990).
Elsewhere in North America, dromaeosaurids appear to survive until
the late Campanian (Dromaeosaurus a/bertensis, Saurornitholestes
langstoni). Three dromaeosaurid species are also known from China and
Mongolia, from strata that are though to be late Santonian to early Maastrichtian
in age. These include Adasaurus mongoliensis, Hulsanpes perlei, and
Ve/ociraptor mongoliensis. Ostrom (1990) noted that dromaeosaurids
apparently became extinct by the end of the early Maastrichtian.
However, the Haţeg dromaeosaurid extends the duration of this clade
by as much as 1O mi Ilion years to the end of Maastrichtian (Fig. 1O;
Weishampel et al. 1991; Grigorescu 1992). Thus, it may turn out that the
„Haţeg lsland" may have acted as a refugium for the last dromaeosaurids
and in doing so this clade may have suffered its ultimate extinction at the
close of the Cretaceous.

We thank the following for access to specimens in their care: P.J.
Currie (Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada),

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J.R. Homer (Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana, U.S.A.), and A.C.
Milner (Natural History Museum, London). We also thank J.R. Homer, Z.
Csiki, T.R. Holtz, Jr., S. Bumaz, D. Grigorescu, L. M. Witmer, and M.B. Meers
for advice, encouragement, and information on theropod cranial anatomy
and systematics.
Finally, we are pleased to acknowledge funding from the Dinosaur
Society and the National Geographic Society for support of this research.
This paper was presented in 1994 at the symposium organised by
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva, Secţia de Ştiinţele Naturii.




Noi resturi de dinozauri din Cretacicul superior al Bazinului Haţeg (V. României) constă
din fragmente craniene aparţinând unui dinosaur theropod dromaeosaurid.
Aceste piese sunt descrise pe scurt şi discutate din punct de vedere filogenetic,
biostratigrafie şi biogeografic.
în cadrul grupului Dromaeosauridae, noul theropod din Haţeg pare să fie înrudit îndeaproape
cu Saurornitho/estes langstoni. În plus, extinde răspândirea stratigrafică a grupului până în
Cretacicul terminal.
Implicaţiile paleobiogeografice ale dromaeosauridului din Haţeg sunt încă obscure, dar
insulele Cretacic târzii ale Europei ar fi putut acţiona ca un refugiu pentru ultimii dromaeosaurizi.


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The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization Deva
39, 1 Decembrie Street, Deva, 2700 Romania.
The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
725 N. Wolfe Street I Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.

18 /

Fig. 1.a. - Dorsal view of the new Haţeg frontal, MCDRD 254

. I

Fig. 1.b. - Ventral view of the new Haţeg frontal, MCDRD 254.
Abbreviations-1: impression of the o/factory traci and bulb: Cer: cerebral impression; la:
articulation for the lacrimal; Na: articulation for the nasal; Orb: dorsal orbital surface; Par:
articulation for the parietal; Po: base of the postorbital process; ? St; ? slot for the ventral
process of the lacrimal. Scale=5 cm.

19 /
a. Rp

Fig. 2.a. - Dorsal view of the new Haţeg parietal, MCDRD 454.

b. Rp

Fig. 2.b. - Ven_tral view of the new Haţeg parietal, MCDRD 454.
Abbreviations: Cb: cerebel/ar impress; p: pit; Rp: rostral process; Sag: sagittal
crest. Scale =Sem

20 /
a. Fr

Fig. 3.a. - Lateral view of the articulated frontal and parietal

(MCDR 254 and 454, respectively)


Fig. 3. b. - Dorsal view of the articulated frontal and parietal

(MCDRD 254 and 454 respectively)

21 /
c. Fr

Fig. 3. c. - Ventral view o /he articula/ed frontal and parietal

(MCDR 254 and 454, respectively). Abbreviations: Fr: frontal; Par: parietal." Scale=5 cm.

.., Oviraptorosauria



"'fl Troodontidae
/ ~ Ornithomimosauria

m /''<Aviales
;. ~ Dromaeosauridae
ij; III
111 C

Fig. 4. Cladogram of Maniraptora (after Ho/Iz 1994)

22 /



Dl Adasaurus
Dl Dromaeosaurus

Fig. 5. - Cladogram of Dromaeosauridae and A via Ies

a. b.

Fig. 6. - Dorsal (a) and ventral (b) views of the right frontal of Saurornitholestes
langstoni (Roya/ Tyrreff Museum of Paleontology P 74. T10. T 5). Scale=3 cm.

23 /
a. rn
>< rn "Cu;
...>- ...
...o ·.:::: CI>

ca o
CI> c:
ca rn o ca ca ca C'> ca o
J: C.> rn
E rn o CI> E ...
o... :J CI>
"C -ca o... :J
c c ::c: > <( ::c: c CI)


Fig. 7.a. - Cladogram placing the Ha,teg dromaeosaurid high within Dromaeosauridae

Avi ales
Hateg Dromaeosaurid



;;:::::::::..------ Velociraptor
~::::------- Adasaurus
Dromaeosauridae Deinonychus


Fig. 7.b - Cladogram placing the Ha,teg dromaeosaurid at the base of Dromaeosauridae

24 /
Deinonychus NA

Saurornitholestes NA

Dromaeosaurus NA

Adasaurus AS

Velociraptor AS

b. Adasaurus AS

Hulsanpes AS

Velociraptor AS

Deinonychus NA

Dromaeosaurus NA

Fig. 8. - Biogeographic implications of dromaeosaurid phylogeny.

a. North American origin of the clade if Deinonychus, Saurornitholestes, and Dromaeosaurus
are basal members of Dromaeosauridae (order of these taxa is hypothetical).
b. - Asian origin of the clade if Adasaurus, Hulsanpes and Velociraptor are basal members of
Dromaeosauridae (order of these taxa is hypothetical). Abbreviations-AS: Asia; NA: North America.

25 /
Archaeopteryx EU

Lisboasaurus EU

Haţeg Dromaeosaurid EU

Dromaeosaurus NA

Hulsanpes AS

Velociraptor AS

Adasaurus AS

Deinonychus NA

Saurornitholestes NA '

Fig. 9. - European origin of Dromaeosauridae ii Lisboasaurus and the Haţeg

dromaeosaurid have the indicated phylogenetic relationships . Abbreviations - AS: Asia;
EU: Europe; NA: North America.

26 /
! Cil
s J1o


2 E
... ~ „*


~ Qe ~ * o
ee :::s

.s .!!

.~ f
* * o...
.2 *
c Santonlan

.!! ..=
(J Turonlan



~ ~
Albian~~ Q



Fig. 10. - Dromaeosaurid stratigraphic distribution during !he Cretaceous.

27 / /


1. Hybrids identified. New hybrids

The Bej an Forest, located in the very neighbourhood of the Municipium
of Deva, is well-known still since the last century as a unique biotope for
existence of numerous hybrids of the indigenous oak-trees.
Amang the oak hybrids in the Bejan Forest, literatura citecf
x Q. Tabajdiana Simk ( Q frainetto X Q. po/ycarpa)
x Q. Tufae Simk. ( Q. frainetto X Q. petraea)
x Q. Dacica Sorb. ( Q. po/ycarpa X Q. pubescens)
x Q. Haynaldiana Simk. (Q. frainetto X Q. robur)
x Q. Kerneri Simk (Q. pubescens X Q. robur)
x Q. budensis Sorb. ( Q. pubescens X Q. virgiliana)
Likewise, some varieties of the these hybrids are mentioned in the
Bejan Forest and namely: Q. x dacica var. Tiszae (Simk et Fekete), x Q.
Haynaldiana var. Heuffe/iiSimk., x Q. Kernerivar. devensis (Simk.) (fig. 1).
Our investigations performed in 1988, 1989 and 1990 revealed alsa a
series of new hybrids and varieties not recorded in the Bej an Forest. This fact
was expected, having in view occurrence of no less than 8 ofthe 9 indigenous
oak tree species, in an area covering 200 ha, and broad interfertilisation
possibilities offered by the local phytogeographical and physicogeographical
Thus, were identified:
x Q. rosacea Bechst. Sylvan ( Q. robur x Q. petraea);
x Q. rosacea var. petraeiformis Beldie;
x Q. risacea var. Feketei (Simk.);
xQ. rosaceavar. Jahnii(Simk.);
x Q. pseudodalechampii Cretz. ( Q. robur x Q. dalechampit);
x Q. pseudodalechampii var. Cretzoui ( P aşcovsch i);
x Q. Csatoi Sorb. ( Q. robur x Q. po/ycarpa);

29 /
a. cerris •
a. polycarpa
I :C:- ''

I ,.....,;;- • I
!.; -„ Szechen one .

a. virgiliana

Fig. 1 - Diagram of Quercus genus hybrids (after C. C. Georgescu and /. Moraru) with data
added from Flora României and aur own investigations in the Bejan Forest)

Hybrids in flora of our country mentioned in „Monografia stejarilor din România".
Hybrids occurring in the Bejan Forest, after „Flora României"
New hybrids in the Bejan Forest (already described in literatura)
New hybrids in the Romania's flora (for science?) identified in the Bejan Forest
Multiple hybrid and introgressive hybrids identified in the Bejan Forest

x O. diversifrons Sorb. (O. petraea x O. virgiliana);

x O. cazanensis Paşcovschi (O. dalechampii xQ. virgiliana).
lt is to mention that differences betwe en these new hybrids have been
established, in general, using the diagnosis criteria in Flora Romaniei and
Monografia stejarilor din România. For hybrids between Sessiliflorae Series
and O. virgiliana diagnoses are original. For instance, in Q. diversifrons
leaves are intermediate between the two parental forms, closer to a. petraea
(having not alternate characters); the shape of cupe scales also showing
traits of Q. petraea, not only of Q. virgiliana, short peduncle (0,5 - 0,8 cms)
no sessile cupes, etc. (table 1).

30 /
Comparative diagnoses of some of Quercus genus (after „Flora Romaniei" and the
material originating from Bejan Forest)
Caracters regarding:
Limb shape and Shapeof Length of Leal hairiness Branches Cupes, achenes
lobation, mode leal base petiole (hairiness, buds)

o 1 2 3 4 5
1 x Quercus cazanensis Paşcovschi (Q. dalechampii x O. virgiliana)
a) After „Flora României"
Most leaves as in Q. Leaves ± Big buds as in Q Sessile acoms,
virgiliana, some as in pubescent on virgiliana with lowerscalesof
O. dalechampii lower face Branchesglabrous cupes conglobate,
or glabrescent as largecups
in O. dalechampii

b) After the material from Bejan Forest

Leaves of interme- Asin O. Leaves ± pu- Pubescent Scale shape and
diate shape (though virgiliana bescent on lower branches pubescence as in
doser to. Iace O. virgiliana.
O. dalechampii) Scale at de cupe
Most leaves lobated base conglobate
as in O. delechampii (asin
O. dalechampii).
2x Ouercus diversifrons Borb. (O. petraea x O. virgiliana)
a) After „Flora României"
Some leaves with Leaves pubes- Large buds (as in Large cupes with
shape as in O. virgi- cent on lower Q. virgiliana). prologed scales
liana (with nerves face, with !asei- Branchesglabrons (siriar to a
lateral basic conspi- culated bristles, (as in O. petraea) virgiliana). Sessile
cnously divergent), particularily on up to slightly acorns (similar to \
others on the same nerves, up Io pubescent 0.petraea)
branch as in o. glabrescent
petraea (evenly
sinuate lobate).

b) After the material from Bejan Foresl

Intermediate leaves Asin Q 10-20mm Lower face of Branches slightly Cupes similar to O.
between the two virgiliana leaves pubescent hairy up to virgiliana; scale
species, some (asin pubescent. shape aJso exhibits
somewhatcloserto O. O. virgi/iana) 0.petraea
petraea. feab.Jres. Peduncle
short (5-8 mm).

Presence in a direct contact of typical oak forms (Q. petraea, Q.

dalechampii, Q. polycarpa), their diagnosis realiability and incontestable
morphological stability emerging from a pronunced reproductive isolation,
lead to conclusion of their taxonomica! value as true species and not
subspecies or varieties was sometimes decribed.
ln this sense plaids existence of hybrids between these species,
identified and described through investigation in the Bejan Forest, as new
units for the flora of our country (for science?).
Thus the following hybrids have been provisionally described:
Q. petraea xQ. dalechampii;
Note: Published in the Bulletin of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.

31 /
Q. petraea xQ. polycarpa;
Q. dalechampii xQ. polycarpa.
Characters of these hybrids for leaves rank betwen the paternal
genitors (leat shape, lobation form etc.) or belong to one of them (coriacity
and shiness), the same case being with fruits (cupes with partially flat and
partially globular) (table 2).
We mention that for all these hybrids diagnoses are provisional, these
having to be supplemented and confirmed by subsequent invesjigations on
material derived from other trees.
A special place in the Bejan Forest is detained by hybrids resulted from
repeated interfecondation (introgressive hybrids - backcross), and the
double or multiple hybrids, this confirming the very remarkable hybridogenous
potential of mixed populations of local oak trees.
From this series it is mention the hybrids between Q. petraea and Q.
rosacea, between Q. Tufae and Q. frainetto (introgressive) and between Q.
petraea and Q. x pseudodalechampii (multiple hybrid).
There is no doubt series of repeated hybrids and that of multiple in the
Bejan Forest are broader, requiring further studies.
Nevertheless, we have to mention that in our field research and in the
material available till presant (leaves and fruits harvested by Mr.A u gust
in S ta n c i u !rom the Forest District Inspectorate Hunedoara), we tailed
to tind the following hybrids cited in the Bejan Forest:
x Q. Tabajdiana Simk. (Q. frainetto x Q. po/ycarpa);
x Q. Haynaldiana Simk. (O. frainetto x O. robur);
x Q. Haynaldiana var. Heuffelii Simk.;
x Q. Kerneri Simk. (Q. pubescens x Q. robur);
x Q. Kernerivar. devensis (Simk);
x Q. dacica var. Tiszae(Sîmk. et Fekete) (Q. po/ycarpax O. pubescens);
x O. Szechenyana Sorb. (O. frainetto x Q. pubescens ), cited by Al.
S ă v u I e s c u (unpublished).
An other problem risen by hybridization of oak trees in the Bejan
Forest are combinations with genitors from the Lanuginosae series ( Q.
pubescens and O. virgiliana), as far as these species possess a broad
polymorphism, the intermediate forms Q. pubescens x Q. virgi/iana being
neither excluded, this introducing a shade of incertitude in diagnoses in the
sphere of Q. x dacica, O. x Szechnyana, Q. x cazanensis, O. x Kerneri) (Q.
pubescens x O. petraea), O. xKanitziana.
At the of this point we stress that for trees used to determine the
hybridogenous origin these have been individualized by imprinting numbers
and encircling, by A u gust i n St an ci u.

2. Genetic prospection of oak tree hybridogenous populations

From data collected in the field and from literatura, we can conclude
that between various indigenous oak tree species, except for O. cerris, there

32 /
Table 2. Provisional diagnoses for hybrids !rom Sessilifore series

Caracters for:
Shape of leat limb and Shape of leat Leat hairiness Buds Cupes, achenes
lobation pattern base
1. o. petrea (Matt.) Libel X a. delchampiiTen.
Leaves intermediate Asin O. - Largebuds Intermediate cupes with basal
between the two species, dalechampii (asin O. scales partially plane and
oflen with a. petraea dalechampii) partially conglobate.
loba~on on the upper part
and a. dea/echampii in
the lower part.

2. o. petraea (Matt.) Libel X a. polycarpa Schur.

Leazes intermediate in Mostleazes Leazes glabrous - Cupes with walls ± thick and
shape between the two with base as in or slightty pubes- basal scales ± conglobate
species, however coria- O. polycarpus cent on lower
ceous and shining on face, especially
upper face (as in o. at nerves cross-
polycarpa). ings (as in o.
2. O. dalechampiiT':'n. x O. polycarpa Schur.
Leaves with caracters - - - -
intermediate between the
two parental forms, some
on them obsiously lobate
as in o. dalechampii,
howeyer coriaceous and
shining on upperface (as
in O. polycarpa)

is a full genetic compatibility for interhybridization. Therefore it is also

expected to identify other hybrids out of those described in literatura, or of
those described by us.
ln fact, we can speak in the case of oak trees of actual hybridization
series, within which various forms can be distinguished, closer of one or other
genitor, without the hybrid loose its discontinuital character.
The hybridization phenomenon in oak trees in the Bejan Forest is also
complicated by certain possibilities of introgressive hybridizations and double
or multiple hybridizations. lt is the case already mentioned of the hybrid
between Q. x pseudodalechampii and Q. petraea.
lt should not resuit from the above facts that in the Bejan Forest would
not exist limits for interfertilization. However, data show hybrids congregate
around their genitors, thus true interfertilization circles can be distinguished,
circumscribed by the reduced distances of moving of most pollen granules.
This problem of dimensions of interfertilization circles remains still
opened, needing special investigations.
ln this sense it would be important to determine the ecologic component
in the process of natural selection of hybrids of various orders.
The study of hybridogenous populations in the Bejan Forest offered
valuable data on establishing relations between genes in descendants, as

33 /
related to genitors, as well asin relation with natu re of genetic control some
Thus, by extrapolating relationships between allele genes from
intraspecific hybrids to interspecific ones, in the case of oak trees the
following types of relationships can be distinguished:
- Dominance, manifested by a typical character or nearly typical of one
of the two genitors in descendants. lt is the case with the shape of common
oak leaf in the hybrid O. x rosacea, with the base of oak leaf in the same
hybrid, with the hairness of leaves and stems of mast hybrids having O.
pubescens or O. virgiliana as one parent, coriacity and shiness of the upper
surface of limb in hybrids with O. polycarpa, a.s.o.
- Semidominance, represented by intermediary characters between
genitors, like in Q. x rosaceavar. Cretzoui, Q. x Csatoi, with pedunculated
short acorn, i.e. with intermediate character between sessiliflore and
pedunculated oaks, the case of leaf shape in hybrids identified and described
by us among common oak etc. Semidominance is alsa present inx O. dacica
and O. dacica var. Tizsae as leaf and stern pubescence - up to disperse
pubescent - though in other cases, as in was shown, pilosity remains a
dominant character.
- Codominance, manifesting the characters of both genitors in the
same organ, as in hybrids between common oak, with lobate leaves of Q.
petraea in the upper part and O. da/echampii in the lower one, or in the X Q.
cazanensis hybrid with O. virgiliana scales in the upper part of cup (flat,
lanceolate) and Q. dalechampiiscales (globular) in the lower part.
- Alternate codominance, revealing a relation between characters
unrecorded as yet. This is apparition, rather frequent, in oak hybrids, of
character of both genitors in the same organ buton different branches, as in
the common oak and O. roburcase in Q. xrosaceavar. Jahnii, in Q. frainetto
and O. transylvanica in O. x Tufae etc.
As for the genetic control of characters one can consider, of course
under the reserve of some special investigations, that it is independent for
characters such as: leaf shape and lobation - on one hand, and shape and
lobation of leaf versus glabrum character or pilosity of leaf surface, on the
other hand. This would mean that control genes of these characters are
located either at large distances on the same chromosome, i.e. devoid of
possibilities of linkage or with reduced possibilities, or are located on
different chromosomes.
Another situation is revealed by a series of characters tending to be
transmitted in association, such as shape and lobation of leat shape, lobation
and lenght of petiole, coriacity and shiness of leaf pilosity and shape of scales

34 /
of cupes etc. These characters could be controlled by linkage or even by
However, linkage or crossing over relations are hidden in hybrids by
the relations between genes derived from both parents, so that in this
direction use of some direct methods of investigation is required.


Oak hybridizalion in the Bejan Forest, almost devoid ol genetica! interspecific constraints,
îs a remarkable phenomenon, whose study remains open in multiple plans: taxonomica!,
ecological, physiological, and of course, from genetica! standpoint.
The bioecological circumstances allowing interfecondation of oaks în the Bejan Forest
constituie a problem per se, nevertheless on the account of frequency of local hybridizations,
one can reach the conclusion that the hybrids are fertile al least pertially.
- Besides the phytogeographical factor of species interference în the same site, în the
case examined some essential circumstances of phenological order would have intervention,
related to reduction ol delays in starling vegetation, flowering, pollination and fertilization,
whose attentive study can make the object of a separate investigation.
- lnterlecondation of oak trees în the Bejan Forest cannot be, ol course, recent, being
possible that along the lime hybrids ol various orders would have appeared here, which
partially did noi survive, the natural selection preserving selectively the most balances
- The hybridogenous populations în the Bejan Forest ofler a possibility to establish some
relationships between the allele genes !rom descendants (dominance, semidominance,
codominance, alternate codominance). Neverthelees, on the other hand, the study of
Ouercus hybrids does noi ofler sufficient conclusive data on the linkage and crossing-over
relationships, hidden in hybrids by the relationships between the allele genes derived !rom the
two genitors.
The valuable germplasm_ fund existing inthe Bejan Forest imposes establishing a special
preservation and conservation regime of genofund and local ecosystems, as well as performing
în an organized !rame, of new investigalions able to provide other data related to Knowledge
local vegetation and biotopes.




Articolul oferă date noi cu privire la hibrizii genul lui Quercus din pădurea Bejan -
Din cercetările efectuate in ecosistemele locale a reieşit că amploarea hibridizării a
depăşit limitele obişnuite, s-au identificat noi hibrizi pentru Pădurea Bejan (x O. rosacea
Bechts. Sylva, x O. rosacea var. petraeiformis Beldie, x O. rosacea var. Fekete (Simk.), x
O. rosacea var. Jahnii (Simk.), x O. pseudodalechampii Cretz., x O. pseudodalechampii
var. Cretzoui Pascovschi, xQ. Csato Borb., x O. diversifrons Borb.,x O. cazanensis
Pascovschi), hibrizi introgresivi si multiplii (Q. X rosacea xQ. petraea, O. Tufae x Q.
frainetto si Q. x pseudodalechampii x Q. petraea), ca şi hibrizi noi pentru flora României
(pentru ştiinţă?). intre speciile seriei Sessiliflorae (O. petrae x O. dalechampii, O.
petraea x O. polycarpa si O. dalechampii x O. polycarpa).
În plus, cercetările genetice ale hibrizilor de stejari de Pădurea Bejan au permis
identificarea unor rapoarte de segregare între genele allele (dominantă, semi dominantă,
codominantă şi un nou tip codominantă - „codominantă alternativă"), ca şi intre genele
situate pe aceiaşi cromozomi.

35 /
1. Dumitru Tătăranu I. ct. al., 1960 - Arbori şi arbuşti forestieri şi ornamentali cultivaţi în
R.P.R. Ed. Agrosilvică. Bucureşti.
2. Georgescu C.C., Moraru I., 1948 - Monografia stejarilor din România. Ed. Universul,
3. Stănescu V. 1979 - Dendrologie. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti
* * * 1952 - Flora R.P.R., voi. I Ed. Acad. României, Bucureşti.

VICTOR STĂNESCU Universitatea Braşov

NICOLAE SOFLETEA Universitatea Braşov

36 /


The general interest in environmental problems stimulated the

contribution of many scientifical discipline to understanding, obiective analysis
and integrated study of various ecological aspects.
Concerning the phyto-ecology its ability, particulary in valuation and
management of natural resources is leant upon the real capacity of the
vegetation to express the state of environment, the ample themes and a
rigurous studing structure for ecological diagnosis. Based on this idea, the
paper presents some phyto-ecological diagnosis problems resulting from the
researches carried out on meadow floristic composition in piedmont area of
Orăştie Couloir (a sector of the Mureş board valley couloir). (Fig. 1).
Formed in the North of Şureanu Mountains, between Cugir valley and
Cerna- Strei depression, the piedmont realises the transition to Mureş fluvial
terraces, by an equilibrated and unitary ensemble (Fig.1 a, 2b). The following
general conclusions synthesize the principal results of the phisical -
geographical researches, in this area:
- the development in step of the relief, with a low morphological
differentiation, under the influence of internai structure, between 300 m and
600 m altitude;
- the relative low leve I of the morphometric indices and implicitly, of the
presant modelling processes;
- the moderate climate, without important differences between steps of
- the prevalence of the luvisols, mezotrophic soils, with an eluvial
horizon and a significant clay content;
- the considerable extension of the herbaceous vegetation and the
pastoral character of this a rea, under the long. human pressure.
These features suggesting both the availability for selfadjustment of
the environment and the manifestation within limits of the temporal or spaţial
variability, justify an approach to ecological diagnosis problems in a phyto-
ecological view.
ln this respect, even some specifications, resulting from the initial
stage of floristic investigation, may prove relevant.
The first of these is identification of the meadow type Agrostis capillaris
with diverse mesophyllous species, as a representative synthetical unit for
the vegetation long term evolution, ecological substratum, general level of

37 /
productivity, geographical integrality of the piedmont and artificiality degree
of the environment. Some essential features define this type:
- the abundant floristic composition, with graminaceae (about 75%),
such as Agrostis capillaris, Festuca rubra, Anthoxanthum odoratum,
Cynosurus cristatus, Holcus lanatus, Briza media, Phleum pratense,
associated with leguminous plants such as Genista tinctoria, Trifolium
pratense, Trifolium repens and some species appertaining to other families
- Achillea millefolium, Plantago lanceolata, Campanula patula, Prunella
- the presence of the species in a large measure heliophytes, whose
ecologica! exigences show the preferences for mesothermic conditions, with
a moderate humidity and the tolerance given the acidity or the low nitrogen
content of the soii;
- the middling production (10,000 - 12,000 kg/ha) green matter; the
compact and elastic green surface, with mixed employment and a long
enough period of exploatation;
- the continuous process of natural re-afforestation, attesting the
secondary character and the extensive exploatation of the meadow.
The indicatory value of this meadow type is alsa proved by the
observations under the cutting conditions.
On the Cucuiş valley for exemple, just on the line of the beech forest,
the ligneous vegetation represented by the basic species Fagus sylvatica,
invasion species and cutting, making way to the lying fallow process, by the
expansion of the Gramineae species, whose the covering degree attain 30%
(Table 1), after approximately 6 years from the clearing; the competition is
between Epilobium amgustifolium and Rubus idaeus in the upper layer and
between Agrostis capillaris and Fragaria vesca in the lower layer.
ln the village Ro mos, after the clearing, succeeded the populating with
69 species and a covering of 5-7%, du ring of the first year, the increase of the
number of herbaceous species, attaining a covering degree of 50% in the
second year, than the expansion of the graminaceae, the assumption of the
part of erecting dominant by the main lying fallow species, Agrostis capillaris
with the typical grassland species (Phleum pratense, Lotus corniculatus,
Luzula campestris, Achillea millefolium, Plantago lanceolata, Veronica
officinalis), stil I accompanied by some cutting species, concomitantly with a
significant reduction of the floristic fluctuations.
Admitting that the vegetation of the both clearing surfaces evolves
towards the meadow of Agrostis capillaris with diverse mesophyllous
species, this zonal type could be considered an indication for the quality of
ecologica! sector of the whole piedmont, on an environmental ecologica!
hierarchic system. (Table 2).

38 /
Besides the basic ecologica! features, expressed by the dominant
meadow type and relevant for the natural potentiality of the piedmont, several
local peculiarities call attention to some environ mental variables and evolutive
tendencies that bear on the ecosystems functioning and the quality of the
natural resources. This category includes some structural modifications in
the meadow of Agrostis capillaris with diverse mesophyllous species, under
the influence of stational conditions (Table 2), consisting in:
- the diminution of the number of species and economic value, on the
grounds with the middling slope and little-moderate processes of superficial
erosion, by the evanescence of some valuable graminaceae, such as Festuca
pratensis and Phleum pratense and by the lowering with 50Î of leguminous
plants, in concordance with an lower trophic levei;
- the lowering of biomass quality at the same time as the extension of
Juncaceae and Cyperaceae species, but also of many other unvaluable
species, as a resuit of some progressive phenomena of compaction and
pseudogley horizons forming, favoured by the loamy texture of the luvisols
and the plane surface of the lands;
-the affecting of maintaining capacity of leguminous and graminaceae
species in the floristic fund and gradual physiognomic modification, owing to
the expansion of the Juncaceae in the grasslands tarried at luvisol albie with
pseudogley horizons, where the bed structuring and the aerohydrous
deficiencies act negatively on the organic matter extraction out of the soii.
These observations point out two essential aspects for phyto-ecological
diagnosis of the lands:
- the differentiation of the stational conditions and therefore the
forming of the ecological stations, in accordance with the quality of edaphic
- the reference of ecological valuations to some environmental variables,
such as: declivity of the land, soii structura and texture, degree of base
saturation of the soils, available edaphic volume, organic and mineral trophic
lt is necessary to mention that the degradation processes are intensified
especially under conditions of some exploatation deficiencies (compaction,
erosion). As a matter of fact, the grasslands are very sensitive to the mode
of exploatation, even on good environmental conditions, as for instance the
appearance of Rhinanthus angustifolius, an indicatory species of late mowing,
in Sibişel meadow area.
At the same time, any intervention for soii acidity correction and
content of nutrients increase (nitrogen, for exemple) has to relate to the
natural ground limits of acceptance and to the speies genetic potentiality. / 39
Table 3. Floristic composition of a meadow of Dactylis glomerata with diverse
mesophyllous species under bottom land conditions

Nr. Species Ave rage Fodder

dominance *1 value *2

Gramineae 85%
1. Dactylis glomerata 3/45 F3
2. Festuca pratensis 2/10 F5
3. Agrostis capillaris 2/10 F3
4. Lolium perenne 1/5 F5
5. Arrhenatherum elatius 1/5 F4
6. Poa pratensis 1/5 F4
7. Phleum pratense 1/2 F5
8. Bromus erectus 1/3 F2
Leguminosae 1%
9. Trifolium pratense + F4
1o. Vicia species + F3
Other species 14%
11 . Achillea millefolium 1/:3 F2
12. Centaurea phrygia 1/5 X
13. Rumex crispus 1/3 X
14. Rumex acetosa 1/1 X
15. Stellaria graminea + X
16. Daucus carota + F2
17. Plantago lanceolata + F2
18. Prunella vulgaris + X
19. Leontodon autumnalis + F1
20. Taraxacum officinale + F2

' 1 - after the Braun-Blanquet scale - covering degree I i

• 2 - after the indicators of meadows flora - I.A. Kovacs, 1979.

Taking account of the geographical landscape unity and spatial

extension of Agrostis capillaris with diverse mesophyllous species meadow
type* 1 , the approach of phyto-ecological diagnosis at stational level, impose
a profund study, based on details of the floristic composition and of the other
environmental factors.
Although the present paper had in a view only a few phytoecological
problems in the piedmont of Orăştie Couloir, from the resulted conclusions,
phyto-ecological methodology appears to have certain advantages for
ecological diagnosis requirements of a territorial ensemble.

•1 A whole changing of vegetation occurs only in !he bottom land space, where grow the meadow ol
Dactylis glomerata with diverse mesophyllous species (Table 3).

40 /
Fig. 1.

2 [.·. -..... ~
. 2~
.".·. · .....:.·
·- „ . •.

5 r-::1 6 .-:;.,
t:=!:J ~

1. bottom lan;
2. fluvial terraces;
3. piedmont;
4. erosion basinet;
5. southern bounds of Orăştie Couloir
6. south-western bounds of Orăştie Couloir

Fig. ta. Geographical location of the piedmont area in Orăştie couloir






.f,•'/.·- . ,;
100 HV

Horizontal 1: 100000
Vertical 1; 20000


I- Cil 1.Ş 1.3
:= o
:c c w AVERAGE 3 5
Q. z Q. 89 o 09
o Cil
:= RELATIVE FREQUENCY 'f, 0.7 0.4 0.4
5::? Cil
<( o
_c ANNUAL RAINFALL (mm) 600-700 100..: 800
...IZ CLIMA TIC BA LANCE (mm) -57-S+54 +50-+104
ANNUAL SUNLIT DURA TION (hours) 1850-1900 >1800

1· :;a 21x;a 3 ~ 413!!1 5fe.'1t~1 6'4'i/·!• 7~ alEZiJ gta

1. crystallyne schists; 2. marls and clasy; 3. conglomerates; 4. sandstones ;
5. gravels and sands; 6. al/uvial deposits; 7. secondary grasslands and agricultural crops,
8. fruit trees; 9. secondary grasslands. soii types-luvisols (a,b - soii pofiles)

Fig. tb. Physical geographical Cross -section through piedmont area of Orăştie couloir

41 /
Table 1

Flora caracteristics of a cutting on the line of !he beech forest

Ecological caracleristics .,
Behaviour given:
; Soii
"'~ c .2 UJ

Nr. Species "' "'

- u
:;"' g"' ocE .a
"' "'
"C c
ai·- Oi ·c: o"'
c E
:;"' a; c w-
u "'

1: E iii Ci .!?
"C ·c; J:
u "'
::; "'
I- :::!! a. ~8

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ligneous species 35%

1 Fagus silvatica 1 3 5 5 X X x;D - basic species
2 Rubus species 1 7 5 5-6 x-7 7-9 x;D
3 Sambucus nigra + - - - - - x;D
4 Tilia tomentosa + - - - - - x;D -invasion species
5 Betula pendula 2 7 X X X X x;D -invasion species
6 Carpinus betulus 2 4 6 X X X x;D -invasion species
7 Populus nigra 1 - - - - - x;D -invasion species
8 Corylus avellana 1 7 6 X X X x;D -invasion species
9 Rosa canina 1 8 5 4 X X M;D -invasion species
10 Alnus glutinosa + 5 X 8 6 X D -invasion species
11 Acer campestre + - - - - - x;D
Herbaceous species and 23%
cutting sub-shrubs
12 Epilobium angustifolium 2 - - - - - x;D -erecting do mi-
nant after clearing
of the forest
13 Sambucus ebulus 1 8 6 5 8 8 M;D - erecting species
of cutting
14 Fragaria vesca 2 7 X 5 X 6 F1
15 Epilobium montanum + - - - - - MF
16 Rubus idaeus 1 7 X 5 X 8 x;M
Herbaceous lying fallow 30%
species Gramineae
17 Agrostis capillaris 2 7 X X X 3 F3
18 Holcus lanatus 1 7 5 6 X 4 F2
19 Anthoxanthum odoratum 1 X X X 5 X F1
20 Poa pratensis 1 6 X 5 X X F4
21 Calamagrostis epigeios 1 7 5 X X 7 X
22 Dactylis glomerata + 7 X 5 X 6 F5
leguminosae 3%
23 Trifolium repens + 8 X X X 7 F4;MF
24 Trifolium campestre + 8 5 4 X 3 F2;M
25 Trifolium pratense + 7 X X X X F4;MF
26 Lotus corniculatus + 7 X 4 7 4 F4
27 Astragalus species + 7-9 6-7 3-2 7-9 2 x;F1
28 Vicia species + 5-7 5-7 3-5 x-5 2-5 F1-F3
Juncaceae-Cyperaceae 1%
29 Juncus articulatus + 8 X 9 X 2 X

42 /
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

30 Juncus effusus + 8 5 7 X 4 x;D

31 Carex leporina + 7 4 1 3 4· X
Other species
32 Lythrum salicaria + 7 5 8 X X x;MF
33 Hypericum perforatum + 7 X 4 X X x;M
34 Achillea millefolium + 8 X 4 X 5 F2
35 Leontodon autumnalis + 7 X 5 X 5 F1
36 Leontodon ssp. asper + 7 7 3 7 3 F1
37 Picris hieracioides + 8 X 4 8 4 X
38 Aster species 1 7-8 5 3-4 5-8 2-3 X
39 Rumex obtusifolius 1 7 5 X X 7 X
40 Plantago media + 7 X 4 8 3 F1 ;M
41 Logfia arvensis + - 7 4 - 3 X
42 Galeopsis tetrahit + 7 X 5 X 7 X
43 Prunella vulgaris + 7 X X 4 X X
44 Euphorbia amygdaloides + 4 5 5 7 6 x;T
·45 Cirsium vulgare + 8 5 5 X 8 MF;D
46 Geum urbanum + 4 5 5 X 7 x;D
47 Galium aparine + 7 5 X 6 8 X
48 Urtica dioica + X X 5 X 8 x;M
49 Lysimachia vulgaris + 6 X 8 X X X
so Campanula patula + 8 5 5 7 4 X
51 Campanula persicifolia + 5 5 4 8 3 X
52 Tussilago farfara + 8 X 6 X X x;M
53 Potenlilla erecta + 6 X X X 2 F1 ;M
54 Senecio jacobea + 8 5 4 7 5 XX

Annex 1
Table t

Ecologica/ and economic indicators of meadows flora (after I.A. Kovacs, 1974•)

Ecologica! features
L = light
1 - plants of full shade
3 - shady plants
5 - plants of light and shade
7 - plants of light
9 - plants of full light
T = temperature
1 - in cold zones (boreal, arctic, alpine)
3 - in cool zones (montane, subalpine)
5 - în temperate zones (hilly, submontane)
7 - mostly in lukewarm zones (plains)
9 - in warm zones (Mediterranean)
U = soii moisture
1 - on very dry soils
3 - on dry soils

'1 -Afler the Braun - Blanquet scale.

2 - After the indicators meadows fora - I .A. Kovacs, 1979; lhe significance of the indicators - Annex 1.

43 /
5 - on moderate moist soils
7 - on moist soils
9 - on moist - wet soils
1O - on flooded soils
R = soii reaction (pH)
1 - only on very acid soils
3 - mostly on acid soils
5 - on· moderate soils
7 - on neutral soils
9 - only on neutral and basic soils
N = content ol mineral and basic soils
1 - only on very poor in N. min. soils
3 - mostly on poor în N min soils
5 - on the soils with a moderate N min. content
7 - mostly on rich in N min. soils
8 - indicator ol field N min. content
9 - only on exceeding rich în N min. soils, indicating the pollution
Observation: the digits 2, 4, 6 indicate the transgressive values between basic
gradations 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; the sign „x" means the presence ol the respective plantat more than
3 basic gradations ol a factor - plan! value can be named „indillerent".

Economic features (E)

F = lodder plants
5 - excellent
4 - very good
3 - good
2 - medium
3 - mediocre
x - ol no value
M = medicinal and aromatic herbs
MF = mellilerous plants
T = toxic plants
O = injorius plants to the meadows (weeds, lingeous plants)

44 /
Tabele 2

Singnificat ecologica/ characteristics for plant - soii correlation. economic value and
species value and variation of Agrostis capillaris with diverse mesophyllous species

Species characteristics • 1 Species dominance • 2 of the meadows

tarried in various conditions of soii and
ground declivity

ecologica! economic Brown luvic soii

requirements li)
c: li)
Nr. Species given the soii ·t ~ o cu
u u
rroisUe pH N- >-::I
:e ~
- cu "'.2
mineral °'c:
o cu
.!!! c
:::J a.
> "'
li) o .3 a.
3: N

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Graminaeae 78% 83% 74% 75% 72%

1 Agrostis capillaris X X x3 F3 4/50 4/60 3/45 3/45 4/52
2 Festuca rubra 5 X X F3 2/1 5 2/1 5 2/28 2/20 2/1 6
3 Festuca pratensis 6 X 6 F5 +
4 Anthoxanthum odoratum X 5 X F1 1/8 1/5 + 1/5 1/2
5 Holcus mollis X 1 /1
6 Holcus lanatus 6 X 4 F2 1 /1 1/3 +
7 Cynosurus cristatus 5 X 4 F3 1 /1 1 /1 1/1 1/1 +
8 Briza media X X 3 F1 1 /1 +
9 Phleum pratense 5 X 6 F5 +
10 Nardus stricata X 2 X x;D + +
Leguminosa 5% 2% 4% 3% 3%
11 Trifolium pratense X X X F4;MF 1/1 + + +
12 Trifolium repens X X 7 F4;MF 1/1 + + 1/1 1/2
13 Trifolium dubium 5 5 4 F2;MF +
14 Trifolium montanum 3 8 2 F3;MF 1/1
15 Trifolium ochroleucon 4 7 2 F3;MF +
16 Genista tinctoria X 4 2 X 1/2 + + + +
17 Chamaespartium sagittale 4 4 2 x;D +
18 Lotus corniculatus 4 7 4 F4 + + + + +
Juncaceae - Cyperaceai 1% 2% 9%
19 Luzula campestris 4 3 2 X + + +
20 Juncus effusus 7 X 4 X 1/7
21 Juncus tenuis 6 5 4 X +
22 Juncus articulatus 9 X 2 X +
23 Juncus bufonius 7 3 X X +
24 Carex pallescens X 4 4 X + 1/1 +
25 Carex hirta 6 X 5 x;D + +
26 Carex ovalis 7 3 4 X + +
Other species 16% 15% 20% 20% 16%
27 Achillea millefolium 4 X 5 F2;M + 1/1 1 /1 + 1/2
28 Leontodon autumnalis 5 X 5 F1 + 1/2 1/3 1/2 1 /1
29 Leontodon ssp. asper 3 7 3 F1 + 1/2 + +

45 /
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

30 Leontodon hispidus 4 X 3 F1 - - 1/2 + +

31 Centaurea phrigia 5 5 3 x;MF 2/5 1/5 - 1/3 +
32 Stachys officinalis 4 X 4 M;MF 1/3 1/3 - + -
33 Prunella vulgaris X 4 X X + - 1/3 1/2 1/4
34 Prunella laciniata 3 7 3 X - - 111 - +
35 Plantago media 4 8 3 F1 + - 1 /1 - -
36 Plantago lanceolata X X X F2 + 1/2 1/3 1/1 +
37 Euphrasia stricta 4 X 2 X + + + + -
38 Euphorbia cyparissias 4 X 2 X - - 1/2 1/1 -
39 Daucus carota 4 X 4 F2 + + - - -
40 Polygala vulgaris 5 3 2 x;M + - - - +
41 Cichorium intybus 4 8 5 F1;M + - - - -
42 Potentilla erecta X X 2 F1;M + - - 1/1 +
43 Pimpinella saxifraga 3 X 2 Fl;MF + - - - -
44 Crepis biennis 5 6 5 X + - - - -
45 Hypericum perforatum 4 X X x;M - - - - +
46 Hypericum maculatum 6 3 2 X + - - + -
47 Ranunculus bulbosus 4 7 3 x;T - - + - +
48 Ranunculus montanus 6 8 6 x;T + - + - -
49 Gladiolus imbricatus 6 - 3 X + - - - -
50 Astrantia major 6 8 5 X + - - - -
51 Galium verum 4 7 3 X - - - 1/1 -
52 Galium mollugo 5 X X X + - - - -
53 Stellaria gn,iminea 4 4 X X + - + - -
54 Pteridium aquilinum X 3 3 X + - - - -
55 Hieracium pilosella 4 X 2 X - - 1/1 1/1 1/1
56 Rumex acetosella 4 2 2 x;D - - + + +
57 Senecio jacobaea 4 7 5 X - + - + -
58 lnula britannica 6 X 5 X - 1/1 - - -
59 Campanula patula 5 7 4 X - - - 1/1 -
60 Dianthus armeria 4 5 3 X - - - + -
61 Rhinanthus minor X X 3 x;D - - - 1/2 -
62 Veronica officinalis 4 2 3 x;MF - - - + 1/1
63 Veronica serpyllifolia 3 5 X x;MF - - - - +
64 Lysimachia nummularia 6 X X x;M - - - - +
65 Stellaria graminea 4 4 X X - - - - +
66 Dianthus carthusianorum 4 7 4 x;M - - - - +

*1 - lndicators of meadows flora, after I.A. Kovacs, 1979; the significance of the indicators în Annex1,
Table 1.
2 - After Braun - Blanquet scale; covering degree I î.

46 /


Abordarea fito-ecologică a cercetărilor, în zona piemontană din Culoarul Orăştiei, a luat

în considerare trăsăturile generale ale acestui ansamblu teritorial şi importanţa diagnosticului
ecologic, pentru gestionarea resurselor naturale.
Cercetările în arealul pajiştilor stabilizate şi în condiţii de tăietură au identificat şi
caracterizat tipul de pajişte Agrostis capillaris cu diverse specii mezofile, ca unitate sintetică
relevantă pentru evoluţia pe termen lung, a vegetaţiei, calitatea substratului ecologic, nivelul
general al producţiei, integralitatea mediului şi amploarea impactului uman
Pe baza variaţilor spaţiale ale componenţei floristice din pajiştile reprezentative şi ale
factorilor ecologici de substrat, s-a evidenţiat influenţa semnificativă a particularităţilor
edafice, la nivel staţional. Totodată, s-au adus precizări privind variabilele mediului, cu rol de
referinţă în evaluările de ordin fito-ecologic: panta terenului, structura şi textura solului,
gradul de saturaţie în baze, volumul edafic util, nivelul trofic organic şi mineral.


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8. PUIA I, and others, 1978, Elemente de agroecologice, Institutul Agronomic Cluj-
9. PUŞCARU-SOROCEANU E .. , POPOVA-CUCU ANA, 1965, Geobotanica, Ed. Ştiinţifică,
1 O. SIMTEA N., 1976, unele aspecte ecologice ale relaţiei agricultură-pădure, voi. Omul
şi Agricultura, Casa corpului didactic a judeţului Hunedoara, Deva.


The Environement Protection Agency
25 Aurel Vlaicu Street
Deva - 2700 - Romania

47 / /


Le denomination des monts Metalliferes de Transylvanie a ete utilise

pour la premiere fois par Fr. Posepny (1867) pour definir le territoire etendu
entre Ies mines auriferes de Caraciu, Săcărâmb, Zlatna et Baia de Arieş. A
la base de cette delimitation se trouve un critere strict minier, sans prendre
en consideration la structura geologique d'ensemble.
L. Loczy, en 1912, a ete le premier qui a _eu l'intuition que tout le
territoire etendu entre Mureş et Arieş puis de Lipova a Turda, constitue une
grande unite structurale. L. Loczy dennome, en 1918, l'unite nouvelle cree
„le geosynclinal des monts Metalliferes".
Par Ies monts Metalliferes, la plus complexe unite montagne du sud
des monts Apuseni, ii s'agit de territoire comprise entre la Vallee Arieş et le
cours moyen de Crişul Alb au nord, et la Vallee Mureş au sud.
Dans le contexte litologique melange des monts Apuseni, Ies monts
Metalliferes peut etre consideres la groupe montagneuse avec la plus grande
dispersion de surface calcarifere. Elle se rencontre au sud-est, au nord de
Geoagiu, en Ies sommets Pleaşa Ardeului et Pleaşa (Pleşa) Mare (Ies gorges
Cib, Băcaia, Ardeu, Mada); au nord de la zone montagne, la ou le facies
calcarifere paleozoique du Platoul Poieni ii y a en voisinage des calcaires
jurassiques de cime Grohot-Tomnatic-Piatra Helenească (Ies gorges
Ribicioara, Uibăreşti, Bulzeşti); au sud, en anticlinal Boi-Rapolţel (Ies gorges
Crăciuneşti) mais encore, au sud-ouest, dans la zone Zam-Cărmăzăneşti.
Les calcaires des monts Metalleferes sont d'age jurassique et
cretacique, representant des formations recifales et perirecifales. La plus
partie des calcires ou s'est developpe le karst contient des quantites extreme
d'enleves de CaC03.
Dan.s Ies monts Metalliferes, par l'action concomitant et interdependant
des facteurs et des conditions naturelles de solifier, Ies processus
pedogenetiques ont engendre des sols lithomorphes molliques et sur Ies
argiles, des sols argilo-illuviales avec d'horizont eluvial, des sols cambiques
eu-mesobasice et des lithosols.
La vue d'ensemble systematique de la flore vasculaire de la zone des
gorges calcariferes des Metalliferes a ete ellabore sur le fondament de
recherches scientifiques persanei efectues entre 1990-1995, en Ies suivantes
zones: Les gorges Cib (situees en est de la cime Pleaşa Ardeului), elles se

49 /
deroulent sur 1,4 km de longeur, en aval de la localite Cib. Les georges
Băcâia situees au longement de la Vallee Băcâia, ayant une longueur de 600
m, elles sont constituees par deux blocs calcariferes: Piatra Ra et Curături.
Les gorges Ard eu situees au sud-est des monts Metalliferes sont formes par
deux massifs montagneux: Vârtoapele et Pleaşa Ardealului. Les gorges
Mada situees a sud-est des monts Metalliferes sont constituees par deux
massifs calcariferes: Pleşa Mare et Pleşa Mică entre lequels coule la Vallee
de Balşa. Les gorges Ribicioara sont localises a cours median de la vallee
avec le meme nom, en amant de la localite Ribicioara de Jos, ayant une
longueur d'approximatif 1,8 km. Les gorges Uibăreşti sont situees dans le
bassin moyen de la vallee homonyme, en aval de la localite Bulzeştii de Jos.
La longueur du sector de retrecissement depasse 2 km. Les gorges Bulzeşti
sont situees a l'extremite nordique de monts Metalliferes etant traverssees
de Vallee Bulzeşti qui fait un fondaj dans le massif calcariferes en gorges
pittoresques. Les gorges Crăciuneşti situees au sud de monts, sur la Vallee
Cainelul, ayant une longueur de 3 km. Les sommets plus haut sont: Măgura
Băita, Ghergheleu et Măgura Crăciuneşti. Natre etudes ont continue Ies
recherches scientifiques faites par Ies investigateurs: I. Pop, I. Hodişan
(1957-1967), Ghe. Coldea, (1974), N. Faur, St. Şuteu (1976-1977).
Au sujet de la nomenclatura, scientifique et de la systematique ii s'est
tenu comte de recents travails floristiques en cherchant l'emploi des
denominations acceptes par Ies prevoyances du Cod lnternational de la
nomenclatura botanique. En embiance des especes ils ont indique Ies unites
phytocoenologiques pour Ies quelles l'espece respective est caracteristique
ou elle presante une affinite ou une fidelite coenotique.

50 /

SELAGINELLA HELVETICA (L.) Link., Cheile Bulzeşti, Cheile Măzii; Seslerion,
Asplenio-Poetum; Ch, Eua; U4, T3,5, R4,5; 2n=18

EQUISETUM ARVENSE L., Cheile Băcâia (Curături), Cheile Măzii, Cheile
Uibăreşti; Filipendulo-Petasition; G, Cm; U3, T3, R0 ; 2n=216.
EQUISETUM PALUSTRE L., Cheile Băcaia, Cheile Măzii, Cheile Ribicioarei,
Car. Molinietalia G, Circ (bor); US, T2, RO; 2n=216
EQUISETUM RAMOSISSIMUM Desf., Cheile Măzii; Festucion vaginatae; G,
Cm; U2, To, Ro; 2n=216
EQUISETUM TELMATEIA Ehrh., Cheile Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Clar. alno-
Padion; G, Cline; U 3,5 T2 R0 2 n =216


PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM (L.) Kuhn., C. Cib, C. Băcaia,C. Bulzeşti, C, Măzii;
Car. Quercetea robori-petraeae; G, Cm; U3, T3, RO; 2n=104


THEL YPTERIS PHEGOPTERIS (L.) Cristens, Masivul Grohot; Fagetalia; G,
Circ (bor); U3, 5, T2, R2; 2n=91

ASPLENIUM CETERACH L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, Car. Asplenietalia
rutae-murariae; H, Atl-Md; U1, 5, TS, R4, 5; 2n=72
ASPLENIUM RUTA-MURARIA L., C. Cib (Piatra Corbului), C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Măzii C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Asplenietalia rutae-murariae, Asplenio ruta
emurariae-Melicetum; H, Circ (bor); U1 ,5, T3, RS; 2n=144
ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM L., C. Cib (Geret), C. Bulzeşti, Grohot; Car.
Acerion, Phyllitidi-Fagetum; G. Circ (bor); U3,5, T3, R5; 2n=72
ASPLENIUM SEPTENTRIONALE (L.) Hoffm., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneştii, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Asplenietalia septentrionalis; H,
Circ (bor); U1, T3, R2; 2n=144
51 /
ASPLENIUM TRICMOMANES L., C. Cib, C. Băcaia (Curături), C. Ribicioarei,
C. Bulzeşti C. Măzii, C. Ardeu: Car. Asplenietalia rutae-murariae; H, Cm; U3,
To, R4;2n=72

DRYOPTERIS CARTHUSIANA (Vili.) H. P. Fuchs, C. Uibăreşti; Alno-
Padion: H, Circ (bor); U4, T3, 5, RO; 2n=164
DRYOPTERIS DISJUNCTA (Rupr.) V. Morton, C. Bulzeşti, Grohot, C.
Măzii; Fagion; G, Circ (bor); U3, T2, 5, R2; 2 n=160
DRYOPTERIS FILIX-MAS (L.) Schott., C. Cib (Vânătarea), C. Băcâia,
C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Crăciuneşti; Fagetalia; H, Cm;
U4, T3, R0;2n=164
GYMNOCARPIUM ROBERTIANUM (Hoffm.) New., Masivul Grohot:
Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; G. Circ(bor): U3, T2, 5, R4, 5; 2n=160


ATHYRIUM FILIX-FEMINA (L.) Roth., C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii;
Car. Fagetalia, Alno-Padion; H, Cm: U4, T2,5, ro; 2n=80
CYSTOPTERIS FRAGILIS (L.) Bernh., C. Bulzeşti, Grohot, C. Ardeu; Car.
Asplenietea, Acerion; H, Cm; U3,5, To, R0 ; 2n=168
MATTEUCCIA STRUTHIOPTERIS (L.) Todaro, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti:
Alno-Padion: H, Circ (bor); U4, T2, RO; 2n=80
POLYPODIUM VULGARE L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti,
C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car. Asplenietea; G, Circ (bor); U3, 5, T3, R4; 2n=148
POL YSTICHUM SETIFERUM (Forsk.) Woyn., C. Bulzeşti; Fagion; H, Cm;
U3,5, To, R4; 2n=82

JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, Grohot:
M, Circ (bor); U2, To, RO; 2n=22

ASARUM EUROPAEUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei: Fagetalia: H-G, Eua: U3, 5, T3,R4; 2n=26, 40
ARISTOLOCHIA PALUDA Willd., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Syringo-Carpion
orientalis; H, Md: U3, T4, RS: 2n=B

52 /
ACONITUM ANTHORA L.., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu;
Quercetea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Seslerion rigidae, Seslerietalia; H, E
(Ct); U2, T3, R5; 2n=32
MOLDAVICUM, C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Adenostyletalia; H, Carp (end); U3, T2, R3; 2n= ...
AUSTRALE (Rchb.) C. Cib; H, Carp; U3, T2, R3; 2n= ...
ACTAEA SPICATA L., C. Băcaia, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Car. Fagion, Acerion;
H, Eua; U3,5, T3, R3; 2n=16
ANEMONE NEMOROSA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Fagetalia, Car. Querco-Fagetea; G, E; U3, 5 T4, RO; 2n=28-32, 37, 42,45,46.
ANEMONE RANUNCULOIDES L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia,
QUERCO-FAGETEA; G,E,U3,5, T4, RO; 2n=32
AQUILEGIA VULGARIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Geranion sanguinei; H, E (Md); U2,
5, T3,5, R4;2n=14
CALTHA PALUSTRIS L., C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei; Alno-Padion; H,-E; U5, T3,
CLEMATIS VITALBA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, car. Prunetalia; N-E, Ec (Md);
U3, T3, R3;2n=16
CONSOLIDA REGALIS S.F. Gray, C.Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Caucalidion;
Th, Eua; U2, T4, R4;2n=16
HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS Waldst. et Kit., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Ardeu; Fagetalia; H, Carp-B-p; U2,5, T3, R4; 2n=32
HEPATICA NOBILIS Mill., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Fagetalia, Car. Querco-Fagetea; G, E; U3,
T3, R4;2n=14
ISOPYRUM THALICTROIDES L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagion,
Acerion; G. Ec; U3, T3,5, R3; 2n=16
NIGELLA ARVENSIS L., C. Măzii; Secalietea, Car. Caucalidion; TH, E(Md);
U2, T4, R4;2n=16
RANUNCULUS ACRIS L., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua (Md); U3,5, To, RO; 2n=14
RANUNCULUS ARVENSIS L., C. Ardeu; Car. Secalietea; Th, Eua (Md); U3,
T3, R0;2n=32
RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu;
Festuco-Brometea, Car. Mesobromion; H-G, E; U2, T3, R3; 2n=16
RANUNCULUS CASSUBICUS L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti;
Carpinion; H, E (Ct); U3, 5, T3, RO; 2n=24, 32, 40, 44, 46
RANUNCULUS FICARIA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei;
QuercoFagetea, Prunetalia, Carpinion; H-G, Eua (Md); U3, 5, T3, R3; 2n=32

53 /
RANUNCULUS POLYANTHEMOS L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ardeu;
Quercion pubescentis, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, Eua(Ct); U2,5, R3, T3;
(Ct); U2,5, T3, R3; 2n=16
RANUNCULUS REPENS L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea, Alno-Padion, Salicetea, Alnetea; H, Eua (Md); U4, To, RO;
RANUNCULUS SARDOUS Cr., C. Bulzeşti; Agrostion albae; TH, Eua, U3,
T3, R4;2n=16
THALICTRUM FOETIDUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; H,
Eua(CD; U2, 5,T2, 5, R4;2n=14 _
THALICTRUM MINUS L., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Geranio sanguine+ Quercion
pubescentis, Festuco-Bromete, Quercetea; H, Eua (Ct); U2, T4, R4; 2n= ...
U2, T4, R4; 2n= ...
THALICTRUM LUCIDUM L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Salicetea, Alnetea, Car.
Filipendulo-Petasition et Alno-Padion; H, Ec; U4, 5, T3, R5; 2n=28

BERBERIS VULGARIS L., C., Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car.
Berberidion; M, E; U2, T3, R4; 2n=28

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS L., C. ARDEU, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Arction,
Alliarion; H, Eua; U3, T3, R4; 2n=12
CORYDALIS BULBOSA (L.) Pers., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; G, Ec; U3, T3,
CORYDALIS SOLIDA (L.) Sw., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; G, E; U3,T3 R0 ;
2n=16 (32)
PAPAVER DUBIUM L., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; Th, Md; u2, T3, 5, R3;

FUMAR IA OFFICINALIS L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu; Chenopodio-Scleranthea,
Polygono-Chenopodion; Th, Eua (Md); U3, To, R3,5; 2n=32
FUMARIA VAILLANTll Loisel., C. Măzii; Car. Caucalidion, Polygono-
Chenopodion; Th, Eua; U2,5, T3,5, R4, 5; 2n=32


AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Secalietea; Th,
Eua(Md); U2, T4, RO; 2n=24, 48

54 /
ARENARIA SERPYLLIFOLIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea; Th, Circ (bor); U2, T2, 5,
R0 ;2n=40 ·
5, R0 ; 2n= ...
CERASTIUM ARVENSE L., C. Bulzeşti; Seslerietalia; Ch, Circ (bor), B; U2,
5, To, R3,5; 2n=72
CERASTIUM DUBIUM (Bast.) Guepin, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Agropyro-Rumicion;
Th, P-Md; U3, T3, R0 ; 2n=38
CERASTIUM GLOMERATUM Thuill., C. Măzii, Polygono-Chenopodion; Th,
Cm; U2,5 T3, R0 ; 2n=72
CERASTIUM HOLOS:rEOIDES Fries em Hyl., C. Ribicioarei; Car. Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H-TH (Ch), Cm; U3, To, R0 ; 2n=144
CERASTIUM MACROCARPUM Schur, C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Car. Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H~Ch, Cm; U3, To, R0 ; 2n=144
CERASTIUM PUMILUM Curt., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Festuco-Brometea; Th, E
(Md); U2, T3, RO; 2n=72,90
CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Festuco-Brometea;
Th, E; U2, T3, 5, R0 ; 2n= ...
CUCUBALUS BACCIFER L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Calystegion sepium; H,
Eua; U3,5,T3,R4; 2n=24
DIANTHUS ARMERIA L., C. Măzii; Quercetea; Th-TH, E; U2, T3,R3; 2n=30
DIANTHUS PETRAEUS W. et K. ssp. PETRAEUS, C. Băcâia, C .. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; H, Carp (end); U2, T3,5,
DIANTHUS PUBERULUS (Simk.) Kern., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu; Festuco-
Brometea, Stipio pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis; H, B; U2, T4, R4;
2n= ...
DIANTHUS CARTHUSIANORUM L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, E; U2, T5, R5;
GYPSOPHILA MURALIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Secalietea; Th, Eua (Ct); U2, T3,
HOLOSTEUM UMBELLATUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua
(Md); U2, T3, 5, R0 ; 2n=20
L YCHNIS FLOS-CUCULI L., C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U3, 5, T2, 5, R0 ; 2n=24
L YCHNIS VISCARIA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Sedo-
Scleranthetea; H. Eua; U3, T4, R0 ; 2n=24
MINUARTIA SET ACEA (Thuill) Hay ssp. BANATICA (Reichenb) E. Nyăr., C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, Grohot; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-p-8;
U1, 5, To, R4; 2n= ...
MINUARTIA VERNA (L.) Hiern, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae; H-Ch,
Cp; U2, To, R0 ;2n=24, 80

55 /
MOEHRINGIA MUSCOSA L., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Moehringion_ muscosae; H, Ec; U4, T2, R4; 2n=24
MOEHRINGIA TRINERVIA (L.) Clairv., C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-
Fagetea; Th-TH, Eua (Md); U2,5, T3, R3; 2n=24
PETRORHAGIA PROLIFERA (L.) P.W. Ball. et Heywood, C. Cib, C. Băcâia,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea; Th, P-Md;
U1 ,5,T4R3; 2n=30
SAGINA PROCUMBENS L., C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Plantaginetea, Secalietea,
Arrhenatheretea; H, Circ (bor); U4, T3, R3; 2n=22
SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Uibăreşti Calystegion sepium, Chenopodietea; H, Eua(Md); U3, T3, RO;
SCLERANTHUS ANNUUS L., C. Cib, C. Măzii; Sedo-Scleranthetea; Th, Eua;
U2, T3, R3;2n=22, 44
SCLERANTHUS PERENNIS L., C. Bul.zeşti; Sedo-Scleranthetea; H-Ch,
Eua;U3, To, R3;2n=22
SCLERANTHUS PERENNIS L. ssp. DICHOTOMUS (Schur) Story et Ştefanov,
C. Ardeu; Sedo-Scleranthetea; H-Ch, Eua; U3, To, R3; 2n= ...
SILENE ALBA (Miller) E. H. L. Krause, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ardeu;
Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th-TH, Eua; U3, 5, T2, R3; 2n=24
SILENE ARMERIA L., C. Măzii; Car. Festuco-Sedetalia; Th, Md; U2,5 T4, R3;
SILENE CONICA L., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion vagintae;Th, Eua (Md); U1, T3,5
SILENE HEUFFELll So6, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion; Th-TH, Carp-8; U3,5, T2, RO;
2n= ....
SILENE ITALICA (L.) Pers. var. NEMORALIS (w. et K) Heuff., C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Alp-Carp-
B; U3,To, R3; 2n=24
SILENE NOCTIFLORA L., C. Bulzeşti,; Secalietea; Th-TH, Eua; U2, T3,5 RO;
SILENE NUTANS L. ssp. DUBIA (Herbich) Zapai, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Asplenietea rupestris; H, Carp (end); U2, T3,RO; 2n=24
SILENE OTITES (L.) Wiebel, C. Ardeu, C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae; H,
Eua (Ct); U1, 5, T4, AS; 2n=24
SILENE VIRIDIFLORA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae;
H, Md; U2, T3,5 R3; 2n=24
SILENE VULGARIS (Much.) Garke, C. Ribicioarei; Seslerion rigidae; H(Ch),
Eua; U3, T3, R4;2n=24
STELLARIA HOLOSTEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti;
Car. Carpinion; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, RO; 2n=26
STELLARIA GRAMINEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretalia, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua
(Md); U2,5, T2, R3; 2n=26
56 /
STELLARIA MEDIA (L.) Cyr., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Chenopodietea; Th,
Cm; U3, To, RO; 2n=40
STELLARIA NEMORUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Alno-Padion, Adenostylion,
Acerion; H,E, U3,5,T3, R3; 2n=26
VACCARIA HISPANICA (Miller) Rauschart, C. Ardeu; Secalietea, Car.
Caucalidion; Th, Eua (Md); U3, T3, R0 ; 2n=30, 60

CHENOPODIUM ALBUM L., C. Măzii; Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th, Cm; U3,
T3, R0;2n=18, 54
CHENOPODIUM POL YSPERUM L., C. Măzii; Polygono-Chenopodion,
Sisymbrion; TH, Eua; U3, T4, RO; 2n=18
POLYCNEMUM ARVENSE L., C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua (Md);
U2, T3, R3;2n=„. .
POLYCNEMUM MAJUS A. Br., C. Uibăreşti; Secaliete; Th, Eua (Md); U1, 5,
T4,5 R4; 2n=„.

AMARANTHUS ALBUS L., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea; Th, Adv; U3, T3, R3;
AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS L., C. Crăciuneşti; Chenopodietea; Th,
Adv; U3, T3, RO; 2n=32,34


FALLOPIA CONVOLVULUS (L.) A. Lave, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th, Eua; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=40,
POLYGONUM AVICULARE L„ C. Măzii; Car. Polygonion avicularis; Th, Cm;
U2,5 To, R3; 2n=60
POLYGONUM HYDROPIPER L., C. Ardeu; Car. Bidention, Alnetea; Th, Eua
(Md); U4,5 T3, R4; 2n=20
RUMEX ACETOSA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei,
C. Uibăreşti; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua (Cm); U3, To, RO; 2n=14,
RUMEX ACETOSELLA L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Aperion spica-venti;
H-G, Cm; U2, T3, R2; 2n=42
RUMEX CRISPUS L., C„ Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Ardeu;
Arrhenatherion; H, Eua; U4, T3, RO; 2n=60
RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Arction, Artemisietea,
Epilobietelia; H, E, U4, To, R5; 2n=40

FAGUS SYLVATICA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Ribicioara C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car. Fagion, Fagetalia; MM-M, E;
U3, T3, R0;2n=24

57 /
QUERCUS CERRIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Uibăreşti C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Quercion pubescenti-petraeae; MM-M, Md; U2,
T3,5 R3; 2n=24
QUERCUS CERRIS L. f. AUSTRIACA (Willd) Hegi, C. Ardeu; MM-M, Md; U2,
T3,5,R3; 2n=24
QUERCUS FRAINETTO Ten., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Car. Quercetum
farnetto cerris; MM, B; U2, T4, R3; 2n=.„
QUERCUS PETRAEA ssp .. DALECHAMPll (Ten) So6, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea; MM, Md; U2,5, T3, RO; 2n=24
QUERCUS PETRAEA (Matt.) Liebl. ssp. PETRAEA, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Quercion pubescenti-
petraeae; MM-M, E; U2,5,T3, RO; 2n=24
QUERCUS PUBESCENS Willd„ C. Ardeu, C. Măzii; Car. Quercetalia
pubescentis; MM,Md; U1 ,5 T4, R5; 2n=24
QUERCUS ROBUR L., C. Ardeu, C. Măzii; Alno-Padion; MM, E; U3,5 T3, RO;
QUERCUS KERNERI Simk, C. Ardeu; MM-M, E (Md); 2n=24

ALNUS GLUTINOSA (L.) Gaertn., C. Crăciuneşti, C Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Măzii, C. Ardeu; Alnion glutinosae, Alno-Padion, Alnetea; MM-M, Eua (Md);
U5, T3, R3;2n=28
BETULA PENDULA Roth., C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion; MM-M, Eua; U3, T2, R2;
CARPINUS BETULUS L„ C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ardeu; Car. Carpinion, Fagion; MM-M, E; U3, T3, R3; 2n=64
CORYLUS AVELLANA L„ C., Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car. Querco-Fagetea; M, E; U3,
T3, R3;2n=22

ULMUS GLABRA Huds., C. Ardeu; Querco-Fagetea, Carpinion; M-MM, Eua;
U4, T3, R3;2n=2B
ULM US MINOR Mill., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Querco-Fagetea,
Carpinion MM, Eua; U3, T3, R4; 2n=28

HUMULUS LUPULUS L., C. Uibăreşti; Prunetalia; H, Eua; U3, 5 T3, R4;

PARIETARIA OFFICINALIS L., C. Bulzeşti, Grohot, C. Ardeu; Padion, Arction;
H, Md; U4, T3, 5 R4; 2n=14

58 /
URTICA DIOICA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ardeu;
AlnoPadion, Fagetalia; H-G, Cm; U3, T3, R4; 2n=48

JUGLANS REGIA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Acerion;
MM, Carp-B-Anat-Cauc; U3, T4, R4; 2 n=32

SEDUM ACRE L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Măzii;
Festuco-Brometea; Ch, Eua; Uo, T3, R3; 2n=40, 48,80
SEDUM HISPANICUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti;Asplenio-Festucion pallentis;
Th (Ch) Md; U1, T3, 5 R4; 2n=40
Th (Ch), Md; U1, T3,5 R4; 2n=40
SEDUM SEXANGULARE L., C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; Ch, Ec-Md; U2,
T3, R0;2n=74
SEDUM TELEPHIUM L. ssp. FABARIA (Koch.) Kirschl., C. Bulzeşti;
Adenostyletalia; H, Ec; U2, T3, RO; 2n=24
SEDUM TELEPHIUM L. ssp.MAXIMUM (L.) Krocker, C. Băcâia, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu;
Querco-Fagetea, Festucetalia; H(G), Eua (Md); U2, T3, RO; 2n=48
SEMPERVIVUM MARMOREUM Griseb., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Seslerio-Festucio
pallentis; Ch, Carp-B; U1 ,5 T2, 5 R3; 2n=34

Fagetalia, Alno-Padion; H, Circ (bor); U4, T2, R4; 2n=48
SAXIFRAGA PANICULATA Mill., C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu; Car. Asplenietalia rutae-murariae; Ch, Eua; U1, 5 T1, 5 R5; 2n=28
AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Festuco
Brometea; H, Eua; U2, 5 T3, R4; 2n=28
AGRIMONIA PILOSA Leded, C. Uibăreşti; Trifolion medii; H, Eua; U3, T2, 5
R4;2n=28, 56
CRATAEGUS MONOGINAJacq., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car.
Prunetalia; M, E; U2, 5 T3, R3; 2n=34
FILIPENDULA ULMARIA (L.) Maxim, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Alno-
Padion; H, Eua; U4,5 T2, RO; 2n=16
FILIPENDULA VULGARIS Moench., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea; _H, Eua;
U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=14

59 /
FRAGARIA VESCA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Uibăreşti C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua; U3, T2,5 RO; 2n=14
FRAGARIA VIRIDIS Duch., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, E (Ct);
U2, T4, R3; 2n=14
GEUM URBANUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Prunetalia, Carpinion; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, R4; 2n=42
MALUS SYLVESTRIS (L.) Mill., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Alno-Padion,
Carpinion; H, E, U3, 5 T3, R4; 2n=34
POTENTILLA ANSERINA L., C. Ardeu, C. uibăreşti; Plantaginetalia; H, Cm;
U4, T3, R4;2n=28, 42
POTENTILLA ARENAR IA Borkh., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Car. Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, E(Ct); U2, T3,5 R5; 2n=28
POTENTILLA ARGENTEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; U2, T4, R2; 2n=14, 21, 28,
35, 42,56
POTENTILLA ERECTA (L.) Răuschel, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua (Md); Uo, To, RO; 2n=28
POTENTILLA RECTAL., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii,
C. Ardeu; Quercetalia, Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Festuco-Brometea; H,
Eua (Ct); U1 ,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=28, 42
POTENTILLA REPTANS L., C. Ardeu; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Cm; U3,5
To, R4; 2n=28
POTENTILLA THURINGIACA Berhn., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Quercetalia;
H, Ec;U2, T3, R3;2n=42
Kel., C. Măzii; H, Ec; U2, T3, R3; 2n=42
PRUNUS AVIUM (L.), C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu;
Car. Carpinion, Querco-Fagetea; M-MM, E; U3, T3, R3; 2n=16
PRUNUS SPINOSA L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car.
Prunetalia; M, Eua; U2, T3,5 R3; 2n=32
PRUNUS TENELLA Batsch., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Prunion spinosae; M, Eua
(Ct); U2, T4, R5; 2n=16
PYRUS PYRASTER ssp. ACHRAS (Gaertn) Stohr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Quercetea, Car. Querco-
Fagetea; M-MM, E; U2, T3, R4; 2n=34
ROSA ARVENSIS Huds., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Carpinion; N, Atl-Md; U3, T3, R3;
ROSA CANINA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Quercetea-Fagetalia, Festuco-Brometea;
N-E;U2, T3, R3;2n=21,28,35
ROSA DUMALIS Bechst., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Prunetalia; N, E; U2,5 T3, R4;

60 /
ROSA GALLICA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Quercetea, Geranion sanguinei,
Berberidion; N, Md; U2, T4, R4; 2n=21,28
ROSA PENDULINA L., C. Bulzeşti; Fagion, Car. Adenostyletalia; N, Ec; U3,
T2,5 R3; 2n=28
ROSA RUBIGINOSA L. var LIOSTYLA Chr., C. Bulzeşti; Quercetalia; N, Md;
U2, T3,5 R5; 2n=21,35
RUBUS CAESIUS L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion;
H(N), Eua (Md); U4,5 T3, R4; 2n=28
RUBUS CAESIUS L. var. AQUATICUS Whe. et N., C. Ardeu; H (N), Eua (Md);
U4, 5 T3, R4; 2n=28
RUBUS HIRTUS Waldst. et Kit., Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Querco-Fagetea; N, E; U3, T2,5 R3; 2n= ... 28
RUBUS IDAEUS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Car.
Epilobietalia angustifolii; N, Circ (bor); U3, T3, R3; 2n=14
RUBUS TOMENTOSUS Borkh., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Quercetea pubescenti-
petraeae; H(N), Md; U2,5 T4, RO; 2n=14
Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae; H(N), Md; U2,5 T4, RO; 2n=14
SANGUISORBA MINOR Scop., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii. C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; U2,
T3,5 R4; 2n=28, 56
SPIRAEA CHAMAEDRYFOLIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti; Asplenietea;
M (N), Eua; U3, T2, 5 RO; 2n=36
SORBUS ARIA (L.) Cr., C. Bulzeşti; Quercion pubescentis, Acerion,
Berberidion; H, Eua (Md); U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=34
SORBUS AUCUPARIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Ardeu; Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae; MM-M, E; U3, T2,5 R2; 2n=34
SORBUS TORMINALIS (L.) Cr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae;
MM, E (Md); U2, 5 T3, R4; 2n=34
WALDSTEINIA GEOIDES Willn., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, Querco-Fagetea, Car. Aceri-Quercion; H, Carp-B-Cauc; U3, T2,
5 R4; 2n=14


ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA L., C. Cib, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festuco-Brometea;
H, E (Md); U2, To, R4; 2n=12
Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-p; U2, T3. R5; 2n=12
ASTRAGALUS AUSTRIACUS Jacq., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion rupicolae,
Festucion vaginatae; H, Eua (Ct); U1 ,5 T3, 5 R4
ASTRAGALUS GL YCYPHYLLOS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ardeu; Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua; U3, T3, R4; 2n=16

61 /
ASTRAGALUS ONOBRYCHIS L„ C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festucetalia valesiacae;
H, Eua (Ct); U1, 5 T3, 5 AS; 2n=64,72
CHAMAECYTISUS ALBUS (Hacq.) Rothm., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti,
C. Uibăreşti Festucetalia valesiacae; Ch-N, B-P; U1 ,5 T4, R3; 2n=24
CHAMAECYTISUS HIRSUTUS (L.) Link, C. Bulzeşti, Festucetalia .......... ; N,
Ec (Md); U2 T3,5 R4; 2n=48.
CHAMAECYTISUS LEIOCARPUS (Kern.) Rothm., C. Bulzeşti; Quercetalia;
N, Carp- B; U2, T3, R5; 2n= ...
Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Car. Nardo-Galion; H, Atl-Md-Ec; U3, T3, R3; 2n=42-48
CORONILLA VARIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti;
Festuco-Brometea; H, Ec-Md; U2, T3, R4; 2n=24
DORYCNIUM HERBACEUM Vili., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion
rupicolae; Ch-H, Ec (Md); U2, TS, R4; 2n=14
GALEGA OFFICINALIS L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti' Bidention-Calystegion; H,
P-Md; U4,5 T3, R4; 2n=16
GENISTA TINCTORIA L. ssp. TINCTORIA, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Cib, C ..
Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae; Ch-N, Eua; U2,5
T3, R2;2n=48
GENISTA TINCTORIA L. ssp. OVATA (Waldst. et Kitt.) Arc., C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti Qercetea pubescenti-petraeae; Ch-N, Alp-B-Carp; U2, 5 T3, R3; 2n= ...
GLYCYRRHIZA ECHINATA L., C. Bulzeşti; Phragmitetea, Salicetea; H, P-
Md; U4, T4, R0;2n=16
LATHYRUS APHACA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Car. Caucalidion; Th,
Md;U3, T3, R3;2n=14
LATHYRUS HALLERSTEINll Baumg., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Carpinion
dacicum, Fagion dacicum; H, D-B; U3, T3, R4; 2n= ...
LATHYRUS HIRSUTUS L., C. Băcâia; Car. Secalietea; Th, Eua; U3, T3, 5
LATHYRUS NIGER (L.) Bernh., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Querco-Fagetea,
Car. Quercetalia pubescentis; H, Ec; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=14
LATHYRUS NISSOLIA L., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae et Agrostion, Car.
Secalietea; Th, Atl-Md; U2, T3,5 R3; 2n=14
Bassler, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H-G, Eua (Ct); U2,
T4, R5;2n=14
LATHYRUS PRATENSIS L., C. Ribicioarei; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car.
Trifolion medii; H, Eua; U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=14, 28
LATHYRUS SYLVESTRIS L., C. Ardeu; Car. Origaletalia; H, E (Md); U2,5 T3,
LATHYRUS TUBEROSUS L., C. Ardeu; Secalietea, Car. Caucalidion; H(G),
Eua(Md); U2, T4, R4;2n=14
LATHYRUS VENETUS (Mill.) Wohlf., C. Bulzeşti; Fagion illyricum; H, P-Md;
U3, T4, R3;2n=14
62 /
LATHYRUS VERNUS (L.) Bernh., C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Car. Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3, T3, R3; 2n=14
LEMBOTROPIS NIGRICANS (L.) Griseb, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Quercetalia petraeae-pubescentis; N, Ec; U2,5
T3, R0;2n=48
LOTUS CORNICULATUS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; H, Eua; U2,5 To, RO; 2n=24
MEDICAGO FALCATAL., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei, C
Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festuco-Brometea, Quercatea, Secalietea; H,
Eua(Md); U2, T3, R5; 2n=16,32
MEDICAGO LUPULINA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Th-TH, Eua;
U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=16,32
MEDICAGO MINIMA (L.) Grufb., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, c. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua (Md); U1 ,5
T4, R4;2n=16
MEDICAGO RIGIDULA (L.)Desv., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Asplenio-Festucion
pallentis; Th, Md; U2, T4, R3; 2n=14,16
MELLILOTUS OFFICINALIS (L.) Medik., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea, Secalietea,
Car. Artemisietea; Th-TH, Eua; U2,5 T3, 5 RO; 2n=16
ONOBRYCHIS VICllFOLIA Scop., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Md;
U2, T4, R5;2n=28
ONONIS ARVENSIS L., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Ch-H,
Eua (Ct); U3, T4, Ro; 2n=32
Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Ch-H, D-8-Cauc; U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=„.
ONONIS SPINOSA L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Crăciuneşti;
Car. Festuco-Brometea; H (Ch), E (Md); Uo, T3,5 R0 ; 2n=30,32
ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Robinion
pseudacaciae; MM, Adv; U2,5 T4, RO; 2n=24
TRIFOLIUM ALPESTRE L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu;
Quercetea, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, E (Md); U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=16,20
TRIFOLIUM ARVENSE L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea,
Secalietea, Arrhenatheretea; Th, Eua (Md); U1, 5 T3, R4; 2n=14
TRIFOLIUM AUREUM Pollich., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea (Quercetea);
Th-TH, Eua (Md); U3, T3, RO; 2n=14
TRIFOLIUM CAMPESTRE Schreb., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Uibăreşti; Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-Brometea; Th-TH, E; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=14
TRIFOLIUM HYPRIDUM L., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car.
Cathion, Agropyro-Rumicion; H, E(Md); U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=1 G
TRIFOLIUM MEDIUM L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Quercetalia
pubescentis, Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua; U3, T3, RO; 2n=78, 80, 84
TRIFOLIUM OCHROLEUCUM Huds., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetalia
pubescentis, Car. Brometalia; H, Md-Ec; U2, T3, R3; 2n=16

63 /
TRIFOLIUM PANNONICUM Jacq., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Quercetalia pubescentis;
H, P-Md; U2, T3, R0;2n=130
TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, Ribicioarei; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Secalietea,
Plantaginetea; H, Eua; U3, To, R0 ; 2n=14
TRIFOLIUM REPENS L., Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U3,5 To, RO; 2n=32
TRIFOLIUM SPADICEUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Ardeu; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua (Ct); U2,5 T2, R4;
TRIFOLIUM STRIATUM L., C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion pseudovinae, Car.
Festuco-Sedetalia; Th, Atl-Md-Ec; U1 ,5 T3, R4; 2n=14
VICIA CRACCAL., _C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea;
H, Eua; U3, To, R3;2n=12, 14,24,28
VICIA GRANDIFLORA Scop., C. Bulzeşti; Secalietea; Th-TH, B-P-Cauc; U3,
T3, R0;2n=14
·VICIA HIRSUTA (L.) S.F. Gray., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Secalietea, Car.
Aperion; Th, Eua (Md); U2,5 T3, 5 R4; 2n=14
VICIA PANNONICA Cr., C. Măzii; Secalietea, Aperion; Th, P-Md; U2,5 T3, 5
VICIA SEPIUM L., C. Măzii; Quercetea, Querco-Fagetea, Car. Fagetalia; H,
Eua;U3, T3, R3;2n=14
VICIA VILLOSA Roth, C. Bulzeşti; Secalietea; Th-TH, Md; U2, 5 T3, 5 R3;


CIRCAEA LUTETIANA L., C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Car. Alno-Padion; G, Eua;
U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=22
EPILOBIUM DODONAEI Vili., C. Crăciuneşti; Epilobion fleischeri; H, Ec; US,
To, R2;2n=36
EPILOBIUM HIRSUTUM L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Filipendulo-Petasition;
(H) (HH), Eua (Md); U4, T3, R3; 2n=36,54 '
EPILOBIUM MONTANUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia;
H, Eua(Md); U3, To, R4;2n=36
Fagetalia; H, Eua (Md); U3, To, R4; 2n=36
EPILOBIUM MONTANUM L. f. APRICUM Hausskn., C. Băcâia; Car.
Fagetalia; H, Eua (Md); U3, To, R4; 2n=36
EPILOBIUM OBSCURUM Schreb., C. Uibăreşti; Epilobietea; H, Atl-Md; US,
To, R2;2n=36

LYTHRUM SALICARIA L., C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Car.
Filipendulo-Petasition; H-HH, Cm; U4, T3, RO; 2n=60

64 /
LYTHRUM HYSSOPIFOLIA L., C. Măzii; Nynocyperion; Th, Cm; U4, T3, RO;


DICTAMNUS ALBUS L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Quercetea pubescenti·
petraeae, Car. Geranion sangui_nei; H, Eua (Md); U1, 5 T4, 5 R5; 2n=36

ACEA CAMPESTRE L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu,
C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Querco-Fagetea; MM-M, E; U2,
5 T3, R3; 2n=26
ACEA PLATANOIDES L., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Fagetalia, Car. Acerion, Querco-Fagetea; MM, Eua; U3, T3, R3;
ACEA PSEUDOPLATANUS L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-
Fagetea; MM, Ec; U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=52

STAPHYLLEA PINNATA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea,
Car-Berberidion-Acerion; M, E (Md); U2,5 T3, 5 R4; 2n=26


OXALIS ACETOSELLA L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Fagetalia; H-G, Circ
(bo0;U4,T3, R3;2n=22

LINUM AUSTRIACUM L., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae, Festuco-Brometea,
Car. Cirsio-Brachypodion; H, Eua (Ct); U1 ,5 T3, 5 R4; 2n=18
LINUM CATHARTICUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Molinietalia; Th(TH), E (Md); U3,
T2, R4;2n=16
LINUM FLAVUM L., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Geranion
sanguinei-Brometalia; H, P-p-B; U2, T4 R4; 2n=30
LINUM HIRSUTUM L., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae, Festucion vaginatae;
H, P-p-B; U1 ,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=16
LINUM TENUIFOLIUM L., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Bromion;
H, P-Md-Ec; U2, T4, R5;2n=16, 18

ERODIUM CICUTARIUM (L.) L'Herit., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-
Brometea; Th, Cm; U2,5 To, RO; 2n=40

65 /
GERANIUM COLUMBINUM L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu;
Festucion rupicolae, Quercion pubescentis; Th, Eua; U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=18
GERANIUM DISSECTUM Jusl., C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodietea, Car. Polygono-
Chenopodion; Th, Eua; U3, T3,5 RO; 2n=22
GERANIUM PHAEUM L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Fagetalia, Filipendulo-
Petasition, Alno-Padion; H, Ec; U4, T3, R3; 2n=14, 28
GERANIUM PUSILLUM Burm., C. Ardeu; Secalietea, Chenopodietea,
Festuco-Brometea; Th, E(Md); U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=26, 34
GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu,
C. Uibăreşti C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia, Acerion, Alno-Padion;
Th, Cm; U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=32, 64
GERANIUM ROTUNDIFOLIUM L„ C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti;
Onopordion; Th, Eua (Md); U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=26
GERANIUM SANGUINEUM L„ C. Măzii, C„ Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti;
Quercetea, Festucetalia; H, E (Md); U2, T3, R4; 2n=84

IMPATIENS NOLl-TANGERE L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion,
Fagetalia; Th, Eua; U4, T3, R4; 2n=20


POL YGALA AMARA L„ C. Bulzeşti, C. Crăciuneşti; Seslerio-Festucion,
Festucetalia, Car. Seslerietalia; H(Ch), Ec; U2, To, R4,5; 2n=28
POLYGALA MAJOR Jacq., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae et Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, P-Md; U2, T3, R5; 2n=28
POLYGALA VULGARIS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretea-Nardion; H(Ch), Eua; U3, T3 R3; 2n=28, 32, 48,
56, 70

EUONYMUS EUROPAEUS L., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-
Fagetea, Car. Prunetalia; M, E; U3, T3, R3; 2n=64
EUONYMUS VERRUCOSUS Scop., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Ribicioarei; Querco-Fagetea; M, E; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n= ....

FRANGULA ALNUS Mill„ C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Alno-Padion;
M, Eua; U4, T3, R3;2n=20,26
RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Prunetalia, Alno-Padion; M,
Eua;U2, T3, R4;2n=24

66 /
Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea; M, Eua; U2, T3, R4; 2n= ...
RHAMNUS SAXATILIS Jacq. ssp. TINCTORIUS (Waldst. et Kit.), c.
Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, Orno-Cotinian; M, Md; U1 ,5 T4 RS; 2n= ...

VITIS SILVESTRIS Gmel., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Alno-Padion, Querco-
Fagetea; M-E, P_md; U3,5 T4, 5 RS; 2n=38

EUPHORBIA AMYGDALOIDES L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Car. Fagetalia (Quercetea); Ch, E (Md); U3, T3,5 R4; 2n=18
EUPHORBIA CARNIOLICA Jacq., C. Bulzeşti; Dif. Fagion dacicum; H, Ec;
U3, T4, R4;2n=16
EUPHOR81A CYPARISSIAS L„ C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. 8ulzeşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucetalia, Car. Festuco-
Brometea; H(G), Eua; U2, T3, R4; 2n=40
EUPHOR81A EPITHYMOIDES L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ardeu; Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, p-8; U2,5 T4, R3; 2n=14,16
EUPHOR81A ESULA L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia; Car. Mesobronion-Molinion-
Arction; H, Eua; U2, T3, R3; 2n=20
EUPHOR81A FALCATA L., C. Măzii; Car. Secalietea; Th, Eua (Md); U2, T3,5
EUPHOR81A HELIOSCOPIA L„ C. 8ulzeşti; Car. Polygono-Chenopodion;
Th, Md; U3, T3, R0;2n=42
EUPHOR81A PARADOXA (Schur) Podp„ C. Ardeu; H, Eua; U2, T3, R3;
2n= ...
EUPHOR81A PLATYPHYLOS L., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea, Car. Polygono-
Chenopodietalia et Artemisietea; Th, Md-E U3, T3, R3; 2n=28
EUPHOR81A SALICIFOLIA Host., C. Ardeu; Festucion sulcatae; H, P-p; U2,
T3,5 R3; 2n=36
EUPHOR81A STRICTA L. var. PUBESCENS Edner, C. 8ulzeşti; Alno-Padion-
Calystegion; Th, E (Ct); U4, T3, RO; 2n= ...
EUPHOR81A VILLOSA Waldst. et Kit„ C. Ardeu; H, P-Md; U3, T3,5 RO;
MERCURIALIS OVATA Sternb. et Hoppe, C. Măzii; Car. Quercetalia
pubescenti petraeae; H(Ch), Alp-8-Taur; Uo, T3, R4; 2n=32
MERCURIALIS PERENNIS L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu,
C. 8ulzeşti Car. Fagetalia; H-G, E; U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=42

DAPHNE MEZEREUM L„ C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Fagetalia; N, Eua
(Md); U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=18
67 /
THYMELAEA PASSERINA (L.) Coss. et Germ., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Caucalidion, Festucion; Th, Eua (Ct); U1, T4, R3; 2n= ...

HEDERA HELIX L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Acerion; N-E, Atl-Md; U3, T3, R3; 2n=48


AEGOPODIUM PODAGRARIA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Padion, Car. Fraxino-Carpinion;
H(G), Eua; U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=22, 42, 44
ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS L., C. Măzii; Alno-Padion; H, Eua; U4, T3; R3;
Arc., C. Măzii Car. Alliarion; Th, Md; U3, T4, RO; 2n=18
ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS (L.) Hoffm., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Alno-
Padion, Salicetea, Car. Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, R4; 2n=16, 18
ASTRANTIA MAJOR L., C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Car. Trifolion medii; H, Ec;
U3,5 T2,5 RS; 2n=14
BIFORA RADIANS M.B., C. Ardeu; Consolido-Eragrostion, Car. Caucalidion;
Th,Md; U3, T4, R0;2n=22
BUPLEURUM AFFINE Sadl., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; Th, P-p-B; U2,
T3,5 R4; 2n= ....
BUPLEURUM ROTUNDIFOLIUM L., C. Ardeu; Car. Caucalidion; Th, Md; U2,
T4, RS; 2n=... .
CARUM CARVI L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C, Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Arrhenatheretea; TH, Eua; U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=20
CAUCAULIS PLATYCARPOS L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Secalietea; Th,
Md;U2, T4, R5;2n=20
CHAEROPHYLLUM AROMATICUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti;
Fagetalia; H, Ec(Ct); U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=22
CHAEROPHYLLUM HIRSUTUM L., C. Ardeu; Filipendulo-Petasition; H, Ec;
U4,5 T2, RO; 2n=22
CHAEROPHYLLUM TEMULUM L., C. Cib, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Alliarion; Th-
TH, E; U3, T3, R4;2n=14,22
CNIDIUM SILAIFOLIUM (Jacq.) Simk., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Agrostideto-Festucion rubrae; TH, Md; U3, T3,5 RS;
2n= ...
CONIUM MACULATUM L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Chenopodietea, Car. Arction;
Th-TH, Md; U3, T3, R3; 2n=22
DAUCUS CAROTA L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; TH-H, Eua (Md); U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=18
ERYNGIUM CAMPESTRE L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-
Brometea; H, P; U1, TS, R4; 2n=14,28
68 /
ERYNGIUM PLANUM L., C. Măzii; Arrhenatherion; H, Eua(Ct); U2, T3, R4;
FALCARIAVULGARIS Bernh., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicelae;Th-TH, Eua(Md);
U2, T4, R4;2n=22
FERULAGO SILVATICA (Bess.) Rchb., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; H, D-B; U3, T3, R2; 2n= ...
HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM L., C. Măzii; Car. Arrhenatheretalia; H, Eua;
U3, T2, 5 R4; 2n=22
LASERPITIUM LATIFOLIUM L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu; Car.
Origanetalia; H, E, Uo, To, R4; 2n=22
OENANTHE BANATICA Heuff., C. Măzii; Alno-Padion; H, D-B-p; U4, T3,5
RO; 2n= ...
OENANTHE SILAIFOLIA M.B., C. Bulzeşti; Agrostion stoloniferae; H, Md;
U5, T3,5 R0 ; 2n=22
ORLAYA GRANDIFLORA (L.) Hoffm., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; Th, Md(Ec); U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=20
PASTINACA SATIVA L. C. Cib, C. Băcâia, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; TH-H,
Eua; U3, T4, R4;2n=22
PEUCEDANUM ALSATICUM L., C. Bulzeşti, Quercetea-Festucetalia
valesiacae, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, Ec; U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=22
PEUCEDANUM AUSTRIACUM (Jacq) Koch, C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei;
Seslerietalia; H, Ec, U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=22
Borb., C. Măzii; Seslerietalia; H, Ec, U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=22
PEUCEDANUM OREOSELINUM (L.) Mnch., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti;
Quercetea, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, Ec-Md; U2,5 T3, R0 ; 2n=22
PEUCEDANUM PALUSTRE (L.) Mnch. C. Măzii; Alnetea, Car. Magnocaricion-
Alnion; H, Eua; US, T3, R0 ; 2n=22
PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA L., C. Măzii; Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua;
U2,5 To, R3; 2n=36
SANICULA EUROPAEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti, Car. Fagetalia; H, Atl-Md; U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=16
SELINUM CARVIFOLIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Alnetea; H, Eua;
U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=22
SESELI ANNUUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festuco-Brometea; TH, E(Ct); U2, T3,
SESELI ELATUM ssp. OSSEUM (Crantz). P.W. Ball., C. Cib, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Festucetalia valasiacae; H, p-D; U1 ,5 T4, R4; 2n= ...
SESELI GRACILE Waldst. et Kit., C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, Seslerion
rigidae; H, D, U2, T4, AS; 2n= ...
SESELI LIBANOTIS (L.) Koch., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei; Quercetalia
petraeae-pubescentis, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, Eua(Ct); U3, To, R4;
SESELI RIGIDUM Waldst. et Kit., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Festucion
rupicolae, H, D-B;U1 ,5 T4,5 RS; 2n= ...
69 /
SESELI VARIUM Trev., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; H, B-p; U2, T3,5 R4;
TORDYLIUM MAXIMUM L., C. Ardeu; Festuco-Sedatalia et Origanetalia; Th-
TH, Md-Ec; U2, T4, R0;2n=22
TORILIS ARVENSIS (Huds.) Link., C. Ardeu; Caucalidion-Onopordion, Car.
Caucalidion; Th, Md-Ec; U2,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=12


HYPERICUM ELEGANS Steph., C. Crăciuneşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H,
Eua(Ct); U2,5 T3,5 R0 ; 2n=32
HYPERICUM HIRSUTUM L., C. Măzii; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Fragarion; H,
Eua;U3, T3, R3;2n=18
HYPERICUM MACULATUM Cr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Molinion;
H, Eua;U4, T3, R2;2n=16
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L., C.Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Uibăr~şti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua;
U3, T3, R0 ; 2n=32
Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; U3, T3, R0 ; 2n=32
HYPERICUM ROCHELll Gris. et Sch., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Orno-Cotinion; H,
B; U1 ,5 T4, R4; 2n= ...
HYPERICUM TETRAPTERUM Fr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Car.
Filipendulo-Petasition; H, E(Md); U4, T3, R4; 2n=16


VIOLA ARVENSIS Murr., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; Th,
Eua; U3, T3, R0;2n=34
VIOLA CANINA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Asplenion septentrionalis; H,
Eua; U2,5 T3 R2; 2n=40
VIOLA CANINA L., ssp. MONTANA (L.) Hartm., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U2, T3, R2; 2n=40
VIOLA JOOI Jka., C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti;
Seslerion rigidae; H, D(end); U2,5 T2,5 R4,5; 2n=20
VIOLA LUTEOLA (Schur) Gay., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; TH, Eua; U2,5
T3, RO; 2n= ...
VIOLA MIRABILIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu; Querco-
Fagetea, Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3, T3, R4; 2n=20
VIOLA ODORAT AL., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-Fagetea, Alliarion,
Prunetalia; H, Atl-Md; U2,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=20
VIOLA REICHENBACHIANA Jord., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei,
C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3, T3, R3,5; 2n=20
VIOLA SUAVIS M.B., var. CYGNEA Cel., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Aceri-Quercion;
H, Eua(Ct); U2,5 T4, R4; 2n= ...

70 /
VIOLA TRICOLOR L., C. Crăciuneşti; Asplenio-Festucion; Th-H, Eua; U2,5
T3, R0;2n=26
VIOLA TRICOLOR L.ssp. SUBALPINA, C. crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti;
Asplenio-Festucian; TH, Eua; U2,5 T3 R0 ; 2n=26


HELIANTHEMUM CANUM (L.) Baumg., C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti;
Festucion rupicolae; Ch, Atl-Md; U2, T4, R5; 2n=22
HELIANTHEMUM HIRSUTUM (Thuill.) Merat, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşţi, C. Ribicioarei, C. Ardeu; Seslerietalia; Ch-H, Ec-
Md; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=20
et Th., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae; Ch-H,
Ec-Md;U2, T3, R4;2n=20

ALLIARIA PETIOLAT A (Bieb.) Cav ara et Grande, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festucetalia
valesiacae; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U2, T3, R3; 2n=36, 42
ALYSSUM AL YSSOIDES (L.) L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti; Festuco-Brometea; Th-TH, E(Ct); U1, T3, RO; 2n=32
ALYSSUM MURALE Waldst. et Kit., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Orno-
Cotinetalia; Ch, B; U2, T4, R3; 2n=16
ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heynh., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festucetalia
valesiacae; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U2, T3, R3; 2n=10
ARABIS GLABRA (L.) Bernh., C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu, C. Măzii; Car.
Origanetalia; TH, Md; U2, T3, R3; 2n=12, 16, 32
ARABIS HIRSUTA (L.) Scop., C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Festuco-
Brometea; TH-H, Circ(bor); U1 ,5 T3, R4; 2n=32
ARABIS HIRSUTA (L.) Scop. ssp. PLANISILIQUA (Pers.) Tiell., C. Bulzeşti;
Festuco-Brometea; TH-H, E; U1 ,5 T3, R4; 2n=32
ARABIS TURRITA L., C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae; TH, Md;
U2, T4, R4;2n=16
BERTEROA INCANA (L.) DC., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea, Sedo-
Scleranthetea; Th-TH, Eua(Ct); U2, T3,5 RO; 2n=16
BRASSICA NIGRA (L.) Koch, C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodietea; Th, Eua (Md); U3,
T4, R0;2n=16
BUNIAS ORIENTALIS.L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodietea, Car.
Artemisietalia; TH-H, Eua(Cm); U3, T3,5 R3; 2n=14
CALEPINA IRREGULARIS (Asso.) Thell., C. Crăciuneşti; Car. Chenopodietea;
Th, Md;U2, T4, R3;2n=14, 42
CAMELINA SATIVA (L.) Cr. ssp. MICROCARPA (Andrz.) F. Schmid, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu; Secalietea, Onopordetalia; Th, E, U3, T3, R3; 2n=40
CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS (L.) Medik., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodio-
Scleranthea; Th, Cm; U3, TO, RO; 2n-32

71 /
CARDAMINE AMARA L., C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion; H, Eua(Md); U5, TO, RO;
2n= 16, 32
CARDAMINE BULBIFERA (L.) Cr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Car. Fagion; G,
Ec, U3, T3, R4;2n=96
CARDAMINE FLEXUOSA With., C. Bulzeşti; Cardamini-Montion, Alliarion;
Th-TH, Eua; U4, T2, R2; 2n=32 .
CARDAMINE GLANDULIGERA O. Schwarz, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Fagion; G, Carp(end); U4, T2,5 R4; 2n=48
CAR DAM I NE HIRSUTA L., C. Bulzeşti; Alliarion; Th, 'Eua(Md); U3, TO, R2,S;
CARDAMINE IMPATIENS L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Fagetalia; Th, Eua(Md); U4, T3, R3; 2n=16
CARDAMINE PRATENSIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H,
Circ(bor); US, T3, RO; 2n=34-38, 38-44, 48
CARDAMINOPSIS ARENOSA (L.) Hay, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C.
Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti; Qu~rcetea, Festucetalia valesiacae;
TH(Th), Ec; U2,S T3, R4; 2n=16, 28, 32
CARDAMINOPSIS HALLERI (L.)Hay, C. Cib, C. Bulzeşti; TH-H, Alp (Ec);
U3,S T2,S R2; 2n= ... 16
CARDARIA DRABA (L.)Desv., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Car. Sisymbrion; H,
Eua;U2, T4, R4;2n=64
CONRINGIA ORIENTALIS (L.) Andrz., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Caucalidion; Th,
Eua(Md) U2, T3,S AS; 2n=14
DIPLOTAXIS MURALIS (L.)DC., C. Măzii; Car. Polygno-Chenopodietalia;
TH(H), Md; U2,5 T3,S R4; 2n=44
EROPHILA VERNA (L.)Chevall, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua(Md);
U2,S T3,S RO; 2n=14-16
ERYSIMUM ODORATUM Ehrh., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea, Quercetea; H, Ec(Md);
U2,S T3, R4; 2n=24
HESPERIS SILVESTRIS Cr., C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia; M, Md(P); U4, T2, R3;
ISATIS TINCTORIAL., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C.Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei;
Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-p; U1 ,S, T3,S R4; 2n=28
ISATIS TINCTORIAL. var. PRAECOX (Kit.) Koch, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucetalia
valesiacae; TH, Md(P); U2, T3,5 R4
LEPIDIUM CAMPESTRE (L.) T. Br., C. Cib, C. Măzii; Car. Polygono-
Chenopodion; Th, E(Md); U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=16
LEPIDIUM RUDERALE L., C. Măzii; Car. Polygonion avicularis-Sisymbrion;
Th, Eua; U2, T3,5 RO; 2n=32
LUNARIA ANNUA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei; Acerion, Peltarion; Th-
TH, Md; U3, T3,5 R4; 2n=30
LUNARIA REDIVIVA L., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Acerion pseudoplatani;
G-H, Ec-Md; U4, T3, R4;2n=30

72 /
RORIPPA AUSTRIACA (Cr.) Bess., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Senecion fluviatilis-Agropyro-Rumicion; H-G, Ec; U4, T3,5 R4; 2n=16
RORIPPA PYRENAICA (Lam) Reichnb., C. Ribicioarei; Car. Arrhenatheretalia;
H, Md; U2,S T3, R3; 2n=16
RORIPPA SYLVESTRIS (L.)Bess., C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Măzii; Agropyro-Rumicion; H-G, Eua(Md); U4, T3, R4; 2n=48
RORIPPA SYLVESTRIS (L.) Bees. f. RIVULARIS (Rchb.), C. Cib, C. Băcâia;
Agropyro-Rumicion; H-G, E; U4, T3, R4; 2n=48
SISYMBRIUM STRICTISSIMUM L., C. Ardeu; Calystegion-Arction (Salicetea
et Alno-Padion); H, Ec; U3,S T4, AS; 2n=28
THLASPI ALLIACEUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Secalietea, Car. Polygono-
Chenopodion; Th, Atl-Md; U2, T4, RO; 2n=14
THLASPI ARVENSE L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Polygono-Chenopodion;
Th, Eua(Md);U2, T3, R4;2n=14
THLASPI PERFOLIATUM L., C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea, Secalietea,
Car. Alysso-Sedion; Th, Eua; U2,5 T3,S R4,S; 2n=70

RESEDA LUTEOLA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii; Car. Ornopordetalia; TH,
Eua(Md); U2, T3, R0;2n=48

POPULUS TREMULA L., C. Crăciuneşti; Querco-Fagetea; MM-M, Eua; U3,
T2, R2;2n=38
SALIX ALBA L., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Alno-Padion; MM-M, Eua, U5, T3, R4;
SALIX CAPREA L., C. Crăciuneşti; Car. Sambuco-Salicion capreae; M, Eua;
U3, T3, R3;2n=38
SALIX FRAGILIS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Alno-Padion; M-
MM, Eua; U4,S T3, R4; 2n=76
SALIX PURPUREA L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Salicetalia purpureae; M, Eua; US,
T3, R4,S; 2n=38

BRYONIA DIOICAJacq., C. Ardeu; Car. Arction-Alliarion; H-G, Eua; U3,5 T3,


TILIA CORDATA Mill., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Carpinion; MM, E; U3, T3,
TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS Scop., C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti, C. Ardeu; Querco-
Fagetea, Car. Fagetalia, Acerion; MM, Ec; U2,S T3, R4; 2n=82

73 /
TILIA TOMENTOSA Mnch., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu; Quercion farnetto, Orno-Cotinion; MM, B; U2,5 T3,5 R3; 2n=282
TILIA TOMENTOSA Munch. f. SUBVITIFOLIA Borb., C. Ardeu; Orno-Cotinion;
MM, B; U2,5 T3,5 R3; 2n=282

AL THAEA HIRSUTA L., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae, Car. Polygono-
Chenopodietalia; Th, P-Md; U2,5 T3,5 AS; 2n= ...
AL THAEA OFFICINALIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Bidention; H, Eua(Ct); U3, T4, R4
AL THAEA PALUDA Waldst. et Kit., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii; Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, P; U2, T4, R3; 2n=24
MALVA SYLVESTRIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Onopordetalia; Th-TH, Eua(Cm);
U3, T3, R0;2n=42
MALVA NEGLECTA Willr., C. Ardeu; Chenopodietea, Car. Sisymbrion; Th-
TH, Euit(Md); U3, T3, R3; 2n=42

CORNUS MAS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae; M, P-
Md-Ec; U2, T3,4 R4; 2n=18, 27
CORNUS SANGUINEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car.
Prunetalia; M, Ec, U3, T3, R4; 2n=22

ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS L., C. Măzii; Car. Polygono-Chenopodion; Th, Cm;
U3, T3, R0;2n=40
ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS L., f. FEMINA (Mill.) Nilss., C. Măzii, Th, Cm; U3, T3,
CENTUNCULUS MINIMUS L., C. Bulzeşti; Nanocyperion et Aperion; Th,
Eua; U4, T3,5 R3;
LYSIMACHIA NUMMULARIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion, Querco-Fagetea, Alnetea; Ch, E, U4,
T3, R0 ; 2n=18 .
Ardeu; Alno-Padion; Ch, E, U4, T3, RO; 2n=18
LYSIMACHIA PUNCTATA L., C. Măzii; Epilobietea, Origanetalia; H, P-Md;
U3,5 T2,5 R3; 2n=30
L YSIMACHIA VULGAR IA L., C. Măzii; Alnetea; H(HH), Eua; U3, TO, RO;
PRIMULA VERIS (L.) Hill., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U3, T2,
74 /
PRIMULA VERIS L. ssp. COLUMNAE (Ten)Uidi, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Seslerion rigidae; H,
Md; U3, T2, R5; 2n= ...
PRIMULA VULGARIS Huds., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion, Prunetalia; H, Atl-Md; U3, T3, R3; 2n=22


CENTAURIUM ERYTHRAEA Rafn., C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea, Molinion-
Arrhenatheretea; Th, Eua; U3, T3, R2; 2n=42
GENTIANA ASCLEPIADEA L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Fagion; H,
Ec; U4, T2, R4;2n=44
GENTIANA CRUCIATA L., C. Măzii; Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua(Md);
U3, T3, R4;2n=52
GENTIANA PNEUMONANTHE L., C. Bulzeşti; Molinio-Juncetea, Car.
Molinion; H, Eua(Md); U4, T3, RO; 2n=26

VINCA MINOR L., C. Bulzeşti;Fagetalia, Car. Carpinion; Ch, Md-Ec; U3, T3,

Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea
pubescenti petraeae, Festucetalia palesiacae; H, E(Md); U2, T4, R4; 2n=22, 44

ASPERULA ARVENSIS L., C. Ardeu; Car. Caucalidion; Th, Md; U2, T4, R4;
ASPERULA CYNANCHICA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucetalia (Quercetalia),
Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, P-Md; U2, T3, 5 R4; 2n=22
CRUCIATA GLABRA (L.) Ehrend., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Artemisietea, Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Padion; H, Eua; U3, T2, R2;
CRUCIATA LAEVIPES Opiz., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C.
Bulzeşti; Salicion, Alno-Padion; H, Eua; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=22
CRUCIATA PEDEMONTANA (Bell.) Schren., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion rupicolae
(Quercetea); Th, Md; U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=22
GALIUM ALBUM Mill., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Seslerio-Festucion; H, Eua; U2,5
T2,5 R3; 2n=46
GALIUM APARINE L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Convolvuletalia;
Th, Circ; U3, T3, R3; 2n=42-88
GALIUM FLAVESCENS Borb., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; H, 0-B; U2, T4,
R5; 2n= ...
75 /
GALIUM GLACUM L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia
valesiacae (Quercetalia), Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, P-Md; U2, T4, R4;
GALIUM KITAIBELIANUM Schult et Schult, C. Măzii; Carpinion; H, Carp-B;
U3, T3, R3; 2n=22
GALIUM MOLLUGO L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; H,
Eua; U3, To, R3;2n=44
GALIUM ODORATUM (L.) Scop., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; G, Eua; U3, T3, R3;
GALIUM PALUSTRE L., C. Ribicioarei, Molinio-Juncetea; 4, ....... ;US, T3,
Ro; 2n=24.
GALIUM PURPUREUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Seslerio-
Festucion pallentis; H, Md; U2, T4, R4; 2n= ...
GALIUM RIVALE (Sibth et Sm.) Griseb, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion, Alnetea; H,
Eua; US, T3, R3;2n=22
GALIUM RUBIOIDES L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Convallario-Quercetum;
H, Ec; U4, T3, R4;2n=66, 132
GALIUM SCHULTESll Vest., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Carpinion; G, Ec; U2,S T3, R3; 2n=66
GALIUM TRICORNUTUM Dandy, C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Secalietea; Th, Eua
(Md); U2,S T3, S Ro; 2n=44
GALIUM VERUM L., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; U2,S T2,S Ro; 2n=44

FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-
Padion, Acerion; MM, E; U3, T3, R4; 2n=46
FRAXINUS ORNUS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Orno-Cotinetalia; M-MM, Md; U1 ,S T3, s RS;
LIGUSTRUM VULGARE L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. CrăciLmeşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion; M, E (Md); U2, S T3, R3; 2n=46
SYRINGA VULGARIS L., C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Syringo-
Carpinion orientalis; M, B-Anat; U1, S T4, S R4, S; 2n=46

LONICERA XYLOSTEUM L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Querco-
Fagetea; M, Eua; U3, T3, R4; 2n=18
SAM BUC US EBULUS L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Arction-Epilobietea,
Car. Fragarion, Artemisietea; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, R4,S; 2n=36
SAMBUCUS NIGRA L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Prunetalia,
Alno-Padion; MM-M, E; U3, T3, R3; 2n=36

76 /
SAMBUCUS RACEMOSA L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Sambuco-Salicion; M Eua;
U3, T2, R3;2n=36
VIBURNUM LANTANA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Berberidion, Querco-Fagetea; M, Md-Ec; U2, 5, T3,
VIBURNUM OPULUS L., C. Măzii; Alno-Padion, Alnetea; M, Circ (bor); U4,
T3, R4;2n=18

VALERIANA OFFICINALIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Alno-Padion, Alnetea;
H, Eua (Md); U4, T3, R4; 2n=14
VALERIANA TRIPTERIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Acerim; H, Ec; U3, To, R5; 2n=16
VALERIANELLA DENTATA Pollich, C. Ardeu, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti;
Thero-Airion; Th, Eua (Md); U2, T3, 5 R4; 2n=14
VALERIANELLA LOCUSTA (L.), C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; Th, Md-Ec;
U3, T3,5 R4; 2n=14
VALERIANELLA RIMOSA Bast., C. Măzii; Secalietea; Th, Ec-Md; U3, T4,
CEPHALARIA LAEVl.GATA (Walds. et Kit.) Schrad., C. Bulzeşti; Asplenio
syringetum; H, B; U2, T4, R4; 2n= ...
CEPHALARIA PILOSA (L.) Grn. et Gard., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, Alno-
Padion-Atropion; Th, Atl-Md; U4, T3, 5 R4; 2n=18
CEPHALARIA TRANSSILVANICA (L.) Schrad., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion
rupicolae; Th, P-Md; U2, T3, 5 R4; 2n=18
CEPHALARIA URALENSIS (Murr.) R. et Sch., C. Uibăreşti; Festucion
rupicolae; H, P-p; U1, 5 T4, R5; 2n=18
DIPSACUS LACINIATUS L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Agropyro-Rumicion; Th,
Eua (Ct); U4, T3, 5 R4; 2n=(16), 18
DIPSACUS SILVESTRIS Huds., C. Măzii; Agropyro-Rumicion crispi; Th, Md-
Ec; U3, 5 T3, R4; 2n=(16), 18
KNAUTIA ARVENSIS Coult., C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Car. Arrhenatheretea, Festucion rupicolae; H, E; U2, 5 T3, Ro; 2n=20, 40
KNAUTIA ARVENSIS Colt. f. INTEGRATA, C. Uibăreşti; H, E; U2,5 T3, Ro;
Ardeu; Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; H, E(Md); U2, 5 T3, R5; 2n=16
SCABIOSA OCHROLEUCA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua (Ct); U2, T4,
SUCCISA PRATENSIS Mnch., C. Măzii; Molinio-Juncetea, Car. Molinion; H,
Eua; U4, T3, Ro;2n=18,20

CAL YSTEGIA SEPIUM (L.) P. 8., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Calystegion,
Arction, Salicion, Car. Convolvuletalia; H, Eua; U4, T3, R4; 2n=22, 44
77 /
· CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Chenopodio-
Scleranthea, Festuco-Brometea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H-G, Cm; Uo, To,

ATROPA BELLADONA L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei; Fagion; H, Ec(Md); U3,
T3, R3;2n=72
DATURA STRAMONIUM L., C. Ardeu; Car. Chenopodietea; Th, Cm; U3, T4,
HYOSCYAMUS NIGER L., C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodietea; TH-H, Eua (Md); U3,
T3,5 R4; 2n=34
PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Alno-Padion; H, Md-
Ec; U3, T3, R4;2n=24
SOLANUM DULCAMARA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Alnetea, Alno-Padion;
Ch(N), Eua (Md); U4, 5 T3, R4; 2n=24 -
SOLANUM NIGRUM L., C. Măzii; Car. Chenopodietea; Th, Cm; U3, T4, Ro;

ANCHUSA AZUREA Mill., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festuco-
Brometea; TH, P-Md; U1, 5 T4, 5 R4; 2n=16
ANCHUSA BARRELIERI (All.) Vitm., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae, Festuco-
Brometea; H, P-Md; U1, 5 T4, R4; 2n=16
ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS L., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; TH-H, E (Md); U2
T3,5 Ro; 2n=16
BUGLOSSOIDES ARVENSIS (L.) I. M. Johnston, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti;
Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Secalietea; Th-TH, Eua; Uo, To, R4; 2n=16,
24, 28
Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Quercetea pubescenti-
petraeae; H-G, Ec (Md) U2, 5 T4, R5; 2n=16
CERINTHE MINOR L., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; TH, P-Md; U3, T3, Ro;
CYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE L., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; TH, Eua
(Ct); U2, T3, R4; 2n=24
ECHIUM VULGARE L., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Car. Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua; U2, T3, R4; 2n=16, 32
LAPPULA SQUARROSA (Retz.) Du mort, C. Ard eu; Chenopodietea, Car.
Sisymbietalia; Th, Eua; U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=48
LITHOSPERMUM OFFICINALIS L., C. Măzii; Car. Origanetalia, Alno-Padion;
H, Eua; U3, T3, 5 R4; 2n=28
MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS (L.) Hill., C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu; Aperion ( ... Arrhenatheretea); TH, Eua;U3, T3, Ro; 2n=24, 48, 54

78 /
MYOSOTIS LAXA Lehn. ssp. CAESPITOSA (C. F. Schultz) Hyl ex Nordh, C.
Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti; Car. Phragmition; Th-TH (H), Circ (bor); U4,5
To, Ro;2n=c, 80 ·
MYOSOTIS RAMOSISSIMA Roch„ C.Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea; Th, E; U2,
T3,5 R4; 2n=36
MYOSOTIS SCORPIOIDES L„ C. Ardeu; Alnetea, Car. Calthion; H-HH, Eua;
US, T3, Ro;2n=64
MYOSOTIS SYLVATICA (Ehrt.) Hoffm., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti; Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=24, 32
NONNEA PULLA (L.) DC., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; TH-H, Eua; U2, T4,
ONOSMA ARENAR IA Waldst. et Kit., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucion vaginatae,
Festucion rupicolae; H, E (Ct); U1 ,5 T3, 5 R4;
PULMONARIA MOLLIS Wulfen ex Hornem ssp. MOLLISIMA (A. Kerner)
Nyman, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Origanetalia; H, Eua; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=28
Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Fagetalia, Acerion, Carpinion; H, E; U3,5 T3; R3 2n=16
H, E; U3, 5 T3, R3; 2n=14
SYMPHYTUM CORDATUM Waldst. et Kit., C. Bulzeşti; Fagion dacicum; H-
G, Carp-8; U3, T2, R3; 2n=18, 120
SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE L„ C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei; Phragmitea; H, Eua;
U4, T3, Ro;2n=36-48
SYMPHYTUM TUBEROSUM L„ C. Crăciuneşti; Fagetalia, Querco-Fagetea;
H-G, Ec; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=18, 72, 96, 100

DIGITALIS GRANDIFLORA Mill., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion, Carpinion; H, E;
U3, T3, R3;2n=56
EUPHRASIA ROSTKOVIANA Hayn, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Măzii, C. Ardeu C. Bulzeşti; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Th, Ec; U3, T3,
EUPHRASIA SALISBURGENSIS Funck, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Elyno-Seslerietea, Car. Seslerietalia; Th, E; U3, T1,
5 R4,5 EUPHRASIA STRICTA Host, C. Măzii; Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-
Brometea; Th, Eua (Ct); U4, T3, Ro; 2n=44
GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS L„ C. Bulzeşti; Agrostion-Becmannion,
Phragmitetea; H, Eua; U4, 5 T3, R4; 2n=32
LATHRAEA SQUAMARIA L„ C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Padion; G,
Eua;U3, T3, R3;2n=42

79 /
LINARIA ANGUSTISSIMA (Lois.) Sorb., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, Md; U1, T3, SAS; 2n= ...
LINARIA GENISTIFOLIA (L.) Mill., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua (Ct);
U1, T3,S AS; 2n=12
LINARIA VULGARIS Mill.,C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Chenopodio-
Scleranthea; H(TH), Eua; U2, T3, R4; 2n=12 ·
MELAMPYRUM ARVENSE L., C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae;
Th, E (Ct); U2, T3, SAS; 2n=18
E (Ct) U2, T3, S R4,S; 2n=18
MELAMPYRUM BIHARIENSE Kern., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion; Th, D-B; U2, S T3, R3; 2n= ...
ODONTITES LUTEA (L.) Clairv., C. Măzii; Car. Festuco-Brometea; Th, p-
Md; U2, T4, R4;
ODONTITES VERNA (Bellardi) Dumort ssp. SEROTINA (Dumort) Corb. C.
Măzii, C. Băcâia; Plantaginetea; Th, Eua; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=20
PEDICULARIS COMOSA L. ssp. CAMPESTRIS (Gris.) Jăv., C. Uibăreşti;
Cynosurion; H, Ec; U3, T2, S Ro;
RHINANTHUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS Gmel em So6, C. Ardeu; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; Th, Eua; Uo, To, Ro; 2n=22
RHINANTHUS MINOR L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car.
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; Th, E; U3, To, Ro; 2n=22
RHINANTHUS RUMELICUS Velen., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretea; Th, D-B-Anat; U3, T4, Ro; 2n= ...
Maire et Petitmengin, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Seslerietalia; H, Carp-B; U2,
T2,S Ro; 2n= ...
SCROPHULARIA NODOSA L., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-Fagetea; H,
Eua; U3,S T3, Ro; 2n=36
VERBASCUM BLATTARIA L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Onopordion; H, Eua (Md);
U2,S T3,S R4; 2n=30
VERBASCUM GLABRATUM Friv., C. Crăciuneşti; Quercion farnetto; TH-H,
B; U2, T3, R4; 2n= ...
VERBASCUM LANATUM Schrad, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion dacicum; TH-H, D-B;
U3, T3, R3; 2n= ...
VERBASCUM LANATUM Schrad var. HINKEI (Friv.) Muri„ C. Bulzeşti; TH-
H, D-B;U2, T2, R3;2n=30
VERBASCUM L YCHNITIS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; TH, E; U1, T3, R4; 2n=34
Ardeu;TH, E; U1, T3, R4;2n=34
VERBASCUM PHLOMOIDES L., C. Crăciuneşti; Chenopodietea, Secalietea,
Car. Onopordion; TH, E; U2,S T3,S R4; 2n=32
VERBASCUM PHOENICEUM L„ C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H,
Eua (Ct) U2, T4, R4; 2n=32, 36
80 /
VERONICAANAGALLIS-AQUATICA L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Phragmitetea;
H-HH, Circ (bor); U5, To, R4; 2n=36
VERONICA ARVENSIS L., C. Cib, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti Arrhenatheetea; Th, Eua; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=14, 16
VERONICA AUSTRIACA L. ssp. CRINITA (Kit.) Velen, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Geranion sanguinei; H, Ec; U1 ,5 T4,
Măzii; H, Ec; U1 ,5 T4, R5; 2n=64
VERONICA AUSTRIACA L. ssp. JACQUINll (Baumg.) K. Maly, C. Cib, C.
Ardeu, C. Măzii Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Ec; U2, T4, R4; 2n=48
Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Geranion
sanguinei; H, Ec; U1, 5 T4, R5; 2n=64
VERONICA BECCABUNGA L., C. Bulzeşti; Bidentetea; HH-H, Eua; U5, T3,
VERONICA CHAMAEDRYS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Uibăreşti C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Arrhenatheretea, Trifolion medii,
Prunetalia; H-Ch, Eua; U3, To, Ro; 2n=32
VERONICA OFFICINALIS L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Quercion roboris;
Ch, Eua; U2, T3, R2;2n=18,36,34\
VERONICA PERSICA Poir., C. Măzii; Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th, Adv; U3,
VERONICA PROSTRATA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Car.
Festucetalia valesiacae; Ch, Eua; U2, T4, R3; 2n=16
VERONICA SPICATA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea,
Festucetalia valesiacae; H-Ch, Eua; U1, T4, R4; 2n=34
VERONICA URTICIFOLIA Jacq., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion, Acerion; H,
Ec; U3, T2, 5 R4; 2n=18

OROBANCHE ALBA Steph., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Seslerietalia; G, Eua (Md);
U1, 5 T4,5 Ro; 2n=38
OROBANCHE GRACILIS Sm., C. Ardeu; Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; G,
Md-Ec; U2, 5 T4, 5 Ro; 2n= ...
OROBANCHE PURPUREA Jacq., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; G, P-Md;
U2, T3, Ro;2n=24


PLANTAGO ARGENTEA Chaix., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; H, Md; U1 ,5
T4,5 R4;
PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; Uo, To, Ro;

81 /
PLANTAGO MAJOR L., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Plantaginetea; H, Eua;
U3, To, Ro;2n=12
PLANTAGO MEDIAL., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua;
U2,5 To, R5; 2n=24

VERBENA OFFICINALIS L., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea-Plantaginetea, Car.
Plantaginetalia-Sisymbrietalia; Th-H, Cm; U3, T3, R4; 2n=14


ACINOS ALPINUS (L.) Moench. ssp. MAJORANIFOLIUS (Mill.) P.W. Ball.,
C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; H, Ec; U3, To, R5; 2n= ...
ACINOS ARVENSIS (Lam.) Dandy, C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea, Car. Sedo-Scleranthetea; Th-TH, E (Md);
U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=18
ACINOS ARVENSIS (Lam.) Dandy f. VILLOSA (Pers.), C. Măzii; Festuco-
Brometea; Th-TH. E (Md); U1 ,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=18
AJUGA CHAMAEPYTIS (L.) Schreb., C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; Th, Md;
U2, T4,5 R5; 2n=28
AJUGA GENEVENSIS L., C. Cib, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti; Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua (Ct); U2, 5 T3, R4; 2n=32
AJUGA REPTANS L., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Fagetalia; H-Ch, E; U3,5
To, Ro; 2n=32
BALLOTA NIGRA L., C. Ardeu; Chenopodietea; H (Ch), Md-Ec; U2, T3,5 R4;
CALAMINTHA SYLVATICA Bromf., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Car. Quercion
pubescenti petraeae; H, Ec-Md; U2,5 T3,5 R5; 2n=24
CLINOPODIUM VULGARE L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car.
Origanetalia; H, Circ (bor); U2, T3, R3; 2n=20
GALEOPSIS ANGUSTIFOLIA Ehrh., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea, Secalietea;
Th, Eua (Md); U2, To, R4,5; 2n=16
GALEOPSIS PUBESCENS Bess., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Epilobietalia,
Polygono-Chenopodion; Th, Ec; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=16
GALEOPSIS SPECIOSA Mill., C. Ardeu; Fagetalia, Alnq-Padion; Th, Eua
(Ct); U3, T2, Ro; 2n= 18
GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT L., C. Bulzeşti; Epilobietea, Secalietea; Th, Eua;
U3, T3, Ro;2n=32
GLECHOMA HEDERACEA L„ C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti; Alliarion, Alno-Padion; Ch-H, Eua; U3,5 T3, Ro; 2n=18
GLECHOMA HIRSUTA Waldst. et Kit., C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea; H-Ch,
P-Md; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=36
LAMIASTRUM GALEOBDOLON (L.) Errend et Polatschek, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia; H(Ch), Ec; U3, To, R4; 2n=18
82 /
LAMIUM ALBUM L„ C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicicarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Alliarion; H, Eua; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=18
LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE L., C. Măzii; Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th, Eua
(Md); U2,5 T3,5 Ro; 2n=18
LAMIUM MACULATUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia, Carpinion; H(Ch), E; U3,5
To, R4;2n=18
LAMIUM PURPUREUM L., C. Bulzeşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Crăciuneşti;
Secalietea; Th(H). Eua; U3, To, R4; 2n=18
LEONURUS CARDIACA L., C. Ardeu; Chenopodietea; H, Eua; U3, T4, R5;
LYCOPUS EUROPAEUS L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Alnetea; HH, Eua; U5, T3,
L YCOPUS EXALTATUS L., C. Măzii; Phragmitetea, Populetalia, Car. Salicion
albae; HH, Eua (Ct); U5, T3, Ro;2n=22
MARRUBIUM VULGARE L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Onopordion; H(Ch), Eua (Md);
U1 ,5 T4 R4; 2n=34,36
MELITTIS MELISSOPHYLLUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Orno-Cotinion; H, Ec-Md; U2,
5 T3, R5; 2n=30
C. Bulzeşti; Orno-Cotinion; H, Ec-Md; U2,513, R5;
MENTHA ARVENSIS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Secalietea; H-G, Circ
(bor); U4, T3, Ro; 2n=12, 64,72,90
MENTHA LONGIFOLIA (L.) Nathh., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Glycerio-Sparganion; H(G), Eua (Md); U4,5 T3, Ro; 2n=24
NEPETA CATARIA L., C. Crăciuneşti; Chenopodietea, Arction; H(Ch), Eua
(Md); U3, T3, R4;2n=34,36
NEPETA NUDA L. ssp. PANNONICA (L.) Gams., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu;
Aceri Quercion, Festucion rupicolae; H-Ch, Eua (Ct); U2, T3, Ro; 2n=18
ORIGANUM VULGARE L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Prunetalia; H, Eua (Md); U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=30,32
PRUNELLA LACINIATA L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea, Car.
Geranion sanguinei; H, Md-Ec; U2,5 T3,5 R3; 2n=32
PRUNELLA VULGARIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Querco-Fagetea; H, Circ (bor); U3, T3,
SALVIA AETHIOPIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion rupicolae; H, P-Md; U2, T5,
SALVIA AUSTRIACA Jacq., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion rupicolae; H, P-Md; U2,
T3,5 R4; 2n=18
SALVIA GLUTINOSA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3, 5 T3, R4; 2n=16
SALVIA PRATENSIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu; Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, E (Md): U2,5 T3, R5; 2n=18
83 /
SALVIA TRANSSILVANICA (Schur ex Griseb) Schur, C. Măzii; Stipion
lessingianae; H, D(end); U1 ,5 T3,5 R4; 2n= ...
SALVIA VERTICILLATA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua (Md); U2, T4, Ro; 2n=16
SCUTELLARIA ALTISSIMA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Syringo-Carpinion
orientalis; H, P-Md; U2,5 T3 R4; 2n=34
SCUTELLARIA HASTIFOLIA L., C. Măzii; Calystegion; H, Ec; US, T3, R3;
SIDERITIS MONTANA L., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucion
rupicolae; Th, Eua; U2, T4, R4; 2n=c,32
STACHYS ALPINA L., C. Cib; Fagetalia-Epilobietea; H, Ec; U3, T2, Ro;
STACHYS ANNUA L., C. Măzii; Secalietea; Th, Md; U3, T3, 5 R5; 2n=34
STACHYS GERMANICA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Festuco-Brometea, Car.
Geranion sanguinei; H-TH, P-Md; U2, T4, R4; 2n=30
STACHYS OFFICINALIS (L.)Trevisan, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Origanetalia; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, Ro; 2n=16
STACHYS RECTAL., C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-Md; U2, T4, R5; 2n=34,32
STACHYS SYLVATICA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3,5 To, Ro; 2n=66
TEUCRIUM CHAMAEDRYS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Măzii,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Sedo-Scleranthetea, Festuco-
Brometea; Ch, Md-Ec; U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=60, 64,
TEUCRIUM MONTANUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C .. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; Ch, Md-Ec; U1, T4, R5; 2n=30
TEUCRIUM MONTANUM L.ssp. VILLOSUM (Roch.) Auersw., C. Măzii; Ch,
Md-Ec;U1, T4, R5;2n=30
THYMUS COMOSUS Heuff., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Seslerio-Festucion pallentis; Ch, Carp (end); U2, T3,5 R5; 2n=28
THYMUS GLABRESCENS Willd., C. Cib, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-
Brometea; Ch, P-p; U2, T4, Ro; 2n=56
THYMUS GLABRESCENS Willd. ssp. GLABRESCENS, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-
Brometea; Ch, P-p; U2, T4, Ro; 2n=56
C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea; Ch, Ec; U2,5 T3, R3
THYMUS PULEGIOIDES L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; Ch, Ec; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=28

CAMPANULA GLOMERATA L., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Quercetea,
Arrhenatherion, Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=30-32, 68
CAMPANULA GROSSEKll Heuff., C. Măzii; Syringo-Carpinion orientalis; H,
B; U2, T4, R3; 2n= ...

84 /
CAMPANULA PATULA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretea; TH, E; U3, T2, 5 R3; 2n=20
CAMPANULA PERSICIFOLIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea,
Quercetalia pubescentis; H, Eua (Md); U3, T3, Ro; 2n=16
CAMPANULA RAPUNCULOIDES L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Querco-Fagetea, Fagetalia, Car. Geranion sanguinei;
H, Eua (Md); U3, T2, Ro; 2n=102
CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA L., C. Bulzeşti; Asplenietea, Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, Circ(bor); U2, To, R3; 2n=68
CAMPANULA SIBIRICA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Eua (Ct); U2,5 T4, R4;
CAMPANULA TRACHELIUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Carpinion,
H, Eua(Md);U3, T3, R3;2n=34
PHYTEUMA ORBICULARE L., C. Bulzeşti; Asplenietea, Car. Seslerietalia;
H, Ec; Uo, T2, R5;2n=22,24

ACHILLEA COLU NA Becker, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea, Chenopodio-
Scleranthea; H, Ec; U2, T3, R3; 2n=36
ACHILLEA CRITHMIFOLIA Waldst. et Kit., C. Cib, C.Băcâia, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Quercetalia pubescentis; H, 8-p; U2,5 T4, Ro; 2n=18
ACHILLEA DISTANS Waldst. et Kit., C. Ardeu; Trifolion medii, Quercetea
pubescenti-petraeae; H, Ec; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=54
ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car.
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U3, To, Ro; 2n=54
ACHILLEA PANNONICA Scheele, C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae
(Quercetea) H, E (Ct); U2, T4, R4; 2n=72
ACHILLEA SET ACEA Waldst. et Kit., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti;
Festucion pseudovinae, Car. Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Eua (Ct); U2, T3,
ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodio-Scleranthea, Car.
Secalietea; Th, E (Md); U3, T3, Ro; 2n=18
ANTHEMIS TINCTORIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Ribicioarei; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Eua; U1 ,5 T3, R3; 2~18
ANTENNARIA DIOICA (L.) Gaertn., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Nardetalia; H-Ch, Circ
(borj;U3,T1, R3;2n=28
APOSEAIS FOETIDA (L.) Less., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii; Car. Fagion
dacicum, Carpinion; H, Ec; U3, T2,5 R4; =16

85 /
ARCTIUM LAPPA L., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Arction; TH, Eua (Md); U3,
T3, R3;2n=36,32
ARCTIUM TOMENTOSUM Mill., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti;
Onopordetalia; TH, Eua; U3, To, R5; 2n=36
ARTEMISIA ABSENTHIUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Festucion rupicolae; Ch-H, Eua
(Md) U2, T3,5 Ro; 2n=18
ARTEMISIA VULGARIS L., C. Măzii; Arction, Car. Tanaceto-Artemisietum ,;
vulgaris; H-Ch, Circ (bor); U3, T3, R4; 2n=16
ASTER AMELLUS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Festucetalia
valesiacae, Festucion rupicolae; H, Eua (Ct); U2, T3, R4; 2n=18
BELLIS PERENNIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Arrhenatheretea, Car. Cynosurion; H, E
(Md) U3, T2,5 Ro; 2n=18
BIDENS TRIPARTITA L., C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodio-Scleranthea; Th, Eua;
U4,5 T3, Ro; 2n=48
CARDUUS ACANTHOIDES L., C. Măzii; Car. Onopordlon; TH, E (Md); U2,
T3, Ro;2n=22
CARDUUS CANDICANS Waldst. et Kit., C ..Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu; Seslerio-Festucion; H, B-p; U2, T3, R5; 2n= ...
CARDUUS CRISPUS L., C. Măzii; Alno-Padion, Salici on, Car. Artemisietea;
TH, E; U4, T3, Ro;2n=16
CARDU US NUTANS L., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; TH-Th, Eua (Md); U1 ,5
To, R5;2n=16
CARLINA ACHANTHIFOLIA Al.., C. Măzii; Danthonio-Brachypodion; H, Md;
U2, T3,5 R4; 2n=20
CAR LINA ACAULIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Arrhenatheretea; H, Ec-Md; U2,5 To, Ro;
CAR LINA INTERMEDIA Schur, C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucetalia
vaginatae; TH-H, Eua (Md); U2, T3, R2; 2n=20
CARLINA VULGARIS L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea,
Quercetalia pubescentis; TH-H, Eua (Md); U2, 5 T3, 5 Ro; 2n=20
CARTAMUS LANATUS L., C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae, Car.
Sisymbrion; Th, P-Md; U2,5 T4, RO; 2n=44, 64
Dostal, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua(Md);
U2,5 TO, R4; 2n=20
CENTAUREA ATROPURPUREA Waldst. et Kit., C. Crăciuneşti; Seslerion
rigidae; H. D-B; U2, T3, R5; 2n= ...
INTEGRIFOLIA Pop et Hodişan; C. Crăciuneşti; Seslerion rigidae; H, D-8;
C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Th-H, E(Ct); 2n=36
CENT AUREA CYANUS L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Secalietea, Car. Aperetalia;
Th, Cm; U3, T4, RO; 2n=24
CENT AUREA INDURATAJanka, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Quercetaliapubescentis,
Arrhenatherion; H, D-p; U3, T3, R3; 2n= ...

86 /
CENTAUREA PHRYGIA L., C. Ribicioarei; Arrhenatherion; H, Ec; U3, T2,5
CENTAUREA PUGIONIFORMIS Nyar., C. Bulzeşti; Arrhenatherion; H, Ec;
U3, T3, RO; 2n=... ,
CENTAUREA STENOLEPIS Kern., C. Cib, Arrhenatherion; H, p-P-B; U2,5
T3, R2;2n=32
CICHORIUM INTYBUS L., C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei;
Arrhenatheretea, Agrostion; H-TH, Eua; U2,5 T3,5 R5; 2n=18
CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) Scop., C. Măzii; Chenopodio-Scleranthea; G,
Eua(Md); UO, TO, RO; 2n=34 •
CIRSIUM CANUM (L.) All., C. Măzii; Alno-Padion, Alnetea; G, Eua(Ct); U4,5
T3, R4,5; 2n=34
CIRSIUM OLERACEUM (L.) Scop., C. Măzii; Filipendulo-Petasition, Alno-
Padion; H, Eua; U4, T3, R4; 2n=34
CHAMOMILLA RECUTiTA (L.) Rauschert, C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodio-
Scleranthea; Th, Eua(Md); U3, T3,5 RO; 2n=18
CHAMOMILLA SUAVEOLENS (Pursh) Rybd., C. Uibăreşti; Bidentetea, Car.
Polygonion avicularis; Th, Adv; U3, TO, RO; 2n=18
CHONDRILLA JUNCEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti; Festucion
Vaginatae, Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua(Ct);
U1 ,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=15
CONYZA CANADENSIS (L.) Cronq., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Chenopodietea„ Festucion vaginatae, Car. Sisymbrion; Th-TH, Adv; U2,5 TO,
CREPIS BIENNIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii; Car. Arrhenatheretea-
Agrostion; TH, E; U3, T3, R4; 2n=40
CREPIS BIENNIS L. var. HISPIDA Woerl., C. Măzii; TH, E; U3, T3, R4; 2n=40
CREPIS FOETIDA L. ssp. RHOEADIFOLIA (M.B.) Fiori et Pacl., C. Măzii;
Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua; U2 T3,5 R3; 2n=1 O
CREPIS NICAEENSIS Balb., C. Cib; Bromo-Festucion pallentis; TH, Md; U2,
TO,R4;2n=8 -
CREPIS PRAEMORSA (L.) Tausch., C. Ardeu; Car. Geranion sanguinei; H,
Eua(Ct) U2, T3,5 R5; 2n=8
CREPIS SETOSA Vall., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Sisymbrion, Car. Chenopodietalia;
Th, Atl-Md; U2, T3, R3; 2n=8
CRUPINA VULGARIS Cass., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae; Th, P-Md;
U2, T3,5 RO; 2n=30
DORONICUM AUSTRIACUM Jacq., C. Ardeu; Filipendulo-Petasition, Alnion
glutinosae-incanae; H, Ec; U3,5 T2, R3; 2n=60
DORONICUM COLUMNAE Ten, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti; Aspleniatea, Seslerietalia; H, Alp-B-Carp; U3,5 T2, R3,5; 2n=60
ECHINOPS EXALTATUS Schrader, C. Ribicioarei; Alno-Padion; H, Alp-
Carp-8; U2, TO, R4; 2n=30
ECHINOPS SPHAEROCEPHALUS L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Alliarion; H,
Eua(Ct); U2, T4, R4,5; 2n=32

87 /
EAIGERON ACEA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-
Brometea; Th-H, Circ(bor); U2,5 T3, RO; 2n=18, 27
ERIGERON ANNUUS (L.) Pers., C. Cib, C. Măzii; Alno-Padion; Th, Adv; U4,
TO, R4;2n=26,27,36
EUPATORIUM CANNABINUM L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti;
Alnion glutinosae; H, Eua; U4, T3, RO; 2n=20
FILAGINELLA ULIGINOSA (L.) Opiz., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Cyperetalia; Th, Eua;
US, T3, R4;2n=14
FILAGO VULGARIS L., C. Măzii; Thero-Airion, Car. Corynephoretalia; Th,
Eua(Md); l,l2, T3, RO; 2n=28
GALINSO~A PARVIFLORA Cav., C. Bulzeşti; Polygono-Chenopodietalia;
Th, Adv; U3,5 TO, R3; 2n=16
HIERACIUM AURANTIACUM L., C. Ardeu; Potentillo-Nardion; H, Eua; 2n=36
HIERACIUM BIFIDUM Kit., C. Ardeu; Seslerietalia; H, Ec; U2,5 T2, R4,5;
HIERACIUM CYMOSUM L., C. Crăciuneşti; Festucetalia valesiacae; H,
Eua(Ct); U2, T3, R4; 2n= ...
HIERACIUM HOPPEANUM Schult., C. Ardeu; Festucion rupicolae; H, Ec-
Md; U3, TO, A2; 2n=45, (90) .
HIERACIUM LACTUCELLA Wallr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti;
H, E;2n=18,28
HIERACIUM MURORUM L., C. Măzii; Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua; U3, TO, R3;
HIERACIUM PILOSELLA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea, Arrhenatheretea; H, E(Md); U2,5 TO, RO;
HIERACIUM PRAEALTUM Vili. ex Gochnatssp. BAUHINI (Bess.) Petunnikov,
C. Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae, Quercetalia pubescentis; H, Eua(Ct);
U1 ,5 T3, R3,5; 2n=36
HIERACIUM RACEMOSUM Waldst. et Kit., C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car.
Fagion illyricum; H, Md-Ec; U2, T3, R3; 2n=27
HIERACIUM ROTUNDATUM Kit., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Fagetalia; H, B-Carp; U3, TO, RO; 2n=18
HIERACIUM UMBELLATUM L., C. Crăciuneşti; Deschampsio-Fagion; H,
Circ(bor); U2,5 T3, R2,5; 2n=18, 27
HIERACIUM AURICULOIDES Lang (Bauhini x echioides), C. Băcâia;
Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-p; U3, T3, RO; 2n= ...
HYPOCHOERIS MACULATA L., C. Cib; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Eua(Ct);
UO, T3,5 R3,5; 2n=1 O
HYPOCHOERIS RADICATA L., C. Băcâia; Cynosurion; H, E; U3, T3, R2,5;
INULA BRITANNICA L., C. Măzii; Origanetalia, Quercetalia pubescenti-
petraeae; H, Md; U2, T4,5 R4; 2n=32
INULA CONYZA DC., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Origanetalia, Quercetalia; H,
E(Md);U2, T3, R4;2n=32

88 /
INULA ENSIFOLIA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Festucetalia
valesiacae; H, P-p; U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=16
INULA HEL~NIUM L., C. Bulzeşti; Arction, Alno-Padion; H, Adv; U4, T3, R3;
JURINEA MOLLIS (Torn.) Rchb. ssp. TRANSSILVANICA (Spregel) Hayek,
C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae; H, P-8;
U1, T4,5 R4; 2n=30
LACTUCA PERENNIS L., C. Băcâia; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Ec-Md; U2,
T3, R4; 2n=18
LACTUCA SALIGNA L., C. Bulzeşti; Chenopodio-Scleranthea, Car.
Sisymbrietalia; Th-TH, Md; U1,5 T4, R4; 2n=18
LACTUCA SERRIOLA Torn., C. Crăciuneşti; Chenopodietea, Car.
Sisymbrietalia; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U1 ,5 T3,5 RO; 2n=18
LACTUCA VIMINEA (L.) Presl., C. Măzii; Festucetalia valesiacae (Quercetea
pubescenti-petraeae); TH, Eua(Ct-Md); U2, T4, R4; 2n=18
LAPSANA COMMUNIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti; Querco-
Fagetea, Arction; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=14, 12
LAPSANA COMMUNIS L.f. HIRTA (Ten.) Jav., C. Cib; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U2,5
T3, R3;2n=14, 12
LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car.
Cynosurion;H, Eua; U3,TO, R0;2n=12, 14,24
LEONTODON HISPIDUS L., C. Băcâia; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H,
Eua; U2,5 TO, RO; 2n=14
Molinio-Arrhenatheterea; H, Eua; U3, T3, RO; 2n=14
LEONTODON HISPIDUS L. ssp. HASTALIS (L.) Rchb., C. Uibăreşti; H, Eua;
U3, T3,R0;2n=14
LEUCANTHEMUM VULGARE Lam., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Arrhenatheretea; H, eua; U3, TO, RO; 2n=18
LOG FIA ARVENSIS (L.) J. Holub, C. Măzii; Festuco-Sedetalia, Car. Thero-
Airion; Th, Eua(Md); U2, T3,5 RO; 2n=28
MATRICHARIA PERFORATA Merat, C. Bulzeşti; Sisymbrion; Th-TH, Eua;
UO, T3, R3,5; 2n=36
MYCELIS MURALIS (L.) Dum., C. Cib, Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Querco-Fagetea, Asplenietea; H,
Eua(Md); U3, T3, RO; 2n=18
OMALOTHECA SYLVATICA (L.) Schultz Bip. et F.W. Schultz, C. Bulzeşti;
Car. Epilobietea; H, Circ; U3, T3, R3; 2n=56
PETASITE ALBUS (L.) Gartn., C. Bulzeşti; Fagion, Alno-Padion; G(H), Eua;
U3,5 TO, RO; 2n=60
PETASITES HYBRIDUS (L.) G. M. Sch., C. Uibăreşti; Alno-Padion; HH, Eua;
U5, T3,R3;2n=60
PICRIS HIERACIOIDES L., C. Uibăreşti; Arction; TH-H, Eua; U1 ,5 T3, R4;

89 /
PULICARIA DYSENTERICA (L.) 8ernh., C. 8ulzeşti; Car. Agropyro-Rumicion,
Molinietalia; H, E(Md); U4, T3,5 RO; 2n=20
(Wimmer et Grab.) Walters, C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H,
Ec; U3,5 T3,5 R4,5
SENECIO ERUCIFOLIUS L., C. 8ulzeşti; Molinio, Agrostion; H, Eua; U3,
T3,5 R4,5; 2n=40
SENECIO JAC08EA L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii; Arrhenatheretea,
Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Eua; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=40
SENECIO OVATUS (Gaertn. Mey et Schreb.) Willd., C. Uibăreşti; Fagetalia,
Epilobietea; H, Eua; U3,5 T2, R4; 2n=40
SENECIO PAPPOSUS (Rchb.) Less., C. 8ulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea; H, Carp-
8; U3, T2, R2,5; 2n= ...
SENECIO VULGARIS L., C. 8ulzeşti; Chenopodio-Scleranthea, Car.
Chenopodietea Th-TH, Eua; U3, TO, RO; 2n=40
SOLIDAGO GIGANTEA Aiton, C. Crăciuneşti; H, Adv; U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=18,
SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA L., C. 8ulzeşti; H, Circ(bor); U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=18
SONCHUS ARVENSIS L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Uibăreşti; car. Polygono-
Chenopodion; H, Eua(Cm); U3, T3, R4; 2n=54
SONCHUS ASPER (L.) Hill., C. 8ulzeşti; Car. Polygono-Chenopodion; Th,
Eua; U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=18
SONCHUS OLERACEUS L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. 8ulzeşti; Car. Chenopodietea; Th, Eua; U2,5
T3, R4,5; 2n=32
TANACETUM CORYM80SUM (L.) Schultz, C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Festucetalia valesiacae, Querco-Fagetea, Car. Geranion
sanguinei; H, Eua(Md); U2,5 T2,5 R3; 2n=36
TANACETUM VULGARE L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Arction, Car. Tanaceto-
Artemisietum; H, Eua; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=18
TARAXACUM ERYTHROSPERMUM Andrz. ex 8esser, C. Uibăreşti, C.
8ulzeşti; Car. Festuco-8rometea; H, Eua(Md); U2, T4, R4,5; 2n=24, 16, 26, 32
TARAXACUM HOPPEANUM Gris., C. Crăciuneşti; Thymio comosi-Festucion
rupicolae; H, Carp-8; U1 ,5 T3,5 R4,5; 2n= ...
TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Weber, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. 8ulzeşti; Arrhenatheretalia; H,
Eua(Md); U3, TO, RO; 2n=24 (32, 16-37)
TELEKIA SPECIOSA (Schreb.) 8aumg., C. Măzii; Filipendulo-Petasition; H,
Carp-8-Cauc; U4, T2, RO; 2n=20
TRAGOPOGON DU81US Scop., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-8rometea,
Car. Sisymbrion; TH, P-Md; U2,5 T3,5 RO; 2n=10
Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei; Arrhenathe.retea, Car. Arrhenatheretalia; TH-H, Eua;
U3, T3, R4;2n=12
90 /
TUSSILAGO FARFARA L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Filipendulo-
Petasition; G-H, Eua; U3,5 TO, R4,5; 2n=60
XERANTHEMUM ANNUUM L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae;
Th, P-Md; U1 ,5 T4, R3; 2n=20
XANTHIUM SPINOSUM L., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea, Onopordion; Th, Adv;
U2,5 T4, R3; 2n=36


TAMUS COMMUNIS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Carpino-
Fagetea; G, Atl-Md: U3, T3,5 R4; 2n=48

PARIS QUADRIFOLIA L., C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; H, Eua; U3,5
TO, R4;2n=20

CONVALARIA MAJALIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Querco-Fagetea; G, E; U2,5 T3,
R3;2n=36, 38
POLYGONATUM ODORATUM (Mill.) C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea; G, Eua(Md);
U2, T3, R4;2n=20,30
POLYGONATUM VERTICILLATUM (L.) All., C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Fagion;
G, E; U3, T2,5 R2,5; 2n=24, 28, 30, 60, 64, 84

ANTHERICUM RAMOSUM L., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; G, Ec-Md; U2,5
T3,5 R4; 2n=32

MUSCARI COMOSUM (L.) Mill., C. Ardeu, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti;
Festuco-Brometea; G, Md-Ec; U1 ,5 T3,5 Ro; 2n=18
MUSCARI TENUIFLORUM Tausch., C. Măzii, C. Băcâia; Festucetalia
valesiacae; G, P-p; U2, T4, R4; 2n=18
ORNITHOGALUM PYRAMIDALE L., C. Măzii; Secalietea; G, Md; U2,5 T4,
R4;2n=12, 16
ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-Brometea; G, Md-Ec; UO, T3,5 R4; 2n=18, 27, 36-
SCILLA BIFOLIA L., C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion; G, E; U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=18, 20

91 /
ALLIUM ALBIDUM Fiserl ex. Bieb. ssp. ALBIDUM, C. Măzii; Festucetalia
valesiacae; G, P; U1 ,5 T4, R4; 2n=
ALLIUM CARINATUM L. ssp. PULCHELLUM Bonnier et Layens, C. Ardeu, C.
Măzii; Asplenietea; G, Ec-B; U2, T3,5, A3; 2n= ...
ALLIUM FLAVUM L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucetalia valesiacae,
Festucion pallentis; G, P-Md; U1,5 T4, R4; 2n=16 ·
ALLIUM SENESCENS L. ssp. MONTANUM (Fries.) Holub, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Bulzeşti; Festucetalia valesiacae, Seslerietalia; G, Eua(Ct); U1 ,5 T3,5 R4;
ALLIUM URSINUM L.ssp. UCRAINICUM Kleopov et Oxner, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Fagetalia; G, E; U3,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=14

GALANTHUS NIVALIS L., C. Ribicioarei; Fagetalia; G, E(Md); U3,5 T3, R4;
2n = 24

VERATRUM ALBUM L. ssp. LOBELIANUM (Bernh.) Arcang., C. Ardeu;
Adenostyletalia; G, Eua; U4, T2,5 R4; 2n=32

COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE L., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Molinietalia, Dathonio-Brachipodion; G, E-Md; U4,5 T3, R4;
. Fam. LILIACEAE (s. str.)
ERYTHRONIUM DENS CANIS L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Carpinion; G, Eua; U3,5 T3,5 R4; 2n=24
FRITILLARIA ORIENTALIS Adams, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Querco-Fagetea,
Festucetalia valesiacae; G, B-Cauc; U3 T3, R4; 2n=24
GAGEA LUTEA (L.) Ker.-Gawler, C. Bulzeşti; Fagetalia; G, Eua; U3,5 TO, A3;
GAGEA PRATENSIS (Pers.) Dumort, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetalia pubescenti-
petraeae; G, Ec; U2, T3, A3; 2n= ...
LILIUM MARTAGON L. C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Car. Fagetalia; G, Eua; U3, TO, R4;

CROCUS BANATICUS Gay, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion-Carpion; G, D-B; U3, T3,
CROCUS VERNUS (L.) Hill. ssp. HEUFFELIANUS (Herb.) Hegi, C. Bulzeşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Fagion; G, Carp-B; U3, T1, A2; 2n=14
IRIS APHYLLA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti; Festucion rupicolae; G,
P-p;U2, TO, R0;2n=24,48
92 /
IRIS PSEUDACORUS L., C. Bulzeşti; Alnetea; G-HH, E; US, TO, RO; 2n=34
IRIS PUMILA L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Stipion lessingianae, Festucetalia
valesiacae; G, P-p; U2, T4, R4

ANACAMPTIS PYRAMIDALIS (L.) L. C. Rich., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti,
C. Bulzeşti; Fe~tuco-Brometea; G, Md-Ec; U2, T4, R4,S; 2n=36
CEPHALANTHERA DAMASSONIUM (Mill.) Druce, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetea
pubescenti-roboris; G, E(Md); U2,S T3, R4; 2n=32
CEPHALANTHERA RUBRA (L.) Rich., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Uibăreşti; Car.
Querco-Fagetea, Quercetalia pubescentis; G, E; U2, T3, AS; 2n= ...
DACTYLORHIZA MACULATA (L.) So6, C. Măzii; Car. Molinietalia; G, Eua(Md);
UD, TO, R0;2n=80
EPIPACTIS HELLEBORINE (L.) Cr., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Bulzeşti; Quercetalia
pubescenti-petraeae; G, Eua; U3, T3, R3; 2n=38, 40
GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA (L.) A. Br., C. Cib, C. Ardeu, C. Bulzeşti; Car.
Molinietalia; G, Eua; U4, TO, R4,S; 2n=40
LISTERA OVATA (L.) A. Br., C. Bulzeşti; Carpinion-Fagion; G, Eua(Md);
U3,S TO, R4; 2n=34, 40
NEOTTIA NIDUS-AVIS (L.) Rich., C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia;
G, Eua(Md); U3,S T3, R3; 2n=36
ORCHIS CORIOPHORA L., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Arrhenatherion; G, E(Md); U4, TO, R4,S; 2n=38
ORCHIS LAXIFLORA Lam. ssp. ELEGANS (Heuff.) So6, C. Ardeu, C.
Bulzeşti; Eriophorion latifolii; G, Eua(Md); U4, T3, RO; 2n=42
ORCHIS MASCULA (L.) L., C. Bulzeşti; Querco-Fagetea, Carpinion; G,
E(Md); U3, T3, R4; 2n=42
ORCHIS MORIO L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea;
G, Ec; U2,S T3, R4; 2n=26
ORCHIS USTULATA L., C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; G, E; U2,S T3, RO;
PLATANTHERA BIFOLIA (L.) L. Rich., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Bulzeşti;
Querco-Fagetea; G, Eua(Md); U3,S TO, R3; 2n=42

JUNCUS ARTICULATUS L., C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Agropyro-Rumicion; H,
Circ(bor); US, T2, RO; 2n=60, 80
JUNC US BUFONI US L., C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Plantaginetalia; Th, Cm; U4,S
TO, R3;2n=30,60, 120
JUNCUS COMPRESSUS Jacq., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Agrostion stoloniferae;
G,Eua;U4, T3, R4;2n=40
JUNCUS EFFUSUS L., C. Măzii, C. Ribicioarei; Alnetea; H, Cm; U4,S T3, R3;

93 /
JUNCUS INFLEXUS L., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, Car. Agropyro-Rumicion; H,
Eua(Md); U4, T4, R4; 2n=40
JUNCUS TENUIS Willd., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Polygonion avicularis; H, Adv;
U3,5 T3, R4; 2n=30
LUZULA CAMPESTRIS (L.) Lam. et DC., C. Cib, C. Băcia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu,
C. Crăciuneşti; Arrhenatheretea; H, E(Md); U3, TO, R3; 2n=12
LUZULA LUZULOIDES (Lam.) Dandy et Willm., C. Cib., C. Băcâia; Fagetalia;
H, E; U2,5 T2,5 R2; 2n=12

CAREX CARYOPHYLLEA Latourr, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea; G.
Eua(Md); U2, T2,5 RO; 2n=62, 64, 66, 68
CAREX DIGITATA L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; H, E; U3 T3, R3; 2n=48,
50 52.
CAREX DISTANS L., C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Agrostion stoloniferae; H, E, U4,
T3, R4;2n=74
CAREX DIVULSA Good., C. Bulzeşti, C. Uibăreşti; Querco- Fagetea,
Fagetalia; H, Eua; U2, 5, T3, Ro; 2n=58
CAREX HIRTA L., C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Car. Agropyro-Rumicion; G, E(Md);
Uo, T3, Ro; 2n=112
CAREX HUMILIS Leyss„ C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-Brometea; H(G), Eua (Ct);
U2, T3, R4,5; 2n=36
CAREX MURICATA L. ssp. LAMPROCARPA Celak, C. Cib, C. Băcâia;
Epilobietalia; H, Eua(Md); U3, T3, RO; 2n=56, 58
CAREX OVALIS Good, C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Nardetalia; H, Eua; U4, T2,5 R3;
2n=64,66, 68
CAREX PALLESCENS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H,
Circ(bor), U3,5 T3, R3; 2n=64
CAREX PILOSA Scop„ C. Măzii; Fagetalia, Car. Carpinion; H, Eua; U2,5 T3,
CAREX PRAECOX Schreb„ C. Măzii; Festuco-Brometea; G-H, Eua; U2, T3,
R3; 2n=.„
CAREX SYLVATICA Huds., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia; H, E; U3,5 T3, R4;
CAREX SPICATA Huds., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua(Md);
UO, T3, R0;2n=58
CAREX VESICARIA L., C. Bulzeşti; Car. Magnocaricion; HH, Circ(bor); U6,
T3, R4;2n=74,82
CAR EX VULPINA L„ C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu; Agropyro-Rumicion; HH-
H, Eua(Md); U4,T3, R4;2n=68
ERIOPHORUM LATIFOLIUM Hoppe, C. Ardeu; Caricetalia davallianae; H,
Eua; US, TO, R4,5; 2n=72
SCIRPUS SYLVATICUS L., C. Ardeu; Car. Alno-Padion; HH-G, Circ(bor);
U4,5 T3, RO; 2n=62, 64
94 /
AGROSTIS CANINA L., C. Cib; Carici-Agrostietum; H, Eua; U3,5 T3, R3;
AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Festuco-Brometea; H, Circ(bor); UO, TO, RO; 2n=28
(32, 34)
AGROSTIS GIGANTEA Roth„ C. Ribicioarei;. Agropyro-Rumicion, Car.
Agrostion stoloniferae; H, Cp; U4, TO, RO; 2n=42
AGROSTIS STOLONIFERA L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Agropyro-
Rumicion, Car. Agrostion stoloniferae; H, Circ(bor); U4, TO, RO; 2n=28
AGROPYRON CRISTATUM (L.) Gaertner ssp. PECTINATUM (Bieb.) Tzvelev,
C. Măzii; Festucion rupicolae; H, Eua; U2, T4, R4,5
ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS L., C. Ardeu; Agrostion stoloniferae, Car.
Agropyri-RUmicion; H, E; U5, TO, R4; 2n=28
ALOPECURUS PRATENSIS L., C. Bulzeşti; Agrostion stoloniferae; H, Eua;
U4, T3, R0;2n=28 ,
ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM L„ C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; H, Eua; UO, TO, RO; 2n=20
BRACHYPODIUM PINNATUM (L.)P.B„ C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei;
Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Eua(Md); U2,5 T 4, R4; 2n=28
BRACHYPODIUM SYLVATICUM (Huds.) Beauv., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C.
Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Alno-Padion, Car. Querco-Fagetea; H,
Eua(Md);U3, T3, R4;2n=18
Beck„ C. Ardeu; Alno-Padion, Car. Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua(Md); U3, T3,
BRIZA MEDIA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C.
Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretalia; H, Eua; UO, T3, RO; 2n=14
BROMUS ARVENSIS L., C. Măzii; Chenopodietea; Th-TH, Eua(Md); U2,5
T3, R0;2n=14
BROMUS BARCENSIS Simk., C. Ardeu; Festucetalia valesiacae; H, P-8;
U2, T2,5 R4,5;
BROMUS COMMUTATUS Schrad., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu; Agrostion
stoloniferae; Th, E; UO, T3, RO; 2n=14, 28, 56
BROMUS ERECTUS Huds„ C. Cib; Festuco-Brometea; H, Ec; U2, T3, R4,5;
BROMUS HORDACEUS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Festuco-Brometea; Th, Eua;
UO, T3, R0;2n=28
BROMUS STERILIS L., C. Băcâia; Chenopodietea, Car. Sisymbrion; Th,
Eua(Md); U2, T4, R4;2n=14,28
BROM US TECTORUM L., C. Ardeu; Thero-Airion, Sisymbrion; Th, Eua; U1 ,5
T3,5 RO; 2n=14

95 /
CATABROSA AQUATICA (L.)P.B., C. Ardeu; Bidentetea; H, Circ(bor); U5,
T2,5 R4; 2n=20
CLEISTOGENES SEROTINA (L.)Keng., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Crăciuneşti;
Festucion rupicolae; G, Eua(Md); U1, T3,5 R4; 2n=40
CYNOSURUS CRISTATUS L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Arrhenatheretea; H, E; U3, T3, R3; 2n=14
DACTYLIS GLOMERATA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion; H, Eua(Md}; U3, TO, R4; 2n=28
DESCHAMPSIA FLEXUOSA (L.} Trin., C. Bulzeşti; Quercion petraeae; H,
Circ; U2, TO, R1; 2n=28
DICHANTHIUM ISCHAEMUM (L.} Roberty, C. Măzii; Car. Festuco-Brometea;
H, Eua(Md}; U1 ,5 T5, R3; 2n=40, 50, 60
ELYMUS CANINUM (L.} L., C. Cib, C. Crăciuneşti; Alno-Padion; H, Eua(Md};
U3,5 TO, R4; 2n=28
EL YMUS HISPIDUS (Opiz.} Melderis, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti Car. Festucetalia valesiacae; G, Eua (clt-Md}; U2, T4,5 R4; 2n=42
„ REPENS (L.} Gould, C. Măzii; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car.
Agropyro-Rumicion; G, Eua; UO, TO, RO; 2n=42
FESTUCA HETEROPHYLLA Lam., C. Crăciuneşti; Fagetalia, Car. Carpinion;
H, E(Md); U2,5 T3, R3; 2n=28 (42)
FESTUCA PALLENS Host ssp. PALLENS, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
Bulzeşti; Asplenio-Festucion pallentis; H, Carp-B; U1 ,5 T4, R4,5; 2n=28
FESTUCA PANCICIANA (Hack.} K. Richter, C. Cib; H; B-illyr; 2n= ...
FESTUCA PRATENSIS Huds„ C. Băcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Agrostion; H, Eua; U3,5 TO, RO; 2n=14
FESTUCA PSEUDOVINA Hack., C. Crăciuneşti; Festucetalia valesiacae,
Festucion pseudovinae; H, Eua(Ct}; U2, T4, R4; 2n=14
FESTUCA RUBRA L., C. Cib, C. Băcâia, C. Măzii, C. Bulzeşti; Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea, Cynosurion; H, Circ(bor}; U3, TO, RO; 2n=42
FESTUCA RUPICOLA Heuff., C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti; Seslerio-
Festucion pallentis, Festucion rupicolae; H, Eua(Ct}; U1 ,5 T4, R4; 2n=42
FESTUCA VALESIACA Schleich, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C.
Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Festucetalia valesiacae, Quercetea pubescenti
petraeae, Car. Festucion valesiace; H, Eua(Ct}; U1 ,5 T4, R4; 2n=14, 28
GLYCERIA FLUITANS (L.} R.Br., C. Ardeu; Glycerio-Sparganion; HH-H,
Cm; U5, T3, RO; 2n=40
HELICTOTRICHON DECORUM (Janka) Henrard, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti; Seslerion rigidae; H, Carp(end}; U2,5 T3,5 R4,5;
HOLCUS LANATUS L., C. Măzii, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Molinio-
Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U3,5 T3, RO; 2n=14
HORDELYMUS EUROPAEUS (L.) Jesen, C. Bulzeşti; Fagion; H, E; U3,5 T3,
KOELERIA PYRAMIDATA (Lam.}Beauv„ C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti;
Car. Festuco-Brometea; H, Circ; U2, T4, AS; 2n=14
96 /
LOLIUM PERENNE L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii; Cynosurion; H, Eua(Md);
U2,5 T4, R4,5; 2n=14
MELICA CILIATA L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. 8ulzeşti; Asplenio-Festucion pallentis, Seslerion
rigidae, Festucetalia valesiacae; H, Ec-8; U1,5 T4, R4; 2n=18
MELICA CILIATA L.f. FLAVESCENS (Schur), C. Uibăreşti; H, Ec-8; U1 ,5 T4,
MELICA PICTA L., C. Uibăreşti; Aceri-Quercion; H-G, P-Md; U2,5 T3, R4;
MELICA NUTANS L., C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti; Car. Querco-Fagetea; H-G,
Eua(Md); U3, TO, R4; 2n=18
MELICA UNIFLORA Retz., C. Crăciuneşti, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C.
8ulzeşti Querco-Fagetea, Car. Fagion et Carpinion; H, E; U2,5 T3, R4; 2n=18
PHLEUM MONTANUM K.Koch, C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti;
Car. Melico-Phleetum; H, Carp-8-Cauc-Anat; U1 ,5 T4,5 R4; 2n=28
PHLEUM PRATENSE L., C. Uibăreşti; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car.
Cynosurion; H, Eua(Md); U3,5 TO, RO; 2n=42
PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS (Cavq)Trin., C. Ribicioarei; Car. Phragmition;
HH, Cm; U4, TO, R4; 2n=36, 48, 84, 96
PIPTATHERUM VIRESCENS (Trin.)8oiss., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C, Măzii, C,
Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. 8ulzeşti; Orno-Cotinetalia; H, Md; U2, T3,5 R4,5;
POA ANGUSTIFOLIA L., C. Cib; Car. Festuco-8rometea; H, Circ; U3, To, Ro;
POA COMPRESSA L., C. Măzii, C. Crăciuneşti; Festuco-8rometea; H, E;
U1 ,5 T3, Ro; 2n=35, 42, 49, 50, 56
POA NEMORALIS L., C. Cib, C. Măzii, C. 8ăcâia, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei, C. 8ulzeşti; Car. Querco-Fagetea, Asplenietea;
H, Eua; U3, T3, Ro;2n=28-38, 42, c, 56
POA NEMORALIS L. var. COARCTATA (Hall. f.) Gaud, C. 8ăcâia, C. Ardeu;
Car. Querco-Fagetea; H, Eua; U3, T3, Ro; 2n=28-38, 42, c, 56
POA NEMORALIS L. var. TENELLA Rchb., C. Măzii; Car. Querco-Fagetea;
H,Eua;U3, T3, Ro
POA PRATENSIS L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti,
C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Circ; U3, To,
Ro; 2n=50-78
POA TRIVIALIS L., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Uibăreşti, C. Ribicioarei; Filipendulo-
Petasition, Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; H, Eua; U4, TO, Ro; 2n=14, 28
SESLERIA RIGIDA Heuff., C. Cib, C. 8ăcâia, C. Măzii, C. Ardeu, C.
Crăciuneşti, C. 8ulzeşti; Seslerion rigidae; H, Carp-8; U2,5 T2, R4,5; 2n=„.
SETARIA PUMILA (Poiret) Schultes, C. Măzii; Polygono-Chenopodietalia;
Th, Cm; U2, 5 T4, Ro; 2n=18, 36, 72

97 /
SETARIA VIRIDIS (L.) P. B., C. Măzii; Car. Polygono-Chenopodietalia; Th,
Eua; U2, T3, 5 Ro; 2n==18
STIPA PENNATA L. ssp. ERIOCAULIS (Borb.) Martinovsky et Stalicky, C.
Măzii, C. Ardeu, C. Crăciuneşti, C. Cib., C. Băcâia; Festucetalia valesiacae;
H, Eua (Ct) U1, 5 T4, R4; 2n==44
VULPIA MYUROS (L.) Gmel., C. Cib, C. Băcâia; Car. Thero-Airion; Th, Eua
(Md); U1, T3, 5 R2; 2n==14

ARUM MACULATUM L., C. Ardeu, C. Uibăreşti, C. Bulzeşti; Car. Fagetalia;
G, Ec; U3,4 T3,5 R4; 2n==56
L' analyse de la flore vasculaire de Ies gorges calcariferes des monts
En abrege des plantes vasculaires identifies dans Ies gorges calcariferes
des monts Metalliferes se sont presentes un nombre de 882 especes avec
56 sousespeces, repartis en 379 genres et 89 familles. Les nombres des
especes de gorges calcariferes etabli jusqu'au presant, represent 25,49%
d'entire des especes connues dans la flore de notre pays. Le plus grand poids
de representation le possede Ies familles: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae.
(Table au no.1 ).

No.crt Famille No. gn. No. esp.

o. 1. 2. 3.


98 /
O. 1. 2. 3.

18. FAGACEAE 2 9
20. ULMACEAE 1 2
26. ROSACEAE 15 39
27. FABACEAE 19 56
30. RUTACEAE 1 1
34. LINACEAE 1 5
40. VITACEAE 1 1
44. APIACEAE 27 42
99 /
O. 1. 2. 3.

59. RUBIACEAE 3 19
60. OLEACEAE 3 4
71. LAMIACEAE 23 57
73. ASTERACEAE 52 120
88. POACEAE 30 63

TOTAL: 379 genres 882 especes

100 /
D'ensemble de ces especes, en suivre d'etudes effectuees, 354 des
especes sont neuves pour le territoire examina.
La distinction des particularites ecologique des toutes especes des
plantes de l'etendue d'une region geographique bien delimitee est tres utile
pour la determination de la specification ecologique d'ecosystems qui
colonisent cette zone la, en le context d'ensemble de facteurs pedoclimatiques
locales. Nous avons pris en etude Ies suivants facteurs climatiques: La
temperatu re, l'humidite et la reaction du sol, en serre liaison a el Ies, et, aussi,
au sereee liaison avec Ies elements edaphiques et de vegetation. Les
organismes vegetals et Ies communautes des organismes vegetals ressentent
directement Ies actions climatiques mais en fonction de pression de ces
facteurs, ils realisent, entre certains limites, un modelaj de leur valeur vers
leur optime ecologique ou fonctionel.
En recherchant de la flore de Ies gorges calcariferes des monts
Metaliferes, en fonction du facteur d'humidite, bien que Ies plantes sont
adaptees a une ample diversite de conditions stationnaires, le poinds le plus
grand est detenue par Ies xeromesophytes (U2-38,43% - 339 especes)
suivits de mesophytes (U3- 34,46%; 304 especes). Les valeurs extrâmes et
Ies especes amphitolerantes presentent une participation reduite (U1-9,52%;
84 especes), (U5- 3,28%; 29 especes), UO- 2,60%; 23 especes) (Fig. no.1.).
En ce qui concerne la temperatura, le climat de la montagne, on
s'impose la predominance des elements mesothermes (T3-59,63%; 526
especes). Une appreciee proportion ont Ies especes moderees thermophyles
(T 4-15,98%; 141 especes), pandant qu'euritermes realisent 13,03% par 115
especes. (Fig. no. 1.)

500 I \ IUi
I \
I \ I
I \ ./\ IT I
300 /( \ I
200 I . \ \ I I
I / \ \ I
I / \
I ./ \ \ . .I
// /
/ __./ V/

2-2,5 3-3,5 4-4,5 5-5,5 o

Fig. 1. - Le spectre ecologique des especes des gorges calcariferes
de monts Metalliferes.

1 o1 /
En ce qui concerne Ies exigences envers la reaction du sol, nous
constatons que le poids le plus grand est detenu par Ies especes basiphiles
moins acide-neutrophiles (R4-40,36%; 356 especes) et celles acido-
neutrophiles (R3-21,99%; 194 especes). Les especes acidophiles (R2)
realisent un pourcentage reduit, seulement 4,53% par 40 especes. Pres de
ces, Ies especes euryioniques participant a la realisation d'ambience
ecologique et coenotique des groupements vegetals (R0-27,66%; 244
especes) (Fig. no. 1.).
Dans la zone des gorges calcariferes de monts Metalliferes Ies
phanerophytes reunissent 8,39% (74 especes) d'entiere des formes
biologique. La plus nombreuse groupe Ies ferment Ies hemicryptophytes
(53,85%-475 especes) qui represent Ies principals composants du sediment
herbu des forets, des pres et des vegetals de roches. Une presence
remarcable l'ont encore Ies therophytes (25, 17%- 222 especes) et Ies
geophytes (8,95%- 79 especes) qui entrent surtout dans la formation de la
flore vernale des bois d'hetre. Les chamaephytes represent 3,62% (32
especes) en etant presentes, avec la priorite sur Ies versants ensoleilles et
I. Pop et C. Drăgulescu, en 1983, ont propose, pour calculer !'indice
d'altitude la formule qui represent le raport entre le nombre des therophytes
et le nombre des hemicriptophytes. Cet offre des informations sur l'altitude,
le climat, mais encore sur l'intensite de la pression antropique. La valeur de
cela, pour la zone de gorges calcariferes etudiees, est 46, 73% ce qu'elle
indique un etage montagneux, avec un climat frais et l'influence antropique
moderee vers reduite.
La structura arealo-geographique de la flore de gorges calcariferes
des monts Metalliferes releve la participation, en proportions variable de 18
categories de geoelements avec des origines florogenetique diverses. On
distingue une predominance evidente des elements eurasiatiques (41,42%)
au fond de quel sont interfera en diverses phases phytohistoriques
deselements europeens (14, 17%), centrals-europeens (9,52%),
mediterraneens (14,73%), circumpolaires (5,78%) et cosmopolits(3,96%).
Dans la flore de gorges calcariferes de monts Metalliferes sont ·
presentees de nombreux especes autochtones, endemiques, carpatiques et
carpato-balkaniques, avec une importance phytocoenotique et
phytogeographique remarquable. Entre Ies especes endemiques et
sousendemiques rencontrees dans Ies zones calcariferes etudiees rappelons:
Silene nutans ssp. dubia, Dianthus petraeus ssp. petraeus, Aconitum
icocthonium ssp. moldavicum var. moldavicum, Cardamine glanduligera,
Viola jooi, Symphytum cordatum, Salvia transsilvanica, Thymus comosus,•
Helictotrichon decorum. La flore de gorges calcariferes detient encore un
centingent suffisant de grand des especes carpato-balkaniques: Silene
heuffeli, Sempervivum marmoreum, Helleborus purpurascens, Waldsteinia
geoides, Galium kitaibeiianum, Taraxacum hoppeanum, Crocus vernus ssp.
heuffelianus, Sesleria rigida. Les elements carpato-balkaniques reliefent Ies

102 /
connexions florogenetiques serrees entre la flore de cette espace carpatique,
strict delimita geomorphologique et celle des Monts Balkanique, la, existee,
probablement, depuis tertiaire. L'existence des interference florohistoriques,
en passe d'autrefois est-elle attestee de la presence des especes balkaniques:
Quercus frainetto, Quercuspubescens, Dianthus puberulus, Alyssum murale,
Hypericum rochelii, Cephalaria laevigata, Campanula grossekii, Fritilaria
orientalis, et sourtout de Ies daco-balkaniques: Lathyrus hallersteinii, Seseli
·rigidum, Ferulago sylvatica, Galium flavescens, Centaurea atropurpurea et
des carpato-balkano-caucaziennes, comme Telekia speciosa.
Dans la flore des gorges calcariferes de monts MetaMiferes a ete
identifiee une serie des especes atlanto-mediterraneens: Asplenium ceterach,
Thlaspi alliaceum, Primula vulgaris, Crepis setosa, Tamus communis. Les
especes ponto-mediterraneen (Cerastium dubium, Petrorhagia prolifera,
Trifolium pannonicum, Lathyrus venetus, Odontites Iutea, Stachys germanica,
Cephalaria transsilvanica, Allium flavum), se rapprochent de celles ponto-
pannoniques (Minuartia setacea ssp. banatica, lsatis tinctoria. Thymus
glabrescens ssp. glabrescens, Iris pumila) et de celles mediterraneenes
(Silene armeria, Silene viridiflora, Aristilochia pallida„ Lunaria annua, Rosa
gallica, Bifora radians, Fraxinus ornus, Carlina achantifolia, Piptatherum
Toutes cettes especes carpatiques et carpato-balkaniques, pres de
celles alpic-carpato-balkaniques (Silene italica var. nemoralis, Euphorbia
carniolica, Doronicum columnae, Echinops exaltatus) ou d'autre type,
conferent aux phytocoenoses etudiees un colorit regional et elles permettent,
souvent, la delimitation des sintaxones vicariantes a l'egard de coenoses
similaire d'autre zone.
En actuelles etudes phytosociologiques un interet plus remarcable le
presente la connaissance des cytotypes qui constituent Ies divers
groupements vegetals determines conformement Ies nombres de
chromosomes des especes consideres. Les dates cytotaxonomiques sont
synthetisees d'une nouvelle discipline, relative jeune, nommee cytoecologie.
Des nombreuse etudes cytotaxonomiques suoligne le fait que la
frequence des polyploides grandit simultanement avec l'altitude. D'une
grande importance, en cette acception est la determination de la frequence
des polyploides et, sourtout, de l'indice des diplo"ides de diverses
communautes vegetals.
Le nombre des chromosomes, correspondant a diverses especes a ete
pris en consideration de Tarnavski (1945) et Love and Love (1961 ).
D'entiere des especes identifiees dans Ies gorges calcariferes de
monts Metalliferes, 47.50% sont diplo"ides, 37.52% sont polyploides, 6.68%
sont diploide-polyplo"ides et a 8.27% n'est pas connu encore le cytotype·
(Tableau no.2.) (Fig. no.2.).

103 /
Total especes Connu le D p D-P X I.O.

No. especes 882 809 419 331 59 73

% 100 91,72 47,50 37,52 6,68 8,27

.Q) 300

..... 200

D p D-P X

Fig. 2. - la structure cariologique des plantes vasculaires des gorges calcariferes de

monts Metalliferes.

La predominance des population diplo'ide en cette espace carpatique,

demonstre l'anciennete de la flore respective et le caractere conservateur de
ces gorges, qu'il assure un potentiel genetique favorable a la phytoevolution
future, la flore montagneuse entourant un nombre des especes vieille,
diplo'ides, differentie dans le cours de tardiglacier, par des moutations
genetiques et par des selections, sans l' polyploidie.
Au dela de ces sont immigrees nouvelles populations plus riche dans
Ies composants polyplo'ides, avec une capacite de competition
phytocoenologique en grande quantite. La valeur de participation des polyploi
des dans Ies gorges calcariferes de monts Metalliferes suggere l'organisation
de ces associations vegetales, dans un temps plus recent.
En 1960, Pignatti propose l'indice de diplo'ide se fier sur le rapport des
especes diplo'ides et celle polyplo'idie de chormoflora d'une region ou de la
104 /
structure des phytocenoses d'une association donnee. En general, la valeur
de cet indice grandit simultanee avec l'altitude, Ies exceptions en etant
produites de Ies compensations ecologique de certaines stations ou d'influence
du climat general predominant.
Pour la zone etudiee l'indice de diplo"idie de l'ensemble de la flore, a la
valeur de 1.26, de valeur qui peut etre interpretee par divers groupement
vegetals de ce territoire.




Munţii Metaliferi, cea mai complexă unitate montană din sudul Munţilor Apuseni, cuprind
teritoriul dintre Valea Arieşului şi cursul mijlociu al Grişului Alb la nord, şi Valea Mureşului la
în contextul litologic mozaicat al Munţilor Apuseni, Munţii Metaliferi pot fi considerati
grupa montană cu cea mai mare dispersie a suprafeţelor calcaroase. Acestea se întâlnesc în
partea de sud-est (Cheile Cib, Băcâia, Ardeu, Mada), în nord (Cheile Ribicioarei, Uibăreşti,
Bulzeşti), la sud (Cheile Crăciuneşti). Carstul din Munţii Metaliferi este dezvoltat pe roci
carbonatate, de vârstă jurasică şi cretacică.
Conspectul sistematic al florei vasculare din zona cheilor calcaroase din Munţii Metaliferi
a fost elaborat pe baza cercetărilor personale, efectuate în perioada 1990-1995. Cercetările
efectuate de noi au continuat cercetările realizate de Ioan Pop, Ioan Hodişan, Gheorghe
Coldea, Ştefan Şuteu, Nicolae Faur, începând cu anul 1957 şi până în anul 1977.
Flora vasculară a cheilor calcaroase din Munţii Metaliferi, cercetată până în prezent,
cuprinde 882 taxoni, cu 56 subspecii, repartizaţi în 379 genuri şi 89 familii. Numărul acestor
specii reprezintă 25,49% din totalul de specii cunoscute în flora ţării noastre. Ponderea cea
mai mare de reprezentare o deţin familiile: Asteraceae (120 taxoni), Poaceae (63 taxoni),
Lamiaceae (57 taxoni) şi Fabaceae (56 taxoni).
În funcţie de factorul umiditate, procentul cel mai mare ii deţin xeromezofitele (38,43%)
apoi mezofitele (34,46%). Valorile extreme şi eurifitele au procente mai reduse.
În ceea ce priveşte temperatura, climatul montan impune predominarea elementelor
mezoterme (59,63%) situate, mai ales, în etajul forestier.
Exigenţa faţă de reacţia solului se manifestă prin existenţa unui număr sporit de specii
bazifile sau slab-acid-neutrofile (40,36%) şi a celor acido-neutrofile (21,99%). Aceasta în
concordanţă cu răspândirea tipurilor de sol din regiune (seria solurilor rendzinice şi brun-

podzolice) şi cu tipurile de roci dominante.

Din totalul formelor biologice, cel mai mare număr ii deţin hemicriptofitele (53,85%).
Indicele altitudinal, 46, 73%, indică o floră de etaj montan, cu climat răcoros şi cu influenţe
antropice moderate.
În zonele calcaroase din Munţii Metaliferi se distinge o predominare evidentă a elementelor
eurasiatice (41, 72%), pe fondul cărora s-au interferat, în diferite etape fitoistorice, elementele
mediteraneene (14, 73%), europene (14, 17%), central-europene (9,52%).

105 /
Sub aspect cariologie, din numărul total de specii care vegetează în zonele studiate,
47,50% sunt specii diploide, 37,52% sunt poliploide, 6,28% diploid-poliploide şi 8,27% fără
citotip încă cunoscut. Numărul mare de specii diploide sugerează vechimea florei de vârstă
terţiară dar aflată într-o zonă de intense procese periglaciare în care climatul wOrrmian a
exercitat totuşi severe procese selective în urma cărora au dispărut numeroase populaţii
termofile. Peste acestea au imigrat populaţii noi, mai bogate în componente poliploide, cu o
capacitate de competiţie fitocenologică mult mai mara.
Indicele de diploidie, calculat după Pignatti, pentru întreaga floră cercetată în cheile
calcaroase din Munţii Metaliferi, prezintă valoarea de 1,26, valoare ce poale fi interpretată
prin diversitatea grupărilor vegetale din acest teritoriu.


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X X Flora R.P.R.-R.S.R., 1952-1976, voi. I-XIII, Ed. Acad., Bucureşti.
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Le Musee de la Civilisation Dacique
et Roumaine Rue 1 decembrie 39
2700 Deva Roumaine

107 / /


ln this paper the authors presant 7 species belonging to 5 genera of

subfamilies lchneumoninae and Phaeogeninae. These ichneumonids were
collected in August 1964 and July 1965 in the scientific zone (at 1,600 m.
altitude) of the Retezat National Park. All these 7 species: Aoplus ruficeps
(Grav.), A. personatus (Grav.), A. altercator(Wesm.), /chneumon acosmus
Kriechb., Homotherus magus (Wesm.), Deuterolabops pu/chellatus (Bridgm.)
(subfamily lchneumoninae) and Phaeogenes minutus Wesm. (subfamily
Phaeogeninae), are new for the Romanian fauna.
Family /chneumonidae Latreille 1802
Subfamily lchneumoninae Ashmed 1900 (partim)
I. Genus Aop/us Tischbein 1894
I. Aop/us ruficeps (Gravenhorst) 1829,
1829 lchneumon ruficeps Gravenhorst
1893 Cratichneumon ruficeps Thomson
1953 Aoplus ruficeps Perkins
1.!;!, collected an August 17, 1964.
Female. Length: 1O mm. Head red. Antennae stout, subnodulous,
black, with white ring, ventrally rust-red, with red scape. Anterior margin of
neck, lines at base of wings, tegulae, wing base, scutellum, postscutellum
and mast of mesonotum brownish red. Area superomedia with fine carination,
more or less square. Wings yellowish, stigma yellowish red. Legs red, hind
coxae black with red spots, with an obvious scopa, hind tibiae with slight ridge
on externai surface. Postpetiole almost smooth, gastrocoeli small, transverse,
with a narrow space between them. The apical band of tergite 6 and tergite
7 White.
Hosts: Selenia lunaria Den. et Schiff. and Bupalus piniarius L. (Lep„
Geographical distribution: Germany, England, Sweden, Hungary,
Byelorussia, Russia (Voronezh, Ryazan, Kamciatka), Canada.
2. Aop/us personatus (Gravenhorst) 1828,
1829 lchneumon personatus Gravenhorst
1893 Cratichneumon personatus Thomson
1981 Aoplus personatus Rasnitzyn
3„d'd' collected on August 16 and 17, 1964.
109 /
Male. Lenght: 14-16 mm. Body large, black. Head narrowing posteriorly.
Cheeks bulging. Clypeus, face, frons margins, cheeks, palps, mandibles,
except teeth, white. Antennae enough widened, filiform, with white ring,
scape ventrally white. Anterior margin of neck, lines above and below of base
of wings, apical half of scutellum and postscutellum white. Area superomedia
little longer than wide, little excavated behind. Stigma brown, tegulae white.
Legs black, coxae with white spots, trochanters ventrally white, anterior part
of tibiae yellow, tarsi whitish-yellow, the last ones darkened at end. Postpetiole
rugase. Abdomen black, with brownish dense hairs.
Hosts: unknown.
Geographicaldistribution:Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Finland,
Hungary, Russia (St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Tambov).
3. Aoplus altercator(Wesmael) 1858, !j!
1858 lchneumon altercator Wesmael
1893 Stenichneumon altercator Thomson
1965 Aoplus altercator.Townes et all
1, !j! collected on July 13, 1965
Female. Lengh: 9 mm. Head short. Antennae stout, filiform, with white
ring. Scape ventrally red. Anterior margin of clypeus, margins of frons and
vertex and outer orbits red. Thorax mat. Anterior margin of neck, line before
the wing base and a spot below it, scutellum and postscutellum rust-red.
Stigma and tegulae yellowish red. Area superomedia square, delimited
behind, cestuia fails. Legs black, tibiae and tarsi red, hind tibiae with black
apex. Base and apex of fore and middle femora and base of hind femora red.
Hind femora more bulging, hind coxae with weak scopae. Postpetiole rugase.
Gastrocoeli transverse, not deep. Abdomen black, apex of tergite 1 and
tergite 2 rust-red, the last one with brown middle. Ovipozitor longer than
apical depth of abdomen.
Hosts: unknown.
Geographical distribution: Germany, ltaly, ·Sweden, Russia (St.
Petersburg, Ryazansk, lrkutsk).
li. Genus lchneumon Linnaeus 1758
4. lchneumon acosmus Kriechbaumer 1880,â
1, â collected on August 13, 1964.
Male. Lenght: 13 mm. Body enough shiny, with gray hairs. Head small
enough. Head black, with inner orbits and palps yellow. Thorax black, with
hind half of scutellum yellow. Area superomedia little wider than long,
delimited behind. Stigma pale yellow. Legs black, anterior margin of fore
ternara and apex of middle femora brownish yellow, tibiae and tarsi yellow,
the last ones at hind legs with black apex. Hind coxae ventrally smooth and
shiny, dense punctured. Gastrocoeli small. Abdomen black with tergites 2
and 3 yellow.
Hosts: unknown.
Geographical distribution: Switzerland.

11 o /
III. Genus Homotherus Foerster 1868
5. Homotherus magus (Wesmael) 1855,d'
1855 lchneumon magus Wesmael
1893 Cratichneumon magus Rasnitzyn
1 d', collected on August 13, 1964.
Male. Length: 6 mm. Head black. Clypeus, two spots on face, mandibles
and palps yellow. Antennae black, with their apex ventrally reddish. Thorax
black. Area superomedia square. Legs black. Fore and middle trochanters
ventrally, fore and middle femora, base of hind femora, all tibiae and tarsi red,
the last ones with black apex. Postpetiole almost smooth, anterior part fine
punctured, gastrocoeli small, thiridia obviously impressed. Abdomen black,
hind margin of tergites 2-3 reddish.
Hosts: Epinotia solandriana L. (Lep., Tortricidae).
Geographicaldistribution. Sweden, Lapland, Russia (Siberia), Finland
and France.
IV. Genus Deuterolabops Heinrich 1975
6. Deuterolabops pulchellatus (Bridgman) 1889, d'
1889 lchneumon pulchellatus Bridgman
1903 Barichneumon pulchellatus Morley ·
1981 Deuterolabops pulchellatus Rasnitzyn
1 d', collected on August 12, 1964.
Male. Length: 12 mm. Clypeus, middle of face, inner orbits, two dots on
vertex, scape ventrally, lines before wing base and bellow it, spot on
pronotum, scutellum and postscutellum yellow. Legs red, coxae and
trochanters black, the anterior ones on ventral side with white spots, the
anterior part of fore femora and tibiae yellowish, apex of hind tibiae and tarsi
black. Abdomen black, the end of tergite 1, tergite 2-4 red.
Host: Eupithecia pulchellata Steph. (Lep., Geometridae).
Geographical distribution: England.

Subfamily Phaeogeninae Dalla Torre 1902

V. Genus PhaeogenesWesmael 1844
7. Phaeogenes minutus Wesmael 1844, ~
1 d',collected on August 16, 1964.
Female. Lengh: 6 mm. Head almost not narrowing behind, temples
bulging. Frons convex, densely punctured. Lower tooth of mandible shorter
and more sharp than upper. Carination of propodeum complete. Area
superomedia hexagonal, little wider than long. Petiolar area little concave.
Legs are slender as at Ph. infimusWesm. Hind coxae ventrally with oblique
ridge.Hind tibiae little curved at base. Tergite 2-5 almost parallel-sided, shiny
and punctate. Postpetiole almost smooth.
Head black, with red palps. Mandibles brown. Antennae black, pedicellus
and segments 1-4 of flagelli red. Thorax black. Stigma brown. Legs red, hind coxae
black, with red apex. Apex of hind femora, tibiae and tarsi blackish. Abdomen black,
tergitae 2-4 red. /
Hosts: unknown.
Geographical distribution: Gerrnany, Austria.
The authors presant 7 species belonging to 4 genera of subfarnilies
lchneurnoninae and Phaeogeninae, collected în August 1964 and July 1965
in the scientific zone of Retezat National Park at 1,600 rn. altitude. All these
7 species are new for the Rornanian fauna: Aoplus ruficeps (Grav.), A.
personatus (Grav.), A. altercator (Wesrn.), lchneumon acosmus Kriechb.
an d Homotherus magus (Wesrn.) of subfarnily lchneurnoniae and Phaeogenes
minutus Wesrn. of subfarnily Phaeogeninae.




În această lucrare autorii prezintă 7 specii de ihneumonide, care aparţin la 4 genuri din
subfamiliile lchneumoninae şi Phaeogeninae. Aceste ihneumonide au fost colectate în august
1964 şi iulie 1965 în zona ştiinlifică a Parcului Naţional Retezat, la altitudinea de 1.600 m.
Toate cele 7 specii sunt noi pentru fauna României: Aoplus ruficeps (Grav.), A. personatus
(Grav.), lchneumon acosmus Kriechb. şi Homotherus magus (Wesm.) din subfamilia
lchneumoninae şi Phaeogenes minutus Wesm. din subfamilia Phaeogeninae.


1. CONSTANTINEANU, M„ 1959, Familia lchneumonidae, Subfamilia lchneumoninae,

Tribul lchneumoninae Stenopneusticae, Fauna R.P.R„ Insecta, Hymenoptera, 9(4): 1248
pp„ Edit. Acad„ Bucureşti.
2. CONSTANTINEANU, M„ 1965, Familia lchneumonidae, Subfamiliile Phaeogeninae şi
Alomyinae, Fauna R.P.R„ Insecta. Hymenoptera, 9(5):508 pp„ Edit. Acad„ Bucureşti.
3. HEINRICH, G., 1975, Burnmesische lchneumoninae X, Ann. Zoo/„ 32(20):441-514.
4. SCHMIEDEKNECHT, O„ 1902-1904, lchneumoninae, I Band, Opuscula
/chneumonologica, 41 O pp„ Blankenburg i. ThOr.
5. SCHMIEDEKNECHT, O„ 1928-1930, lchneumoninae, lchneumon, Amblyteles,
Platylabus, Opuscula /chneumonologica (Supplement-Band, Neubearbeitungen pp.), Fasc.
IX (55pp.), Blankenburg i. ThOr.

Biological Reasearch
Institute 20 A Copou Street
6600 laşi

112 /



L'un des cours d'eau qui traverse la zone ouestique du Massif Şureanu
(Les Carpates Meridionales) est la riviere Orăştie (L=47km), affluent de
Mureş. Dans la zone montagneuse, c'est a dire dans le secteur Grădiştec.t
Muncelului-Costeşti, la riviere ,connue aussi sur le nome de Godeanu ou
Grădişte, presante une vallee courbee avec l'aspect d'un defila garda par
des versants abrupts mais accesibles et avec une altitude modeste: Culmea
Muncelului: 1507m, Grădiştea Muncelului: 1508m, Tâmpu: 1493m, Brusturelu:
1279m. Les monts mentionnes presentent dans leur structura petrographique
des schistes cristallines epimetamorphiques, micaschistes, etc.Seulement,
la Colline de Vârtoape (Dealul Vârtoapele: 973 m) presante une structure
Les plus importantes caracteristiques du bassin Grădiştea Muncelului-
Costeşti sont donnees par le regime de la temperatu re et des precipitations
atmosferiques. Les temperatures moyennes annulles ont des valeurs plus
eleves que dans Ies autres zones du masif: 9-10°C,grace a la penetration des
masses d'air chaud d'origine ouest-studique.Les precipitations annuels
presentent aussi une valeur elevee: 550-600m.(TRUFAŞ, 1986).
Le Massif Şureanu est, generalement, moi ns connu du point de vue de
la faune de lepidopteres, par comparaison avec Ies massifs voisins: Retezat,
Cindrel, Parâng. Les dates que nous avo ns publie jusqu'au presant proviennent
surtout de zones calcareuses du massif: Ponorici-Ciclovina(La Plate-forme
de Luncani), le couloir Băniţa Petroşani, Les Gorges de Crivadia (BURNAZ
SILVIA, 1986-1987, 1993, 1995).C'est le but pour le quel nous avons recherche
aussi la faune de macrolepidopteres des secteurs cristallins comme celui de
Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti.
En 1994-1995 nous avons effectue des recherches dans Ies principales
types d'ecosystemes de la zone menţionee:les pres collinaires et montagneux
mesophylls.Ass.Arrhenatheretum elatioris B.-81. ex Schurr 1925 ;Ass. Festuco
rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris Horv.(51 )52);1es pres stepiques (Ass.Melico-
Phleetum montani Boşcaiu et al. 1966;1es hetraies(ass. Sympyto cordati-
Fagetum Vida 63; Ass. Pulmonario rubrae-Abieti-Fagetum 860 62 );Ies forets
de saulaie (Ass.Telekio- -Alnetum incanae Coldea 1990;Alneto glutinosae-
incanae Br.-Bl.(15)30);1es regions rocheuses collinaires et montagneuses

113 /
aves une vegetation mesophylle et xerothermophylle.Des captures ont ete
effectuees aussi dans la lisiere des forets et dans la zone des fourres du bord
des forets representes par:Coryllus avellana,Euonymus verrucosa,Crataegus
monogyna,Sorbus aucuparia,etc.
Pour capturer Ies lepidopteres nocturnes nous avons emplace des
trappes electriques de 250 watt a 540 m; 780 m et 900 m altitude.On a ete
utilise aussi le filet entomologique pur Ies captures effectuees dans Ies pres
et Ies regions rocheuses de la zone.
La materiei captura dans la zone de Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti est
represente par 416 especes de macrolepidopteres.
On presante dans le tableau suivant la liste systematique des especes
identifiees, la periode de la capture,la base trophique des larves(B), Ies
exigences ecologiques des especes(E.E) et la repandue zoogeographique
,(RĂKOSY 1995)).0n a utilise la systematique et la nomenclatura scientifique
publiees par POPESCU GORJ(1987) et RĂKOSY(1995).

FAMILLE La periode de la capture B EE A


1. Malacosoma neustria L. 22, Vl-6. VII A Mh Eua
2. Macrothylacia rubi L. 25. V-29. VI D M Eua
3. Phyllodesma 1remulifolia Hb. 1o14. VII D M Eua
4. Gastropacha quercifolia L. 6. Vll-1 O. VIII D M Eua
5. Odonestis pruni L. 20. Vll-31. VIII
6. Eudia pavonia L. 4oâ, 3QQ 13-17 IV D M Eua
7. Aglia tau L. 20. IV-1 O. V A M Eua
8. Drepana cultraria Fabr. 2Q~ 21. VI. 1995 D M Eua
9. Drepana falcataria L. 27. IV-17. VIII D M Eua
1O. Sabra harpagula Esp. 4. V-3.Vlll D Mht Eua
11. Cilix glaucatus Scop. 4. V-31. VIII A Mt Eua
12. Thyatira batis L. 8. Vl-24. VIII A Mh Eua
13. Habrosyne pyritoides Hufn. 9. Vl-20. VII A M Eua
14. Tethea ocularis L. 22. Vl-27. VII D Mh Eua
15. Tethea or D.&S. 4. V-20. VII D Mh Eua
16. Polyploca ruficollis Fabr. 3 ăâ 6.IV; 20. IV a Xt Vam
17. Alsophila escularia D.&S. 30. 111-13.IV D M Eua
18. Alsophila quadripunctaria Esp. 15 Xl-26 XI D Mt Vam
19. Pseudoterpna pruinata Hufn. 25. V-13 VII p M Eua
20. Thetidia smaragdaria Fabr. 11.V-15.VI p Mxt Vam

114 /
FAMILLE . La periode de la capture B EE R
21. Hemithea aestivaria Hb. 1. Vl-6. VII p M Eua
22. Chlorissa viridata L. 25. V-3. VIII A Mt Eua
23. Chlorissa pulmentaria Gn. 2 r!o 20; 27. Vll.'95 p Xt Eua
24. Thalera fimbrialis Scop. 13. Vll-10. VIII p Mt Eua
25. Jodis lactearia L. 1â,1 !;!14-15.Vll.'95 D M Eua
26. Cyclophora annulata Schi. 27.IV-3. VIII D Mt Eua
27. Cyclophora por ata L. 2 !j! !j! 18. V Dq Mx Eua
28. Cyclophora linearia Hb. 11. V-3. VIII D M Eua
29. Timandra griseata W. Pet. 18. V-24. VIII p Mt Eua
30. Scapula immorata L. 25. V-17. VIII p Mt Eua
31. Scapula ornata Scop. 11. V-16.IX p Mt Eua
32. Scapula rubiginata Hufn. 20. Vll-24. VIII p Mxt Eua
33. Scapula marginepunctata Gze. 15. Vl-31. VIII p Mxt Vam
34. Scapula flaccidaria Zel. 2or!8;15.VI p Xt Eua
35. ldaea ochrata Scop. 8. Vl-31. VIII p Mxt Eua
36. ldaea muricata Hufn. 3 or/10. VIII p Mht Eua
37. ldaea biselata Hufn. 2or! 25. V p Mht Vam
38. ldaea trigeminata Haw. 2oâ14. VII p Xt Eua
39. ldaea aversata L. 18. V.-24. VIII p Mt Eua
40. ldaea degeneraria Hb. 2 or!, !j! 18; 20.V.'95 p Mt Eua
41. Rhodostrophia vibicaria CI. 18. V-20. VII p Xt Eua
42. Lythria purpuraria L. 13. IV-10. VIII p Mt Eua
43. Scotopteryx luridata Hufn. 3or!14; 20. VI .P M Eua
44. Xanthorhoe ferrugata CI. 11. V-24. VIII p M Eua
45. Xanthorhoe fluctuata L. 22. Vl-3. VIII p M Eua
46. Catarhoe rubidata D.&S. 2 oâ, 1 !j!6. Vll.'94 p Mt Eua
47. Catarhoe cucuiata Hufn. 19. V-6. VIII p Mt Eua
48. Epirrhoe alternata O.F. Mull. 27. IV-27. VII p Mht Eua
49. Epirrhoe galiata D.&S. 15. Vl-27. VII p Mxt Eua
50. Costaconvexa polygrammata 1o,1 !j!20. IV.'94 p Mt Eua
51. Camptogramma bilineatum L. 15. V-24. VIII p M Eua
52. Anticlea 9adiata D.&S. 2 !j!Q 31. III; 20. IV A M Eua
53. Mesoleuca albicillata L. 4. V-1.IX A M Eua
54. Cosmorhoe ocellata L. 8. V-1.IX p Mh Eua
55. Nebula tophaceata D.&S. 2 or! 20. VII p M Eua
56. Eulithis pyraliata D.&S. 15. Vl-25.VI A Mh Eua
57. Ecl!ptopera silaceata D.&S. 3 or!,2 Q!j!27-30. VII p Mh Eua
58. Horisme vitalbata D.&S. 2 or! 22 VI. '95 A M Eua
59. Horisme tersata D.&S. 8. Vl-1 O. VIII A M Eua
60. Melanthia procellata D.&S. 4. V-10. VIII A M Eua

115 /
FAMILLE La periode de la capture B EE R

61. Triphosa dubitata L. 18. V-20. VII D M Eua

62. Operopthtera brumata L. 4.X-25.X D M Eua
63. Perizoma alchemillatum L. 8. Vl-3. VIII p M Eua
64. Perizoma flavofasciatum Thnbg. 18. V-27. VII p Mh Eua
65. Eupithecia centaureata D & S. 25.V-3. VIII p M Eua
66. Eupithecia vulgata Haw. 11. V-13.Vll p M Eua
67. Aplocera plagiata L. 25.V-5. VII p Mx Vam
68. Lithostege farinata Hufn. 18.V-8.VI p Xt Eua
69. Asthena albulata Hufn. 20.IV-10. VIII D M Eua
70. Hydrelia flammeolaria Hufn. 2 âă ,1 ~ 9. VI D Mh Eua
71. Lobophora halterata Hufn. 3âo14; 17. IV D Mh Eua
72. Trichop,teryx carpinata Brkh. 2 ââ, 1 Q 3;4. V D Mh Eua
73. Abraxas grossulariata L. 13. Vl-3. VIII A M Eua
74. Calospylos sylvatus Scop. 2 ââ 27. VII. '94 D Mh Eua
75. Lomaspilis marginata L. 18. V-3. VIII D M Eua
76. Ligdia adustata D & S. 20. IV-24. VIII A M Eua
77.Semiothisa notata L. 20. IV-3.IX D M Eua
78. Semiothisa alternaria Hb. 4. V-14. VIII D M Eua
79. Semiothisa liturata CI. 13. Vll-10. VIII D M Eua
80. Semiothisa clatharata L. 20. IV-6. IX p M Eua
81. Tephrina arenacearia D & S. 1 â, 1 ~ 6. VI p Mxt Eua
82. Semiothisa glarearia Brhm. 4. V. -10.Vlll p Mx Eua
83. Petrophora chlorosata Scop. 2aâ28. V F M Eua
84. Plagodis pulveraria L. 2 oă ,1Q 2; 3. VII D M Eua
85. Opistograptis luteolata L. 19. V-18. VII D M Eua
86. Epione repandaria Hufn. 1 O. Vlll-13. IX D Mh Eua
87. Pseudopanthera macularia L. 11. V-24. VIII p M Eua
88. Hypoxistis pluviaria Fabr. 2âă, 1 Q 20; 21. VII p M Vam
89. Therapis flavicaria D & S. 3ââ ,1 Q 20-22. V p Mt Eua
90. Ennomos autumnarius Wrnbg. 31. Vlll-4.X Dq M Eua
91. Ennomos fuscantarius Stph. 2 ââ 31. VIII D M Eua
92. Ennomos erosarius D & S. 2 ââ 5;6. X Dq Mx Eua
93. Selenia dentaria Fabr. 14. IV-17. VII Dq M Eua
94. Selenia lunularia Hb. 20.IV-6. VII Dq M Eua
95. Selenia tetralunaria Hufn. 6. IV-20. VII Dq M Eua
96. Odontopera bidentata CI. 300 1â9;10. VI D M Eua
97. Artiora evonymaria D & S. 3 ââ 3. VIII. '94 D M Eua
98. Crocallis elinguaria L. 20. VII 24. VIII D M Eua
99. Ourapteryx sambucaria L. 22. Vl-20. VII D M Eua
100. Colotois pennaria L. 4. X-18. X D M Eua
101. Angerona prunaria L. 22. Vl-20. VII A M Eua

116 /
FAMILLE La periode de la captura B EE R

102. Apocheima hispidaria D & S. 3 or/ 30; 31. III D M Eua

103. Lycia hirtaria CI. 6. IV-13. IV D M Eua
104. Biston betularius L. 22. Vl-20. VIII D M Eua
105. Agriopis leucophaearia D & S. 3r/r/18; 19. III D M Vam
106. Agriopis bajaria D & S. 24. X-11. XI D M Vam
107. Agriopis aurantiaria Hb. 20. X-15. XI D M Eua
108. Erannis defoliaria CI. 1O.X-25. XI D M Eua
109. Peribatodes rhomboidarius 3orf 25.V. '95 D M Eua
D & S.
11 O. Cleora cinctaria CI. 27.IV-11.V D M Eua
111 . Alcis repandatus L. 15. Vl-3. VIII D M Eua
112. Serraca punctinalis Scop. 27. IV-25.V D M Eua
113. Ascotis selenaria D & S. 20. IV-17. VIII D M Eua
114. Ectropis crepuscularia D & S. 27. 111-15. VII D M Eua
115. Ematurga atomaria L. 20. IV-3. VIII p M Eua
116. Lomographa temerata D & S. 8. V-12. VIII D M Eua
117. Siona lineata Scop. 25. V-15. VI p M Eua
118. Perconia strigillaria Hb. 2 rfrf ,1 !j! 5;6. VI D Mt Eua
119. Agrius convolvuli L. 20. Vlll-15. IX p M Str.
120. Mimas tiliae L. 22. Vl-6. VII D M Eua
121. Macroglossum stellatarum L. 18. V-17. VIII p Mx Eua
122. Hyles euphorbiae L. 19. V-28. VIII p Mx Eua
123. Deilephila elpenor L. 29. V-3. VIII p M Eua
124. Deilephila porcellus L. 20. V-10. VIII p M Eua
125. Phalera bucephala L. 27. V-17. VIII D Mh Hol
126. Furcula furcula forficula 1O. V-15. VIII D M Eua
127. Stauropus fagi L. 29. IV-28. VII D M Eua
128. Dicranura ulmi O & S. 3 rfr/13; 14. IV. '95 D Mt Eua
129. Peridea anceps Gze. 3 ââ 27; 28. IV. '95 Dq Mt Eua
130. Spatalia argentina D & S. 22. Vl-10. VIII D M Eua
131 . Notodonta dromedarius L. 1. Vl-17. VIII D Mh Eua
132. Tritophia tritophus D & S. 2 00 24. VIII Dq Mx Eua
133. Drymonia dodonaea D & S. 18. V-8. VI o Mx Eua
134. Drymonia ruficornis Hufn. 10. V. '95- 2 ââ D Mh Eua
135. Pheosia gnoma Fabr. 3 c!â 22; 23. IV D M Eua
136. Pterostoma palpinum CI. 16. V-8. VIII D M Eua
137. Eligmodonta zic-zac L. 28. Vl-8. VII D M Eua
138. Clostera curtula L. 20. IV-2. VII D Mh Eua

117 /
139. Elkneria pudibunda L. 16. V-12. VI D M Eua
140. Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. 20. Vl-25. VII D M Eua
141 . Leucoma salicis L. 25. Vl-15. VIII D Mh Eua
142. Arctornis 1-nigrum O.F. Muli. 15. Vl-27. VIII D M Eua
143. Lymandria dispar L. 15. Vll-20. VIII a M Eua
144. Lymantria monacha L. 23. Vll-10. VIII D M Hol
145. Miltochrista miniata Fr. 16.Vl-4. VIII L M Eua
146. Atolmis rubricollis L. 20. Vl-20. VII L M Eua
147. Cybosia mesomella L. 1 â, 1 Q 18; 19. VI L Ht Eua
148. Eilema soroculum Hufn. 30. IV-3. VIII L Mh Eua
149. Eilema complana balcanica 4 ââ7;8. VII L Mt Vam
150. Eilema lurideolum Znkn. 20. Vl-1 O. VIII L Mt Eua
151. Lithosia quadra L. 20. Vl-28. VII L M Eua
152. Spiris striata L. 4ââ 20; 21. VI. '95 p Xt Eua
153. Parasemia plantaginis carpa- 29. V-15. VII p Mh Eua
thica Dan.
154. Arctica caja L. 6. Vll-17. VIII p fN1 Eua
155. Arctia villica L. 29. V-29. VI p Mt Vam
156. Diacrisia sannio L. 15. V-11. VIII p M Eua
157. Rhyparia purpurata L. 2 ââ,1 Q 24; 26. VI p Mt Eua
158. Spilosoma lubricipeda L. 17. V-15. VI p M Eua
159. Spilosoma lutheum Hufn. 18. V-27. VII D M Eua
160. Diaphora mendica CI. 3ââ,1 !j1 6-7. V. '95 p Mh Eua
161. Phragmatobia fuliginosa L. 16. V-24. VIII p M Eua
162. Phragmatobia caesarea Gze. 4ââ15-16. V p Mt Eua
163. Callimorpha quadripunctaria 6. Vll-24. VIII P;A M Eua
Pod a
164. Callimorpha dominula L. 15. Vll-27. VII p Mh Vam
165. Syntomis phegea L. 15. Vl-20. VII p M Eua
166. Dysauxes ancilla L. 26. Vl-29. VII L; Mo Xt Vam
167. ldia calvaria D & S. 21. Vl-14. VII X M Vam
168. Paracolax tristalis Fabr. 14. Vll-27. VII X Mth Eua
169. Herminia tarsicrinalis Knoch 2 ââ 7-8. VI. '95 X Mh Eua
170. Herminia grisealis D & S. 24. V-25. VII D M Eua
171. Polypogon tentacularia-L. 25. V-23. VII G M Eua
172. Polypogon lunalis Scop. 5 ââ 8; 20. VII X Mx Eua
173. Polypogon zelleralis Wcke 1 Q 15. VII X Mx Vam
174. Colobochila salicalis D & S. 3 ââ 22. VI. '95 D Mh Eua
175. Rivula sericealis Scop. 14. Vll-17. VIII G Mh Eua

118 /
176. Hypena proboscidalis L. 18. V-1 O. VIII p M Eua
177. Hypena rostralis L. 28. 111-14.IV p Mht Eua
178. Scoliopteryx libatrix L. 20. Vll-17. VIII o Mh Hol
179. Catocala fraxini L. 2 r!o 24. VIII. '94 o Mh Eua
180. Catocala nupta L. 20. Vll-25. VIII o Mh Eua
181. Catocala elocata Esp. 1 !j! 28. VII. '94 o Mh Vam
182. Catocala fulminea Scop. 22. Vl-20. VII D;A M Eua
183. Lygephila pastinum Tr. 2 r!o 31. VIII '94 p Mt Eua
184. Lygephila craccae D.&S. 2 !j! ~ 3; 4. X. '94 p Mt Eua
185. Catephia alchymista D.&S. 3 !j! !j! 19-20. VII. '94 a Mxt Vam
186. Aedia funesta Esp. 25. V.-3. VIII p Mht Vam
187. Tyta luctuosa O & S. 18. V-3. VIII p Xt Psu
188. Callistege mi CI. 19. V-24. VI p M Eua
189. Euclidia glyphica L. 15. V-20. VII p Mt Eua
190. Laspeyria flexula O & S. 14. Vll-17. VIII Mo M Eua
191. Maganola strigula O & S. 5. Vl-10. VIII Dq Mt Eua
192. Nola cucullatella L. 3 r!o 28; 29. III A Mt Eua
193. Nycteola revayana Scop. 4 r!o 28-29. 111 a Mt Vam
194. Earias chlorana L. 2 r!r! 6. VII; 20. VII o Mh Eua
195. Bena prasinana L. 11. V-20. VIII Dq Mt Vam
196. Pseudoips fagana Fabr. 11. Vl-17. VIII a Mt Eua
197. Colocasia coryli L. 20. IV-17.Vlll o M Eua
198. Diloba caerulaeocephala L. 11. X-18. X A Mt Eua
199. Acronicta aceris L. 2 r!o, 1!j! 6, VII; 14. VII Dq Mxt Vam
200. Acronicta leporina L. 4. V-27. VII o M Hol
201. Acronicta alni L. 2 0020; 21. VII o Mt Eua
202. Acronicta tridens O & S. 2r!o 1 !j!; 25. V. '94 o Mt Eua
203. Acronicta megacephala O& S. 15. Vl-24. VIII o Mh Eua
204. Acronicta rumicis L. 14. Vll-24. VIII p Mh Eua
205. Craniophora ligustri O & S. 1 O. V-1 O. VIII o M Eua
206. Cryphia fraudatricula Hb. 6 Vll-27. VII Mo Xt Vam
207. Cryphia algae Fabr. 1 o, 1 !j! 2-3. VIII Mo Xt Vam
208. Emmelia trabealis Scop. 22. Vl-11. VIII p Mxt Eua
209. Acontia lucida Hufn. 2006; 7. VII. '94 p Xt Eua
210. Deltode bankiana Fabr. 2or!19.V. '94 p Mh Eua
211. Pseudeustrotia candidula D.&S. 20. V-6. VII p Mht Eua
212. Diachrysia chrysitis L. 15. Vl-16. IX p M Eua
213. Diachrisia chryson Esp. 200, 1!j! 25. VII p M Eua
214. Macdounnoughia confusa p Mt Eua
Stph. 17. V-7.IX
215. Autographa gamma L. 17. V-4. X p u Eua
216. Autographa pulchrina Haw. 6. Vll-23. VII p Mh Eua
217. Abrostola triplasia L. 15. Vl-17. VIII p Mh Eua
218. Abrostola trigemina Wnnbg. 19. V-23. VIII p M Eua

119 /
219. Cucullia fraudatrix Ev. 1 â 23. VII. '95 p Mxt Eua
220. Cucullia umbratica L. 25. V-20. VII p M Eua
221. Calophasia lunula Hufn. 1 â 1O. VII p Mt Hol
222. Amphipyra pyrmidea L. 20. Vll-18. IX Dq Mt Eua
223. A. berbera swenssoni FI. 3. Vlll-1 O. IX Dq Mt Vam
224. Amphipyra tragopoginis CI. 1 â, 1 !;110. VII Dq Mt Hol
225. Amphipyra perflua Fabr. 1 Q 23. VII. '95 D Mt Eua
226. Helicoverpa armigera Hb. 2QQ10. VIII p Xt Psu
227. Heliothis maritima bulgarica Dr. 3c!â17. VIII p Xt Eua
228. Protoschinia scutosa D.&S. 3 c!â20-22. VIII p Xt Hol
229. Pyrrhia umbra Hufn. 18. V-31. VIII p Mth Hol
230. Caradrina morpheus Hufn. 1 Q 17. VII. '94 p Mh Eua
231 . Platypterigea kadenii Fr. 1 Q 10. VII. '95 p Xt Vam
232. Paradrina clavipalpis Scop. 27. IV-11. IX p u Eua
233. Hoplodrina octogenaria Gze. 6. Vll-10. VIII p M Eua
234. Hoplodrina blanda D.&S. 14-20. VII p M Eua
235. Hoplodrina ambigua D & S. 22. Vl-3. IX p Mxt Vam
236. Dypterigia scabriuscula L. 19. Vll-10. VIII p Mh Eua
237. Rusi na ferruginea Esp. 24. Vl-20". VII p M Eua
238. Talpophila matura Hufn. 10. Vlll-3.IX p M Vam
239. Trachea atriplicis L. 4. V-15. IX p M Eua
240. Euplexia lucipara L. 4âc!, 1 Q 14-19.Vll p M Eua
241 . Phlogophora meticulosa L. 29. Vl-6.IX p M Vam
242. Actinotia polyodon CI. 1c!,1Q24.V p M Eua
243. Callopistria juventina Stoll. 3ââ14. VI p Mt Eua
244. Eucarta amethystina Hb. 8. Vl-24. VII p Mh Eua
245. lpimorpha retusa L. 2ââ24. VII D M Eua
246. Enargia paleacea Esp. 3c!c! 24. VII D M Eua
24 7. Mesogona acetosellae D & S. 3. IX-20.IX Dq Mx Eua
248. Cosmia affinis L. 10. Vll-18. VII D M Eua
249. Cosmia trapezina L. 2. Vll-19. VIII Dq Mx Vam
250. Atethmia centrago Haw. 1â 4. IX D Mx Eua
251 . Xanthia togata Esp. 1 â 16. X D M Eua
252. Xanthia ocellaris Brkn. 24. IX-20. X D Mxt Vam
253. Xanthia aurago D.&S. 26. IX-16. X Dq Mxt Eua
254. Xanthia sulphurago D.&S. 1â3. IX. '95 D Mxt Eua
255. Xanthia icteritia Hufn. 1 c! 19. IX. '95 D M Eua
256. Xanthia gilvago D & S. 1 â, 1 Q 14. X. '95 Dq M Eua
257. Tiliacea cirago L. 1 â, 1 Q 14;15-X Dq Mt Eua
258. Agrochola circellaris Hufn. 8. IX-20. X D M Eua
259. Agrochola nitida D.&S. 12. IX-10. X Dq M Vam
260. Eupsilia transversa Hufn. 15. ,III; 23. X D M Eua
261. Jodia croceago D.&S. 2c!c!4. IV. '95 Q Xt Vam
26~. Canistra vaccinii L. 27. III; 15-19. X D M Eua

120 /
263. Canistra rubiginosa Scop. 29. III, 10. IV M D Vam
264. Canistra rubiginea D.&S. 27. IV-4.V; 4. X M Dq Vam
265. Cor.istra erythrocephala D.&S. 4. X-15. X M Dq Vam
266. Brachionycha nubeculosa 3d'd'28. III. '94 M D Eua
267. Lithophane ornitopus Hufn. 28. III; 1-10.X M Dq Eua
268. Allophyes oxyacanthae L. 17. IX-1. X M D Vam
269. Valeria oleagina D & S. 3c!c! 25-26, 111. '95 Mt A Vam
270. Dichonia convergens D & S. 3c!â 6. X. '94 Xt Q Vam
271. Ammoconia caecimacula D & S. 1 Q 4. X. '94 M p Eua
272. Blepharita satura D & S. 25. Vlll-3. IX M p Eua
273. Apamea anceps D & S. 1 c!, 1 Q 22. VI Mx G Eua
274. Apamea scolopacina Esp. 2c!c! 26. VI Mh G Eua
275. Oligia strigilis L. 8. Vl-20. VII M G Eua
276. Mesapamea secalis L. 16. Vll-11. VIII M G Eua
277. Luperina testacea D & S. 3d'd' 7; 8. IX M R Vam
278. Amphipoea oculea nictitans L. 1 d',1 Q 10. VIII Mh R Eua
279. Calamia tridens Hufn. 3d'c!3. VII. '95 Xt G Eua
280. Charanycha trigrammica Hufn. 25. V-22. VII Mxt p Vam
281. Discestra trifolii Hufn. 15. Vl-18. VIII M p Hol
282. Lacanobia oleracea L. 8. Vl-24. VIII M p Eua
283. Hadena luteago D & S. 2 c!c!, 1 Q 28. VII Mt p Vam
284. Hadena confusa Hufn. 2c!cf1 Q 8. VI M p Eua
285. Hadena rivularis Fabr. 1 c!, 1 Q 3. VII Mxt p Eua
286. Hadena perplexa D & S. 1 d', 1 Q 22. VI. '95 Mxt p Eua
287. Sideridis reticulata Gze. 3d'd'16-17. VI M p Eua
288. Melanchra persicariae L. 22. Vl-10. VIII M p Eua
289. Mamestra brassicae L. 8. Vl-33. VIII M p Eua
290. Mythimna turca L. 15. Vl-24. VIII Mh G Eua
291. Mythimna I-album D & S. 1. Vl-13. IX Mt G Eua
292. Mythimna conigera D & S. 27. Vll-17. VIII M G Eua
293. Mythimna albipuncta D & S. 18. V-17. VIII Mt G Vam
294. Mythimna vitellina Hb. 29. Vl-3. IX Mxt G Vam
295. Mythimna pallens L. 18. V-13. IX Mh p Eua
296. Orthosia incerta Hufn. 30. III; 7. V M D Eua
297. Orthosia munda D & S. 2c!c!' 1 Q 25-26. III M Dq Eua
298. Orthosia miniosa D & S. 2c!c!20. IV. '95 M Dq Eua
299. Orthosia cerasi Fabr. 29. 111-20. IV M Dq Eua
300. Orthosia cruda D & S. 20. 111-14. IV M Dq Eua
301. Orthosia gothica L. 23. 111-22. IV M Dq Eua
1 O. IV-9. V M p Vam
302. Egira conspicillaris L.
303. Tholera decimalis P-eda 6. IX-27. IX M R Eua
1 Q 20. VI M p Eua
304. Pachetra sagittigera Hufn.
305. Axylia putris L. 11. V-17. VIII M R Eua

121 /
306. Diarsia rubi view 25 Vll-21. VIII p M Eua
307. Noctua pronuba L. 29. Vl-31. VIII p Mh Eua
308. Noctua orbona Hufn. 6. Vll-12. VII P, MxtVam
309. Noctua fimbriata Schrb. 8. Vll-11-IX p MthVam
31 O. Noctua comes Hb. 2r!r!, 1Q14-15. VIII p Mt Vam
311. Noctua janthina D & S. 27. Vll-24. VIII p MxtVam
312. Chersotis multangula Hb. 2r!r! 21. VII p Xt Vam
313. Eugnorisma depuncta L. 10. Vlll-3 IX p Mt Eua
314. Xestia c-nigruml. 14. V-18. IX p u Eua
315. Xestia ditrapezium D & S. 3cJ'cJ'3-4. VIII p M Eua
316. Xestia triangulum D & S. 18. Vl-14. VII p M Eua
317. Eugraphe sigma D & S. 3cJ'â, 1 Q 10-12. VII p Mh Eua
318. Cerastis rubricosa D & S. 29. 111-20. IV p M Eua
319. Anaplectoides prasina D & S. 29. Vl-3. VIII p Mh Hol
320. Euxoa aquilina D & S. 20. Vll-3. VIII R Xt Eua
321. Euxoa obelisca D & S. 10. Vlll-24. VIII R Xt Eua
322. Agrotis ipsilon Hufn. 20. Vll-15. IX R u Cosm
323. Agrotis exclamations L. 15. V-13. VIII R u Eua
324. Agrotis segetum D & S. 10. V-17. IX R u Eua
325. Agrotis cinerea D & S. 2r!c!23. VI. '95 R Xt Vam
326. Carterocephalus palaemon 18. V-20. VI p Mh Eua
327. Heteropterus morpheus Pall. 2c!r! 1 Q 20. VI
p M Eua
328. Thymelicus sylvestris Poda 15. Vl-27. VII p M Eua
329. Thymelicus acteon Rott. 4r!cJ'25. VI; 1. VIII p Xt Vam
330. Hesperia comma L. 27. V-25. VIII G M Eua
331. Ochlodes venatus faunus Tur. 10. Vl-27. VIII G M Eua
332. Erynnis tages L. 15. IV-27. VIII p M Eua
333. Carcharodus alceae Esp. 2c!c!, 1 Q 20; 27. VI A Xt Vam
334. Carcharodus flocciferus Zel. 3 r!r! 12. VI. '95 p Xt Vam
335. Pyrgus malvae L. 15. V-25. VIII p M Eua
336. Pyrgus alveus Hb. 27. V-20. IX p M Eua
337. Pyrgus fritillarius Poda 20. V-28. VII p Xt Vam
15. V-28. VIII p M E
338. Hamearis lucina L.
339. Thecla betulae L. 2Q~ 20. VII. '95 A M Eua
340. Satyrium w-album Kn. 300 9. VII. '95 D M Eua
341. Fixsenia pruni L. 2r!cJ', 1 Q4-5. VII A Mxt Eua
· 342. Callophrys rubi virgatus Vrty. 15. V-25. VII A Mxt Hol
343. Lycaena phlaeas L. 15. V-27. VIII p Mxt Vam
344. Lycaena thersamon Esp. 3r!c! 12. VII p Mxt Eua
345. Lycaena dispar rutila Wrnbg. 10. Vll-3. IX p Hg Eua

122 /
346. Lycaena virgaureae L. 7. Vll-25. VIII p Mh Eua
347. Lycaena alciphron Rott. 3ââ, 2 Q Q15-18. VII p Hg Eua
348. Everes argiades Pall. 3. V-27. VIII p Mxt Hol
349. Celastrina argiolus L. 15. V-27. VII p M Eua
350. Scoliantides orion Pall. 15. V-20. VIII p Xt Eua
351. GlaucopsycHe alexis Poda 20. V-15. VIII p Mxt Eua
352. Maculinea alcon D. & S. 3Q~ 25-26. VI p Xt Eua
353. Plebejus argus L. 14. V-25. VIII p M Eua
354. Plebejus argyrognomon 25. Vl-27. VII p Xt Eua
355. Aricia agestis D. & S. 20. V-27. VIII p Mxt Hol
356. Polyommatus bellarus Rott. 14. IV-3. IX p Xt Eua
357. Polyommatus icarus Rott. 3. V-27. IX p M Eua
358. Hipparchia fagi Ecop. 16. Vll-25. VIII G Mxt Vam
359. Hipparchia semele L. 4âd' 13-25. VII G Xt Am
360. Satyrus circe pannonica Fr. 3d'd', 2 9Q20-27. VII G Xt Vam
361. Satyrus dryas drymeia Fr. 15. Vll-15. VIII G Mxt Eua
362. Satyrus briseis L. 3d'd' 26-27. VII G Xt Eua
363. Maniola jurtina L. 25. V-28. VIII G M Eua
364. Pyronia tithonus L. 15-30. VII G Mxt Eua
365. Aphantopus hyperanthus L. 20. Vl-27. VIII G M Eua
366. Coenonympha pampilus L. 15. V-3. IX G M Eua
367. Coenonympha arcania L. 1O. Vl-28. VIII G M Eua
368. Coenonympha glycerion Brkn. 1O. Vl-27. VII G Hg Eua
369. Pararge aegeria tircis Bt. 26. IV-3. IX G M Eua
370. Pararge megera L. 15. V-3. IX G Mxt Vam
371. Pararge maera L. 27. IV-17. VI G M
372. Melanargia galathea scolis Fr. 1O. Vl-28. VIII G M Eua
373. Frebia ligea carthusianorum Fr. 15. Vll-29. VIII G Mxt Eua
374. Erebia a. aethiops Esp. 13. Vll-28. VIII G M Eua
375. Clossiana selene D. & S. 27. V-15. IX p M Eua
376. Clossiana euphrosyne L. 25. V-27. VII p M Eua
377. Clossiana dia L. 27. IV-25. VIII p M Eua
378. Argynnis daphne D. & S. 25. V-3. VII p Xt Eua
379. Argynnis hecate D. & S. 2d'â, 1 Q 8-1 O. VI A Xt Eua
380. Argynnis lathonia L. 15. V-27. VII p Mxt Eua
381. Argynnis aglaja L. 24. Vl-20. VIII p M Eua
382. Argynnis adippe D. & S. 20. Vl-26. VIII p M Eua
383. Argynnis niobe L. 22. Vl-15. VIII p M Eua
384. Argynnis paphia L. 2. Vll-26. VIII p M Eua
385. Nymphalis polychloros L. 2d'd'27. VI D M Eua
386. Nymphalis antiopa L. 10.Vl-25. VII D M Eua

123 /
387. Polgonia c-album L. 20. V-3. IX A M Eua
388. Vanessa atalanta L. 15. Vl-3. IX p M Eua
389. Vanessa cardui L. 17. Vl-27. VIII p M Eua
390. lnachis io L. 26. Vl-4. IX p M Eua
391. Aglais urticae L. 24. Vl-3. IX p M Eua
392. Araschia levana L. 27. IV-20. VIII p M Eua
393. Neptis rivularis Scop. 3 oâ 17 -1 8. V I A M Eua
394. Neptis sappho aceris Lep. 15. V-4. VIII p M Eua
395. Apatura iris L. 28. Vl-29. VII D M Eua
396. Apatura ilia D. & S. 20026. VI D M Eua
397. Melitaea didyma Esp. 26. V-27. VII p Mxt Eua
398. Melitaea cinxia L. 15. V-29. VI p M Eua
399. Melitaea phoebe D. & S. 1O. V-29. VI p M Eua
400. Melitaea trivic;i D. & S. 4 00 10-12. VI p Xt Eua
401. Melitaea athalia Rott. 15. V-22. VIII p M Eua
402. Melitaea diamina Lang. 40027-28. VI p M Eua
403. Papilio machaon L. 20. V-8. VIII p M Eua
404. lphiclides podalirius scop. 15. V-27. VII p M Eua
405. Parnassius mnemosyne 29. V-25. VI p Mh E
distincta Br.
406. Leptidea sinapis L. 27. IV-4. IX p M Eua
407. Aporia crataegi L. 9. Vl-27. V D M Eua
408. Pieris brassicae L. 10.-27. V p M Eua
409. Pieris rapae L. 27. IV-13. IX p M Eua
41 O. Pieris napi meridionalis Hey. 20. IV-18. VIII p M Eua
411 . Pontia daplidice L. 25. IV-18. VIII p M Eua
412. An.thocharis cardamines 20. IV-29. V p M Eua
meridionalis Vrty.
413. Colias erate Scop. 300 27. VIII. '94 p M Eua
414. Colias hyale L. 20. V-27. VIII p M Eua
415. Colias crocea Geoffr. 26. V-13. IX p M Eua
416. Gonepteryx rhamni 27. V-15. IX A M Eua
meridionalis Rob.
ABBREVIATIONS: B=Baze trophique: A=Arbustes; D= Defeilleurs;
Dq=Defeilleurs qui ont la preference pour Quercus; O=especes specialisees en
Quercus; P= especes, consommateurs des plantes herbacees; G=especes,
consommateurs des graminees; R= consommateurs des racines;
X=saprolignicoles; Mo=Mousses; L=Lichens; E. E.=Exigences Ecologiques:
M=Mesophylle; Mx=Mesoxerophylle; Mxt=Mesoxerothermophylle;
Mh=Mesohygrophylle; Hg=Hygrophylle; Ht=Hygrothermophylle;
Xt=Xerothermophylle; U=Ubiquiste; R. G.=Repandue zoogeographique; (apres
RĂKOSY, 1995)
124 /
Eua=Euroasiatiques; Vam= Ouestasiatique-mediterraneenes; Am-Atlanto-
mediterraneenes; Hol=Holarctiques; E=Europeene Str=Soustropicales

La structura des familles de macrolepidopteres signalees dans la zone
Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti est caracterisee par la predominance des familles
NOCTUIDAE (38, 13%) et GEOMETRIDAE (24,46%) Les autres familles sont
representees par un pourcentage reduit des especes composantes. (Tab. 1)

Tab. 1 La structure des familles des macropepidopteres

de Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti

Famille Nombre especes %

Lasiocampidae 5 1,20
Attacidae 2 0,48
Drepanidae 4 0,96
Thyatiridae 5 1,20
Geometridae 102 24,46
Sphingidae 6 1,44
Notodontidae 14 3,35
Lymantriidae 6 1,44
Arctiidae 20 4,80
Ctenuchidae 2 0,48
Noctuidae 159 38,13
Hesperiidae 12 2,00
Riodinidae 0,24
Lycaenidae 19 4,56
Satyridae 18 4,31
Nymphalidae 28 6,71
Papilionidae 3 0,72
Pieridae 11 2,64


En analysant la structura zoogeographique, on remarque la

predominance des elements euroasiatiques qui representent 80,29% du total
des especes, suivits par elements ouestasiatique-mediterraneens avec
14,66% et Ies elements holarctiques: 3, 37% du total des especes signalees.
L'analyse de la base trophiques montre la predominance des especes
- consomateurs des plantes herbacees, qui font 46,39% du total du material
analise. Les defeilleurs ont aussi un purcentage souleve (25,25%). Les
especes specialisees en Quercus ou qui ont la preference pour Ies quercinees
ont une proportion de 8, 17% du total des es·peces signalees.

125 /


Fig. 1. - La structure zoogeographique de la faune de macrotepidopteres

I ~~~1r~®
1 2 3 4
5 6

51 ,93 % 1. MESOPHYLLES

8 ,17%

Fig. 2. - Le caracter ecologique des tepidopteres du bassin

de Grădiştea Muncelului - Costeşti

126 /
Le caracter ecologique des macrolepidopteres de Grădiştea Muncelului-
Costeşti est donne de la predominance des especes mesophylles (51,93%),
suivites par Ies elements mesothermophylles (11,54%), mesohygrophylles
(11,30%), xerothermophylles (8,89%) et mesoxerothermophylles (8, 17%).
Les autres categories sont representees par une proportion de 8, 17%.
Parmi Ies 416 especes de macrolepidopteres signalees dans la zone
de Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti, on remarque quelques especes rares
comme: Trichopteryx carpinata Brkh., Tephrina arenacearia D. &S., Petrophora
chlorosata Scop., Therapis flaviaria D.&S., Drymonia ruficornis Hufn., Cybosia
mesomella L., Spiris striata., Rhyparia purpurata L., Catocala elocata Esp.,
Amphipyra perflua Fabr., Enargia paleacea Esp., Jodia croceago D. &S„
Dichonia convergens D.&S., Hadena perplexa D.&S., Heteropterus morpheus
Pall., Satyrus briseis L.




Sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetărilor efectuate asupra faunei de macrolepidoptere din

bazinul Grădiştea Muncelului-Costeşti, (Munţii Şureanu), în anii 1994-1995, în principalele
ecosisteme naturale ale zonei menţionate. Au fost identificate în urma colectărilor 416 specii
de macrolepidoptere pentru care a fost întocmită lista sistematică a speciilor însoţită de date
privind baza trofică, exigenţele ecologice şi răspândirea zoogeograficâ. Se prezintă structura
familiilor speciilor semnalate, structura zoogeografică, analiza bazei trofice şi caracterul
ecologic al speciilor. Din cele 416 specii semnalate se remarcă speciile rare în zona
cercetată: Trichopteryx carpinata Brkh., Tephrina arenacearia D. & S., Petrophora chlorosata
Scop., Therapis flavicaria D. & S., Drymonia ruficornis Hufn., Cybosia mesomalla L., Spiris
striata L., Heteropterus morpheus Pall., Enargia paleacea Esp., Hadena perplexa D.& S., etc.


BERGMANN A., 1952, Die GroBschmetterlinge Mitteldeutschlands. Urania-Verlag GMBH,

BUR NAZ SILVIA, 1986-1987, Contribuţii la cunoaşterea faunei de lepidoptere a Platformei
Luncanilor. Sargetia, Deva, 20; 557-562
BURNAZ SfLVIA, 1993, Date preliminare privind fauna de macrolepidoptere din etajul
pădurilor de foioase ale Munţilor Sureanu (sectorul Parcului Natural Grădiştea Muncelului-
Ciclovina). Sargetia Deva, 14-15; 131-140
BURNAZ SILVIA, 1995, Consideraţii ecologice şi zoogeografice privind fauna de
macrolepidoptere a Cheilor Crivadiei (Masivul Sureanu). Bui. lnf. Soc. Lepid. Rom., Cluj-
Napoca, 6(1-2): 33-50
HEUMER P ., 1989, Faunistich-Okologische Untersuchungen an Schmetterlingen

127 /
(Lepidoptera) der lnnauen bei Kufstein/Langkampfen (NordTirol, Osterreich). Veroff. d
Tiroler Landes Museum Ferdinandeum, lnnsbruck, 69: 59-106
POPESCU-GORJ A., 1987, La liste systematique revisee des especes de
macrolepidopteres mentonnes dans la faune de Roumanie. Mise a jour de leur classification
et nomenclature. Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. „Grigore Antipa", Bucureşti, 29:69-123
RAKOSY L., Lista sistematică a noctuidelor din Romănia. Bui. lnf. Soc. Lepid. Rom., Cluj-
Napoca, 1 :43-86
RAKOSY L., 1992, Macrolepidoptere din Parcul Naţional Retezat. ln: I. Popovici (ed).
parcul Naţional Retezat-Studii ecologice. Edit. West-Side Computers, Braşov: 254-282
RAKOSY L., 1995, Die Noctuiden Siebenburgens (Transsylvanien, Rumănien) (Lepidoptera;
Noctuidae). Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt/Main, Suppl. 13: 1-109
RAKOSY L., WEBER W., 1984, Bioăkologisches Studium der Tagfalter (Rhopalocera und
Grypocera) von Sighişoara (Schăssburg) und Umgebung. (Transilvania/Siebenburgen,
Rumănien). Stud. şi Comunic. muz. Brukenthal.St. Nat., Sibiu, 26: 325-341
TRUFAS V., 1986, Munţii Sureanu. ghid turistic. Edit. sport-Turism, Bucureşti.

Le Musee de la Civilizalion
Dacique et Romaine
Rue 1 Decembrie 39
Deva 2700


Costeşti 22. VII. 1995 Costeşti 24. VII. 1995


r:J' Costeşti 6. X. 1994. Costeşti 21. Vii. 1994

128 /


La depresion montagneuse Oaşa est situee la limite sud-estique du
Massif Şureanu, sur le cours superieur de la vallee de Sebeş. Dans cette
zone, le paysage initial a ete modife dans Ies dernieres decennies de notre
siecle par quelques amples travails hydro-energetiques, parmi lesquels nous
mentionnons le lac artificiel de Oaşa.
L'entiere depression, et nottamment le lac artificial de Oaşa, est
gardee par Ies sommets des montagnes: Fetiţa (1697 m), Vârfu lui Retru
(2133 m), Şureanu (2059 m), Oaşa Mare (1731 m), Oaşa Mică (1507 m),Ştefleşti
(2244 m) et Tărtărău ( 1680 m). A 1'altitude qu i depasse 1650 m, on ren contre
dans le Massif Şureanu des formes de relief glaciaire, avec une extension
reduite et representees par Ies cirques glaciaires: Petru, Şureanu, Pârva et
Gropşoara. Le plus important cirque glaciaire de la zone est le cirque
glaciaire Şureanu situe 1743 m, ou se trouve aussi le lac naturel Şureanu.
La zone du lac artificial de Oaşa est situee dans l'etage des forâts
d'epicea (Ass. Hieracio rotundati-Pceetum B. et BI. et Pawl. 39), interrompues
par endroids, par des regions rocheuses avec une vegetation
mesoxerothermophylle (Ass. Asplenio - Poetum nemoralis Boşcaiu 71
veronicetosum bachofemii Borza 59), par des pres secondairs (Ass. Violo
declinatae- Nardetum Simon 66; Ass. Festuco rubrae -Agrostietum capillaris
Horv. (51) 52). Au bord des forâts se trouvent des phytocoenoses edifiees
par Vaccinium myrtillus (Ass. Campanulo abietinae - Vaccinietum myrtilli
Boşcaiu 71 ). Le long de la vallee superieure de Sebeş et de ses ruisseaux
s'ont instales des phytocoenoses ediffiees par l'association Chrysanthemo
rotundifolii - Piceeturh Krajina 33 et aussi des coenoses plus humides (Ass.
Cariei elongatum - Alnetum glutinosae Koc'h 26).
Le lac glaciaire Şureanu est garde aussi par des forâts d'epicea, mais
sur Ies regions rocheuses, et nottament sur le versant ouestique, tres adrupt,
s'est installee une vegetation arbustive (Ass. Rhododendro myrtifolii -
Pinetum mugi Borza 59 em Coldea 85), avec Pinus mugo, Juniperus sibirica,
Rhododendron myrtifolius, Vaccinium myrtillus, etc. Les pres sousalpins
sont representes par des coenoses de Festuca airoidis et Potentilla aurea
(Ass. Potentillo chrysocraspedae - Festucetum airoidis Boşcaiu 71 ). Sur le

129 /
plateau situe au-dessus du cirque glaciaire on existe des coenoses de
Nardus stricta (Ass. Violo declinatae - Nardetum Simon 66). Une autre
difference est donnee par Ies buissons de Alnus viridis instalee sur Ies
regions rocheuses fortement inclinees. Une grande superficie du lac, situee
en aval, est ocupee par des sols de tourbe avec une vegetation hygrophylle
(Ass. Sphagnetum magellanici Kastn et all. 33). (BORZA 1959, COLDEA,
1991, DONIŢA, 1992).
Le substrat geologique de la zone este represente par des schistes
cristallines mesometamorphiques. Les sols sur lesquels se developpent la
vegetation sont representes par des sols bruns acide et des sols
Sila flore et la vegetation a ete etudiee pour toute la vallee de la riviere
Sebeş (BORZA, 1959), la faune des lepidopteres a ete mois etudiee. On peut
mentionner seulement dr. KONIG FREDERIC qui en 1977 a capture quelques
especes montagneuses et sous-alpins aux environs du lac artificiel de Oaşa
(BURNAZ SILVIA, 1993), FESCI SIMONA, & BUZA (1973) qui ont signale,
parmi Ies autres elements de la faune, aussi quelques especes de lepidopteres
aux environs du lac de Şureanu et L. BEREGSZASZY qui a collecte Oaşa a
et Valea Frumoasei (STĂNESCU, 1995).
Natre etude sur la faune de macrolepidopteres de la depression
montagneuse de Oaşa et de Mont Şureanu a commence en 1994. Les
captures ont ete effectuees pendant Ies mois juin-septembre de 1994 et
1995, en utilisant des trappes electriques installees l'une la Cabane Oaşa
(1280 m altitude), la seconde la Colonia Fetiţa (1283 m) et la derniere la a
Cabana Şureanu (1743 m altitude). Nous avans aussi effectue des captures,
pandant la journee, dans Ies pres et Ies regions rocheuses des zones
Le materiei capture est represente par 237 especes pour lesquelles on
a ete redigee la liste systematique presentee sous la forme d'un tableau. On
indique la presence des especes dans Ies trois stations mentionnees, Ies
exigences ecologiques et la distribution zoogeographique.
La liste systematique a ete etablie apres la classification et la
nomenclatura scientifique publiee par POPESCU -GORJ (1987) et RAKOSY

Famille Oaşa Colonie Şureanu E.E. D.G.

Espece Fetiţa

1. Lasiocampa q. quercus L. + + + M Eua
2. Dendrolimus pini montana Stdgr + + M Eua
3. Cosmotriche lunigera Esp. + + + M Eua
4. Drepana b. binaria Hufn. + Mt Vam

130 /
5. Ochropacha duplaris L. + + Mh Eua
6. Hemithea aestivaria Hb. + M Eua
7. Chlorissa pulmentaria Gn. + + Mh Eua
8. Jodis lactearia L. + Mth Eua
9. Scapula immorata L. + + Mth Eua
1O. Scopu la ornata Scop. + + Mxt Eua
11. Scapula nigropunctata Hufn. + + + Xt Eua
12. Scapula incanata L. + + Mh Eua
13. Scopula ternata Schrnk. + + Mxt Eua
14. ldaea ochrata Scop. + + Mht Eua
15. ldaea muricata Hufn. + + Xt Eua
16. ldaea trigeminata Haw. + + Mt Eua
17. ldaea aversata L. + + Mht Eua
18. ldaea straminata Brkh. + Xt Vam
19. Rhodostrophia vibicaria CI. + Mt Eua
20. Lythria purpurata L. + Mth Eua
21. Scotopteryx moeniata Scop. + + Xt Eua
22. Scotopteryx chenopodiata L. + + + Mth Vam
23. Xanthorhoe designata Hufn. + + + Mxt Hol
24. Xanthorhoe ferrugata CI. + + M Eua
25. Xanthorhoe montanata D. & S. + + + Mh Eua
26. Xanthorhoe fluctuata L. + M Eua
27. Epirrhoe tristata L. + + Mht Eua
28. Epirrhoe rivata Hb. + Mht Eua
29. Epirrhoe galiata D. & S. + Mxt Eua
30. Entephria caesiata D. & S. + + + M Eua
31. Mesoleuca albicillata L. + + Mh Eua
32. Pelurga comitata L. + + M Hol
33. Nebula salicata Hb. + + + Mxt Eua
34. Nebula nebulata Tr. + Mxt Eua
35. Eulithis prunata L. + + M Vam
36. Eulithis populata L. + + + Mh Eua
37. Eulithis pyraliata D. & S. + + Mh Eua
38. Ecliptopera silaceata D. & S. + + + Mh Eua
39. Chloroclysta siterata Hufn. + M Eua
40. Chloroclysta truncata Hufn. + + + M Eua
41. Chloroclysta citrata L. + + M Vam
42. Plemyria rubiginata S. & S. + + Mht Eua
43. Thera variata D. & Sch. .+ + + M Hol
44. Thera obeliscata Hb. + + M Eua
45. Thera stragulata Hb. + + M Eua
46. Eustroma reticulatum D. & S. + Mh Eua
47. Electrophaes corylata Thnbg. + Mh Eua

131 /
48. Colostygia olivata D. & S. + + + M Eua
49. Colostygia pectinataria Kn. + + M Eua
50. Hydriomena furcata Thnbg. + + + M Eua
51. Spargania luctuata D. & S. + + M Eua
52. Rheumaptera hastata L. + + + M Eua
53. Melanthia procellata D. & S. + + M Hol
54. Triphosa dubitata L. + M Eua
55. Euphyia biangulata Haw. + M Eua
56. Perizoma alcemillatum L. + + + M Eua
57. Perizoma minoratum Tr. + + M Eua
58. Perizoma verberatum Scop. + + M Eua
59. Eupithecia abietariae. + + + M Eua
60. Eupithecia virgaureata Dbld. + M Eua
61. Aplocera praeformata Hb. + + + M Eua
62. Aplocera simpliciata Tr. + Mx Eua
63. Lomaspilis marginata L. + + M Eua
64. Ligdia adustata D.& Sch. + + M Vam
65. Semiothisa signaria Hb. + + M Eua
66. Semiothisa liturata CI. + + M Eua
67. Plagodis dolabraria L. + M Eua
68. Plagodis pulveraria L. + + M Eua
69. Opistograptis luteolata L. + M Eua
70. Epione repandaria Hufn. + + + Mh Eua
71. Pseudopanthera macularia L. + + + M Eua
72. Odontopera bidentata CI. + + + M Eua
73. Ourapteryx sambucaria L. + + M Eua
74. Crocalis elinguaria L. + + M Eua
75. Biston betularius L. + M Eua
76. Deileptenia ribeata CI. + + M Eua
77. Alcis repandatus L. + + + M Eua
78. Alcis maculatus bastelbengeri + + + Mh Eua
79. Cleorodes lichenarius Hufn. + + M Eua
80. Ematurga atomaria L. + + M Eua
81. Bupalus piniarius I. + + M Eua
82. Cabera pusaria L. + + M Eua
83.Campaea margaritata L. + + + M Eua
84. Hylaea fasciaria L. + + + M Eua
85. Puengeleria capreolaria D & S. + + + M Eua
86. Gnophos obfuscatus D & S. + + + Xt Eua
87. Gnophos glaucinarius Hb. + Xt Vam
88. Psodos coracina dioszeghy Shm. + M End. carp.
89. Siona lineata Scop. + M Eua
90. Perconia strigilaria Hb. + + Mt Eua

132 /
91. Agrius convolvuli L. + + M Str
92. Hemaris tytius L. + + Mt Hol
93. Hemaris fuciformis L. + + M Eua
94. Macroglossum stellatarum + + Mx Eua
95. Notodonta dromedarius L. + M Eua
96. Notodonta torva Hb. + M Eua
97. Clostera curtula L. + Mh Eua
98. Leucoma salicis L. + Mh Eua
99. Arctornis 1-nigrum 0-F.Mull. + M Eua
100. Lymantria monacha L. + + + M Eua
101. Setina irrorella L. + + + Mt Eua
1'12. Miltochrysta miniata Frst. + M Eua
103. Atolmis rubricollis L. + + M Eua
104. Ei Ierna lurideolum Znck. + + Mt Eua
105. Ei lema deplanum Esp. + + M Eua
106. Parasemia plantaginis carpathica Dan. + + + Mh Eua
107. Callimorpha quadripunctaria P. + + M Eua
108. Callimorpha dominula L. + + + Mh Vam
109. Herminia grisealis D & S. + M Eua
11 O. Polypogon tentacul aria L. + + M Eua
111. Hypena proboscidalis L. + + + Mh Eua
112. Hypena obesalis Tr. + Mh Eua
113. Hypena rostralis L. + Mht Eua
114. Phytometra viridaria CI. + + M Eua
115. Scolioteryx libatrix L. + + Mh Hol
116. Lygephila craccae D & S. + Mt Eua
117. Callistege mi CI. + + M Eua
118. Laspeyria flexula D.S. + + M Eua
119. Panthea coenobita Esp. + + + M Eua
120. Euchalcia variabilis Pill. + + + Mh Eua
121. Euchalcia modestoides Poale + + Mh Eua
122. Diachrysia chrysitis L. + + M Eua
123. Plusia festucae L. + + Mh Eua
124. Autographa gamma L. + + + M Eua
125. Autographa pulchrina Haw. + + Mh Eua
126. Autographa bractea D & S. + + Mh Eua
127. Syngrapha interrogationis L. + + + Mh Hol
128. Abrostola triplasia L. + + Mh Eua
129. Abrostola asclepiadis D & S. + + Mxt Vam
130. Cucullia umbratica L. + + Mh Eua

133 /
131. Hyppa rectilinea Esp. + + + Mh Eua
132. Amphipyra piramidea L. + + Mh Eua
133. Amphipyra berbera swenssoni FI. + + Mt Vam
134. Amphipyra tragopoginis CI. + + + M Hol
135. Athypa pulmonaris Esp. + + Mth Vam
136. Rusina ferruginea Esp. + Mh Eua
137. Phlogophora meticulosa L. + + Mh Vam
138. Phlogophora scita Hb. + + Mh Vam
139. Cosmia pyralina D & S. + + M Eua
140. Calymnia trapezina L. + + M Vam
141. Mniotype adusta Esp. + + + Mh Eua
142. Apamea monoglypha Hufn. + + + M Eua
143. Apamea crenata Hufn. + + + M Eua
144. Apamea maillardi Geyer + M Eua
145. Apamea lateritia Hufn. + + M Hol
146. Apamea rubrirena Tr. + + + Mh Eua
147. Apamea remissa Hb. + Mh Eua
148. Apamea oblonga Haw. + + M Eua
149. Apamea sordens Hufn. + M Eua
150. Apamea scolopacina Esp. + + Mh Eua
151. Mesapamea secalis L. + M Eua
152. Photedes captiuncula Tr. + + + Mh Eua
153. Discestra trifolii Hufn. + M Hol
154. Hada nana Hufn. + + + M Eua
155. Heliophobus reticulata Gze. + Mt Eua
156. Melanchra persicariae L. + + + M Eua
157. Papestra biren Gze. + + + Mh Hol
158. Polia trimaculosa Esp. + + + Mh Eua
159. Polia nebulosa Hufn. + + Mh Eua
160. Leucania comma L. + + + Mh Hol
161. Mythimna conigera D & S. + + + Mh Eua
162. Mythimna albipuncta D & S. + + + Mt Vam
163. Mythimna vitellina Hb. + + + Mxt Vam
164. Mythimna I-album L. + + + Mt Eua
165. Cerapteryx gramminis L. + + + Mh Hol
166. Tholera decimalis Poda + M Eua
167. Ochropleura flammatra D & S. + + Mt Eua
168. Ochropleura plecta L. + + M Eua
169. Diarsia brunnea D & S. + + + Mh Hol
170. Diarsia mendica Fabr. + + + M Hol
171. Diarsia rubi Wiew. + + M Eua
172. Noctua pronuba L. + + + Mh Eua
173. Noctua comes Hb. + + Mt Vam
174. Noctua janthina D & S. + + + Mxt Vam

134 /
175. Noctua fimbriata Schrb. + + + Mth Vam
176. Eurois occultus L. + + + M Eua
177. Xestia speciosa Hb. + + + Mh Hol
178. Xestia c-nigrum L. + + M Eua
179. Xestia triangulum D & S. + + + M Eua
180. Xestia baja D. S. + + Mt Eua
181. Xestia ditrapezium D & S. + + + M Eua
182. Xestia collina Bsdv. + + + Mxt Vam
"183. Eugraphe sigma D & S. + M Eua
184. Anaplectoides prasina D & S. + + Mh Hol
185. Agrotis ipsilon Hufn. + + + u Cosm
186. Agrotis exclamationis L. + + + u Eua
187. Agrotis segstum D & S. + + + u Eua
188. Carterocephalus palaemon Pall. + + Mh Hol
189. Thymelicus sylvestris Poda + + Mxt Vam
190. Hesperia comma L. + + Mh Eua
191. Ochlodes venatus faunus Tur. + + Mh Eua
192. Erynnis tages L. + + Mxt Eua
193. Pyrgus malvae L. + + M Eua
194. Hamearis lucina L. + + M E
. 195. Callophrys rubi virgatus Vrty. + + Mt Eua
196. Lycaena phlaeas L. + Mxt Hol
197. Celastrina argiolus L. + + M Hol
198. Polyommatus bellargus Rott. + Mxt Eua
199. Polyommatus icarus Rott. + + M Eua
200. Pararge aegeria tircis Bt. + + + M Eua
201. Pararge maera L. + + M Eua
202. Melanargia galathea scolis Fr. + + M Eua
203. Maniola jurtina L. + + M Eua
204. Aphantopus hyperanthus L. + + M Eua
205. Coenonympha pamphilus L. + + M Eua
206. Coenonympha arcania L. + + M Eua
207. Coenonympha glycerion Brkh. + + Hg Eua
208. Erebia ligea carthusianorum Fr. + + M Eua
209. Erebia euryale syrmia Fr. + + + M Eua
21 O. Erebia aethiops aethiops Esp. + + M Eua
211. Erebia epiphron transsylvanica Reb. - + M Alp.
212. Erebia gorge pyrinica Bur. + M Alp.
213. Erebia pandrose roberti Pesch. + M B.Alp

135 /
214. Clossiana selene D & S. + + M Eua
215. Clossiana euphrosyne L. + + + M Eua
216. Clossiana dia L. + + M Eua
217. Argynnis lathonia L. + + M Eua
218. Argynnis aglaja L. + + M Eua
219. Argynnis adippe D & S. + + M Eua
220. Argynnis paphia L. + + M Eua
221. Polygonia c-album L. + + + M Eua
222. Vanessa atalanta•L. + + + M Eua
223. lnachis io L. + + + M Eua
224. Aglais urticae L. + + + M Eua
225. Araschnia levana L. + + M Eua
226. Melitaea didyma Esp. + + M Eua
227. Melitaea athalia Rott. + + M Eua
228. Papilio machaon L + + M Eua
229. Parnassius mnenosyne
distincta Br.-Eisn + + Mh E
230. Leptidea sinapis L. + + M Eua
231. Pieris rapae L. + + + M Eua
232. Pieris napi meridionalis Hey. + + + M Vam
233. Pieris bryoniae carpathensis M. + M End (Carp)
234. Pontia daplidice L. + + M Eua
235. Colias hyale L. + + M Eua
236. Colias crocea Fourcr. + + Mxt Eua
237. Gonepteryx rhamni meridionalis Rob. + + + M Eua

EE - Exigences Ecologiques: M - Mesophylle; Mh - Mesohygrophylle; Mht
- Mesohygrothermophylle; Mth - Mesothermohygrophylle; Mxt -
Mesoxerothermophylle; Mx - Mesoxerophylle; H - Hygrophylle; Xt -
D.G. - Distribution zoogeographique: Eua- Euroasiatique; E- European; Vam
- Ouestasiatique-mediterraneene; Pm - Ponto-mediteraneene; Hol - Holarctique;
Str - Soustropicale; End(Carp) Endemisme(Carpatique); S.Alp.(Sous-alpins); Alp.
-Alpins B.Alp. - Boreo-Alpins (apres RAKOSY, 1993-1995)


Les especes capturees par nous dans la zone

mentionnee,proviennent,dans leur majorite ( 224 especes) de la depression

136 /
montagneuse de Oaşa (Ies stations de Oaşa et Colonia Fetiţa). Seulement
115 especes ont ete capturees dans la zone sousalpine-alpine du Mont de
Şureanu, d2.ns Ies regions rocheuses, Ies pres et dans la zone du bord des
forets. Mais, ii y a un nombre relativement grand des especes communes
pour Ies trois stations, comme: Lasiocampa quercus L. Cosmotriche lunigera
Esp. ,Scotopteryx chenopodiata L., Xanthorhoe montana ta D.& Sch., Entephria
caesiata D. & Sch., Nebula salicata Hb., Chloroclysta truncata Hufn., Thera
variata D. & Sch., Rheumaptera hastata L., Hydriomena furcata Thnbg.,
Odontopera bidentata C., Alcis maculatus bastelbergeri Hirsc., Hylaea
fasciaria L., Puengeleria capreolaria D. & Sch. Parasemia plantaginis
carpathica Dan., Panthea coenobita Esp., Apamea rubrirena Tr., Mythimna
conigera D. & Sch., Eurois occultus L., Xestia speciosa Hb., Erebia euryale
syrmia Fr., etc.
Dans la zone sousalpine-alpine du Mont de Şureanu, ont ete signallees:
Epirrhoe rivata Hb., Epirrhoe galiata D. & Sch., Chloroclysta siterata Hufn.,
Triphosa dubitata L., Aplocera simpliciata Tr., Gnophos glaucinaria Hb.,
Psodos coracinus doiozszeghy Schm., Apamea maillardi Geyer, Erebia
epiphron transsylvanica Dan., Erebia pandrose roberti Peschhe, Erebia
gorge pyrinica Bur., Pieris bryoniae carpathensis M., Hyppa rectilinea Esp.
En analysant le material capture, on constante que du point de vue de
l'exigence ecologique, sont predominantes Ies elements mesophylles
(55,27%), suivits par Ies elements mesohygrophylles (22,89 %). Les elements
mesoxerothermopylles, et xerothermophylles ont un pourcetange reduit
dans le cadre du matetiel analise, de 6,32%et respectivement de 2, 10%. Les
autres elements font, 13,42 % du total du materiei analise.
L'analyse de la distribution zoogeographique nous montre la
predominance des elements euroasiatique ( 78,06 % ),suivits par Ies elements
ouestasiatique-mediterraneene ( 9,28% ), holarctiques (8,02 %), et des
autres elements ( 4,64 %).
Les endemismes carpathiques sont representees par: Psodos coracinus
dioszeghy Schm., Pieris bryoniae carpathensis M. Les especes alpins et
boreo-alpins sont representees par: Xestia speciosa Hb., Erebia epiphron
transsylvanicaDan., Erebia gorge pyrinica Bur., Apamea maillardi Geyer,
Erebia pandrose roberti Pesch.

137 /


Autorul prezintă lista sistematică a speciilor de macrolepidoptere colectate în anii 1994-

1995 în trei staţiuni de colectare din cadrul depresiunii Oaşa (Oaşa şi Colonia Fetiţa ) şi
Muntele Şureanu. Pentru capturarea materialului au fost utilizate instalaţii electrice amplasate
la cabana Oaşa (1280 m ), Colonia Fetiţa (1283 m) şi cabana Sureanu (1743 m). Au fost
identificate 237 specii de macrolepidoptere, materialul însumând şi speciile colectata ziua în
pajiştile şi stâncăriile din cadrul zonei cercetate. Lista sistematică este însoţită de date privind
exigenţele ecologice şi distribuţia zoogeografică a speciilor identificate. Cele mai multe specii
(224 specii ) au fost colectate în cadrul celor două staţiuni din Depresiunea Oaşa şi doar un
număr 115 specii au fost identificate în zona subalpină-alpină a Muntelui Şureanu. Analiza
exigenţelor ecologice ale speciilor, identificate scoate în evidenţă predominanţa elementelor
mezofile, urmate de cele mezohigrofile. Se constată procentul mic al elementelor xerotermofile
şi mezoxerotermofile în cadrul materialului, analizat, situaţie datorată suprafeţelor mult mai
mici de zone calcaroase în comparaţie cu cele din alte masive ale Carpaţilor. Din punct de
vedere al distribuţiei zoogeografice se constată predominanţa elementelor euroasiatice,
urmate de cele vestasiatic-mediteraneene şi cele holarctice.Endemismele carpatice sunt
reprezentate de: Psodos coracinus dioszeghy Schm„ Pieris bryoniae carphatensis M.
Elementele alpine şi boreo-alpine sunt reprezentate de: Xestia speciosa Hb„ Erebia epiphron
transsylvanica Dan„ Erebia gorge pyrinica Bur„ Apamea maillardi Geyer, Erebia pandrose
roberti Pesch.


BORZA AL. 1959,Flora şi vegetaţia Văii Sebeşului. Edit. Academ„ Bucureşti

BUR NAZ SILVIA , 1993, Catalogul colecţiei de lepidoptere a muzeului judeţean
Hunedoara-Deva. Sargetia, Acta mus, Dev„ 14-15:157-302.
COLDEA GH. 1991 Documents phytosociologiques.Prodrome des associations vegetales
des Carpates de Sud-Est (Carpates Roumains ). Univ Studi, Camerino, Ser.13.
DONITA N„ 1992, Vegetaţtia României. Edit. Tehnică-Agricolă, Bucureşti
FESCI SIMONA, BUZA M„ 1973, Studiul geologic al rezervaţiilor din circurile glaciare ale
munţilor Cindrel şi Şureanu. Ocrot. Nat., Bucureşti, 17 ( 2 ) : 203-209
KONIG FA., 1983, Contribuţii la cunoaşterea faunei de lepidoptere a jude!ului Hunedoara.
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev„ 13: 135-144
POPESCU-GORJ A.1987, La liste systematique revises des especes de macrolepidopteres
mentionees dans la faune de la Roumanie. Mise a jour de leur classifications el nomenclature.
Trav. Mus d'Hist. Nat."Grigore Antipa",Bucureşti, 29:69-123
RAKOSY L., 1991, Lista sistematică a noctuidelordin România. Bui. lnf. Soc. Lepid. Rom„
Cl~-Napoca, suppl. 1: 43-86
RAKOSY L„ 1993, Macrolepidoptere din Parcul Naţional Retezat. ln:Parcul Naţional
Retezat. Studii Ecologice. Edit. West-side, Braşov, 254-280.
RAKOSY L„ 1995, Die Noctuiden Siebenburgens (Transsylvaniein,Rumanien )
(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae ). Nachr. Entomol. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt/Main, Suppl. 13: 1-109
STĂNESCU M„ (1995): The Catalogue „Ludovic Beregszaszy". Lepidopterian Collection
(lnstecta: Lepidoptera). Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. „Gh. Antipa'', Bucureşti, 35:221-346
TRUFAŞ V„Valea Sebeşului. Date morfologice. Anal. Univ.Bucureşti, 11 :269-275
TRUFAŞ V„ 1986, Munţii Şureanu. Edit. Sport-Turism. Bucureşti

138 /
Planche I

Cosmolriche lunigera Esp. 1 â Ml. Şureanu 28. VII. 1995

Bupalus piniarius l.: 1 â Oaşa 4. VIII. 1995

Panlhea coenobila Esp. 1 â Ml. Şureanu 20. VII. 1995

139 /
Planche li

Autographa bractea D.&S. - 1Q. Oaşa 24. VII. 1994

Hyppa rectilinea Esp.: 10 Mt. Şureanu 25. VII. 1995.

Xestia speciosa Hb.: 1 0 Colonia Feti/a 2. VIII. 1994

140 /
Planche III

Ochropleura flammalra D. & S.: 1 !;! Ml. Şureanu 21. VII. 1995

Apamea maillardi Geyer: 1 â Ml. Şureanu 28. VII. 1995

Apameâ lalerilia Hufn: 1 â Oa~a 24. VII. 1994.

141 /
Planche IV

Syngrapha interrogationis L.: 1 !j! Mt. Şureanu 20. VII. 1995.

Papestra biren Gze: 1 0 Mt. Şureanu 18. VII. 1995

Eurois occultus L.: 1 0 Mt. Şureanu 18. Vff. 1995

142 /
Fig. 1 el 2. - Le lac et le sommet Şureanu (2059 m)

143 /
Fig. 1. - Des aspects de la vegetation forestiere a l'entour du Lac Şureanu.

Fig.2. - La vegetation hygrophylle (Ass. Sphagnetum magellanici Kastn et al/.)

144 /


La localite de Săcărâmb est situee dans un amphitheatre natural forme

par un complexe de corps volkaniques, le plus significatif du sud des Monts
L'activite volcanique deployee en badenien superieur-sarmatien a
genere un strato-volcan avec quatre centres principales. A la fin de cette
periode ont ete formes de nombreux corps andesitiques, qui ont devenu
celebres dans l'historie miniere de la Roumanie grâce a leur gisements
mineraux caracteristiques: (naghyagite, silvanite, etc. (IANOVICI, 1976)
Les corps andesitiques, avec des altitudes qui depassent par endroits
1OOO m (Cetraş: 1080 m, Gurguiata: 1055 m; Haitău: 1044 m) ont l'aspect de
petits monts, avec des cimes nivelees, et des pantes douces, qui donnent au
relief l'accesibilite mais aussi la possibilite d'utiliser Ies terrains pour
l'agriculture et le pacage. (BADEA, BUZA & JAMPA, 1994).
Le pression anthropique, due en principal, a l'activite miniere, s'est
manifestee, au long des annees, par la limitation de la surf ace forestiere. Les
forâts, representees surtout, par l'association vegetale Symphito cordati -
Fagetum Vida (59) 63, occupent aujourd'hui des petites surfaces, d'habitude
sur Ies terrains plus accidentes. On mentionne ici une forat formee par Fagus
sylvatica f-leucodermis, situee pres de la colline de Gurguiata, avec une
surf ace de 30 ha, qui a ete declaree reserve naturelle en 1985. Pres de cette
forât, ii y a une forat d'epicea cree par plantations, situee sous la limite
altitudinale naturelle de l'espece (a 800 m altitude). Sur Ies regions rocheuses
des monts de Gurguiata et Frasinata se conservant quelques „îles" de
rouvre (Quercus petraea: Ass. Querco petraea - Fagetum Răsmeriţă 74) en
alternant avec de pres (Ass. Festuco rubrae - Agrostietum capillaris Horv.
(51) 52 et Agrosteto - Festucetum valesiacae Ardelean 83).
La localite de Săcărâmb est connue pas seulement comme une
celebre localite miniere de la Roumanie. Elle a fait son entree dans l'histoire
des recherches naturalistiques du notre pays grâce a JOSEF FRANZENAU
(1802-1862), ancien inspecteur des mines du Săcărâmb qui dans Ies premieres
decennies du XIX-eme siecle a constitue „la plus grande collection de
lepidopteres de la Transsylvanie, collection qui comprend beaucoup d'especes
interessantes, determinees apres Ies modestes possibilites de son temps"
(POPESCU-GORJ, 1983). Les listes systematiques des especes signalees
a Săcărâmb ont ete publiees, par FUSS (1850) et (FRANZENAU, 1852) dans
la revue scientifique de !'Association Transsylvaine des Sciences Naturalles
145 /
HERMANNSTADT) et aussi dans la revue scientifique du Musee de Cluj
(ERDELY MUSEUM), par HERMANN (1868). Ulterieurement, DANIEL
CZEKELIUS, renomme entomologue de !'Association Transsylvanie des
Sciences Naturelles de Sibiu, a reuni dans un premier catalogue des
lepidopteres de la Transsylvanie (1897) toutes Ies especes capturees par
FRANZENAU a Săcărâmb, Reea et Geoagiu (en total, 723 especes de
macrolepidopteres et 118 especes de microlepidopteres) (POPESCU-GORJ,
Ayant en vue la pression antropique tres forte dans la zone de la
localite de Săcărâmb et natre intention de proteger Ies surfaces naturelles
existentes aujourd'hui nous avans commence l'etude complexe des
ecosystems naturels des Monts de Săcărâmb.
On presante dans cet article natre recherches sur la faune de
macrolepidopteres de cette zone, effectuees en 1993 et 1994. Les captures
ont ete effectuees avec une trappe electrique amplacee pres de la colline
Gurguiata, a 780 m altitude. Des captures ont ete effectue~s aussi, pandant
la journee dans toute la zone de la localite, et surtout sur Ies collines de
Calvaria, Frăsinata, Haitău et Gurguiata.
On presente dans le tableau suivant la liste systematique des especes
signalees par Franzeau, et aussi Ies especes capturees par nous en 1993 et
1994 en ajoutant la periode de la capture. Pour l'elaboration de cette liste
systematique nous avans utilise la classification et la nomenclature scientifique
elaboree par POPESCU-GORJ (1987) pour Ies especes de macrolepidopteres
de la Roumanie et aussi la classification des noctuides publiee par RĂKOSY
(1991, 1995).

Franzenau Burnaz La data de la

Espece (leg. BURNAZ)

Endromis versicolora L. , 1758 +
Poecilocampa populi L., 1758 + + 21.X-10.XI
Trichiura crataegi L., 1758 + + 1.IX-18.IX
Eriogarster lanestris L., 1758 + + 2 ââ 20. III. 1993
Eriogaster rimicola D & S„ 1775 + + 2 ââ 5. X. 1994
Eriogaster catax L., 1758 + + 3ââ10. X 1994
Malacosoma neustria L„ 1758 + + 19. Vl-30. VII
Malacosoma castrensis L. +
Lasiocampa trifolii D & S., 1775 + + 1 Q15. VII. 1993
Lasiocampa quercus L., 1758 + + 1 â 21. VII. 1993

146 /
Macrothylacia rubi L., 1758 + + 23. V-8. VII
Dendrolinus pini montana Strogr, 1871 + 22. Vl-29. VII
Phyllodesma tremulifolia Hb. + + 2 ~~20. Vll.1993
Gastropacha quercifolia Esp., 1781 + + 26. Vl-17. VIII
Gastropacha populifolia Esp., 1781 + 1 d'15, VIII. 1994
Odonestis pruni L., 1758 + + 8. Vlll-7. IX
Lemonia dumi L., 1761 +
Lemonia taraxaci D & S., 1775 +
Saturnia pyri D & S., 1775 + + 3d'd'18-19. V. 1993
Eudia pavonia L., 1758 + + 20.1v~19. v
Aglia tau L., 1758 + + 17.V-20. VI
Falcaria lacertinaria L., 1758 + 2!jl !jl 2-3. VI. 1994
Drepana binaria Hufn, 1767 + + 3 29. V. 1993
1, d',1!jl,19.Vlll1994
Drepana cultraria Fabr., 1775 + + 2 !jl!jl15. VII. 1993
Drepana falcataria L., 1758 + + 6. V-12.Vlll
Sabra harpagula Esp., 1786 + + 21.V-4.Vlll
Cilix glaucatus Scop., 1763 + + 15. V-20.Vlll
Thyatira batis L., 1758 + + 19.V-28.Vlll
Habrosyne pyritoides Hufn„ 1766 + + 20. V-29. VIII
Tethea ocularis L„ 1767 + 1 d',1!jl,18.V.1994
Tethea or D & S„ 1775 + + 9.V-3. VIII
Tetheela fluctuosa Hb„ 1803 + + 1 d' 14. VIII. 1993;
1 d' 18. VII. 1994
Ochropacha duplaris L., 1761 + + 2 !jl!jl 8-9. VII. 1994
Cymatohorina diluata D & S., 1775 + + 1 !jl 15. IX. 1994
Achlya flavicornis I„ 1758 +
Polyploca flavicornis L„ 1787 + + 3 d'r! 20.IV. 1994
Polyploca ruficollis D & S., 1775 + 3 d'c!,1 ~ 20-22.IV.1994
Archiearis parthenias L„ 1761 + + 3 d'd'18.IV. 1994
Archearis notha Hb„ 1803 + + 2 d'd'22.1v. 1994
Alsophila aescularia D & S., 1775 + + 25. 111-23. IV.
Alsophila quadripunctaria Esp. + + 19. Xl-23. XI
Aplasta ononaria Fssly., 1783 + 2!jl!jl2. Vlll.1993
Pseudoterpna pruinata Hufn., 1767 + + 2 d'd'18. VII. 1994
Geometra papilionaria L., 1758 + + 1 d' 13. VIII. 1993;
1 ă,2 !jl !jl9-10. VI I. 1994
Comibaena bajularia O & S„ 1775 + 2 d'd'14. VI. 1993

147 /
Thetidia smaragdaria Fabr., 1787 + + 29. Vl-5. VIII
Hemithea aestivaria Hb., 1799 + + 3 od'10. VII. 1994
Chlorissa viridata L., 1758 + + 3 d'cf.1 Q12-13. VI 1.1994
Chlorissa pulmentaria Guen., 1857 + + 3 od' 23. VI. 1993;
1 d' ,1 Q ,25. VII. 94
Thalera fimbrialis Scop., 1763 + + 3d'o,1 Q 2-3. VII. 93
Hemistola chrysoprasaria Esp., 1794 + 2QQ15. VII. 1994
Jodis lactearia L., 1758 + + 1d',1 Q,13.Vl.1994
Jodis putata L., 1758 + + 1 d' 28. V. 1994
Cyclophora pendularia CI., 1759 + + 2 od' 20. V. 1994
Cyclophora albiocellaria Hb., 1789 +
Cyclophora annulata Schulze 1795 + + 30. V-9. VIII
Cyclophora parata L., 1767 + + 3 d'o 28. V. 1994
Cyclophora punctaria L., 1758 + + 3 d'd' 29. IV. 1993
Cyclophora linearia Hb., 1799 + + 23. V-16. VIII
Timandra griseata W. Pet., 1902 + + 19. V-27. VIII
Scapula immorata L., 1758 + + 18. V-22. VIII
Scapula nigropunctata Hufn., 1767 + + 27. Vl-12. VII
Scapula virgulata D & S., 1775 + 4 od' 4. VII. 1994
Scapula ornata Scop., 1763 + + 3. Vl-29. VIII
Scapula decorata D & S., 1775 + + 1Q11. VI. 1994
Scapula rubiginata Hufn., 1767 + + 15. V-22. VIII
Scapula marginepunctata Gze., 1781 + + 7. Vlll-13. VIII
Scapula incanata L., 1758 + + 23. V-13. IX
Scapula immutata L., 1758 + + 2 od' 9. VII. 1994
Scopul a ternata Schr., 1802 +
Scopul a flaccidaria Zeii., 1852 + 1 â,1Q14.QVlll.1994
ldaea rufaria Hb., 1799 +
ldaea ochrata Scop., 1763 + + 5.Vl-19. VII
ldaea aureolaria D & S., 1775 + + 2 oo 19. VII. 1993
ldaea muricata Hufn., 1767 + 2d'd',1Q29. Vl.1994
ldaea vulpinaria H.S., 1851 + + 1o1. VII. 1993
ldaea filicata Hb., 1799 +
ldaea moniliata D & S. 1775 + + 1 d'20. Vll.1993
ldaea biselata Hufn., 1767 + + 2od',1 Q9. Vlll.1993
ldaea trigeminata Haw., 1809 + 2d'd'29. Vl.1993 '
ldaea humiliata Hufn., 1767 +
ldaea dimidiata Hufn., 1767 + + 1029.VI. 1993
ldaea pallidata D & S., 1775 +
ldaea emarginata L., 1758 + + 1 o15. VII. 1994
ldaea aversata L., 1758 + + 18. Vl-3. IX
ldaea degener9ria Hb., 1799 + + 2 od' 22. VI. 1993
ldaea straminata Brkh., 1794 +
Rhodostrophia vibicaria CI., 1759 + + 10. Vl-27. VIII

148 /
Lythria purpuraria L., 1758 + + 24. Vl-13. IX
Lythria purpurata L., 1758 + + 15. Vl-3. VIII
Phibalapteryx virgata Hufn., 1767 + + 2 QQ 27. VII. 1994
Scotopteryx moeniata Scop., 1763 + + 2 QQ20. VII. 1994
Scotopteryx bipunctaria D & S„ 1775 + + 2c!cf16. VII. 1993
Scotopteryx chenopodiata L., 1758 + + 8. Vll-20. VIII
Scotopteryx lu ridata Hufn., 1767 + + 4c!â, 1 Q11-14. V.1993;
2 cfcf 14. VI. 1994
Xanthorhoe biriviata Brkh., 1794 + + 28. V-1. VIII
Xanthorhoe designata Hufn., 1767 + 1 c!, 1 Q 22. Vll.94
Xanthorhoe ferrugata CI., 1759 + + 29. V-9. IX
Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata CI., 1759 + + 2 QQ 27.VI. 1994
Xanthorhoe montanata D & S., 1775 + + 30. Vl-29. VII
Xanthorhoe fluctuata L., 1758 + + 15. V-30. VII
Catarhoe cucullata Hufn., 1767 + + 9. Vl-25. VIII
Epirrhoe alternata O.F. Muli, 1764 + + 25. V-22. VIII
Epirrhoe rivata Hb., 1813 + + 1 c! 25. VII. 1994
Epirrhoe galiata D & S., 1775 + + 3 ââ 9. VIII. 1993
Costaconvexa polygrammata Brkh., 1794 + + 2c!cf18. VIII. 1993
Camptogramma bilineatum L., 1758 + + 23. V-7. VI
Anticlea badiata D & S. 1775 + + 2 cf<f.1Q18. VII. 1993
Mesoleuca albicillata L., 1758 + + 1O. V-27. VII
Pelurga comitata L., 1758 + + 12. Vll-15. VIII
Cosmorhoe ocellata L., 1758 + + 25. V-15. VIII
Nebula salicata Hb., 1799 +
Eulithis prunata L., 1758 + + 1 ă,1 Q 16. VII. 1993
2c!â,1 Q 13. VII. 1994
Eulithis populata L., 1758 + 3ââ11. VIII. 1994
Eulithis pyraliata D & S. 1775 + + 3âc!,1 Q 9. VII. 1994
Ecliptopera silaceata D & S. 1775 + + 22. V-18. VIII
Chloroclysta siterata Hufn., 1767 + + 3 15. IX. 1994
Chloroclysta truncata Hufn., 1767 + + 2.Vll-10. VIII
Cidaria fulvata Rorster, 1771 +
Plemyria rubiginata D & S. 1775 + 1 â,1 Q ,9. VII. 1993
3 20. VII. 1994
Eustroma reticulatum D & S. 1775 + + 2c!0,1Q20. VII. 1994
Electrophaes corylata Thnbg., 1792 + + 3âcf14. VIII. 1994
Colostygia olivata D & S. 1775 + + 4c!â3_ VIII. 1994
Colostygia pectinataria Kn., 1781 + + 2 c!c! 15. VI. 1994
Horisme vitalbata D & S. 1775 + + 2 cfc! 10. VIII. 1994
Horisme tersata D & S. 1775 + + 3 c!c! 25. VI. 1993;
1cf,1 Q 12. VIII. 1994
Melanthia procellata D & S. 1775 + + 28. V-9. IX
Rheumaptera hastata L., 1758 + + 1 c!14. VII. 1993

149 /
Triphosa dubitata L., 1758 + + 4. Vll-27. VIII
Philereme vetulata D & S. 1775 + + 1 o, 1 Q 8. VII. 1994
Philereme transversata Hufn., 1767 + + 2 0025. VI. 1994
Euphyia unangulata Haw., 1809 + 2 QQ 3. VI. 1993
Euphyia biangulata Haw., 1809 +
Euphyia scriptu rata Hb., 1799 + + 2 r!o 7-8. VI. 1994
Operophtera brummata L., 1758 + + 22. X-27. XI
Perizoma alchemillatum L., 1758 + + 22. Vll-5. VIII
Perizoma albullatum D & S. 1775 + + 15. Vl-20. VII
Eupithecia abietaria Gze., 1781 + + 4 Vll-27. VII
Eupithecia linariata D & S. 1775 +
Eupithecia insigniata Hb., 1790 +
Eupithecia valerianata Hb., 1813 +
Eupithecia centaureata D & S., 1775 + 29. v-16. VII
Eupithecia satyrata Hb., 1813 +
Eupithecia absinthiata CI., 1759 +
Eupithecia vulgata Haw., 1809 + + 1 o,1Q20.V.1994
Eupithecia denticulata Tr., 1828 + + 1o10.Vll.1994
Eupithecia exiguata Hb., 1813 + + 1 013. VI. 1994
Lithostega farinata Hufn., 1767 + + 26. IV-21. V.
Asthena albulata Hufn., 1767 + + 3 oâ26. VII. 1993;
1â,1Q13. VII. 1994
Hydrelia flammeolaria Hufn., 1767 + + 1â,1Q13. VII. 1994
Minoa murinata Scop., 1763 + + 3oâ,1 Q 14. VII. 1994
Lobophora halte rata Hufn., 1767 + + 3or/15. IV. 1993;
3âr! ,1Q17. IV. 1994
Trichopteryx carpinata Brkh., 1794 + + 2ââ15. IV. 1994
Pterapherapteryx sexalata Retz., 1783 + + 1â,1Q 14. VIII. 1993
Nothocasis sertata Hb., 1817 +
Abraxas grossulariata L., 1758 + + 13. Vl-14. VII
Calospylos sylvatus Scop., 1763 + + 11. Vl-22. VII
Lomaspilis marginata L., 1758 + + 28. V-10. VIII
Ligdia adustata D & S., 1775 + + 12. V-15. VII
Semiothisa notata L., 1758 + + 6. V-31. VII
Semiothisa alternaria Hb., 1809 + + 8. V-26. VIII
Semiothisa signaria Hb., 1809 + 1 Q10. VII. 1994
Semiothisa clathrata L., 1758 + + 27. IV-3. VII
Semiothisa glarearia Br., 1791 + + 2 r!â 22. VII. 1994
Tephrina arenacearia D & S., 1775 + 2 ââ14. VII. 1994
Cepphis advenaria Hb., 1790 +
Petrophora chlorosata Scop., 1763 + 2 ââ11. VI. 1994
Plagodis pulveraria L., 1758 + + 1 â18. VII. 1993
Plagodis dolabraria L., 1767 + + 1 â29. IV. 1993
Opistograptis luteolata L., 1758 + + 23. V-15. IX

150 /
Epione repandaria Hufn., 1767 + + 20. Vlll-1 O. IX
Pseudopanthera macularia L., 1758 + + 23. V-15. VII
Hypoxistis pluviaria Fabr., 1790 + + 3 oo 29. VII. 1994
Therapis flavicaria D & S. 1775 + + 14. Vl-3. VII
Apeira syringaria L., 1758 +
Ennomos autumnarius Wrnbg., 1859 + + 28. Vlll-19. IX
Ennomos quercinarius Hufn., 1767 + + 1 015. VII. 1994
Ennomos fuscantarius Stph., 1809 + 2 0020. IX. 1994
~nnomos erosarius D & S., 1775 + + 2 oo,1Q26. Vl.1993;
2 003.X. 1994
Selenia dentaria Fabr., 1775 + + 20. IV-2. VIII
Selenia lunularia Hb., 1788 + + '12. V-7. VIII
Selenia tetralunaria Hufn., 1767 + 14. IV-15. VIII
Odontopera bidentata CI., 1758 + + 3 0011. VII. 1994
Artiora evonymaria D & S., 1775 + + 10. Vlll-14.IX
Crocallis elinguaria L., 1758 + + 30.Vll-6. IX
Ourapteryx sambucaria L., 1758 + + 23. Vl-7. IX
Colotois pennaria L., 1761 + + 2. X-12. XI
Angerona prunaria L., 17$8 + + 31.V-27. VIII
Apocheima hyspidarium D & S., 1775 + + 15. 111-19. IV
Apocheima pilosarium D & S., 1775 + + 24. 111-6. IV
Lycia hirtaria CI., 1759 + + 29. 111-27. IV
Biston stratarius Hufn., 1767 + + 3 0013. IV. 1994
Biston betularius L., 1758 + + 27. V-25. VII
Agriopis leucophaearia D & S., 1775 + + 18-28. III
Agriopis bajaria D & S., 1775 + + 23. X-9. XI
Agriopis marginaria Fabr., 1776 + + 23. 111-8. IV
Agriopis aurantiaria Hb., 1799 + + 19. X-20. XI
Erannis defoliaria CI., 1759 + + 19. X-14. XI
Peribatodes rhomboidarius D & S., 1775 + + 2 0023. VII. 1993;
1o,1Q20. VII. 1994
Peribatodes secundaria D & S., 1775 + + 1 013. VII. 1994
Cleora cinctaria D & S., 1775 + + 13. IV-14. V
Alcis repandatus L., 1758 + + 9. Vl-4. VIII
Alcis maculatus bastelbergeri Hischke, - + 15. Vll-24. VIII
Boarmia roboraria D & S., 1775 + + 1 020. VII. 1993
1 â,1 Q23. VII. 1994
Serraca punctinalis Scop., 1763 + + 19. V-20. VIII
Fagivorina arenaria Hufn., 1767 + + 1 018. VII. 1994
Cleorodes lichenarius Hufn., 1767 + + 3 oă 22. VI. 1994
Ascotis selenaria D & S., 1775 + + 12. V-28. VIII
Ectropis crepuscularia D & S., 1775 + + 16. IX-3. IX
Ectropis extersaria Hb., 1799 + + 20020. V.1994

1 51 /
Ematurga atomaria L., 1758 + + 15. IV-30. VI
Bupalus piniarius L., 1758 +
Cabera pusaria L., 1758 + + 20. Vl-8. VIII
Cabera exanthemata Scop., 1763 + + 9. Vl-18. VIII
Lomographa bimaculata Fabr., 1775 + + 4 d'd'19-20. IV. 1994
Lomographa temerata D & S., 1775 + + 20. V-17. VIII
Theria rupicapraria D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'd' 23. 111. 1994
Campaea margaritata L., 1767
Puengeleria capreolaria D & S., 1775
22. V-15.Vll
3 d'd'15. VII. 1994 .
Ondontognophos dumetata Tr., 1827 + + 1 d'5. IX. 1994
Gnophos furvatus D & S., 1775 +
Gnophos obscuratus D & S., 1775 +
Gnophos pullatus D & S. 1775 +
Gnophos glaucinarius Hb., 1799 +
Catascia dilucidaria carpathica +
Soffner, 1932
Siona lineata Scop., 1763 + + 10.Vl-9.Vll
Perconia strigillaria Hb., 1787 + + 2 d'd'27.VI. 1994
Agrius convolvuli L., 1758 + + 27. Vll-13.IX
Acherontia atropos L., 1758 +
Mim as tiliae L., 1758 + + 10.Vll-13.Vlll
Smerinthus ocellatus L., 1758 + + 26. Vl-17. VII
Laothoe populi L., 1758 + + 13. Vll-3. VIII
Macroglossum stellatarum L., 1758 + + 27.V-15.IX
Hemaris fuciformis L., 1758 + + 2 d'd'6.Vll. 1994
Hemaris tytius L., 1758 + + 20.Vl-3.Vlll
Hyles euphorbiae L., 1758 + + 25.Vl-4.Vlll
Hyles galli Rott. + + 1d'12.v111.1994
Hyles lineata livornica Esp., 1780 + + 27.V-11.Vll
Proserpinus proserpina Pall., 1772 + + 1d'20.v1.1994
Deilephila elpenor L., 1758 + + 25.V-27.Vll
Deilephila porcellus L., 1758 + + 20.V-25.Vll
Phalera bucephala L., 1819 + + 27.V-1.Vlll
Phalera bucephaloides Ochs. 181 O + + 1025.Vll. 1994
Cerura vinu la L., 1758 + + 1d'3.VI.1994
Cerura erminea Esp. 1784 + + 1 â, 1 Q 11. V. 1994
Furcula furcula forficula Fvw, 1820 + + 22.V. 15.Vlll
Furcula bifida Br., 1787 + + 1Q 20.Vll. 1993
Stauropus fagi L., 1758 + + 21. V-30. VII
Dicranura ulmi D & S. 1775 + + 15.IV.-3.V
Peridea anceps Gze., 1781 + + 2d'd'9.V. 1993; 2d'd'
1 Q22-23.V. 1994

152 /
!:ipatalia argentina LJ & ::;. 1775 + + 27.V-27.Vll
Notodonta dromedarius L., 1767 + + 16.V-8.Vlll
Notodontet torva Hb., 1803 + + 2ăo3.V. 1994
Drymonia dodonaea D & S. 1775 + + 3-15.V
Drymonia ruficornis Hufn., 1766 + + 1 â, 1 ~23.IV. 1993;
20027-28.IV. 1994
Drymonia melagona Borkh., 1790 + + 1025.IV.1994
Harpyia milhauseri Fabr., 1775 +
Pheosia gnoma Fabr., 1777 + + 3ăo16-17.Vll. 1993
Pheosia tremula CI., 1759 + 2 ăă25.IV. 1994
Ptilophora plumigera D & S. 1775 + + 15.IX-3.XI
Pterostoma palpinum CI., 1759 + + 27.IV-9.Vlll
Ptilodon capucina L., 1758 + + 2 oă27.Vlll. 1994
Ptilodontella cucullina D & S. 1775 + + 3ăd'27.V.1994
Eligmodonta ziczac L., 1758 + + 9.V-3.IX
Gluphisia crenata Esp., 1758 + + 2 ăă13.Vll. 1994
Clostera curtula L., 1758 + + 20.IV- 3.Vll
Clostera anachoreta D & S. 1775 + + 3ăă15.Vlll. 1994
Clostera anastomosis L., 1758 + + 29.V-25.Vlll
Clostera pigra Hufn. 1766 + + 2 ăă10.Vlll. 1994
Orgyia recens Hb., 1819 +
Orgyia antiqua L., 1758 + + 1o5. VII. 1993
Dicallomera fascelina L., 1758 + + 1 015. VI. 1993
Elkneria pudibunda L., 1758 + + 9. V-3. VI
Euproctis chrysorrhoea L., 1758 + + 20. Vl-8. VII
Euproctis similis Fssly., 1775 + + 3. Vll-17. VIII
Leucom a salicis L., 1758 + + 20. Vl-27. VII
Penthophera morio L., 1758 + + 2 ăă22. V. 1994
Lymantria monacha L., 1758 + + 1O. Vlll-23. VI li
Lymantria dispar L., 1758 + + 13. Vll-23. VIII
Ocneria rubea Fabr., 1787 + + 1 ă13. VII. 1993
Ocneria detrita Esp., 1785 + 1Q10. VII. 1994
Setina irrorella L., 1758 + + 13. Vll-9. VIII
Miltochrysta miniata Forster, 1771 + + 15. Vl-3. VIII
Atolmis rubricollis L., 1758 + + 11. Vl-27. VII
Cybosia mesomella L., 1758 + + 13. Vl-15. VII
Eilema sororculum Hufn., 1809 + + 22. V-19. VII
Ei Ierna caniolum Hb., 1808 +
Eilema palliatellum Scop., 1763 + + 2 oă10. VIII. 1994
Ei Ierna complanum L., 1758 + + 3 20. VII. 1993;
2ăcf,1Q9. VII. 1994
Eilema lurideolum Znkn., 1817 + + 20. Vl-27. VII

153 /
Eilema deplanum Esp., 1787 + + 2c/o22. VII. 1994
Coscinia cribraria pannonica Dan. +
Parasemia plantaginis carpathica Dan., - + 9. Vl-22. VII
Pericallia matronula L., 1758 +
Arctia caja L., 1758 + + 11. Vll-25. VIII
Arctia villica L., 1758 + + 20. V-22., VII
Hyphoraia aulica L., 1758 +
Diacrisia sannio L., 1758 + + 15. V-14. VIII
Rhyparia purpurata L., 1758 + + 2 18. VI. 1994
Spilosoma lubricipeda L., 1758 + + 3. V-30. VIII
Spilosoma luteum Hufn., 1766 + + 14. V- 13. VIII
Spilosoma urticae Esp., 1789 + + 4ââ4-5. VIII. 1994
Diaphora mendica CL., 1759 + + 3 oc/27. V. 1994
Diaphora luctuosa Geyer +
Phragmatobia fuliginosa L., 1758 + + 20. Vl-24. VIII
Phragmatobia caesarea Gze., 1781 + 10. V-27. V
Callimorpha quadripunctaria Poda, 1761 + + 25. Vl-20. VIII
Callimorpha dominula L., 1758 + + 1. Vll-4. VIII
Tyria jacobaeae L., 1758 +
Syntomis phegea danieli Obr., 1966 + + 16. Vl-27. VII
Dysauxes ancilla L.. 1767 + + 20. Vl-25. VII
ldia calvaria D.S. 1775 + + 16. Vl-27. VII
Trisateles emortualis D & S. 1775 +
Paracolax tristalis Fabr., 1794 + + 3 oo 26. VI. 1994
Macrochilo cribrumalis Hb., 1793 +
Herminia tarsipennaris Tr., 1835 + + 3 0013. VII. 1994
Herminia tarsicrinalis Kn., 1782 + + 1Q10. VI. 1994
Herminia grisealis D & S. 1775 + 9. Vll-3. VIII
Polypogon tentacularia I., 1758 + + 22. V-3. VIII
Polypogon strigillata L., 1758 +
Polypogon crinalis Tr., 1829 +
Polypogon lunalis Scop., 1763 + + 2001 Q20. VI. 1993
Rivula sericealis Scop., 1763 + + 9. Vl-3. VIII
Parascotia fuliginaria L., 1761 +
Colobochila salicalis D & S. 1775 + + 2 oc/8. VII. 1994
Hypena proboscidalis L., 1758 + + 28. V-9. 1X
Hypena rostralis L., 1758 + + 14. IV-19.V;
12. Vlll-6. 1X
Scoliopteryx libatrix L., 1758 + + 15. Vll-17. IX
Catocala sponsa L., 1767 + 1Q16. VII. 1993
Ca tocai a fraxini L., 1758 + 2o<f.1Q3-7.1X. 1994

154 /
Catocala nupta L., 1767 + + 3. Vll-19-1X
Catocala elocata Esp., 1787 + + 3 99 24. VII;
4. VIII. 1993
Catocala i:;~omissa D & S„ 1775 + + 2 0030.VI. 1993;
+ 2oo,1913. Vll.1994
Catocala electa Wiew., 1790 + + 2 99 24. VII. 1994
Catocala nymphagoga Esp., 1781 +
Catocala fulminea Scop., 1763 + + 26. Vl-24. VII
Minucia lunaris D & S„ 1775 + + 1 022. V. 1993
Lygephila lusoria L., 1758 +
Lygephila pastinum Tr„ 1826 + + 27. Vlll-24. 1X
Lygephila craccae D & S„ 1775 + + 20. Vl-3. X
Lygephila viciae Hb„ 1882 + + 22. Vl-30. VII
Catephia alchymista D & S„ 1775 + 399 20-21. VII. 1994
Aedia funesta Esp., 1766 + + 1O. Vl-28. VII
Tyta luctuosa D & S„ 1775 + + 22.V-18. VIII
Callistege mi CI„ 1759 + + 15. V-10. VI
Euclidia glyphica L., 1758 + + 20. V-15. VIII
Laspeyria flexula D & S„ 1775 + + 3 0013. VII. 1994
Meganola strigula D & S„ 1775 + + 3 0014-15. VII. 1994
Nula cucullatella L., 1758 + + 17. Vl-30. VI
Nycteola revayana Scop., 1772 + + 14. IV-21. VI
Earias chlorana L., 1761 + + 6. Vll-18. VIII
Bena prasinana L., 1758 + + 25. Vl-27. VII
Pseudoips fagana Fabr„ 1781 + + 17. V-27. VII
Colocasia coryli L., 1758 + + 2. V-20. VIII
Di loba caerulaeocephala L., 1758 + + 15. 1X-5. X
Moma alpium Osb„ 1778 + + 1o,1 9 29. VII. 1994
Acronicta aceris L„ 1758 + + 15. V-28. VII
Acronicta leporina L., 1758 + + 3. Vl-26. VII
Acronicta alni L., 1767 + + 1019 15. Vll.1993
1 014. VII. 1994
Acronicta tridens D & S„ 1775 + + 10. Vl-17. VIII
Acronicta psi L., 1758 + 2 0014. VII. 1994
Acronicta megac ephala D & S„ 1775 + + 20. V-3. VIII
Acronicta auricoma D & S„ 1776 + + 103. VIII. 1994
Acronicta euphorbiae D & S„ 1775 +
Acronicta rumicis L., 1758 + + 20. IV-11. V;
9. Vlll-24. VIII
Craniophora ligustri D & S„ 1775 + + 3.V-10. VIII
Symira nervosa D & S„ 1775 +
Cryphia fraudatricula Hb„ 1803 + 5. Vl-10. VIII
Cryphia algae Fabr., 1775 + + 3 oo 20. VII. 1994
Cryphia ereptricula Tr., 1825 +

155 /
Emmelia trabealis Scop., 1763 + + 10. V-29. VI
Deltode bankiana Fabr., 1775 + + 27.V.28.Vll
Deltode deceptoria Scop., 1763 +
Pseudeustrotia candidula D & S., 1775 + + 27. V-21. VIII
Calymma communimacula D & S., 1775 +
Euchalcia modestoides Poole 1989 + + 1r!7. VIII. 1994
Lamprotes c-aureum Kn., 1781 +
Panchrysia deaurata Esp., 1787 +
Diachrysia chrysitis L., 1758 + + 28.V-9. 1X
Diachrysia chryson Esp., 1789 + + 15. Vl-25. VIII
Macdounnoughia confusa Stph., 1850 + + 29.1X-3.1 X
Plusia festucae L., 1758 + + 1 28. VII. 1994
Autographa gamma L., 1758 + + 20. V-27.1X
Autographa pulchrina Haw., 1809 + 3 r!r! 25. VII. 1994
Autographa iota L., 1758 + + 2 r!r! 25. V. 1994
Trichoplusia ni Hb., 1803 +
Abrostola triplasia L., 1758 + + 15. V-27. VIII
Abrostola trigemina Wrnbg., 1864 + + 2. Vl-19. VIII
Cucullia fraudatrix Evers., 1837 + 1 Q 20. VII. 1993
Cucullia absinthii L., 1761 +
Cucullia artemisiae Hufn., 1766 +
Cucullia lactucae D & S., 1775 +
Cucullia lucifuga D & S., 1775 +
Cucullia umbratica L., 1758 + + 3 Vll-8. VIII
Cucullia chamomilae D & S., 1775 +
Cucullia scrophulariae D & S., 1775 + + 1Q15. V. 1994
Cucu Ilia verbasci L., 1758 + + 1 r/27. V. 1993
Cucullia asteris D & S., 1775 +
Cucullia tanaceti O & S., 1775 +
Calophasia lunula Hufn., 1766 + + 16. Vll-20. VI li
Omphalophana antirrhinii Hb., 1803 +
Callierges ramosa Esp., 1786 +
Lamprosticta culta O & S., 1775 + 1 r/27. VI. 1994
Amphipyra pyramidae L., 1758 + + 2. Vll-31. VII
Amphipyra berbera swenssoni FI., 1968 + 3 r!r! 25. VII. 1994
Amphipyra perflua Fabr., 1787 + 2 r!r/ 14. VII. 1994
Amphipyra livida D & S., 1775 + 1r!22.v11.1993
Amphipyra tragopoginis CI., 1759 + + 2or!7. VIII. 1994
Heliothis viriplaca Hufn., 1766 + + 2r!r!15. VI. 1994
Heliothis ononis D & S., 1775 +
Heliothis peltigera O & S., 1775 + + 2r!r!20. VIII. 1994
Heliothis armigera Hb., 1808 + + 1r!20. VII. 1994
Protoschinia scutosa O & S., 1775 + + 2r!r!20. VII. 1994
Pyrrhia umbra Hufn., 1766 + + 6. Vl-15. 1X

156 /
Periphanes delphinii L., 1758 +
Panemeria tenebrata Scop., 1763 + + 27. 1V-30. VI
Caradrina morpheus Hufn., 1766 + + 20. Vl-28. VII
Paradrina clavipalpis Scop., 1763 + + 20.Vl-13. 1X
Hoplodrina octogerania Gze., 1781 + + 19. Vl-15. VIII
Hoplodrina blanda D & S., 1775 + + 29. Vl-20. VIII
Hoplodrina superstes Ochs., 1816 + + 1 d"13. VIII. 1993
Hoplodrina ambigua D & S., 1775 + + 3. Vll-2. 1X
Hoplodrina respersa D & S., 1775 + + 2. Vll-22. VII I
Atypha pulmonaris Esp., 1790 +
Dypterigia scabriuscula L., 1758 + + 22. V-23. VII
Russina ferruginea Esp., 1785 + + 20. Vl-28. VII
Mormo maur a L., 1758 + + 1 018. VII. 1993
Polyphaenis sericata Esp., 1787 + + 2d'd'13. Vll.1993
Talpophila matura L., Hufn., 1766 + + 10. Vlll-9.1 X
Trachea atriplicis L., 1758 + + 10. Vl-19. VIII
Euplexia lucipara L., 1758 + + 15. Vl-20. VIII
Phlogophora meticulosa L., 1758 + + 3. Vlll-4. 1X
Phlogophora scita Hb., 1790 + + 1d',1 Q ,4. Vlll.1993;
1 o 25. VII. 1994
Auchmis detersa Esp., 1787 + + 1 d' 15. VI. 1993
Actinotia polyodon CI., 1759 + + 22. V-13. VIII
Actinotia hyperici D & S., 1775 +
Callopistria juventina Stoll, 1782 + + 1 o 22. VII. 1993;
1 d',1Q14. VII. 1994
Eucarta amethystina Hb., 1803 + + 20. Vl-3. VIII
lpimorpha retusa L., 1761 + + 2d'd'15. VII. 1994
lpimorpha subtusa D & S., 1775 +
Enargia paleacea Esp., 1788 + + 1 d'15. Vlll.1994
Mesogona acetosellae D & S., 1775 + + 3 d'â 8. 1X. 1994
Mesogona oxalina Hb., 1803 + + 1 d'13. 1X. 1994
Cos mia affinis L., 1767 + + 2. Vll-3. 1X
Cosmia pyralina D & S., 1775 + + 18. Vl-19. VII
Cosmia trapezi na L., 1758 + + 12. Vl-15. VIII
Atethmia ambusta D & S., 1775 + + 1 o 27. VIII. 1993
Xanthia togata Esp., 1788 + + 2 d'o15. IX. 1994
Xanthia aurago D & S., 1775 + + 3od'11.IX. 1993;
2 ad', 1 Q15. IX. 1994
Xanthia sulphurago D & S., 1775 + + 1 d'12. IX. 1994
Xanthia icteritia Hufn., 1766 + + 1 d' 12. IX. 1994
Xanthia ocellaris Brkh., 1792 + + 1 Q 3, X. 1993;
40029-30. IX. 1994
Tiliacea citrago L., 1758 + + 1d',1Q15. IX. 1994
Agrochola lychnitis D & S., 1775 + + 1 015. IX. 1994

157 /
Agrochola circellaris Hufn., 1766 + + 29. Vlll-16. X.
Agrochola Iota CI., 1759 + + 3 cfc! 10. X. 1994
Agrochola macilenta Hb., 1809 + + 1c!12. X. 1994
Agrochola nitida D & S., 1775 + + 13. 1X-3. X
Agrochola helvola L., 1758 + + 4 cfâ 4.X. 1994
Agrochola litura L., 1758 + + 10.1X-3. X
Agrochola laevis Hb., 1803 + + 2 cfâ 3. X. 1993
Eupsilia transversa Hufn., 1766 + + 15. 111-20.1 X; 1-9.X
Jodia croceago D & S., 1775 + + 1â24.1V. 1994
Conistra vaccinii L., 1761 + + 30. III. 3-16. X
Conistra ligula Esp„ 1791 D & S„ 1775 +
Conistra rubiginea Scop„ 1763 + + 1r!,1 !jl 27.111.1994
Conistra rubiginosa Scop„ 1763 + + 3ââ3. 1V. 1993
Conistra eritrocephala D & S„ 1775 + + 3-15.X
Orbona fragariae View„ 1790 +
Episema glaucina Esp„ 1789 + + 3 ââ 3. X. 1993
Brachionycha nubeculosa Esp., 1785 + + 2 !jl Q 15. 1V. 1994
Brachionycha sphinx Hufn„ 1766 + + 1 c! 4.IX. 1993
Meganephria bimaculosa L., 1767 + 2ââ27.IX.1994
Aporophyla lutulenta D & S„ 1775 +
Litophane hepatica CI., 1759 +
Litophane ornitopus Hufn„ 1766 + + 15. IX-3.X
Xylena vetusta Hb., 1813 + + 2!jl!jl 25. IV. 1994
Xylena exoleta L., 1758 + + 1 r/10. IV. 1994
Brachylomia viminalis Fabr„ 1776 + + 1 â 20. VII. 1994
Allophyes oxyacanthae L., 1758 + + 29.IX-3.X
Valeria oleagina D & S„ 1775 + + 3ââ,1Q15.IV.1993;
1 r/20.IV. 1994
Dichonia convergens D & S., 1775 + + 2 âr/3.X.1994
Dichonia aeruginea Hb., 1808 +
Griposia aprilina L., 1758 + + 1 !j! 13.X.1993
Dryobotodes eremita Fabr., 1775 +
Dryobotodes monocroma Esp„ 1790 +
Ammoconia caecimacula D & S„ 1775 + + 25.IX-3.X
Polymixis polymita L., 1761 +
Polymixis xanthomista Hb„ 1819 +
Polymixis flavicincta D & S„ 1775 +
Polymixis rufocincta Geyer 1828 +
Polymixis canescens Dup., +
Antitype chi. L., 1758 +
Blepharita satura D & S„ 1775 + + 2 ââ 3.IX.1994
Apamea monoglypha Hufn„ 1766 + + 25.Vl-28.Vlll
Apamea crenata Hufn., 1766 + + 22.Vl-3.Vlll
Apamea characterea D & S„ 1775 + + 1â14.Vll.1993

158 /
Apamea furva D & S., 1775 + + 2!jl!jl15.Vll.1994
Apamea oblonga Haw., 1809 + +
Apamea sordens Hufn., 1766 + + 3 d'd' 22. Vl.1993
Apamea anceps D & S., 1775 + + 25.V-27.VI
Apamea scolopacina Esp., 1788 + + 3 d'd'20.Vll.1994
Apamea ophiogramma Esp., 1794 + + 1 !jl 12.Vll.1994
Oligia strigilis L., 1758 + + 15.Vll-28.Vll
Oligia latruncula D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'd' 5.Vl.1994
Mesapamea secalis L., 1758 + + 1.Vll-24.Vlll
Mesapamea didyma Esp., 1788 +
Luperina testacea D & S., 1775 + +
Amphipoea oculea nictitans L., 1761. + + 13.Vll-25.Vlll
Hydraecia petasitis vindelica Fr., 1849 +
Gortyna flavago D.S., 1775 +
Calamia tridens Hufn., 1766 + + 3 a"a"3.Vll.1993
2 d'd' 22. Vl.1994
Archanara sparganii Esp., 1790 +
Nonagrya typhae Thunbg., 1784 +
Charanycha trigrammica Hufn., 1766 + + 15.V-28.Vll
Discestra microdon Guen., 1852 +
Discestra trifolii Hufn., 1766 + + 27.V-3.IX
Lacanobia w-latinum Hufn., 1766 + + 30.V-3.Vll
Lacanobia aliena Hb., 1809 +
Lacanobia oleracea L., 1758 + + 15.V-27.Vll
Lacanobia thalassina Hufn., 1766 + + 2 d'd'15.Vll.1994
Lacanobia contigua D & S., 1775 + +
Lacanobia suasa D & S., 175 + + 22.V-10.Vlll
Hada nana Hufn., 1766 +
Hecatera dysodea D & S., 1775 +
Hecatera bicolorata Hufn., 1766 +
Hadena bicruris Hufn., 1766 +
Hadena luteago D & S., 1775 + + 28. Vl-26. VII
Hadena compta D & S., 1775 +
Hadena albimacula Borkh., 1792 + + 22. V-25. VII
Hadena rivularis Fabr., 1775 + + 27. V-28. VII
Hadena filigrana Esp., 1788 +
Hadena perplexa D & S., 1775
Sideridis albicolon Hb., 1813
Sideridis lampra Schaw., 1913
+ 1!jl22.Vlll.1994

Heliophobus reticulata Gze., 1781 + + 13.Vl-27.Vll

Melanchra persicariae D., 1761 + + 15. Vl-28. VII
Melanchra pisi L., 1758 +
Mamestra brassicae L., 1758 + + 30.V-27.Vlll
Palia bombycina Hufn., 1766 + + 1d',1!jl27.Vll.1994

159 /
Polia nebulosa Hufn., 1766 + + 15. Vl-30. VII
Leucania comma L., 1761 + + 28.Vl-25.Vll
Mythimna turca L., 1761 + + 28.Vl-10.IX
Mythimna conigera D & S., 1775 + + 13. Vl-10. VIII
Mythimna ferrago Fabr., 1787 + + 1 d'27.Vll.1994
Mythimna albipuncta D & S., 1775 + + 17.Vl-20.Vlll
Mythimna vitellina Hb., 1808 + + 23. Vl-13. IX
Mythimna pallens L., 1758 + + 13. Vl-22. VI 11
Mythimna I-album L., 1767 + + 9.Vl-12.IX
Orthosia incerta Hufn., 1766 + + 18.111-30. IV
Orthosia gothica L., 1758 + + 26.111-15.V
Orthosia cruda D & S., 1775 + + 20.111-10.IV
Orthosia miniosa D & S., 1775 + + 3 !i!!il 5-6.IV.1994
Orthosia cerasi Fabr., 1775 + + 26.111-1.V
Orthosia gracilis D & S., 1775 + + 3 d'd' 30.IV.1994
Orthosia munda D & S., 1775 + + 18.111-15.IV
Egira conspicillaris L., 1758 + + 29.IV-10.V
Tholera cespitis D & S., 1775 + + 1d'15.IX.1994
Tholera decimalis Poda, 1761 + + 16.IX-17.X
Pachetra sagittigera Hufn., 1766 + + 1 d' ,1 !i!20.Vll.1994
Eriopygodes imbecilla Fabr., 1794 + + 1d'2.Vll.1994
Axylia putris L., 1761 + + 22.V-3.Vlll
Ochropleura flammatra D & S., 1775 +
Ochropleura musiva Hb., 1803 +
Ochropleura plecta L., 1761 + + 6.V-11.IX
Diarsia dahli Hb., 1813 +
Diarsia brunnea D & S., 1775 + + 2. Vll-26. VIII
Diarsi rubi View., 1790 + + 20.Vll-25.Vlll
Noctua pronuba L., 1758 + + 8.Vl-15.IX
Noctua fimbriata Schrb., 1759 + + 13.Vll-11.IX
Noctua orbona Hufn., 1766 + + 29.Vl-13.Vll
Noctuajanthina D & S., 1775 + + 3 d'd'12-13.Vll.1994
Noctua comes Hb., 1813 + + 2 d'd' 20.Vll.1994
Epilecta linogrisea D & S., 1775 +
Lycophotia porphyrea D & S., 1775 + + 1 !il15.Vll.1993
Chersotis rectangula D & S., 1775 +
Chersotis multangula Hb., 1803 + + 1 !il15.Vll.1993
Chersotis margaritacea d. '411., 1789 +
Chersotis cuprea D & S., 1775 +
Rhyacia simulans Hufn., 1766 +
Spaelotis ravida D & S., 1775 +
Opigena polygona D & S., 1775 +
Eugnorisma depuncta L., 1761 + + 2 d'd' 3. IX.1994
Xestia c-nigrum L., 1768 + + 19.V-24.IX

160 /
Xestia ditrapezium D & S., 1775 + + 25. Vl-27. VII
Xestia triangulum D & S., 1775 + + 15.Vl-10.Vlll
Xestia ashworthii candellarum St., 1871 +
Xestia baja D & S., 1775 + + 15.Vll-20.Vlll
Xestia rhomboidea Esp., 1790 + + 2 r:!r:! 15. VII 1.1994
Xestia castanea neglecta Esp., 1798 +
Xestia xanthographa D & S., 1775 + + 3d'd',1 !;! 3.Vlll.1994
Eugraphe sigma D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'd' 20. Vll.1994
Cerastis rubricosa D & S., 1775 + + 30.111-12.IV
Cerastis leucographa D & S., 1775 + +
Anaplectoides prasina D & S., 1775 + + 16. Vll-4. VIII
Naenia typica L., 1758 +
Actebia praecox L., 1758 +
Parexarnis fugax Tr., 1825 +
Pe rid roma saucia Hb., 1808 + 2 d'd' 15.X. 1994
Euxoa cos Hb., 1824 +
Euxoa nigricans L., 1758 + + 2 d'd'6.Vlll. 1994
Euxoa tritici L., 1761 + + 3 d'd' 8. VI li. 1994
Euxoa obelisca D.S., 1775 + + 6.Vll-15.IX
Euxoa vitta Esp., 1789 +
Euxoa aquilina D & S., 1775 + + 5 d'd' 1~7. Vll.1993
Yigoga signifera D & S., 1775 +
Yigoga forcipula D & S., 1775 +
Agrotis ipsilon Hufn., 1766 + + 21.Vl-15.IX
Agrotis trux Hb., 1824 +
Agrotis exclamationis L., 1758 + + 25.V-7.IX
Agrotis clavis Hufn., 1766 + + 1 Q17.Vl.1993
Agrotis segetum D & S., 1775 + + 20.V-11.X
Agrotis cinarea D & S., 1775 + + 2d'â,1 Q11-13.Vl.1993
Carterocephalus palaemon Pall., 1771 + + 15.V-12.VI
Thymelicus silvestris Poda 1761 + + 8.Vll-15.Vlll
Thymelicus lineolus Ochs., 1808 + + 13. Vl-8. VII
Thymelicus acteon Rott., 1775 + + 10.Vl-21.Vll
Hesperia corn ma L., 1758 + + 17. Vl-20. VIII
Ochlodes venatus faunus Tur., 1905 + + 15.V-25.Vll
Erynnis tages L., 1758 + + 15.V-28.Vll
Charcharodus alceae Esp., 1780 + + 1 Q10.V.1993
Charcharodus lavatherae Esp., 1783 +
Carcharodus flocciferus Zeii., 1847 + 2 QQ 16. Vl.1993
Syrichtus tesselum Hb., 1803 +
Pyrgus malvae L., 1758 + + 10.V-27.Vll
Pyrgus fritillarius Poda, 1761 + + 1d'15.V.1993;2,d'd'

1 61 /
Hamearis lucina., 1758 + + 10.V-21.Vlll
Thecla betulae L., 1758 + + 1 Q 3.IX.1993
Thecla quercus L., 1758 + + 1Q 13.Vll.1994
Satyrium acaciae nostras Courv., 1913 +
Satyrium w-album Knoch., 1782 + + 2 d'd'20.Vl.1993
Satyrium spini D & S., 1775 + + 1 d' ,1 Q 15. Vl.1994
Fixsenia pruni L., 1758 + + 15.V-17.Vll
Callophrys pruni virgatus Vrty., 1913 + + 22.V-18.Vll
Lycaena phlaeas L., 1761 + + 18.V-3.IX
Lycaena dispar rutila Wrnbg., 1864 + + 2.Vl-3.IX
Lycaena virgaureae L., 1758 + + 17.Vl-20.Vlll
Lycaena alciphron Rott., 1775 + 20.Vl-6.Vll
Lycaena tityrus dorilis Hufn., 1766 + + 1 d' 28.Vlll.1993;
1 d' ,1Q14.Vlll.1994
Everes argiades Pall., 1771 + + 10.V-9.Vlll
Celastrina argiolus L., 1758 + + 9.V-27.Vll
Scoliantides orion Pall., 1771 + + 15.V-10.Vlll
Glaucopsyche alexis Poda 1761 + + 15.V-1.Vll
Maculinea alcan D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'd'15.Vll.1993
Maculinea teleius Berg., 1779 +
Maculinea arian L., 1758 + + 1Q,2 3.Vll.1994
Plebejus argus L., 1758 + + 14.V-15.Vlll
Plebejus argyrognomon Berg., 1779 + + 18.V-10.Vlll
Aricia agestis D & S., 1775 + + 14.V-12.Vlll
Cyaniris semiargus Rott., 1775 + + 16.V-10.Vll
Polyommatus daphnis D & S., 1775 + + 2001 Q12-13.Vll.1993;
2 od'20.Vll.1994
Polyommatus coridon Poda 1761 + + 2QQ16.Vll.1994
Polyommatus bellargus Rott., 1775 + + 20.V-27.Vlll
Polyommatus amanda Schn., 1792 +
Polyommatus icarus Rott., 1775 + + 14.V-10.IX
Hipparchia fagi Scop., 1763 + + ~3. Vl-1 O. VI li
Hipparchia semele L., 1758 + + 2 00,1 Q10.v11.1993;
1 d'16.Vll.1994
Satyrus circe pannonica Fr., 1911 + 2 d'd' 15. Vll.1994
Satyrus briseis L., 1764 + 2d'd'17.Vll.1994
Satyrus dryas drymeia FR., 1903 + + 8.Vll-10.Vlll
Maniola jurtina L., 1758 + + 20.V-13.Vlll
Pyronia tithonus L., 1771 + + 7.Vll-10.Vlll
Aphantopus hyperanthus L., 1758 + + 15.Vl-14.Vll
Coenonympha pamphilus L., 1758 + + 10.V-2.Vlll

162 /
Coenonympha arcania L., 1761 + + 15.V-22.Vll
Coenonympha glycerion Brkh., 1788 + + 15.V-25.Vll
Hyponephele lyacon Kuhn., 1774 + + 2 d'd'23.Vll.1994
Pararge aegeria tircis Btl., 1867 + + 10.V-11.Vlll
Pararge megera L., 1767 + + 5.V-17.Vll
Pararge maera L., 1758 + + 20.V-28.Vll
Pararge achine Scop., 1763 +
Melanargia galathea scolis Fhrst., 1917 + + 10.Vl-27.Vll
Erebia aethiops mesorubria P.G., 1955 + + 5.Vll-28.Vll
Erebia ligea carthusianorum Fhrst., 1909 + + 1O. Vll-27. VII
Clossiana selene D & S., 1775 + + 19.V-22.Vlll
Clossiana euphrosyne L., 1758 + + 20.V-28.Vll
Clossiana dia L., 1767 + + 14.V-16.Vlll
Argynnis daphne D & S., 1775 + 1 d',1 Q 14.Vll.1994
Argynnis hecate D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'd' 20. Vl.1993
Argynnis lathonia L., 1758 + + 12.V-28.Vlll
Argynnis aglaja L., 1758 + + 22.Vl-27.Vll
Argynnis adippe D & S., 1775 + + 19.Vl-8.Vlll
Argynnis niobe L., 1758 + + 15.Vl-1.Vlll
Argynnis paphia L., 1758 + + 28.Vll-5.Vlll
Argynnis pandora D & S., 1775 + +
Nymphalis polychloros L., 1758 + + 1 Q 22.Vl-.1994
Nymphalis xanthomelas D & S., 1775 +
Nymphalis antiopa L., 1758 + + 20.Vl-28.Vll
Nymphalis vaualbum D & S., 1775 +
Polygonia c-album L., 1758 + + 22.V-10.IX
Vanessa atalanta L., 1758 + + 22. Vl-15. IX
Vanessa cardui L., 1758 + + 20.Vl-10.IX
lnachis io L., 1758 + + 22.V-4.IX
Aglais urticae L., 1758 + + 27.V-11.Vlll
Araschnia Ievana L., 1758 + + 20.V-15.Vlll
Limenitis populi + + 2 âd' 6.Vll.1994
Limenitis camilla L., 1764 +
Neptis rivularis Scop., 1763 + + 3 ââ10.Vll.1993
Neptis sappho aceris Lep., 1770 + + 10.V-15.Vlll
Apatura iris L., 1758 + + 30.Vl-10.Vlll
Apatura ilia ilia D & S., 1775 + + 3 d'â10.Vll.1994
Euphydryas maturna partiensis Varga, +
Euphydryas aurinia Rott., 1775 + + 3 d'â20.V.1994
Melitaea didyma Esp., 1779 + + 15.V-27.Vll
Melitaea cincxia L., 1758 + + 20.V-30.VI
Melitaea phoebe D & S., 1775 + + 23.V-27.Vll

163 /
Melitaea trivia D & S., 1775 + + 2 d'c!,1 ~ 15.Vll.1994
Melitaea diamina Lang., 1789 +
Melitaea athalia Rott., 1775 + + 10.V-15.Vlll
Melitaea aurelia Nick., 1850 + + 2 d'd' 29.Vl.1994
Melitaea britomartis Assm., 1847 + + 1 cf,1 ~26.Vl1993
Papilio machaon L., 1758 + + 25.V-3.Vlll
lphiclides podalirius Scop., 1763 + + 16.Vl-20.Vlll
Parnassius apollo L., + ?
Parnassius mnemosyne distincta Br., 1930 + + 8.Vl-2.Vll
Leptidae sinapsis L., 1758 + + 28.IV-22.Vlll
Aporia crataegi L., 1758 + + 31.V-22.VI
Pieris brassicae L., 1758 + + 15.V-22.Vlll
Pieris rapae L., 1758 + + 8.V-31.Vlll
Pieris napi meridionalis Heyne 1895 + + 10.V-1.IX
Pontia daplidice L., 1758 + + 6.V-16.Vlll
Anthocharis cardamines meridionalis Vrty, + + 11.V-4.VI
Colias hyale Esp., 1803 + + 19.V-9.IX
Colias.crocea Geoffr., 1785 + + 16. Vll-20. VIII
Colias chrysotheme Esp., 1781 +
Colias myrmidone Esp., 1781 + + 3 âd' 22.V.1993;
1 d' 27. V. 1994
Gonepteryx rhamni meridionalis Rob., 1909 + + 14. V-31.Vlll

Par natre recherches effectuees sur la faune de macrolepidopteres de
la zone de Săcărâmb (le departament de Hunedoara) nous avans identifie
595 especes. Beaucoup d'especes rares, signalees par Franzeau, comme:
Malacosoma castrensis L., Lemonia dumi L., Pericallia matronula L.,
Trichoplusia ni Hb., Cucu Ilia artemisiae Hufn., Antitype chi L., Gortyna
flavago D & S., Spaelotis ravida D.S., Opigena polygona D & S., etc, n'ont pas
ete trouvees par nous. D'autre parte la presence dans la lyste systematique
du Franzenau des especes characteristiques pour Ies regions calcareuses,
comme: Xestia ashworthi candelarum St. , Ochropleura musiva Hb. , Coscinia
cribraria pannonica Dan., Sideridis lampra Schaw, Gnophos pullatus D&S.,etc,
nous determine d'affirmer le fait que Franzenau a collecte surement aussi
dans Ies regions calcareuses voisines situees dans le basin de Geoagiu (Les
Gorges de Mada, Les Gorges d'Ardeu- des zones situees pres de la localite
de Săcărâmb). On mentionne aussi l'impossibilite de l'existence aSăcărâmb,
des especes cofnme Parnassius apollo transylvanicus Schw. Discestra
microdon Guen et des autres especes signalees par Franzenau.(Popescu-
Gorj, 1983).
164 /
Parmi Ies speces capturees par nous et qui ne sont pas inclutes dans
le materiei de Franzenau, on mentionne: Gastropacha populifolia Esp.,
Falcaria lacertinaria L., Tethea ocularis L., Polyploca ruficollis D.S., Aplasta
ononaria Fssly.,Comibaena bajularia D.S., Hemistola chrysoprasaria Esp.,
ldaea trigeminata Haw., Eulithis populata L., Semiothisa signaria Hb., Catocala
fraxini L., Catephya alchymista D.&S., Cryphia fraudatricula Hb., Cucullia
fraudatrix Evers., Lamprosticta culta D.&S., Charcharodus flocciferus Zeii
En analysant le materiei lepidoptero faunistique collecte par nous, on
constate la predominance des especes litees de la zone des forets de haitre,
comme: Drepana cultraria Fabr., Stauropus fagi L., Arctornis 1-nigrum
O.F.MOll., Ectropis crepuscularia D.&S., Calospylos sylvatus Scop.,
Lithophane ornitopus Hufn., Campaea margaritata L., Asthena albulata L.,
Elkneria pudibunda L., Eupsilia transversa Hufn., Phlogophora scita Hb.,
Aglia tau L., Geometra papilionaria L., etc.
Quoique Ies forets de quercus sont entendues sur des petites surfaces,
on a captura beaucoup d'especes caracteristiques pour Ies quercinees,
comme: Eriogaster rimicola D.&S., Drepana binaria Hufn., Ochropacha
duplaris L., Combinaea bajularia D.&S., Cyclophora porata L., Ennomos
quercinarius Hufn., Selenia tetralunaria Hufn., Peribatodes rhomboidarius
D.&S., Boarmia roboraria D.&S., Drymonia ruficornis Hufn., Orgyia antiqua
L., Lymantria dispar L., Amphipyra berbera swenssoni FI., Xanthia aurago
D.&S., Dichonia convergens D.&S., Dichonia aprilina L., Orthosia munda
D.&S., Orthosia miniosa D & S., Moma alpium Osb., Ocneria detrita Esp.,
Catocala promissa D.&S., Nycteola revayana Scop., etc.
On mentionne aussi Ies especes liees des associations vegetales
situees au long des ruisseaux, caracteristiques pour Ies regions collinaires
et montagneuses (Ass. Stellario nemori-Alnetum glutinosae Ksatn. 38 et
Ass. Telekio-Alnetum incanae Coldea 1990): Sabra harpagula Esp., Ennomos
alniarius L., Cabera pusaria L., Acronicta alni L., Colocasia coryli L., Agrochola
circellaris, Hufn., 1766.
Des especes liees de Populus et Salix sont aussi presentes dans la
zone recherchee: Poecilocampa populi L., Phyllodesma tremulifolia Hb.,
Tethea ocularis L., Tethea or D.&S., Cerura vinula L., Cerura erminea Esp.,
Clostera curtula I., Clostera anachoreta D.&S., Catocala nupta L., Catocala
electa BKh., Pheosia tremula CI., Laothoe populi L., etc.
Les regions rocheuses montagneuses abrittent aussi des especes
caracteristiques comme: Setina irrorella L., Arctia villica L., Rhyparia purpurata
L., Dysauxes ancilla L., Scotopteryx moeniata Scop., Scotopteryx bipunctaria
D.&S., ldaea trigeminata Haw., Scapula rubiginata Hufn., Scopula
nigropunctata Hufn., Melanthia procellata D.&S., Minoa murinata Scop.,
Chersotis multangula Hb., Hadena luteago D.&S., Hadena perplexa D.&S.,
Calophasia lunula Hufn., Cryphia fraudatricula Hb., Eugraphe sigma,
D.&S.,Noctua janthina D.&S., Platypterigea kadenii Fr., Cucullia verbasci
L.,Hoplodrina blanda D.&S., etc.

165 /


Localitatea Săcărâmb se află situată într-un amfiteatru natural format dintr-un complex de
corpuri andezitice de origine vulcanică, cel mai semnificativ din sudul Munţilor Metaliferi.
Corpurile andezitice care depăşesc pe alocuri 1OOOm altitudine (Cetraş: 1080m, Gurguiata:
1055m, Haitău: 1044m) au aspectul unor munţi scunzi, cu pante domoale şi culmi nivelate,
ce dă reliefului accesibilitate dar şi posibilitatea utilizării terenurilor pentru agricultură şi
păşunat. Activitatea minieră desfăşurată aici de-a lungul timpului, localitatea fiind celebră
pentru zăcămintele sale minerale caracteristice, a avut ca principal efect reducerea suprafelei
forestiere. Pădurile ocupă în prezent suprafeţe mici, restrînse de obicei la la terenurile mai
accidentate. S-a păstrat totuşi, pe o suprafaţă de 30ha o pădure de fag de Banat (Fagus
silvatica f. leucodermis), bine conservată şi inclusă actualmente în re1eaua rezervaţiilor
naturale ale jude!ului Hunedoara. Pe stâncăriile munţilor Gurguiata şi Frăsinata se mai
păstrează de asemenea câteva insule de gorunete, în alternan!ă cu pajişti secundare.
Localitatea Săcărâmb este cunoscută nu numai datorită exploatărilor miniere. Ea a intrat
în istoria cercetărilor naturalistice ale României şi datorită lui IOSEF FRANZENAU (1802-
1862), fost inspector al minelor de la Săcărâmb, care în primele decenii ale secolului al XIX-
iea a realizat cea mai mare colecţie de lepidoptere cunoscută la acea dată în
Transilvania.(POPESCU-GORJ, 1983).Materialul colectat de Franzenau la Săcărâmb a fost
publicat în anuarul Societăţii de Ştiinţe Naturale din Sibiu (1850, 1852) şi ulterior, inclus de
entomologul DANIEL CZEKELIUS, (1897) în primul catalog al lepidopterelor din Transilvania.
în această lucrare,CZEKELIUS include 723 specii de macrolepidoptere şi 118 specii de
microlepidoptere colectate de Franzenau atât la Săcărâmb cât şi la Geoagiu.
Studiile noastre asupra faunei de macrolepidoptere a măgurilor Săcărâmbului au fost
efectuate în anii 1993 şi 1994. Pentru capturarea exemplarelor s-a utilizat o capcană electrică
(250watt) amplasată în apropierea dealului Gurguiata, la o altitudine de 780m. Colectări au
fost efectuate şi în timpul zilei, în toată regiunea localităţii şi mai ales pe dealurile Calvaria,
Gurguiata, Frăsinata şi Haitău.
Pe baza materialului colectat s-a întocmit lista sistematică a speciilor inclusă în tabel,
prezentându-se prin comparaţie şi lista sistematică a speciilor semnalate de Franzenau. S-
au identificat de către noi 595 specii de macrolepidoptere. Se remarcă, absenla din materialul
colectat de noi a unor specii rare semnalate de Franzenau, ca: Malacosoma castrensis L.,
Lemonia dumi L., Petricallia matronula L., Trichoplusia ni Hb., Cucullia artemisiae Hufn.,
Opigena polygona D.&S., Gortyna flavago D.&S., Spaelotis ravida D.&S., Opigena polygona
D.&S., şi altele. Pe de altă parte, considerăm că o serie de specii semnalate de Franzenau,
în special cele calcarofile, au fost cu siguranţă colectate în regiunile calcaroase învecinate
localităţii Săcărâmb (Cheile Mada, Cheile Ardeu, situate în bazinul superior al Geoagiului).
intre speciile colectate de noi şi care nu sunt incluse în materialul faunistic furnizat de
Franzenau menţionăm: Gastropacha populifolia Esp., Falcaria lacertinaria L., Tethea ocularis
L., Polyploca ruficollis D.&S.,Aplasta ononaria Fssly., Comibaena bajularia D.&S., Hemistola
chrysoprasaria Esp., Catocala fraxini L., Catephia alchymista D.&S., Cucullia fraudatrix
Evers., Lamprosticta culta D.&S., Charcharodus flocciferus Zeii., şi altele.


BADEA L., BUZA M., JAMPA A., 1994, Landscape features in the Săcărâmb Mountains.
Sargetia, Deva, 16: 7-16

166 /
BUR NAZ SILVIA, 1992, Un pasionat lepidopterolog hunedorean: Josef Franzenau (1802-
. 1862). Bui. lnf.Soc. Lepid. Rom., Cluj-Napoca, 3(3): 31-33
CZEKELIUS, D., 1897, Kritisches Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge SiebenbOrgens. Verh.
u. Mitt. d. Siebenb. Ver.f. Naturwiss. zu Hermannstadt, 67:1-78
FRANZENAU, J., 1852, Lepidopterologische Mittheilungen. Verh. u Mitt. d. Siebenb.
Ver.f.Naturwiss. zu Hermannstadt, 3:181-186
FUSS, C., 1850, Verzeichnis des bis jezt in SiebenbOrgen aufgefundenen Lepidopteren.
Verh. u. Mitt. d. Siebenb. Ver.f. Naturwiss. zu Hermannstadt, 1 (4): 54-64
HERMAN, O, 1868, Lepidopterorum transylvanicorum catalogus (coli. Franzenau). Erd.
Muz. Egyl.
IANOVICl,V & all., 1976, Geologia Munţilor Apuseni. Edit. Acad., Bucureşti.
KONIG, FR., 1982, Montane, subalpine, alpine und boreo-alpine Schmetterlings-Arten
aus den Rumanischen Karpaten. Stud. Comunic., Reghin, 2: 229-236
POPESCU-GORJ, A., 1970, 100 de ani de cercetări lepidopterologice în cadrul Societăţii
Ardelene de Ştiinţe Naturale. Stud. Comunic.St. Nat. Muz. Brukenthal, Sibiu, 15: 85-90
POPESCU-GORJ, A 1983. Retrospectivă privind cercetările asupra faunei de lepidoptere
a judeţului Hunedoara. Sargetia, Deva, 13:125-134.
POPESCU-GORJ, A.,1987, La liste systematique revisee des especes de
macrolepidopteres mentionnees dans la faune de Roumanie. Mise jour de leur classification
et nomenclature. Trav.Mus. Hist. Nat."Grigore Antipa", Bucureşti, 29: 69-123
RAKOSY,L., 1982, Contribuţii la cunoaşterea lepidopterelor din Transilvania. Stud.
Comunic., Reghin, 2:269-280
RAKOSY,L., 1995, Die Noctuiden SiebenbOrgens (Transylvanien, Rumnien)
(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt/Main, Suppl. 13:1-109.

Le Musee de la Civilisation Dacique et Romaine
La Section des Sciences Naturelles
Rue 1 Decebrie 39
Deva 2700-Roumaine

167 / /


Sur le territoire du departament de Hunedoara, la riviere de Mureş

traverse un large couloir tectonique, garda par Ies Monts Poiana Ruscă et
Sureanu (au Sud) et Ies Monts Metaliferi (au Nord). Dans ce trace, se
developpent des defiles epigenetiques, parmi lesquels le plus representatif
est le defile de Brănişca-Zam. Quelques basins sont intercales entre Ies
defiles, separes par des formations eruptives neogenes, comme celui de Ilia.
Dans le Couloir du Mureş, la pante de la riviere est uniforme et plus
reduite: 0,3-0,5 m/km (UJVARI, 1972)
Les caracteristiques hydrologiques donnees par l'Agence de la
Protection du Milieu Ambiant de Deva sont:
1. Le debit minime: 40m 3 /s; La valeur moyenne, annuele, du debit dans
Ies annees avec des preccipitations habituelles: 100-150m 3 /s; La valeur
maxime du debit, dans la periode des inondations: 2000 m3 /s.
2. Les temperatures moyennes de l'eau: 18-20° C (pendant l'ete) et 0-
120 C (pendant l'hiver)
3. La vitesse: 0-07 m/s - 2 m/s.
En aval de la Centrale Thermique de Mintia (localite situee pres de
Deva), grâce aux courants d'eau chaude, la riviere de Mureş garde, aussi en
hiver, unetemperature plus haute (15-20°C), ce qui influence le developpement
et le comportament des especes dans ce secteur.
La variete des sediments du lit de la riviere, en general stabile,
permette le cantonnement et le developpement optime des especes.
Natre recherches ont ete effectuees pendant Ies annees 1975-1996
dans Ies diverses regions du Couloir du Mureş: Deva, Brănişca, Burjuc et
Zam, et aussi dans Ies etangs situes dans la saulaie inondable de la riviere
(especiallement a Balta Mureş).
Sur la base de nas captures et aussi sur la base des exemplaires
trouves dans la collection du Musee de Deva, a ete elaboree la liste
systematique des especes, tenant compte de la nomenclatura scientifique et
la classification actuelle.

169 /

1. Acipenserruthenusl., 1758- Espece capturee par nous, seulement

en 1975, a Mintia (2 exemplaires). Ulterieurement, cet espece n'a pasete
signalee dans le Couloir du Mureş, quoique, dans le siecle passe et Ies
premiers decennies du XX-eme siecle, l'espece etait tres frequente.


2. Esox /ucius L„ 1758-6 exemplaires captures en 1995-1996. Espece

frequente dans la riviere de Mureş et aussi dans Ies etangs limitrophes.


3. Rutilus rutilus carpathorossicus Vlad„ 1930 - Frequente. l'espece

prefere Ies lie_ux calmes sans courants forts d'eau.
4. Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758 - Frequente dans touta la zone
5. Leuciscus idus L„ 1758 - Rare. Espece trouvee surtout dans Ies
atangs limitrophes.
6. Tinca finea L„ 1758 - Espece rare la zone recherchae. Dans la
collection du Musae ii y a un seul exemplaire captura a Simeria, 14. VIII.
7. Scardinius erythrophthalmusl., 1758- Rare dans la zone recherchae.
Nous avans captura 5 exemplares a Balta Mureş (l'un de plus grands atangs
limitrophes de la riviere). en 10.Vlll. 1996.
8. Aspius aspius L., 1758 - Espece rapace, moins fraquente dans le
Couloir du Mureş. Nous avans captura 3 exemplaires a Leşnic, en 3. VII.
9. Leucaspius delineatus Hec., 1853 - Fraquente aussi dans la riviere
que dans Ies atangs limittophes.
1O. Alburnus a/burnus L., 1758 - L'une de plus commune espece dans
le Couloir du Mureş.
11. Alburnoides bipunctatus BI„ 1782 - Fraquente surtout dans Ies
affluents du Mureş (Boz, Caian, Batrana, Almaş).
12. Abramis brama L„ 1758 - Espece tras frequente dans la zone
13. Abramis sapa Pall., 1811 - Fraquente dans toute la zone recherchae.
14. Abramis ba//erus L., 1758 :-- Espece frequente, qui prefere Ies lieux
avec des courants moins forts.
15. Chondrostoma nasus L., 1758 - Tres fraquente dans Ies lieux avec
des courants d'eau plus forts.

170 /
16. Pe/ecus cultratus L., 1758 - Espece rare dans la zone recherchee,
signalee seulement dans Ies etangs limitrophes.
17. Rhodeus sericeus amarus Bloch, 1782-1 exemplaire captura a
Mintia, en I.VII. 1994.
18. Gobio gobio obtusirostris Val., 1844 - Espece tres frequente dans
la zone recherchee.
19. Gobio uranoscopus friciVlad., 1925 - Espece aussi tres frequente
dans toute la zone de la riviere du Mureş.
20. Gobio Kess/eri Dyb., 1862 - Beaucoup d'exemplaires captures
pandant 1994-1996 Deva, Ilia et Zam.
21. Pseudorasbora parva Schi., 1842 - Espece frequente dans Ies
etangs limitrophes et aussi dans Ies lieux avec des courants d'eau moins
22. Barbus barbus barbus L., 1758 - Frequente, dans Ies lieux plus
profonds, avec des courants d'eau plus forts.
23. Cyprinus carpio L., 1758 - Dans la zone recherchee se trouvent
aussi la forme typique que Ies varietes provenues des fermes.
24. Ctenopharyngodon idei/a Val., 1844 - Espece recemment
acclimatee en Mureş.
25. Carassius carassius L., 1758 - Espece moins commune dans le
Couloir du Mureş. Dans la collection du Musee de Deva ii y a un seul
exemplaire captura a Deva, en 30. VI I. 1970.
26. Carassius auratus gibelio BI., 1782 - L'une de plus commune
espece dans toute la riviere de Mureş.


27. Misgurnus fossilis L., 1758 - Frequente, surtout dans Ies etangs

. .
28. Silurus glanis L., 1758 - Espece rapace, frequente dans toute la
zone recherchee.


29. lctalurus nebulosusle Sueur, 1819- Espece recemment aclimatee

dans le Couloir du Mureş.


30. Angui/la anguilla L., 1758 - Tres rare dans la zone recherchee,
trouvee par nous seulement en 1984 a Leşnic.

171 /

31. Perca f/uviatilis fluvaitilis L., 1758 - Espece frequente dans Ies
etangs limitrophes.
32. Stizostedion /ucioperca L., 1758 - Espece rapace, qui prefere Ies
zones avec d'eau claire.
33. Aspro streberSieb., 1863-1 exemplaire captura en 1951, a Deva.
En 1993 nous avons captura un exemplaire a Veţel, en 1993.
En recherchant l'ichtiofaune du Couloir du Mureş, on signale 33
especes. La majorite des especes est representee par des especes
frequentes, comme: Esox lucius, Rutilus rutilus carpathorossicus, Leuciscus
cephalus, Leucaspius delineatus, Alburnus alburnus, Abramis brama,
Chondrostoma nasus, Gobio gobio obtusirostris, Barbus barbus etc. Quelques
especes ont ete acclimatees recemment, d'autres continents, comme:
Pseudorasbora perva, Ctenopharingodon idella et lctalurus nebulosus. Parmi
Ies especes plus rares dans la zone recherchee on mentionne: Acipenser
ruthenus, Tinca tinca, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Anguilla anguilla, Aspro




Cercetările noastre asupra ichtiofaunei râului Mureş, sectorul Culoarului Mureş (Deva-
Zam) au fost intre anii 1975-1996.
Pe baza materialului colectat în perioada menţionată ca şi pe baza materialului aflat în
colecţia Muzeului din Deva, s-a elaborat lista sistematică a speciilor semnalate până în
prezent în râul Mureş, în sectorul Culoarului Mureş, respectiv zona situată intre localităţile

Deva şi Zam (judeţul Hunedoara).

Lista sistematică cuprinde 33 specii, dintre care majoritatea reprezintă specii frecvente în
zona cercetată. Alături de speciile comune au losl semnalate şi o serie de rarităţi: Acipenser
ruthenus, Tinca tinca, Rhodeus sericeus, amarus, Anguilla anguilla, Aspro streber şi alţii.


BANARESCU, P., 1964 Pisces-Osteichthyes. ln: Fauna R.P.R., Edit. Acad. Bucureşti.

BANARESCU P., GHERACOPOL OCTAVIA, PETCU, A., 1975 Pisces-Cyclostoma el

Osteichthyes. ln: Fauna. Seria Monografică. Grupul de cercetări complexe „Porţile de Fier",
Edit. Acad. Elucureşti. '

172 /
BUSNITA Th., ALEXANDRESCU I., 1971, Atlasul peştilor din Apele R.S. România. Edit.
Ceres, Bucureşti.

FEIDER, Z., GROSSU AL., V., GYRKO St., POP, V., 1967, Zoologia vertebratelor. Edit.
Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti.

IONESCU, V., 1968, Vertebratele din România. Edit. Acad. Bucureşti.

KASZONI, Z., 1981, Pescuitul sportiv. Edit. Sport-Turism, Bucureşti.

UJVARI, J., 1972, Geografia apelor României. Edit. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti.

173 / /



DEVA, 22-24th AUGUST 1996


DEVA, 22-24 AUGUST 1996

- DEVA 1997 -
175 / /



The area here called Northern Adriatic region corresponds from a

politica! point of view to NE ltaly, W Slovenia and Istria (NW Croatia) and from
a geographical one to the Eastern Dolomites (Southern Alps, NE ltaly), the
Carnic Pre-Alps (Southern Alps, NE ltaly), Julian Alps (Eastern Southern
Alps, NE ltaly and W Slovenia), the Karst (NE ltaly and SW Slovenia) and the
foreland of lstrian peninsula.
During Mesozoic times this region was occupied by large carbonate
platforms and has a rather homogeneous geologica! record (see, for example,
Zappaterra, 1990). No widespread continental deposit was found; therefore
it was considered a mainly marine region and is often compared to the
present Bahamas Banks. Since it was considered a prevailing marine area
during the Mesozoic, continental tetrapod evidence was not looked for on it
(Leonardi, 1984) and for a long time this evidence remained unknown.
Beginning from the early 80' the discoveries of terrestrial tetrapod
evidence in NE ltaly and Istria became more and more frequent, challenging
the previous palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
The mast interesting and widespreadly testified colonization of the carbonate
in the Northern Adriatic region by continental tetrapods took part during the
Norian (Late Triassic) andin many intervals of the Cretaceous. This paper is
a review of the present knowledge about the subject.
The study of Mesozoic continental reptiles of the Northern Adriatic
region is the research project of the author at the Dipartimento di Geologia,
Paleontologia e Geofisica, University of Padova. The study of the lstrian
sites with dinosaur footprints was granted by The Dinosaur Society and is
carried on in collaboration with the Croatian Institute of Geology of Zagreb.
The names of lstrian localities are reported both in Croatian and Italian,
since the region is bilingual and both can be found on different maps and
Acronyms: Fl=foot length; M=media; MFSN=Museo Friulano di Storia
Naturale of Udine.
177 /

Palaeogeographical, paleoenvironmental and stratigraphical setting

Du ring Norian times the southwestern margin of Tethys was occupied
by a widespread carbonate platform dissected by N-S oriented large basins
(Lagonegro trough, Olenos-Pindos trough, etc.) (Ziegler, 1988). This platform
was dominated in the Southern Alps by a tidal sedimentary environment and
it is usually considered by geologists as an enormous tidal flat testified by the
thick sequence of the Dolomia Principale (Hauptdolomit of the German
authors) (Bosellini and Hardie, 1988). However, sedimentologica! and
paleontologica! evidence of frequent local and also wider emersions of the
platform have been found du ring last years. Therefore, many times du ring the
Norian the carbonate platform (at least in NE ltaly) became a „continental"
area as a wide island, an archipelago of more or less large islands, a
peninsula or both of them in different moments, and was colonized by
terrestrial organisms. This wide shallow water/emerged environment was
dissected by small, narrow intraplatform basins. They were small (10-35 km
long) marine depressions of tectonic origin, with restricted water circulation
and bottom waters very poor in oxygen, hypersaline and probably acid. This
did not permit life of predator or scavenger organisms-which usually destroy
the dead organisms when they deposit on the sea bottom. These conditions
permitted the preservation of an exceptional fossil assemblage represented
by terrestrial (most of the reptiles, insects, plants) marine nectonic (fishes,
some shrimps) or marine benthic (crustaceans, rare ophiuroids, gastropods
and pelecypods) organisms. They were all allochthonous, transported after
death from different life environments. Terrestrial tetrapods were probably
transported after death in the water body for a more or less long time and
space, then they teii to the bottom, were covered by the carbonate mud and
got protected and fossilized. An interesting fauna of reptiles related to
terrestrial life was found in the Norian basinal units in Lombardy region (NW
ltaly) (Calcare di Zorzino Formation and Argiliti di Riva di Solto Formation).
lt includes pterosaurs (Eudimorphodon ranzii, Peteinosaurus zambellii, Wild,
1978; 1993), a phytosaur (Mystriosuchus ci. planirostris, Pinna, 1993), an
aetosaur (Aetosaurus ferratus, Wild, 1989), prolacertiforms (Langobardisaurus
panda/fii, Renesto, 1994 a; Tanystropheus fossai, Wild, 1980), a „ thecodont"
incertae sedis (Megalancosaurus preonensis, Renesto, 1994b) and a diapsid
incertae sedis (Drepanosaurus unguicaudatus, Pin na, 1980). The fossiliferous
Norian basinal unit in the Carnic Pre-Alps of Friuli region (NE ltaly) is the
Dolomia di Forni Formation. lt outcrops as a W-E elongated band from the
village of Forni di Sopra to the surroundings of the town of Tolmezzo (Udine
Province) along the Upper Tagliamento river valley. ln fig. 1 it has been
considered as an only site (n. 1) even if specimens come from different
outcrops. This F.ormation is at least 800-900 m thick and presents the
characteristic fossil assemblage in its middle-lower part (lower-medium

178 /
member of Dalia Vecchia, 1991 ). Abundant conodont specimens belonging
to Epigondolella slovakensis were sampled in the lower member in the
Seazza and Forchiar Creek valieys: they permitted the datation of the section
to the Alaunian 2-3 (Middle Norian, considering the Sevatian as Upper
Norian) (see Roghi et al., 1995). Epigondolella postera was found in some
western outcrops of the Dolomia di Forni Formation (Roghi et al., 1995).

The terrestrial tetrapod fauna

The peritidal, ciclothemic environment of deposition of the Dolomia
Principale was not well suited for bone preservation: no bone remains was
found init. On the contrary, the rocks derived from the sediments deposited
into the anoxie basins, preserved the fragile skeletons of smali terrestrial
reptiles. The most important ones found in the Dolomia di Forni are the
earliest flying reptiles (Pterosaurs). The holotype of Preondacty/us buffarinii
(1770 MFSN) was found in the outcrop F3 (see Dalla Vecchia, 1991; Fig. 2a)
of Seazza Creek valiey. ln the outcrop F1 of the same valiey was found a
gastric eject (1861 MFSN; Fig. 2 d) with bones supposed tobe pterosaurian
by Dalia Vecchia et al. (1989) and a middle-distal segment of the caudal
vertebral column with the two wing phalanges IV (19864 MFSN) of a
rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur (Dalia Vecchia, in progress). The holotype of
Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi Dalia Vecchia, 1994 (1797 a,b MFSN; Fig. 28)
comes from the Forchiar creek valley. This is represented by a rather
complete articulated skeleton presenting also parts of the patagium with
fiber-like structures. Some bones (1919 MFSN; a lower jaw ramus, a wing
phalanx, an humerus, some ribs; Fig. 2c) belonging to Eudimorphodon sp.
come from the western outcrop of Purone creek (Dalia Vecchia, 1994a). A
large, isolated pterosa.urian wing phalanx (1983MFSN) was recently found in
the Rovadia creek (Dalia Vecchia, in progress).
Also the holotype ( 1769 MFSN; fig. 2e) of the incertae sedis"thecodont"
Megalancosaurus preonensis was found in the Seazza Creek valiey. Two
isolated tails (1801, 18443MFSN) were considered as belonging to juveniles
of Drepanosaurus unguicaudatus by Pin na (1987) but have been attributed
to Megalancosaurus preonesis by Renesto (1994b). They were found
respectively in the outcrop F1 andin the outcrop F3, revealing a rather wide
stratigraphic distribution in the fossiliferous section of the Seazza Creek
valiey. Calzavara et al. (1981) and Renesto (1994b) suggest that
Megalancosaurus had arboreal habits. A fine and nearly complete skeleton
(1921 MFSN; Fig. 2f) probably belonging to the prolacertiform
Langobardisauruswas coliected in the lower member of Seazza Creek valley
(G„ Muscio, in progress). Finally, the holotype (19235MFSN)
Langobardisaurus? rossiiBizarrini and Muscio, 1994 has been found at the
limit between the medium and the lower member in the Seazza creek valiey.

179 /
The taxonomical position of this poorly preserved specimen is doubtful and
it needs a further preparation and a detailed description.
The tidal flats, where the sediments which formed the Dolomia Principale
deposited, were unsuitable for bone preservation but recorded the passage
of the larger components of the terrestrial fauna which probably could not be
transported after death into the anoxie basin. This record is represented by
tracks and trackways impressed in the soft and waterlogged muds of the tidal
flats. The last researches demonstrates that these prints are more common
than previously supposed. They have been found mainly on the "fresh"
surfaces of blocks fallen because of landslides.
After the discovery of a block with the trackways of three supposed
small theropods, a possible primitive ornithopod and a possible prosauropod
(Mietto, 1988; 1990; 1991) in the M. Pelmetto (E Dolomites; Fig. 1, site2; Fig.
3) many blocks with prints were found alsa in the southern Carnic Pre-Alps.
The finding places are near the villages of Claut and Cimolais (Pordenone
Province; Fig.1, site 3) (M. Caldana, pers. comm.). Seven blocks with reptile
tracks have been found up to now. Tridactyl, mesaxonic, dinosaur-like
foorprints are the mast common. They are both small (about 15 cm long) and
large (30-35 cm long). Some trackways were left by large bipedal reptiles but
single footprints are nothing more than deep holes (Fig.4) therefore the
identity of the trackmaker can not be defined with certainty; other trackways
were clearly left by quadrupedal animals. Perhaps some of them could
belong to small , medium sized prosauropods but they could also be badly
preserved "chirotheroid" tracks. Even some badly preserved tridactyl prints
could be "chirotheroid" tracks (King and Benton, 1996) and it is possible that
advanced thecodontians such as the Lagosuchids or Ornithosuchus were
capable to leave footprints very similar to those of dinosaurs. The study of
these tracks is just beginning by the writer and P. Mietto at the Dipartimento
di Geologia, Paleontologia e Geofisica of the University of Padova.
A trackway with six prints left by a bipedal reptile (Fig. 5), was found in
the Norian\Rhaetian dolostones near Godovic- (Julian Alps, W Slovenia Fig.
1, site4) (Krivic Veselie, 1993). They were never described in detail. The
prints are more or less circular (diameter: 15-17 cm), surely not tridactyl,
probably tetradactyl with short digits; the pace is very short (30-33 cm; M=32
cm),the stride is 61.5-64 cm (M=63 cm),the pace angulation is high (157°-
1650; M=162°). The attribution to a small prosauropod seems tobe likely but
the state of preservation is actually poor, the diagnostic features of the
prosauropod tracks (Thulborn, 1990, pp. 176-180) cannot be recognized and
other reptiles (for example,advanced thecodontians) could be the trackmaker.

Paleogeographical and stratigraphical setting
Du ring Cretaceous times the Northern Adriatic region was the northern
point of a N-S (considering the presant orientation) elongated carbonate
platform (see Zappaterra, 1990).

180 /
Some geologists believe that the Adriatic region was a microplate
(Apui ian Plate) separated from the African Plate, others that it was a northern
peninsula of the African Plate (African Promontory). The latter could have
been a better condition for the colonization of the platform by large vertebrates
and seems in best agreement with the actual dispersai of some invertebrates.
The Cretaceous section in Istria and Quarnero has not been yet
organized in formal lithostratigraphical units. Chronostratigraphic
determination îs based mainly on foraminifers and algae biostratigraphy.

Lockely el a/.(1994, p. 240) identified some structures exposed at the
Fantazija Quarry (Rovinij/Rovigno, W Istria; Fig. 1, site 5) as "the oldest
probable sauropod tracks" in the carbonate platform sequences of Croatia.
They are mostly exposed in the vertical section and were figured by Tisljar
el al. (1983) which considered them as load casts în intertidal sediments.
Lockley el al. (ibidem) seem to identify them as sauropod tracks
because they are more or less circular în horizontal section and have breccia-
like intrusions into the layer beneath. However, these authors never saw the
structures directly at the outcrop. I was there and I can nat confirm without
doubts the identification as sauropod prints, which could be anyway a
possible origin.

Late Hauterivian-Early Barremian

I n a site plac ed along the SW lstrian coast near the village of Bale/Valle
(Fig. 1, site 6) rem ai ns of dinosaur bones have been recently found (Boscarolli
el al., 1993, Dalia Vecchia, 1994b, c; Dalia Vecchiael al., 1993). The outcrop
îs placed below the sea level therefore exploitation îs very difficult. Only a
hundred of mostly fragmentary bones has been collected up to now, while
many other bones are still embedded în the limestone at the sea bottom. The
identified bones (cervical (Fig. 6), dorsal and caudal vertebrae, cervical ribs,
the distal part of a femur) belong mainly to small and medium sized sauropods,
probably representing a new taxon. Other fragmentary bones (mainly
fragmentary vertebrae) suggest also the presen ce of not-sauropod dinosaurs.
The collected remains are under preparation and study at the Museo
Paleontologico Cittadino of Monfalcone (Gorizia) by the part of the writer.
ln the site of Barbariga (SW Istria, Croatia; Fig. 1, site 7) we have a
possible example of "dinoturbation", the trampling of the wet sediment by the
moving dinosaurs (Dalla Vecchia and Tarlao, 1995). lt consists in a layer of
chaotic breccia with large holes and depressions in the upper bed surface
and clasts which appear to be pushed into a plastic matrix and have unusual
orientations. This site is at present inside a fenced breeding area and cannot
be visited anymore. A single tridactyl footprint (Fig. 7) was found on summer
1994 in a limestone block used to build the piers of the port of Ravenna but
very probably quarried near Saro ne (Altipiano del Cansiglio, Pordenone; Fig.

1 81 /
1, site 8). The limestone contains the foraminifer Orbitolinopsis capuensis
and belongs to the Calcare di Cellina Formation. The footprint is 36 cm long
and was described by Dalla Vecchia and Venturini (1995). lt belongs to a
medium-large sized theropod. This is the first record of a Cretaceous
dinosaur footprint in ltaly.

Late Barremian
Late Barremian tracks outcrop only in the Brijuni/Brioni archipelago
(SW Istria) at the Pogledalo/Salsa Promontory of the Main Brijuni/Brioni
island and probably alsa in the nearby Vanga island (Dalla Vecchia and
Tarlao, 1995, Gogala and Pavlovec, 1978). ln the first site (Fig. 1, site 9) there
is an irregular upper surf ace of a limestone bed, exposed along the coast for
about 30m as a narrow band. lt is at present ins ide a military zone. Du ring our
last field work (April 1996) we identified more than 50 medium to large
tridactyl footprints (FL = up to 45cm). The better preserved were cleary
impressed by „carnosaur" theropods (ci. Dalla Vecchia et al., 1993; Fig. 8).
Their detailed study is in progress. ·
The second site (Fig. 1, site 1O) is placed in the island which is at
present residence of the Croatian President and can not be visited. Gogala
& Pavlovec (1978, p. 192) reported the personal communication of B. Godec,
who visited the island looking for fossilis many years ago (he died on 1976),
about the presence of dinosaur footprints in the gulf of the island. The
, ,hundred of footprints" are said tobe similar to those of the facing Pogledalo/
Salsa Promontory of the Main Brijuni/Brioni island.

Middle Aptian
Structures preserved in the carbonate platform limestones of M.
Bernadia (Nimis, Udine; Fig. 1, site 11) have been identified as possible
dinosaur tracks (Dalla Vecchia and Venturini, 1996; Venturini, 1995). They
are depressions exposed mostly in a vertical section and are formed in
marsh-lacustrine greenish marls and filled with marine limestone; there is
something like an expulsion rim, sometimes a breccia infilling and an
undisturbed lamination closing on the flanks of the depression. These
features have been tentatively considered as possible dinosaur prints since
the identification of the structures at the Fantazija Quarry as dinosaur tracks
by Lockley et al. (1994).

Middle Albian
Most of the dinosaur evidence in Istria is preserved in Albian limestones
which for their stratigraphical position and the presence of foraminifers
(mainly Neoiraquia insolita) are placed at the passage between the Early and
the Late Albian of former Yugoslavian authors, therefore in the „middle" part
of Albian.

182 /
Main Briunj lsland. The site of Place/Lastra Promontory (Fig. 1, site 12)
can be definitively identified with the site call ed „ Rocca Kapp" and briefly
described by Bachofen-Echt (1925 a,b) (for other considerations see Dalla
Vecchia et al., 1993). We restudied this site in May 1995 and April 1996
clarifying some aspected which were wrongly interpreted by Bachofen-Echt.
There are two superimposed printed layers. Many slabs with footprints have
been taken away after 1925; some are stored in a bulding on the island but
others disappeared. Only small to medium-sized tridactyl footprints (FL = 14-
24 cm) (Fig. 9), mostly organized in trackways, are visible in situ. They are
badly preserved butan identification as theropod footptins is mostly plausible
following the presant knowledge in this field (Haubold, 1971; Lockley, 1991;
Thulborn, 1990). The previous identification as Iguanodon prints is
unsubstantiated. Larger prints (FL = about 30-40 cm) were completely
removed; three tracks are visible in the building on the island and they can
nat be attributed to Iguanodon too. The circular prints with five claw marks
identified by Bachofen-Echt (1925a, b) as possible tracks of giant turtles and
by Leghissa and Leonardi (1990) as possible sauropod prints are very
probably human artifacts (A. Tarlao, pers. comm.; pers. obs.). ln tact the
exposed surface was the bed of an ancient quarry. The detailed description
of the site is in progress.
Another site (Kamnik - Plesivac Promontory) located in the southern
part of the island (Fig. 1, site 13) was investigated for the first time during
1995/96 field research. lt is at presant inside a military zone. Alsa in this case
it is the bed surface of an ancient quarry exposed along the coast. There are
two superimposed printed layers vith tridactyl footprints. The lower surface
presents a long (20 prints) bipedal trackway with weakly impressed, shallow,
circular depressions 25-30 cm in diameter. Du ring last field work (April 1996)
the best preserved footprint was casted and it has been posible to define its
morphology. The track is tridactyl, mesassonic and has some features (blunt
tip of the digit print, high divarication angle, etc.; fig. 10) which indicate a
small iguanodontid as possible trackmaker. On the upper bed surface we
mapped faur bipedal trackways with tridactyl footprints (FL =15-20 cm) (Fig.
11 ). They are badly preserved butan identification as theropod footprints is
mostly plausible following the present knowledge in this field (Haubold, 1971;
Lockley, 1991; Thulborn, 1990). The detailed description of the site is in
White limestone bed surfaces along the shore at Peneda locality (Fig.
1, site 14) preserve probably the evidence of dinosaurs trampling. There are
many cirt:ular and, rarely, tridactyl depressions and holes on these surfaces,
nat clearly organized in trackways but sometimes with an evident expulsion
rim. The structures are nat due to recent erosion because they are placed
some metres above the sea level and the hale is still half filled by the covering
rock inat least one case. Since the dinosaur presence is testifield elsewhere
in the Albian of the island and dinosaurs used to trample the soft sediment
around the wet environments (Lockley, 1991 ), this possibility should be
183 /
A new Albian site was found in S Istria near the locality of Puntizela/
Puntisella (Fig. 1, site 15). Here there are two short bipedal trackways
located in different stratigraphic levels. They are made by tridactyl prints and
the lower trackway was probably left by a middle-sized theropod (FL = 21
Site of Punta del Dente (Cervar/Cervera, W Istria; Fig. 1, site 16). Two
printed surfaces which have been briefly mentioned in Dalla Vecchia (1994c)
and Dalla Vecchia and Tarlao (1995) are exposed here. One is placed along
the coast and preserves about 50 tridactyl footprints (FL =about 20 cm; Fig.
12), mostly organized in trackays. They are badly preserved but an
identification as theropod footprints is mostly plausible following the present
knowledge in this field (Haubold, 1971; Lockley, 1991; Thulborn, 1990) at
least for some of them.
The other surface (33 x 13m) is placed inland. Tens of tridactyl
footprints (FL =13-20 cm), a sauropod trackway more than 20m long (Fig. 13)
and many other sauropod tracks not clearly organized in trackways were
found and mapped du ring the last fie Id work (June-July 1996). The sauropods
were small sized individuals. The detailed description of the sites is in
Mirna/Quieto river mouth. This site (W Istria; Fig. 1, site 17) was
described in Dalla Vecchia et al. (1993). Some bipeda! trackways made by
tridactyl footprints (FL =20-25 cm; Fig. 14) were exposed here. Unfortunately
this outcrop was nearly complete destroied by abusive collectors. The
trackmakers were probably theropod dinosaurs but, in some cases small to
medium sized ornithopods can not be excluded.

Late Cenomanian
Fenoliga islet. This site (S Istria; Fig. 1, site 18) was reported for the
time by Gogala (1975) and subsequently by Gogala and Pavlovec (1978).
Leghissa and Leonardi (1990) gave a detailed description of the main
trackway preserved there, attributing it to a small sauropod. Pavlovec and
Gogala (1992) party questioned the description of this trackway given by
Leghissa and Leonardi (1990). The printed surface preserved this main
trackway, three trackways left by tridactyl, biped dinosaurs and three trackways
difficult to attribute (cf. Pavlovec and Gogala, 1992). The site needs the
complete mapping, the casting of the best preserved prints and a detailed
study. lt will be the object of our investigation in the next future.
NearPremantura/Promontore. This site (Fig. 1, site 19) is placed at the
soutern extremity of the lstrian peninsula, few kilometres north of the
Fenoliga islet. There are two bipeda! trackways with tridactyl prints and some
isolated tridactyl tracks (FL = 15-23 cm; Fig. 15). Some tracks seem to be
preserved also in the vertical section (cross section) (Dalla Vecchia and
Venturini, 1996). Another site was investigated last year in the NW part of the
peninsula south of the town of Umag/Umago (Fig. 1, site 20). More than 50
tridactyl footprints (FL = 14-25 cm; Fig. 16), many organized in bipeda!
trackways have been identified. They are badly preserved butan identification

184 /
as theropod footprints is mostly plausible following the present knowledge in
this field (Haubold, 1971; Lockley, 1991; Thulborn, 1990), at least for the best
preserved specimens. The detailed description of the site is in progress.
Unije/Unie island (Kvarnar/Quarnero, Croatia; Fig. 1, site 21 ). The
inhabitants or some turists reported the new of the presence of dinosaur
footprints on this island (G. Tunb, pers. comm.). The exploration of the SE
coast evidentiates the absence of dinosaur tracks. Mrs M. Nikolic-kindly
offered to reach with her boat the NE coast looking for tracks and taking
pictures of the presumed dinosaur evidence. Olnly one of the photographed
structures (maily holes, karst structures, etc.) seems to be a possible
tridactyl footprint with FL = about 20 cm.

Early Senonian
ln a site placed near Villaggio del Pescatore (Duino, ltaly; Fig. 1, site
22) bone remains belonging to relatively large reptiles were discovered in
1990. They were identified as belonging to Hadrosauridae mainly on the base
of the shape of a presumed pubis 28 cm long (Brazzatti & Calligaris, 1995;
Fig. 17). The material consists of scattered bones (vertebrae, ribs, the?
pubis) and the partially preserved distal part of three limbs, but it is still
unprepared. Therefore the identity of the reptile needs a further investigation
to be confirmed.

This review of the terrestrial tetrapod evidence recently found in the
Norian and Cretaceous carbonate platforms of Northern Adriatic region,
points aut that this evidence is more substantial than until now supposed. The
paleoichnological evidence of the Dolomia Principale needs an accurate
study in order to reveal the identities of the trackmakers.The skeletons
preserved in the anoxie basin of the Dolomia di Forni Formation show a
population of small-sized reptiles.
The Cretaceous evidence consists mainly of dinosaur tracks and
trackways. Worthy of note is the relative abund an ce of bipedal dinosaurs with
a foot lenght ranging 15-25 cm and therefore with a possible height at hip
ranging 60-130 cm (Thulborn, 1990). This predominance should be found aut
in the bone record but probably taphonomic causes bias it. Large theropods
are rarer and only a possible iguanodontid has been identified. Sauropods
are represented by small individuals. Alsa the sau ro pod bone rem ai ns belong
mostly to small to medium sized individuals. The presence of small
hadrosaurids in the Upper Cretaceous of Karst needs to be confirmed by
detailed studies.
The relative richness of evidence of terrestrial reptiles suggests to look
for further remains, mainly in the Late Triassic of the Dolomia Principale and
in the Late Hauterivian/Early Barremian site of Bale/Valle.

185 /

8 4


Fig. 1 - Location of the sites. 1) Upper Tagliamento river valley, 2) M. Pelmetto, 3) Claut,
Cimolais and environments, 4) Godovic, 5) Fantazija Quarry, 6) Bale/Va/le, 7) Barbariga, 8)
Sarone, 9) Pogledalo! Salsa Promontory, 10) Vanga island, 11) M. Bernadia, 12) P/ocel lastra
Promontory, 13) Kamnik-Pljesivac Promontory, 14) Peneda, 15) Puntizela/Puntisella, 16)
Punta de/ Denie, 17) Mirna! Quieto river mouth, 18) Fenoliga islet, 19) near Premantural
Promo/ore, 20) south of Umag/ Umago, 21) Unije!Unie island, 22)Villaggio de/ Pescatore.

186 /
Fig. 2. - Reptiles from the Norian Dolomia di Forno Formation (Carnic Pre-Alps, NE ltaly).
a) The holotype of Preondactylus buffarinii (1770 MFSN; scale bar= tem),

Fig. 2. - b) the holotype of Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi (1797aMFSN; scale bar: 10cm),

187 /
Fig. 2. - c) Eudimorphodon sp. (1919MFSN; scale bar =1cm),

Fig. 2. - d} the gastric eject with supposed pterosaurian bones

(1861MFSN; scale bar =1cm},

188 /
Fig. 2. - e) the holotype of Megalancosaurus preonensis {1769MFSN; scale bar= tem),

18 ~ /
Fig. 2. - f) a probable specimen of Langobardisaurus (1921MFSN; scale bar =2cm).

190 /
Fig. 3- The block with dinosaur trackways at the M Pelmetto (E Dolomites, NE lfaly; Dolomia
Principale Formation, Norian). After Mietto (1990).

Fig.5-The trackway in the Late Triassic dolostones of the environments of Godovic

(Julian Alps, W Slovenia). Scale bar =50cm

1 91 /
Fig.4-A large block (Dolomia Principale Forma/ion, Norian) in a landslide near Cimolais
(Carnic Pre-alps, Pordenone, NE //aly) with a /rackway of a large bipeda/ reptile, probably a

Fig. 6-A cervical vertebra of a sauropod from the Upper Hauterivian!Lower Barremian of Bale/
Va/le (SW Istria, Croatia). The centrum is 35cm long.

192 /
Fig. 7- The lefi lheropod footprint on the limestone block of the pier of Ravenna quarried at
Sarone (Altipiano de/ Cansiglio, NE ltaly). The specimen is 36 cm long.

Fig.8-Lefl lheropod footprint in the Late Barremian limestone al the Pogledalo/Salsa

Promontory site (Main Brijuni/Brioni island, SW Istria, Croatia). Scale bar=10cm.

193 /
Fig.9-The cast ol a leit, probably theropod, lootprint !rom the site ol Plocellastra Promontory
(Main Brijuni/Brioni island, SW Istria, Croatia). Scale bar=10cm.

Fig. 10-The cast ol the best preserved tridactyl footprint of the lower prin/ed layer al the
Kaminik-Pljsevac Promontory site (Main Brijuni/Brioni island,SW Istria, Croatia).
Scale bar=10cm.

194 /
Fig. 11-The cast of a probable theropod footprint from the upper printed layer at the site of
Kaminik-Pljse vac Promontory (Main Brijum!Brione island,SW Istria, Croatia). The print is 17
cm long.

Fig. 12-The cast of a right, probably theropod, footprint from the Middle Albian site of Punta
def Denie (W Istria, Croatia) p laced on the shore. The print is 20cm long.

195 /
Fig. 13-The main sauropod trackway in !he inland site of Pun/a de/ Denie (W Istria, Croatia).

196 /
Fig. 14-Probable theropod footprints at the site of the Mirna/Ouieto river mouth (W Istria,
Croatia). They were about 20cm long and were taken away by abusive col/ectors
before being studied.

Fig. 15-The cast of a Jeff, probably theropod, footprint from the Late Cenomanian site near
Premantura/Promontore (SW Istria, Croatia). The print is 20cm /ong. / 197

Fig. 16-Probable theropod, lefi footprint al the Late Cenomanian site south of Umag/Umago
(NW Istria, Croatia). Scale bar=10cm.

Fig. 17-The presumed pubis of a small-sized hadrosaurid !rom the Lower Senonian of
Villaggio def Pescatore (Karst. NE ltaly). Length=28cm. After Brazzatti & Calligaris (1995).

198 /

I thank Mr. Mauro Calbana who discovered most of the reptile tracks in the Carnic Pre-
Alps, and Mr. Aicea Tarlao who found most of the sites in Istria, for the inlormation and
collaboration. Dr. Cesare Brizio, Dr. Luisa Posocco, Mr. Aicea Tarlao, Mr. Maurizio Tentor,
Dr. Giorgio Tunis and Dr. Igor Vlahovic, who I thank him very much, helped me during the lield
works in Istria. I thank Dr. Carlo Morandini and Dr. Giuseppe Muscio ol the Museo Friulano.
di Storia Naturale who allowed me to study the specimens ol the Dolomia di Forni Formation,
Mrs. Margarita Nikolic lor the collaboration, Mr. Dario Boscarolli, Dr. Bogdan lurkovsek and
Dr. Giuseppe Muscio for the precious information. I am imbedt with Dr. Sandra Venturini for
the usual discussion and advices. Mr. Dario Dalla Noce and Mr. Giorgio Fumagalli gave me
an important help during the writing of the final draft. This work was supported by a M.U.R.S.T.
grant (ex 60% Giuliano Piccoli).




Până in anii 80 exista părerea generală că platformele carbonatice mesozoice ale regiunii
adriatice (NE Italiei, SV Sloveniei şi V Croaţiei) reprezintă cu preponderenţă medii marine de
apă puţin adâncă unde prezenţa vertebratelor terestre este puţin probabilă. Această dogmă
a fost pusă sub semnul intrebării de descoperirile recente constând in:
1. Schelete de pterosaurieni (Eudimorphodon, Preondactylus). Prolacertilormes
(Langobardisaurus) şi alte reptile incertae sedis (Megalancosaurus) in Bazinul Anoxie Nori an
al Formaţiunii Forini Dolostone (Pre Alpii Carnici, NE Italiei).
2. Urme de reptile (în special dinosaurieni) din câteva situri din Dolomiţii Estici şi Pre Alpii
Carnici (NE Italiei) şi dintr-un sit din Alpii Julieni (V. Sloveniei), in dolomitele Noriene de
Câmpie tidală (Formaţiunea Main Dolostones);
3. Oase de dinosaurieni (in special sauropode) in· Hauterivianul superior I Barremianul
inferior (Cretacic timpuriu) al Peninsulei Istria (V Croaţiei).
4. Urme de dinozauri (în special dinozauri bipezi, mai ales dinozauri theropozi, de talie
mică spre medie şi de asemenea sauropozi) in Cretacicul din Istria, din cel puţin 1O situri de
vârstă Barremian târziu (3).
5. Urmă de picior, posibil tridactilă in Cenomanianul superior al Insulei Unije (Kvarnar),
Quarnaro, Croaţia).
6. O urmă mare de theropod în Hauterivianul Superior al Platformei Cansiglio (Pre Alpii
Carnici) Cansiglio (Pre Alpii Carnici, NE Italiei).
7. Resturi fragmentare de oase aparţinând unui posibil hadrosaur de talie mică, in
Senonianul inferior din Karst (NE Italiei).
Multe dintre aceste urme sunt în prezent în studiu.


Bacholen-Echt, A. 1925 a. lguanodon-Făhrten aul Brioni. Palaeont. Z. 7/3: 173-172.

Bacholen-Echt, A. 1925 b. Die Entdeckung von lguanodonfăhrten im Neokom der lnsel
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di Preone (Udine, Italia nordorientale). Nota preliminare. Gortania - Atti Mus. Friul. St. Nat.,

199 /
16(1994): 67-76.
Boscarolli, D., Laprocina, M., Ten tor, M., Tunis, G. e Venturini, S. 1993. Prima segnalazione
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Natura Nascosta, 7: 1-20.
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Venele. Mem. Soc. Geol. lt., 86: 133-169.
Brazzatti, T. and Calligaris, R. 1995. Studio preliminare di reperti ossei di dinosauri del
Carso Triestino. Atti Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Trieste, 46:221-226.
Calzavara, M., Muscio, G. and Wild, R. 1981. Megalancosaurus preonensis n. g., sp., a
new Reptile !rom the Norian ol Friuli, ltaly. Gortania-Atti Mus. Friul. St. Nat., 2:7-30.
Dai la Vecchia, F. M. 1990. Sedimentologia e paleontologia delia Dolomia di Forni (Triassico
superiore) nella valie del Rio Seazza (Preone, Carnia): ricostruzione paleoecologica e
paleoambientale. Unpublished MA Thesis, University ol Bologna. 202 pp.
Dalia Vecchia, F. M., 1991. Note suii a stratigrafia, sedimentologia e palentologia delia
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Giulia). Gortania-Atti Mus. Friul. St. Nat., 12(1990):7-30.
Dalia Vecchia, F. M., 1994a. Studio sugli pterosauri triassici con note sulia laro datazione,
habitat e storia evolutiva. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Modena, 249 pp.
1994b. I. dinosauri deli'lstria. ln: Muscio, G. (ed.). Dinosaurs - li mondo dei dinosauri. pp.
Dalia Vecchia, F. M., 1994c. Jurassic and Cretaceous sauropod evidence in the Mesozoic
carbonate platforms of the Southern Alps and Dinarids. ln Lockley, M.G., dos Santos, V.F.,
Meyer, C.A. and Hunt, A.P. (eds). Aspects of Sauropod Paleobiology. Gaia, 10:65-69.
Dalia Vecchia, F. M., 1995. A new pterosaur (Reptilia, Pterosauria) from the Norian (Late
Triassic) of Friuli (Northeastern ltaly). Preliminary note. Gortania - Atii Mus. Friul. St. Nat.,
16 (1994):59-66.
Dalia Vecchia, F.M., Muscio, G. and Wild, R. 1989. Pterosaur remains in a gastric peliett
from Upper Triassic (Norian) ol Rio Seazza valley (Udine, ltaly). Gortania - Atti Mus. Friul. St.
Nat., 10 (1988):121-132.
Dalia Vecchia, F.M. and Tarlao, A. 1995. Dinosaur Evidence în the Cretaceous of Istria
(Croatia). First Croatian Geologica! Congress - Proceedings, 1 :151-154.
Dalia Vecchia, F.M., Tarlao, A. and Tunis, G. 1993. Theropod (Reptila, Dinosauria)
lootprints in the Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Quieto/Mirna river mouth (NW Istria,
Croatia) and dinosaur population of the lstrian region during the Cretaceous. Mem. Sci. Geol.
Padova, 45:139-148.
Dalia Vecchia, F.M. and Venturini, S. 1995. A Theropod (Reptilia, Dinosauria) footprint
on a block ol Cretaceous limestone at the pier of Porto Corsini (Ravenna, ltaly). Riv. ltal. Pal.
Strat., 101 (1 ), 93-98.
Dalia Vecchia, F. M„1996. Le possibili impronte di dinosauro' del M. Bernadia e le
potenzialita paleoicnologiche delie sezioni stratigrafiche. Natura Nascosta, 12:34-44.
Gogala, M. 1975. Sledi iz davnine na jugu lstre. Proteus, 37:229-232.
Gogala, M. i Pavlovec, R. 1978. Se enkrat o sledovih dinozavrov. Proteus, 40:192-193.
Haubold, H. 1971. Handbuch der Palăoherpetologie. T. 18. lchnia Amphibiorum et
Reptiliorum fossilium. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 124pp.
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Leghissa, S. e Leonardi, G. 1990. Una pista di sauropode scoperta nei calcari cenomaniani
dell'lstria. Centra di Giuliano Dalmata, Milano, pp. 30.
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A. P. (eds). Aspects of Sau ro pod Paleobiology. Gaia, 10:233-248.

200 /
Mietto, P. 1988. Piste di dinosauri nelia Dolomia Principale (Triassico superiore) del M.
Pelmetto (Cadore). Mem. Soc. Geol. ltal., 30(1985):307-310.
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Dipartimento di Geologia, Paleontologia e Geofisica,
Universita di Padova, Via Giotto 1, 35137, Padova, ltaly

201 / /



The first dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Transylvania were
discovered in 1895 by Ilona and Ferec Nopcsa on their family estate near
Szentpeterfalva (now Sânpetru, Hunedoara County, România), then part of
the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Tasnădi-Kubacska, 1945). Subsequently,
Ferenc Nopcsa conducted considerable field works in the Haţeg Basin and
gathered a large collection of bones (mostly preserved at the Natural History
Museum of London). As described by Nopcsa in a series of papers (see
bibliography in Weishampel et al., 1991 and Pereda-Suberbiola, in press),
the dinosaur fauna of Transylvania includes titanosaurid sauropods,
theropods, ornithopods and ankylosaurs.
From Nopcsa's death in 1933 to the mid 1970 s the Transylvania fauna
was scarcely studied. These past few years, Romanian workers, in
collaboration with an international team, have been conducting both geological
and palaeontological research on the Haţeg Basin. As a resuit, research in
the geology of the region has been provided (Grigorescu, 1983, 1992), and
additional remains have been recovered (Weishampel et al., 1991 ). The
continental dinosaur-bearing beds, called „Szentpeterfalvaer Sandstein" by
Nopcsa (currently the Sânpetru and Densuş-Ciula formations), are Late
Maastrichtian in age. Recent revisions of the dinosaur taxa are available for
the hadrosaurid Te/matosaurus (Weishampel et al., 1993), bird-like theropods
(Le Loeuff et al., 1992), and other works are currently under way.
The purpose of theis paper is to provide a short redescription and
systematic review of the ankylosaur material collected and described by
Nopcsa in Transylvania.
Repositories: BMNH, Natural History Museum, London; FGGUB,
Facultatea de Geologie şi Geofizică, Universitatea Bucureşti, Bucharest;
MCDRD, Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane, Deva; PIUW,
Palăontologisches Institut der Universităt Wien, Viena.

Previous works
Dinosaurian remains from th~uppermost continental Cretaceous beds
of the Haţeg Basin were first reported by Nopcsa in 1897. ln this account,
Nopcsa mentioned the discovery near Szentpeterfalva of a femur of
Crataeomus ?, a genus originally erected by Seeley (1881) for ankylosaurian
material from the Lower Campanian of Austria. Crataeomuswas regarded as

203 /
a junior synonym of Struthiosaurus Bunzel, 1870, a genus defined by
material from the Gosau Beds of Muthmannsdorf. Nopcsa (1902 a, 1904)
classified Struthiosaurus among the Stegosauridae as an acanthopholidid
(no11< included in the family Nodosauridae, suborder Ankylosauria sensu
Coombs, 1978a). ln severa! papers dealing with the dinosaur fauna of
Szenpeterfalva, Nopcsa (1902d, 1904, 1905) noted the occurrence of
stegosaurid (that is armoured dinosaurs) bones. ln another paper, Nopcsa
(1902c) erected Onychosaurus hungaricus for a number of caudal dermal
plates recovered from an indeterminate locality. Additional remains were
discovered in the Szentpeterfalva area (Nopcsa, 1914). The details of the
discovery are given by Nopcsa (1931, p. 17; see alsa Nopcsa, 1929) as
follows: "ln 1912 I discovered at Szentpeterf alva, in situ, in an area nat larger
than one square yard, several bones belonging undoubtedly to Crataeomus,
together with the greater part of a skull of Struthiosaurus, and a very peculiar
atlas fitting on the basioccipital condyle. These very characteristic pieces
were: a posterior cervical, a dorsal and an anterior caudal vertebra, a rib, a
scapula, and one piece of the dermal armour of the tail". A brief description
of this material was given as Struthiosaurus transy/vanicus Nopcsa, 1915.
Nopcsa (1915, 1923) discussed the systematic position of Struthiosaurus
and referred it to the family Acanthopholidae that he classified, together with
the stegosaurids and ceratopsids, with the Thyreophora. A detailed account
of the anatomy, distribution, phylogeny and biology of Struthiosaurus was
published later (Nopcsa, 1929).
Ramer (1956) regarded Struthiosaurus as a small ankylosaur with a
rather primitive skull, and Coombs (1978a) noted that it "appears to be the
terminus of a European lineage" of nodosaurids. More recently, the taxonomic
status of Struthiosaurus austriacus and S. transylvanicus has been discussed
(Coombs & Maryanska, 1990; Weishampel et al., 1991; Pereda-Suberbiola&
Galton, 1992, 1994).

Systematic Palaeontology
Armoured dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Transylvania
described by No pc sa are represented by Onychosaurus hungaricus Nopcsa,
1902c and Struthiosaurus transy/vanicus Nopcsa, 1915. These taxa are
discussed below.


Onychosaurus hungaricuswas based on "the remains of two individuals

which display dermal armour of a characteristic type in the caudal region. The
semi-cylindrical ventral plates possess complex articulation resembling
those found în Po/acanthus, while the dorsal elements are arranged in two
longitudinal series. "(Nopcsa, 1902c, p. 44; translation by Steel, p. 55). He

204 /
only rnentioned Onychosaurusin another paper (Nopcsa, 1902d) and ignore
it in subsequent works. Later, Ramer (1956), Kuhn (1964) and Steel (1969)
classified Onychosaurus arnong the Ankylosauria, and Carroll (1988) listed
it as a junior synonirn of Struthiosaurus. More recently, Norman & Weisharnpel
(1990) regarded Onychosaurus hungaricus as a junior subjective synonyrn
of the iguanodontian Rhabdodon priscus, but these authors gave no reasons
to support this synonyrny. ln fact, Nopcsa's description suggests that it is
more likely an ankylosaur than an ornithopod. Unfortunately, the material is
currently rnissing and so, as an accurate taxonomic assignrnent is nat
possible, O. hungaricus Nopcsa, 1902c is regarded as a nomen dubium.


Nopcsa (1915,p. 11, pls. 3-4) erected S. transylvanicusfor a fragrnen-

tary skull, and sorne postcranial bones, including the atlas, a cervical
vertebra, a dorsal vertebra, two caudal vertebrae, a dorsal rib, a scapulocora-
coid, a derma! scute, and a nurnber of indeterminate fragrnentary rernains
(BMNH R4966). All the material was found in a locality near Szentpeterfalva
and stratigrphically it carne frorn the Sânpetru Forrnation (Maastrichtian).
Additional ankylosaurian rernains frorn the sarne area include an isolated
prernaxillary tooth (BMNH R3405) and two dorsal vertebrae (BMNH R3848
in part). Newly discovered material by the team of the University of Bucharest
(FGGUB collection) and Deva Museurn (MCDRD collection) consists of
severa! vertebrae, girdle and limb bones, and derma! arrnour (Weisharnpel et
al., 1991; Grigorescu, pers. cornrn.). These rernains will be nat described in
this paper.

Skull(Figs. 1-5). Cranial material of Struthiosaurus transy/vanicusis
represented by a partial skull, frorn which an endocranial cast rnade by
Nopcsa (1929, pi. 1, figs. 1-6). The specimen preserves the posterior half of
the skull. lt consists of both derrnal and endochondral elernents, including
parts of the derma! skull roof, palate, suspensoriurn and endocraniurn. The
sutures between the bones are rnostly obliterated by fusion and recognition
of the individual bones is based on the position of structures and forarnina.
The endocraniurn preserves the supraoccipital, exoccipital, opisthotics,
basisphenoid, basioccipital, prootics, and possibly rernains of the laterosphe-
noids and orbitosphenoids. The palate is represented by a fragrnentary
pterygoid. The bones of the skull roof (i.e. parietals, frontals, and possibly
part of nasals) are covered dorsally by co-ossified derma! scutes. Portions of
the supraorbitals (or palpebrals), postorbitals, postfrontals and prefrontals
are presurnably represented in the circumorbital region, as well as rernains
of the squarnosals and quadratojugals on the lateral rnargins of the skull. The

205 /
proxima! and distal ends of the quadrates are olso preserved. A detailed
description of the incomplete skull of S. transylvanicus was given by Pereda-
Suberbiola & Galton (1994) and the following remarks are based on this
The partial skull of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus (Figs. 1-3) is very
damaged and it was extensively reconstructed ( presumably by Nopcsa) with
the plentiful use of plster in the fronto-nasal area of the skull root, the
circumorbital region (on both sides), the left paroccipital process and the
neck of the occipital condyle. The illustration given by Nopcsa (1929: pl.1)
were touched up. Nopcsa's reconstruction of the specimen seems incorrect
in the following areas: right orbit artificially enlarged (and left orbit completely
restored in accordance with .the same pattern); right intratemporal fenestra
probably misshaped (Nopcsa oriented the ramus of the quadrate anteriorly
and medially from the paroccipital process); distal ends of the lef and right
quadrates transposed; fronto-nasal area of the skull root raised relative to the
parietal region; jugals erroneously identified (based on plaster plus an
indeterminate bone incorrectly placed here).
The skull of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus is relatively small (maximum
skull width behind the orbits approximately 15.5 cm; height from base of
occipital condyle to skull root about 8.1 cm; estimated total length of about 20
to 25cm) and massive. lt is dorsoventrally compressed, with an occiput low
and broad. As compared to other ankylosaurs, the occipital region resembles
those of Sauropelta and Silvisaurus rather than those of advanced
nodosaurids. S. transylvanicusdisplays a comparatively higher and narrower
occiput relative to Panop/osaurus and Edmontonia, with the tip of the
paroccipital processes being relatively short and thick, and strongly curved
posteriorly (Pereda-Suberbiola & Galton, 1994, fig. 7).
As Nopcsa (1915, 1929) noted, the supratemporal fenestra is closed.
The infratemporal fenestra is visible in lateral view and it is narrow and
elongated. The morphology of Struthiosaurusis intermediate between that of
Silvisaurus (Eaton, 1960) and Edmontonia (Gilmore, 1930). The paroccipital
process, the dorsal end of the quadrate and the squamosal are fused
together, as in nodosaurids (Coombs & Maryanska, 1990). There is no
evidence of an othic notch between the quadrate and paroccipital process.
Unlike typical ankylosaurs, the sutural surfaces between the quadratojugal
and the quadrate are visible (Figs. 4-5; Pereda-Suberbiola & Galton, 1994,
figs. 4A-D). After reconstruction, the distal articular surfaces of the quadrate
faces veritrolaterally. This end of the quadrate is slightly asymmetrical, with
the medial portion scarcely more robust than the lateral one. lt was possibly
angled strongly anteroventrally, as is usual in the Nodosauridae (Sereno,
1986) ..
The pattern of the scutes co-ossified to the skull root is poorly exposed
in Struthiosaurus transylvanicus and it is difficult to recognise accurately.
The skull root seems deformed and no groove separating the individual
plates is visible. The occurrence of a narrow scute along the rear edge of the

206 /
skull, as is the case in S. austriacus and other nodosaurids, cannot be
confirmed. Nopcsa (1929) noted the presence of an "occipital scute"
("hinterhauptschuppe") but it is more probably an artefact. ln fact, the
posterior edge of the skull armour overhangs the supraoccipital, probably
because of crushing, and so this region is hidden in dorsal view. Nopcsa
(1929) regarded the lack of grooves ("furchen") on the occipital region as a
specific difference between the skulls of S. transy/vanicus and S. austriacus,
but it may be better interpreted as the resuit of ontogenetic changes (or
prservational bi as). The supraoccipital bone appears tobe poorly developed
and it is ornamented by rough sculptures. Triangular prominences one on
each side, probably represent the fused remains of the proatlases. This
feature, and the obliteration of the sutural grooves between the cranial
scutes, suggests that the skull of S. transylvanicus belongs to a small fully
adult individual.
The accurate orientation of the braincase is not possible because of the
fragmentary condition of the skull and the lack of information on the original
condition of the specimen as discovered. The foraminal region of the braincase
shows no evidence for a prominent sheet of bone (crista). Cranial nerve XII
exists through two foramina (an attempted reconstruction of the cranial
nerves of S.transy/vanicusis given by Pereda-Suberbiola & Galton, 1994,figs.
3E, 5A). The broken occipital condyle is hemispherical and formed exclusively
by the basioccipital bone. The transverse diameter of the occipital condyle is
scarcely wider than the geatest diameter of the subcircular foramen magnum.
The basicranium displays a ventrally projected basisphenoid that extends
below the level of the basioccipital in posterior view. This pattern, also
present in the type specimen of S. austriacus, has been interpreted as a
saurischian-like feature (Coombs&Maryanska, 1990). Nevertheless, the
braincases of S. transy/vanicus and S. austriacusare typically ankylosaurian,
so the large, ventrally projecting shape of the basiophenoid should be
regarded as a diagnostic character of Struthiosaurus(Pereda-Suberbiola &
Galton, 1994). The basioccipital tubera are damaged but they appear to be
prominent and W-shaped, as defined for the nodosaurids (Lee, 1996). The
pterygoid closes the opening between the space above the palate and below
the braincase. Fragmentary remains of the pterygoids are fused to the
basisphenoid and come together ventral to the basipterygoid processes, as
in ankylosaurs (Sereno, 1986; Coombs & Maryanska, 1990).
Nopcsa (1902b, pi. 2, figs.14-16) referred a premaxillary tooth to
Rhabdodon, but later (Nopcsa, 1904) noted that the premaxilla of this
ornithopod is toothless. The specimen (BMNH R3405) is very small (maximum
diameter O. 7cm) and preserves the crown (the apex is broken) and part of the
root. lt is conica! in shape, laterally compressed, and bears a number of tiny
denticles on the mesial and distal borders. The labial and lingual surfaces are
slightly convex, smooth and bear no grooves. There is no development of a
cingulum at the base of the crown. The form of this premaxillary tooth (BMNH

207 /
R3405) resembles that of nodosaurids and it could belong to Struthiosaurus
(Brinkmann, 1988). The occrrence of premaxillary teeth is the primitive condition
for the Nodosauridae (Coombs, 1978a; Coombs & Maryanska, 1990).

Endocranial cast (Fig. 6). The endocranial cast of Struthiosaurus

transy/vanicus is almost complete with only the anterior end of the
telencephalon missing. lt was the first ankylosaur endocast tobe described
and illustrated (Nopcsa, 1929, pi. 1). The overall form and main features of
the endocast have been described by Hopson (1979, p. 111-112) and
Pereda-Suberbiola & Galton (1994, figs. 5A-C). The endocast is relatively
short and compact; the cerebrum is diamond-shaped and the medulla is
posteroventrally directed relative to the forebrain. The forebrain and cerebellar
region is well differenciated from the brainstem (Hopson, 1979). The olfactory
lobes were probably short and divergent, asin ankylosaurs (Coombs, 1978b)
and other groups of ornithischians (Galton, 1989; Giffin, 1989). There is no
evidence of floccular lobes in the cerebellar region, like mast ornithischians
and especially thyreophorans (Coombs, 1978c; Galton, 1990). The orientation
of the specimen relative to the horizontal is not possible, but the medulla is
posteroventrally oriented at an angle of 20° relative to the dorsal surfaces of
the cerebrum and cerebellum (Hopson, 1979). The cerebral lobes of S.
transylvanicus are broader and the cerebellar region is higher and more
distinct than in the ankylosaurid Euoplocephalus (Coombs, 1978c; Hopson,
1979). At least in these features the endcast of S. transy/vanicus is
comparable to that of a Wealden nodosaurid referred to as cf. Polacanthus
(Norman & Faiers, 1996).
Vertebrae and ribs (Figs. 7-16). The vertebral column is represented
by the atlas, a cervical, three dorsal and two caudal vertebrae, as well as rib
remains. All the centra have amphicoelus articular faces.
The atlas intercentrum and the neural archs are fused together to
forma ring-shaped structure (Figs.7-8). The neural arches join dorsally
above the neural canal, as occurs in ankylosaurs (Sereno, 1986). The
right neural arch has been partially reconstructed. The pre and
postzygapophyses are broken. As mentioned above, the proatlases are
probably co-ossified into the occiput of the skull. The intercentrum-
centrum complex is subcircular in section and relatively long (basal
length 3.9cm). The ventral surface bears a median ventral keel
("hypapophyse" of Nopcsa, 1929, pl.2,figs.1-5). The anterior articular
surface is cup-shaped and articulates with the occipital condyle of the
skull. The posterior surf ace is strongly excavated for the reception of the
odontoid process. The atlas bears fused single-headed cervical ribs,
which are fragmentary in the specimen. Atlas and axis were separate in
Struthiosaurus, as in primitive nodosaurids (Ostrom, 1970).
ln addition to the atlas, there is a posterior cervical vertebra (Figs. 9-
11; Nopcsa, 1929,pl.2, figs.6-1 O). The centrum is unusually low, transversey

208 /
wide, and elongated (7.5 cm long, 6.1 cm wide, and 4.2 cm high). The anterior
articular face is roughly pentagonal and the posterior face is oval. The
anterior and posterior faces of the centrum are disposed at about the same
level. There is no evidence of a conspicuous keel on the ventral surface. The
parapophyses are located near the anterior border, on the dorsal half of the
centrum, and bear a concave articular facet that is directed laterally and
slightly posteriorly. The cervical ribs are apparently not fused to the vertebra.
On the side of the centrum, a large depression is developed posterior to the
facet of the parapophysis. The neural canal is large and subcircular. A great
part of the diapophyses and neural spine, as well as both the left
prezygapophysis and postzygapophysis, are missing (the zygapophyses
were reconstructed in plaster by Nopcsa). The transverse processes are
flattened dorsoventrally and extend laterally and anteroposteriorly to form a
larga plate-like structura, that is directed horizontally and slightly ventrally.
The neural spine is low, massive, and expanded transversely.
The cervical centra of Struthiosaurus transy/vanicusdiffers considerably
from those of other nodosaurids in having a much elongated centrum and well
expanded diapophyses. ln typical ankylosaurs the cervical centra are wider
than long (Coombs & and Maryanska, 1990), but the contrary appears to be
the case in Struthiosaurus. A cervical vertebra referred to S. austriacus from
the Gosau Beds of Muthmannsdorf (Bunzel, 1871, pi. 2, figs. 9-1 O) closely
resembles that of S. transylvanicus, although the centrum is not so long.
Finally, Pereda-Suberbiola (1993) has suggested the occurrence of
Struthiosaurus in the Upper Campanian of Languedoc on the basis of a
fragmentary cervical neural arch.
There are three dorsal vertebrae (Figs.12-15), but two of them preserve
only the centrum and the basal region of the neural pedicles (BMNR R3848
in part; originally labeld as Telmatosaurus by Nopcsa). The more complete
specimen (BMNH R4966) lacks the postzygapophyses, and most of the
transverse processes and the neural spine. The prezygapophyses have
been partially reconstructed by Nopcsa (1929,pl.2, figs.11-13). The centrum
is long and laterally compressed (length 6.6cm, maximum diameter 5 cm).
The anterior articular surface is heart-shaped and shows a notochordal
prominence. The ventral surface has a distinct median keel. As preserved
(only the basal region is present), the transverse processes appears to be
steeply oriented upwards. The most striking feature is the presence of tall
neural arch pedicles and of a high neural canal equal to 75% of the centrum
height. This character is not present in the available material of S. austriacus,
but it is present in dorsal vertebrae referable to Struthiosaurus from the
Upper Campanian of the lberian peninsula (Pereda-Suberbiola, in prep.).
The occurrence of tall neural arch pedicles (up to 150% of centrum height) is
a common feature in stegosaurs, unlike ankylosaurs, which have mostly low
neural arches. The neural canal of the dorsal vertebrae of ankylosaurs is
generally small and subcircular but in some taxa it may be relatively elevated

209 /
(e.g. Panop/osaurs; Russel, 1940). The posterior dorsal vertebra of S.
transylvanicus differs from those of other nodosaurids in having comparatively
taller neural arch pedicles and a higher neural canal.
An almost complete dorsal rib is preserved (Nopcsa, 1929,pl. 1,fig. 7).
The rib is robust proximally, strongly curved and becomes progressively
more slender distally. The specimen measures about 40 cm over the curve
from the capitulum to the distal end. The proxima! portion is T-shaped in
cross section, as is common in ankylosaurs (Coombs, 1978a). The shaft
shows a prominent lateral expansion for muscular attachment, but three is no
indication for an uncinate process in the distal half. Dorsal ribs apparently not
fused to the vertebrae in Struthiosaurus.
The tail region is represented by two vertebrae, an anterior and a mid
to posterior caudal (Figs.16-17; Nopcsa, 1915, pl.3, fig.9; pl.4, fig.1;
Nopcsa,1929,pl.3, figs.1-4). The anterior caudal vertebra lacks the
prezygapophyses, and part of the neural spine and right transverse process.
The centrum is wider (5.4 cm) than long (4.3 cm), and it has oval to roughly
pentagonal articular faces. The posterior articular face is slightly lower than
the anterior one, a common feature on the proxima! nodosaurid caudals
(Coombs, 1995). The left transverse process is short and massive, with an
enlarged distal end, and it projects laterally and slightly posteriorly and
ventrally.The sides of the centrum are deeply excavated just below the
transverse processes. The ventral surface of the centrum is flat and wide.
There is no evidence of either a prominent keel or chevron facets. The neural
canal is circular to oval in cross-section. The neural arches are short and
robust, and located on the anterior part of the centrum. The postzygapophyses
overhang the posterior face of the centrum. The neural spine is oriented
The other caudal vertebra preserves the centrum and the basal portion
of the neural arch. The centrum is cylindrical, longer than wide (7 cm, and
4.6 cm respectively). The articular surfaces are polygonal. The ventral
surface has chevron facets but there is no evidence of a median keel.

Pectoral girdle (Fig. 18). The shoulder girdle of Struthiosaurus

transylvanicusis represented by an incomplete right scapulocoracoid (Nopcsa,
1929,pl.3, figs.5-6). The scapula is almost complete (about 30 cm long) but
a small fragment of coracoid from the glenoid region is preserved. Scapula
and coracoid are fused, but there is a trace of the suture between the bones.
The scapular spine extends obliquely from the anterior edge to the glenoid
and terminates in a prominent pseudoacromion process, well above the level
of the joint surfaces between the scapula and coracoid. The acromion is a
centrally located, unusual hook-shaped process, that projects distally toward
the anteroventral border of the scapula. This morphology is also known in a
scapula of Crataeomus pawlowitschi(here regarded as a junior synonym of
Struthiosaurus austriacus) from Austria (Seeley, 1881 ),so we suggest that it

210 /
is a diagnostic feature of the genus Struthiosaurus. There is a small prespinous
fossa anterior to the scapular spine, as în derived nodosaurids (Coombs,
1978b). The area for the M. supracoracoideus îs restricted to the antroventral
part of the scapula and it appears tobe considerably reduced relative to that
of Sauropelta(Galton, 1983). Weishampel et al.(1991) described an isolated
ankylosaur coracoid from the Haţeg basin, and noted that it îs large and long
relative to the dorsoventral width, as îs typical în ankylosaurs
(Coombs & Maryanska, 1990).
Pe/vie girdle. There are no ankylosaur pelvic bones în the early
dinosaur collections of Transylvania kept at London (BMNH). Weishampel et
al. (1991) mentioned a newly discovered ankylosaur ischium from the Haţeg
Basin. The specimen îs ventrally flexed near its midlength, as în nodosaurids
(Coombs, 1978a; Coombs & Maryanska, 1990).
Limb bones. Numerous indeterminate fragments of bone are present
in the collection (BMNH). Nopcsa (1929) reported the occurrence of a
fragmentary humerus of S. transylvanicus but we are unable to locate it .
Jurcsak (1982,pl.2, figs.4-5) referred a humerus and a tibia from Sânpetru
to Struthiosaurus transylvanicus but these bones are probably not ankylo-
Armour. The only piece of dermal armour present în the original
specimens of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus is a small scute (3,6 cm long).
lt is triangular in section, with a prominent dorsal keel and aflat basal region
(Nopcsa, 1929, pi. 2, figs.14-16). Dermal scutes have been recovered în the
beds of the Haţeg Basin over the past few years (Grigorescu, pers. comm.)
but no description is currently available. The reconstructions of the armour
of Struthiosaurus given by Nopcsa (1915, fig. 2; 1929, pi. 5) are actually
based on the abundant material recovered from the Gosau Beds of
Muthmannsdorf, Austria (kept at PIUW, Vienna).

Weishampel et al. (1991) noted that the skull of Struthiosaurus
transylvanicus is distinctive among ankylosaurus in having closed
supratemporal fenestrae, narrow infratemporal fenestrae, and fusion of the
paroccipital process and squamosal. ln fact, these characters are diagnostic
of the Ankylosauria (Coombs & Maryanska, 1990). Other ankylosaurian
features present in the material of S. transylvanicus are as follows: skull
dorsoventrally compressed, with a low and broad occiput; dermal armour
coossified with the skull roof; sutures between cranial bones of the skull roof
obliterated; pterygoid closes the passage between the space above the
palate and that below the braincase; postocular shelf medially encloses
orbital cavity (see Ooombs, 1978 a; Sereno, 1986; Coombs & Maryanska,
1990). ln addition, the following characters observed în the skull of S.
transylvanicusare diagnostic for the Nodosauridae: W-shaped basioccipital
tubera; hemispherical occipital condyle composed exclusively of the

211 /
basioccipital;articular surfaces of the quadrates angled anteroventrally (after
reconstruction) (Sereno, 1986; Coombs & Maryanska, 1990; Lee, 1996).
Nopcsa (1929) distinguished the skull of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus
from that of S. austriacuson the absence of grooves on the skull roof and by
the occurrence of ascute on the occipital region. As mentioned above, these
differences are probably due to ontogenetic changes or preservational bias.
Coombs (1971) provisionally retained S. austriacusand S. transy/vanicusas
valid taxa but noted that the specific distinction was suspect. More recently,
Coombs & Maryanska (1990), followed by Weishampel et al. (1991 ), regarded
· S. austriacus as a nomen dubium and provisionally listed „Struthiosaurus"
transilvanicusas the type species of a new unnamed genus (quotes indicating
an invalid generic name). ln disagreement with this interpretation, Pereda -
Suberbiola & Galton (1992, 1994) have suggested that the skull of S.
austriacus and S. transylvanicus share the same construction and so they
are closely related. Both skulls are ankylosaurian and should be referred to
the family Nodosauridae on the basis of a set of typical characters, e.g.
paroccipital processes posteroventrally directed and visible in dorsal view;
occipital condyle scarcely wider than the greatest diameter of the foramen
magnum and downwardly angled (see Pereda - Suberbiola & Galton, 1994).
Struthiosaurus transylvanicus apparently differs from S. austriacus in
having a more ventrally projected basisphenoid, cervical vertebra
comparatively more elongated, and both taller neural arch pedicles and
neural canal of dorsal vertebrae. First, the different orientation of the
basisphenoid floor of the skull of S. transylvanicus relative to that of S.
austriacus may be interpreted either as a specific feature or as an artefact
resulting from an incorrect reconstruction of the specimen (artificially
exaggerated during the assembly by Nopcsa).
Second, the vertebral differences may have a specific signifcance but
the sample seems too small for an accurate comparison. ln fact, these
differences may well be the resuit of comparing vertebrae from different
positions in the cervical and dorsal series. Other minor cranial differences
are regarded as ontogenetic changes (Pereda-Suberbiola & Galton, 1994).
The asynchrone stratigraphic position of Struthiosaurus transy/vanicus
(Sânpetru Formation, late Maastrichtian in age according to Weishampel et
al., 1991; Grigorescu, 1992) versus S. austriacus (Gosau Formation, early
Campanian according to Brix & Plochinger, 1988) suggests the occurrence
of two distinct species. Nevertheless, there is no unambiguous anatomica!
character to currently support a taxonomic distinction between S.
transylvanicus and S. austriacus. The available material of Transylvania
collected by Nopcsa appears to be inadequate to resolve the question of the
relationship of S. austriacus to S. transylvanicus, or to permit an accurate
diagnosis of the latter. Under these circumstances, S. transylvanicus has
been provisionally referred to as Struthiosaurus cf. austriacus (Pereda-
Suberbiola & Galton, 1994). A discussion on the significance of the osteologica!

212 /
variability observed in Struthiosaurus has been published elsewhere (Pereda-
Suberbiola et al., 1995).
Struthiosaurus is here characterised by the following specialised
features: ventrally projecting shape of the basisphenoid, elongated cervical
vertebrae, tall dorsal neural arch pedicles and neural canal, and hook-like
acromion process on scapula. Moreover, it displays a distinctive armour, as
suggested by the large sample of dermal elements known in Austria (Pereda-
Suberbiola & Galton, in prep.).
Struthiosaurus is conservative within the Nodosauridae and differs
from derived Late Cretaceous nodosaurids (e.g. Panoplosaurus and
Edmontonia) in retaining a relatively narrow, high occiput, elongated
infratemporal fenestra, premaxillary teeth (?), and atlas and axis separate.
On the other hand, Struthiosaurusis more derived than some primitive Early
Cretaceous nodosaurids such as Polachanthus and Hylaeosaurus in having
a scapular spine displaced towards the glenoid, and small prespinous fossa
developed anterior to it. With regard to mid-Cretaceouş nodosaurids,
Struthiosaurusappears tobe intermediate between Sauropelta (more derived)
and Acanthopholis and Tesaxetes (more primitive) on the basis of scapular
and femoral features (see Coombs, 1978b, 1995; Galton, 1983).
Finally, the small size of Struthiosaurus is interesting in relation to the
distribution of this Nodosaurid.Adult individuals of Struthiosaurus (such as
that found by Nopcsa in Transylvania) were probably not more than 3.5 m
long. This size is comparatively smaller than that of its contemporary
relatives of North America. The dinosaur fauna of Transylvania also includes
conservative ornithopods, for example the basal iguanodontian Rhabdodon
and very primitive hadrosaurid Telmatosaurus (Weishampel et al., 1991,
1993). As early as 1923, Nopcsa interpreted the small body size of
Transylvanian dinosaurs as the resuit of insular endemism. ln tact, if small
size may be related to island biogeography, then this phenomenon apparently
affected ornithischian dinosaurs (ornithopods and ankylosaurs), but it spared
the saurischians, as suggested by the presence of large titanosaurids and
theropods in the Haţeg Basin (Weishampel et al., 1991; Pereda-Suberbiola,
in press).
Weishampel et al.(1991) have suggested a dispersai as a resuit of
island hopping early in the history of the nodosaurid clade to explain the
conservative characters of S. transylvanicus. However, these authors noted
later (somewhat ambiguously) that the European distribution of S.
transylvanicus suggests the development of barriers separating this
nodosaurid from North American relatives, and then isolated evolution. The
primitive phylogenetic position of Struthiosaurus within the N'Jdosauridae,
combined with the late stratigraphical distribution of this taxon, provides
more support for the hypothesis of a vicariance refugia than for that of island
dispersai (contra Weishampel et al., 1991 ; but see a Iso Weishampel et al.,
1993 for discussion on Telmatosaurus transsy/vanicus). To sum up,

213 /
Struthiosaurus may be regarded as an endemic, small-sized nodosaurid
component of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur fauna of Europe.

Aknowledgements. The senior author is greateful to the organisers of

the Symposium on Mesozoic Vertebrate Faunas of Central Europa for their
invitation to attend the Deva meeting. We wish to thank Miss S. Chapman and
Dr.A.C.Milner (BMNH, London), Prof. Dr.G. Rabeder and Mag. Dr.
K.L.Rauscher (PIUW, Vienna) for their assistance during the study of
ankylosaurian material in their care. Many thanks to Dr.O.Grigorescu
(FGGUB,Bucharest) for providing information on new ankylosaurian material
from Transylvania, as well as M.A. Lan9on and Bardet (Paris) for translations
of Nopcsa's papers. Photos by C.Abrial and the senior author.




Lucrarea prezintă o reexaminare a dinozaurilor cuirasaţi descrişi de Baronul Nopcsa din

Bazinul Haţeg (Cretacic superior, Maastrichtian), Transilvania.
Onychosaurus hungaricus Nopcsa, 1902c este un dinozaur inadecvat descris, descrierea
bazându-se pe o armură dermică caudală. Materialul tip lipseşte in prezent şi acest taxon ar
trebui considerat ca nomen dubium.
Struthiosaurus transy/vanicus Nopcsa, 1915 este reprezentat de fragmente de craniu şi
câteva elemente postcraniene, e.g. vertebre şi centura scapulară.
Pe baza materialului lui Nopcsa, S. transylvanicus poate fi un sinonim juvenil al
ankylosaurului nodosaurid Struthiosaurus austriacus Bunzel, 1871 din Campanianul Stratelor
de Gosau din Austria. ·
Diferenţele minore dintre S. transylvanicus şi S. austriacus pot fi interpretate ca
modificări ontogenetice sau variaţii individuale, deşi nu trebuie exclusă ipoteza ca ele să aibă
o semnificaţie specifică.
Struthiosaurus este un component endemic, primitiv, al faunei de dinozauri din Cretacicul
superior al Europei.


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Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, Faculdad de Ciencias/ Zientzi
Fakullatea, Departamenta de Estratigrafia y Paleontologia/ Paleontologia eta Estraligrafia
Saila, Apartado 644, Poslakulxa, 48080 BILBAO, SPAIN
University of Bridgeport, College of Chiropractic, BRIDGEPORT, CT 06601-2449.

216 /
4 5
-a 7 8


• •7

Figure. Struthiosaurus transylvanicus NOPCSA, 1915, Haţeg basin, SAnpetru Forma/ion

(Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian), near SAnpetru, Hunedoara County, Romania.
BMNHR4966(1-13, 16-18), andR3848(14-15). 1-3, fragmentaryskullinanterodorsa/,
right lateral, and ventral views; 4-5, distal ends of len and right quadrates in anterolateral
view; 6, endocranial cast in len lateral view; 7-8, atlas in posterior and lateral views; 9-11,
cervical vertebra in lateral, dorsal and anterior views; 12-15, dorsal vertebrae in lateral and
anterior views; 16-17, caudal vertebrae in posterior and lateral view; 18, righl scapulocoracoid
in lateral view. Scales represent 5 cm {1-3, 7-18) and 2 cm (4-6).

217 / /


The Uppermost Cretaceous deposits of the Haţeg Basin (Hunedoara

County, Roman ia) provided du ring the last 100 years a rich fossil vertebrate
assemblage (Weishampel et. al. 1991).
At the end of the last century, Baron Franz Nopcsa started to collect
dinosaur material and study this assemblage, becoming one of the mast
interesting paleontologists (Weishampel and Reif, 1984).
The extensive collection from the Haţeg Basin made by Nopcsa is now
in the British Museum (Natural History).
ln addition to Nopcsa's field work, other noteworthy collections were
made by Ottokar Kadic from Magyar Allami Fâldtani lntezet (were the
collection now resides). ,
A few bones from the Haţeg Basin are hosted in the collection of the
Magyar Termeszettudomănyi Muzeum, and Musee National d'Histoire
Naturelle (Paris) (P. Taquet, written comm).
From Nopcsa's death in 1933 to the 1970s, no collections of significance
were made in the Haţeg Basin.
Thereafter, abundant and diverse specimens were collected by the
Universitatea din Bucureşti under the supervision of Prof. Dan Grigorescu
and by Ioan Groza of Muzeul Judeţean Hunedoara, Deva, now Muzeul
Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva, (MCDR) as well as the first author
(C.M.J.) of M C D R. Deva.
Besides these well known collections, a small amount of vertebrate
material from the Sânpetru locality (Haţeg Basin) is part of the fossil collection
of the Departament of Geology and Paleontology of the Cluj Napoca University
(Transylvanian Basin Museum; Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania).
The bones were collected 30 years aga by H. Kraus, then student in
geology, under the supervision of the second author (N.M .). They discovered
on the right side of the Sibişel Valley a small fosiliferous pocket. The bones
of the Cluj University collection are mostly the resuit of the excavation on this
The bones were prepared and determined in 1989 by Tiberiu Jurcsak
from the Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor Oradea (Romania), but never published.
ln this paper we intend to reexamina the material and revise the
previous determinations.

219 /
On the lists made by T. Jurcsak we find mentioned a number of 18 shell
fragments belonging to the turtle Kallokibotium bajazidi Nopcsa, „6 of them
from juvenile individuals and 12 from adult individuals". Unfortunately, these
fragments can not be found in the Cluj University collection.
Another bone mentioned by T. Jurcsak and not found in the collection
is a dyaphisal fragment of a humerus belonging to Rhabdodon priscus
Matheron, collected by N. Meszaros and H. Krauss.
Most of the bones prepared and determined by T. Jurcsak have photos,
but not these, mentioned as missing from the collection.
Besides the bones collected in 1966, there also are two pieces collected
in 1979 by Meszaros and Teglas and three pieces collected in the same year
by Roşca.
The small fossiliferous pocket exploited by Meszaros and Krauss
provided a number of more than 50 pieces:
- 18 shell fragments of Kallokibotium bajazidi-now missing
- 5 teeth of the crocodilian Allodaposuchus precedens ( UCN # 14878A-E)
- 22 identifiable dinosaurian fragments.
- 8 unidentifiable dinosaurian remains.
- one humerus fragment of Rhabdodon priscus- now missing.
From the 30 dinosaurian pieces, the most common elements are the
limb bones (11) - 7 of Sauropods, 4 of Ornithopods, vertebrae (8) - 5 of
Ornithopods, 2 of Sauropods and 1 of a theropod dinosaur, plus one
unidentified centrum of a vertebra. Usually in the fossiliferous pockets from
the Sibişel Valley appear bones belonging to many species and different
individuals of different ages (see Grigorescu, 1983).
Almost all the taxons described from the Haţeg Basin (see Weishampel
et. al. 1991) are represented in this fossiliferous pocket. The missing taxa are
the ankylosaurs, pterosaurs and the bird-like theropods, which is not surprising
taking into account the scarcity of the material pertaining to these taxa in the
fossil record from the Haţeg Basin.
lt is very interesting to mention one of the vertebras which shows some
pathological modifications on the ventral part of the centrum. This vertebra
# 15550 is an anterior caudal vertebra of Rhabdodon priscus.

Fossil vertebrate remains from the Uppermost Cretaceous can also be

found in some other localities of the Transylvanian depression.
Franz Baron Nopcsa published in 1905 a paper based on his work for
the doctoral thesis, about the geology of the region between Alba Iulia, Dava
and Rusca Montană (in Transylvania, now Romania). ln this paper, Nopcsa
mentions that bone fragments of Cretaceous reptiles were found at Păclişa,
Râpa Roşie and especially at Vurpăr, near Vinţu de Jos.
At Râpa Roşie, Nopcsa mentions a fragment of ulna of a sauropod
dinosaur. He also points out that the bones of Aceratherium, determined by

220 /
Koch (which where personally studied by Nopcsa) represent intact humerus
and femllr fragments of the same sauropod dinosaur (op. cit. pp. 179).
ln the collection of 8ucharest University exist some „fragments of
dinosaur bones among which almost two thirds from the dyaphisis of a
humerus of an ankylosaurid dinosaur, together with a part of the proxima!
end", collected from the Râpa Roşie (Grigorescu, 1987).
, ,Among the determinable skeletal remains found at Râpa Roşie by the
8ucharest University, there is also a cone shaped tooth (15 cm high) with well
marked marginal serrations, probably coming from a theropod dinosaur.
(Grigorescu, 1987).
Ouring the summer of 1995, the third author (V.C.), collected with his
students from the Cluj University, new upper Cretaceous material: 1O pieces
representing chelonian and dinosaurian material from the Râpa Roşie locality
(Alba County).
The most abundant elements belong to Kal/okibotium bajazidi (see
Codrea and Vremir this volume), but we can also mention a sauropod ulna
and fibula fragments, an ornithopod caudal vertebra and an intriguing braincase
fragment, which is not yet determinated.
Mentioned by T. Jurcsak there is the also in the collection of the Cluj
University, a sauropod femur fragment, previously collected by a student
named Metz, from the Râpa Roşie locality.


1. Specimens collected in 1966 from the Sânpetru locality (Haţeg

Basin), by Meszaros and Krauss.
1. #14877 A - Sau ro pod radius (Fig. 1)
2. #148778 - Indeterminate
3. #14877C - Indeterminate
4. #148770 - Sauropod radius (distal end)
5. #14877E - Indeterminate
6. #14877F - Ornithopod metatarsal (Fig. 2)
7. #14877H - Indeterminate (Fig. 3)
8. #14877Ha - Indeterminate (Fig. 3)
9. # 14878 - Indeterminate (Fig. 3)
1O. #14878A - Crocodili an tooth - Allodaposuchus precedens
11. #148788 - Idem
12. #14878C - Idem
13. #14878C - Idem
14. #148780 - Idem
15. #14878E - Idem
16. #14878F - Indeterminate
221 /
17. #15538A - Indeterminate
18. #15538(again) - Sauropod femur-Magyarosaurus dacus
19. #15538(again) - Sauropod humerus (Fig. 5)
20. #15539-0rnithopod tibia - Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus(Fig. 6)
21. #15540 - Sauropod fibula-Magyarosaurus dacus (Fig. 4 şi 7)
22. # 15541 A - Ornithopod phalanx-Telmatosau rus transsylvanicus (Fig. 2)
23. #15541 - Indeterminate metatarsal (proxima! end)
24. #15541 C - Ornithopod tibia (distal end)
25. #15542 - Sauropod ulna
26. #15543 - Indeterminate
27. #15544 - Ornithopod ilium-Rhabdodon priscus (Fig. 8)
28. #15545 - Indeterminate vertebral centrum
29. #15546 - Ornithopod femur-Rhabdodon priscus (proxima! end)
(Fig. 9)
30. #15547 - Indeterminate
31. #15548- Sauropod caudal vertebra (Fig. 10)
32. #15549 - Theropod caudal vertebra
33. #15550 - Sauropod caudal vertebra (Fig. 12)
34. #15550(again) - Ornithopod caudal vertebra-Rhabdodon priscus
(Fig. 11a, b)
35. #15551 A- Ornithopod caudal vertebra-Rhabdodon priscus (Fig. 13)
36. #15551 B - Ornithopod caudal vertebra (Fig. 13)
37. #15551 C - Ornithopod caudal vertebra Rhabdodon priscus (Fig. 14)
2. Specimens col/ected in 1979 from the Sânpetru /ocality (Haţeg
Basin), by Meszaros and Teglas.
38. #21347 - Ornithopod tibia - Rhabdodon priscus (proxima! end)
(Fig. 15a, b)
39. #21348 - no bone
40. #21350 - Sauropod ulna
3. Specimens collected in 1973 from the Sânpetru locality by Roşca.
41. #21351 A - Ornithopod tooth - Rhabdodon priscus (maxilary tooth)
(Fig. 7)
42. #21351 B - Ornithopod tibia - Rhabdodon priscus (Fig. 16a, b)
43. #21351 C - Indeterminate
4. Specimens col/ected in 1995 from the Râpa Roşie /ocality (Alba
County), by Codrea and students.
44. #16 - Chelonian plastron fragment - Kal/okibotium bajazidi
45. #17 - Sauropod ulna (Fig. 17)
46. #18 - Ornithopod caudal vertebra
47. #19 - Sauropod fibula (Fig. 18)
48. #20 - Miscelaneous: RR3. RR11, RR17, RR18 (Fig. 19)
49. #21 - Indeterminate braincase fragment (Fig. 20 a, b)
50. #15700- Sauropod femur-collected by Metz, no year specification
(Fig. 21)

222 /

We thank Dr. Carmen Chira, curator of the paleontological collection of the Geology and
Paleontology Deparlai'nent, University of Cluj-Napoca, for acces to specimens in her care.
We alsa thank Prof. Dr. David B. Weishampel (The John Hopkins University, Baltimore,
U.S.A.) for advice and usefuf comments.


Codrea, V. & Vremir, M. (under press):Ka/lokibotiumbajazidi (Testudines, Kallokibotidae)

in the red strata of Râpa Roşie, Sebeş (Alba County).
Grigorescu, D. (1983): A stratigraphic, taphonomic and paleoecologic approach to a
„forgotten land"~the dinosaur bearing deposits from the Haţeg Basin (Transylvania, Romania).
- Acta Palaeontologica Polonica voi. 28, No. 1-2: 103-121; Warszava.
Grigorescu, D. (1987): Considerations on the age of the „Red beds" continental formations
in SW Transylvanian depression. -The Eocene from the Transylvania Basin; 189-196; Cluj-
Nopcsa, F (1905): Zur Geologie der Gegend zwischen Gyulafehervăr, Deva und
Ruszkabănya und der Rumănischen Landesgrenze. - Mittelungen aus dem Jahrbuche der
konigl. Ungarischen geologischen Anstalt 14:93-279; Budapest.
Weishampel, D.B„ Grigorescu 1 D. & Norman, D. (1991 ): The dinosaurs of Transylvania.
- National Geographic Research and Explorations, 7:68-87; Washington, D.C.
Weishampel, D.B. & Reif, W.E. (1984): The work of Franz Baron Nopcsa (1877-1933):
Dinosaurs, evolution and theoretical tectonics. - Jb. Geol.B.-A. Band 127: 187-203, Wien.




La un secol de la descoperirea resturilor de dinozauri in Cretacicul superior din Bazinul

Ha!eg, coleclii cu materiale din această zonă se află la British Museum (Natural History) din
Londra, Magyar Allami Foldtani lntezet (Orszăgos Foldtani Muzeum) din Budapesta,
Universitatea din Bucureşti (colec!ia Facultăţii de Geologie şi Geofizică) şi Muzeul Civiliza!iei
Dacice şi Romane Deva (Secţia de Ştiinţele Naturii).
Acestor binecunoscute colec!ii li se adaugă cea a Universităţii din Cluj-Napoca (colecţia
Facultălii de Geologie), care conţine mai mult de 60 piese osteologice provenite din Săpături
efectuate in localităţile Sânpetru (Bazinul Haţeg) şi Râpa Roşie (Judelui Alba).
Lucrarea aduce în atenţia specialiştilor această colecţie, prezentând cele mai importante

The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization Deva
39, 1 Decembrie Street, Deva, 2700, Romania
The „Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca
Kogălniceanu street, 3400, Cluj-Napoca, România

223 /
••• ."

Fig. 1. -# 14877 A

Fig. 2 . a - # 14877Fand#15541 A

Fig. 2. b. - # 14877 F and# 15541 A

224 /
Fig. 3-#14877aH

Fig. 4 - # 14878 and # 15540.

Fig. 5-# 15538

225 /
Fig. 6 - 15539.

llt .....

'> ~ ~ 4W~
{' '

,;4.-@ » ~,

Fig. 7- #15540and# 21351 a.

Fig. B - # 15544.

226 /
Fig. 9 - # 15546.

Fig. 10 - # 15548

227 /
...„ •••••
Fig. 11 a - # 15550. Fig. 11 b - # 15550.

Fig. 12 - # 15550

228 /
• .

Fig. 13- # 15551 AB.

Fig. 14 - # 1551 c.

Fig. 15 a and b # 21347.

229 /
·Fig. 16 a - # 21351 8 .

Fig. 16 b - # 21351 8

Fig. 17 - # 17, 18.

230 /
Fig. 18-#19.

Fig. 19 - # 20.

231 /
Fig. 20 a - # 21

Fig. 20 b -# 21

Fig. 21-#15700
Scale: 2, 5 cm.

232 /


From the continental deposits cropping out in some areas in Haţeg

Basin, which are parts of the Sânpetru Formation (Upper Cretaceous,
Maastrichtian), the palaeontologist Ferenc Nopcsa mentioned since the end
of last century,an outstanding vertebrate fauna. Elements of this fauna was
described either by Nopcsa (1923 a, b) or by more recent authors as
Mlynarsky (1966), Groza (1983), Grigorescu (1984), Grigorescu & Kessler
(1980), Jianu (1993, 1994). Besides the dinosaurs, crocodiles, birds or
micromammals, these sediments also contain turtle remains.
Nopcsa (1923 a,b) described from Sânpetru the new Ka//okibotion
genus as a very primitive form,to which initially two species were attributed
(K. bajazidi and K. magnificum). Until recently these species were included
in the Amphichelydia suborder, but after the systematic revision made by
Gafney & Meylan (1988) the redescription of the type - material kept in the
British Museum Natural History (abr. B.M. N.H.) collection, was also required.
Thus, recently, Gaffney & Meylan (1992) reconsidered the interpretation of
all systematic and morphological data.
Turtles belonging to at least two species have been identified in the
"red beds" from several localities as Sânpetru, Vălioara or Pui. Resuit of
surveys carried on at Râpa-Roşie Formation, near Sebeş locality, we found
such remains in this area too (Fig. 1). The age of red conglomerates from
Râpa-Roşie is quite disputed. Grigorescu (1987) gave an overview on
discussions concerning the age of these deposits, concluding an oligocene
age. However, the age could be more recent, a Lower Miocene one or maybe
younger ( Givulescu & al., 1995).

Order Testudines Linnaeus, 1758

Gigaorder Casichelydia Gaffney, 1975
Megaorder Cryptodira (Cope, 1868)
Family Kallokibotidae Nopcsa, 1923
Genus Kallokibotion Nopca, 1923

Ka//okibotion bajazidiNopcsa,...1923
(text fig. 2 a-c, PI. I. figs. 1-3)
233 /
Material: complete right hypoplastron,curated at the Transylvanian
Basin Museum "Babeş-Bolyai"University ( abr. TBM ),inv.nb.V 16
Occurrence:Râpa Roşie,near Sebeş.Alba county,in the lower third of
the outcrop,from a red conglomerates level.
Age: Probably the fragment was reworked from the Late Maastrichtian
(?) deposits.However,even a younger age cannot be excluded.
Species diagnosis:see Gaffney & Meylan, 1992,pag.3.
Description: The hypoplastron has a characteristic quadrilateral shape
which is broadened axially.The cranial edge shows a curved line.The caudal
edge represents two thirds of the breadth of the cranial one.The distal
extremity shows a strong upward arching.The distal articular margin makes
an 45° angle with the median plastral line.On the internai side,the bone is
smooth,but on the externai one the stichlines of the horny-shields are well
developed,marking the abdominal,femoral and marginal shields.The
abdominal-femoral groove is extremely broad, directed parallely to the
caudal margin. The marginal groove,similarly broad,makes a 90° with the
same margin, highlighting the marginal shield. The bone is robust: its
peripheric thickness variates between 6 and 9 mm and in the distal arching
area it has 17 mm (Fig. 2).
Dimensions ( mm ):proxima! length - 70; caudal width- 62; cranial
width -11 O; distal length at the level of abdominal shield - 61; distal width -
Comparisons: From morpho-dimensional point of view, this
hypoplastron is coinddent to the other plastral remains from the Maastrichtian
strata from Sânpetru,especially with that of the type-material described by
Nopcsa.There is no doubt that this remain belongs to the mentioned
species, the small dimensional differences falling into individual variations.On
the basis of the horny shield-prints,on the robustness and the aspect of the
stiches, we consider that the specimen is an adult,probably quite old individual.

Table 1.Comparative biometric data (mm)

Proxima! length Cranial width Caudal width Pl/Crw (%)

(PI) (Crw) (Caw)
B.M.N.H. R - 11178 70.0 115.0 68.0 60.8
B.M.N.H. R - 4930 71.0 120.0 60.0 59.1
T.B.M. V16 70.0 11 O.O 62.0 63.6

Discussions:The Kallokibotion genus was initially included in the

Amphichelydia suborder (Nopcsa 1923 b),and has been admitted as a very
primitive form with no relations to the living turtle-groups.Recently (Gaffney
& Meylan, 1988) on the basis of the cranial morphology, included this genus
in the Cryptodira megaorder. However, the exact systematic position remain

234 /
unclear, this from of turtle representing a distinct group between the primitive
Cryptodires. Gaffney & Meylan (1992) excluded this form from Eucryptodires,
which include the Baena and Meiolania genus, considering that the
transylvanian turtles belong to a sister-group of Selmacryptodires.
Nopcsa's (1923 b) opinion was thatK. bajazidi species is an endemic from
characterising only the Transylvanian Depression. ln the last decades a number
of remains were recorded from the Paleocene of Western Europe which may
create doubts in the former supposition. From the Cernay Paleocene, de Broin
(1977, pag. 5) mentioned several remains referable to Compsemys and
Kallokibotion. However, the preservation of the Paleocene materials from France
are very poor, so that this problem is still disputed (Gaffney & Meylan, 1992).
The type-locality for Kallokibotion bajazidispecies is Sânpetru-Haţeg
(Hunedoara country), on Sibişel Valley outcrops, as untill some time it has
been the only place where it was signaled for certain. Hardly recognizable,
disjunct bones have been identified in other Maastrichtian-aged occurrences
too, like Vălioara and Pui (alsa in Haţeg Basin), but their assignement to the
Kallokibotion genus is uncertain.
As a consequence of the discovery from Râpa Roşie, the limits of the
occurrence of this species is extended outside the Haţeg Basin. The material
has been reworked, but the state of preservation suggest either a short
transport of the isolated bone, or a more complete exoskeletal remain which
broke immediately before the redeposition.

50 o
Q l i' :fkm
FIG. 1: Location of /he fossiliferous site. 1. Quaternary; 2. Neogene;
3. Egerian; 4.Eocene

235 /

FIG. 2: Kallokibotion bajazidi Nopcsa, TBM V 16.

a. externai view ; b. internai view ; c. caudal view

3 2 cm

. PI. I: Kallokibotion bajazidi Nopcsa, TBM V 16. Râpa-Roşie, Sebeş, Alba county.
Fig. 1. externai view; Fig. 2. internai view; Fig. 3. caudal view.

236 /


Kallokibotion bajazidi este o specie de ţestoasă descrisă de către Nopcsa (1923) din
depozitele Cretacic superioare (Maastrichtiene) care alcătuiesc Formaţiunea de Sănpetru,

din Depresiunea Haţeg. Localitatea lip pentru specie este Sânpetru, aflorimentele găsindu­

se în amonte de sat, pe ambele maluri ale V. Sibişeului.

Până în prezent, specia nu era cunoscută din arii externe Depresiunii Haţeg. Recent, cu
prilejul unor cercetări efectuate asupra succesiunii depozitelor care apar la Râpa-Roşie,

lângă Sebeş (jud. Alba), a fost descoperit un fragment de plastron suficient de diagnostic şi

bine conservat, care a permis identificarea acestei specii şi în acest loc. Se extinde astfel
arealul din care specia este cunoscută.

Vârsta restului scheletic în discuţie nu este suficient de clară, el fiind remaniai din
depozite mai vechi, probabil Maaslrichtiene. Starea de conservare sugerează însă fie un
transport scurt ca distanţă şi durată, fie un transport mai îndelungat al unui rest exoscheletic
mai complet, care s-a spart înainte de a fi resedimentat. Vârsta depozitelor de la Râpa Roşie
este probabil Egeriană sau chiar mai recentă (Givulescu & al., 1995).


Broin, F., de. 1977. Contribution a l'etude des Cheloniens. CMloniens continentaux du
Cretacee el du Terliaire de France. Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. Nat. Paris, 38: 1-366.
Gaffney, E., S., and Meylan, P. 1988. A Phylogeny of Turtles in: The Phylogeny and
Classification of the Tetrapods,. voi. 1. Syst. Assoc. Spec. Voi., 35 A: 157-219.
1992. The Transylvanian Turtle Kallokibotion, a Primitive cryptodire of Cretaceous Age.
Amer. Mus. Novitates, 3040; 37 pag.
Givulescu, A., Codrea, V. and Vremir, M. 1995. A new contribulion to the knowledge of
Romanian fossil flora. Acta Palaeobot. 35 (2): 233-236.
Grigore.seu, D. 1984. New paleontological data on the dinosaur beds from the Haleg Basin
in: 75 years Lab. Paleont. Spec. Voi.: 111-118
Grigorescu, D., 1987. Considerations on the age of the "Aed Beds" continental lormalions
in SW Transylvanian Depression in Petrescu I (ed.): The Eocene !rom the Transylvanian
Basin: 189-196.
Grigorescu, D. and Kessler, E. 1980. A new specimen of Elopteryx nopcsai Andrews !rom
the dinosaurian beds of Haţeg Basin. Rev. Roum. Geol., Geophys., Geogr., 24: 171-175
Grigorescu, D., Hartemberger, J., L., Rădulescu, C., Samson, P. and Sudre, J. 1985.
Decouverte de Mammiferes el Dinosaurs dans le Cretacee superieur de Pui (Roumanie). C.
A. Acad. Sci. Paris, 301, li, 19: 1365-1368. /
Groza, I. 1983. Rezultatele preliminare ale cercetărilor intreprinse de către Muzeul
judeţean Hunedoara-Deva în stratele cu dinosauri de la Sînpetru-Haţeg. Sargeţia, XII: 49-66.
Jianu, C.-M. 1993. Un fragment de dentar de hadrosaurian (Reptilia, Ornithischia) în
Cretacicul superior din Bazinul Haţeg (Sânpetru, jud. Hunedoara). Sargeţia, Ser. Sci. nat.,
XV: 385-396
Jianu, C.-M., 1994. A right dentary of Rhabdodon priscus Matheron 1869 (Reptilia:
Ornithischia) !rom the Maastrichtian of Haţeg Basin (Remania). Sargeţia. Ser. Sci. nat., XVI:
Nopcsa, F. 1923 a. On the geologica! importance of the primitive Reptilian fauna in the
uppermost Cretaceous ol Hungary; with a description ol a new tortoise (Kallokibotion). O. J.
Geol. Soc., 79, 1: 100-116.
Nopcsa, F ., 1923 b. Kallokibotium, a primitive amphychelidian tortoise !rom the Uppermost
Cretaceous of Hungary. Palaeont. Hungary., 1, (1): 1-34.
Mlynarsky, M. 1966. Die lossilen Schildkrăten in dem Ungarischen Sammlungen. Acta.
Zool. Cracow., 11, (8): 223-288.
The „Babeş-Bolyai" University Cluj,
Departament of Geology-Palaeontology,
1 Kogălniceanu Str., 3400
Cluj-Napoca, Remania

238 /


ln one of his most famous papers (viz., Weishampel and Reif 1984),
Franz Baron Nopcsa (1929) figured and described a pair of articulated
frontals (Magyar Ăllami Foldtani lntezet (MAFI) v. 13528; figure 1) which he
interpreted as belonging to the latest Cretaceous hadrosaurid, Orthomerus
(now considered Telmatosaurus- this specimen came from Vălioara in the
Haţeg Basin of western Roman ia; Weishampel et al. 1993). Most importantly,
Nopcsa tied the anatomy of these frontals with his hypothesis of cranial
display structures in hadrosaurids and other ornithopod dinosaurs. Because
the frontals bear a prominent transverse crest on their o uter surf ace, Nopcsa
argued that this feature functioned as sexually dimorphic ornamentation
used in intraspecific social behavior and that in all likelihood the particular
individual from which these frontals came was a male.
Sometime subsequent to this 1929 publication, the MAFI v. 13528
frontals were joined to fused partietal by a section of plaster (figure 2). lt is
not know whether this „articulation" was performed by Nopcsa himself or a
MAFI staff member. Regardless, the frontals and fused parietals that were
now catalogued under MAFI v. 13528 remained unexamined until 1995, when
the two authors restudied this material with a goal to understanding its true
Our observations of MAFI v. 13528 differ from those of Nopcsa (1929)
in several significant ways. First and foremost, we regard the way Nopcsa
oriented the frontals as backwards. Rather than being rising abruptly and the
rostral margin of the frontals, the transverse crest is next to parietal articulation.
Thus, it depeloped toward the rear extreme of this element, not rostrodorsally
near the nasal contact.
lnterpreted in this way, the rostral part of the frontal forms the acute
apex of its usual triangular shape. This orientatîon îs further justîfîeld by the
morphology of the ventral surface. Here the articulations for the
laterosphenoids divergent widely to accommodate the large olfactory tracts
and bulbs and there appears to be a slot-lîke articulatîon for the lower
process of the lacrimal.
Because we believe that the normal orientation îs reversed from what
Nopcsa (1929) presented, the. fused parietal can no longer be artîculated
along the rear edge of the paîred frontal.
239 /
The latter is very wide, undulatory to highly ridged, and upturned, while
the rostral edge of the parietals is relatively narrow and less complex (see
below). From what is preserved in MAFI v. 13528, it is unlikely that the two
elements belong to the same individual and most probably the same taxon.
Returning to the frontals, the dorsal surface of these paired elements
is flat except for the transverse ridge (figure 3a). The front of each frontal is
clearly broken and there is no indication of a nasal suture. Consequently,
each frontal would have been considerably longer than the 5.0 cm length
along the sagittal. Transversely, each is approximately 4.2 cm wide at their
widest point, just in front of the parietal articulation. The transverse ridge
rises approximately 3.0 cm above the dorsal surface of the frontal. lt is
sharpest on its rear edge and gently concave rostrally. Perhaps because of
the development of this transverse crest at the rear margin of the frontals,
there is no scar for the rostral adductor musculatu re (i .e., m. pseudotemporalis).
The lacrimal and postorbital articular surfaces bear a complex of ridges and
grooves. That for the lacrimal is angularly concave, occupies most of the
lateral margin of the frontal, and converges rostrally toward the midline, while
the postorbital articulation is shorter and oriented approximately parasagittally.
Between the two, there is little evidence for the frontal contributing to the
dorsal margin of the orbit. .
As mentioned previously, the most obvious features on the ventral
surface of the frontals are the widely divergent articular surfaces for the
laterosphenoids (figure 3b). The area for the olfactory apparatus is long and
relatively wide, although there is no obvious excavation for the bulbs
themselves (cf. Sues 1978, Weishampel and Jianu 1996). Rostrally, there
also appears to be a modest embayment for a portion of the lacrimal. lf
properly interpreted, the lacrimal then has a „slotted" articulation with the
frontal: the majority on the dorsal and lateral aspect of the frontal and a small
portion that laps under the frontal. Laterally, the dorsal surface of the orbit
(seen best on the right side) is gentle concave and marked with faint vascular
traces. Caudally, the cerebral surf ace of the frontals is large, undulatory, and
Turning to the parietal (figure 4), the most distinguishing feature of this
element is the relatively high and narrow sagittal crest. Much like that
described by Weishampel and Jianu (1996), for a dromaeosaurid theropod,
it rises approximately, 1 .8 cm from the ventral parietal surf ace and is 0.2 cm
wide at its peak. Rostrally, the parietals fiare at an angle of about 30° from the
midline. Along the front surface, there are two prominent embayments
(presumably for articulation with the frontal) and a blunt rostral process
(which would have intervened between paried frontals). Ventrally, the cerebral
region is large, while the cerebellar surface is long and narrow, both of which
have vascular traces.

240 /
Given the morphology of the rostral region of the parietals and the
parietal articulation on the paired frontals, we do not think that the two
specimens belong to the same individual or even the same taxon. lndeed, it
is unclear to us why Nopcsa or whoever matched these two specimens
associated one with the other.
Finally, because the fused parietals cannot be articulated with the
frontals, we reiterate that they do not belong together. What they might be
referable to remains unresolved.

Affinities of MAFI V. 13528

ln 1994, Holtz provided a detailed study of the phylogenetic relationships
of theropod dinosaurs, based on 19 taxa and 126 characters. To this
database, we added 1O further characters (Weishampel and Jianu 1996). On
the basis of Holtz's and our analyses, it is possible to extract information from
MAFI v. 13528 in order to assess its affinities within the context of theropod
Holtz (1994) recognized a number of important clades within Theropoda
(figure 5) based the nested hierarchy of derived characters (synapomorphies)
uniquely shared by the theropod taxa under consideration. These clades
include Ceratosauria (and severa! clades within it) and Tetanurae. Tetanurae
is the more complex clade, which includes a variety of familiar forms
(Megalosaurus, A/losaurus) as well as a number of other important clades.
We base our assessment of MAFI v. 13528 on Holtz's analysis of
theropod relationships and our own work on new theropod material from the
Haţeg Basin (Weishampel and Jianu 1996). Using Holtz's and our own
caracters and taxa, MAFI v. 13528 appears to be a member of one of the
larger clades of Theropoda known as Arctometatarsalia, which has
tyrannosaurids, troodontids, and ornithomimosaurs, among others, as its
membres. Our assessment is based on four caracters which have been
identified as having phylogenetic and hence taxonomic significance in Holtz's
and our work:
1. Long triangular frontal (Weishampel and Jianu character # 2; Holtz
character # 65)
2. Large endocranium (Weishampel and Jianu character # 3; Holtz
character # 75)
3. Reduced contribution of the frontal to the orbital margin (Weishampel
and Jianu character # 7)
4. Slotted lacrimal articulation (Weishampel and Jianu character # 6)
Characters 1 and 2 are designated by Holtz (1994) as synapomorphies
of Bullatosauria, while Weishampel and Jianu identify character 3 as being
convergently derived in Tyrannosauridae and some members of
Dromaeosauridae, while character 4 is regarded as convergently derived in
Tyrannosauridae and the clade of Dromaeosauridae and Aviales.
On this basis, we regard MAFI v. 13528 as an arctometatarsalian
theropod, but one of unresolved relationship within the clade. However, it is

241 /
not the same taxon as described by Weishampel and Jianu (1996), which
proved tobe a member of Dromaeosauridae - described by Weishampel and
Jianu (1996). Although the two specimens consist of frontals (as well as
parietals) each exhibits several morphological differences when compared
with the other. Most striking is the presence of the transverse crest along the
rear margin of MAFI v. 13528. Because this feature is lacking in any other
arctometatarsalian, and more particularly among other Late Cretaceous
theropods from Romania, the diversity of small theropods from the Haţeg
Basin is richer than had previously been thought.
Because of the prominance of the frontal crest in MAFI v. 13528, it may
also be possible to inter function for the frontal crest as has been done with
other theropods (viz., Rowe and Gauthier 1990, Ham mer and Hickerson
1994). Keeping in mind Nopcsa originally thought that this crest was a visual
display structura (in his interpretation, of a hadrosaurid), such an interpretation
may well be true, even with our revised referral of the material as a theropod.
We intend to expiare such an interpretation of crests as display structures
in Haţeg theropods as well as provide a more detailed assessment of the
position of MAFI v. 13528 within Arctometatarsalia in our further study of the
Haţeg theropods (Jianu and Weishampel in prep.).

We thank L. Kordos from the Magyar Allami lntezet for his
permission to conduct research on MAFI v. 13528 and other specimens from
the Haţeg Basin in his care. We also thank I. Fozy and F. Zilahy of the
Magyar Termeszettudomănyi Muzeum for providing us with casts of MAFI v
13528. Finally, we are grateful to the participants of the „Mesozoic Vertebrate
Faunas of Central Europe" Symposium, held in August, 1996, în Deva,
Romania, for their helpful comments on this research.
This research was supported by funding from the Dinosaur Society and
the National Geographic Society.




În 1929, Franz Baron Nopcsa a figurat şi a descris o pereche de oase frontale (Măgyar
Ăllami Foldtani lntezet (MAFI) v. 13528), acestea fiind ulterior alipite prin gips de două
pariet<1le sudate.
Oasele proveneau din localitatea Vălişoara din Bazinul Haţeg, de vârstă Cretacic
Nopcsa a atribuit perechea de frontale genului de hadrosaurieni Orthomerus (acum
Telmatosaurus), dar nu a justificat niciodată această interpretare. Interesul său a fost
concentrat asupra unor caractere morfologice ale oaselor care ar fi putut fi corelate cu
dimorfismul sexual. Nopcsa a atribuit aceste oase unui individ mascul.

242 /
În 1995, piesa MAFI v . 13528 a fost reexaminată în detaliu de către autorii lucrării. Ca
rezultat al analizei noastre , o considerăm ca aparţinănd unui theropod arctometatarsalian cu
afinităţile încă nerezolvate în cazul grupului (ne referim la perechea de frontale). Această
atribuire este în conformitate cu arealul stratigrafic al arctometatarsalienilor şi implică o
extindere a complexităţii biogeografice a grupului.
Putem concluziona astfel că diversitatea theropodelor de talie mică din Bazinul Haţeg
este mai mare decât se credea.


Hammer, W. R. and Hickerson , W.J . 1994 - A crested theropod dinosaur from Antarctica
Science, voi. 264 :828-830 .
Holtz, T .R. 1994 - The phylogenetic position of the Tyrannosauridae : implications for
theropod systematics . J . Paleont., 68(5):1100-1117 .
Nopcsa, F. 1929-Sexual differences in ornithopodous dinosaurs . Palaeobiologica 2:187-
200 . .
Rowe, T. and Gauthier, J .A. 1990. Ceratosauria . ln : Weishampel , D.B., Dodson , P., and
Osm61ska, H. (eds .) The Dinosauria . University of California Press, Berkeley :151-168.
Sues, H.-D . 1978. - A new small theropod dinosaur from the Judith River Formation
(Campanian) of Alberta Canada . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 62:381 -400,
Weishampel, D.B. and Jianu , C.- M. 1996- New theropod dinosaur material from the Haţeg
Basin (Late Cretaceous , Western Remania) . N. Jb . Geol. Palaont ., abh ., 200 :387-404 ,
The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization
39 , 1 Decembrie Street , Deva, 2700 , Remania
The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine ,
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy ,
725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore , MD-21205 , U.S.A.

Figure 1. Nopcsa 's (1929) original il/ustration of the paried frontals (MAFI v. 13528). Note
that Nopcsa interpreted up as rostral; consequently they have exactly the opposite
orientation of that suggested in this paper.

243 /
Figure 2 . Paried frontals „articula/ed" with fused parietals (MAFI v. 13528). Scale= Sem.

Figure 3. Paried frontals (MAFI v. 13528). a. Dorsal view.

244 /
Fig. 3 b. - Ventral view. Scale = Sem.

Figure 4. Right lateral vie w of /he fused parietals (MAFI v. 13S28). Scale= Sem.

245 /


"C Dromaeosauridae


m Elmisauridae
I» ::I
CD ..,

o.., Tyrannosauridae




Fig. 5. - Cladogram of Theropoda emphasizing the relationship of Arctometatarsalia to other

taxa (after Ho/Iz 1994).

246 /


Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) continental deposits developed in the
central-western portion of the Haţeg Basin, known as the Sânpetru Formation
(Grigorescu and Anastasiu 1990), yielded one of the most interesting
vertebrate fauna containing many species of dinosaurs. The Sânpetru
Formation supplied remains of multituberculate mammals in the River Bărbat
valley, at Pui, and in the Sibişel valley, near Sânpetru (Grigorescu 1984,
Grigorescu et al. 1985, Rădulescu & Samson 1986, 1990, 1996).
The Sânpetru Formation, about 2,500m thick, outcrops on both sides
of the Sibişel valley, near the eponym locality; it consists of clastic sediments
including a mixture of lithologies ranging from coarse conglomerates to
shales. Remains of turtles, crocodiles and dinosaurs were described by F.
von Nopcsa between 1898 and 1929. Several contributions to the knowledge
of reptilian fauna and its environment were presentm:t during the last two
decades by Grigorescu (1983, 1984), Grigorescu and Anastasiu (1990),
Weishampel et al. (1991 ), Weishampel and Jianu (1996).
The investigations undertaken at Pui, in the River Bărbat valley, where
the Sânpetru Formation is represented predominantly by sandstones and red
conglomerates, led to the discovery in a sandy lens of remains of vertebrates
including a few teeth attributable to multituberculate mammals (Grigorescu
et al. 1985, Rădulescu, and Samson 1986, 1990) ..


Suborder and Family incertae sedis

Genus Barbatodon Rădulescu and Samson, 1986

Barbatodon transylvanicus Rădulescu and Samson, 1986

Type-Left M1 /(Fig.1 ). Cusp formula 3:4:ridge.

Measurements-length x width 3.38x2.20mm.

ln oclusal view, the tooth has an almost rectangular outline; the crown
presents a slight waist placed about on the middle of the tooth (Fig. 1a). The
cusps are rather low, conical (Fig. 1b), subcrescentic, tending to be almost

247 /
quadrate and giving a bunodont aspect to the crown.The internai cusps row
is represented by short ridge that is less than 50% of the M1 /length (Fig.1 c).
The second cusp of the median row is strongly developed, whereas the third
and fourth cusps of the same row (especially the latter orie) are comparatively
much smaller (Fig.1 c).
The low number of dental cusps and the slight development of the
internai cusp row, consisting of a short ridge, are indicative of a primitive
condition. A primitive morphology was alsa indicated for the M 1/of Cimexomys
Sloan and Van Valen, 1965 and especially of Paracimexomys Archibald,
1982 (type species P. priscuswith low cusp formula of M1/4:4:2), from North
America (Scollard Formation, Alberta and Hell Creek Formation, Montana,
both Lancian in age) as well of Kryptobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska,
1970 from the Djadokhta Formation (Bayn Dzak, Gabi Desert, Mongolia); the
M1/ of the latter species is characterized by the cusp formula 4:4:ridge.
The phyletic relationships of Barbatodon are still poorly understood,
this genus from the Haţeg Basin being more primitive than both Paracimexomys
and Kryptobaatar. We agree, therefore, as stated by Archibald (1982), that
the primitive aspect of M 1/ in Cimexomys, Paracimexomys, Kryptobaatar
and Barbatodon may by interpreted as the retention of primitive characters
developed independently in these genera rather than reflecting a clase
phyletic relationship. ·
lt is interesting to mention that in Eobaatar Kielan-Jaworowska,
Dashzeveg and Trofimov, 1987, an advanced plagiaulacoid from the Early
Cretaceous Khovboor Beds in the Gabi Desert, M1/ is distinguished, asin
Barbatodon, by a very low cusp formula 3:4:1; it is worth mentioning that the
posterointernal cusp is developed as a crescent wing opposite the ultimate
cusp of the medial row.

Multituberculata gen. et sp. indet.

A right M2/ with low cusp formula (3:2) appears to represent a second
species of Multituberculata in the fauna of Pui. The small dimensions of this
molar (length x width 1.22 x1 ,30mm) prevent its allocation to Barbatodon
transy/vanicus (medium-sized species).

Multituberculata indeterminate

Two lower incisors indicate the presence at Pui of both "taeniolabidoid"

and "ptilodontoid" morphological types.
The incisor possessing "taeniolabidoid" structura (Fig.2.1) is
distinguished by its "gliroid" aspect, representing a self-sharpening tooth
adapted for gnawing; the transverse section is compressed (Fig.2.1 b) and
the anteroposterior diameter (measuring 1 .25mm) is relatively uniform

248 /
throughout the length of the incisor. The enamel is limited to the ventrolateral
surface of the tooth (Fig.2.1 a).
lt is internsting to remember that two lower incisors of similar type were
described from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia. These specimens were
allocated to Eobaatarsp. a and Eobaatarsp. b. The type incisor with limited
enamel was also found in a "plagiaulacoid" from the Morrison Formation of
North America (Kielan-Jaworowska et al. 1987).
According to Kielan-Jaworowska and Nessov (1992), the presence of
a limited enamel band on the lower incisor of some plagiaulacoid forms from
North America (Late Jurassic) and Mongolia (Early Cretaceous) is an argument
against the apomorphic value of this character in Taeniolabidoidea as
defined by Sloan and Van Valen (1965).
The incisor from Pui presenting "ptilodontoid" affinities has a different
morphology (Fig. 2.2) displaying a crown tapering mesially (Fig.2.2a) and
almost fully covered with enamel; the transverse section of the tooth is
triangular (Fig.2.2c); its anteroposterior diameter measures 1.05mm. This
second morphological type corresponds to a grasping and punctu ring function.
Although these incisors cannot be identified at specific levei, they are
important as taxonomic tool, showing the presence in the Haţeg Basin of
multituperculate mammals belonging to both "taeniolabidoid" and "ptilodontoid"_
lt is worth remembering that Ptilodontoids are absent from Asia, but are
presant in North America. The Taeniolabidoids originated probably in Asia
and dispersed to North America during the Late Cretaceous (Kielan-
Jaworowska 1979) (or perhaps earlier).
The Haţeg Basin (where on the basis of the morphology of lower
incisors, both "taeniolabidoid" and "ptilodontoid" groups were recognized)
and in a broad sense the European islands appear to have an increasing
importance for understanding of biogeographic and phyletic relationships of
Late Cretaceous Multituberculata.


Suborder incertae sedis

Family Kogaionidae Rădulescu and Samson, 1996

Genus Kogaionon Rădulescu and Samson, 1996

Kogaionon ungureanuiRădulescu and Samson, 1996

Type-An almost complete skull fractured at the levei of the basisphenoid

and parietal bones; zygomata and occiput poorly preserved; petrosals
presant, well preserved. Tooth in a good state of preservation, deprived of
right incisors (Figs. 3-4).

249 /
The specimen under consideration, coming from outcrops of the
Sânpetru Formation in the Sibişel valley (Dealul Tămăşel) represents the first
multituberculate skull from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Europe
(Rădulescu & Samson 1996).

The skull as a whole

The skull is distinguished by its narrow and elongated snout, owing to

the well developed premaxillaries and maxillaries; the rostrum appears to
have been rather pointed with rounded terminal contour. The zygomatic
arches, in contrast to Late Cretaceous Multituberculata from Asia (Kielan-
Jaworowska 1971, 1974), are abruptly divergent, a peculiarity known otherwise
in Taeniolabis from the Paleocene of North America (Simpson 1937). The
infraorbital foramen is situated above the middle of the third premolar. ln
addition, Kogaionon ischaracterized by a well marked postorbital constriction,
a feature alsa displayed by Taeniolabis.
The greatest width of the skull is situated at the level of glenoid
processes (nat represented in Figs. 3-4); the postzygomatic region is very
short.reminding the skull morphology (short basicranium) of Ptilodus as
reconstructed by Simpson ( 1937).
The nasals are relatively well developed (unfortunately their anterior
portions are broken); on their surface are several vascular foramina (three on
each preserved portion of nasals). Posteriorly, the nasals are like in Ptilodus
and mast of the Mongolian Multitubercula genera, in contact only with the
frontals and maxillary bones. ln Taeniolabis, the nasals are in contact with
the parietals.
The maxillaries are greatly developed representing the larg est elements
of the skull. Tne palate is strongly concave and is deprived of palatal
vacuities. Anterior palatal foramina are present; at their distal end they are
coninued with funnel-shaped pockets (palatal fossae) that lodged, probably,
the organ of Jacobson, as suggested by Simpson (1937) for Ptilodus.
The palatines are reduced and possess a strong postpalatine torus.
The choanal region displays a triadiate structure as in Kamptobaatar.
According to Kielan-Jaworowska (1971, Figs.4 and 13) this genus from the
Late Cretaceous of Mongolia is distinguished by having the choanae divided
longitudinally by the vomer and pterygoids into faur channels.
Although the skull of Kogaionon is nat yet fully restored and studied,
the palatine appears without exposure in the anterior part of the orbit; the
internai orbital foramen is large. The alisphenoid was identified in the
posterior part of the interorbital wall.
Measurments: the total lenght of the skull (restored) is about 44.00mm;
the width across the glenoid processes 16.00mm; length P1/-M2/19.40mm.

Dental formula:2:0: 4:2.
lt is worth noting that the anterior incisor (interpreted as 12/) has a
restricted enamel band ("gliroid" aspect). The following incisor (13/) is well
developed, peg-like tooth, fully covered with enamel.

250 /
Faur double-rooted premolars are present (P 1/-P4/) occupying a large
area of the maxilla. P1 /-P3/ possess well developed heels that are overlapping
in various degrees. A striking character is given by the strong elongation of
the P3/. a unique case in known Multituberculata species.
The posterior half of the P4/ is part of the shearing mechanism, while
P 1/-P3/ and the anterior of P4/ are practically untouched by wear" or very
sligthly worn.
The molars are characterized by the presence of three rows of cusps.
M 1/ is visibly shortened.

Cusp formulas and tooth measurments are as follows:

P1/: 3 length x width 3.20x1.85mm
P2/:4 4.20x2.20mm
P3/:5 5.00x2.25mm
P4/:4:2 3.70x2.15mm
M1/:3:4:3 3.90x3.20mm
M2/:1 :2:3 2.90x2.70mm

As a whole, the skull of Kogaionon is distinguished by a mixture of

primitive and advanced features. The retention of faur well developed, two-
rooted premolars (P3/ having the greatest length in the tooth-row) in
association with a shortened and wide M1/ appears to be an unusual
character within the various groups of Late Cretaceous Multituberculata. At
the present stage of knowledge, the taxonomic relationships of Kogaionon
are still poorly undeerstood, although this genus adds an important
complement to the diversity of Late Cretaceous multituberculate mammals.

Aknowledgements- We would like to express aur best thanks to aur

colleague Costin Ungureanu, formerly at the Geological Institute of Roman ia,
who kindly offered us to study the multituberculate skull from the Haţeg
Basin. Thanks are alsa due to our colleague Emanoil Ştiucă, Speleologica!
lnstitue, for his help in preparing the manuscript.




Formaţiunea de Sânpetru (Cretacic superior, Maastrichtian) din Bazinul Haţeg, România,

este binecunoscută datorită faunei de vertebrate care include o varietate de !axoni reprezentând
Investigaţiile paleontologice efectuate in localitatea Pui, pe valea râului Bărbat, folosind
atât sitarea in apă cât şi colectarea de suprafaţă in apropierea localităţii Sânpetru, de pe valea
râului Sibişel, au indicat prezenţa resturilor de mamifere aparţinând câtorva !axoni de
multiberculate, dintre care dintre care doi au fost determinaţi la nivel de gen şi specie: în
acelaşi timp, o nouă familie de multituberculate a fost propusă.

251 /

ARCHIBALD J. D (1982) A study of Mammalia and Geology Across lhe Cretaceous

Terliary Boundary în Garfield Counly, Montana. Univ. Calif. Publ., Geol. Sci. 122, pp. 1-286.
GRIGORESCU D. (1983) A slraligraphic, taxonomic and paleoecologic approach to a
„forgotten land": lhe dinosaur - bearing deposils !rom lhe Haţeg Basin (Transylvania-
Romania). li. S.M.T.E., Acta Palaenl. Polon., 28, 1-2, pp. 103-121; Warszawa.
GRIGORESCU D. (1984) New tetrapod groups în lhe Maastrichtian of the Ha!eg Basin:
coelurosaurians and multituberculates. lllrd Symp. on Mesozoic Terreslrial Ecosyslems,
Short papers, pp. 99-104. Tiibingen.
GRIGORESCU D. & ANASTASIU N. (1990) Densuş - Ciula and Sânpetru Formation (late
Maastrichlian - ? Early Paleogene). Internat. Geol. Corr. Progr., Internat. symp. Guide of
excurs. A+B., pp. 42-54. Bucharest.
( 1985) Decouverte de Mammiferes el Dinosaures dans le Cretace superieur de Pui (Roumanie).
C.R. Acad.Sc. Paris, 301, (2), 19, pp. 1365-1368.
KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA Z. (1970) New Upper Cretaceous Mulliluberculate genera !rom
Bayn Dzak, Gobi Desert. Paleont. Polonica 21, pp. 35-49, pls. X-XVII, Warszawa.
KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA Z. (1979) Skull structure and affinities of the Multituberculata.
Paleont. Polonia 25, pp. 5-41, pls. I-V, Warszawa.
KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA Z. (1974) Mulliluberculate succesion în the Laie Cretaceous of
the Gobi Desert (Mongolia). Paleont. Polonica 30, pp. 23-44, pls. V-XXI, Warszawa-Krakow.
KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA Z. (1980) Absence of ptilodontoidean mulliluberculales !rom
Asia and ils paleogeographic implications. Lelhaia 13, pp. 19-173, Oslo.
Crelaceous Mulliluberculate!}from Mongolia and a comparison with Laie Jurassic forms. Acta
Palaeont. Polonica, 32, 1-2, pp. 3-47. Warszawa.
KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA Z. and NESSOV L. (1992) Multituberculale mammals from the
Crelaceous of Uzbekistan. Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 37, 1, pp. 1-17, Warszawa.
RĂDULESCU C. et SAMSON P. (1986) Precisions sur Ies affinites des Multilubercules
(Mammalia) du Crelace Superieur de Roumanie. C.R. Acad. Se. Paris, 303, (2), 20, pp. 1825-
1830, Paris.
RĂDULESCU C. & SAMSON P. (1990) Addilions to lhe knowledge of Mulliluberculala of
Romania. Internat. geol. Corr. Progr., Internai, symp. Abstracts, pp. 29, Bucharest.
RĂDULESCU C. & SAMSON P. (1996) The firsl mullituberculate skull from lhe Laie
Cretaceous (Maaslrichtian) of Europe (Haţeg Basin, Romania). An. lnst. Geol. Rom. Abstracls,
69, 1, pp. 177-178, Bucureşti.
SIMPSON G.G. (1937) Skull Structure of lhe Multituberculata. Buii Amer. Mus. Nai. Hist.,
73,8, pp. 727-763, Nw York.
WEISHAMPEL D.B., GRIGORESCU D. and NORMAN D.B. (1991) The Dinosaurs of
Transylvania. National Geographic Research & Exploration, 7 (2), pp. 196-215.
WEISHAMPEL D.B. & JIANU C.-M. (1996) European islands în lhe late Cretaceous: The
importance of Phylogeny în biogeographic analyses. ln: Mesosoic Vertebrale Fauna în
Central Europe, Abstracls, pp. 11, Deva.
Speleological Institute „Emil Racoviţă"
11 Frumoasă Streel, Bucharesl, Romania

252 /

Fig. 1. Barbatodon transylvanicus. Leit M1/(type) in oculusal (a), labial (b) and lingual (c)
views. River Bărbat valley (Pui).

253 /
Fig. 2. Multituberculata indet. 1. Right lower incisor in labial (a) and occulusal (b) views.
2 . Left lower incisor in dorsal (a) and lingual (b) vjews; cross-section (c). River Bărbat
valley (Pui).

Fig. 3. Kogaionon ungureanui. Skull (type) in dorsal (a) and ventral (b) views. Sibişel
valley (Sânpetru). Apf=anterior palatal foramen; Ecp=ectopterygoid; Fr=frontal;
lf=infraorbital foramen; Mx=maxilla; Na-nasal; Pa=parietal; Pal=palatal fossa; Plf=palatine
foramen; Pf=palatal fossa; Pmx=premaxilla; Pnn=palatonasal notch; Ppf=posterior
palatine foramina; Ppt=postpalatine torus; Pt=pterygoid; V=vomer.

254 /
Fig. 4. Kogaionon ungureanui. Leit P11-M21 in occlusal view. Sibişel valley (Sânpetru).

255 / /


Baron Franz Nopcsa was born

in Deva , on 3'd of May 1877. His
family, who gained the Baron title in
1852, sent him to Kollegium
Theresianum in Vienna, to graduate
the highschool.
ln 1895, during a holiday, his
sister Ilona showed him some bones
found on the family estate at
Sânpetru. Those old bones became
interesting for the young man , who
decided to collect and latter, to
transport them to Vienna , in order to
show the bones to the famous
professor Eduard Suess. Suess
looked with interest at one
dinosaurian skull and briefly told to
Franz: „ Please describe it!".
Consequently, Nopcsa started
to read books about dinosaurs.
ln 21" 1 of June 1899 , he
presented the results regarding the
bones found at Sânpetru before the
Viennese Âcademy of Science . The
presentation produced a special
Franz Baron Nopcsa (drawing by interest. among the members of the
F. Marton, 1926} Academy . At 22 years old appeared
printed by the Academy the famous
monography „ Dinosaurierreste aus
den Siebenburgen , 1899 ". ln this first paper, he described the species of
Limnosaurus transsylvanicus (later Orthomerus) .
The second part of the monography appeared in 1902 and the thi rd in
This was just the beginning .
To collect new informations, he traveled all over Europe (Vienna,
Munchen , Stuttgart, Ti.ibingen , Frankfurt am Main , Basel , Zurich , Bruxells ,

257 /
Paris, Le Havre, Marsilia, Bologna, Neapole, Cambridge, Oxford, London,
Sankt Petersburg). He spoke Hungarian, German, English, Italian, Romanian,
Albanian with fluency.
When he visited British Museum, he saw that the famous Diplodocus
skeleton was wrong settled. lmmediately he fixe the error.
He tried to have always an excelent scientific accuracy. His work
obtained new results and he published them in books as „Bemerkungen zum
system der Repltilien" (1922) and one year later „Die Familien de Reptilian".
He studied a Compsognathus skeleton in Munich. lnside this skeleton
were found smaller bones, considered by museum's specialist as a little
embrion. After a brief examination of the material, Nopcsa declared that the
little bones are the resuit of the habits of this carnivor dinosaur. Later, this
tact became widely accepted.
ln Le Havre museum, he described Omosaurus lennierispecies. Also
he clarified the origin of the birds, suggesting that bird's ancestors were
bipeda! forms and not tree living creatures.
When it was described a strange lizard Shinisaurus in China, Nopcsa
understood from the description that it was an egg seating animal. He was
perfectly right because the American expedition in the Gobi Desert (1922 -
1923) found the same kind of eggs and above theam lying a reptile skeleton
which Osborn classified as Oviraptor philoceratops. Maybe a sand storm
covered the animal when he started to eat the eggs.
ln 1917 Baron Franz Nopcsa was elected member of The Hungarian
Academy of Sciences.
A long period before the First World War he studied Albania's geology,
geography and etnography. He learnt the Albanian language and was loved
by the poor people of this country. ln 1923, the results of his researches in
Albania were published in a 703 pages book under the supervision of The
Geologica! Institut of Budapest. Before that, a shorter edition (258 pages)
was published in German, at Berlin.
Between 1905 - 1912, he worked on a geologica! map of northen
Albania. He knew very well the soul of Albanian people, very well informed
about his history and politics and fought against Italian influences.
When the news about Prince Wied willing to take over the throne of
Albania was spreading, the Chief of Austrian General Army Staff Conrad did
not agree.
Nopcsa, even if was awaited by yhe Albanians to come to Tirana to take
over himself the throne, he could not enter the country beginning with 1916.
ln his book about Albania he dealed with the earthquakes phenomenom
showing that they were caused by the Adriatic spur sinking under the Alpes
up to the axis of Hohe Taurn. So, the earthquakes were caused by the

258 /
His restless spirit made him to be involved in the espionage services
during the First World War.
ln the Săcel park he was brutally beaten and he got a deep wound. He
had to be hospitalized for quite a long period of time, but he never fully
He lived for a period in England, where he gave lectures about paleo-
geographical spreading of dinosaurs and about the problem of changing the
reptiles in flying creatures.
After geologist Loszy Lajos passed away in 1925, the position of
director of the Geologica! Institute in Hungary was offered to Nopcsa. As a
director, ever if he was a paleontologist, he made some radical changes in the
structure of the institution, giving priority to the researches of economica!
ln 1927 the depressive symptoms occured again and so, at the
Paleontologica! Society Meeting, in the summer of 1928 he could participate
only in a wheelchair. He opened the Congres with a speech of half an hour
about the urgent problems of paleontology.
ln 1929 he resigned from the position of director and moved to Vienna
where he continued to work but only on scientifical problems. However he still
remained in the position of Honorary Director.
Besides the books and papers mentioned before, he also published
more than 150 scientific works.
On the 24 th April 1933 he wrote a letter to Sir Arthur Smith Woodward
asking the permission to deal with those works which were waiting for
printing. ln the same day he asked his friend from Vienna, the zoologist lan
Versluys to allow him to work on the elaboration of the necessary pictures.
These letters were mailed by his assistent.
Alone, he rushed in the room of his Albanian secretary and with a
revolver shot him with two bullets and with one left shoat himself too.
On the 28th April, at 9 a.m. he was incinerated at the Central
Crematorium of Vienna. A small group of friends was present.
We have to remind the oppinion of W.E.Swinton, a specialist in
dinosaurs who was writing in a book published in 1934 the following about
Franz Baron Nopcsa:
„ lt is inevitable for all of us to loose some of our scholarly friends as the
years pass by.
I wish to remember with sincere regret the name of Baron Ferenc
Nopcsa who has left us so soon.
While I was writing my book I kept thinking of hearing his strict but witty
criticism, of enjoing his benevolent arguments in word and in writing I am
desperate to have to miss it".

li worths mentioning !hat the Săcel caslle, the residence of the Nopcsa family, funclioned as a „house
of rest and crealion" for !he members of lhe Romanian Geologica! lns\itule, being a donation from Franz
Baron Nopcsa. (pers. comm. Prof. Alexandru Codarcea, who stayed al the caslle during his work on his
doctoral lhesis).

259 /


Baronul Franz Nopcsa s-a născut în Deva la 3 mai 1877. Familia a primit titlul de baron
în anul 1852. Liceul l-a urmat la Viena, la Kollegium Theresianum. În anul 1895, sora lui Ilona,
în cursul unei vacanţe i-a atras atenţia asupra prezenţei unor oase pe teritoriul moşiei lor de
la Sânpetru. Eduard Suess, profesor de geologie la Universitatea din Viena, l-a îndemnat să
se ocupe de aceste oase de dinosaurieni, să le prelucreze şi să le descrie.
Nopcsa avea doar 22 de ani când ii apare publicată în revista Academiei din Viena, vestita
monografie „Dinosaurierreste aus den Siebenburgen". Aceasta a fost urmată de a doua parte
în 1902 şi de a treia parte în 1904. În aceste lucrări descrie speciile Struthiosaurus
transylvanicus, Titanosaurus dacus, Orlhomerus transsylvanicus, Rhabdodon priscus, resturi
de crocodilieni, etc.
Pentru a se documenta, parcurge întreaga Europă. În afară de limba maghiară vorbea
germana, engleza, italiana, albaneza şi româna.
O perioadă îndelungată studiază geologia, geografia şi etnografia Albaniei. Editează o
monografie de 703 pagini despre această ţară.
A publicat mai mult de 150 de lucrări pentru care a obţinut titlul de membru al Academiei
Ungare, al celei din Bologna şi a fost ales membru într-o serie de societăţi ştiinţifice.
În anul 1925 este ales director al Institutului Geologic din Budapesta. Începând cu 1927
starea sănătălii sale se înrăutăţeşte, cere înlocuirea sa din postul de director, rămânând
totuşi director onorific şi se mută la Viena.
La 24 aprilie 1933, în mod tragic, îşi pune capăt zilelor.
A fost incinerat la 28 aprilie 1933 în Crematoriul Central din Viena.

„Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj Napoca
1 Kogălniceanu street
3400 Cluj Napoca


Hăia, J. (1993): Franz Baron von Nopcsa - Geologische Bundesanstalt: 1-79; Wien.
Kordos, L.(1987): Ferenc Nopcsa (1877-1933) - Annals of the History of Hungarian
Geology: 97-99; Budapest.
Lambrecht, K. (1936) Az osvilăgielet. Băr6 Nopcsa Ferenc-Franklin Tarsulat: 192-206;
Meszaros, N. (1966): Băr6 Nopcsa Ferenc Albania kutatoia-Romăniai Magyar szo.
Meszaros, N. (1994): Kreta (jurassic) park a Hatszegi-medenceben-Szăbadsag 4·
Nagy. M. J6kai Mer Szegeny gazdagok-lrodalomtortenet: 32-41
Tasnădi, K. (1978) Nopcsa Ferenc-Foldtani Tudomănytorteneti Evkonyv: 79-83; Budapest.

260 /


Throughout the Mesozoic, the prevailing paleogeography of central

Europe consisted of island archipelagos, whose position and configuration
were controlled by the dynamics of adjacent continental plate motion
(Weishampel et. al. 1991, and papers cited therein). Many or all of these
island were inhabited by terrestrial faunas, whose remains have been
collected in Spain, France, Austria, and Remania (viz., Weishampel et. al.
1990, Le Loeuff 1992, Le Loeuff and Buffetaut 1995).
Considerable efforts have been made to understand the areas of origin
of the members of these faunas. This paper is a preliminary evaluation of the
ways in which areas of origin canin general be determined. He re we examina
the role that phylogeny plays in the indentification of areas of origin for a
given group of organisms.

Determining Areas of Origin

Three major approaches have been used to determine areas of origin:
biostratigraphic context, biogeographic gradients, and phylogenetic
relationships. Each has its own advantages and assumptions, depending on
the research questions being asked and the abundance (or paucity) of data
available. Referred to here in terms of biostratigraphic, dispersai, and
phylogenetic parsimony, we summarize each in terms of how it is used in
theory, cases where it has been applied in practice, and what major
assumptions it makes about the world.

Biostratigraphic Parsimony:
Biostratigraphic parsimony, as we characterize it, is based on the idea
that the older of two taxa is found in the area of origin (figure 1 ). That is, if
Taxon Bis found in Area li and Taxon A is found in Area I, and if A is the older
of the two taxa, then Area I is more likely tobe the area of origin, with Taxon
B dispersing to Area li at some later time. This pattern is considered the most
parsimonious because it requires no more than one dispersai (from Area I to
Area li).

261 /
ln keeping with its inherently paleontological context, we look to
paleobiogeographic claims that are based on earliest occurrences „fixing"
the areas of origin of a particular group. For example, the discovery of Homo
erectusin China (the so-called Peking Man; Rightmire 1990) focused attention
on Asia as the areas of origin of a subsed of Hominidae, in large part because
at the time of this discovery Peking Man was the oldest member of this clade.
This view was to hold sway until further discoveries Qf H. erectus elsewhere
in the world were brought to bear on hominid paleobiogeography. Yet,
because of the influence of individual finds on areas of origin, we designate
the use of the geographic location of the oldest biostratigraphic occurrence
of a taxon as the „Zhoukoudian Paradigm" after the site from which Peking
Man was recovered.
The Zhoukoudian Paradigm, whether applied to hominids, trilobites, or
dinosaurs, has as its fundamental assumption that the older of the two taxa
îs not just a basal member of the clade containing both A and B, but A must
be the ancestor of the younger clade. This assumption îs often made
implicitly and often îs not subject to testing. However, species as ancestors
and hence as inhabiting the area of origin of a given clade can be evaluated
by through phylogenetic analyses (Archibald 1993, 1994).

Dispersai Parsimony
ln dispersai parsimony, changes în paleobiogeographic patterns always
take place along a diversity gradient, regulated in large part by probabilities
of dispersai, area of habitat, and other aspects of population biology. ln
simplified form, we characterize dispersai parsimony in the following way:
Suppose that Taxa A, B, C, D, and E all exist in Area I, while only Taxon F îs
found in Area li (figure 2). Dispersai parsimony suggests that, because of the
higher taxonomic diversity în Area I, this region is the area of origin and that
Taxon F solely dispersed to Area li. We term dispersai approach the
„Galapagos Paradigm" in keeping with the major thrust of island biogeography
as exemplifield by the Galapagos lsland and the biogeographic relationship
of its fauna to that of mainland South America.
Dispersai parsimony assumes a great deal about ecologica! boundary
conditions. Fundamental amoung them îs that dispersai îs expected to go
from areas of greater to lesser diversity. Tacit în this assumption îs that large
areas support greater diversity than small areas and large areas are the
source of dispersed taxa. Again, because these biogeographic assumptions
and the inferences drawn from them are historical în their essence,
phylogenetic analyses can be used to test them.

Phylogenetic Parsimony:
We use the term phylogenetic parsimony to indicate the use of phylogeny
to constrain paleobiogeographic inferences. That îs, paleobiogeographic
262 /
patterns are determined by the most parsimonious distribution of areas
inhabited by taxa that are fully resolved on phylogenetic trees (figure 3).
Epitomized as the „Hawaii Paradigm", named after the considerable
phylogenetic and biogeographic research on birds, plants, and Drosphila
research on the Hawaiian lsland (Wagner and Funk 1995), the fundamental
assumption of this approach is that the phylogenetic topology of the clade
under consideration is correct. Because phylogenetic analysis is inherently
historical and assumes nothing a priori about diversity gradients and
biostratigraphic distribution, we will take a more detailed look at how such a
phylogenetic perspective influences interpretations of paleobiogeographic

Phylogeny and Areas of Origin

ln order to explore the impact of phylogenetic parsimony on
interpretations of areas of origin, we begin with a simple theoretical example
with the same format as used previously: Taxon A inhabits Area I and Taxon
B lives in Area li (figure 4). There is no additional information for us at this
juncture; no additional taxa and no additional areas. The question we wish to
answer is: ls the common ancestor of Taxon A and Taxon B to be found in
Area I or Area li?
Using biostratigraphic parsimony, we would try to identify which of the
two taxa was the older and using dispersai parsimony, we would look to
diversity gradients between Areas I and li. However, using phylogeny to
guide our paleobiogeographic inferences, there is not enough information to
assess the area of origin of the two taxa. ln order to determine whether the
area of origin for the clade composed of A + B, we also need to know where
the sister group to A + B (Taxon C) is from.
We present three hypothetical examples (out of a possible six) to
demonstrate how this additional phylogenetic and geographic information
influences paleobiogeographic inferences.
ln the first example, Taxa C and Bare each others closest relative and
thereafter are either of the two related to Taxon A (figure 5). Said another
way, Taxa C and B share a common an cestor before either shares a common
ancestor with Taxon A. Although this is a hypothetical example, the shape of
the cladogram is known to be „ true" (i.e., based on a robust phylogenetic
ln addition, we have information on the geographical distribution of
Taxon C; it lives in Area I along with Taxon A. We map the areas down the
tree, noting that area inhabited by the common ancestor of Taxa A and C is
unresolved - it could be Area I or Area li. Resolution of this ancestral area
comes about by optimizing backup the tree from ancestor to ancestor (i.e.,
node, to node, see figure 6; Brooks and Mclennan 1991 ), such that the area

263 /
of origin of the common ancestor of clade A+B+C must be Area I, which
thereafter resolves the area of origin of the common ancestor of clade A+C
as Area li. Said another way, the simplest or most parsimonious explanation
of this phylogenetic and georgaphic pattern is that Area I is the area of origin
of the clade A+B+C, and that Taxon B dispersed to Area li sometime after its
split from Taxon C.
Other paleobiogeographic inferences come with different phylogenetic
relationships and geographic occurrences of Taxa A, 8, and C. For example,
in Figure 7 Taxa C and A now are each others closest relatives and thereafter
the two are Taxon B's closed relatives. Again, this relationship is known tobe
„true" based on a phylogenetic analysis. But Taxon C is now known to occur
only in the same area as Taxon B: Area li. By mapping and optimizing areas
onto the given cladogram, the most parsimonious biogeographic interpretation
is that Area li is the area of origin of the clade and that Taxon A dispersed to
Area I sometime after its split with Taxon C.
Sometimes it will take more than three taxa to resolve the biogeographic
history of a given clade, based on their phylogenetic relationships and
regions of occurence (figure 8). ln our example, Taxa 8 and C share a
common ancestor before either does with Taxon A; Taxon A is found in Area
I and Taxa 8 and Care found in Area li. Resolution of the· area of origin of the
entire clade is not possible with the information presently at hand. Only with
addition of further sister taxa to the A+B+C clade and their areas of habitation
can the area of origin of the A+B+C clade be assesses (viz. Weishampel and
Jianu 1996 for an example of this „casting father afield" approach was
applied to the area of origin of dromaeosauris theropods). The integration of
these additional data, taken in turn, are dealt with in the same way as
previously: mapping geographic information down the cladogram and
optimizing it back upward to resolve any ambiguities.

Phylogeny, Areas of Origin, Titanosaurids, and Hadrosaurids

Having worked through sevetal hypothetical examples, we turn to
titanosaurid sauropods and hadrosaurid ornithopods for some real examples.
The phylogenetic patterns of these dinosaurian clades is only beginning tobe
investigated (Upchurch 1995 on sauropods; Weishampel et al. 1993 and
Weishampel 1996 on ornithopods), but each provides insights as to the value
of phyloenetic parsimony in paleobiogeographic analyses.
Titanosaurids (figure 9) are best known from most of the southern
continents du ring the last part of the Late Cretaceous. Because they are most
abundant and diverse among the contemporary herbivore community, it has
been suggested that titanosaurids had a Gondwanan origin (Huene 1932,
Bonaparte 1984, Lucas and Hunt 1989, Jacobs et al. 1993). The few Late

264 /
Cretaceous taxa from Laurasia-Alamosaurusfrom the American Southwest
and several forms from Europe - have been interpreted as dispersed
immigrants to these northern regions (Bonaparte 1984, Lucas and Hunt
1989). On the basis of this presumed pattern of dispersai, titanosaurid
paleobiogeography provides a good example of the Galapagos Paradigm.
The clade also provides an example of the Zhoukoudian Paradigm, because
the earliest members of the group (Janenschia, Malawisaurus) also have a
Gondwanan distribution (Wild 1991, Jacobs et al. 1993).
Upchurch (1995) has presented the first detailed phylogenetic analysis
of Sauropoda, in which he recognizes a number of monophyletic clades
within this large group. ln Figure 1O, we summarize that portion of his
cladogram that deals with the unnamed sauropod clade that includes
'Titanosauroidea' (which includes Titanosauridae) and 'Diplodocoidea'.
Upchurch analyzed only Saltosaurus, Alamosaurus, and Malawisaurus for
Titanosauridae, but we have added a cluster of remaining titanosaurids
beyond these three, a condition that is far from being defensible. Nevertheless,
it is the position of the basal titanosaurids and sister-group relationships that
is most influential in determining the area of origin for titanosaurids.
According to Upchurch (1995), Saltosauris, Alamosaurus, and
Ma/awisaurus appear to share successively more inclusive phylogenetic
relationships among titanosaurids. Titanosaurids thereafter share a common
ancestry with Opisthocoe/icaudiafrom the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. This
encompassing clade, called Titanosauroidea' shares closest relationship
with 'Diplodocoidea', which includes Diplodocus, Nemegtosaurus, and
Apatosaurus and probably has a Laurasian area of origin.
Taking Upchurch's cladogram at face value and using a phylogenetic
approach to inter paleogeographic events, the common ancestor of
Saltosaurus and remaining titanosaurids should have a Gondwanan origin.
However, ambiguity arises when trying to map areas at the level of the
common an cestor of Alamosaurus and higher titanosaurids, and at the leve I
of Malawisaurus and all other titanosaurids. Only by further mapping and
then optimizing up the sauropod cladogram does it become apparent, at least
as far as we have characterized here, that the area of origin of Titanosauridae
should be Laurasian (figure 1O).
Turning to hadrosaurids (figure 11 ), these Late Cretaceous herbivores
have a dominantly North American and Asian distribution. However, of
interest to us here is Telmatosaurus from the latest Cretaceous of Europe.
Using a phylogenetic approach, we want to know whether this hadrosaurid
migrated to Europe from either North America or Asia or whether the North
American and Asian taxa dispersed from a European area of origin. /
The phylogenetic relationships of hadrosaurids are complex, but the
basic tree topology appears to have been worked out (figure 12; Weishampel
et al. 1993, Weishampel 1995). All hadrosaurids with the exception of
Telmatosaurus shares a common ancestor with each other. Thereafter,
Telmatosaurus and two non-hadrosaurid iguanodontians (Ouranosaurus
from northern Africa and lguanodonfrom Europe) share succesive common
ancestry with the clade of North American and Asian hadrosaurids. As in the
titanosaurid exemple, we map areas down the cladogram and then optimize
upward to resolve conflicts in areas. However, in this case we treat the
European and northern African occurrences as peri-Tethyan, reflective of
the insular and marginal distributions of these ornithopods in and around the
Tethys Sea. When we do so, phylogeny suggests thet hadrosaurids had a
peri-Tethyan origin (figure 12).

When it comes to understanding biogeographic patterns, we feel that
phylogeny can have a large effect on their interpretations. For instance,
dispersai and biostratigraphic interpretations can be quite different from
those that come from phylogenetic analyses, as we have seen in the
titanosaurid example. That is not to say that phylogenetic interpretations are
tobe preferred to the other approaches. Each is only as good as the analyses
that go into it. Each entails its own set of assumptions and sources of error.
Nevertheless, concordance among biostratigraphic, dispersai, and
phylogenetic inferences should provide more support to a particular analysis
that than any can do in isolation. But perhaps more interesting and intriguing,
discordance in results among these approaches forces investigators to
rethink, retine, and retest their work in ways that would not have been obvious
without taking a pluralistic stance. We regarda phylogenetic approach, all too
often ignored in many biogeographic - and especially paleobiogeographic -
realms, as an integral part of this pluralism. lt confers a historical perspective
that is different either biostratigraphic or dispersai perspectives, one that
cannot be ignored in any kind of biogeographic analysis.

Not that they would agree with the focus or even content of this paper,
we want to thank Z. Csiki, J. Le Loeuff, E. Buffetaut, and D. B. Norman for
discussions about the interplay of paleobiogeographic and phylogenetic
analyses as it pertains to dinosaurs, Mesozoic paleogeography, and larger
issues. We are also grateful to the participants of the „Mesozoic Vertebrate
Faun as of Central Europe" Symposium, held _in August, 1996, in Deva,
Romania, for their helpful comments on this research.
This research was supported by funding from the Dinosaur Society and
the National Geographic Society.
266 /


Interpretările paleobiogeografice pot fi bazate pe analize biostratigrafice de dispersie sau

in lucrare sunt discutate fiecare dintre aceste situaţii, acordându-se o mai mare atenţie
Sunt sugerate câteva exemple ipotetice despre felul în care filogenia controlează
interpretările paleobiogeografice.
De asemenea sunt date două exemple din cadrul dinosaurienilor- sauropodele titanosauride
şi ornithopodele hadrosauride - cazuri care demonstrează importanţa filogeniei în


Archibald, J.D. 1993. The importance of phylogenetic analysis lor the assessment of
species turnover: a case history of Paleocene mammals in North America. Paleobiology 19:
Archibald, J.D. 1994. Metataxon cencepts and assessing possible ancestry using
phylogenetic systematics. Systematic Biology 43: 27-40.
Brooks, D.R. and McLennan, O.A. 1991. Phylogeny, ecology and behavior. A research
program in comparative biology. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. ·
Bonaparte, J.F. 1984. Late Cretaceous faunal interchange of terrestrial vertebrates
between the Americas. ln: Reif, W.-F. and Westphal, F. (eds.) Third Symposium on Mesozoic
Terrestrial Ecosystems. Attempto Verlag, Tubingen: 19-24.
Huene, F. von. 1932. Die fossile Reptile-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwcklung und
Geschichte. Monogr. Geol. Palaeontol. (srer. 1) 4: 1-361.
Jacobs, L.L., Winkler, O.A., Downs, W.R., and Gomani, E.M. 1993. New material of an
early Cretaceous sauropod dinosaur from Africa. Paleontology 36 (3): 523-534.
Le Loeuff, J. 1992. Les verlebres continentaux du Cretace superieur d'Europe:
paleoecologie, biostratigraphie et paleobiogeographie. PHD Dissertation.
Le Loeuff, J., and Buffetaut, E. 1995. The evolution of Late Cretaceous non-marine
vertebrate fauna in Europe. ln: Ailing Sun and Yuanqing Wang (eds.). Sixth Symposium on
Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Short Papers: 81-184. Beijing.
Lucas, S.G., and Hunt, A.P. 1989. Alomosaurus and the sauropod hiatus in the Cretaceous
of the North American Western Interior. Geologica! Society of America Special Paper 238: 75-
Rightmire, G.P. 1990. The evolution of Homo erectus. Cambridge University Press, New
York. 260 pp.
Upchurch, P. 1995. The evolutionary history of sauropod dinosaurs. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.
Lond. B (349): 365-390.
Wagner, W.L., and Funk, V.A. (eds.) 1995. Hawaiian Biogeography. Smithsonian lnstitution
Press. Washington, D.C. 467 pp.
Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osm61ska, H. (eds.) 1990. The Dinosauria. University
of California Press, 733 pp.
Weishampel, D.B., Norman, D.B., and Grigorescu, D. 1993. Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
from the Late Cretaceous of Remania: the most basal hadrosaurid. Palaeontology 36:361-
Weishampel, D.B. 1996. Fossils, phylogeny, and discovery: a cladistic study of the hiBlory

267 /
of tree topologies and ghost lineage duralions. J. of Veri. Pal. 16(2):191-197.
Weishampel, D.8., Jianu, C.-M. 1996. New theropod dinosaur material !rom the Hateg
8asin (late Cretaceous, Western Romania). N. Jb. Geol. Palaont., Abh., 200: 387-404;
Wild, A. 1991 Janenschia n.g. robusta (E. Frass, 1908) pro Tornieria robusta (E. Frass,
1908) (Replilia, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha). Stuttgart 8eitrage zur Naturkunde (Geol.
und Palaont) 8 173: 1-4.
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
725 North Wolfe Street, 8allimore, MD-21205, U.S.A.
The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization
39, 1 Decembrie Street
2700 Deva ROMANIA

268 /
Biostratigraphic Parsimony:

The older of two taxa is found

in the area of origin



( "Zhoukoudian Paradigm")

Principal assumption:

The older of two taxa is not just a

basal member of the clade but must
be the ancestor of the younger taxon

Figure 1. A schema for biostratigraphic parsimony in biogeographic analyses.

269 /
Dispersai Parsimony:

Dispersai always takes place along a

diversity gradient

CD ---->CD
A, B, C, D, E . ...... F

(" Galapagos Paradigm")

Principal Assumption: .

Dispersai goes from areas of greater to

lesser diversity
Figure 2. A schema for dispersai parsimony in biogeographic analyses.

270 /
Phylogenetic Parsimony:

Biogeographic patterns determined by

phylogenetic trees


( "Hawaiian Paradigm")

Principal assumption:

Phylogeny is correct
Figure 3. A schema for phylogenetic parsimony in biogeographic analyses.

271 /
ls the common ancestor of A and B to
be found on Landmass I or li?

Figure 4. Hypothetical biogeographic conditions: Area I is indicated by the left oval. Taxon
A lives in Area I; Area li is indicated by the right oval. Taxon 8 lives in Area li.

A c B

Figure 5. First hypothetical analysis of Taxa A, 8, and C and their areas of habitation
(Area.s I and li}. asin Figure 4. See text for explananation.

272 /
a. b.
a a b b b b

Figure 6. Mapping and optimizing area informa/ion on to a c/adogram. a. Mapping of areas

(a) and (b) downwardly onto the cladogram. Note /he ambiguity (a orb) on /he feti side of
/he cladogram. b. Optimiza/ion of areas up the cladogram following /he resolution of the
ancestral condition (b) al /he base of /he clade. Thus, /he transition from area (b) to (a) is
resolved on /he feti side of /he c/adogram.


B c A

Figure 7. Second hypothetical analysis of Taxa A, B, and C and their areas of habitation
(Areas I and li), asin Figure 4. See text for explanation.

273 /

A B c

• • •
Figure 8. Third hypotetical analysis of Taxa A,B, and C and their areas of habitation
(Areas I and li), as in Figure 4. See text for explanation.

274 /
275 /
'Diplodocoidea' 11 U{!J]~~~~

Opisthocoelicaudia U{!J]~~~~

Malawisaurus @@!fi1~1fi1~

Alamosaurus U{!J]~~~~

Saltosaurus @@l!il~m

::;: ? Remaining Titanosaurids

Figure 1O. Cladogram of 'Diplodocoidea' and Titanosauroidea' (which includes

Titanosauridae), along with areas of habitation. Note that because of the laurasian
distribution of 'Diplodocoidea' and Opisthocoelicaudia, the area of origin Titanosauridae is
a/so Laurasian, even though the basal titanosaurid is Gondwana. Two dispersai
events(marked by asterices) account for the occurrence of Malawisaurus, and of
Saltosaurus and remaining titanosaurids in Gondwana.

276 /
Figure 11. - The hadrosaurid ornithopod Telmatosaurus !rom the
Late Cretaceous of Europe (af/er Franczak).

277 /

NA, As, SA


Figure 12. Cladogram of higher iguanodontians (which includes Hadrosauridae), along

with areas of habitation. Note that because of the peri-Tethyan distribution of Iguanodon,
Ouranosaurus, and Telmalosaurus, lhe area of origin of Hadrosauridae is a/so peri-
Tethyan, even though the greai majority of hadrosaurids is eilher North American or
Asian. Dispersai to these other areas is marked by an asterix.

278 /
ISSN 1224 - 7464

Tiparul executat la S.C. POL/DA VA S.A. DEVA / /

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