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Name : Evita Rachma Sari

NIM : 2020101033
CCU : Behavior in public places

The manners and behavior in the Restaurant

The Role of The Guest :
1. If you arrive before the Host, just keep waiting in outside. If the host late, don’t order
drink or don’t eat anything.
2. Don’t oder alcohol drink if the host don’t offering you.
3. Don’t smoking if the host reserved no smoking area.
4. If you got offered some meals that you don’t like, just say “No, thank you,”
5. If your host was given the coat check for both your coast, it’s up to him to tip the
coatroom attendant, although there’s no reason for you not to suggest taking care of
the tip. If you each have a coat check, handle your tips individually.
Host and guest on public view :
1. Wear clothes depends the restaurant. If formal you should wearing formal clothes.
2. Keep your attention about dress code, if any.
Table Hoping :
1. Don’t leave your table to go talk to someone you know at another table.
2. Don’t block the aisle and make it difficult for waitress to serve.
3. If someone stops by your table to speak to you, introduce that person to whomever
you are with.
Important things :
1. Keep your voice as low as possible in a restaurant.
2. Don’t ask for ketchup at a first-class restaurant.
3. Eat ice cream with a spoon; if it is served with cake, use a fork and a spoon.
4. Lift your tea bag and let it drain a little before putting it on the saucer or butter plate.
5. You may be madly in love, but don’t be overtly affectionate at the table; it can
embarrass other dinners.

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