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Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts.

B. Performance Standards The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read
C. Learning
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin the lesson by asking students to
Greet the students and briefly review the
recall the definition of a thesis statement.
previous lesson on effective
summarization techniques for academic Greet the students and briefly recap the
Greet the students and briefly recap the Provide a brief recap of the previous
1. Reviewing previous lesson or texts. previous lesson on extracting and
previous lesson on identifying main ideas lesson's key points related to thesis
presenting the new lesson articulating the central idea as a thesis
in a text. statements.
Recap the importance of understanding statement.
the main argument or central idea of a
Introduce the topic of interpreting and
summarizing the main thesis accurately.
Explain that the purpose of today's lesson
Introduce the objective of the lesson: to
is to develop students' ability to identify Introduce the objective of the lesson: to
develop the ability to extract and Explain to students that the purpose of
and state the thesis statement in academic differentiate between supporting ideas
articulate the central idea as a thesis the lesson is to enhance their skills in
texts. and the main thesis.
2. Establishing the purpose of the statement. understanding, interpreting, and
lesson summarizing the main thesis of a text.
Emphasize the significance of the thesis Explain the significance of identifying
Explain the importance of a clear thesis Emphasize the importance of this skill in
statement in academic writing as it supporting ideas to strengthen and
statement in academic and professional academic and professional contexts.
provides a clear focus and direction for develop the main thesis.
the text.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Display and distribute a variety of Display a short text or paragraph on the Display a short text or paragraph on the Display several short academic or
the new lesson academic texts, such as research articles, board or projector. board or projector. professional texts on a topic relevant to
essays, and scholarly papers. the students' interests or curriculum.
Read the text aloud, and ask the students Read the text aloud, and ask the students
Point out that each text has a thesis to identify the central idea or main point to identify the main thesis. Model the process of reading a text and
statement, which expresses the main of the passage. identifying the main thesis statement.
Identify and highlight the supporting
argument or claim of the author.
ideas or evidence that contribute to the
Discuss the identified central idea as a development of the main thesis. Discuss the importance of recognizing
Read aloud the thesis statements from the
class and explain why it represents the the main thesis and its role in guiding the
texts and discuss their characteristics and
main point. Discuss as a class how the supporting overall content of the text.
placement within the texts.
ideas relate to the main thesis.
Define what a thesis statement is and its
purpose in academic writing.

Explain the different ways thesis

statements can be presented in academic
Define the main thesis as the central
texts, such as explicitly stated in the Define a thesis statement as a concise
claim or argument of a text.
introduction or implied throughout the summary of the main idea or argument of Provide a definition and explanation of a
text. a text. thesis statement, highlighting its purpose
Define supporting ideas as pieces of
and structure.
evidence or reasoning that bolster the
Provide examples of different types of Explain the characteristics of a strong
main thesis.
thesis statements, including thesis statement (clear, specific, Engage students in a guided discussion
4. Discussing new concepts and
argumentative, descriptive, and arguable). to identify the thesis statement in one of
practicing new skills #1 Provide examples of main theses and
explanatory. the displayed texts.
supporting ideas, either through short
Provide examples of effective thesis
passages or hypothetical statements.
Engage students in a discussion about the statements related to various topics. Encourage students to share their
key components of a strong thesis interpretations and justifications for their
Ask students to identify which statements
statement, such as clarity, specificity, and Ask students to identify the elements that chosen thesis statements.
are main theses and which are supporting
relevance to the topic. make these thesis statements strong.
ideas, and explain their reasoning.
Analyze sample paragraphs or excerpts
from academic texts and guide students
in identifying the thesis statements within
5. Discussing new concepts and Introduce strategies for identifying thesis Distribute a worksheet containing several Distribute a worksheet containing several Introduce various strategies for
practicing new skills #2 statements in academic texts, such as short paragraphs or texts. paragraphs or texts. summarizing the main thesis accurately,
locating introductory paragraphs, topic In pairs or small groups, ask students to In pairs or small groups, ask students to such as paraphrasing, identifying key
sentences, and recurring statements read each text and extract the central read each text and identify the main points, and eliminating irrelevant details.
throughout the text. idea. thesis.
Divide the class into pairs or small
Provide students with a handout Instruct them to formulate a thesis Instruct them to identify and highlight the groups and assign each group a different
containing short passages from academic statement based on the identified central supporting ideas within the text. text to read and summarize.
texts. idea.
After completing the task, encourage Instruct the groups to exchange
Instruct students to read the passages After completing the task, encourage students to share their findings and summaries and evaluate the accuracy of
individually and identify the thesis students to share and discuss their thesis discuss how the supporting ideas their peers' interpretations.
statements within each passage. statements. contribute to the main thesis.

Allow students to discuss their findings

in pairs or small groups to promote
critical thinking and peer learning.
Facilitate a class discussion, where
students share their identified thesis
statements and explain their reasoning.
Conduct an interactive activity that
challenges students to analyze and
Divide the class into pairs or small
identify thesis statements in a Divide the class into groups of three or
groups. Divide the class into teams and provide
collaborative setting. four students.
each team with a different academic or
Provide each group with a longer text or professional text.
Divide the class into teams and provide Provide each group with a longer and
article related to a specific topic.
each team with a different academic text. more complex text (such as a newspaper
Instruct each team to analyze the text,
article or essay).
Instruct the groups to analyze the text and identify the main thesis, and prepare a
Instruct each team to identify and state
identify the main thesis and supporting brief presentation summarizing the thesis
the thesis statement of their assigned text. In their groups, students should read the
ideas. and supporting evidence.
text, extract the central idea, and
6. Developing Mastery
Set a time limit for the teams to discuss collaboratively develop a strong thesis
Each group should create a visual Encourage teams to use creative
and agree upon the thesis statement. statement.
representation, such as a concept map or methods, such as visual aids or role
graphic organizer, illustrating the plays, to engage the class during their
Once the time is up, have each team Walk around the class, offering guidance
relationship between the main thesis and presentations.
present their identified thesis statement to and assistance as needed.
supporting ideas.
the class, explaining their thought process
Allocate time for questions and feedback
and rationale. Invite each group to present their thesis
Give each group an opportunity to from both the presenting team and the
statements and discuss the reasoning
present their visual representation and audience.
Encourage class discussion and provide behind their choices.
explain their analysis to the class.
feedback on the accuracy and clarity of
the identified thesis statements.
Facilitate a brief class discussion on the Facilitate a class discussion about how
Engage students in a discussion about the
importance of differentiating between interpreting and summarizing the main
relevance of identifying thesis statements Facilitate a brief class discussion on the
supporting ideas and the main thesis in thesis accurately can be useful outside
in their academic and professional lives. importance of identifying and articulating
various contexts, such as academic the classroom.
the central idea in everyday situations.
7. Finding practical applications of writing, persuasive speeches, or
Encourage students to consider how
concepts and skills in daily living professional reports. Prompt students to think about scenarios
understanding the main argument or Encourage students to share examples of
in which these skills would be valuable,
claim of a text can help them in how they can use this skill in their
Encourage students to share examples of such as analyzing news articles,
summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing academic and professional lives.
how this skill can be applied in their understanding research papers, or
daily lives. preparing reports in professional settings.
Summarize the key points covered in the Engage students in a reflective
Lead a class reflection on the importance Summarize the key points covered in the
lesson, emphasizing the distinction discussion about the challenges they
of identifying and stating thesis lesson, emphasizing the process of
between the main thesis and supporting faced in interpreting and summarizing
statements in academic texts. extracting and articulating the central
ideas. the main thesis accurately.
8. Generalizing and abstractions idea as a thesis statement.
about the lesson Discuss the common characteristics and
Encourage students to reflect on how Encourage them to identify strategies or
strategies for identifying thesis Encourage students to reflect on the
recognizing supporting ideas strengthens techniques they found effective during
statements, emphasizing their role in importance of this skill for effective
the overall argument or message in the lesson and how they can apply these
guiding readers' understanding of a text. communication and critical thinking.
academic and professional contexts. in future reading and writing tasks.
9. Evaluating Learning Assign a short written task where Distribute a short quiz or worksheet to Distribute a short quiz or worksheet to Assign a short written exercise in which
students read a provided academic text
students are given a text and asked to
and write a concise thesis statement that assess students' understanding of
assess students' understanding of the identify and summarize the main thesis
captures the main argument or claim of differentiating between main theses and
central idea and thesis statements. accurately.
the text. supporting ideas.
Review the answers together as a class to Collect and review their responses to
Collect the written tasks and evaluate Review the answers together as a class to
provide immediate feedback. assess their comprehension and
students' ability to identify and state the provide immediate feedback.
application of the lesson's objectives.
thesis statement accurately and concisely.
Provide additional texts with varied
Assign additional reading tasks that Assign a homework task that requires
Assign a homework task that requires thesis statements for students to practice
require students to identify and state the students to find a news article or opinion
students to find a persuasive article or interpreting and summarizing
thesis statements in various academic piece and write a clear thesis statement
10. Additional Activities for speech and identify the main thesis along independently or in pairs.
texts. based on the central idea of the text.
Application or Remediation with supporting ideas.
Provide additional resources or exercises Offer one-on-one assistance or extra
Provide feedback on their performance Provide additional resources or exercises
for students who may need extra practice. support to students who may need
and offer guidance for improvement. for students who may need extra practice.
additional guidance or remediation.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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