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The first of a new year always brings a flurry of inspiration along with it.

The calendar change

calls for a time of reflection, motivation and self growth as Americans swear to new lifestyles,
challenges and goals.

A recent survey performed by Inc shared that while 60 percent of Americans make New Year's
resolutions, only about 8 percent of us truly achieve them. The survey, which collected opinions
of 274,779 Americans, recapped the most frequently stated resolutions and listed weight loss,
exercise and healthy dieting among the top 10 for 2020.

Enacting a lifestyle change is not always an easy feat, especially when you do it alone. Working
toward a goal alongside friends and family can help hold you and your friends better
accountable. This year, join your CopperPoint co workers in conquering our weight loss
resolutions during our 12-week weigh in “Commit to be Fit” challenge.

The challenge begins Jan. 14 and will complete on April 28. To participate, drop by PacificComp
Human Resources each Tuesday from 1:30 – 2 p.m and record your weight into your own
personal booklet (booklet provided). Throughout the 12 week interval participants are asked to
choose a weekly intention of how much to lose, so that each individual can customize their
routine to their lifestyle and body type.

CopperPoint’s Health Coach is committed to helping employees meet their wellness goals and
improve their quality of life. Off-site employees can request a phone appointment by emailing

Let’s show 2020 what we’ve got!

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