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RS 222


NAME: Joanna Marie Maglangit BSN 1 - FITZPATRICK 03/01/2021

Short Quiz
Task 2.1
Study Questions:
1. Where did Islam get its name? Why are its followers called Muslims?
- “Islam”, is an Arabic word that means;acceptance;surrender,;submission,;
or ;commitment, and is closely related to the Arabic word for peace (salaam; in
Hebrew, shalom).Adherents of Islam are called Muslims, literally, those who make
peace. Muslims are those who surrender to the will of God (Allah, in Arabic) in every
aspect of their lives and enjoy the resulting peace with God and each other. The
prophet Muhammad gave the name Islam to the religious movement he founded.
2. What are some possible narratives for the beginning of Islam?
3. Why is Abraham important to Islam’s history?
- Because One of God’s most important messengers was Abraham (Arabic, Ibrahim),
who was called by God to leave his home in Ur (in present-day Iraq). Abraham
(whose name means “Father of Many Nations”) is revered in the scriptures of
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the ideal model of pure faith in the one true
God. \sacred scripture. He spent his entire life in what is now the country of Saudi
Arabia, from his birth about 570 CE in Mecca to his death in 632 in Medina.

Short Quiz
Task 2.2
Study Questions:
1. Where does our knowledge of Muhammad come from? How is he portrayed in
the Quran?
- Most of what we know about Muhammad comes from the Quran, Muhammad is
known as rasul Allah, or God’s Messenger to the Arabs, and to all of humanity. He
was born in Mecca ca. 570 C.E., and died in Medina in 632.
2. What was Muhammad’s family life like? How did his relationships help create
the future of Islam?
- Muhammad’s father died before he was born, and his mother died when he was six
years old, leaving him an orphan. He went to live with his paternal grandfather, who
sent him to live with a nomadic tribe. This was customary at the time for boys born in
the towns of the Arabian peninsula. Later, Muhammad began accompanying his
uncle, Abu Talib, on trading expeditions to Syria.
3. What was Muhammad’s message, and why did the people of Mecca try to
silence it?
4. Why was the Meccan/Muslim battle of 624 significant to the history of Islam?
- Because in Islamic history, major military victory led by the Prophet Muhammad
that marked a turning point for the early Muslim community (ummah) from a
defensive stance toward one of stability and expansion.

Short Quiz
Task 2.3
Study Questions:
1. What is the Quran, and how is it used?
-The Quran (sometimes spelled Qur'an or Koran) is considered the most important
holy book among Muslims. It contains some basic information that is found in the
Hebrew Bible as well as revelations that were given to Muhammad. The text is
considered the sacred word of God and supercedes any previous writings. It is used
by Muslims to express beliefs about the nature of God both in the mosque and at
2. How did oral tradition contribute to the creation of the Quran?
3. How is the Quran organized?
- The Quran is approximately the same length as the Christian New Testament. It has
114 chapters, called surahs, which range in length from 3 to 286 verses.
4. How is the Quran interpreted in contemporary society?
5. What are the Sunna and the Hadith?
-Sunnah, (Arabic: “habitual practice”) also spelled Sunna, the body of traditional
social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community. Along with the Qurʾān
(the holy book of Islam) and Hadith (recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), it
is a major source of Sharīʿah, or Islamic law.
Short Quiz
Task 2.4
Study Questions:
1. How does the Quran describe God?
-The Quran describes God in this way: God, there is no god but He, the living,
the self-subsistent. Slumber takes Him not, nor sleep. His is what is in the heavens
and what is in the earth. Who is it that intercedes with Him save by His
permission? He knows what is before them and what behind them, and they
comprehend not aught of His knowledge but of what He pleases. His throne
extends over the heavens and the earth, and it tires Him not to guard them both,
for He is high and grand. The Quran describes God as the creator and ruler of all
things, and the judge of all things. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, merciful, and
compassionate. He is eternal. He is master of all things in the universe, and
guides humans through his prophets who are bearers of his word, such as
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and lastly, Muhammad. God sent his prophets to create
communities chosen for a special relationship with him, including Jews and
2. Why is Allah considered to be the final judge?
- Because On the day the world ends, the Day of Judgment, God will resurrect the
dead and every person will be judged for his or her deeds. Each Person’s good
deeds will be balanced with the bad deeds. Those whose good deeds outweigh
their bad deeds will live forever in paradise, while those whose bad deeds
outweigh the good will be condemned to eternal fire.
3. What are jinn?
-Jinn (Arabic: ‫جن‬, 'jinn'), also Romanized as djinn or Anglicized as genies (with
the more broad meaning of spirits or demons, depending on source), are
supernatural creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian and later Islamic mythology
and theology. People and jinn are intelligent beings, people created out of clay
and jinn created from smokeless flames. Angels, created out of light, are not
intelligent beings in Islam. Unlike humans and angels, jinn are imperceptible.
They can take many different forms, and are capable of performing heavy labor
and difficult tasks. Muhammad was sent to bring God’s revelation to the jinn as
well as humans, and the jinn will be judged just as the humans will be. Some will
spend eternity in heaven, while others will be cast into the eternal fire.

4. What is the role of angels within Islam?

- The role of angels within Islam is they act as messengers to the prophets . They
take care of people. They record everything a person does, and this information is
used on the Day of Judgement. Izrail, the Angel of Death, takes people's souls to
God when they die.

Short Quiz
Task 2.5
Study Questions:
1. Why is viewing Allah as the creator essential to the behavior of Muslims?
- Because for them Allah is the creator of all the humans from clay and breathed the
spirit of life into them. He separated them from the rest of creation by giving them
three divine gifts: intelligence to distinguish the true from the false, a will that can
freely choose between them, and the power of speech to worship. Because of these
gifts, people are the noblest of God’s creatures, superior to the rest of nature.
2. What is the role of service within Islam?
- The answer lies in God’s books of prophecy. God gave his revelation through the
prophets, so that humans may know how to fulfill their purpose as God’s agents on
earth. They are to assist in realizing God’s will for all of creation. In their desire to
understand God’s plan, most people benefit from God’s guidance, which is why God
sent prophets. God gave humans the Quran and the law, and together, they are the
guide to a peaceful life.
3. What is the ultimate reward of working toward a peaceful and service-oriented
- It is following the path revealed by God, Muslims live in harmony with God and with
all of creation. This brings the great blessings of peace and happiness in life. Those
who live according to God’s design will find wealth and success, and they will be
respected in their communities, because they will always choose the right way. Not
only will they be blessed by God, they will be a source of blessing to those who know
Short Quiz
Task 2.6
Study Questions:
1. How should suffering be viewed? Why might it be the key indicator of one’s
- In Islam, there are two views of suffering, both of which resemble views held by its
sister faiths, Judaism and Christianity. Suffering is either the painful result of sin, or
it is a test. suffering tests belief; a true Muslim will remain faithful through the trials
of life.
2. Do Muslims view themselves as inherently sinful?
- For my understanding, Muslims don’t view themselves as inherently sinful because
for them sin is associated with unbelief. This is the state of unbelief, called kufr, which
literally means to forget through hiding of the truth.
3. How does sin differ from evil, and why might this be important to Muslims’ actions
and relationship with Allah?

Short Quiz
Task 2.7
Study Questions:
1. Does one have to be a Muslim to obtain salvation? Why or why not?

2. What will happen on the Last Day? What events does the Quran teach will
happen before it comes?
-The Quran says that terrible events will proclaim that the end is near. The people
will gather at the bridge called Sirat. Sirat spans the fires of hell. Those bound for
paradise will find the crossing easy. But for those bound for hell, the bridge will be as
thin as a razor, and the condemned will fall into the flames. Hell, called Jahannam, is
a horrifying inferno. The flames roar, scorching hot winds blow, and black smoke
chokes the air. The skin of the suffering sinners is continually refreshed so that they
will feel the pain of burning, with no relief. Theirthirst is unquenchable, and yet they
drink disgusting fluids in an effort to alleviate their suffering. Boiling water is poured
over their heads. If they try to flee, iron hooks drag them back.
3. How is the afterlife, or paradise, described?
- In Islam paradise is a blissful garden where the blessed are at peace and are
content. The conversation is pleasant, the wine has no ill-effects, and the food is
endlessly abundant. The faithful, dressed in silk robes, relax on beautiful couches
servants tend to their every need. Men and women are attended by beautiful and
handsome young members of the opposite sex. Choirs of angels sing in Arabic and all
the bounties of heaven are enjoyed endlessly. No one is ever full.

Short Quiz
Task 2.8
Study Questions:
1. What are the essential duties of a Muslim?
2. Describe the ritual of salat.
- Prayer in Islam is founded primarily on the precepts found in the Holy Qur’an and
the examples of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his traditions (sunnah) and sayings
(haddith). it is understood as a duty of every Muslim to pray five times a day. Muslims
also have what is called ‘dua’ prayer, or non-formal prayer, private and personal
prayer which is more spontaneous and does not follow a particular ritual.
4. What is zakat? Is it limited to economic wealth?
- ‘Zakat’ is the principle of social responsibility by which the possession of wealth
obligates the owner to concern himself with the people who have little wealth. And yes
it is limited to economic wealth.
5. What is Ramadan? How do Muslims participate in it?
- Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer for Muslims, the
followers of Islam. It is celebrated as the month during which Muhammad received
the initial revelations of the Quran, the holy book for Muslims. During Ramadhan,
those who fast often give gifts and alms to the poor. They share with the less fortunate
those goods that God has given to them. This act is performed in the name of God and
is a way of making contact with Him.
5. Has the convenience of contemporary times changed the importance of
Hajj? Why or why not?

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