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1. In the bustling realm of orthopedic nursing, a patient, Mr. Murphy, 7.

7. Nurse Williams is developing a care plan for a patient who has been
has recently suffered a femur fracture. His treatment plan involves a placed in skeletal traction. Among the following options, which
balanced skeletal traction using a Thomas splint. The nurse nursing intervention would be suitable in this situation?
responsible for his care is now pondering over the most effective A. Limitation of weights to 5 lbs.
strategy to ward off the development of pressure points at the top of B. Use of intermittent weights.
the splint. The potential methods include: C. Positioning the patient in a prone position.
A. Adding padding at the splint’s top with clean, folded washcloths. D. Regular pin care.
B. Incorporating a footplate in the patient’s bed.
C. Applying a skin-protective lotion in the relevant area. 8. While attending to a patient in skeletal traction, Nurse Thompson is
D. Ensuring that Mr. Murphy maintains an upright position in bed. pondering over the best nursing actions that will encourage the
patient’s autonomy. Among the following options, which action would
2. At the turn of her shift, Nurse Johnson escorts a patient back to the be most beneficial for promoting patient independence?
unit following a computer tomography scan with intravenous contrast A. Delivering skin care to avert skin breakdown.
medium. Shortly after, the patient complains about experiencing B. Guiding the patient to request an analgesic before pain becomes
shortness of breath and a strange itching sensation. In response, severe.
Nurse Johnson readies herself to treat the patient for which possible C. Offering an overhead trapeze for the patient’s use.
condition: D. Motivating the patient to perform leg exercises within the
A. A typical reaction stemming from the stress of the diagnostic constraints of the traction.
B. A potential anaphylactic reaction induced by the contrast dye. 9. Nurse Hamilton is caring for a patient who has had Buck’s traction
C. Fluid overload due to the volume of the infused solutions. applied to their right leg. To ensure that the traction is effective,
D. Inflammation resulting from fluid leakage during injection. which position should the patient be placed in?
A. Lithotomy position
3. During her routine rounds, Nurse Patel is caring for a patient with a B. Supine position
freshly applied plaster of Paris cast. She meticulously documents all of C. Prone position
her observations. Among the following conditions, which particular D. Sim’s position
assessment finding demands immediate attention and notification to
the physician? 10. Nurse Davis is caring for a patient who’s in Buck’s traction. She
A. The patient reports feeling a sensation of heat beneath the cast. understands the need to take precautions against foot drop in this
B. The patient expresses experiencing moderate pain. patient. To accomplish this, she should:
C. The patient begins to experience paralysis in the toes of the foot A. Tightly tuck the bed sheets into the foot of the bed.
encased in the cast. B. Position pillows beneath the patient’s heels.
D. There is a slight swelling observed in the toes of the foot in the cast. C. Guarantee appropriate body positioning of the patient.
D. Educate the patient about the benefits of isometric exercises.
4. One day after a successful total hip replacement surgery, Nurse
Benson has been tasked with positioning her patient optimally for 11. Following a below-the-knee amputation of the left leg, a patient
recovery. She sifts through her knowledge of body positions, has returned from surgery to the ward where Nurse Mitchell is
considering which one would be the most beneficial in this situation: assigned. The doctor’s orders include elevating the foot of the bed for
A. Semi Fowler’s position 24 hours. Upon observing that a nursing assistant has placed a pillow
B. Supine position under the patient’s amputated limb, Nurse Mitchell should take which
C. Orthopneic position action:
D. Trendelenburg position A. Extract the pillow and proceed to elevate the foot of the bed.
B. Retain the pillow as it elevates the patient’s stump.
5. In the bustling emergency department, Nurse Gomez is confronted C. Consult the physician to clarify the orders.
with a patient who fell from a roof. A fracture of the femoral neck is D. Preserve the pillow in place and also elevate the foot of the bed.
suspected. Among the following assessments, which would most
effectively support this diagnosis? 12. Nurse Kennedy is caring for an elderly patient who has just
A. The involved limb appears shorter, drawn inward (adducted), and returned from surgery after sustaining an intertrochanteric hip
excessively rotated. fracture. A nail plate was inserted for internal fixation, and the patient
B. The involved limb is noticeably swollen. has been instructed not to flex her hip. When asked why this
C. The patient experiences pain in the affected leg. movement could be harmful, the best explanation Nurse Kennedy can
D. A substantial bruise (hematoma) is visible on the affected limb. provide is:
A. Hip flexion could cause misalignment of the hip joint.
6. Nurse Rodriguez is caring for a patient who has suffered a B. Flexion of the hip may lead to displacement of the nail plate.
compound fracture of the tibia and fibula, for which skeletal traction C. The action of flexing the hip could cause severe pain to the patient.
has been applied. Among the following options, which one should be D. Flexion might result in damage to the soft tissue around the surgical
prioritized in her care plan for this patient? site.
A. Take off traction weights for a 20-minute interval every two hours.
B. Arrange for a trapeze to enhance the patient’s mobility.
C. Keep the patient in a flat, supine position at all times.
D. Carry out pin care at a minimum frequency of once every hour.
13. Nurse Harper is caring for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who 20. A 23-year-old woman, involved in a car accident, is now a
has been prescribed acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin. paraplegic. She’s currently on an intermittent urinary catheterization
The patient is curious about why this medication is used in the program and has no dietary restrictions. Nurse Adams’s priority
treatment of his condition. The primary reason for using aspirin in the assessment should be to watch out for:
management of rheumatoid arthritis is to: A. Bowel evacuation.
A. Diminish the inflammation present in the joints. B. Appetite increase.
B. Halt the progression of the disease process. C. Bladder distention.
C. Lower fever. D. Weight gain.
D. Enable the patient to perform a range of motion activities without
experiencing pain. 21. As Nurse Andrews oversees patient care, she ponders on the
factors that manage the direction of pull in all traction types. Is it:
14. During a clinic visit, a patient reports experiencing early signs of A. The configuration of ropes and pulleys.
rheumatoid arthritis. Nurse Reynolds is tasked with the patient’s B. The quantity of the weight used.
assessment. Among the following, which symptom would the nurse C. The location of friction.
most likely expect to find in this initial stage? D. The posture of the patient.
A. Distorted joints, particularly in the hands.
B. Restricted joint movement. 22. In the midst of her shift, Nurse Matthews is evaluating a woman
C. Presence of rheumatoid nodules. suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who has been prescribed aspirin
D. Stiffness is most prominent in the early morning. grain TID and prednisone 10 mg BID for the past couple of years. The
pivotal query regarding the patient’s medication regimen would be to
15. Nurse Anderson is discussing with a patient the advantages of inquire if she has experienced:
immediate prosthesis fitting following an amputation. Among the A. Diminished desire for food.
following benefits, which one stands out as an advantage to the B. Frequent headaches.
patient in this situation? C. Dark, sticky feces.
A. The prosthesis will fit better. D. Vision that lacks clarity.
B. The patient will experience less phantom limb sensation.
C. Dressing changes become unnecessary. 23. Nurse Connor attends to a 7-year-old boy with a broken leg who
D. The patient will regain the ability to walk sooner. confides in him about feeling bored. An apt response to uplift the
young patient’s spirits might be to suggest that he:
16. Nurse Baxter is caring for a patient with a fractured femur and is A. Enjoy a delightful puppet show.
mindful of the risk of circulatory impairment associated with this B. Tune in to some engaging radio programming.
injury. One way to assess for signs of circulatory impairment is to ask C. Dive into a storybook and pretend to be the characters.
the patient to: D. Pass time by watching some television.
A. Move his toes.
B. Engage in coughing and deep breathing. 24. As Nurse Patterson crafts an education plan for a patient suffering
C. Carry out biceps exercises. from rheumatoid arthritis, with an aim to encourage rest, which of the
D. Reposition himself in bed. following activities would she likely advise the patient to steer clear of
during their periods of rest?
17. While attending to a patient lying in a supine position, Nurse A. Lying face down.
Hanson aims to prevent external rotation of the lower extremity. To B. Maintaining correct posture.
achieve this, she should utilize a: C. Raising the affected area.
A. Footboard. D. Adopting positions of bending or flexing.
B. Sandbag placed on the lateral aspect of the calf.
C. Trochanter rolls positioned near the knee. 25. A young patient is admitted to the hospital with his left leg in
D. Trochanter rolls applied to the thigh. Buck’s traction. The charge nurse instructs Nurse Stevenson to affix a
footplate on the affected side at the foot of the bed. The underlying
18. Nurse Jordan is conducting a history and physical examination of a rationale for this directive would be to
patient recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Among the following A. Avert the onset of foot drop.
factors, what should the nurse be attentive to during her assessment? B. Secure the traction in place.
A. Signs of osteoporosis. C. Hinder the patient from sliding down the bed.
B. Indications of anemia. D. Forestall the development of pressure sores on the foot.
C. Any weight loss.
D. Pain localized to the joints. 26. Following her informative session with a patient severely affected
by rheumatoid arthritis about their new medication, methotrexate
19. After a tumble down the basement steps, a man is brought to the (Rheumatrex 0), Nurse Avery picks up on a comment that signals a
emergency department where his physician confirms a leg fracture. need for additional education. Which of these patient statements
Post the leg cast application, Nurse Davis’s primary concern would be could it be?
to inspect the patient’s toes for: A. “I’m committed to brushing my teeth after each meal.”
A. Rise in temperature. B. “I’ll ensure to keep up with my vitamin intake while on this drug.”
B. Swelling. C. “I fully understand that I should avoid alcohol consumption while
C. Ability to move. taking this medication.”
D. Alteration in color. D. “I’ll maintain my routine of taking my birth control pills.”
27. Nurse Benson is advising a patient who’s been prescribed 34. A patient who’s undergone an above-the-knee amputation is
ibuprofen (Motrin) to manage pain in the left hip, a result of advised to use crutches until her prosthesis is properly fitted. In
osteoarthritis. To lessen any possible irritation to the stomach lining, educating the patient about the correct usage of crutches, Nurse
at what moment would she guide the patient to take this medication? Mitchell directs her to primarily bear her weight on which part of the
A. Right after finishing a meal. body?
B. At the time of retiring to bed. A. Upper arms.
C. When the stomach is empty. B. Underarms (axillae).
D. Upon waking up in the morning. C. Elbows.
D. Hands.
28. While drafting an educational plan for a patient with osteoarthritis
currently on celecoxib (Celebrex), Nurse Grayson anticipates 35. In the early hours of her shift, Nurse Liana is assessing a patient
explaining that the primary benefit of celecoxib compared to admitted with a fractured arm. The patient has been taking
diclofenac (Voltaren) would likely result in which of the following? carisoprodol (Soma) at home and now presents with a blood pressure
A. Reduced chances of gastrointestinal bleeding. of 80/50 mmHg, a pulse rate of 115 bpm, and shallow respirations at a
B. Lesser incidences of nausea and vomiting. rate of 8 breaths per minute. What does Liana interpret these findings
C. Diminished risk of kidney toxicity. as?
D. Lower potential for liver toxicity. A. Indications of gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation.
B. Suggestive signs of developing dependency.
29. Following surgery and the implementation of a total joint C. Typical side effects of the administered medication.
prosthesis, Nurse Duncan’s patient experiences abrupt, intense pain D. Potential symptoms of an allergic reaction.
and finds it impossible to move the limb. How should the nurse
interpret these symptoms? 36. Mason, an experienced nurse, is tending to a patient who has
A. Dislocation of the joint. recently developed compartment syndrome following a fracture. He
B. An emerging infection. knows he must be vigilant for certain signs indicative of possible organ
C. Hemorrhage at the surgical site. failure in this context. What symptom is he specifically looking for?
D. Seepage of adhesive into the soft tissue. A. Widespread swelling.
B. Crackling sounds from the lungs.
30. Having instructed her patient about the risk factors associated C. Yellowing of the skin and eyes.
with rheumatoid arthritis, Nurse Ford listens to the patient D. Reduced urine output with a dark color.
recapitulate. If the patient mentions which of the following as a risk
factor, Nurse Ford would recognize the need for further teaching? 37. Nurse Isabella is preparing to educate a patient with a fractured
A. Being an adult aged between 60 to 75 years. tibia about the drug methocarbamol (Robaxin) that he has been taking.
B. Identifying as female. What would she highlight as the main therapeutic effect of this
C. Having a past infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. medication?
D. Testing positive for the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DR4 allele. A. Reduction in feelings of anxiety.
B. Eradication of microscopic pathogens.
31. As Nurse Howard gets a patient ready for a magnetic resonance C. Alleviation of muscle cramping.
imaging (MRI) procedure to examine a herniated disc, which of the D. Diminishing of skin pruritus.
following steps would be considered unsuitable?
A. Verifying whether the patient has ever experienced claustrophobia. 38. After being discharged following treatment for an open femoral
B. Assuring the patient that the procedure won’t cause any pain. fracture, a patient begins to experience fever, night sweats, chills,
C. Initiating an intravenous line to maintain a slow drip rate. restlessness, and restricted movement of the previously injured leg at
D. Conducting a comprehensive review of the patient’s previous home. Nurse Jasmine interprets these symptoms as indicative of
surgical history. which condition?
A. Infection of the urinary tract.
32. A patient in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) who’s undergone B. Embolism caused by fat particles.
a below-the-knee amputation on the left leg reports experiencing pain C. Inflammation of the bone due to infection, known as osteomyelitis.
in her absent left big toe. What would be Nurse Bailey’s initial course D. Blockage in the lung’s blood vessels, or pulmonary emboli.
of action in this situation?
A. Administer the prescribed narcotic pain reliever to the patient. 39. Nurse Ethan has provided education to a patient who has
B. Validate the patient’s experience by affirming that her pain is real. undergone a below-the-knee amputation, focusing on the importance
C. Insist to the patient that feeling pain in the absent toe is impossible. of prosthesis and stump care. Which statement from the patient
D. Physically demonstrate to the patient that her toes are no longer would demonstrate a correct understanding of the given instructions?
present. A. They plan to utilize a mirror for daily inspections of all areas of the
33. When examining a patient diagnosed with an intracapsular hip B. They commit to wearing a clean nylon stump sock every day.
fracture, which of the following observations would Nurse Silva be C. They aim to harden the skin of the stump by rubbing it with alcohol.
looking for? D. They will work to avoid skin cracking on the stump by daily
A. The affected leg appears shorter. application of lotion.
B. Flaccidity in the surrounding muscles.
C. Lack of pain in the area of the fracture.
D. Inward turning of the leg.
40. Nurse Gabriel is caring for a patient with osteomyelitis, and he 47. Nurse Ava is instructing a patient with a left leg cast on crutch
notices that the antibiotics prescribed are not generating the expected walking using the three-point gait, allowing touchdown weight-
improvement. Gabriel interprets this situation as most likely indicating bearing for the affected leg. She guides the patient to move in which
which of the following phenomena? sequence?
A. The avascular tissue is supporting bacterial proliferation. A. Move the crutches and right leg first, then the left leg.
B. Scar tissue formation is hampering drug absorption. B. Progress with the crutches and left leg, then the right leg.
C. The buildup of pus is causing tissue ischemia. C. Move the left leg and right crutch first, then the right leg and left
D. The antibiotics are not being delivered directly to the bone. crutch.
D. Advance the crutches first, then both legs at the same time.
41. Nurse Olivia is prepping a patient who is scheduled for an
arthrogram using a contrast medium. What would she regard as her 48. Nurse Benjamin is caring for a patient with skeletal leg traction
highest priority assessment for this patient? who expresses feelings of boredom and restlessness. Based on these
A. Ensuring the patient has no remaining queries about the process. complaints, which nursing diagnosis would he identify for this patient?
B. Checking for any allergy to iodine or shellfish. A. Deficit in self-care.
C. Confirming if the patient needs to urinate before the procedure. B. Lack of diversional activities.
D. Evaluating the patient’s capability to remain motionless during the C. Sense of powerlessness.
procedure. D. Impaired physical mobility.

42. Nurse Joshua is caring for a patient who sustained a right femur 49. Nurse Alex is teaching a patient with right-sided weakness how to
fracture. What symptom would cause him to suspect that the patient use a cane. She plans to instruct the patient to hold the cane:
might be developing a fat embolism? A. In the right hand and place it in front of the right foot.
A. Experiences of migraine-like headaches. B. In the left hand and place it in front of the left foot.
B. Sensation of numbness in the right leg. C. In the left hand and 6 inches to the side of the left foot.
C. Development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). D. In the right hand and 6 inches to the side of the left foot.
D. Occurrence of muscle spasms in the right thigh.
50. On the first postoperative day after a total knee replacement,
43. Upon admitting a patient with a broken limb, Nurse Emma knows Nurse Olivia has orders to assist the patient out of bed and into a chair.
she needs to prioritize certain areas in her assessment. Which area What action would she plan to safeguard the newly replaced knee
would she concentrate on first? joint?
A. The section of the limb located further from the body, beyond the A. Encase the dressing with an Ace wrap and apply ice to the knee
fracture site. while the patient is seated.
B. The corresponding limb not affected by the fracture, for a baseline B. Fit a knee immobilizer before helping the patient up and ensure the
comparison. patient’s surgical leg is elevated while seated.
C. The part of the limb closer to the body, above the fracture site. C. Procure a walker to limit weight bearing on the affected leg.
D. The exact location of the fracture. D. Lift the patient to the bedside chair while leaving the Continuous
Passive Motion (CPM) machine in place.
44. Nurse Mia is providing patient education for a gallium scan
procedure. Which instruction would she include as part of her 51. Nurse Ethan is attending to a patient who underwent an above-
explanation? the-knee amputation two days ago. The elastic compression bandage
A. The patient will need to maintain an upright posture during the on the residual limb has come undone. What is his immediate action?
imaging process. A. Reapply the elastic compression bandage on the stump.
B. The gallium will be administered via an intravenous route 2 to 3 B. Contact the doctor.
hours prior to the procedure. C. Apply ice to the site.
C. The scan’s duration will be approximately 15 minutes. D. Dress the site with a dry sterile dressing and elevate it on a pillow.
D. The patient should stay on bed rest for the rest of the day following
the scan. 52. Nurse Leo is looking after a patient suffering from gout. Which
laboratory value does he anticipate finding in this patient?
45. Nurse Lucas is examining a patient’s limb that has been encased in A. Phosphorus level of 3 mg/dl.
a cast. He’s looking for signs of infection. What specific symptom B. Calcium level of 9 mg/dl.
would indicate this potential complication? C. Uric acid level of 5 mg/dl.
A. Weakened pulse in the region beyond the cast. D. Uric acid level of 8 mg/dl.
B. The limb appeared cold and pale.
C. Detection of a “hot spot” on the cast. 53. Nurse Ella is preparing a patient with an above-the-knee
D. Swelling in the lower part of the limb. amputation to use crutches until their prosthesis is adjusted. Which
exercise should she advise the patient to perform in order to best
46. Nurse Riley is caring for a patient who has Buck’s extension prepare them for using crutches?
applied to their right leg. What would be an appropriate intervention
in her care plan to help prevent complications associated with this A. Isometric shoulder exercises.
device? B. Abdominal exercises.
A. Administer pin care once per shift. C. Quadriceps setting exercises.
B. Apply lotion to the skin of the right leg every 8 hours. D. Triceps stretching exercises.
C. Lift the weights off the right leg to allow for daily range of motion
D. Perform a skin inspection on the right leg at least every 8 hours.
MUSCULOSKELETAL PROBLEMS D. Respiratory rate 24/minute

1. You are initiating a nursing care plan for a patient with osteoporosis. 7. You are working with a nursing assistant to provide care for six
All of these nursing interventions apply to the nursing diagnosis Risk patients. At the beginning of the shift, you carefully tell the nursing
for Falls. Which intervention should you delegate to the nursing assistant what patient interventions and tasks she will be expected to
assistant? perform. To be sure that your communication is appropriate you refer
to the 4 C’s. List the 4 C’s below.

A. Identify environmental factors that increase risk for falls.

B. Monitor gait, balance, and fatigue level with ambulation. _______________________________________________________
C. Collaborate with physical therapy to provide patient with _______________________________________________________
walker. _______________________________________________________
D. Assist the patient with ambulation to bathroom and in halls. _______________________________________________________

2. You are preparing to teach a newly diagnosed patient with 8. You are providing nursing care for a patient with carpal tunnel
osteoporosis about strategies to prevent falls. Which of these points syndrome (CTS) who is preparing for surgery. Which intervention
will you be sure to include? (Choose all that apply.) should you delegate to the nursing assistant?

A. Wear a hip protector when ambulating. A. Initiate placement of a splint for immobilization during the
B. Remove throw rugs and other obstacles at home. day.
C. Exercise will help build your strength. B. Assess the patient’s wrist and hand for discoloration and
D. You should expect a few bumps and bruises when you go brittle nails.
home. C. Assist the patient with daily self-care measures such as
E. When you are tired, you should rest. bathing and eating.
D. Test the patient for painful tingling in the four digits of the
3. You discover all of these assessment findings when admitting a hand.
patient with Paget’s disease. Which finding indicates that the
physician should be notified? 9. You deserve the nursing assistant performing all of these
interventions for the patient with CTS. Which action requires that you
intervene immediately?
A. The patient has bowing of both legs and the knees are
B. The base of the patient’s skull is invaginated (platybasia). A. Arrange the patient’s lunch tray and cut the meat.
C. The patient is only 5 feet tall and weighs 120 pounds. B. Provide warm water and assist the patient with a bath.
D. The patient’s skull is soft, thick, and larger than normal. C. Replace the patient’s splint in hyperextension position.
D. Remind the patient not to lift very heavy objects.
4. As charge nurse you observe the LPN/LVN providing all of these
interventions for the patient with Paget’s disease. Which action 10.The patient is scheduled for endoscopic carpal tunnel release
requires that you intervene? surgery in the morning. What key point will you be sure to teach the
A. Administers 600 mg of ibuprofen to the patient patient?
B. Encourages the patient to perform PT recommended
exercises A. Pain and numbness will be experienced for several days to
C. Applies ice and gentle massage to the patient’s lower weeks.
extremities B. Immediately after surgery, the patient will no longer need
D. Reminds the patient to drink milk and eat cottage cheese assistance.
C. After surgery, the dressing will be large with dots of
5. As charge nurse you are making assignments for the day shift. drainage
Which patient would you assign to the nurse who has been pulled D. After surgery, the pain and paresthesia will no longer be
from the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) for the day? present.

A. A 35-year-old patient with osteomyelitis who needs teaching 11. As charge nurse you assign the nursing care of a patient who has
prior to hyperbaric oxygen therapy just returned form open carpal tunnel release surgery to an
B. A 62-year-old patient with osteomalacia who is being experienced LPN/LVN, who will perform under the supervision of an
discharged to a long-term care facility RN. Which of the following instructions will you provide for the
C. A 68-year-old patient with osteoporosis and a new orthotic LPN/LVN? (Choose all that apply.)
device whose knowledge of use of this device must be assessed.
D. A 72-year-old patient with Paget’s disease who has just A. Check the patient’s vital signs every 15 minutes in the first
returned from surgery for total knee replacement hour.
B. Check the dressing for drainage and tightness.
6. You delegate taking vital signs to an experienced nursing assistant. C. Elevate the patient’s hand above the heart.
The patient has been diagnosed with osteomyelitis. Which vital sign D. The patient will no longer need pain medication.
do you want the nursing assistant to report immediately? E. Check the neurovascular status of the fingers every hour.

A. Temperature 99.90 F
B. Blood pressure 136/80
C. Heart rate 96/minute
12.You are preparing the post-operative CTS patient for discharge. 18.The charge nurse assigns the nursing care of a patient who is 1 day
Which information is important to provide to this patient? post-operative after a left below-the-knee amputation to an
experienced LPN/LVN, what will you describe as the major focus for
A. The surgical procedure is a cure for CTS. care today?
B. Hand movements will be restricted for 4 – 6 weeks after
surgery. A. To attain pain control for phantom pain.
C. Frequent pain medication dosages will no longer be B. To monitor for signs of sufficient tissue perfusion.
necessary. C. To assist the patient to ambulate as soon as possible.
D. Notify the physician immediately for any pain or discomfort. D. To elevate the residual limb when the patient is supine.

13.During discharge preparations, a patient with osteoporosis makes 19.A patient with a right above-the-knee amputation has phantom
all of these statements. Which statement indicates to you that the limb pain (PLP) and asks you why. What is your best response?
patient needs additional teaching?
A. “Phantom limb pain is not explained or predicted by any one
A. “I take my ibuprofen every morning as soon as I get up.” theory.”
B. “My daughter removed all of the throw rugs in my home.” B. “Phantom limb pain occurs because your body thinks you leg
C. “My husband helps me every afternoon with range-of- is still present.”
motion exercises.” C. “Phantom limb pain will not interfere with your activities of
D. “I rest in my recliner chair every day for at least an hour.” daily living.”
D. “Phantom limb pain is not real pain, but is remembered
14.The patient suffered a fractured femur. Which of the following pain.”
would you tell the nursing assistant to report immediately?
20.During morning care, the patient with a below-the-knee
A. The patient complains of pain. amputation asks the nursing assistant about prostheses. How should
B. The patient appears confused. you instruct the nursing assistant to respond?
C. The patient’s blood pressure is 136/88.
D. The patient voided using the bedpan. A. “You should get a prosthesis so that you can walk again.”
B. “Wait and ask your doctor that question next time he comes
15.After change-of-shift report, which patient should the nurse assess in.”
first? C. “It’s too soon to be worrying about getting a prosthesis.”
D. “I’ll ask the nurse to come in and discuss this with you.”
A. A 42-year-old patient with carpal tunnel syndrome
complaining of pain 21.During assessment of a patient with fractures of the medial ulna
B. A 64-year-old patient with osteoporosis who is waiting for and radius, you find all of the following data. Which assessment
discharge finding should you report to the physician immediately?
C. A 28-year-old patient with fracture complaining that the cast
is tight A. The patient complains of pressure and pain.
D. A 56-year-old patient with left leg amputation complaining B. The cast is in place and is dry and intact.
of phantom pain C. The skin is pink and warm to touch.
D. The patient can move all fingers and thumb.
16.A patient with a fractured fibula is receiving skeletal traction and
has skeletal pins in place. You instruct the nursing assistant to
immediately report which of the following?

A. The patient wants to change position in bed.

B. There is a small amount of clear fluid on the pin sites.
C. The traction weights are resting on the floor.
D. The patient is complaining of pain and muscle spasm.

17.A patient with a fracture of the right ankle has a nursing diagnosis
of Impaired Physical Mobility. As charge nurse you observe a new
graduate RN perform all of these interventions. For which action
should you intervene?

A. Encourages the patient to go from lying to standing position

B. Administers pain medication prior to beginning exercises
C. Explains to the patient and family the purpose of the
exercise program
D. Reminds the patient about correct usage of crutches
OSTEOPOROSIS 7. Nurse Lewis, a diligent practitioner at Parkside Clinic, was
counseling Mrs. Jones, a postmenopausal woman who couldn’t
1. During a routine check-up at Meadow Creek Care Center, Nurse undergo estrogen replacement therapy. Lewis pondered, how much
Riley was discussing bone health with Ms. Avery, a 68-year-old woman daily calcium intake should typically be recommended for such
with a familial history of osteoporosis. Riley pondered on the nature women?
of osteoporosis. What exactly characterizes this condition? A. 400 milligrams each day.
A. A malfunctioning immune response attacking the body’s own cells. B. 200 milligrams each day.
B. A reduction in the density or mass of the bones. C. 1500 milligrams each day.
C. A drop in the levels of the female hormone estrogen. D. None of the stated quantities.
D. A combination of all the above-described situations.
8. Within the pharmacology department of Westwood Health Center,
2. At Sunshine Retirement Home, Nurse Marshall was assisting Mrs. Nurse Bailey was pondering the applicability of alendronate, a drug
Clark, a postmenopausal woman worried about her risk of often employed in osteoporosis management. Which types of
osteoporosis. He pondered on why postmenopausal women like Mrs. osteoporosis could benefit from this medication?
Clark tend to be at higher risk for developing this condition. A. Osteoporosis found in males.
A. Rising levels of the female hormone, estrogen. B. Osteoporosis triggered by prolonged steroid use.
B. Elevated levels of another female hormone, progesterone. C. Osteoporosis that develops post menopause.
C. Falling progesterone levels. D. Each of the scenarios listed.
D. A decline in estrogen levels.
9. As part of her work at the Brightside Clinic, Nurse Miller often
3. Nurse Patel, working in the busy halls of Riverview Clinic, was counseled patients on the use of alendronate in managing
reflecting on the various risk factors for osteoporosis. Among the osteoporosis. She was explaining to a patient that this medication is
following groups and habits, which one does not typically elevate the beneficial because it:
risk for this bone-weakening disease? A. Sets in motion the parathyroid hormone (PTH).
A. Women of Asian descent. B. Enhances the absorption of calcium into the body.
B. Regular tobacco consumption. C. Puts a brake on the activity of bone-resorbing cells, osteoclasts.
C. Men of Asian descent. D. Blocks the function of bone-forming cells, osteoblasts.
D. Women who have undergone menopause.
10. Within the research archives at Pinecrest Health Center, Nurse
4. During a health education session at Midtown Community Clinic, Kennedy was digging into studies related to alendronate’s use in
Nurse Robinson was discussing osteoporosis prevention with a group postmenopausal women. She found herself curious, what is the
of women. She found herself wondering, at what age should proactive lengthiest period for which this medication has been studied in this
steps ideally begin to ward off this bone condition in women? demographic?
A. Once they are past 45 years old. A. Over a span of 3 years.
B. Before they reach their tenth birthday. B. Extending to 5 years.
C. Somewhere between their twenties and mid-thirties. C. Up to 7 years.
D. During the period from 35 to 45 years of age. D. As long as a decade.

5. Nurse Thompson, amidst her rounds in the bustling ward of 11. While reviewing research material in the library of Hillcrest
Oakwood Medical Center, reflected on the considerations for estrogen Hospital, Nurse Hamilton came across a significant clinical trial that
replacement therapy. For which group of women would this hormonal demonstrated alendronate’s ability to lower the risk of hip and spinal
intervention potentially be inadvisable? fractures. What is the name of this landmark trial?
A. Women bearing a significant risk for breast cancer. A. FIT trial.
B. Women grappling with elevated cholesterol levels. B. EPIC trial.
C. Women predisposed to osteoporosis. C. MORE trial.
D. Women with an increased likelihood of heart disease. D. PROOF trial.

6. Within the high-tech imaging department at Kingsley Hospital, 12. In the bustling corridors of Rosewood Clinic, Nurse Bennett was
Nurse Edwards was about to assist with a procedure aimed at reflecting on various drugs used in the management of osteoporosis.
diagnosing osteoporosis. She pondered, which diagnostic tool is Among the following, which one does not function as an
considered the ‘Gold Standard’ for detecting this condition? antiresorptive agent?
A. Indicators derived from biochemical analysis of the bone. A. Calcitonin, a hormone involved in calcium regulation.
B. Ultrasound examination of the heel. B. Vitamin D, a nutrient vital for calcium absorption.
C. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scan. C. Alendronate, a medication often employed for osteoporosis.
D. Conventional x-ray imaging. D. Hormone Replacement Therapy, typically used in postmenopausal

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