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Problems faced by adolescents

In today’s modern world, adolescents are gravely affected and influenced by society and peers

Out of this influence rises major issues that have a direct impact on adolescents, such as:

 Low self-esteem

Shyness and lack of confidence are all signs of low self-esteem, teenagers having low self-esteem
constantly isolate and deprive themselves of any social interactions, this can also be a form of affect
mental health due to society’s judgment towards them from an early age, which in turn affects their
academic performance

 Social media addiction

In today’s era where everything is a touch away, social media has a huge impact on adolescents

Due to their excessive usage, they get hooked on it without realizing it, and the desire to become
famous and make online friends grows sturdier day by day which slowly starts forming a negative
change in their behavior and mental state

 Anxiety and stress

With the increased socio-academic pressure from parents and others, teens get burdened which
results in stress. Anxiety is being slowly developed by teens due to nervousness, restlessness, etc.

To cope with all the various forms of pressure they experience, the usage of drugs, liquor, and other
such substances has become common.

 Body image

Comparison is one thing that greatly affects teens and negatively influences their opinion of
themselves. The capability to accept flaws and improve is lacking in teens hence resulting in body
image issues

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