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Frequently Asked
Questions in Russian
What are the best bee products and t he be st Apitherapy protocols to improve health, beauty and

The best be e products for us a re the ones tha t clearly can improve our he alth, strength or beauty . To
know how to choose the best be e products we need to follow the following guideline s:

The best bee products are the fresh ones, collected and pr ocessed in the areas whe re we live; these
products can usua lly e nsure the maxim um of nutrients and active compounds that our body needs; if
the local bee products are not a vailable in enough amount, we can orde r other ones, but ideally also
from our re gion; the reason is that the bee products are collected by the bees from plants and trees
that ar e per fectly adapted to the climatic conditions where we also live; the plants tha t live s in the
mountains secretes more bio-flavonoids than the plants that a re at the sea level, due to the higher
radiation level in the mounta ins ; as a result, the honey and propolis made in the mountains prote cts
better the pe ople that live s also in the mountains area, than the products made/colle cted at the sea
lev el; sam e kind of example is valid also for the people suffering from pollen allerg ies (hay fever
-Heuschnupfen); if the bee pollen is collected from the same area where the patient lives, and
adm inistered in v ery small dos es at the beginning, with slow increase of the administered a mount,
after meals, the chance to desensitize the patient of that allerg y is higher; the explanation is in the
fact that the polle n alle rgens that ar e pre sent in the a tmosphe re of that city/area will be present for
sure, in very small amounts, in the bee pollen collecte d by the bees from the same area too, but with
greater probability will be not present in same amount in the bee pollen colle cted more than 30 Km
awa y

Once we decided to use the local bee products and we can get them in enough amount, we need to
ask our local medica l doctors and pharmacists what are the best administration forms to use. Your
doctors may need to ask the local pharm acists to prepar e specifically for each patient (if necessary)
the exact pre paration/product that can re ach faster the affected area. If we have conjunctivitis (eye
inflammation) for example, we should use ma inly eye drops and not other pre parations/products…

Her e below is a table that can orient y our self in asking your local doctors /phar macists for a more
specific prepara tion/product a nd administra tion method: 4/8/2016
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System/Or gan/ Tissue to be Be st pha rmacological forms Administration method

t reate d

Ne rvous system O ral for ms: fresh colle cted bee Per ora l (products that can be
products, or at least fresh swallowed).
frozen, in any form that can be
Injectable bee venom solution
swallowed (honey-polle n
and/or live bee sting s applied
mixtures, tablets , capsules,
on the painful spots and/or on
powder, granule s, tincture,
the acupuncture
syrups, in form of liquids, juices,
etc.); bee venom in solution
form for injection on
acupuncture points; ointments
and/or creams to stimulate the
blood flow in the he ad and
vertebral colum n area

E ndocr ine system Same as abov e. The Same as above , but the
pre parations that can be kept acupuncture points to be
under the tongue for minimum stim ulated will differ according
4-5 m inutes should be with the loca tion of the
pre ferre d endocrine g land that is
currently treated

Immune syste m Same as abov e + Propolis based Same as above , but the
suppositories acupuncture points to be
stim ulated will be specifically
elected by the specialist in

Fa ce Cr eams , ointments and/or Local applica tion following the

masks with a ll bee products + cosmetic re lated rules, ideally
ora l form s + be e venom on the facial r elate d
solutions for micro- acupuncture points; swallowing
apipuncture the ora l form s after chewing
and/or suck ing of the freshly
colle cted (frozen) raw bee

E yes Ey e drops + ointments a nd Eye drops in the conjunctival

cre ams + oral pharmacological sac + ointments and crea ms
forms that can be swallowed that can be applied on the eye
lids and on the surr ounding
acupuncture points + oral
forms that can be swallowe d 4/8/2016
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Nose Nose drops + solutions for Dripping the nose drops

inhalations with honey , solution in small amount +
propolis extract and essential inhaling the vapours from the
oils + sunflower or olive oil solution specially made for
based propolis-honey mixture s inhalation + superficial
+ ointments + ora l form s + be e inserting the cre amy-oily
venom solution mixtures in the nos trils (not too
deep) + stim ulation of the local
acupuncture points with
ointm ents /creams and/or
micro-inje ctable bee venom for
micro-apipuncture +
swallowing the ora l form s
(ideally, except the capsules,
after sucking them for
minimum 3 m inutes)

E ars Sunflower or olive oil based inserting gently the crea my-
propolis -honey mixture s + oily mixture s in the external
solutions for inhalations with ears entrance, in very small
honey , propolis extract and amount + stimulation of the
essential oils + local acupuncture points with
ointments/creams + oral forms ointm ents /creams and/or
+ solutions bee venom solution micro-inje ctable bee venom for
+ e ar ca ndle s micro-apipuncture + inhaling
the vapours from the solution
specially made for inhalation +
swallowing the ora l form s
(ideally, except the capsules,
after sucking them for
minimum 3 m inutes) + specific
applica tion of beeswax ear

Mouth Va rious honey-pollen-propolis- Local applica tion inside the

roy al jelly mixture s + w ater mouth + swallowing of the oral
extra ct of propolis + propolis forms + acupressure and/or
tincture + chew ing-gum + tooth micro-apipuncture on the local
pas te with propolis + or al forms bioactive points + inje cta ble
+ bee venom solution bee venom on distant
acupuncture points that are
related energetically with the
mouth tissues 4/8/2016
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T eeth Liquid forms + injectable soft Ask your dentist to apply on

propolis extract + crystallize d and under the gums
honey (small amount) m ixed surrounding the a ffected
with propolis extracts, roy al tooth/teeth mixtur es of bee
jelly a nd f resh bee pollen + ora l products, according to the local
forms condition + swallow the oral
forms + stimulate the teeth
related acupuncture points

He ad Propolis and/or B ee venom stim ulate the he ad and neck

ointments + oral f orms acupuncture points with the
ointm ents + through micro-
apipuncture + swa llow the oral
forms (after sucking them for
minimum 3 m inutes, except for
the ca psules)

Ne ck Same as abov e Same as above , but use the

neck related acupuncture

Ba ck Bee venom a nd P ropolis Stim ulation of the painful spots

Cr eams and Ointments + raw + the a cupuncture points +
honey + beeswax, propolis honey massage + local
cataplasms + bee venom applica tion of wa rm beeswax-
solutions + bee stings + oral propolis cataplasms + eating
forms raw, fresh (froze n) bee

C hest Bee venom a nd P ropolis Same as above , but no

Cr eams and Ointments + raw injections of bee venom
honey + beeswax, propolis solutions , due to the highe r
cataplasms + oral forms sensitivity of the skin
(exception: m icr o-apipuncture)
+ e ating raw, fresh (frozen) bee

Abdomen Same as abov e Same as above

Upper and low er limbs Bee venom a nd P ropolis Same as above ; the best
Cr eams and Ointments + acupuncture points are locate d
be eswax, propolis cataplas ms + on the “Ya ng”, more hairy
injectable bee venom solutions areas.
+ oral form s 4/8/2016
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Foot soles Bee venom a nd P ropolis Use of creams and/or

O intments + beeswax, propolis ointm ents on the reflexologic
cataplasms + oral forms areas (re flexotherapy =
Fußsohle nreflexmassage)

C ardiovascular appar atus + All oral for ms + ointments + Swallowing of the oral form s
Blood injectable solutions + bee after minimum 4 -5 minutes of
sting s + suppos itorie s chewing a nd/or s ucking;
stim ulation of the acupuncture
points with ointments,
injections and/or ( micro) bee
stings +/- use of suppositories
or ointments in ca ses of

Dig estive Appa ratus All oral for ms, used according Liquids or feshly made
with the distance to the “cocktails” for treatment of
distance to the “target” + mouth, e sophag us, stomach
injectable bee venom solutions and small intestine; caps ule s,
+ suppos itorie s solid propolis “bea ns” and
suppositories for the large
intestine, rectum and anus
areas + stimulation of the
acupuncture points according
to the location of the affected
orga ns

Re spiratory Appa ratus Solutions for inhalations + Inhalation thr oug h the nose;
cre ams/ointments + stim ulation of the nose, che st
cataplasms + injectable and back areas (betwe en
solutions + chewing-gum with shoulder bladders) w ith the
propolis + oral for ms, especially ointm ents and/or injecta ble
butter-propolis extr act in ca ses bee venom solutions +
of tuberculos is swallowing the ora l form s 4/8/2016
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Uro-genita l Apparatus For w omen : Suppositories + Local use of suppos itor ies
vaginal suppositories + creams (intra-recta l) + local s timulation
and ointments + vaginal of the acupuncture points with
solutions with propolis and/or the creams and/or ointments +
roy al jelly + injecta ble solutions solutions to be used by women
+ oral form s, especially propolis intra-vag ina lly.
extra cts + fresh froze n royal
Inge sting of the oral f orms

For men :

Suppositories + creams and

ointments + injectable
solutions + oral forms,
especially propolis extracts +
pollen prepar ations and

Osteo-ar ticular a nd muscular Bee venom a nd P ropolis Local s timulation of the

system ointments + injectable bee affected tissues and
venom + bee stings + oral forms acupuncture points including
+ propolis-beeswax warm /cold through micro-apipuncture +
cataplasms gently “inject” the bee venom
and propolis ointments through
methods specific to
physiother apy (like electro-
and phonophoresis) +
applica tion of the cataplasms
according to the local signs and
symptoms + swallowing of the
oral forms, e specially propolis

Skin Raw, fresh collected Honey, Local applica tion according to

Propolis, Royal jelly and Pollen the sym ptoms and signs of the
in various extr acts and affected area. Medicinal honey
cockta ils + Ointments and for deep wounds a nd P ropolis
Cr eams + oral for ms + (m icro) Tincture for superficial dermic
be e sting s + sham poos, soaps and epidermic lesions
and lotions with be e products
according to your skin type
and/or disease

What are usually the be st dos es? 4/8/2016
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The ones that bring r elief, which improves immediately or on a long term our health, strength and
bea uty. It is always recom mended (except for the e mergencies like burns or scalds) to use the bee
products initially in very small doses (to te st for a possible allergy or intoler ance), tha n to increase
gradually until a clear improve ment occurs (see the quantity /time relationship).

( conte nt/uploads/20 15/06/BP-Administration-secr et.jpg)

What are the best pharmacological pr eparations and/or products for me ?

The ones that r each faster and in enough amount the affected tissues, organs or systems in your
body. As k alwa ys your local health practitioner and your pharm acist what could be the best for ms.
Use also, as guide lines, the a bove ta ble .

What is the best wa y to administer the bee products for my health, strength and beauty?

Ide ally is to adm inister as many as possible pharmacological forms (see a bove), to be sur e that you
will reach the affected a rea with enoug h nutrie nts, oxy gen a nd a ctive healing compounds.

What are the best doses and administration methods for children a nd old pe ople?

For children under 3 years ¼ of a dos e of an adult. For children betwe en 3-8 is better to use 1/3 of the
adult dose and for the children betwe en 8-12 use half (1/2) of the adult dose.

What is the best time/qua ntity relationship for me when I use bee products for health? How much
time and in what amount shall I take the bee products? 4/8/2016
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For those diseases that have le ss symptoms than usually (like blood diseases or cancers in initial
stages) the level of “smile” can be obtained through specific laboratory ana lysis. After complete
hea ling/improvement pauses can be taken, according to the medical adv ice .

Are there any adverse reactions whe n I ta ke the be e products together with other remedies or
pra ctice simultaneously Apitherapy with othe r healing methods?

Usually not, but in some cases the use of bee venom the rapy is restricted for those taking heart
related drugs. Also, rheumatic and multiple scleros is patients a re usually advised to refrain from
taking steroida l and non-ster oidal anti-inf lammatory drugs during be e venom therapy. In cases when
your medical doctor prescribe d you mandatory some drugs, you can use thoug h the “soft” bee
products like honey , bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis, and once the situation is improved, with the
agreem ent of y our doctor, you ca n start also bee venom therapy.

What persons can practice bee venom therapy?

Only the licens ed m edical doctors (MD) and the Naturopathic Doctors (HP) can inject v arious bee
products extracts and/or bee venom in solution form. Any pe rson can though use propolis a nd bee
venom ointme nts but respecting the leaflet r ecommenda tions.

How ca n we impr ove the efficacy of be e product s through other remedies and/or healing
methods? Is my diet and lifestyle import ant in Apitherapy?

Any other method or r emedy tha t can improve the abs orption of the bee pr oducts relate d nutrie nts
and/or active compounds should be used.

Also, any other healing method that de toxifies the body, m ind and s pirit should be used. O nce the
necessary nutr ients, the water and the oxy gen have reache d the affected area in perfect quantity
and quality, the regeneration/improvement of that a rea should s tart. In this phase, a v ery good local
or ge ner al systemic relaxation (sleep) can make wonders. Learn a nd use any technique of relaxation,
Yoga, Taiji Quan r ecommende d by your local psychotherapist in orde r to get faster the results you
wish. A ll our living cells from our body needs besides nutrients, water and oxygen, also a warm
enough e nvironment; so learn to use daily massag e and calisthenics (gymnas tic) te chniques. Our
hea lth depends 50% of our diet, 40% of our lifestyle a nd only 10% of the treatments we m ake, so be
sure to have als o a very good diet, specific to your body needs a nd to your constitution. Here, the
specific advises of your nutritionist (idea lly s pecialized in A yurveda too) can help you also

What are the major counte r-indications and limits of bee products?

The allergie s (especially the bee venom allergy), the intolera nce s (especially to honey and pollen) a nd
the excessive (non-controlled) use of honey in cases of diabetes type 1. If the dose is corre ctly
selected and the adm inistration method is proper, even the people having normally counter-
indications to the use of bee products can use them, but of course ONLY unde r strict m edical control.

Where do I find more specific informa tion?

Ask first of all your local health practitioners and the registe red A pithera py practitioners in your
area; besides consulting your local Yellow Pages, we suggest to visit a lso our “Addre sses
( ddresses/)” Page. 4/8/2016
F.A.Q. | Page 10 of 10


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T he m edical use of bee hive product treatments ( Apithera py ) has not been approved by many
countries ye t. Therefore, this WEB site , its spons ors a nd / or contributors make no claims about
the safety or e fficacy of the the rape utical use of any honeybe e products. If you hav e any
medical problem always consult your own phy sician first!

(C) 2015 ( 4/8/2016

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