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egzamin ósmoklasisty

z języka angielskiego

Układanie fragmentów zdań

Bartłomiej Paszylk
egzamin ósmoklasisty
z języka angielskiego

Układanie fragmentów zdań

Bartłomiej Paszylk

Bielsko-Biała 2020
Iwona Polońska-Ociepa
al. Armii Krajowej 141 m. 2A
43-300 Bielsko-Biała

Copyright © 2020 by Polonsky

First published 2020

ISBN 978-83-63630-30-0

GR8. Egzamin ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego format devised by Roman Ociepa

All exercises in units 1-60 by Bartłomiej Paszylk

All examples and word lists in units 1-54 by Roman Ociepa

Form tables compiled by Roman Ociepa

Cover & layout designed by Agata Korzeńska / IDEE.PL

Edited by Roman Ociepa

Typeset in Source Sans Pro by Luba Ristujczina /

Proofread by Paulina Kielan /

The publisher would like to thank the following from the Noun Project for their kind permission to reproduce their icons:
ATOM (idea, flag and exclamation mark).

Printed in Poland

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written
permission of the Publisher. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.
Contents / Spis treści

Wstęp ...........................................................................................................9
O autorze....................................................................................................10
Oznaczenia użyte w książce.........................................................................10

Grammar Structures / Zagadnienia gramatyczne....... 11

01 Be – Present Simple and Past Simple................................................12

Be w czasie teraźniejszym i przeszłym

02 Have got and had.............................................................................14

Have got i had

03 Object pronouns.............................................................................16
Zaimki osobowe w formie dopełnienia

04 Possessive pronouns.......................................................................18
Zaimki dzierżawcze

05 Possessive adjectives......................................................................20
Zaimki dzierżawcze występujące z rzeczownikami

06 Reflexive pronouns.........................................................................22
Zaimki zwrotne

07 Other pronouns and adverbs...........................................................24

Inne zaimki i przysłówki

08 Demonstrative adjectives................................................................26
Przymiotniki wskazujące

09 Ability, permission and requests.....................................................28
Umiejętność, pozwolenie i prośby

10 Advice, suggestions, offers and requests..........................................30

Rady, propozycje, oferty i prośby

11 Prohibition, obligation and lack of obligation..................................32

Zakaz, obowiązek i brak obowiązku

12 Possibility and probability...............................................................34

Możliwość i prawdopodobieństwo

13 Present Simple................................................................................36
Czas Present Simple

14 Present Continuous.........................................................................38
Czas Present Continuous

15 Present Perfect Simple....................................................................40

Czas Present Perfect Simple

16 Past Simple 1...................................................................................42

Czas Past Simple 1

Past Simple 2..................................................................................44

Czas Past Simple 2

17 Past Continuous..............................................................................46
Czas Past Continuous

18 Past Perfect.....................................................................................48
Czas Past Perfect

19 Future Simple..................................................................................50
Czas Future Simple

20 Talking about the future with Going to.............................................52

Konstrukcja Going to

21 Countable and uncountable nouns..................................................54
Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne

22 Regular plural forms.......................................................................56

Regularna liczba mnoga rzeczowników

23 Irregular plural forms......................................................................58

Nieregularna liczba mnoga rzeczowników

24 Possessive forms of nouns...............................................................60

Formy dzierżawcze rzeczowników

25 Compound nouns............................................................................62
Rzeczowniki złożone

26 Comparative and superlative adverbs.............................................64

Stopniowanie przysłówków

27 Comparative and superlative adjectives 1.......................................66

Stopniowanie przymiotników 1

Comparative and superlative adjectives 2.......................................68

Stopniowanie przymiotników 2

28 Adjectives with so, such, how and what............................................70

Przymiotniki z so, such, how i what

29 Too and enough...............................................................................72

Too i enough

30 Quantifiers......................................................................................74
Określenia liczby i ilości

31 Impersonal pronouns......................................................................76
Zaimki bezosobowe

32 Cardinal numbers...........................................................................78
Liczebniki główne

33 Ordinal numbers.............................................................................80
Liczebniki porządkowe

34 Prepositions of place and movement..............................................82

Przyimki miejsca i ruchu

35 Prepositions of time........................................................................84
Przyimki czasu

36 Verb and preposition.......................................................................86

Czasownik z przyimkiem

37 Adjective with preposition..............................................................88

Przymiotnik z przyimkiem

38 Conjunctions...................................................................................90

39 There and it.....................................................................................92

Zdania z użyciem there oraz it

40 Time clauses...................................................................................94
Zdania podrzędnie złożone opisujące przyszłość

41 Verbs with two objects....................................................................96

Czasowniki z dwoma dopełnieniami

42 The passive: statements and negations...........................................98

Strona bierna: twierdzenia i przeczenia

43 The passive: questions.................................................................. 100

Strona bierna: pytania

44 Indirect questions......................................................................... 102

Pytania pośrednie

45 Defining relative clauses............................................................... 104

Zdania przydawkowe definiujące

46 Reported speech: statements and requests 1................................ 106
Mowa zależna: twierdzenia i polecenia 1

46 Reported speech: statements and requests 2................................ 108

Mowa zależna: twierdzenia i polecenia 2

47 Reported speech: questions.......................................................... 110

Mowa zależna: pytania

48 Gerund and infinitive.................................................................... 112

Czasownik z bezokolicznikiem i formą gerund

49 Zero conditional............................................................................ 114

Zdania warunkowe stopnia zerowego

50 First conditional............................................................................ 116

Zdania warunkowe pierwszego stopnia

51 Second conditional....................................................................... 118

Zdania warunkowe drugiego stopnia

52 Phrasal verbs 1.............................................................................. 120

Czasowniki frazowe 1

52 Phrasal verbs 2.............................................................................. 122

Czasowniki frazowe 2

53 Phrasal verbs 3.............................................................................. 124

Czasowniki frazowe 3

53 Phrasal verbs 4.............................................................................. 126

Czasowniki frazowe 4

54 The imperative.............................................................................. 128

Tryb rozkazujący

55 Troublesome structures................................................................ 130

Kłopotliwe konstrukcje

Consolidation / Ćwiczenia powtórkowe.......................... 133

56 Consolidation 1............................................................................. 134

Powtórka 1

57 Consolidation 2............................................................................. 136

Powtórka 2

58 Consolidation 3............................................................................. 138

Powtórka 3

59 Consolidation 4............................................................................. 140

Powtórka 4

60 Consolidation 5............................................................................. 142

Powtórka 5

Form Tables / Struktury gramatyczne.............................. 145

Answer Key / Klucz odpowiedzi............................................ 151

Książka GR8 Sentence Building. Układanie fragmentów zdań powstała z myślą o uczniach
przygotowujących się do egzaminu ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego.

Książka GR8 Sentence Building. Układanie fragmentów zdań składa się z dwóch części.
W pierwszej znajduje się 55 zadań, w których dokonano systematycznego przeglądu
zagadnień gramatycznych w oparciu o wytyczne Centralnej Komisji Egzaminacyjnej podane
w Informatorze o egzaminie ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2018/2019.
Każde zadanie jest poświęcone odrębnemu zagadnieniu, aby ułatwić uczniowi rozpoznawanie
struktur gramatycznych i ich charakterystycznych elementów.

W drugiej części publikacji GR8 Sentence Building. Układanie fragmentów zdań

zamieszczono pięć zestawów powtórkowych opracowanych zgodnie z formułą
egzaminacyjną. Każdy zestaw powtórkowy zawiera pełen przekrój struktur gramatycznych
i tym samym umożliwia zastosowanie umiejętności nabytych podczas pracy z pierwszą
częścią książki.

Ćwiczenia zawarte w książce GR8 Sentence Building. Układanie fragmentów zdań nie są ze
sobą powiązane, więc uczeń przygotowujący się do egzaminu ósmoklasisty ma do wyboru
dwa sposoby korzystania z książki: powtarzanie liniowe lub skupienie się na dowolnych
zagadnieniach i zapoznawanie się z nimi w ustalonej przez siebie kolejności.

Książka GR8 Sentence Building. Układanie fragmentów zdań zawiera pełny klucz
odpowiedzi, dlatego nadaje się zarówno do pracy w klasie, jak i do samodzielnej powtórki.

Życzymy powodzenia na egzaminie!

Redakcja wydawnictwa Polonsky

O autorze
Bartłomiej Paszylk jest nauczycielem języka
angielskiego z 20-letnim stażem. Ukończył filologię
angielską na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Sosnowcu. Obecnie
pracuje w Szkole Podstawowej nr 26 w Bielsku-Białej.
Jest autorem kilkunastu publikacji związanych
z nauczaniem języka angielskiego, Język angielski
dla najmłodszych (2014, Damidos), Bajki klasyczne po
polsku i angielsku (2014, Damidos), Let’s Read: Czytam
sobie po angielsku (2015, Damidos), Let’s Write: Nauka
pisania po angielsku (2015, Damidos), United States
at a Glance (2017, PWN) czy 1000 angielskich słów, które
musisz znać (2019, Dragon).
Od lat organizuje także ogólnopolskie i międzynarodowe konkursy językowe przeznaczone dla
uczniów szkół podstawowych: konkurs znajomości angielskiego słownictwa „WordMaster”,
konkurs czytania ze zrozumieniem w języku angielskim „Let’s Read!”, konkurs wiedzy o geografii
i kulturze Stanów Zjednoczonych „What Do You Know About the USA?” i konkursy językowo-
plastyczne dotyczące znanych twórców literackich z cyklu „Imagine Competitions”.
Jego pasją – poza językiem angielskim – są kino, literatura i muzyka. Tej tematyce poświęcił kilka
książek: Leksykon filmowego horroru (2006, Instytut Wydawniczy Latarnik), Książki zakazane
(2009, Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN), The Pleasure and Pain of Cult Horror Films: An Historical Survey
(2009, McFarland) oraz Słownik gatunków i zjawisk filmowych (2010, Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN).
Był także recenzentem miesięczników Nowa Fantastyka oraz Mystic Art.
Na stronie autorskiej zamieszcza systematycznie recenzje, artykuły oraz
wywiady. Wiele jego tekstów można też znaleźć na współtworzonych przez niego stronach oraz

Autor dziękuje wszystkim, którzy wspierali go w pracy nad tą książką i pogodzili się z tym, że
w ciągu miesięcy spędzonych przy komputerze nie sposób było się z nim umówić na rozmowę
o filmach grozy przy lampce wina.

Wydanie tego podręcznika było możliwe dzięki wielu osobom, które zakupiły
go w przedsprzedaży. Autor i Wydawca dziękują im serdecznie za okazane zaufanie.

Autor i Wydawca składają gorące podziękowania Oldze, która brała udział w testowaniu całości
materiału zawartego w tej książce.

Oznaczenia użyte w książce

Zapoznaj się z tymi strukturami

Pamiętaj o tym w czasie egzaminu ósmoklasisty

Więcej informacji znajdziesz w sekcji Form Tables / Struktury gramatyczne


Past Simple 1

Czas Past Simple 1

They sold their old car last month

Past Simple
→ I sent over thirty emails yesterday.
→ He moved to Argentina last year.
→ She planned to climb this mountain for two years.
→ We tried bungee jumping last month.
→ They cancelled the concert because one of the musicians got ill.
→ She didn’t finish / did not finish her project last Wednesday.
→ We didn’t ask / did not ask many questions during the meeting.
→ Did you take many photos on holiday?
→ Did they study for the test all night?

→ Who paid the bill for you?

→ How many cakes did Amanda bake last Saturday?
→ Why did you do this?
→ When did Diane go to New York?

→ Martin and Steve worked in Norway last year.

→ Anna saw her boyfriend yesterday / the day before yesterday.
→ I talked to John on the phone the other day.
→ Greg bought a new car three days ago.
→ My grandmother visited us last Easter.
→ Andy played video games from morning till late afternoon.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach.

Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeśli jest to
konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

W każdą kratkę należy wpisać jedną literę lub znak.

1. I don’t think the Flodders will go to the USA this year because (they / go / there)
          summer.

2. Everyone was praising our team for winning the third place, but (I / think / we / can)
          do better.

3. (they / have / fun)    at the prom last night?
4. Is it true that (you / brother / carry)   this
heavy crate all the way from the bus station?
5. Thomas (not / know / any)  about science,
but he was willing to learn.
6. What (happen / you)    arm? Is it broken?

7. When I was a child, my Dad (always / tell / I / story)  
      before I went to bed.

8. I didn’t go to school today because (I / feel / sick)   the

morning. Thankfully, I’m much better now.
9. The other day I (ask / she / give)   me my money back,
and if I don’t get it by Friday, I’ll talk to her again.
10. (you / watch)   the ball game last night? It was thrilling!

Każda kreska oznacza miejsce na wpisanie jednego wyrazu.

11. The dog was running at first, but then it (sudden / stop / and / look) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı at the cat sleeping nearby.
12. She spoke so quietly that (I / not / understand) ı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı what she said.
13. Only two years ago (we / start) ı________________ıı________________ı this company and now
it’s worth 2 million dollars. Can you believe it?
14. How (you / friend / feel) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı when he failed the exam? I hope he didn’t cry?
15. Colin wanted to run a marathon, but he (fall / and / break) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı his leg while practicing for it.
16. Who (tell / you) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı my new car?
I wanted to surprise you!
17. What did she say (you / minute) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı ago? Was it something about me?
18. Alice (not / do / shopping) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı yesterday because it was raining cats and dogs.
19. Have you just bought Timmy a new game? I’m pretty sure he (not / have) ı________________ı
ı________________ı it yesterday.
20. My sister first studied in Australia, but (three / year / late) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ı she moved to Canada and continued her studies there.

W czasie egzaminu wpisujemy w lukę jeden, dwa, trzy lub cztery wyrazy.

21. (what / make / you) ı________________ı say these rude words to the waitress?
22. This town had only a thousand residents (two / hundred / year / ago) ı________________ı but
now it is a lively, international community.
23. Your son must be thirsty. He (not / drink / any) ı________________ı the morning and it’s been
terribly hot for the last few hours.
24. They (swim / in / ocean) ı________________ı when they went to Florida last summer.
25. (what / you / do) ı________________ı when she accused you of stealing her apples yesterday?
26. Last year (we / move / Ireland) ı________________ı and we’ve been living there since then.
27. (you / sister / invite) ı________________ı Bobby to her birthday party? I hope she didn’t!
28. This factory (produce / car / several / year) ı________________ı ago, but now it only produces
car parts.
29. How many points did you score in (game / other) ı________________ı day?
30. We went to visit our grandfather (day / yesterday) ı________________ı but he wasn’t home.

Comparative and superlative adjectives 1

Stopniowanie przymiotników 1

Lena is shorter than the other girls

Comparative adjectives
→ My new office is smaller than the previous one.
→ It is hotter today than it was yesterday.
→ These mechanics are lazier than we expected.
→ Professor Parsons is nicer than you think.
→ It was much further to the hotel than Susan remembered.
→ The second episode is more scary than the first.

Superlative adjectives
→ Which month is the coldest in your country?
→ What is the biggest building in your town?
→ Mike’s grandmother is the happiest person I know.
→ Her latest film was a real disappointment.
→ This is the best coffee we’ve ever had.
→ Penny was given the most challenging task in the team.

Comparative structures
→ This cake is (not) as good as your mother’s.
→ Our new house is the same size as the old house.
→ You can hire a car, but it will be twice / three times as expensive as travelling by train.
→ Actually, this question is quite easy.
→ His new books is rather difficult.
→ His books are becoming more and more interesting.
→ When you buy a family car, follow this simple rule: the bigger, the better.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach.

Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeśli jest to
konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

W każdą kratkę należy wpisać jedną literę lub znak.

1. Your house (be / far)     centre than mine.
2. In my opinion, Miles (be / not / brave)    as Josh although
he’s definitely not a coward, either.
3. Could you (add / little / salt)     the chicken soup than
you did last time? It was much too salty for my taste.
4. A year ago Daphne was (rich / woman)     our
town, but she gambled all her money away.
5. Gwyneth used (be / fat)    before she married Jack. It’s hard to
believe it when you look at her now.
6. Oh, that’s hilarious! This joke (be / actual / funny)  
       than all the previous ones!

7. Your apartment (look / good)    it did last year! What
did you change in it?
8. I loved travelling around Europe last year even though I could (afford / only / cheap)
                   motels.

9. This (be / famous)     volcano in Poland but it is not
active anymore.
10. These statues (be / not / big)    as I remembered them.

Każda kreska oznacza miejsce na wpisanie jednego wyrazu.

11. These sunglasses are more (expensive / this) ı________________ıı________________ı

ı________________ı we saw earlier, and they look exactly the same.
12. I’ve read many books this year, but this one is (little / interesting) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı them all.
13. Trust me, this pizza (be / good) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı as
our favourite pizza at the Little Italy.
14. You have to study really hard for this exam. It (be / important) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı exam in your life.
15. I often have bike accidents, but the one I had last summer (be / bad) ı________________ı
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı all. This was when I broke my arm
and my leg.
16. Since the renovation of the restaurant, the waiters have been (busy / they)
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı used to be.
17. Contrary to popular opinion, modern diesel engines (be / not / little / efficient)
ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı than the older ones.
18. Our new boss isn’t as (friendly / one) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı that retired last month.
19. The ostrich is (large / bird) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı
ı________________ı the world.
20. (what / be / bad) ı________________ıı________________ıı________________ı you : being
stranded in the ocean or getting stuck in a deep dark cave?

W czasie egzaminu wpisujemy w lukę jeden, dwa, trzy lub cztery wyrazy.

21. The beaches in Palm Springs (be / hot) ı________________ı beaches in California but for
many people they’re simply too hot.
22. Thankfully, the prices of gasoline (be / not / high) ı________________ı as they used to be.
23. Life (be / much / complicate) ı________________ı one hundred years ago than it is today.
24. (what / be / good) ı________________ı drink you have ever drunk?
25. I know you won’t agree with me, but in my opinion Tara (be / pretty / she) ı________________ı
26. Hercules is over three metres long, so it’s (big / cat) ı________________ı the world.
27. I’m impressed with my daughter: she runs (fast / as / I) ı________________ı and she’s just ten
years old.
28. Neil Peart from the band Rush was (much / talent) ı________________ı drummer in the
history of rock music.
29. In Stan’s opinion there isn’t (fascinate / subject) ı________________ı than comic books.
30. A year ago I discovered that (it / be / easy) ı________________ı learn languages on a daily
basis than once or two times a week.

16 17
1. they went there last 31. friends visited me at 1. was playing tennis
2. I thought we could 32. Who ate 2. Who was skiing with
3. Did they have fun 33. did he do 3. were you doing
4. your brother carried 34. didn’t bite me at 4. wasn’t drinking
5. didn’t know anything 35. I attended a six-month 5. he was coding
6. happened to your 36. burnt my finger 6. my roommate was reading
7. always told me stories 37. she switched on the 7. was swimming in the
8. I felt sick in 38. what dug all these 8. Was she wearing the
9. asked her to give 39. didn’t you do your 9. they were playing quietly
10. Did you watch 40. was it 10. was just trying to

11. suddenly stopped and looked 41. people flew on the 11. weren’t you playing in
12. I didn’t understand 42. finally caught a taxi 12. was lying on the
13. we started 43. cried the other day 13. everyone was watching
14. did your friend feel 44. I dreamt of an; 14. Was it snowing heavily
15. fell down and broke I dreamed of an 15. were painting their bedroom;
16. told you about 45. exactly twenty days ago were painting their bedrooms
17. to you a minute 46. thirty thousand years ago 16. Were you sitting
18. didn’t do the shopping 47. Who fought against 17. Was your brother having
19. didn’t have 48. months ago I memorised 18. boys weren’t just playing
20. three years later 49. didn’t give us a; 19. were rehearsing for the
didn’t give us any 20. Were you working at
21. What made you 50. did you lie to
22. two hundred years ago 21. they were still walking
23. didn’t drink anything in 51. who did not pay; 22. What was she carrying
24. swam in the ocean who didn’t pay 23. who was giving
25. What did you do 52. took my towel; 24. She was sewing your
26. we moved to Ireland took my towels 25. weren’t you answering the;
27. Did your sister invite 53. the day before yesterday weren’t you answering your
28. produced cars several years 54. our family stayed at 26. was brushing my teeth
29. the game the other 55. what happened to him 27. it was raining slightly
30. the day before yesterday 56. it didn’t sink immediately 28. was making the bed
57. she lit all the 29. wasn’t he listening
58. worked together in this 30. was sailing across the
59. the goalkeeper caught it
60. did you like

27 28
1. is further from the; 31. the fitter you get 1. was so brave that
is farther from the 32. was the happiest day 2. How amazing
2. isn’t as brave 33. is it healthier than 3. is such an inspiring
3. add less salt to 34. twice as expensive 4. What an ugly
4. the richest woman in 35. close to you 5. are so wise
5. to be fatter 36. is the kindest 6. got such positive reviews
6. was actually funnier 37. are equally good at 7. says such horrible things
7. looks better than 38. got harder 8. What strange paintings
8. afford only the cheapest 39. Is it warmer than 9. She is so fluent
9. is the most famous 40. wasn’t as bad 10. It was such a
10. aren’t as big
41. better and 11. are so common
11. expensive than those 42. taller than Stephanie 12. What an amazing
12. the least interesting of 43. be the easiest 13. How strange it was
13. is as good 44. difficult to predict 14. it was such a
14. is the most important 45. was less attractive than 15. was so calm
15. was the worst of 46. is nicer; 16. how fantastic it was
16. busier than they was nicer 17. was so rude to
17. aren’t less efficient 47. funny as his classic 18. What a surprise
18. friendly as the one 48. much more expensive than 19. was such a terrible
19. the largest bird in 49. the longer he listened 20. How nice of you
20. What’s worse for 50. the thinnest boy in
21. What a diligent girl
21. are the hottest 51. is rather loud 22. How crazy it was
22. are not as high; 52. much happier than 23. was so passionate
aren’t as high 53. the hardest fibre in 24. don’t buy such expensive
23. was more complicated; 54. to be as small 25. was so handsome and;
was much more complicated 55. more modern than is so handsome and
24. What is the best; 56. the better coordination of 26. How interesting
What’s the best 57. are quite young 27. had such a sweet
25. is prettier than her 58. sweeter than the 28. how impressive it is;
26. the biggest cat in 59. the best coffee how impressive it was
27. as fast as me 60. are not as pretty; 29. always so friendly and
28. the most talented aren’t as pretty 30. what a sunny day
29. a more fascinating subject
30. it is easier to;
it’s easier to


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