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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for

Medication-Resistant Psychosis:
A Meta-Analytic Review
Amy M. N. Burns, M.Ed.
David H. Erickson, Ph.D.
Colleen A. Brenner, Ph.D.

Objective: Support for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for psychosis tion is less than half, and treatment re-
has accumulated, with several reviews and meta-analyses indicating its sponse declines over time (6,7). Drug
effectiveness for various intended outcomes in a broad variety of clinical trials examining second-generation an-
settings. Most of these studies, however, have evaluated CBT provided to tipsychotics have been hampered by
the subset of people with schizophrenia who continue to experience high attrition rates; dropout exceeding
positive symptoms despite adequate treatment with antipsychotics. De- 50% is the norm (8,9). High dropout
spite several reviews and meta-analyses, a specific estimate of the effects rates have been attributed to intoler-
of CBT for patients with medication-resistant positive symptoms, for able side effects that include weight
whom CBT is frequently used in outpatient clinical settings, is lacking. gain, other metabolic effects, and ex-
This meta-analysis examined CBT’s effectiveness among outpatients with trapyramidal effects, indicating sub-
medication-resistant psychosis, both on completion of treatment and stantial limitations in the effectiveness
at follow-up. Methods: Systematic searches (until May 2012) of the of second-generation antipsychotics (8).
Cochrane Collaborative Register of Trials, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Furthermore, the presence of any
PubMed were conducted. Sixteen published articles describing 12 ran- persistent symptoms of psychosis is
domized controlled trials were used as source data for the meta-analysis. a marker of poorer prognosis (10). For
Effect sizes were estimated using the standardized mean difference example, the lifetime risk of suicide
corrected for bias, Hedges’ g, for positive and general symptoms. Results: for patients with schizophrenia is 5%
The trials included a total of 639 individuals, 552 of whom completed the (11), although suicidality can be as high
posttreatment assessment (dropout rate of 14%). Overall beneficial as 13% (12). In addition, patients with
effects of CBT were found at posttreatment for positive symptoms persistent positive symptoms experi-
(Hedges’ g=.47) and for general symptoms (Hedges’ g=.52). These effects ence more hospitalizations (13) and
were maintained at follow-up for both positive and general symptoms longer inpatient stays (14,15). Not only
(Hedges’ g=.41 and .40, respectively). Conclusions: For patients who do patients with medication-resistant
continue to exhibit symptoms of psychosis despite adequate trials of psychosis have poorer prognoses, but
medication, CBT for psychosis can confer beneficial effects above and the cost of their care is higher as a
beyond the effects of medication. (Psychiatric Services 65:874–880, 2014; result of increased hospitalization.
doi: 10.1176/ Neurocognitive deficits in schizophre-
nia have been associated with functional
outcome (16). However, much less at-

he efficacy of second-generation of patients with schizophrenia who are tention has been paid to the role that
antipsychotic medication is nei- receiving adequate trials of medication psychiatric symptoms may play in pre-
ther robust nor consistent (1,2). continue to experience psychotic symp- dicting functional outcome. The data
There is considerable heterogeneity toms that interfere with their function- suggest a relatively clear role for nega-
in treatment response to antipsychotic ing (3–5). The percentage of patients tive symptoms, which mediate the re-
medication, and a substantial number who respond to antipsychotic medica- lationship between neurocognition and
functional outcome (17,18). But the
role of persistent positive symptoms is
Ms. Burns and Dr. Brenner are with the Department of Psychology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (e-mail: less clear. Some have reported that
Dr. Erickson is with the Psychology Department, Royal Columbian Hospital, New positive symptoms appear to interfere
Westminster, British Columbia. The findings were presented at the annual convention of less than negative symptoms with social
the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 13–15, and work functioning (19,20), whereas
2013. others have found that ongoing positive

874 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ' ' July 2014 Vol. 65 No. 7
symptoms are associated with poorer Despite the heterogeneity of CBT authors excluded important studies
occupational functioning (21) and re- approaches, an impressive number of and focused only on end-of-treatment
duced social functioning (22). Further randomized controlled trials have scores (43). Moreover, they pooled re-
research is needed to clarify the impact found that adding CBT to standard sults from CBT with several diagnos-
of persistent positive and negative symp- care (including medication) can re- tic groups and failed to distinguish
toms on functional outcome and how duce psychiatric symptoms such as studies of simple efficacy from studies
these symptoms may be differentially depression (28) and negative symp- of relative efficacy.
affected by treatment. toms (29,30). In addition, CBT can
reduce the duration of hospital stays Purpose of this meta-analysis
What is CBT for psychosis? (29) and improve general social func- Taken together, there is overwhelm-
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) tioning (31). Both hallucinations and ing evidence that CBT for psychosis
for psychosis is a time-limited, present- delusions respond well to CBT, and is effective, with effect sizes ranging
oriented approach to psychotherapy CBT appears to be superior to sup- from .22 to .91 (27,40). At present, an
that teaches patients that there is portive counseling in improving symp- overwhelming number of published
a relationship between thoughts, feel- toms (32). Support for CBT to treat studies support the effectiveness of
ings, and behavior. The process in- psychosis has accumulated over the CBT for the treatment of positive
volves therapists and patients working years, and many national health guide- symptoms. Although various reviews
collaboratively to develop a shared un- lines recommend CBT for the treat- have addressed several important fea-
derstanding of the problem or a case ment of schizophrenia. These guidelines tures of this body of evidence, none
formulation, set goals, and learn tech- include those from the Schizophrenia has yet addressed the clinically im-
niques and strategies to reduce or Patient Outcomes Research Team (33) portant feature of CBT for outpatients
manage symptoms. Specific CBT ap- in the United States, the National Board with medication-resistant symptoms.
proaches used in treating schizophrenia of Health and Welfare (34) in Sweden, Ironically, this common clinical pre-
include psychoeducation and normali- the National Institute for Health and sentation has been assessed in most
zation, or helping patients understand Clinical Excellence (35) in the United studies of CBT for psychosis. A stan-
that psychotic experiences exist on a Kingdom, and the Canadian Psychi- dard definition of medication-resistant
continuum with nonpsychotic experi- atric Association (36). schizophrenia and what constitutes
ences; cognitive restructuring, or find- treatment response is lacking (44).
ing connections between activating Summary of previous meta-analyses However, the number of patients who
events, beliefs, and consequences; reat- As of May 2012 when this review was continue to experience psychotic symp-
tribution of hallucinations, or discovering undertaken, eight meta-analyses ex- toms that interfere with their function-
beliefs about the origin of experiences amining the effectiveness of CBT for ing is estimated to be between 20%
and looking for an explanation; behav- psychosis had been published. Most and 50% (3,45–47). The aim of this
ioral experiment or reality testing; and meta-analyses found that CBT re- meta-analysis was to examine the ef-
development of coping strategies (23). duces positive symptoms (37–39), fects of CBT in the treatment of out-
Despite variation in the content of negative symptoms (27), and general patients who do not show a complete
CBT techniques, the four leading psychopathology (40,41). Because a suf- response to medication.
treatment manuals (23–26) share com- ficient number of primary research
mon elements, such as cognitive con- studies have been published, meta- Methods
ceptualization of psychotic symptoms, analyses have addressed various features Trial inclusion
psychoeducation about the nature of of CBT for psychosis. For example, the Ninety-eight publications were iden-
the illness, establishment of a strong review by Wykes and colleagues (40) tified and reviewed. Inclusion criteria
therapeutic alliance through collabora- addressed outcome as a function of for the study were as follows: at least
tive empiricism, and relapse preven- methodological rigor and noted that one CBT group must be compared
tion (27). In addition, the shared goals studies with more rigorous methodol- with a control group (waiting list, treat-
of CBT include modifying patients’ ogy found a lower effect size. Similarly, ment as usual, or another therapeu-
distorted beliefs about delusions and the meta-analysis by Sarin and col- tic treatment); the study sample must
hallucinations so as to decrease the ne- leagues (41) examined the durability of contain a majority of individuals with
gative consequences of these symp- CBT and found evidence for enduring a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizo-
toms on their daily functioning. For efficacy—that the effect of CBT is de- affective disorder, or delusional dis-
example, the first step is usually to layed and that improvements can be order; all patients must continue to
monitor the frequency, intensity, and seen a few months after treatment ter- exhibit positive symptoms despite an
duration of psychotic symptoms, their mination. In addition, CBT involving adequate trial of antipsychotic medi-
triggering events, and the conditions at least 20 sessions was found to have cations (stable medication for at least
that maintain them. The next step in- better outcomes. three months); assignment must be
cludes a combination of cognitive re- Only one meta-analysis concluded random; at least one validated out-
structuring, normalizing, reality testing, that CBT was not effective in reduc- come measure of positive symptoms
and reappraisal or reattribution of the ing symptoms in schizophrenia (42). (hallucinations or delusions) must be
experience, depending on the concep- However, this meta-analysis has a num- used; and results must provide suffi-
tual framework being utilized. ber of important limitations. First, the cient information to compute common

PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ' ' July 2014 Vol. 65 No. 7 875
Table 1
Characteristics of randomized controlled trials of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for outpatients with medication-
resistant psychosis included in the meta-analysis

sample Blind Experimental N of Duration of Control Outcome
Study (baseline) raters group sessions therapy group measurea Follow-up

Barretto et al., 22 Yes Individual CBT 20 21 weeks Befriending PANSS, BPRS 6 months
2009 (58)
Cather et al., 30 Yes Individual CBT 16 16 weeks Psychoeducation PANSS, None
2005 (49) PSYRATS
Durham et al., 66 Yes Individual CBT 20 9 months Treatment as usual PANSS, 3 months
2003 (59) or supportive PSYRATS
Kuipers et al., 1997 60 No Individual CBT 15 9 months Treatment as usual BPRS, PSE, 18 months
(60); Kuipers MADS
et al., 1998 (61)
Peters et al., 74 No Individual CBT 16 6 months Waiting list PANSS, BDI, 3 months
2010 (56) BAI
Pinto et al., 41 No Individual CBT 24 6 months Supportive BPRS, SAPS, None
1999 (57) plus social therapy SANS
skills training
Rector et al., 42 Yes Individual CBT 20 6 months Treatment as usual PANSS 6 months
2003 (29)
Sensky et al., 2000 90 Yes Individual CBT 20 9 months Befriending CPRS, 9 months, 5
(50); Turkington MADRS, years
et al., 2008 (66) SANS
Tarrier et al., 27 No Individual CBT 10 6 weeks Waiting list BPRS, PSE 6 months
1993 (62) (coping
strategies and
Tarrier et al., 1998 87 Yes Individual CBT 20 10 weeks Treatment as BPRS, PSE 12 months,
(54); Tarrier usual or 2 years
et al., 1999 (64); supportive
Tarrier et al., counseling
2000 (63)
Trower et al., 38 Yes Individual CBT 16 6 months Treatment as usual PANSS, PSY- 6, 12
2004 (65) RATS, VCS months
Valmaggia et al., 62 Yes Individual CBT 16 22 weeks Supportive PANSS, 6 months
2005 (51) counseling PSYRATS
BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CPRS, Comprehensive Psychopathological
Rating Scale; MADRS, Montgomery-Asburg Depression Rating Scale; MADS, Maudsley Assessment of Delusions Schedule; PANSS, Positive and
Negative Syndrome Scale; PSE, Present State Examination; PSYRATS, Psychotic Symptoms Rating Scale; SANS, Scale for the Assessment of Negative
Symptoms; SAPS, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; VCS, Voice Compliance Scale

effect size statistics. Sixteen articles author of one known registered trial status. The total number of participants
met inclusion criteria. [A figure illus- of CBT for persistent positive symp- at baseline and posttreatment was cal-
trating the selection of articles for this toms was contacted, but data on the culated separately to determine the
meta-analysis is presented in an online primary endpoint of the study were number of dropouts. To ensure a level
data supplement to this article.] not yet available (personal commu- of medication adequate to meet the
Systematic searches of the Cochrane nication, Klingberg S, July 13, 2012). criteria for medication resistance, chlor-
Collaborative Register of Trials, Published studies with an abstract in promazine equivalence was calculated
MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and PubMed English up to the end of May 2012 whenever possible.
were performed by using the follow- were reviewed.
ing keywords and method: (schizo* or Criteria for “medication resistant”
schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis- Coding procedures Although the criteria used to define
order or psychosis) and (cognitive Studies were coded for author and medication resistant varied slightly be-
therapy or cognitive-behavior therapy year of publication; total participants; tween trials, most studies used “med-
or cognitive behavioral therapy) and random assignment; blind assessments; ication resistant” to denote cases in
(random or randomized controlled number of CBT sessions; type of con- which symptoms persist despite ade-
trial or clinical trial). In addition, the trol group; outcome measures used; quate trials of medication. In this lit-
reference lists of several published duration between baseline, posttreat- erature, an adequate trial was defined
reviews were examined (38–41). The ment, and follow-up; and medication as good adherence at dosages at or

876 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ' ' July 2014 Vol. 65 No. 7
above the equivalent of a 300-mg daily Table 2
dose of chlorpromazine equivalent (48).
Effect sizes for positive and general symptoms in trials of cognitive-behavioral
In addition to the above definition, all
therapy for outpatients with medication-resistant psychosisa
patients treated with clozapine were
considered to have medication-resistant Heterogeneity N of Pooled
psychosis. Symptoms Hedges’ g 95% CI test p studies sample size

Types of control group Positive

Posttreatment .47 .27–.67 Q8=10.57 ns 9 465
The control group was defined as Follow-up .41 .20–.61 Q6=12.78 .05 7 365
treatment as usual or an adjunct treat- General
ment that had been hypothesized to Posttreatment .52 .35–.70 Q11=10.16 ns 12 639
be inactive for the main outcome. Follow-up .40 .20–.60 Q6=9.98 ns 7 381
Treatment as usual was typically the a
Outcome at follow-up is from 3 to 18 months after treatment.
treatment that patients would have
received from mental health services
if they had not participated in the N–1 for each sample instead of N, months). Following convention, effect
study. Although treatment as usual which provides for a better estimate, sizes were coded such that a positive
varied greatly depending on the coun- especially for smaller sample sizes (53). sign indicates that the CBT group im-
try and catchment area in which the The effect size statistic was computed proved more than the control group.
study was conducted, it usually con- as the difference between the treated For two of the 12 trials, outcome mea-
sisted of a combination of case man- mean change in the CBT group and sures were extracted as dichotomous
agement and antipsychotic medication. the control group, divided by the data, and log odds ratios were com-
Effect sizes were calculated separately pooled standard deviation, multiplied puted and then converted to standard-
to compare CBT to treatment as usual by a correction factor. Hedges’ g was ized mean differences (50,54). In these
or to control adjunct treatments to calculated from the following equation: two trials, clinical improvement was
determine whether the choice of con- defined as greater than 50% improve-
x1 2 x2
trol condition influenced the outcome. Hedges’ g ¼ Hedges’ g ¼ pJ ment in psychotic symptoms in both
Control adjunct treatments, included severity and number of symptoms.
to distinguish between the specific ef-
ðn1 2 1Þs21 þ ðn2 2 1Þs22
fects of general psychotherapy and p
s ¼ Trial quality
CBT, have included psychoeducation, n1 þ n2 2 2 Research suggests that the quality
befriending, and supportive counsel- 
 of a trial, as well as methodological
ing. Psychoeducation consists of dif- J ¼ 12 heterogeneity between studies, may
4 p df 2 1
ferent modules designed to promote affect outcome and thus influence
understanding of the illness and symp- where x1 is the mean change of the effect size (40,55). One measure of
toms of schizophrenia, knowledge of treated group, x2 is the mean change quality is whether blind assessments
medication and side effects, relapse of the control group, s* is the pooled are used. It is assumed that trials with
prevention, and coping with symptoms standard deviation, and J is the correc- raters who are blind to group alloca-
(49). In the befriending intervention, tion factor. tion will be of higher quality than
the therapist is empathic, warm, and Because the samples in these studies those in which raters are not blind to
nondirective. In the befriending in- were selected for patients’ medication- condition. Thus trial quality was coded
tervention, psychotic or affective symp- resistant positive symptoms, the pri- to evaluate raters’ influence on effect
toms are not directly addressed; instead mary outcome measure was positive sizes. Trial quality was operationalized
the sessions focus on neutral topics, symptoms, which were assessed by us- as whether raters were blind to group
such as hobbies, sports, and current ing reliable measures such as the Posi- allocation and was examined as a mod-
affairs (50). In supportive counsel- tive and Negative Syndrome Scale erator variable.
ing, the therapist shows noncritical (PANSS) or the Brief Psychiatric Rat-
acceptance, warmth, genuineness, ing Scale (BPRS). However, other mea- Results
and empathy through basic skills sures of positive symptoms, such as the Description of studies
such as reflecting, empathizing, and Psychotic Symptoms Rating Scales, The search identified 98 references,
summarizing (51). ComprehensivePsychopathologicalRat- of which 16 published articles describ-
ing Scale, and Voice Compliance Scale, ing 12 trials met the inclusion criteria
Effect size calculation were also included when PANSS and for this analysis (29,49–51,54,56–66). A
The standardized mean difference cor- BPRS scores were unavailable. When total of 639 individuals completed the
rected for bias, Hedges’ g (52), was general symptoms were reported, a baseline assessment, and 552 com-
calculated with Comprehensive Meta- secondary effect size was calculated pleted the posttreatment assessment,
Analysis, version 2.2.064. Although in addition to the effect size for pos- yielding a dropout rate of 14%. Of the
both Cohen’s d and Hedges’ g pool itive symptoms. Effect sizes were 12 trials, four lacked independent as-
variances on the assumption of equal calculated at posttreatment and at sessors blind to the treatment condi-
population variances, Hedges’ g uses follow-up (between three and 18 tion. In two trials, CBT was compared

PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ' ' July 2014 Vol. 65 No. 7 877
Figure 1 was compared with treatment as usual
for positive symptoms, there was no
Forest plot of the effect sizes for positive symptoms at posttreatment in trials
statistically significant change. Simi-
of cognitive-behavioral therapya
larly, there was no statistically signif-
Barretto et al., 2009 icant difference for general symptoms
Cather et al., 2005 when CBT was compared with treat-
Durham et al., 2003 ment as usual or active control. There-
Peters et al., 2010 fore, the type of control used does not
Pinto et al., 1999
Rector et al., 2003
appear to influence effect size in this
Sensky et al., 2000 patient population.
Trower et al., 2004
Valmaggia et al., 2005 Trial quality
A comparison of trials with blind and
–2.50 –1.25 0.00 1.25 2.50 with nonblind assessment showed a
Effect size statistically significant homogeneity
statistic for the nonblind assessment
For the trials listed in Table 2. Hedge’s g with 95% confidence intervals (bars). The diamond is the in the analysis of positive symptoms
average of the effect sizes.
(Q1=7.55, p,.01), indicating that the
effect sizes within this subgroup
differed more than would be expected
with two control conditions, treat- .41 (CI=.20–.61). For general symp- from sampling error alone. However,
ment as usual and active psychotherapy. toms, the estimated effect size at post- there were only two studies in this anal-
Table 1 summarizes information about treatment was .52 (CI=.35–.70); the ysis (56,57), and the statistical power of
the 12 trials. corresponding effect size at follow-up the Q statistic depends on the number
was .40 (CI=.20–.60). of included studies (67).
Effect sizes Table 2 presents the estimated For both positive and general symp-
The test of heterogeneity, Cochrane’s overall effect size, the CI, the test of toms, nonblind assessment yielded
Q, was not statistically significant, and heterogeneity of the effects, the num- higher estimates of effect sizes than
thus a fixed-effects model was assumed. ber of studies, and the total sample did blind assessment. For positive symp-
Positive symptoms at posttreatment size. Forest plots of the effect sizes toms, the estimated effect size for blind
and at follow-up were examined. When and associated 95% CIs for positive assessment was .43 (CI=.20–.67), and
general symptoms were reported, a sep- and general symptoms are shown in the corresponding figure for nonblind
arate analysis was undertaken. For posi- Figure 1 and 2, respectively. assessment was .56 (CI=.18–.95). For
tive symptoms, the estimated effect size Simple and relative efficacy was general symptoms, the estimated ef-
at posttreatment was .47 (95% confi- examined by comparing CBT to treat- fect size for blind assessment was .44
dence interval [CI]=.27–.67); the cor- ment as usual and an active control (CI=.22–.67), and the corresponding
responding effect size at follow-up was condition. When the effect size of CBT figure for nonblind assessment was
.65 (CI=.37–.94). The differences be-
tween blind and nonblind assessment,
a measure of trial quality, were not
Figure 2 statistically significant for either pos-
Forest plot of the effect sizes for general symptoms at posttreatment in trials itive or general symptoms.
of cognitive-behavioral therapya
Publication bias
Barretto et al., 2009 Possible publication bias was examined
Cather et al., 2005 by a funnel plot (treatment effect size
Durham et al., 2003 against standard error). An inspection
Kuipers et al., 1997 of the funnel plot indicated that the
Peters et al., 2010
studies were distributed symmetrically
Pinto et al., 1999
about the combined effect size, in-
Rector et al., 2003
Sensky et al., 2000 dicating the absence of publication
Tarrier et al., 1993 bias. The fail-safe N indicated that 98
Tarrier et al., 1998 null studies would need to be included
Trower et al., 2004 to nullify the effects of the current meta-
Valmaggia et al., 2005 analysis.
–2.50 –1.25 0.00 1.25 2.50
Effect size CBT for psychosis was originally de-
For the trials listed in Table 2. Hedge’s g with 95% confidence intervals (bars). The diamond is the veloped for outpatients with medication-
average of the effect sizes. resistant positive symptoms, and a

878 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ' ' July 2014 Vol. 65 No. 7
majority of studies have assessed pa- Another limitation of the review is antipsychotics for schizophrenia. Acta Psy-
chiatrica Scandinavica 126:1–11, 2012
tients with this common clinical pre- that many of the studies included were
sentation. Yet previous meta-analyses carried out by or under the supervision 10. Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Alliger R, et al:
Symptoms of schizophrenia: methods,
have not provided an estimate of ef- of experts in CBT for psychosis (29). In meanings, and mechanisms. Archives of
fect sizes of CBT specifically for these most cases, the supervising therapists General Psychiatry 52:341–351, 1995
patients. This meta-analysis identified wrote the treatment manuals. The re- 11. Palmer BA, Pankratz VS, Bostwick JM:
16 published articles from 12 random- sults of the studies are thus limited to The lifetime risk of suicide in schizophre-
ized controlled trials that recruited well-trained and experienced psycholo- nia: a reexamination. Archives of General
patients with positive symptoms and Psychiatry 62:247–253, 2005
gists with expertise in CBT for psychosis
explicitly measured changes in these and may not generalize to experienced 12. Tarrier N, Haddock G, Lewis S, et al: Suicide
symptoms in response to treatment. behaviour over 18 months in recent onset
general mental health clinicians. schizophrenic patients: the effects of CBT.
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dicate an overall mean weighted effect Conclusions
13. Haywood TW, Kravitz HM, Grossman LS,
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dicating a medium effect size on com- tion that CBT is effective in the manage- phenomenon among patients with schizo-
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orders. American Journal of Psychiatry 152:
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not appear to influence effect sizes. 16. Green MF, Kern RS, Heaton RK: Longi-
This work was supported by the Social Sciences
tudinal studies of cognition and functional
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