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- If I had to elaborate on a person who just moved to my workplace and become

quite influential to us, I would like to mention Lucie.
- I’d like to kick start by prefacing that foreigners are a rarity where I work, but a
couple of months ago, Lucie became a novice in the company. I’ll straight to
how influential she’s been.
- First things first, she’s a Taiwanese person aged twenties something like me.
Having a natter with her, I marvel at that taking a siesta is something weird to
Taiwanese culture while all of us take a nap at noon to invigorate our body. But
I must confess that taking a catnap at noon isn’t the second – to – none solution
to soothe afternoon fatigue. Many of us aspire to get into the swing of not
getting some shuteye at noon like what she does. You know, she recommends
that not eating to much rice which is a kind of carbonhydrate at noon and it
causes drowsiness.
- Long story short, it was a tall order for the first few days and can’t stand
yawning, but a month later, we didn’t relinquish it and nailed it.
- You know, the perk that we can get is keeping a tight rein on the time at work
and working flat out.

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