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The Hospital Team

WARM-UP ACTIVITY (Cross-Word Puzzle)

Instructions: Fill out the cross-word puzzle.
Make use of the words in the box.

1. Nurses
4. Intern
5. Team
7. Care

2. Physician
3. Hospitalist
6. Pharmacist
8. Therapist
Name: Joanna Marie Maglangit Course and Year: BSN3
Name of Teacher: Ms. Yva Joy Dy Date: April 23, 2023

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs to complete the dialogue of
the doctor-nurse conversation about the topic on hypertension.
Dr.: Good morning nurse. How have things been in the ward?
N: Hmm…Today things are okay, but yesterday afternoon Mr. Cardo had a
rise of BP. It was so high that I had to [1.] informed the doctor on duty. His
nose was also bleeding.
Dr.: And?
N: The doctor came and [2.] checked his BP. It was 200/130 in his right arm
in a sitting position in his bed. He [3.] administered the treatment and [4.] injected
reserpine IM, and 50 mg furosemide IV.
Dr: Hmm! Was there anything that might have caused the relapse?
N: Well, after visiting hours, I was [5.] checking his vital signs and I noticed that
his BP had risen. He looked depressed because his brother had told him he
could become impotent due to the BP medication.
Dr: Did he discuss this with you?
N: Yes, he did. And I told him that some hypertensive drugs could make men impotent.
Dr: Why did you say that? Are you sure you were right? Let me go in and
see him.
Name: Joanna Marie Maglangit Course and Year: BSN3
Name of Teacher: Ms. Yva Joy Dy Date: April 23, 2023

Instructions: Several action verbs could be used to determine a caring, empathetic,

resourceful and compassionate nurse of those within the medical profession. For each of the
following action verbs, choose the definition that closely matches its meaning. Write the letter of
the correct answer in the blanks provided.


D 1. admit . a. to task safely and completely within their

scope of practice or employment

C 2. advance
b. to give assistance or to give help

E 3. advocate c. to accelerate growth and development

d. to accept into a hospital inpatient
B 4. aid e. to support or to promote the interest or
cause of something
A 5. assign
f. to identify the nature of an illness or other

G 6. assess problem by examination of the symptoms

g. to gather information about the patients
I 7. care status to identify current and future care
F 8. diagnose
h. to help patients understand or to aware

J 9. console them of what’s happening to them

i. to feel concern or to look after and provide
H 10. educate for the needs of the patients
j. to comfort patient at a time of grief or
k. to hide the truth from the patients
Name: Joanna Marie Maglangit Course and Year: BSN3
Name of Teacher: Ms. Yva Joy Dy Date: April 25, 2023

Instructions: Write a nurse profile by providing information on the items given in the box.


Name: Joanna Marie Maglangit

Age: 20
Educational Attainment: Baccalaureate
Current work: Nurse
Job/Position: Oncology Nurse
No. of years in the position or as a professional in the field: 10 years
Previous work place: Corazon Cojuangco Aquino Hospital
Strengths and weakness: Passionate and Shy

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