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Good afternoon, "Peace sinks its roots deep in the heart of the wise man".
Today, Monday, October 24th, the 4th grade "a" group will honor our
national flag, for which we ask you to pay close attention to this act and
adopt the position of firm.

Attention firm, now.

Greetings, now.

Let's tune up the flag.

Attention firm, now.

Next comes my colleague "Neffertari Avelar Villaseñor" to lead the Pledge

of Allegiance.

Then we will sing our glorious National Anthem, guided by the music of
the dance floor and Maestro José Antonio Durón Magallanes.

Let us bid farewell to our Flag in the same firm position.

Attention firm, now.

Greetings, now.

Let's play the Bandera.

Attention firm, now.

Today, October 24 is another anniversary of the UN, which stands for
"United Nations Organization", my classmates from 4th grade. "A" will tell
us more about this important event.

As the first issue, my colleague "Gustavo Rodriguez Flores" comes to read

us the historical review of the creation of the UN.

For the united nations to come into existence, it was necessary for a large
group of people to have faith in the human capacity for good and to believe
that their hopes could be justified. My colleagues are coming to present us
with a beautiful song called "Reasons to Believe".

I hope that the United Nations will remain the supreme tribune of peace
and justice. My colleague Danna Carolina Acosta de Lara joins us to recite
a beautiful poem called "Peace".

4.- The peoples of the earth turn to the united nations as the last hope for
friendship and peace. My 4th "A" classmates are coming, with a musical
performance called "Beginning of the UN". Let's give them a round of
applause to welcome them.

If there is no peace in man's heart, he will not find it around him either. A
group of parents are coming to show us what the United Nations is for.

6.- We should not expect the united nations to perform miracles avoiding
confrontations between peoples, we must keep in mind that sovereignty
exists in each one of them, the students of the group will make a small
parade of flags of some of the countries that make up the UN.

1.- Flag of the UN. Flag of Luxembourg.

Flag of Yemen. 10.-Polish flag.
Flag of Chile. Flag of Somalia.
Flag of Colombia. 12.- Flag of Finland.
5.- Flag of Switzerland. 13.- Flag of the United States.
Nigerian flag. Flag of Italy.
Flag of Vietnam. 15.- Flag of Mali.
Flag of Japan. 16.- Flag of Panama.
Flag of Mexico.

Since the creation of the United Nations Organization in 1945, nearly 20

million people have lost their lives due to all the conflicts that have
occurred in the world. My classmates will introduce us to an African dance
called Kuduro Dance.

Participation is the key that unlocks our human potential throughout the
world to achieve the peace we so desire. Next, the teachers of our school
will introduce us to some of the UN Purposes.

I am convinced that the united nations provide the best path for those who
have confidence in the ability to shape our own destiny on this planet. As
the last number my colleagues will perform the song "Que Canten los
Niños" (Let the Children Sing).

10.- This is how the group of 4th grade "A" thanks the position adopted and
the interest shown by teachers and students for the celebration of this event,
thank you very much.

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