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RENEW NOTES (07/25/2023)

3 years and under

What led you to education?
4 years – 9 years
What made you last long in education?
10 years & over
How do you see education playing its role in the world and in life?


- The care and management of that which belongs to another

- (Biblical: human dignity)
- We are created by God with his own image and likeness
- Caretaker or “stewards” of God’s creation (gift of God)

The call.

- We are called to be good

- Universal calling: “to be holy” (St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 1:2)
- We are called to become saints (Pope John Paul II)
- God speaks in the silence of the heart (Mother Teresa)
*Mary was 14yo when she was called by the angel of the lord


- Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

The response.

- “Come follow me”

- Curiosity
- Building relationship with God through prayer
- “I’m Sorry”

What has become to our response?

Are you up with the challenge?

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