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Inspired by our students who work hard to find their wings, we asked world-renowned,

interactive street artist Kelsey Montague to paint a mural at our Phoenix Main Campus.


Our Phoenixes carry a fierce drive, and we wanted to represent that in an “Instagram-able”
moment for staff and students. Our social media team saw this project through from start to
finish, selecting the strong reds and oranges to represent the flame of the Phoenix, and Kelsey
brought it all to life – beyond what we could have imagined.

Now more than ever, these wings represent what will be. We will rise from the ashes and come
out stronger than before. Because together, we soar!

We encourage everyone to come and show off their Phoenix wings but understand that while
working from home, you may not have the opportunity to visit the mural in person. To help you
find your wings, even in your at-home office, our creative teams designed a still image to use as
a background in our Microsoft Teams and Zoom calls.

When you do have the opportunity to visit in person, please be sure to tag our University using
@UOPX on Instagram with the hashtag #IAmAPhoenix so that we can reshare these awesome
moments on our University Instagram Stories.

We look forward to seeing the images you will post and hope you enjoy the still image!

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