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Date: 01/11/21
Section : 2BSN3


Shoulder dystocia, in my view, is not a simple technique to perform in order to manage the baby and mother,
and if the move fails, you must attempt another maneuver until the baby is freed. To get cooperation and
simple accessibility, this technique must counsel the patient to rest, quiet, and be patient.

In my personal opinion, shoulder dystocia is not that easy a procedure to do in order to manage the baby and
mother, and if the maneuver is still unsuccessful, you need to try another maneuver until the baby is released.
To achieve cooperation and simple access to work, this technique must encourage the patient to rest, quiet,
and be patient. It also has a high compilation rate and a higher fatality rate. When I do it on my own, it is too
difficult, even though I performed it with a teddy bear. I still imagine in real life situations that it is hard and
you also need other health practitioners to help and guide you through the other maneuvers, especially in
McRober’s, Mazzanti and more.
I therefore conclude that shoulder dystocia is a roller coaster experience because it is not that easy as we
know. I just performed it through a demonstration, but I failed to do it perfectly for the reason that it was my
first time doing it, and I know that in a real-life situation, the difficulties will increase if you are a beginner with
this birthing process. We should also avoid the management procedure known as the 4Ps, which stand for "do
not pull, push, panic, and pivot.

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