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Answers in Purposive Communication

1.) How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode?
Communication Mode has three different types, there are Verbal, Non-verbal and

Verbal Communication uses sounds and words to express yourself, while Non-Verbal
Communication uses body languages including eye contact, facial expression, gestures and
other more. And Visual Communication uses visual elements such us charts and graphs ,clip
arts and electronic images.

2. )How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker?

It may help your audience to grasp the concept much quicker than words and text and
also it is more interesting and it catches more attention on the Listener it also gives complex
For example:
You come across at public street's and you site many health protocols on how to avoid
covid-19 exposure and how to wear proper personal protective equipment or (PPE) this signs
or visual info graphic images gives you interesting visual information to understand way
further to your understanding.

3.) What are the types of communication in relation to context? how do they differ to another.

There are five types of Communication Contexts

these are:
•Intrapersonal Communication
•Interpersonal Communication
• Extended
• Organizational communication
• Intercultural communication

They differ to another because the way of giving communication is different and unique way
of communicating.

4.) Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure,which do you think is
the best? cite situations will call for the use of each approach. give one advantage and
disadvantage of each

The best cite I think is the upward and downward communication.

Downward Communication
Manager of an organization gives task on his/her employee. Communication sent
downward because from the higher to lower position communicates each other.
Upward Communication
An ordinary subordinates/employees gives presentation to higher position like managers,
director, administrator or other more. This communication goes upwards conveyed by an
ordinary speaker to the higher position.

The advantages and disadvantages of each structure:

Advantage on Downward communication and Upward communication is that the
communication will sent instantly to it's assign task.
Disadvantage of Downward communication is that when the communication is fails to send
while Upward communication the disadvantage of it is that when the receiver will refuse to
5.) How do you differentiate formal communication form informal communication in relation
to purpose and style? provide situation to illustrate the differences.

Formal Communication is one that passes through predefined channels of communication

throughout the organization. On the contrary, Informal Communication refers to the form of
communication which flows in every direction, it moves freely in the organization.

Example situation:
formal Communication
higher organization gives information that produces for subordinates and that information
passes on organization to another and it is official communication confirmed by higher
organization which maintains secrecy.
Informal Communication
information of a person which is unofficial will be quickly passes to another person moves
freely to in all directions any person received the information will depend on how they react
and what opinion they can provide, because it is difficult of maintaining secrecy.

Activity 5 : Culture differences

Choose two cultures from among ASEAN countries and differentiate some of their non-
verbal messages. then, share at least three difference in their non-verbal codes.

Malaysia and Philippines

Malaysians tend to rely on non-verbal communication (i.e. facial expressions, tone of voice,
body language, etc) to express themselves, while Filipinos are fond of non - verbal
communications . They use hand gestures, pursing of lips, raising of eyebrows and their eyes
to communicate.

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