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Crurse: MASTER 07 BUSINESS APMINESTEMT ION Name: DEBOLENE MEtex wegisteotion Nos A116307007 0017 vf AOH-2L024 Lal Now 16300121000 Semesters SEMA, ote Swaycer: ON ot Sales And yecracion planning (OM 401) SHOP Preuss Steps 1. Parceasting, 7. Pomond lanniny 3. Supply planning A. Pre-ShO? muting 5. EPteutive SHOP meeting b. Fnalice and implement SHOP The SHOP pprress includes forceasting, demand and supply planning, ond uPceutive review. “The goal is ta enordinate sales and rperdtions planning aerrss business Functions so theyre all on the same page. The oPpert steps can varyy degendiny on the eampnngy its priduets, and its industry. 1. Forecasting, At this stage of the SHOP rrecss, date is gathered Moduct prior soles ond forcensts ore made tor future soles. rts important +p consider ayy internal and ceternal fretars thet can impner soles (v.g., industry, eustomers, eampetitiond. Any trends will be identifica and onalgeed. 7. Pomond glannivy Pemond planning is when errssfunecional eallamoration eames into plowy. The farcensts are onalyecd, and adustments are made to inventoryg ond customer service grlieles based on the grodust domand and sores of domand, The dumand ean bo monsurcd in dither covenut wr units of & @roduet. 3. Supply puniry During supply planning, representatives from tinanec, ypermions, ond materials to ovmlurte eaynsityy. theyll ditermine if there are org ernstraints on people, machinery, ond suppliers, From therd, & supply plan is oreated ‘hat will peenunt for onug capneitiy constraints, A. Pre-SdO? mucting During this stage of the SHOP proeess, Leaders from finanel, sales, marketing, werotions, materials, product managoment, and human resturees mect ty callavorate. thevgll compare the Foreaasts ta the domand and supply glons, and thugll candder the financial impnet of the plans. 5. Epleutive SHOP meeting En this strge, crreutives mect to analgee oll the forcensts, plans, and ceeammendations tram the pre-SPOP mecting. Bry the ond of the ceweutive SdOP mecting, am Final sales and rperations lon will ve approved. b. Finalize and implement Onee the sales and operations lon Was been approved, Ut is time for implomentacion. tor implomentoction, the SOP should be ovalurcted on m regular vosis ty ensure Surecss. Hors & visual overview) oF what the SOP eroeess links Uke

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