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Razel Mae C.





I am Razel Mae Capistrano Abia. I am 19 years old and live in Sta.Cruz, Sta.Maria,
Bulacan. I am 1st year college in STI Sta.Maria with the course of Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality Management. I am a soft-hearted person. The type that even if I am brave, cheerful,
and have a strong personality I will show them, I know in myself that once I am hurt, I will be
hurt especially by the people I love and close to my heart. I'm the type of person who when I
have a problem I don't immediately tell other people. Because I think they also face problems,
so I don't want to add to those. When I can keep my problem to myself, I just keep it to myself.
But when I can't, I'll just cry and it's okay again.

My only sources of strength are family, friends, and God. Because for me if they are not
there, how can I? Where can I get strength and inspiration in what I do every day? Those people
are very important to me because they are the only ones I can run to when I have a problem,
they are also the ones who make me feel the love that others cannot give. They are not only my
strength but also my weakness. Because I don’t know what I would do if they weren’t by my
side. They are the reason why I pursue my dreams not just for myself, because I want them to
be proud of me. Let everyone leave me, just don't let them.

Among my weaknesses are food, volleyball, procrastination, and public speaking. I am

weak in food because it is delicious to eat. Even though I know I'm not allowed to eat it, I still
eat it. No matter how much you control yourself, when you really want to and even if you are
forbidden, there is nothing you can do. Second is volleyball because it’s one of my hobbies to
do. Even though I do a lot like activities, assignments etc., I can still do it. He seems to be part of
what I should be doing because he is one of the things that makes me happy. Third is
procrastination, because it seems normal for me to be lazy sometimes. When the deadline is
near, I can only think of doing it. But even so I make sure I pass on time. I am lazy but I have
dreams. And the last is public speaking because I am ashamed to face and speak to many
people. I am reluctant to talk to them especially at events and school activities. I'm not
comfortable when many people look at me while speaking in front of me because I feel like
they are saying something bad to me. Not that I thought they were bad, I just wasn't

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