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Summary of Pendaftaran

Cagar Budaya & Tata Caranya

If we talk about cultural heritage registration in law no 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural
Heritage it has been said that "Setiap Objek yang Diduga Cagar Budaya (ODCB) wajib didaftarkan
kepada Pemerintah atau Pemerintah Daerah (Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten, atau
Pemerintah Kota) untuk ditetapkan sebagai Cagar budaya" Registration proposals can be made by
any person or government agency or local government.

The agency responsible for ODCB registration is the Ministry of Education and Culture.
However, according to the law, the designation, registration and recording of a cultural heritage
object can be done by any government agency. If a cultural heritage object is located between 2
districts or cities then the object must be designated by the provincial government, as well as if the
object is located between 2 provinces then the one who has the authority to designate the object is
the higher agency, namely the national government. For example, like Prambanan temple, this
temple is located between 2 provinces, namely DIY and Central Java, so the authority to recognize
Prambanan temple is the national government.

An object cannot be called a cultural heritage if it does not go through a

determination/assessment process which is a legal process that has been regulated in law number
11 of 2010 concerning cultural heritage " Cagar budaya adalah warisan budaya bersifat kebendaan
berupa Benda Cagar Budaya. Bangunan Cagar Budaya, Struktur Cagar Budaya, Situs Cagar
Budaya, dan Kawasan Cagar Budaya di darat dan/atau di air yang perlu dilestarikan keberadaannya
karena memiliki nilai penting bagi sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, agama, dan/atau
kebudayaan melalui proses penetapan.ˮ All actions for a cultural heritage object must have
permission from the government starting from the permit for appointment, transfer, revitalization,
and utilization must be with the permission of the government concerned.

We must maintain cultural heritage objects made by humans because in these objects there
is important information. So that the integrity of this object must be maintained so that it is not
damaged, because with the damage to this object the information can be reduced or even lost. This
information can be important in some circles of society so that the object must be preserved by the
Cultural heritage has a narrative to be remembered (through the observation of eyes,
sounds, and finger touches), understood, and comprehended. Based on this memory, the life (the
passage of time that shows changes) of past humans, their technology, their surrounding
environment, and their civilization (way of life, language, housing, or food) can be reconstructed.
There are 4 things attached to an object that we will register as cultural heritage
1. Thought
2. Ideas
Are abstract (operational concepts to explain thoughts)
3. Behavior
Productive actions to realize ideas.
4. Behavior
Result The result of thoughts, ideas and behaviors that determine the nature of a cultural
heritage object.

The process of an object being reported as cultural heritage begins with the discovery of
an object called tangible cultural heritage (all archaeological findings) and then goes through a
formal and legal analysis process so that it can be declared as a suspected cultural heritage object
if it meets the criteria of Article 5 of the Cultural Heritage Law. After that, the Cultural Heritage
Expert Team will review and recommend the object so that it can be designated by the responsible
government. When it has been determined by the government, the object can then be called a
cultural heritage object and will be recorded in the national register of cultural heritage.

Undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang cagar budaya

Pasal 5

Benda, bangunan, atau struktur dapat direkomendasikan sebagai Benda Cagar

Budaya, Bangunan Cagar Budaya, atau Struktur Cagar Budaya apabila memenuhi

a. Berusia 50 (lima puluh) tahun atau lebih;

b. Mewakili masa gaya paling singkat 50 (lima puluh) tahun;
c. Mewakili arti khusus bagi sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, agama,
dan/atau kebudayaan, dan;
d. Memiliki nilai budaya bagi penguatan kepribadian bangsa.

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