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VGE2E12 – thème- text n°3 suggested translation

Le central téléphonique de la gare du Nord appelait les gares les unes après les autres. Le
secrétaire du syndicat des cheminots, Ramos, et Manuel, désigné pour l'assister cette nuit,
dirigeait. Sauf la navarre, coupée, la réponse avait été ou bien : le Gouvernement est maître
de la situation, ou bien : les organisations ouvrières contrôlent la ville en attendant les
instructions du gouvernement. Mais le dialogue venait de changer :

The Northern railways station telephone exchange/ the central exchange at the Northern
railways station was calling the stations one by one/ in succession. Ramos, the secretary of
the railway workers' union and Manuel, who had been designated to assist/ help him that
night, were in charge [in control/ managing the exchange]. Apart from/ Except for Navarre,
which had been cut off/ where the line had been cut off the reply had been either that the
Government was in control of the situation or that workers' organisations were controling
the town awaiting / pending instructions from the governement. But the dialogue had just

– Allô, Huesca ?
"Hello, is that Huesca?"
– Qui parle ?
"Who's speaking?/ Who's that?/ Who's on the line?"
– Le Comité ouvrier de Madrid.
"The Madrid workers' committee"
– Plus longtemps, tas d'ordures ! Arriba Espana !
– "Not for long, scumbags/ shitbags! Arriba Espana"
Au mur, fixée par des punaises, l'édition spéciale (7 heures du soir) de Claridad:: sur six
colonnes ''Aux armes, camarades ''.
The special 7pm edition of Claridad was pinned to the wall with the headline "to [take up
your] arms, comrades" [spread] over six columns.
– Allô, Avila ? Comment ça va chez vous ? Ici la gare.
"Hello, is that Avila? How's it [going] with you [your end?]/ What's it like with you?
It's the station speaking.
– Va te faire voir, salaud. Vive le Christ-Roi !
"Get lost/ Go fuck yourself/, you bastard ! Long live Christ the King!
– A bientôt ! Salud !
"See you soon! Salud ! "

André Malraux, L'Espoir (1937)

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