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Second Quiz in Educ 21

1. Schools are tasked for socialization. Which is a correct explanation of socialization?

a. Developing the young to become socialite.
b. Learning the roles, statutes, and values necessary for participation in society.
c. Developing speaking and relating skills
d. Developing the socialite to remain forever young
2. While the Japanese taught the Filipinos love for labor, the Americans taught the
Filipino______________ .
a. Citizenship in a democratic country
b. Survival skills
c. Love for country
d. Dignity of labor
3. Complete the analogy. Athenian education: well-rounded development of individuals
Spartan education: _________
a. Military training
b. Religious formation
c. Liberally educated
d. Wholistically developed person
4. If education is a function of society then it has to be ___________ .
a. Relevant
b. Complete
c. For a selected few
d. Free
5. Education is a function of the society. What does this imply/
I. Citizens are taught what society considered most important.
II. Society determines curriculum to be taught.
III. Those in education taught what they believed should be taught regardless of
society’s need.
6. A study of the history of education in the world and in the Philippines help us see
societies in the past considered important and enables us to appreciate the present
which is a product of the past. True or False
7. Culture are agents of socialization. They prepare individuals for their varied roles in
society. True or False.
8. We dream of ________________ who passionately love their country.
9. DepEd’s mission is to “protect and promote the right of every Filipino to ________,
10._______ 11. __________ 12. ___________
13. -17. Give the different period in Philippine history of education
18. What is the function of schools according to John Dewey’s statement
19. Who creates the school?
20. What is the relationship between the schools and the society?

1. b.
2. d
3. a
4. a.
5. b
6. True
7. False
8. Filipinos
9. quality
10. equitable
11. culture-based
12. complete basic education
13. Pre-colonial
14. Spanish period
15. American regime
16. Japanese regime
17. Post-colonial period
18. Train each child of the society
19. Community
20. harmonious

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