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Certainly, here are additional aspects of controlling in engineering management:

17. **Performance Benchmarks**: Establish benchmarks or performance standards against which

the project's progress and outcomes can be measured. This helps in evaluating how well the project
is meeting its goals and objectives.

18. **Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)**: Identify and track relevant KPIs specific to the project or
team's objectives. KPIs provide quantifiable data for performance evaluation and decision-making.

19. **Feedback Loops**: Create feedback mechanisms for team members to report issues,
concerns, or suggestions. This encourages proactive issue identification and resolution.

20. **Data Analysis and Visualization**: Utilize data analysis and visualization tools to gain insights
into project performance. Data-driven decisions can enhance the effectiveness of controlling efforts.

21. **Contingency Planning**: Develop contingency plans for potential risks and challenges. These
plans outline steps to be taken if specific risks materialize, ensuring that the project can adapt to
unexpected circumstances.

22. **Technology Utilization**: Embrace project management software, data analytics tools, and
other technology solutions to streamline the controlling process. These tools can enhance data
accuracy and accessibility.

23. **Milestone Reviews**: Conduct milestone reviews at critical points in the project to assess
progress and determine if the project is on track. Adjust the project plan as needed based on these

24. **Document Version Control**: Implement version control for project documents and plans to
prevent confusion and errors resulting from outdated information.

25. **Change Control Board**: Establish a change control board or committee responsible for
evaluating and approving changes to the project scope, requirements, or objectives.

26. **Audit and Compliance Checks**: Conduct periodic audits or checks to ensure that the project
complies with internal policies, industry standards, and relevant regulations.
27. **Project Closure Review**: After project completion, conduct a comprehensive review to
assess the overall success, lessons learned, and areas for improvement. Use this information to
enhance future projects.

28. **Continuous Training and Development**: Invest in the ongoing training and development of
your team. Equipping team members with new skills and knowledge can contribute to better project

29. **Balanced Scorecard**: Consider using the balanced scorecard approach, which assesses
project performance from various perspectives, including financial, customer, internal processes,
and learning and growth.

30. **Feedback from Stakeholders**: Solicit feedback from project stakeholders, including
customers, clients, and end-users. Their insights can provide valuable information for improvement
and future projects.

Effective controlling in engineering management is a dynamic and adaptive process that involves the
regular assessment of project performance and the flexibility to adjust as needed. It requires a
combination of technical acumen, data analysis, effective communication, and decision-making
skills. By maintaining a strong focus on controlling, engineering managers can increase the likelihood
of project success and continuously improve their team's performance.

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