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4.3 Findings and Discussion

4.3.1 Findings

Based on the results of research and data analysis, it is concluded that:

1. The vocabulary knowledge ability of the 5 subjects before being given

baseline 1 (A1) treatment was still very low, as can be seen from the table


No Initials Baseline Session 1 Baseline Session 2 Baseline Session 3

Score Categorie Score Categorie Score Categorie
s s s
1 M.S 15 Very low 15 Very low 20 Very low
2 M.G 25 Very low 25 Very low 25 Very low
3 DS 35 Very low 30 Very low 35 Very low
4 MN 30 Very low 30 Very low 30 Very low
5 RH 25 Very low 20 Very low 25 Very low

2. The use of Fun Thinkers media to improve the vocabulary knowledge

skills of the five research subjects during the treatment (Intervention (B))

has increased in value. It can be seen from the results obtained by the 5

subjects above in the table below

1 2 3 4 5
M.S 35 35 40 40 45
M.G 60 60 65 75 75
DS 60 60 65 70 75
MN 65 65 70 70 75
RH 55 60 70 75 75

3. Comparison of the vocabulary knowledge abilities of the 5 subjects before

and after being given treatment showed significant changes in

significant from the very low category before being given treatment increased

to the moderate category after receiving treatment

4.3.2 Discussion

The ability to know vocabulary is a part that every class VII student should

have mastered. However, based on the results of temporary identification using a

treatment test on 23 August 2023 - 6 September 2023, it was still found that autistic

students in class VII at SMP Negeri 3 Hutabayuraja were experiencing obstacles in

their knowledge of vocabulary such as object vocabulary found at school. This

condition was found in the field so the author took up this problem.

This research was chosen as a way that can have a positive influence in

improving the vocabulary knowledge skills of autistic students because autistic

children are more interested in visual media. According to Dettmer, ddk (Yuliano,

Efendi and Jafri, 2018) who said that children with autism have difficulty processing

and storing non-visual information. As stated by Quill, 1995 (Yuliano, Efendi and

Jafri, 2018) which states that individuals with autism find it easier to obtain

information from two or three-dimensional visual stimuli rather than auditory stimuli.
Based on the results of research that has been carried out. This is shown by a

significant increase in vocabulary knowledge abilities after using fun Thinkers. This

is in accordance with Gordon's opinion (Kurniati 2017:25) that Fun thinkers media is

like a modern encyclopedia for students. This media is very interesting and useful for

increasing students' cognitive level. Fun Thinkers media is a medium for developing

or maximizing students' potential in mastering vocabulary and learning abilities.

So the researchers concluded that one of the efforts that is thought to be able

to improve the vocabulary knowledge skills of autistic students in class VII at SMP

Negeri 3 Hutabayuraja is the use of fun thinkers media.

The research was conducted for 2 weeks with a total of eight meetings or

eight sessions divided into three conditions, namely three sessions for baseline

condition 1 (A1), five sessions for intervention condition (B). Based on the results of

the research that has been carried out, providing intervention can improve vocabulary

knowledge ability. This is shown by a significant increase in vocabulary knowledge

abilities before and after treatment. Baseline 1 (A1) consists of three sessions because

the data obtained is stable so that it can be continued with intervention, apart from

that the researcher took three sessions to ensure

obtaining accurate data. The first to third sessions tend to have the same value, but

the process for getting the value is different.

In intervention (B), the researcher provided treatment using fun thinkers

media with five sessions. The vocabulary knowledge abilities of the five subjects

above in the intervention condition (B) from the fourth session to the eighth session

increased. This happened because treatment was given using fun thinkers media, so

that the vocabulary knowledge ability of the five subjects increased.

This shows that empirically the autistic students who are the subjects in this

research are very dependent on the use given in the intervention process so that the

use of media can increase the subject's vocabulary knowledge abilities.

Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out and presented

visually with reference to the A – B design for the target behavior of increasing

students' vocabulary knowledge abilities, the use of fun thinkers media can be said to

have a positive effect on increasing the vocabulary knowledge abilities of autistic

students. Thus, empirically it can be concluded that the use of fun thinkers media can

improve the vocabulary knowledge skills of autistic students in class VII at SMP

Negeri 3 Hutabayuraja.


A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the data analysis and discussion above, it can be

concluded that the use of Fun Thinkers media can improve vocabulary knowledge

skills in class VII Autistic students at SMP Negeri 3 Hutabayuraja

B. Suggestion

Based on the results of the research above in relation to improving the quality

of special education in improving vocabulary knowledge skills in autistic students in

Class VII at SMP Negeri 3 Hutabayuraja, the researcher puts forward the following


1. Advice for Educators

a. Academics/educational institutions in elementary/SDLB/middle school can

use Fun Thinkers to improve the vocabulary knowledge of Students with

Special Needs (PDBK) who are in the very low category.

b. For teachers/educators, it can be used as an alternative to improve

professional competence, especially in managing learning

more quality and fun so that students' learning abilities which were

previously in the very low category changed to improve.

2. Suggestions for future researchers

a. For other researchers, the results of this research can be input in developing

theories related to vocabulary knowledge abilities related to the academic

abilities of Students with Autistic Needs (PDBK).

b. This research can be used as a reference in developing variables related to

the academic abilities of students with special needs.

3. Advice for parents/guardians

This research can be used as input to improve appropriate vocabulary

knowledge skills for children who experience difficulties in improving

vocabulary knowledge skills.

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