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Course: MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Name: DEBOLINE MITRA Registration No.: 211630700910019 of 2027-2022 Roll No.: 16300921006 Semester: SEM-3, CA3 Subject: MB 202 CORPORATE STRATEGY (MB 302) 4. The Strategy ic developed by the vicionary chief executive im ___________ mode of strategic Management a) Planning mode b) adaptive mode c) Strategic mode d) entrepreneurial mode Ans. d) entrepreneurial mode 2. Strategic Management handles: a) External iccues b) management iscues o) Internal iggues d) adminictrational igcues Ans. a) External issues 3. Corporate level strategy deale with: a) objectives of specific functionc 4) objective of Cingle strategic Business Unit o) objectives of the corporate d) objectives of cpecifie operations Ane. ¢) objectivec of the corporate 4. BCG in BCG matrix stande for a) Boston Calmette Group &) Britich Consulting Group ce) Boston Corporate Group d) Boston Consulting Group Ans. d) Boston Consulting Group 5. In BCG matrix, what ic the label of the horizontal axic? a) Relative Market chare b) Businece Strength e) Industry Growth Rate d) Market Growth Rate Ans. a) Relative Market chare 6. Buying another company by one company meanc: a) Joint venture 6) Acquisition c) Amalgamation d) Merger Ans. 6) Acquisition GROUP - B SHORT TYPE QUESTIONS (ANSWER ANY FOUR) 4X5=20 1. What are the objectives of Strategic Management? Ans. Strategic Management Objectives Strategic management objectives define an organization's big picture, and outline how it aime to achieve ite miccion. For example, the miccion of MeDonald’s ic to cerve delicious yet economical food that appeals to everyone. They formulate a strategy every year to improve food quality, increase the variety, and gain a competitive advantage. So, one of their strategic management objectives could be to introduce five new itemc on the menu to capture more cuctomers, and offer cuctomer delight. The phrase strategic management goale' ic often used interchangeably with ‘strategic management objectives: However, the former denotes what the organization decirec and can be vague. In contract, ctrategic management objectives are more specific and concrete. The popular Netflix chow Money Heit ic a great example of strategic management. Having defined the cbjective—pulling off the greatest heist in history—the mastermind Profeccor cpende a great deal of time and effort to handpick a team, hypothesize different scenarios, and train the team for every possible situation. Along the way, he carefully monitors their every move and improviser when needed. 2. What are the differences between External Environment Analysis and Internal Environment Analysic? Ans. BASTS FOR COMPARISON INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Meaning Internal Environment refers to all the inlying forces and conditions present within the company, which can affect the company’s working. External Environment ic a cet of all the exogenous forces that have the potential to affect the organization's performance, profitability, and functionality. Nature Controllable Uncontrollable Comprice of Strengths and weakneccec Opportunities and threate Affects Company only All companies operating in the industry Bearing on Business Strategy, functionc and deciions Businese curvival, growth, reputation, expansion, ete. 3. Deseribe the role of a Manager. Ans. A manager ic a professional who takes a leadership role in an organiation and managec a team of employer. Often, managerc are recponcible for managing a specific department in their company. There are many types of managers, but they usually have duties like conducting performance reviews and making decicions. Managers are often the line of communication between a companys employees and ite high-level executives datiee of a manager? A manager's daily responsibilities may vary depending on the industry where they work. However, come common recponcibilities of managerc acroce different cectors can include: Leading a team A key responsibility of a manager is leading their team. They give direction to their employees and ancwer their questions. They also delegate tacks to specific employees and ensure that projects stay on track. Great managers commit to the role of being a fair leader to help increace their teams’ productivity. Training employees Managers are often recponcible for training their employees to perform their job duties and learn new chille. They might aleo offer them profeccional development opportunities. Often, managers alco act as mentors to their employees and teach them chille that they can uce ac they advance their careers. Making decisions Another duty of a manager ic making decicionc for their department. Sometimes, manoagere make dificult decisions, ¢o it’s important for them to have a strong decicion-making procecc. Thic can help them make the bect poccible decisions for the success of their departments. Often, managers communicate with their employees and other people at their company to help them make the bect decisions. Managing conflicts Managers alco address conflicts when necescary, including conflicts between members of their team. Thic means that they usually exercice conflict recolation skille and mediate workplace conflicts. This can help them maintain a positive work environment for their team. Managing their department's budget Managers sometimes take responsibility for their department's budget and using Anance and accounting tole. They may meet with other profeccionalc to create budgets. They can also determine how much Funding their department needs to operate. Conducting performance reviews Another major responsibility of managers ic conducting performance reviews for their employees. Usually, performance reviews occur on a periodic basis. In performance reviews, managers give their employees Feedback and suggestions on how they can improve. They might alvo help their employees set goals or track their progress on meeting goals. Hiring new employees Managers alco frequently work with their company’s human recources department to hire new employees. They may identify job candidates, conduct interviews and extend job offers. Typically, great managers know how to tell! if a job candidate i¢ the right fit for their team, as they know what ckille and qualities people need in order to excel in thei department. 4. What ave the needs of Evaluation of Strategy? 5. Short Note: SWOT Analysis Ans. SWOT ic an acronym for Strengths, Weoknecces, Opportunities and Threats. by definition, Strengths (C) and Weaknesses (W)) are considered to be internal factore over which you have come meacure of control. Alco, by definition, Opportunities (0) and Threats (T) are considered to be external factors over which you howe eccentially no control. SWOT Analysic ic the moct renowned tool for audit and analysic of the overall strategic position of the businese and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific bucinece model that will bect align an organization's resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. In other words, it ig the foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the probable/likely opportunities and threats from the external environment. It views all positive and negative factors inside and outside the frm that offect the cuccece. A consictent ctudy of the environment in which the firm operates helps in forecasting/predieting the changing trende and algo helps in including them in the decision-making procece of the organization. An overview of the four factors - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

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