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“Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction”.- A Study on AB
Bank Limited

Submitted To
Controller of Examinations
National University

Supervised By
K.H Robel
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Institute of science Trade & Technology (ISTT)

Submitted By
Exam. Roll: 2181773
Registration No: 17501002726
Session: 2017-2018
Program: BBA, Major in Management
Institute of Science Trade and Technology (ISTT)
(Under National University)

Institute of Science, Trade & Technology (ISTT)

Date of Submission:
Letter of Transmittal
Date: 20th October, 2018

Controller of Examinations
National University

Subject: Submission of Project Report on “Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction”.- A

Study on AB Bank Limited”.

Dear Sir,
This is my great pleasure to submit the project report of AB Bank Limited. The title of the
report is ““Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction”.- A Study on AB Bank Limited. This
report has been prepared to fulfill the requirement of my Project program at my assigned
organization, AB Bank Limited.

I have put my best effort to make this report a successful one. It has been joyful &
enlightening experience for me to work in the organization & prepare this report. However,
this has been obviously a great source of learning for me to.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind guidance & suggestions in
preparing the report. It would be my immense pleasure if you find this report useful &
informative to have an apparent perspective on the issue. I shall be happy to provide any
further explanation regarding this report if required & please do not hesitate to call me if
you have any query on this report or any other relevant matters.

Sincerely your

Exam. Roll : 2181773
Registration: 17501002726
Session: 2017-2018
Program: BBA, Major in Management
Institute of Science Trade and Technology (ISTT)
(Under National University)
Student Declaration

I am Md. Asaduzzaman Ridoy Reg. no. 17501002726 a student of Business

Administration of BBA program, Major in Management, Institute of Science, Trade &
Technology (ISTT), do hereby declare that the Project Report on ““Analysis of Employee
Job Satisfaction”.- A Study on AB Bank Limited” is my work and has not been submitted
by me before for any degree or any other educational institutions. The report was prepared
under the supervision of K.H Robel, Assistant Professor, Department of Business
Administration, Institute of Science, Trade & Technology (ISTT),

Exam. Roll: 2181773
Registration: 17501002726
Session: 2017-2018
Program: BBA, Major in Management
Institute of Science Trade and Technology (ISTT)
(Under National University)

Supervisor’s Certificate

This is the to certify that the project report on “on “Analysis of Employee Job
Satisfaction”.- A Study on AB Bank Limited is prepared by MD. ASADUZZAMAN
RIDOY under my supervisor. His Bearing Roll No: 2181773, Reg.No- 17501002726.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Major in Management of Institute of Science
Trade and Technology (ISTT). He is permitted to submit the report.

I wish every success in his life.


K.H Robel
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Institute of Science, Trade & Technology (ISTT)


At the beginning of preparing this report, I would like to convey gratitude to the
Almighty Allah for his blessing in completing this report. I am obliged to a number of
people who helped me to organize this report and for their kind opinions, suggestions,
instructions and support and appropriate guidelines for this report.

I have received endless support and guidance in preparation of this report from
numerous sources. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all.
First of all, I would like to thank my Project Supervisor K.H Robel, Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Administration, Institute of Science Trade and Technology, for his
continuous guidance and assistance in preparation of this report. His valuable advice has
helped me a lot in writing this paper. I am immensely thankful to his for
the support he has provided during my Project period.

Lastly, I feel fortunate for getting the support, supervision and guidance of my
teachers and friends who have helped me through my Project period.

Executive Summary

AB Bank Limited, a prominent player in the banking sector, has been a subject of analysis
regarding its employees' job satisfaction. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to assess
various factors influencing job satisfaction among its workforce. The findings reveal a mixed
picture of satisfaction levels among employees.

One key factor contributing to employee satisfaction is the bank's competitive compensation
and benefits package. AB Bank Limited has consistently offered attractive remuneration and
perks, which has positively impacted employee morale and loyalty. Additionally, the bank's
commitment to training and development programs has provided employees with
opportunities for skill enhancement, contributing to job satisfaction.

However, challenges persist in areas such as workload and work-life balance. Some
employees have reported high levels of stress due to heavy workloads, potentially affecting
their job satisfaction. Ensuring a healthier balance between work and personal life is essential
for improving employee well-being.

Furthermore, communication within the organization plays a vital role in job satisfaction.
Clear and transparent communication channels between management and employees can lead
to a better understanding of goals and expectations, fostering a more positive work

In conclusion, AB Bank Limited has made significant strides in enhancing employee job
satisfaction through competitive compensation, training opportunities, and other benefits.
However, addressing workload issues and improving communication channels can further
enhance overall satisfaction levels, contributing to a more motivated and productive
workforce. Continued efforts in these areas will be crucial for sustaining and improving
employee job satisfaction at AB Bank Limited.

Table of Contents
Page No.:

Serial No. Particulars Page No.

Letter of Transmittal i
Student’s Declaration ii
Supervisor’s Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Executive Summary v
Chapter-1 Introduction
1.1 Background 01
1.2 Importance of the Study 01-02
1.3 Objectives of the study 02
1.4 Methodology of the Study 02
1.5 Scope of the Study 03
1.6 Limitations of the Study 03
Chapter-2 Literature Review and Theoretical Orientation
2.1 Literature Review 04-06
2.2 Theoretical Framework 06-07
Chapter-3 Overview of the AB Bank Limited
3.1 Background of the AB Bank Limited 08-09
3.2 Vision statement 09
3.3 Mission Statement 09
3.4 Change of Name & Logo 09
3.5 Change of Name & Logo 10
3.6 Values 10
3.7 Objectives of AB Bank Limited 11
3.8 Historical Review of the AB Bank Limited: 12-14
3.9 Current Profile of AB Bank Limited 14-15
3.10 Management Aspects 16-17

3.11 Management Organogram 18
3.12 Departments and Division of AB Bank Limited 19-24
3.13 Products and Services of AB Bank Limited 24-25
3.14 SWOT Analysis of AB Bank Limited 25
3.15 Corporate social responsibilities of AB Bank Limited 26
Chapter-4 Analysis and evaluation
4.1 Benefits providing by the Organization 27
4.2 Compensation and Benefits provided by the Organization 28-29
4.3 Job satisfaction on Recruitment and Selection 29-30
4.4 Job stress 31-32
4.5 Employees satisfaction on cooperation and appreciation 33-34
4.6 Working Environment 35-36
4.7 Proper Training Opportunities 39-40
4.8 Promotion in Bank 40
4.9 Job Security 41-43
Chapter-5 Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1 Findings 44-45
5.2 Recommendations 46-47
5.3 Conclusion 48
References 49

1.1 Background
This study attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of bank employees in Bangladesh. It
focuses on the relative importance of job satisfaction factors and their impacts on the
overall job satisfaction of employees. In this study the targeted population is
employees of Bank. The Banks include private and public Bank. The data was
collected and administered by means of a structured questionnaire. The study showed
that organizational factors such as work conditions, pay, fairness, and promotion
significantly influenced employee job satisfaction in Bank. However, individual
factors such as age and gender did not significantly influence employee job
satisfaction in Banks. The overall job satisfaction of the bank officers is at the positive
level appeal to their customers. In such situation, job satisfaction of bank officers
becomes an important issue that has to be taken care of in order to achieve ultimate
goals of the banking sector in Bangladesh.

1.2 Importance of the Study

In recent years the banking sector has been able to attract young talents who have
chosen banking profession as their preferred career. The nature of work is changing at
whirlwind speed, and the factors that keep an employee satisfied with his or her job
are also changing. Contemporary banking business considers the job of satisfying
their employees most important for retaining their valuable skilled workforce Job
satisfaction is the discrepancy among people's expectations and wants related to the
job, and what is really offered to them. In this era of competitiveness, success of any
organization depends on its human resource. Banks are no exception to this.

The employees of the Bank are valuable assets to the organization and if they are
highly satisfied they produce more and this is profitable to the organization. So in this
competitive environment it is necessary to know employees attitude towards their jobs
and to measure the level of satisfaction with various aspects of job satisfaction.
Efficient human resource management and maintaining higher job satisfaction levels
in Banks determines not only the performance of the Bank, but also growth and
performance of the entire economy.

1.3 Objectives of the study

Major objective:
> Identifying the level of job satisfaction of the employees in the organization and the
factors that motivate them to stay in the job/organization i.e. banking sector in

Specific objectives:
 To identify the most effective factors of job satisfaction
 To identify the level of job satisfaction of the employees of the AB Bank
 To recommend some factors to retain employees.

1.4 Methodology of the Study

In order to make an extensive and informative project report very ordinary
methodology has been used. The method is using some questionnaires for collecting
the basic information the primary data from both the HR executive and some faithful
worker. The secondary data collected the other sources. Those data information were
collected from various source, such as primary and secondary which is showed below:

Primary source of Data:

Conversation with the officer and staffs
Informal conversation with the clients
Observing various organizational procedures

Secondary sources of Data:

Annual report of organization
Information about the organization from their company profile
Web sites of AB Bank limited

1.5 Scope of the Study
The study is precisely restricted to organizational turnover ratio and employee job
satisfaction. It is discussing only a smaller side of organizational practices which
cause employee turnover. Through knowing the relationship among these two areas, it
is possible to take necessary steps to retain the potential employees. Job environment
is an important factor behind organizations high turnover rate. This study can
facilitate the participants who have the intention to work in the same field and other
who are working in this sector. This can also be used as a reference in any relevant
study in future.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

(1) This study is based on only an organization with some close ended questionnaire.
(2) Only 20 people have participated in this survey.
(3) Because of the privacy and strict information system and restrictions ,I could not
talk to them properly for more in depth discussion. So the lack of validity is prevailed
through this report. There were some vagueness in my questionnaire that made some
confusion while collecting data.
(4) Limited time.

Literature Review and Theoretical Orientation

2.1 Literature Review

Employee satisfaction is an important success factor for all organizations. Employee
satisfactions have been recognized to have a major impact on many economic and
social phenomena, e.g. economic growth and higher standard of living. Companies
must have continuous employee satisfaction in order to stay profitable. Some related
and relevant literatures regarding factors affecting employee job satisfaction are
reviewed below which will help the study to identify and understand the factors
affecting employees’ job satisfaction in the banking industry of Bangladesh.

2.1.1 Job Satisfaction

The concept of assessing job satisfaction was started in 1911 by Taylor, who stated
that rewards such as earnings, incentives, promotions, appreciation and opportunities
for progress could increase employee job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, in
contrast, can be due to an absence of work-life balance, a lack of advancement and
opportunities, a non-supportive working environment, lack of encouragement, lack of
recognition and stress (Zafarullah & Pertti, 2017).

The concept and assessment of job satisfaction began in 1911 with the report of
Taylor. Job Satisfaction is the feeling of contentment or a sense of accomplishment,
which an employee derives from his/her job. It is a result of appraisal that causes one
to attain their job values or meet out their basic needs. It helps in determining, to what
extent a person likes or dislikes his/her job. The employee’s attitude towards the job
and organization as well becomes positive when they realize that their job facilitates
them in achieving their needs and values, directly (by performing it) or indirectly (by
the package they get). Efficient human resource with higher job satisfaction level in
banks determines not only the performance of the bank but also affect the growth and
performance of the entire economy and Job dissatisfaction affects the quality of

service, raises worker’s voice and creates unrest which affects the degree of customer
satisfaction (Rahman,, 2019).

Taylor stated that rewards like the earnings of the job, incentive payments, promotion,
appreciation, and opportunities for progress could lead to increased job satisfaction
(Aslan, 2001). According to Locke (1976), job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive
emotional state which is the result from the appraisal of one’s job experiences.
Herzberg stated that, job satisfaction can be perceived as a motive for people who
work in a company.

Moreover, according to Keith Davis and John W. Newstrom (2002), Job Satisfaction
is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employees’
view their work. It is an affective attitude a feeling of relative like or dislike towards
something. Experimental studies have found that it is important to satisfy the needs of
employee, as job satisfaction is a predictive factor for job performance,
counterproductive work behavior, and turnover intentions (Qazi, & Jeet, 2016; Hwang
& Ramadoss, 2017). Satisfied employees’ are an asset of a company that works like a
team to fulfill the goals (Soodan, et al., 2017). In short, it represents the difference
between employee’s expectations and experience he/she derives from the job. The
wider the gap, the more is the dissatisfaction.

2.1.2 Dimensions of Job Satisfaction

A large amount of literature is available on the employee readiness domain relating to
indiviual and workplace factors (Elias, 2009; Madsen, 2012; Karim, et al. 2014; Qazi
& Jeet, 2016; Mustafi et al., 2017; Rahman et al., 2017; Hossain & Wadud, 2017;
Holt et al., 2018;). Salary, incentives, relation with coworkers, training &
development facilities, working environment, performance appraisal system, working
hours, transfer policy and complain handling & safety measures have a have a great
influence on bank employees’’ job satisfaction (NathRoy, Hossain & Shammi, 2017).

Moreover, according to Uddin & kabir (2015) identified to their report that there are
five facet of job play a significant role in influencing one’s perception of job

satisfaction and the respondents were most satisfied with the banking profession but
less satisfied with monetary benefits (pay/salary), interpersonal relation with
colleagues and supervisors and with promotional opportunities and content of work.
Ahmad et al. (2015) investigated selected factors of job satisfaction in the public
banking sector in Bangladesh. They determined the level of employees’’ job
satisfaction and found out that coworker’s nature of work and supervision,
employees’ received were very much significant on job satisfaction but, it revealed
that employees’ are dissatisfied with the pay and promotional opportunity.

The identified factors that were influenced on overall job satisfaction such as physical
working conditions, social environment and relationships as well as psychological
factors including work content (Agbozo et al., 2017).

According to Masum, et al. (2015) revealed that compensation package, supervisory

support, job security, training and development opportunities, team cohesion, career
growth, working conditions, and organizational culture and policies are positively
associated with the academics’ job satisfaction.

Rafique et al. (2014) studied on factors effecting job satisfaction of employees’

working in private organizations of Pakistan. He found that, some of management
variables, which were, compensation, empowerment, work place, appraisal system,
management behavior, motivation, clear goals of organization and training and
development shown a positively correlation with employee’s job satisfaction.
Motivational dimensions of bank workers lie in the diverse order. Work inspiration of
bank officers is fundamentally depending on their pay, edge profit, productivity in
work, value supervision, and associate relationship (Rashid, S., & Rashid. 2012).

2.2 Theoretical Framework

After reviewing the above literatures, I identified that, there is no explorative study
showing the “Factors affecting of Employee Job Satisfaction- A case study on AB
Bank Limited Bank Thus, a gap exists in identifying specific factors of job

satisfaction in commercial banks. For this reason, I attempted to conduct this study by
considering most influential factors of job satisfaction which will not only identify the
factors of job satisfaction but also help to escalate employees’’ motivation of
commercial banks as AB Bank Limited Bank in Bangladesh. Thus, I came up with a
conceptual model in order to find the answer, as shown in figure1.

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

Overview of the AB Bank Limited

3.1 Background of the AB Bank Limited

The AB Bank Limited, the first private sector bank under Joint Venture with Dubai
Bank Limited, UAE incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 and started
its operation with effect from April 12, 1982.
Dubai Bank Limited (the name has subsequently changed to Union Bank of the
Middleast Limited) decided to off-load their investment in the AB Bank Limited with
a view to concentration their activities in the UAE in early part of 1987 and in terms
of Articles 23A and 23B of the Articles of Association of the Company and with the
necessary approval of the relevant authorities, the shares held by them in the Bank
were sold and transferred to Group "A" Shareholders, i.e. Bangladeshi Sponsor
As of December 31, 2007; the Authorized Capital and the Equity (Paid up Capital and
Reserve) of the Bank are BDT 3000 million in the Extra Ordinary general meeting
held on July 16, 2008
Since beginning, the bank acquired confidence and trust of the public and the business
houses by rendering high quality services in different areas of banking operations,
professional competence and employment of the state of art technology.
During the last 27 years, AB Bank Limited has opened 73 Branches in different
Business Centers of the country, one foreign Branch in Mumbai, India and also
established a wholly owned Subsidiary Finance Company in Hong Kong in the name
of AB International Finance Limited. To facilitate cross border trade and payment
related services, the Bank has correspondent relationship with over 220 international
banks of repute across 58 countries of the World.
AB Bank Limited, the premier sector bank of the country is making headway with a
mark of sustainable growth. The overall performance indicates mark of improvement
with Deposit reaching BDT 53375.35 million, which is precisely 26.85% higher than
the preceding year. On the Advance side, the Bank has been able to achieve 30.76%

increase, thereby raising a total portfolio to BDT 40915.35 million, which places the
Bank in the top tier of private sector commercial banks of the country.
On account of Foreign Trade, the Bank made a significant headway in respect of
import, export and inflow of foreign exchange remittances from abroad.

3.2 Vision statement

"To be the trend setter for innovative banking with excellence and perfection"
AB Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters, sports and athletics,
music and entertainment, science and education, health and hygiene, clean and
pollution free environment and above all a society based on morality and ethics make
all our lives worth living
ABBL's essence and ethos rest on a cosmos of creativity and the marvel – magic of a
charmed life that abounds with spirit of life and adventures that contributes towards
human development.

3.3 Mission Statement

“To be the best performing Bank in the country"
AB Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in business and industry with a
commitment to social responsibility. “Profits alone" don't hold a central focus in the
Bank's operation, because “man does not live by bread and butter alone”.

3.4 Change of Name & Logo:

Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited changed its name to AB Bank Limited (ABBL) with
effect from 14 November 2007, Vide Bangladesh Bank MRPD Circular letter no. 10
dated 22 November 2007. Prior to those shareholders of the bank approved the change
of name in the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 04 September 2007.

New logo of ABBL

Effective 01 January 2008, ABBL changed its logo as well.

3.5 Change of Name & Logo:
Name of the Company
AB Bank Ltd
Legal Form: A public limited company incorporated on 31st December, 1981 under
the Companies Act, 1913 and listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd and Chittagong
Stock Exchange Ltd.

Commencement of Business
27th February 1982
Registered Office
BCIC Bhaban, 30-31, Dilkusha C/A
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88-02-9560312
Fax: +88-02-9564122, 23

3.6 Values
 Service Excellence
 Openness
 Trust
 Commitment
 Integrity
 Responsible corporate citizen

AB Bank Limited consider their customers trust as the lifeline of their business,
control and compliance as license to operate, dynamic and motivated people as their
strength to multiply and technology as their weapon to render excellent service.

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3.7 Objectives of AB Bank Limited:
 Bringing modern Banking facility to the doorstep of general public through
diversification of banking services, thereby arousing saving propensity among
the people.
 Foreign a cordial, deep-rooted and firm banker-customer relationship by
dispensing prompt and improved client’s service.
 Taking part in the development if the national economy through productive
deployment of the Bank’s resources as well as patronizing different social
 Connecting clients to modern banking practice by the best application of
improved information technology, so that they get encouraged to continue and
feel proud of banking with ABBL.
 Ensuring highest use of the professional workforce through enhancement of
their aptitude and competency.
 Responding to the need of the time by participating in syndicated large loan
financing with likeminded Bank’s of the country, thereby expanding the area
of investment of the Bank.
 Elevating the image of the Bank at home and abroad by sustained expansion
of its activities.
 Ensuring maintenance of capital adequacy, comfortable liquidity, asset quality
and highest through successful implementation of the management core risk

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3.8 Historical Review of the AB Bank Limited:
The AB Bank Limited (ABBL), a joint collaboration bank with Dubai Bank Limited,
was formed in Dhaka on 31 December 1981. It started banking operations on 12
April, 1982 as a scheduled private sector commercial bank. Initially the authorized
capital of the bank was Tk 200 million divided into 2 million shares of Tk 100 each.
The issued and paid up capital was Tk 80 million. The authorized capital of the bank
has later been enhanced to Tk 800 million. The paid up capital was also enhanced at
different times of its operation and stood at Tk 409.94 million in December, 2000.
ABBL is the first Arabian-Bangladeshi joint venture private commercial bank in
Bangladesh and was formed with the assistance and support of the Dubai-based
Galadari family, a group active in international trade, finance and industry.

Nine numbers of Boards of Directors including the Chairman, governs the overall
affairs of the bank. The Chief Executive of the bank is its Managing Director. In all,
1,472 employees, including the executives and officers, work in the bank in various
capacities. The bank has 62 branches (urban-46, rural-15 and overseas-1). The Head
Office of the bank is located at Dilkusha, Dhaka.

ABBL was set up to conduct all types of traditional commercial banking functions
including foreign exchange business and other financial services. It has been able to
achieve satisfactory progress in all areas of its planned activities including deposit
mobilization, credit expansion, servicing imports and exports, remittance services,
investment, and product innovation.
At the end of 1982, the first year of the banking business, the total deposits of ABBL
amounted to Tk 136.71 million. This stood at Tk 16,217.5 million on 31 December
2000. The deposit-mix of the bank in 2000 was composed of fixed deposits (56.6%),
savings deposits (21.84%), and current and other deposits (21.56%). The amount of
total reserve funds of ABBL was Tk 354.81 million in 2000 as against Tk 202.48
million in 1995.

Total loans and advances of ABBL increased from Tk 116.96 million in 1982 to Tk
12,548.4 million in 2000. Responding to the needs of the market, ABBL introduced
three new schemes: Student Loan, Personal Computer Loan for Educational

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Institutions (for their laboratories), and Monthly Interest Payment Facility to term
deposit holders. The broad economic areas in which the bank lends (and the total
outstanding amount of advances to those areas in million Taka) up to 31 March, 2000
were: agriculture and fisheries (278), industry (2,811), retail/wholesale trade and
hotels and restaurants (3,769), transport/communication and storage (180), insurance,
real estate and trade service (1,384), special credit programmers, including poverty
alleviation and income generating activity (520), and others (1,874). Up to 31 March
2000, ABBL provided financial support in the form of loans and advances to 88 large
and medium scale and 145 small and cottage industrial projects amounting to Tk
2,300 million. It has also extended project financing in syndication with other banks.
The ratio of advances and deposits during the year 1999 and 2000 were 80.66% and
77.38% respectively.

In 2000, the bank's total classified loans were 23.45% of its total loans and advances.
It maintained a provision of Tk 1,435.4 million for them, which affected the bank's
performance and degraded the quality of its lending assets. The quantum of
investment of the bank rose to Tk 2,429.66 million in 2000 from Tk 23 million in
1982. Of the total investment in 2000, 93% was in government treasury bills. The rest
was invested in other sectors including debentures of ICB, ordinary shares of
companies and prize bonds. In that year, the bank earned an income of Tk 170.21
million from its investments.

In the financial year ending on 30 June 2000, total foreign exchange business of the
bank was Tk 11,600 million, which included imports (34.48%), exports (58.19%) and
remittances (7.33%). ABBL has foreign correspondent relationships with 221
banks/bank offices and other financial institutions at different international financial
centers. The overseas operations of the bank are conducted through its Mumbai
branch in India and its subsidiary company, the AB International Finance Limited in
Hong Kong. The bank has two foreign representative offices - one in London and the
other in Yangon.

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As of December 31, 2006; the Authorized Capital and the Equity (Paid up Capital and
Reserve) of the Bank are BDT 2000 million and BDT 2582.76 million respectively.
The Sponsor-Shareholders hold 50% of the Share Capital; the General Public
Shareholders hold 49.43% and the rest 0.57% Shares are held by the Government of
the People's Republic of Bangladesh. However, no individual sponsor share holder of
AB Bank holds more than 10% of its total shares.

During the last 27 years, AB Bank Limited has opened 74 Branches in different
Business Centers of the country, one foreign Branch in Mumbai, India, two
Representative Offices in London and Yangon, Myanmar respectively and also
established a wholly owned Subsidiary Finance Company in Hong Kong in the name
of AB International Finance Limited. To facilitate cross border trade and payment
related services, the Bank has correspondent relationship with over 220 international
banks of repute across 58 countries of the world.

3.9 Current Profile of AB Bank Limited:

Since beginning, the bank acquired confidence and trust of the public and business
houses by rendering high quality services in different areas of banking operations,
professional competence and employment of the state of art technology.

At present, the bank has 77 branches throughout the country with about 18000
employees. The existing Board of director is 14. M. Wahidul Haque is the chairman
of board and Kaiser A. Chowdhury is the President and Managing Director. The bank
has been restructured their five main business which are responsible for earning the
revenues of the bank. These are:
 Corporate Banking
 Consumer Banking
 SME Banking
 Treasury and
 Cards

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All other department of the bank acts as support for these units and helps them in
every possible way. Under this arrangement, the responsibilities and functions of
those branches have been reduced dramatically. Many of the activities like credit
evaluation and approval, monitoring of loans, trade services activities etc. are now
centralized in the Head Office. The branches of the bank are now termed as the “sales
and service Centers” which are solely concentrated on delivering services to the
corporate and consumer clients and maintain relationship with them.

AB Bank Limited, the premier sector bank of the country is making headway with a
mark of sustainable growth. The overall performance indicates mark of improvement
with Deposit reaching BDT 42076.99 million, which is precisely 53.78% higher than
the preceding year. On the Advance side, the Bank has been able to achieve 46.32%
increase, thereby raising a total portfolio to BDT 31289.25 million, which places the
Bank in the top tier of private sector commercial banks of the country.

On account of Foreign Trade, the Bank made a significant headway in respect of

import, export and inflow of foreign exchange remittances from abroad.

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3.10 Management Aspects:
The AB Bank Limited Management Team comprises of a group of people and each of
them comes with an international working background and is committed in leveraging
their experience to take ABBL to greater heights by ensuring top line revenues with
dynamic capabilities. This Management Team is unique in being able to envision the
need of the business by bringing in admixture of advanced technology solutions
know-how and revamping the organizational make-up for maximum profitability.
Other than the President and Managing Director, the remaining Management Team
Members each lead a functional Department.

This mix of people is persistent to provide unparalleled services to its customers,

come up with timely and innovative products and services and to enhance the
capabilities of its people of its people while emphasizing on the latest technology.
This they believe will take the bank to a foremost position in the country by the turn
of the year 2008. This team is to drive the business to maximize the operational
excellence and efficiency through acquisition of talent, developing systems, processes
and people and through blending of these to let customers revel in with fulfillment
and permanency.

Like any other business organization, all the major decisions in ABBL are made by
the top management committee. The board mainly establishes the objectives and
policies of the bank. There are three committees of the board for different purpose:

3.10.1 Executive Committee:

This committee is comprised of Chairman, four members of the bank and one member
secretary. The functional and responsibilities of this committee is to establish and
periodically review the bank’s overall credit and lending policies and procedures,
development and implement uniform and minimum acceptable credit standards for the
bank, new credit proposal assessment and approval etc.

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3.10.2 Audit Committee:
The main objective of this committee is to assist Board of Directors with regard to the
audit of financial reports, management reports by the external auditors, internal
controls and internal audits. ABBL have four members in audit committee.

3.10.3 Management Committee:

The main objective of this committee is to ensure business operations are in line with
the Bank’s policies, strategies and objectives, the bank has set up. This committee
consists of the Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director and different business
unit heads. The honorable members are:

Kaiser A Chowdhury
President & Managing Director

Fazlur Rahman Majedur Rahman

Additional Managing Director Additional Managing Director

Shamim Ahmed Chowdhury Badrul H. Khan

Deputy Managing Director Chief Finance Officer

Following members are also in the Management Committee:

 Head of HR & Transformation
 Head of Financial Institutions and Treasury
 Head of Internal Contorl & Compliance
 head of Information Technology
 Head of Credit Risk Management
 Head of Credit Administration Management
 Head of Islami Banking Division
 Head of Retail Banking\
 Head of SME
 Head of Risk Management Unit
 Head of Corporate & Structured Finance
 Head of Regions
17 | P a g e
3.11 Management Organogram:

Board of Directors

Management Director

Deputy Managing Director

Senior Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Vice President

Senior Assistant Vice President

Assistant Vice President

Senior Principle Officer

Principal Officer

Management Trainee (Entry Level)

Senior Officer


Trainee Officer (Entry Level)

Contractual Officer (Entry Level)

18 | P a g e
3.12 Departments and Division of AB Bank Limited:
The following are the main divisions; the structures and functions of each of these divisions
are described below:

3.12.1 Internal Control and Compliance

The main function of this division is to provide legal assistance to the branches and
implement recovery strategy for stuck-up loan and to ensure strict adherence to rules and
policies by all connected of the bank through routine and surprise inspection and audit. The
functions of this division are as follows:

 Implement rescheduling process of stuck-up loan to the branches for obtaining

repayment schedule through persuasion and serve final notice etc. as the condition
 Monitor the individual cases with respect to their securities, value of securities and
finally review of possibility of recovery of banks stuck-up classified loan.
 Investigate suspicious or irregular matters being directed by higher management.
 Time to time follow-up of advance to keep the branch under constant pressure.
 Carryout instant audit as felt necessary.

3.12.2 Financial Institutions and Treasury

Treasury unit is a core banking unit with its leading-edge technology and steadily growing
volume of activity in the markets, ABBL’s treasury unit and currency dealing desks have
consolidated its position as a well-known and well establish counterpart in the newly
transformed Free Floating rate, dealing daily with a wide circle of both bank and non-bank
customers all over Bangladesh. Our everyday business evolves around participation in Money
Market and Foreign Exchange Market in a substantial volume.

19 | P a g e
3.12.3 Human Resources Division
The employees of AB Bank Limited are the most valuable asset for the bank. Having
competent and professional employees is becoming increasingly important in today’s
competitive world, and ABBL has a significant competitive advantage in this respect. Many
of its employees have worked here from the beginning of the bank and therefore have vast
experience in their respective field. Also the new employees are recruited with high academic
background and given proper training after recruitment to groom up for their responsibilities.
At present around 18000 people are employed with ABBL. All aspects of the employees
looked after by the Human Resource Division. HR division is responsible mainly for
recruitment, Development, Rewarding and Benefits of the staffs. The mission statement of
HR division is “we will ensure the skilled employments where we will work with fun and

3.12.4 Board Division

In Board Division works the company secretary. They take decision and run the organization

3.12.5 Share Division

The Customer authorizes AB Bank Limited to exchange, share, part with all information
related to the details and transaction history of the Customers to its Affiliates / banks /
financial institutions / credit bureaus / agencies/participation in any telecommunication or
electronic clearing network as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting,
statistical analysis and credit scoring, verification or risk management and shall not hold AB
Bank Limited liable for use or disclosure of this information.

3.12.6 Finance Division

Finance division is very significant division for any Bank, the main objectives of Finance
Division are:
 Maintain daily liquidity positions, treasury bills, call money, debentures, placement of
fund etc.
 Monthly-accrued interest assessment of all interest bearing accounts, inter-branch
assessment, and amortization of all fixed and other assets.
 Preparation of statement of accounts and profit and loss account for the Bank.
 Cost of fund analysis.

20 | P a g e
 Fulfilling reporting requirements of Bangladesh Bank.
 Maintenance of accounts, income and expenditure posting, salaries, Provident Fund

3.12.7 Operations
The Operations Division consists of Service Delivery, Trade services and Treasury support
unit and IT Division. These subunits provide support to the front office functionalities.

3.12.8 Credits
The Credit Risk Management Department is assisted by the Credit Division which is mainly
concern with the post-approval functions of the division. Duties and responsibilities of Credit
Division are too focused on documentation, sitting the limit of system, monitoring and
disbursement of credit products. Credit Division censures that no transactions are booked
under expired limits or lines of credit accounts where security documentation or collateral
have not been perfected.

3.12.9 Retail Banking

Under retail banking ABBL provide two types of loan, these are:
 Unsecured Loan
 Secured Loan

The Unsecured loans are:

 Personal Loan
 Auto Loan
 Easy Loan (For Executives)
 Gold Grace - Jewellery Loan
 House/Office Furnishing/Renovation Loan
 Staff Loan
 Education Loan

The Secured Loans are:

 Personal Loan
 Personal Overdraft

21 | P a g e
3.12.10 Business Banking Division
Alongside providing the best service to the client, patronizing and taking part in social
development activities as well as making due contribution to growth of the national economy.

3.12.11 Corporate Affairs

At AB Bank provides complete range of solutions to meet Corporate Customers requirement.
ABBL Corporate Banking solutions include a board spectrum of products and services
backed by proven, modern technologies. ABBL specialist terms offer a comprehensive
service providing finance to large and medium-sized businesses based in Bangladesh.

3.12.11 International Division

 To correspond with the other bank and give service to he maintained foreign
 To be maintain trade service
 To be maintain overseas operation

3.12.12 MISYS Core Team

Our strategy at Misys is to provide innovative, integrated solutions and services that set us
apart as the leading application software and services provider to the financial services and
healthcare industries. In financial services we serve over 1,200 customers, including all of the
world’s top 50 banks. In healthcare, all scripts Misys, the company in which we own a
controlling interest, serves more than 150,000 physicians, 700 hospitals and nearly 7,000
post-acute and homecare organizations. AB Bank uses the Misys Banking application

3.12.13 AB Investment Limited

Bangladesh Bank by its circular BRPD Circular No. 12 dated 14th October 2009 has issued a
directive that the merchant banking business of a Bank Company can only be operated
through the formation of a separate subsidiary company of such a bank company.
 It is effective form 10th March 2020
 Its operations and Merchant banking Activities shall be taken over by AB Investment

22 | P a g e
 All financial instruments (Pay Order, cheque) issued by AB Bank Limited, merchant
banking wing shall be honored by AB Investment Limited.
 All customer of Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited, Merchant Banking Wing shall be
treated as clients or customer of AB Investment Limited.

AB Bank Generally did four types of investment Banking services, they are:

 Merchant Banking Wing

 Custodial Service
 Brokerage Service
 Future Products.

3.12.14 AB Bank Foundation

AB Bank Foundation (ABBF) is a subsidiary company of AB Bank Limited having holding
99.60% shares of the ABBF. The company was first established under the trust deed
constituted and registered on the 14th day of May 2002. Subsequently the trust by a resolution
of its Board of trustee in its 3rd meeting held on 29.12.2002 resolved to cancel the Trust Deed
and utilize the trust fund for the foundation of a company limited by guarantee primarily for
charitable purpose. Then the company was incorporated on 3rd day of November 2003 under
section 28 of Companies Act 1994, a company limited by guarantee. The certificate of
incorporation is C-558(10)/2003.

3.12.15 Merchant Bank Wing

AB Bank launched its Merchant Banking Wing (MBW) operations in the year 2003.
Financial statements of Merchant Banking Wing have been audited by a separately appointed
independent auditor. Assets-liabilities and income-expenditures of that Wing are incorporated
in similar heads of account of the Bank's financial statements. As a fully fledged merchant
banker, ABBL provide the following services:
 Portfolio Management
 Issue Management
 Underwriting
 Corporate Advisory
 Bankers to the Issue
 Private Placement

23 | P a g e
3.12.15 AB Securities Limited
AB Bank Foundation (ABBF) was a subsidiary company of AB Bank Limited having
holding 99.60% shares of ABBF. The company was first established under the trust
deed constituted and registered on the 14th day of May 2002. But Bangladesh Bank by
its letter PPD (R-2) 651/9 (Bishas)/2009-450dated 14" October 2009 has issued a
directive that ABBF will close its stock broking operation and a separate subsidiary
will have to be formed by AB Bank for stick broking and dealing activities subject to
fulfillment of Bangladesh Bank conditions.

Bangladesh Bank has accorded its approval to the formation of such a subsidiary
company of AB Bank Limited under the name and style of “AB Securities Limited”
and which has been incorporated with Registered Joint Stock Companies and Firms,
Bangladesh. As a private limited company being No. C 81352/09 given at Dhaka 24
December 2009. And ABBF declared that:
 It is effective from 02 august, 2010 all its operations and including but not
limited to Investment Account Holders shall be taken over by AB Securities
 All financial instruments (Pay Order, cheque) issued by AB Securities Limited
 All customers of Arab Bangladesh Bank Foundation shall be treated as clients
or customer of AB Securities Limited

3.13 Products and Services of AB Bank Limited

 Retail Banking
 Corporate Banking
 SME Banking
 Project Finance
 Loan Syndication
 Lending Rates
 Deposit Rates
 Exchange Rates
 AB Banking
 Money Transfer

24 | P a g e
 Islami Banking
 Investment Banking
 Cards
 SMS Banking

3.14 SWOT Analysis of AB Bank Limited

3.14.1 Strengths
 AB Bank Limited, the first private sector Bank
 Good Will.
 Faithful.
 Well Decorated Place
 Working Environment is Comfortable
 High Quality Services in different areas of banking operations.
 Bank acquired confidence and trust of the public.

3.14.2 Weakness
 Slow progress in new system
 Product and Services are lower than other bank
 Example: ATM System

3.14.3 Opportunities
 Do fast in competition market
 Develop product and service than other bank
 Going on faster progress in new system.

3.14.4 Threats
 Do fast in competition market
 Develop product and service than other bank

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3.15 Corporate social responsibilities of AB Bank Limited
In this 21st century, the social responsibility of an organization is unavoidable. The
societal marketing concept holds that the organization should the needs wants and
interest of the target markets. It should then deliver superior to customers in a way
that maintains or improves the consumer’s and the society’s well-being.

The bank realizes the importance of contributing to the public, community and society
as a whole as well as participating in environmental protection and conservation for a
sustainable future.

In every year ABBL contribute their in various types of social activities. These are;
awarding the talent student, monetary contribution in the disable fund, contribute
increasing public awareness and they also invest for beatification. ABBL contribute
for the Sidor affected people. No one in society can avoid the due responsibilities,
ABBL position is positive in this regard and they wish to find a suitable segment to
work with the future to meet the corporate social responsibility.

26 | P a g e
Analysis of Evaluation

4.1 Benefits providing by the Organization

In this chapter, data are analyzed, and the findings are contrasted with our purpose of
the study, which have been gathered from the chosen organization. The discussion
will be limited to the factors that affect employee job satisfaction in this section and
how management might motivate employees to stay on staff and minimize turnover.
I have tried to find the factors that affecting most job satisfaction in a very customized
way for the shortage of time with some restrictions imposed by the Organization.
However through these findings, I have come across what job related factors caused
employee job satisfaction, turnover in that particular organization.

To get feedback from the organization's employees, I have developed a closed-ended

questionnaire. I have used 5 scale method to find out their satisfaction level in their
current organization. The recorded responses are then manually examined to
determine the respondents' overall satisfaction with their jobs and their likelihood of
sticking with the same organization for the next couple of years.

20 people are interviewed from the organizations and there was also focused group
discussion which was not very much conventional. Throughout the discussion
employees from same organization shared their opinions, thoughts and gave
recommendations to reduce employee turnover in the organization to reduce
employee turnover in the organization. The key factors which instigate employee
turnover are lack of non-financial benefits, salary structure, promotion, work pressure,
lack of challenges that employees face for a long time by doing the same task etc.
These factors can be addressed by the management and hence it will increase the
growth of the organization, employees will also continue their job in the same
organization with contentment and loyalty.

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4.2 Compensation and Benefits provided by the Organization
Table 1

Compensation and benefits

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted
Agree (4) (3) disagree (1) Mean
(5) (2)
Bank provides 50% 30% 0% 10% 10% 4
fair basic
Bank provides 60% 30% 0% 5% 5% 4.35
salary on time
Salary 50% 20% 10% 10% 10% 3.9
My bank 20% 50% 10% 10% 10% 3.6
Bank provides 60% 20% 10% 5% 5% 4.25
bonuses and
other benefits
like maternity

450% Bank provides fair basic

400% salary
300% Bank provides salary on time
Salary increased when
150% employees promoted
50% My bank provides
0% satisfactory retirement
Bank provides bonuses and
other benefits like maternity
benefit, festival bonuses

28 | P a g e
According to the findings of the data, it seems employees get all the benefits and
bonuses on time.
When employees are asked about their basic salary, 80% of employees agreed on fair
salary.90% of respondents agreed bank provides salary on time, 70% of the
respondents agreed on salary increased while promoting employees. 80% of
respondents agreed on bank provides benefits and bonuses.

4.3 Job satisfaction on Recruitment and Selection

Table 2
Recruitment and Selection

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted

Agreed disagree Mean
My organization recruits 20% 10% 10% 40% 20% 2.7
employees according to
knowledge level
My organization recruits 30% 20% 0% 40% 10% 3.2
employees with right skills
during recruitment process
Bank is biased in selection 40% 10% 10% 20% 20% 3.3
Bank doesn’t do favoritism 30% 20% 10% 10% 3.3
while selecting employees 30%

I am overall happy with 50% 10% 10% 20% 10% 3.7

recruitment the process

29 | P a g e
350% My organization recruits
300% employees according to
knowledge level
My organization recruits
employees with right skills
150% during recruitment process
Bank is biased in selection
50% process
Bank doesn’t do favoritism
while selecting employees

Recruitment and selection process is also important In retaining employees. People
who will see there is fair recruitment & selection process, they will feel satisfied.
Findings of above table shows that, 0nly 30% of respondents their employees feel
their organization recruits based on their knowledge level.50% of employees agreed
that their organization recruits employees with right skills. 50% of respondents agreed
on there is biased In selection process, while 50% of respondents agreed there is no
favoritisms so there is mixed feelings of respondents on this matter. 60 % of
respondents are overall happy with the process.

30 | P a g e
4.4 Job stress
Table 3

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted

Agree (4) (3) disagree (1) Mean
(5) (2)
Heavy workload 40% 20% 15% 15% 10% 3.65
in bank led to
reduce employee
Role conflict in 50% 30% 10% 8% 2% 4.18
bank has
Do you think 40% 20% 25% 10% 5% 3.8
working hours
has reduced
Difficulties in 15% 55% 10% 10% 10% 3.55
in Bank has

31 | P a g e
400% Heavy workload in bank led to
350% reduce employee satisfaction
250% Role conflict in bank has
200% reduced employee satisfaction
100% Do you think working hours
50% has reduced employee
0% satisfaction
Difficulties in delegating
responsibilities in Bank has
reduced employee satisfaction

The results are presented in above table shows that 60% of the respondents agreed
that heavy workload in banks has led to reduced employee satisfaction. 80% of the
respondents agreed that role conflict in bank has reduced employee satisfaction while
60% of the respondents supported the fact that long working hours in the bank has
reduced employee satisfaction. 70% agreed that difficulties in delegating
responsibilities in bank has reduced employee satisfaction. The results herein imply
that job stress influences employee job satisfaction at the bank.

32 | P a g e
4.5 Employees satisfaction on cooperation and appreciation

Co operation and appreciation

Table 4
Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted
Agree (4) (3) disagree (1) Mean
(5) (2)
Do your 30% 30% 10% 15% 5% 3.35
organization is
keen on
Do your 36% 14% 0% 15% 35% 3.01
employees are
My 30% 12% 3% 32% 23% 2.94
seniors to
support their
subordinates in
order to achieve
Do you feel 25% 25% 0% 36% 14% 3.11
valued in your
I have good 45% 10% 15% 10% 20% 3.5
relation with

33 | P a g e
350% Do your organization is keen
on promotion

250% Do your organization ensures

employees are rewarded

My organization encourages
seniors to support their
subordinates in order to
100% achieve employee satisfaction
Do you feel valued in your
50% organization

I have good relation with

The result of above table shows 60% of the respondents agreed organization is keen
on promotion, while 50% of respondents agreed on employees are rewarded on the
other hand 50% of respondents disagreed on that matter. That means some feel that
their organization doesn’t care about rewards of the employees which may lead to
dissatisfaction. Only 42% of respondents agreed that their organization encourages
seniors to support subordinates while 55% of respondents disagreed with this matter.
50% of respondents feel they are valued and 50% of respondents feel they are not
valued in their organization. It means sometimes favoritism exists. But 55% of
respondents agreed that they have good relation with management.
The result herein imply that cooperation influences job satisfaction at the bank.

34 | P a g e
4.6 Working Environment

Working Environment
Table 5
Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted
agree disagree Mean
The 40% 35% 10% 5% 10% 3.9
organization has
well lit offices
The 25% 45% 10% 15% 5% 3.7
organizations is
located in an
area with no
noise, pollution
The 20% 45% 8% 12% 15% 3.43
organization is
located in an
area with
Your 45% 25% 12% 8% 10% 3.87
adequate clean
drinking water
Your 46% 24% 15% 5% 10% 3.91
free from health
Your 12% 48% 15% 5% 10% 3.17
staff chairs

35 | P a g e
The organization has well lit
350% offices
The organizations is located in
250% an area with no noise,
200% pollution

150% The organization is located in

an area with adequate security
50% Your Organization provide
0% adequate clean drinking water

Your Organization free from

health hazards

Results in above table shows that 75 % of the respondents agreed that the
organization has well lit offices and this has led to employee satisfaction. 70% of the
respondents indicated that the organization is located in an area with no noise
pollution and 65% agreed that the organization is located in an area with adequate
security all of which has led to employee satisfaction. Also, 60% of the respondents
agreed that the organization has comfortable staff chairs and this has led to employee
satisfaction. Further; 70% of the respondents agreed that the organization is free of
health hazards even 70% of the respondents agreed that the organization has adequate
clean drinking water. The results imply that nature of job determines employee job

36 | P a g e
4.7 Proper Training opportunities

Training and Development

Table 6

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted

Agree disagree Mean
My 24% 46% 10% 5% 15% 3.59
offers proper
training session
My 36% 34% 5% 5% 15% 3.56
identifies areas
for employees
based on
feedback of
My 25% 38% 7% 10% 20% 3.38
asks me if I
really need the
training before
providing the
My 18% 42% 20% 10% 10% 3.48
takes feedback
after the
training session

37 | P a g e
My organization offers proper
350% training session


250% My organization identifies

areas for employees
development based on
feedback of performance
My organization asks me if I
really need the training before
100% providing the session

My organization takes
0% feedback after the training

Training that seeks to improve employee performance and helps the employees to
identify their potential enhance, the overall employee's commitment to the company
and in turn, reduce an employee's turnover intent. This ultimately results in an
organization that is better able to retain its workforce. This organization is very much
focused on employees training.
70% of respondents agreed on their organization offers proper training session and
60% of employees agreed on organization takes feedback after the training session.

38 | P a g e
4.8 Promotion in Bank

Promotion in Bank
Table 7
Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted
Agree disagree Mean
Promotion 12% 48% 10% 10% 20% 3.22
rules very clear
in Bank
Promotion 16% 44% 10% 8% 22% 3.24
depends on
employee work
Every 26% 40% 4% 10% 20% 3.42
employee has
opportunity to
get promotion
in Bank
Bank has 16% 40% 24% 5% 15% 3.37
I am satisfied 26% 34% 10% 10% 20% 3.36
with the bank
Promotion can 60% 25% 0% 5% 10% 4.2
improve my
work attitude
that increase
job satisfaction

39 | P a g e
Promotion rules very clear in
400% Bank
Promotion depends on
300% employee work performance

Every employee has
200% opportunity to get promotion
in Bank
150% Bank has perfect evaluation

50% I am satisfied with the bank

promotion policy
Promotion can improve my
work attitude that increase job

Promotion is the most vital factor of employee job satisfaction. People want appreciation,
they feel valued when they see they get promoted. This practice In organization keep the
employees motivated and energized. This leads to better productivity and performance that in
turn works in the favor of the organization. It improves loyalty among employees.

The above table shows 60% of respondents agreed on promotion policy is very clear in their
organization, 60% of respondents also believed their organization provides promotion based
on employees work performance.

66 of respondents agreed that bank gives opportunity to everyone to get promoted. 56%
respondents feel that their organization has perfect evaluation system. 60 of respondents
agreed that they are satisfied with bank's promotion policy. 85% of respondents agreed that
promotion can improve their attitude towards work that increase job satisfaction. Moreover
promotion increase loyalty and stability in the Organization.

40 | P a g e
4.9 Job Security

Table 8

Statements Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted

disagree Mean
Job security is 34% 12% 8% 10% 36% 2.98
adequate in my
My 23% 17% 15% 18% 27% 2.91
takes adequate
steps to secure
my job
I don’t feel 40% 15% 20% 8% 17% 3.53
secured in my
Adequate Job 36% 35% 15% 4% 10% 3.83
increases job

350% Job security is adequate in my
My organization takes
adequate steps to secure my
150% job
I don’t feel secured in my job

Adequate Job security

increases job retention

41 | P a g e
Job Security is defined as a belief that an individual will be kept in his/ her job. Here,
the above table shows that 46% of respondents agreed that job security is not
adequate in their organization. Only 40% of respondents feel organization takes
adequate steps to secure their job, while 55% of respondents don’t feel secured in his
job. However 71 % of respondents agree and believe that adequate job security
increases job retention. This finding shows that inadequate job security is the reason
of turnover.

 What Employees Think to Stay in the Organization

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Weighted

Agree disagree Mean
Do you feel 20% 60% 10% 5% 5% 3.85
Job stress make
dissatisfied and
result turnover
Will you 15% 55% 15% 5% 10% 3.6
working here if
you feel valued
Do you think 8% 52% 20% 5% 15% 3.33
because of
valuation of

42 | P a g e


300% Do you feel Job stress make

employees dissatisfied and
250% result turnover

Will you continue working
150% here if you feel valued

Do you think your
50% organization's turnover
increased because of proper
0% valuation of employees

Job Security is defined as a belief that an individual will be kept in his/ her job. Here,
the above table shows that 46% of respondents agreed that job security is not
adequate in their organization. Only 40% of respondents feel organization takes
adequate steps to secure their job, while 55% of respondents don’t feel secured in his
job. However 71 % of respondents agree and believe that adequate job security
increases job retention. This finding shows that inadequate job security is the reason
of turnover.

43 | P a g e
Findings, Recommendations & Conclusion

5.1 Findings
In summary, the observations of this study are conducted based upon the responses
that have been collected through the questionnaire survey. Employee's turnover rate
increased in the organization for some noteworthy factors which have not been
addressed by the management for couple of years.

1. Findings prove that the employees don't get proper job security according to their
expectation. Employer or management should communicate properly about the job
security that how increase it to the employees. When there is a lack of collaboration
between employee's expectation and reality, this causes disappointment in the
workplace which eventually causes turnover.

2. Job stress is another factor for the employees to leave their job. This shall be
addressed by the management to retain potential employees. Working in the
Organization for hours make employees demotivated and frustrated which cause
dissatisfaction and turned into increased turnover . In the findings we have seen,
employees responded on heavy workload in bank led to reduce employee satisfaction,
Role conflict in bank has reduced employee satisfaction. Employees feel working
hours has reduced employee satisfaction. So Organization should keep an eye on
these matters to retain employees satisfaction.

3. Recruitment and Selection process is other important factor determining employees

satisfaction. Most of the employees responded that their organization doesn’t recruits
employees according to knowledge level. They have poor reactions on their
organization recruits employees with right skills during recruitment process.

44 | P a g e
4. Job security is a crucial factor in motivating employees. In addition to these valuing
employees in the workplace has been proven by numerous studies to create fantastic
results. Employees who feel valued have increased motivation in the workplace,
greater commitment, and show greater levels of innovation. But absent of this is
causes employees turnover.

5. The employees spend most of their time in workplace, this is important to maintain
a positive and healthy environment in the workplace. Positive attitude towards
employees have significant impact on employees mental health and also directly
influence quality of the output and growth of the personnel along with the

6. Some findings proved that employees don't feel valued in the Organization. We
have seen 50-50 ratio on appreciation and cooperation. 50% of respondents felt they
don't get proper reward and appreciation for their work in the organization.

7. Besides there is always requirement of developing the workforce, investing in the

workforce make the employees feel valued in the organization. When an organization
invests on its employees, its employees feel the belongingness which reduces the
turnover ratio. On the other hand, when organization does not invest on its employees,
there is no sense of belongingness in the employees so employees quit their job easily.

45 | P a g e
5.2 Recommendations

Some recommendations to reduce employee's turnover ratio or increase job satisfaction

in the organization.
I. Maintain fair compensation and benefits: ensure that employees are paid a fair
going wage for their work and are provided with market-competitive benefits.
Otherwise, they will abandon you without a second thought. One of the most essential
components of job satisfaction is compensation and benefits. So, the organization
must continue the concentration on remuneration and benefits that aid in employee

II. Promote thankfulness and generosity: Encourage your staff to act in a sociable
manner. Employees will be more healthy, content, and unlikely to quit if given the
chance to engage with one another via acts of kindness and appreciation. Also, you
offer workers a sense of ownership of the organization by encouraging them to be on
the lookout for positive actions to applaud.

III. Recognize and Reward employees: Showing your employees they are valued and
appreciated by offering them real time recognition that celebrates their successes and
their efforts. Make it specific, social and supported by tangible reward, and you, too,
will be rewarded – with their loyalty.

IV. Offer flexibility: Today’s employees yearn for a flexible work/life balance. It
immediately affects retention. In fact, according to a Boston College Center for Work
& Family study, 76% of managers and 80% of employees said that flexible work
schedules helped them retain staff. More businesses are becoming aware of it. This
implies that if you don't give your staff flexibility with regard to their work schedules
and places, they could quickly leave you for someone else. So, bank should locked
the flexibility.

V. Pay Attention to Engagement: This one may seem apparent, yet far too many
leaders are just interested in the outcomes of engagement surveys. Doing an
engagement survey only once a year is insufficient. You must reserve the majority of

46 | P a g e
your energy for taking appropriate action in response to the findings, and you must
work all year long to create an engaged culture within your organization.

VI. Prioritize employee happiness: For many executives, happiness may seem a little
too soft and fuzzy, but the statistics prove otherwise. For starters, employee happiness
is a crucial predictor of job satisfaction, absenteeism, and alignment with ideals. Your
employees' engagement, productivity, and yes, retention, will all benefit from your
investment in their contentment. So, bank should can to prioritize employee

VII. Taking care of the staff shortfall: These days, we notice a severe shortage of
employees compared to the workload or projects in practically every organization. As
a result of working every day of the week, even government holidays, employees
become frustrated. Companies need to solve the labor shortage and hire the optimum
number of workers for the workload.

VIII. Provide a distinct vision: According to experts, giving employees a feeling of

meaning and purpose in their job is a fundamental component of employee
engagement. Increase employee sense of belonging and commitment to your
company by providing them with a clear vision and goals for their work.

IX. Proper Recruitment and Selection: Findings proved that favoritism exists in the
bank. Some of the employees strongly feel that bank doesn’t recruit according to
skilled and knowledge level. So, Bank should follow the proper recruitment and
selection process.

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5.3 Conclusion
The study looked into the overall conditions of the organization. Employees were interviewed
through a set of a structured questionnaire. A total of 20 workers were selected from the
organization and were interviewed..

Turnover is a burning issue for any organizations. For the steady productivity of an
organization it is essential to maintain its skilled workforce. But most of the times it is very
difficult to control the turnover rate within organizations. There are so many factors that
affect turnover. Accor- ding to the theoretical discussion and the case studies many solutions
to reduce turnover has been discussed. First of all, obviously satisfactory salary structure
helps to reduce turnover though job security also an important issue too. But it is not the only
and always the solution for the authority. A person does not stay in an organization only for
salary but he/she may stay for many other reasons such as, rearranging employees, good
stream relation, better working environment, preferable job location etc.

Most of the work of this paper is obviously theoretical but a complete mathematical model to
measure this turnover rate can be done in future report. If the skill of the employee or worker
is expressed in terms of weight or in percentage, a mathematical model then could be possible
to measure the direct relationships of turnover and productivity. To develop such model we
have to consider so many factors such as; relationships among wage and salary structure,
compensations, fringe benefits, location advantage, job security, social and economic factors
to turnover etc. To integrate all these factors in a model could show a new way to control
turnover for the managerial concern.

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Annual Report
1. Annual Report AB Bank Limited 2017-2022


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