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Group 2

Characteristics of Modern
1. 4.
Description of Modern and
PostMo Architecture and PostMo Architecture

Why We Choose Modern
2. History of PostMo
Architecture Architecture

3. 6.
Comparison between Modern Example of Modern
and PostMo Architecture Architecture Building

Expert Critique about
PostMo Architecture
Of Modern and
PostMo Archtecture
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom that
someone important said and can make the
reader get inspired”

Modern architecture is a style of architecture
that developed in the early 20th century, which
emphasizes function and efficiency and uses
new technologies and materials available at the
time. Modern architectural styles include the use
of simple geometric forms, the elimination of
excessive ornamentation, the use of modern
materials such as reinforced concrete and glass,
and an emphasis on layout and natural lighting.
Of Post Modern Architecture
Start of Post Modern
Postmodern architecture emerged in the late 20th century
as a reaction against the dominant modernist style, and
embraced a more eclectic, playful, and expressive
approach to design. Proponents of postmodernism
rejected the rigid formalism, functionalism, and
minimalism of modernism, and instead celebrated
diversity, contradiction, and complexity. Postmodern
architecture drew inspiration from a wide range of
sources, including history, literature, art, and philosophy,
and incorporated elements of pop culture and kitsch.
While it reached the height of its popularity in the 1980s
and 1990s, postmodernism continues to be influential
today, although it has evolved and diversified in response
to changing social, cultural, and technological contexts.

Post Modern
5 point for the comparion

Design Philosophy

Relationship to
Aesthetic Style

Emphasis on
Technology Material Usage
1. Design Philosophy: Modern architecture is based on the idea that form should follow
function, which means that buildings should be designed primarily to fulfill their
intended purpose in the most efficient way possible. Postmodern architecture, on the
other hand, embraces diversity, contradiction, and complexity, and celebrates the
richness and diversity of human experience.
2. Aesthetic Style: Modern architecture is characterized by clean lines, geometric shapes,
and minimal ornamentation, while postmodern architecture often incorporates
historical references, ornamentation, and symbolism, and may incorporate elements
of pop culture and kitsch
3. Material Usage: Modern architecture often features the use of modern materials such
as glass, steel, and concrete, while postmodern architecture may incorporate a wider
range of materials, including traditional materials such as brick, stone, and wood.
4. Relationship to Context: Modern architecture is often focused on creating universal,
standardized solutions to architectural problems, while postmodern architecture
seeks to respond to the specific cultural, social, and historical context of each project.
5. Emphasis on Technology: Modern architecture is often characterized by an emphasis
on technological innovation and efficiency, while postmodern architecture may place
a greater emphasis on aesthetics and cultural values.
Of Modern Architecture
and Post Modern Architecture
• Prioritizes function and efficiency in design
• Using simple geometric shapes
• Avoiding excessive ornamentation and
• Introducing new materials, such as reinforced
concrete and glass, which allow for faster and
more efficient construction
• Emphasizing on layout and natural lighting
• Using neutral colors and plain materials
• Incorporating elements from various
architectural styles, including historical and
cultural references
• Introducing more and more colorful
ornaments and decorations
• Using more diverse, complex and unexpected
• Creating unique and distinctive designs,
emphasizing the unique and eccentric
• Critiques modern views of function and
efficiency, and emphasizes a more contextual
and pluralist approach to design
• Often using advanced and innovative
materials and technologies
We Choose Modern
modern architecture is a popular choice due to its functionality, efficiency, openness,
natural lighting, simplicity, clarity, beauty, innovation, relevance, and sustainability.
Modern architects have incorporated cutting-edge technologies and innovations into
their designs to create more efficient and effective buildings. They also prioritize natural
lighting and openness to create a brighter feel and connect occupants with their
environment. The simplicity and clarity of modern architecture designs enhance the
aesthetic experience of visitors and users, while also drawing attention to the beauty of
the architecture. Furthermore, modern architecture is relevant to today's needs and
demands, as it provides more sustainable architectural solutions and focuses on energy
conservation and environmental preservation. Overall, modern architecture is a
dynamic and innovative architectural style that is capable of solving technical and
practical problems in a creative and sustainable manner.
Modern Architecture Building
Fallingwater - Frank Lloyd Wright
Seagram Building - Mies van der Rohe
Robie House - Frank Lloyd Wright
National Assembly Building of Bangladesh
- Louis Kahn
Expert Critique
About Post Modern Building
Charles Jencks
He assesses architectural failures modern (in his book The Failure of Modern
a. Boredom due to displays of inclined shapes uniform/similar.
b. Boredom due to the appearance/expression of forms confined by principles
efficiency and effectiveness of forms in architecture.
c. Boredom due to the appearance of uniformity/similarity in appearance because
of lifting the character of simplicity.
d. Absence or loss of place or location identity – due to emphasison cubism and
geometric shapes.
e. Absence or loss of place or location identity – result determination/selection of
geometric-rational forms with out looking at the historical or local aspects.
f. The confined appearance of forms that are dominated by mass products due to
Paper that Critique the Post Modern
• "The Failure of Postmodern Architecture" by Charles Jencks (1988) - This article
criticizes postmodern architecture as a movement that lost its way and failed
to achieve its goals.
• "Postmodernism and Architecture" by Andreas Huyssen (1984) - This article
criticizes postmodern architecture as a movement that only displays style and
image rather than having substance and deep thought.
• "The Death of Postmodernism and Beyond" by Brian Mclaren (2007) - This
article criticizes postmodern architecture as a movement that is dead and no
longer relevant, and suggests finding new alternatives in architecture.
• "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge" by Jean-Francois
Lyotard (1979) - This book does not specifically criticize postmodern
architecture, but criticizes postmodern views in general, including in the field
of architecture.
• "Deconstructing Postmodern Architecture" by Thomas Dutton (1995) - This
article criticizes postmodern architecture as a movement that simply takes
elements from history and different architectural styles without regard to their
original context and meaning.
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