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• Introduction
My name is Muhammad Bintang Al Harits, and my nickname is Bintang. I live in Jepara but I was
born in Salatiga on February 22nd 2004, and I’m the second child of four siblings. I studied highschool
at Ihsanul Fikri Islamic Boarding School Magelang Central Java. I like a design hobby beside playing
games. I have won achivement trough Science Olympiad at provincial level and through Jepara
Regency Taekwondo competitions twice.

• Motivation
I choose UGM bcs UGM is one of the best univ in Indo and UGM made many succesfull people
like Mr Ganjar, Jokowi, Hamengkubuwono X have studied in Gadjah Mada University. So, i want to be
one of people like them.

I choose Computer Science bcs our life will not separated from technology and i not only just
being an user, but i want to be a creator so i can digitize all aspect of human life.

• Family Info
My family consist of 6 members, there is my mother, my father and 4 childrens—including me. My
mother was born in Salatiga and my father was born in Banjarnegara. They are running a furniture
company in Jepara. I have older brother currently in college with the same major as me and I also
have little sister and little brother that still in school.

• Goals

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