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Author’s full name : BONG ENG YUEH

Date of birth : 11TH JULY 1987



Academic Session : 20112012/2

I declare that this thesis is classified as :

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Act 1972)*

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870711-52-5647 ALIAS B. MOHD YUSOF

Date : 27 JUNE 2012 Date : 27JUNE 2012

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“I hereby declare that I have read this report and in my opinion this report has fulfils
the scope and quality for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering

Signature : _______________________________
Name of Supervisor : ALIAS B. MOHD YUSOF
Date :


A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

JULY 2012


I declare that this thesis entitled “Distributed Generation Impacts On The

Coordination Of Overcurrent Relay In Distribution Network” is the result of my own
research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any
degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Signature : ....................................................
Date : 01 JULY 2012

Specially dedicated to my family members for their encouragement and support



First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt

gratitude to my respectful supervisor, Alias B. Mohd Yusof for his proposal and
guidance throughout this project. His vital encouragement and support to me is very
much appreciated.

Apart from that, I would also like to thank to the lab technicians and staffs
who had been very supportive and helpful throughout this project. Their guidance
and help had made the experiment conducted smoothly and thus made this thesis

My appreciation also goes to my family and friends who has been very
supportive to me. Their unconditional encouragement and support is very essential to
me throughout this project.

And also, it is a pleasure for me to thank all those whom were involved
directly or indirectly that had made this thesis possible.

And to God, who made all things possible.



Protection system plays an important role in transmission line as well as in

distribution network. Protection systems were used in power system to protect a
certain area when fault occur as fast as possible in order to minimize the area around
it from fault. Hence when the installation of Distributed Generation (DG) in
distributed network there are few changes need to be implement for protection
system to ensure the electricity can be supply to the consumer safely, efficient and
with a reasonable cost. After the installation of DG, it might cause the protection
system lose their coordination. Therefore, fault analysis need to be conducted to the
distribution network with installing of DG and without installing of DG to analyze
the impacts of installing DG at radial system to the overcurrent relay protection.
From the result of analysis, the impacts on overcurrent protection relay had been
observed. At the same time, the existence overcurrent relay after installation of DG
might no longer reliable. Hence analysis of the impacts of installation of DG is very
important so that to ensure protection zone can be protected successfully.


System perlindungan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam talian

penghantaran dan juga dalam rangkaian agihan. Sistem perlindungan telah
digunakan dalam sistem kuasa untuk melindungi kawasan tertentu apabila kerosakan
berlaku secepat mungkin untuk mengurangkan kawasan sekitar daripada mengalami
kerosakan. Oleh itu apabila pemasangan Penjanaan Teragih (DG) dalam rangkaian
agihan terdapat beberapa perubahan perlu dilaksanakan bagi sistem perlindungan
untuk memastikan bekalan elektrik boleh menjadi bekalan kepada pengguna dengan
selamat, cekap dan dengan kos yang berpatutan. Selepas pemasangan DG, ia
mungkin akan menjejaskan koordinasi sistem perlindungan. Oleh itu, analisis
kerosakan perlu dilakukan kepada rangkaian agihan dengan keadaan memasang DG
dan tanpa memasang DG untuk menganalisiskan kesan memasang DG pada sistem
jejarian pada perlindungan geganti arus lebih. Daripada hasil analisis, kesan
terhadap geganti perlindungan arus lebih diperhatikan. Pada masa yang sama,
geganti arus lebih yang sedia ada selepas pemasangan DG mungkin tidak lagi boleh
dipercayai lagi. Oleh itu, analisis impak pemasangan DG adalah sangat penting
untuk memastikan zon perlindungan dapat dilindungi dengan jayanya.




1.1 Background 1
1.2 Statement of problem 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope of study 3
1.5 Thesis Outline 4

2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Distributed Generation 5

2.3 Distributed Generation Technologies 6

2.3.1 Reciprocating engines 6
2.3.2 Microturbines 6
2.3.3 Industrial combustion turbines 6
2.3.4 Fuel cell 7
2.3.5 Photovoltaics 7
2.3.6 Wind turbine system 7
2.4 Major Policy Issues of DG 7
2.4.1 High financial cost 7
2.4.2 Less choice between more costly 8
primary fuels
2.4.3 Economic efficiency 8
2.4.4 Environmental protection 8
2.4.5 Energy Security 9
2.5 Fault Level of DG 9
2.6 Advantages of DG 10
2.7 IDMT Overcurrent Relay 10
2.7.1 Characteristics of Overcurrent Relay 11
2.7.2 Settings of Overcurrent Relay 12
2.7.3 Equations used for calculation of relay 13

3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 POWER WORLD Simulator 16
3.2.1 POWER WORLD Simulator 17
Components Generator and Distributed 17
Generation Busbaar 18
ix Circuit Breaker 19 Transmission Line 20 Load 21
3.2.2 Circuit Design 22 Circuit Without Installation 22
of Distributed Generation Circuit With Installation of 23
50MVA and 60 MVA
Distributed Generation
3.3 ETAP Simulator 24
3.3.1 ETAP Simulator Components 24 Current Transformer 25 Overcurrent Relay 26
3.3.2 Circuit Design 27 Circuit Without Installation 28
of Distributed Generation Circuit With Installation of 28
50MVA and 60 MVA
Distributed Generation
3.4 Flow Chart Overall of The Project 30
3.5 Flow Chart to Determine The IDMT Relay 31


4.1 Introduction 32
4.2 Circuit Design Validation 32
4.2.1 Fault Current Simulated From 33
4.2.2 Fault Current Simulated From ETAP 34
4.3 Manual Calculation 35

4.3.1 Relay Plug Settings Calculation 36

4.3.2 IDMT Relay Time Settings 38
4.4 Star View Relay Curve 43
4.5 Verification 44
4.6 Data Analysis 46
4.6.1 Fault Current Analysis 47
4.6.2 Position of Installation of DG 48
4.6.3 ROT Analysis 49
4.6.4 Reliability of Existence Overcurrent 50


5.1 Conclusion 52
5.2 Recommendation 53



4.1 Result of Fault Current using POWER WORLD 34
4.2 Result of Fault Current using ETAP Simulator 35

4.3 Without Installation Of DG 36

4.4 With Installation Of DG at Busbar4(50MVA) 36
4.5 With Installation Of DG at Busbar3(50MVA) 37
4.6 With Installation Of DG at Busbar2(50MVA) 37
4.7 With Installation Of DG at Busbar4(60MVA) 37
4.8 With Installation Of DG at Busbar3(60MVA) 37
4.9 With Installation Of DG at Busbar2(60MVA) 38
4.10 Relay Settings Calculation without DG 38
4.11 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar4 39
4.12 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar3 40
4.13 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar2 40
4.14 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar4 41
4.15 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar3 42
4.16 Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar2 42
4.17 ROT from Star View Relay Curve 44
4.18 Without Installation of DG 44
4.19 With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar4 45
4.20 With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar3 45

4.21 With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar2 45

4.22 With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar4 45
4.23 With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar3 46
4.24 With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar2 46
4.25 ROT at Busbar3 49



2.1 Overcurrent Relay Structure 11
2.2 IDMT relay Characteristic 12

3.1 Generator 17
3.2 Generator Information 18
3.3 Busbar 18
3.4 Buabar Information 19
3.5 Circuit Breaker 19
3.6 Circuit Breaker Information 20
3.7 Transmission Line 20
3.8 Transmission Line Information 21
3.9 Load 21
3.10 Load Information 22
3.11 Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation 23
3.12 Circuit With Installation of Distributed Generation 23
3.13 Current Transformer 25
3.14 Settings of Current Transformer 26
3.15 Overcurrent Relay 26
3.16 Settings of Overcurrent Relay 27
3.17 Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation 28
3.18 Circuit With Installation of 50MVADistributed 28

3.19 Circuit With Installation of 60MVADistributed 29

3.20 Overall Project Flow Chart 30
3.21 IDMT Relay Settings Flow Chart 31
4.1 Fault Current obtained from POWER WORLD 33
4.2 Fault Current Obtained from ETAP Simulator 34
4.3 Example of Star View Relay Curve 43
4.4 Fault Current for Each Busbar 47
4.5 Fault Current at Busbar1 48
4.6 Star View Relay Curve of DG(60MVA) at Busbar4 51


CHP - Combined Heat and Power

DG - Distributed Generation
MW - Mega Watt
IDMT - Inverse Definite Minimum Time
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
RES - Renewable Energy Resource
CT - Current Transformer
FC - Fault Current
DT - Discrimination Time Interval
PS - Plug Setting
PSM - Relay Plug Setting Multiplier
RSI - Relay Setting Current
RCOT - Relay Characteristic Operating Time
RnOT - Minor Relay Operating Time
RjOT - Major Relay Operating Time
TSM - Time Setting Multiplier
ROT - Real Relay Operating Time
SVRC - Star View Relay Curve



A Gantt Chart for FYP1 55

B Gantt Chart for FYP 2 56
C Star View Relay Curve from ETAP Simulator 57



1.1 Background of study

In the new era of today, rapidly developing of new technologies arouse the
interest of engineers to develop distributed generation. At the same time, the oil
crisis always a hot topic among engineers and it finally enhance the interest of
electrical power engineers to develop distributed generation (DG) from renewable
source which is having high efficiency [1]. There are several advantages of using
distributed generation at the power system especially from renewable source, one of
it will be pollution free to the environment.

DG is always associated with renewable sources and it is mostly focus on

lowering the environmental impact of power generation indicates a larger place for
DG in the future. However, installation of DG would affect the performance of a
distribution network system (both positively and negatively) in various ways [4]. The
installation of DG might also cause the existence protection system no longer
reliable. This is very important in order to ensure the protection zone can be
protected again and avoid the damage and down time to equipment due to the
function fail of protection system.

1.2 Problem Statement

Protection system is the system which is used in power system to protect any
faults that occur in power system. Removal of fault as quick as possible is very
important in order to prevent any insulator damage, conductor melting, explosion.
Installation of DG has created a situation where fault current was flow in unexpected
direction. At the same time, additional fault current supplied by DG can cause relays
to under-reach or over-reach and might cause the protection system no longer
compliant with the requirements of the protection policy.

The project is performed to ensure a correct analysis of the DG impact to the

overcurrent protection system. The significant to perform this analysis are because of
the following factors:
1. Connection of distributed generation (DG) may change the operation and the
topology of distribution systems.
2. This may influence voltage control, protection system, safety issues, etc. of
the system when coupling, operating, and shutting down small generator units.
3. The increase in distributed generation has created a situation where fault
currents are flowing in directions that were not expected when the protection
system was designed.
4. As a result, the additional fault current supplied by DG can cause relays to
under-reach or overreach.

1.3 Objective

This report aims at investigating the impact of DG technologies on the

operation and its ability of interconnecting DG units with power system which is
only focusing on protection system.

To make sure this project aims are achieved, the following are the objectives
of the project
1. To learn the basic concept of Distributed Generation and Overcurrent relay.
2. To identify the application of overcurrent protection and the impact of the
distributed generation into the system.
3. To determine the coordination of overcurrent relay after the installation of
DG. Verified the results with the manual calculation.
4. To do the analysis to the results obtained.
5. To observe if the existence overcurrent relay still reliable.

1.4 Scope of Study

1. The study and analysis of the protection coordination and overcurrent

protection system.
2. This project will mainly focus on the Inverse Definite Minimum Time
Overcurrent Relay.
3. Analysis only involving three phase balanced fault at each busbars at the
circuit designed which is radial system that involves four busbars.
4. The value of power rating for Distributed Generation is based on IEEE a
standard specification.

1.5 Thesis Outline

There are five chapters in this thesis. In the first chapter, background of the
study, problem statement, objective and scope of study for this project will be
discussed. For the second chapter, it will discuss more on the details about the
theory and the literature review that have been done for this project. Next, in chapter
3, methodology which is covers the software implementation for the simulation and
the manual calculation will be discussed. While in chapter 4, results, verifications,
analysis and discussions will be focused. Last but not least, the last chapter provides
the conclusion and also the recommendation for future analysis.



2.1 Introduction

In this report, the main part of the project that will be focused are the general
overview of the Distributed Generation (DG) and overcurrent protection system as
the main scheme of protection that will be used in the project. Basically, this chapter
will discuss about the DG technology and the theory of protection system of Inverse
Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) overcurrent relay, relay coordination and
determination of IDMT relay settings.

2.2 Distributed Generation

Distributed generation (DG), is defined as small-scale electricity generation,

it concept is new in the economics literature about electricity markets, but in fact the
idea behind is not new. Distributed generation (DG) technologies provide energy
solutions to some customers that are more cost-effective, more environmentally

friendly, or provide higher power quality or reliability than conventional

solutions[2]. Most of DG technologies come with renewable source, resulting in low
fuel costs. However, it emitted a fair amount of pollutants (CO and NOx); others are
environmentally clean but are not currently cost-effective [1].

2.3 Distributed Generation Technologies

2.3.1 Reciprocating engines

Widely utilized in a broad array of applications. The engines range in
size from less than 5 to over 5,000 kW, and use either diesel, natural gas, or
waste gas as their fuel source [1]. The parts need to be improved are their
efficiency and reduction on emission levels. Normally Reciprocating engines
used as backup power, peaking power, and in cogeneration applications.

2.3.2 Microturbines
A new and emerging technology, microturbines are currently only
available from a few manufacturers. This engine range is from 30 to 200 kW.
Microturbines develop low emission levels, but expensive [1]. Most of the
installations are for the purpose of technology testing.

2.3.3 Industrial combustion turbines

A mature technology, combustion turbines range from 1 MW to over
5 MW [1]. Their advantages are low capital cost and low emission levels, but
the disadvantage is low electric efficiency ratings. Increasing efficiency
levels will be the most focused point for this technology. Normally,
industrial combustion turbines used as primarily for peaking power and in
cogeneration applications [2].

2.3.4 Fuel cells

The range is from 5 to 1000+ kW. Fuel cell emission levels are quite
low, but cost and demonstrated reliability remain major problems for the
market penetration of this technology [1]. The few fuel cells currently being
used provide premium power or are in applications subsidized by the
government or gas utilities.

2.3.5 Photovoltaics
Basically known as solar energy. It ranges from less than 5 kW [1].
The most preferable is it produces no emissions, and requires minimal
maintenance. However, it is quite costly. Photovoltaics are used as primarily
in remote locations without grid connections and also to generate green

2.3.6 Wind turbine systems

Wind turbines are currently available from many manufacturers and
range in size from less than 5 to over 1,000 kW [1]. They provide a relatively
inexpensive way to produce electricity, but unpredictable wind, somehow
make them unsuitable for continuous power needs. Wind turbines with
battery storage systems that can provide power in those times when the
turbine is not turning become the main consideration. Wind turbines are
being used primarily in remote locations not connected to the grid and by
energy companies to provide green power.

2.4 Major Policy Issues of DG

2.4.1 High financial cost

The International Energy Agency (IEA) (2002) and many others claim
that one of the major remaining issues is the relatively high capital costs per
kW installed power compared to large central plants. Moreover, differences

in capital costs between the different distributed generation technologies are

also quite large, ranging from € 1 000 per kW to over € 20 000 per kW for
combustion turbines and fuel cells, respectively [2].

2.4.2 Less choice between more costly primary fuels

According to the IEA (2002), an increasing share of distributed
generation in the installed generation capacity, implies less choice between
primary fuels [2]. This could then reduce the diversification of primary
energy supplies. Given that most distributed generation technologies are
(primarily) based on gas. The importance of this argument depends on the
market share of distributed generation in the total generation capacity [6].

2.4.3 Economic efficiency

Economic efficiency refers to the principle of avoiding wasting
valuable resources. The extent to which distributed generation is integrated
efficiently in the electricity market.

In principle, prices reflect demand and supply conditions, which can

vary over time and place. In practice, electricity prices are rarely sensitive to
location, except when there are important technical reasons for price
differences found in the grid, and in many cases they are also not sensitive to
time, except for corrections for day/night or weekend and seasonal [2].

2.4.4 Environmental protection

Distributed generation is not always beneficial for the environment. It
certainly would be the case for some technologies and applications, but it
cannot be generalized [2]. The outcome will crucially depend on the market
share of the different distributed generation technologies and on the mix of
central generation that is replaced.

2.4.5 Energy Security

Energy security is related to the diversification of primary energy
supply, however, it is interpreted as the reliability of the electricity system.
Under the first interpretation, energy security improves as the diversification
of primary energy supplies increases [2]. This means the advantages of
distributed generation are limited, as most technologies with the exception of
systems based on renewables; directly or indirectly depend on natural gas.

2.5 Fault Level of DG

Distributed generation (DG), normally connected to distribution networks, at

the low or medium voltage level, and therefore contribute to the total fault level of
the network [9]. Hence, protect system on interconnection of DG is very important
and compulsory so that to ensure the resulting fault level is still below the network
design value, under the save and protected condition.

According to the fault level perspective, distribution networks are not

designed to accept large amounts of DG, after the installation of DG, the fault level
will increase and close to the pre-designed fault level of the distribution equipment
[9]. There are needs for a more active fault level management to permit increased
DG penetration levels towards the importance of reliable, transparent and accurate
fault level calculations.

2.6 Advantages of DG

This project is relying on the Distributed Generation, so there are a several

advantages as listed below:
1. Reduced need to build or update expensive transmission lines – often one of
the most difficult parts of siting an energy plant.
2. Diversified range of energy sources and increased reliability of the grid [8].
3. Greater flexibility as it able to configure to meet peak power needs.
4. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS), provided premium power.
5. Use of renewable energy technologies give the benefit for consumers as it is
mostly build in area.(for example, installation of 6 solar panels on a building,
as opposed to 4 or 10) [2].
6. Cost of financing renewable energy sources is lower than those that use fossil
fuels; renewable energy projects have upfront costs, but much lower ongoing
costs. On the other hand, coal and gas require both upfront and ongoing costs.
7. More environmental friendly.

2.7 IDMT Overcurrent Relay

The role of protective relays in a power system is to detect system

abnormalities and to isolate the faulty area from the healthy system as fast as
possible. Overcurrent relay play a significant role in main and backup protection in
protection of power system for its characteristics of high reliability, selectivity and
cost effective. Besides, one of the unique features of the IDMT overcurrent relay is
that it can be graded over a wide range of currents and operating times [3]. IDMT
overcurrent relay has fast fault clearing times due to it special attribute of operating
time of the relay is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the current ( higher
fault current, shorter operating time).

2.7.1 Characteristics of Overcurrent Relay

The IDMT overcurrent relay which work on induction principle is shown in

Figure 2.1. The moving system consists of an aluminium disc fixed on a vertical
shaft and rotating on two jewelled bearings between the poles of an electromagnet
and a damping magnet. The winding of electromagnet is provided with eight
tappings. These tappings are connected to a plug setting bridge by which the number
of turns to be used can be adjusted in order to have the desired current setting. The
second winding called secondary is energized by the induction effect and is wound
over the central limb of the upper magnet as well as it is spread over the two limbs of
the lower magnet [3]. By this method, the leakage flux from the upper magnet
entering the disc have been displaced in phase from the flux entering the disc from
the lower magnet. The deflecting torque is produced on the disc in the fashion as
already explained. The spindle of the disc carries a moving contact which bridges
two fixed contacts after the disc has rotated through a certain angle which has been
set before. Any setting for this angle is possible varying from 0 to 360°. The
variation of this angle imparts to the relay, various time settings.

Figure 2.1 Overcurrent Relay Structure

The speed of rotation of the disc is on the current setting (torque), the speed
of rotation of the disc increased when the load current increases, hence decreased the

operating time [5]. Thus the time current characteristics of the relay observe inverse-
Square law. The definite minimum time characteristics of the relay are obtained by
the use of a saturated upper magnet. This ensures that there is no further increase in
f1ux when the current has reached a certain value and any further increase of current
will not affect the relay operation. This results in a flattened current time
characteristic and the relay obtains its name as Inverse definite minimum time
(I.D.M.T.) relay.

Figure 2.2 IDMT relay Characteristic

The current time characteristics of IDMT relay is illustrated in Figure

2.2. It represents the time required to close the trip contacts for different
values over current. The x-axis is the current-setting multipliers (number of
times the relay current is in excess of current setting) and the y-axis is the
operation time in seconds.

2.7.2 Settings of Overcurrent Relay

Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) is affected by the inverse

proportional relationship between the operating time of the relay and the function of
current. For the electromechanical relay, there are two adjustments:

1. Plug Setting (PS)

Plug setting can be defined as the number of ampere turns which is adjusted
by using taps on the coil of the relay. Taps on the coil of the relay are used to
adjust the current setting. The plug setting can be given in either directly in
amperes or indirectly in the range from 50% to 200% in 25% intervals of the
rated current [5]. Effectively the relay characteristic is moved horizontally by
altering the plug setting (PS). The value of plug setting can be determined by
using formula:

PS >

2. Time Setting Multiplier (TSM)

The distance travelled by moving contacts before making contacts can be
controlled by means of the time setting multiple (TSM) for a given plug
setting. This adjustment is done by varying disc backstop position with
reference to the moving contact [3]. The time setting multiplier is directly
proportional to the angle of the moving contact. On most design of relay, dial
positions are available with increments of 0.05 to the highest setting of 1.0.

2.7.3 Equations used for calculation of relay settings

Five basic equations which were used for calculation of relay settings [5]:




CT = current transformer primary rating in amperes
PS = relay plug setting
TSM = time setting multiplier

RSI = relay setting current in amperes

FC = fault current in amperes
PSM = relay plug setting multiple
RcOT = relay characteristic operating time in second
ROT = real relay operating time in second
DT = discrimination time interval in second
RnOT = minor relay operating time
RjOT = major relay operating time



3.1 Introduction

This project was begun with the literature review focus on both the
distributed generation (DG) and IDMT overcurrent relay. In the literature review
most of the information found were came from power reference books and journals
download from internet.

After the literature review have been done, will get to understand the basic
concept of DG and IDMT overcurrent relay. The problems were investigated to the
fault current with and without the installation of DG.

The analysis of this project will executed by using Power World Software to
obtain the fault current at each busbars of the circuit designed. The analysis for this
project will involve the circuit design with and without installation of DG. After that,
fault currents were obtained and the IDMT relay settings at radial system were
determined by using manual calculation with the formula as stated in literature

review were used. In the end, the values of real operating time (ROT) for each busbar
were obtained.

This project also used ETAP software to obtain the fault current at each
busbars. New circuit that with relay was designed in Etap software and using the
PSM and TSM calculated to obtain it ROT through the special feature of Etap
software; Star View Relay Curve. After that, verification was done by comparing
both ROT values obtained from manual calculation and Star View Relay Curve.

Finally, the comparisons between analyse circuits design with and without
installing distributed generation were analysed to study their impact at the radial
system in distribution network.

3.2 POWER WORLD Simulator

POWER WORLD simulator is one of the common power system software that
been used among engineers. This simulator consists of a number of integrated product
and very useful for the analysis the system with more buses. Besides that, this simulator
allows the user to visualize the system through the use of animated online diagrams
where it is also came out with interactive graphical that can be used to explain power
system operation to non-technical users. This simulator consist of more features and
tools such as tools to perform integrated economic dispatch, area transaction, short
circuit analysis and fault current analysis, it is easily to conduct with a consistent and
colourful visual interface [15]. This simulator will only be used to perform the fault
current analysis for this project.

3.2.1 POWER WORLD Simulator Components

There are several components from the simulator will be used in order to
develop the circuit design, so it is very important to know the component well with
its function so that the analysis and simulation will be perform correctly. The list
below is components will be used:
i. Generator (voltage source)
ii. Distributed Generation (synchronous machine)
iii. Busbar
iv. Circuit breaker
v. Transmission line
vi. Load Generator and Distributed Generation

The generator component in the POWER WORLD simulator was represent

as a circles where inside the circle consist of “dog bone” shape, which is
representing the rotor inside. The generator component was shown in the Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Generator

The circuit breaker is original build in with the generator. Besides, the
generator field is place near the generator to indicate the generators outputs in MW,
MVA or KV. In this project, the generator field is set to 100MVA/11kV. The
generator information is shown in the Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Generator Information Busbar

Busbar in power system are referring to the point where the other components
of the electrical device like generator, transmission line and load are connected
together. In the simulation component, busbar are represented as a thick horizontal or
vertical line and the number at the busbar indicates that the number of the busbar
itself as shown in the Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 Busbar

In this project, there is only 4 busbars have been used to develop the circuit
design. The value of the voltage at each busbar is 11kV as shown in the busbar
information in the Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Busbar Information Circuit Breaker

The roles of circuit breaker in the circuit is actually open or close the
transmission line and also the transformer where in order to protect other equipment
in case of abnormal condition occurs, it will isolate the faulty part. When an
abnormal condition occur, a protective relay will detect the faulty signal and straight
away send the tripping signal to the circuit breaker in order to isolate the faulty part.
The symbol of circuit breaker is shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker information was shown in Figure 3.5. The circuit breaker
itself consists of two contacts which are fixed contact and a moving contact. These
two contacts will remain closed position under normal conditions and will move
away or opened when an abnormal condition occurs in order to isolate the faulty part.

Figure 3.6 Circuit Breaker Information Transmission Line

Transmission line is represented as multiple segment lines that are drawn

between buses as shown as Figure 3.6. Transmission line is function as transfer the
electric power from the generators to the distribution system and supplies to the load.

Figure 3.7 Transmission Line

In POWER WORLD, the transmission line is originally equipped with the

circuit breaker that can be used to change the conditions of transmission line either
close or open. The transmission line information is shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.8 Transmission Line Information Load

Load component is represented by an arrow with the real power value with it
as shown in Figure 3.8. Each load in the one-line diagram is equipped with a circuit
breaker originally.

Figure 3.9 Load

The circuit breaker will appear as a filled of red square if it is in closed circuit
conditions and it will appear as a green square if it is in opened circuit conditions.
Load field objects are used to indicate various quantities associated with load
devices. Load fields are located at nearer the load on the online diagram to indicate
their MW or Mvar value. The load information is shown as Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.10 Load Information

3.2.2 Circuit Design

The circuit design for this project involves only seven different circuits which
are, the circuit without installation of distributed generation and the circuit with
installation of 50MVA and 60MVA distributed generation at busbar2, busbar3 and
busbar4. Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation

The only power supply in this circuit design is the main power supply. There
is no distributed generation at any of the busbar as shown in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.11 Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation Circuit With Installation of 50MVA and 60 MVA Distributed


The distributed generation with the capacity of 50MVA and 60MVA were
installed at the busbar4 respectively. There will be other power supply for this
circuit design as shown in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.12 Circuit With Installation of Distributed Generation

This project also make sure both, 50MVA and 60MVA distributed generation
were installed at busbar3 and busbar2 afterward by moving the distributed generation

from busbar4 to busbar3 and then busbar2. Fault currents were obtained for every
installation of distributed generation at each busbars.

3.3 ETAP Simulator

ETAP offers a suite of fully integrated Electrical Engineering software

solutions including arc flash, load flow, short circuit, transient stability, relay
coordination, cable ampacity, optimal power flow, and more [11]. Its modular
functionality can be customized to fit the needs of any company, from small to large
power systems. ETAP is the very suitable for comprehensive enterprise solution for
design, simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of generation,
transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems.

3.3.1 ETAP Simulator Components

There are several components from the simulator will be used in order to
develop the circuit design, so it is very important to know the component well with
its function so that the analysis and simulation will be perform correctly. The list
below is components will be used:
i. Power Grid (voltage source)
ii. Distributed Generation (replaced by using power grid)
iii. Busbar
iv. Circuit Breaker
v. Cable
vi. Current Transformer
vii. Overcurrent Relay
viii. Load

The functions of the Power Grid as Generator, Distributed Generation,

Busbar, Circuit Breaker, Cable as Transmission Line, and Load are same as
mentioned and explained in POWER WORLD simulator. Hence, in ETAP simulator
there are two new component were used to develop the one-line diagram, Current
Transformer and Overcurrent Relay. Elaboration will be focus at this two
component. Transformer

Current transformer are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal of

current transformer (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be
shown for bus ID. If a terminal of a current transformer is connected to a branch
(directly or indirectly), the ID of the branch will be displayed for the terminal
connection [12]. Current transformer was installed at each cable and it is directly
connected to the overcurrent relay to provide the CT ratio automatically. The primary
CT ratio chosen must be higher than the maximum load current at each busbars. The
CT component is shown in Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.13 Current Transformer

The settings of current transformer are shown in Figure 3.13. The current
transformer ratio will set in overcurrent relay automatically when both of this
component are connected.

Figure 3.14 Settings of Current Transformer Overcurrent Relay

There are three connections of overcurrent relay but in this project, it just
used up the current input pin only that connected to current transformer. The
component of overcurrent relay is shown in Figure 3.14.

Figure 3.15 Overcurrent Relay

The settings of overcurrent relay are as shown in Figure 3.15. The plug
multiplier setting is defined as pick up setting and time multiplier setting is defined
as time dial in ETAP simulator.

Figure 3.16 Settings of Overcurrent Relay

3.3.2 Circuit Design

The circuit design is same as designed in POWER WORLD simulator,

involves only seven different circuits which are, the circuit without installation of
distributed generation and the circuit with installation of 50MVA and 60MVA
distributed generation at busbar2, busbar3 and busbar4. But for each cable connected
between busbars was installed with one current transformer and overcurrent relay in
order to obtain the real operating time (ROT) from the special feature of ETAP
28 Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation

Figure 3.16, Figure 3.17 and Figure 3.18 are the circuit that will be used in
order to perform the Star View Relay Curve to obtain it real operating time (ROT)
and to do the verification with the manual calculation of ROT.

Figure 3.17 Circuit Without Installation of Distributed Generation Circuit With Installation of 50MVA and 60MVA Distributed Generation

Figure 3.18 Circuit With Installation of 50MVA Distributed Generation


Figure 3.19 Circuit With Installation of 60MVA Distributed Generation

50MVA and 60MVA distributed generation will be installed at busbar3 and

busbar2 as well. The fault current for each busbar were taken as well.

3.4 Flow Chart Overall of The Project

Figure 3.19 shows the flow chart of the overall of the project from the
beginning to the end of the project.












Figure 3.20 Overall Project Flow Chart


3.5 Flow Chart to Determine The IDMT Relay Settings

Figure 3.20 shows the flow chart of the IDMT relay setting determination.


Calculation of impedance value at source

Get the value of three phase fault at each busbars

from simulation

Choose the suitable plug settings (PS)

Calculation of relay setting current (RSI)

Calculation of plug setting multiplier (PSM)

Determine the value of the relay characteristic

operating time (RcOT)

Calculation of relay time setting multiplier (TSM)


Figure 3.21 IDMT Relay Settings Flow Chart




4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the result and data will be presented and analyzed, based on
the objective that need to be achieved as stated in Chapter 1. The circuit design using
POWER WORLD simulator and ETAP simulator will be presented first with the
validation of fault current. Next, the manual calculations were shown and the ROT
obtained will be verified with the ROT obtained from Star View Relay Curve
(SVRC). After that, the data obtained will be analyzed according to their fault
currents and ROT.

4.2 Circuit Design Validation

The validation of circuit design is needed before proceed to the simulation

step. Validation was conducted by comparing the values of fault current from the
simulation of POWER WORLD and ETAP. As stated at the beginning of this

project, circuit designed will only involve 4 busbars and two rating of distributed
generation that are 50MVA and 60MVA.

4.2.1 Fault Current Simulated From POWER WORLD

Figure 4.1 is the example of simulation to obtain the fault current for each
busbar. Data of fault current will be obtained for without installation of distributed
generation and with installation of distributed generation; rating 50MVA and

Figure 4.1 Fault Current obtained from POWER WORLD Simulator

Table 4.1 shows the result of fault current with and without installation of
distributed generation at each busbar.

Table 4.1: Result of Fault Current using POWER WORLD Simulator

Fault Current (Ampere)
With With With With With With
Busbar Without 50MVA 50MVA 50MVA 60MVA 60MVA 60MVA
DG DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at
Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2 Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2
1 5248.64 6322.17 6712.01 7293.48 6346.57 6810.82 7557.65
2 3378.12 5067.18 5486.95 5748.27 5226.10 5808.88 6246.74
3 2240.45 4264.06 4456.20 3204.79 4593.05 4947.55 3360.34
4 1641.62 3825.91 2762.72 2109.47 4321.93 2957.09 2173.13

4.2.2 Fault Current Simulated From ETAP

Figure 4.2 below show the example of fault currents obtained in ETAP. Data
of fault current will be obtained for without installation of distributed generation and
with installation of distributed generation; rating 50MVA and 60MVA.

Figure 4.2 Fault Current Obtained from ETAP Simulator


Table 4.2 shows the result of fault current with and without installation of
distributed generation at each busbar.

Table 4.2: Result of Fault Current using ETAP Simulator

Fault Current (Ampere)
With With With With With With
Busbar Without 50MVA 50MVA 50MVA 60MVA 60MVA 60MVA
DG DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at
Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2 Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2
1 5.2k 6.3k 6.7k 7.3k 6.3k 6.8k 7.6k
2 3.4k 5.1k 5.5k 5.7k 5.2k 5.8k 6.2k
3 2.2k 4.3k 4.5k 3.2k 4.6k 4.9k 3.4k
4 1.6k 3.8k 2.8k 2.1k 4.3k 2.9k 2.2k

By comparing the results of fault current obtained from both POWER

WORLD and ETAP simulator, it is shown that the difference of the value of fault
current at each busbar is very small. Hence, it shown that the circuits designed are

4.3 Manual Calculation

For manual calculation, the values of fault current are obtained from POWER
WORLD simulator. First, calculate the relay plug setting (PS) using formulae [5]:

PS > where, = maximum load current

CT Ratio = current transformer ratio

The plug setting for IDMT relay are usually in the range from 50% to 200%
in 25% intervals of the rated relay current [6]. Therefore the value of plug setting
can be adjusted to get the suitable current setting.

4.3.1 Relay Plug Settings Calculation

As mentioned early, this project was involved only three phase balanced fault
current. Current transformer ratio (CT ratio) for each relay were chosen based on the
value of maximum load current at each busbar and CT ratio value is based on
American Standard which is 5A at secondary side. Maximum load current formulae

[7] as: where, = load power

= line to line voltage

PF = power factor (0.85)

Table 4.3: Without Installation Of DG

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 5248.64 800/5 100 740.99
2 3378.12 600/5 100 555.74
3 2240.45 400/5 100 370.49
4 1641.62 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.4: With Installation Of DG at Busbar4(50MVA)

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 6322.17 800/5 100 740.99
2 5067.18 600/5 100 555.74
3 4264.06 400/5 100 370.49
4 3825.91 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.5: With Installation Of DG at Busbar3(50MVA)

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 6712.01 800/5 100 740.99
2 5486.95 600/5 100 555.74
3 4456.20 400/5 100 370.49
4 2762.72 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.6: With Installation Of DG at Busbar2(50MVA)

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 7293.48 800/5 100 740.99
2 5748.27 600/5 100 555.74
3 3204.79 400/5 100 370.49
4 2109.47 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.7: With Installation Of DG at Busbar4(60MVA)

Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Relay/Busbar Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 6346.57 800/5 100 740.99
2 5226.10 600/5 100 555.74
3 4593.05 400/5 100 370.49
4 4321.93 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.8: With Installation Of DG at Busbar3(60MVA)

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 6810.82 800/5 100 740.99
2 5808.88 600/5 100 555.74
3 4947.55 400/5 100 370.49
4 2957.09 200/5 100 185.25

Table 4.9: With Installation Of DG at Busbar2(60MVA)

Relay/Busbar Maximum CT Ratio Plug Setting Maximum
Fault Current Load Current
(Ampere) (Ampere)
1 7557.65 800/5 100 740.99
2 6246.74 600/5 100 555.74
3 3360.34 400/5 100 370.49
4 2173.13 200/5 100 185.25

4.3.2 IDMT Relay Time Settings Calculation

IDMT relay settings were calculated by using mathematical method. This

section will be discussed about the result of the IDMT relay time settings. There are
few parameters that need to consider in IDMT relay setting which are:
i. Plug Setting Multiple (PSM)
ii. Relay Characteristic Operating Time in seconds (RCOT)
iii. Time Setting Multiplier (TSM)
iv. Relay Operating Time in seconds (ROT)
In order to determine the IDMT relay settings, these four parameters are very
important and the results of the calculation are show in the table below, which is with
and without installation of the distributed generation.

Table 4.10: Relay Settings Calculation without DG

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 8.21 4.10
RCOT 3.26 4.89
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.13
ROT 0.33 0.58
PSM 5.60 3.73
RCOT 3.99 5.24
Busbar 3
TSM 0.13 0.14
ROT 0.48 0.71

PSM 5.63 4.22

RCOT 3.98 4.79
Busbar 2
TSM 0.14 0.17
ROT 0.56 0.81
PSM 6.56
RCOT 3.65
Busbar 1
TSM 0.17
ROT 0.62

Table 4.11: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar4

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 19.30 9.56
RCOT 2.30 3.03
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.17
ROT 0.23 0.48
PSM 11.20 7.10
RCOT 2.89 3.50
Busbar 3
TSM 0.17 0.19
ROT 0.46 0.71
PSM 8.44 6.33
RCOT 3.21 3.72
Busbar 2
TSM 0.19 0.24
ROT 0.64 0.89
PSM 7.90
RCOT 3.32
Busbar 1
TSM 0.24
ROT 0.80

Table 4.12: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar3

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 14.10 6.90
RCOT 2.60 3.55
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.14
ROT 0.26 0.51
PSM 11.10 7.43
RCOT 2.83 3.42
Busbar 3
TSM 0.14 0.18
ROT 0.40 0.65
PSM 9.14 6.86
RCOT 3.09 3.57
Busbar 2
TSM 0.18 0.24
ROT 0.59 0.84
PSM 8.39
RCOT 3.22
Busbar 1
TSM 0.24
ROT 0.77

Table 4.13: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(50MVA) at Busbar2

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 10.55 4.69
RCOT 2.90 5.27
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.12
ROT 0.29 0.54
PSM 8.01 5.34
RCOT 3.29 4.11
Busbar 3
TSM 0.12 0.14
ROT 0.40 0.42

PSM 9.58 7.18

RCOT 3.03 3.48
Busbar 2
TSM 0.14 0.19
ROT 0.42 0.67
PSM 9.12
RCOT 3.10
Busbar 1
TSM 0.19
ROT 0.60

Table 4.14: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar4

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 21.61 10.80
RCOT 2.21 2.87
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.16
ROT 0.22 0.47
PSM 12.10 7.66
RCOT 2.80 3.37
Busbar 3
TSM 0.16 0.21
ROT 0.45 0.70
PSM 8.71 6.53
RCOT 3.16 3.66
Busbar 2
TSM 0.21 0.25
ROT 0.66 0.91
PSM 7.93
RCOT 3.31
Busbar 1
TSM 0.25
ROT 0.83

Table 4.15: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar3

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 15.10 7.39
RCOT 2.53 3.43
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.15
ROT 0.25 0.50
PSM 12.37 8.24
RCOT 2.71 3.25
Busbar 3
TSM 0.15 0.19
ROT 0.38 0.63
PSM 9.40 7.26
RCOT 3.01 3.46
Busbar 2
TSM 0.19 0.24
ROT 0.60 0.85
PSM 8.51
RCOT 3.20
Busbar 1
TSM 0.24
ROT 0.77

Table 4.16: Relay Settings Calculation with DG(60MVA) at Busbar2

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
PSM 11.20 5.43
RCOT 2.86 4.07
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.14
ROT 0.29 0.54
PSM 8.90 5.60
RCOT 3.22 3.99
Busbar 3
TSM 0.14 0.15
ROT 0.40 0.65

PSM 10.20 7.8

RCOT 2.92 3.34
Busbar 2
TSM 0.15 0.21
ROT 0.49 0.72
PSM 9.45
RCOT 3.05
Busbar 1
TSM 0.21
ROT 0.64

4.4 Star View Relay Curve

In this section, it will show the star view relay curve that obtained from
ETAP simulator. Star view relay curve is the special feature of ETAP where the
result of ROT of the circuit design can be obtained directly. The figure below is the
example of star view relay curve. X-axis is fault current and Y-axis is ROT.

Figure 4.3 Example of Star View Relay Curve


Table 4.17 is the results of ROT for each busbar obtained from star view
relay curve which are with and without installation of DG.

Table 4.17: ROT from Star View Relay Curve

Real Operating Time (ROT), second

Busbar/ With With With With With With

Relay Without 50MVA 50MVA 50MVA 60MVA 60MVA 60MVA
DG DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at DG at
Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2 Busbar4 Busbar3 Busbar2
1 0.64 0.82 0.80 0.65 0.85 0.80 0.68
2 0.60 0.60 0.62 0.48 0.70 0.63 0.49
3 0.42 0.46 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.33 0.37
4 0.30 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.19 0.20 0.25

4.5 Verification

The objective of doing verification is to show the results of ROT obtained

from manual calculation are correct and acceptable. For the verification, all of the
ROT calculated by using mathematical method for difference kind of cases will be
compared with the ROT obtained from star view relay curve.

Table 4.18: Without Installation of DG

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.33 0.48 0.56 0.62
Star View
0.30 0.42 0.60 0.64
Relay Curve

Table 4.19: With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar4

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.23 0.46 0.64 0.80
Star View
0,20 0.42 0.60 0.82
Relay Curve

Table 4.20: With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar3

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.26 0.40 0.59 0.77
Star View
0.22 0.43 0.62 0.80
Relay Curve

Table 4.21: With Installation of DG(50MVA) at Busbar2

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.29 0.40 0.42 0.60
Star View
0.25 0.36 0.48 0.65
Relay Curve

Table 4.22: With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar4

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.22 0.45 0.66 0.83
Star View
0.19 0.40 0.70 0.85
Relay Curve

Table 4.23: With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar3

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.25 0.38 0.60 0.77
Star View
0.20 0.33 0.63 0.80
Relay Curve

Table 4.24: With Installation of DG(60MVA) at Busbar2

Real Operating Time (ROT)
Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1
0.29 0.40 0.49 0.64
Star View
0.25 0.37 0.53 0.68
Relay Curve

From the results of comparison above, the average of difference of the values
of ROT are +/- less than 0.05 second. Hence, according to the results of
verification I can conclude by saying that the values of ROT from manual calculation
are acceptable and correct.

4.6 Data Analysis

Basically the data analysis in this section is divided into four cases which are
Fault Current Analysis, Position of Installation of DG, ROT Analysis and Reliability
of Existence Overcurrent Relay. Data analysis is a very significant section, this is
because it will show that if the objects of this project achieve.

4.6.1 Fault Current Analysis

The bar chart below was developed according to the data obtained in Table
4.3, 4.4, 4.7. It shows the fault current at each busbar when there are DG installed at
busbar and without DG installed.

Fault Current at Each Busbar

(DG at Busbar4)

7000 Without DG
Fault Current (Ampere)

5000 DG(50MVA)
4000 With
1 2 3 4

Figure 4.4 Fault Current for Each Busbar

From the result of fault current analysis, the value of fault current is increased
from relay busbar4 to busbar1. Based on equation:

Where, = fault current
= line voltage
= total impedance

The equation shows that fault current is inversely proportional to the total
impedance. That means if total impedance decreases, the fault current value will be
increased. The circuit designs with the existence of distributed generation produce
the higher fault current compare to the circuit design without the distributed

generation. This is because of the existence of impedance that contributed from

distributed generation. According to the Thevenin Theorem when fault occur,
distributed generation impedance is parallel with the feeder impedance and therefore
causes the total value of impedance decrease; brings the fault current value increase

Besides, fault current level only contributed from the source impedance,
feeder impedance and distributed generation impedance [4]. Impedance for the load
does not contribute the fault current level. Hence, the value of load impedance can
be ignored in order to determine the fault current. Meanwhile the value of voltage at
busbar is remained constant.

4.6.2 Position of Installation of DG

In this section, analysis is done by focus on the fault current at Busbar1 when
DG was installed at Busbar4, 3 and 2. Figure 4.5 show the fault current at Busbar1
when 50MVA DG was installed at each busbar.

Fault Current at Busbar1 For Installation of

DG at Each Busbar
Without DG DG at Busbar4 DG at Busbar3 DG at Busbar2

Figure 4.5 Fault Current at Busbar1


As shown in Figure 4.5, when DG was installed closer to the Busbar1, fault
current at Busbar1 is increased regularly. In the whole radial system, the most
important and most expensive part will be the main power supply or substation. It is
always be the first consideration for electrical engineers to enhance the protection
system in these parts. Hence, according to analysis from Figure 4.5, I would like to
make a conclusion that installation of DG should or must be as far as possible from
the main power supply and substation so that the fault current at the busbar near to it
are as small as possible. At the same time, the backup protection systems are
increased when number of busbar between the installation of DG and power supply

4.6.3 ROT Analysis

Real operating time is the minimum clearing time for the overcurrent relay to
clear the faulty part when fault occur. Normally, ROT is adjusted less than 1 second
so that the fault area is isolated fast enough or immediately after the fault occur.
Table 4.25 shows the ROT at Busbar3 with 4 conditions which are without
DG, with 60MVA DG installed at Busbar4, 3, and 2.

Table 4.25: ROT at Busbar3

Type ROT at Busbar3
Without DG installed 0.48
With DG(60MVA) installed at Busbar4 0.45
With DG(60MVA) installed at Busbar3 0.38
With DG(60MVA) installed at Busbar2 0.40

According to the characteristic of IDMT overcurrent relay, the magnitude of

fault current is inversely proportional to the time of respond. It means that the higher
the magnitude of fault current the faster the fault clearing time (ROT). Before doing
grading process the maximum load current must be known first. The maximum load
current is used to determine whether the ratio of the minimum fault current to

maximum load current is high enough to enable overcurrent protection relay operated
successfully. The high value of ratio between the minimum fault current and
maximum load current is needed in order to prevent the possibility of mis-operation
under normal operating conditions.

Form the result obtained in Table 4.25, it can be analyzed that when fault is
occurred at the busbar with installation of DG, that particular busbar will having a
faster fault clearing time compare with the other busbar and this is due to the increase
of fault current when there is installation of DG.

4.6.4 Reliability of Existence Overcurrent Relay

The overcurrent relay installed in radial system must have it limit and the
overcurrent relay that I had used in this project is IDMT with the PSM range, 0.01-
20.00 and TSM range, 0.01-10.00 [12]. This analysis is very important because it
can show that the maximum of the rating of the DG so that the existence relay still

Fault Location Relay 4 Relay 3 Relay 2 Relay 1

PSM 21.61 10.80
RCOT 2.21 2.87
Busbar 4
TSM 0.10 0.16
ROT 0.22 0.47
PSM 12.10 7.66
RCOT 2.80 3.37
Busbar 3
TSM 0.16 0.21
ROT 0.45 0.70
PSM 8.71 6.53
RCOT 3.16 3.66
Busbar 2
TSM 0.21 0.25
ROT 0.66 0.91

PSM 7.93
RCOT 3.31
Busbar 1
TSM 0.25
ROT 0.83

Table above is the same data of Table 4.14: Relay Settings Calculation with
DG(60MVA) at Busbar4. As shown in table above, the PSM value of Relay 4 is
more than 20.00 which is over the range of PSM of the existence IDMT overcurrent
relay. Hence, in this case it shows that if DG with rating more than 50MVA is used
then the existence IDMT overcurrent relay no longer reliable and have to be
changed, install a wider range of PSM. Another solution, DG installed with rating
not more than 50MVA so that the existence IDMT overcurrent relay still reliable.
Mostly the second solution as mentioned above will be taken. This is because
changing of overcurrent relay is very costly.

Figure 4.6 shows that the ROT of the relay cannot be obtained due to the
limit of range of the relay PSM.

Figure 4.6 Star View Relay Curve of DG(60MVA) at Busbar4




5.1 Conclusion

Overall, it can be concluded that this project has been achieved its objectives.
The fault current is increasing as expected after the installation of DG.

Throughout this project, I would like to do the conclusion that, the

overcurrent relays are the major protection devices in a distribution system. The
relays in the power system are to be coordinated properly so as to provide primary as
well as back up protection, and at the same time avoid mal function and hence avoid
the unnecessary outage of healthy part of system. Hence, it is so much important to
do the analysis before the installation of the DG.

From the data analysis, I would like to make a severe conclusion on the
impact of installation of DG. First, fault current was obviously increased a lot after
DG installed. Second, the position of installation of DG should be as far as possible
from main power supply. Next, Relay with installation of DG will operate faster

which mean ROT decreased. Lastly, in this project the rating of DG should not be
more than 50MVA so that the existing relay still reliable.

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that proper study of impact on the
protection system before and after installation of DG is compulsory in order to
determine any upgrade of the protection system is required.

5.2 Recommendation

Even though this project is quite successfully done, but there are still several
recommendations that might be useful in improving the this project in future analysis.

Firstly, in this project there is only 4 busbars involved in the circuit design.
Hence, more busbars or more to real case one-line diagram can be designed to obtain
the difference kind of possible impacts on radial system when DG is installed. Apart
from that, this project is only involved one DG installed at one time. Therefore, it is
recommended that there can be more than 1 DG install at one time to see the changes
of ROT and fault current.

Besides that, other than overcurrent relay, protect system such as fuse and
recloser also can be involve in this project. Analysis on more than one type of
protection system can be done.

Lastly, I would like to recommend of using other suitable protection system

software to complete the project. This is because different kinds of software have
their own special features which might enhance project in other ways.


[1] Assessment of Distributed Generation Technology Applications. Prepared by

Resource Dynamics Corporation
[2] G. Perpermans, J. Driesen, D. Haeseldonckx, W. D’haeseleer and R. Belmans.
“Distributed Generation: Definition, Benefits and Issues”. University Of
Leuven Energy Institute 19 August 2003.
[3] “ Network Protection & Automation Guide”, Chapter9 Overcurrent
Protection for Phase and Earth Faults. Available:
[4] Thomas Gallery, Laura Martinez and Danijela Klopotan. “Impact Of
Distributed Generation On Distribution Network Protection”. ESBI
Engineering & Facility Management, Ireland
[5] Edwin Pho. “Overcurrent Coordination Study”. Electrical Engineering
Department California Polytechnic State University SanLuis Obispo, CA
[6] Martin Geidl. “Protection of Power System with Distributed Generation:
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[7] Vipul N Rajput, Rashesh P. Mehta, Bhuvanesh A. Oza. “Coordination of
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[8] Johan Driesen, Pieter Vermeyen, Ronnie Belmans. “Protection Issues in
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[9] M. E. Baran and I. El-Markaby, “Fault analysis on distribution feeders with
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1757-1764, 2005.
[10] Juan M. Gers and Edward J. Holmes. “Protection of Electricity Distribution
Networks 3rd Edition”. The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Available :

[11] ETAP Training Manual.

[12] Chapter-11-ETAP-User-Guide-7-5-2.
[13] Chapter-17-ETAP-User-Guide-7-5-2.
[14] Chapter-12-ETAP-User-Guide-7-5-2.
[15] Power world simulator online help system manual, power world corporation,
Available:, retrieved on 25 January

Appendix A
Gant Chart for FYP1

Appendix B
Gant Chart for FYP2

Appendix C
Star View Relay Curve from ETAP Simulator

a) Without installation of DG

b) With installation of DG (50MVA) at Busbar4


c) With installation of DG (50MVA) at Busbar3

d) With installation of DG (50MVA) at Busbar2


e) With installation of DG (60MVA) at Busbar4

f) With installation of DG (60MVA) at Busbar3


g) With installation of DG (60MVA) at Busbar2

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