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Class 16


I must confess that I have never used meanings for this deck, I am simply guided by my intuition and I also use the
traditional Egyptian Tarot deck. You already know that there are several types of Egyptian tarot.

In any case, I think that when you begin learning interpretation it can be very helpful to have some brief meanings
nearby. With time and practice, almost all of us end up developing our own meanings, much more in line with our way of
thinking and seeing life. Also over time the faculties of intuition and premonition develop, so there will be no need to
worry about future interpretation work.

In the Egyptian symbols found in the Tarot in the different phonograms. For its interpretation you must know the
Egyptian figures (hieroglyphs) in this method (divination system). You must pay attention to where you are looking at the
figure. If you look to the left it means beginnings and to the right means endings. In the Major Arcana you not only find
Egyptian symbols at the top but also letters of the Kabbalistic and Egyptian alphabet, which in their similar equivalent
resemble each other in meaning.

Complete deck with reversal:



OQ Cl itage YES
Spiritual Plane: What affects us on a spiritual or energy level,

Mental Plane: Mental state, ideas, thinking

Physical Plane: The material,

Base Symbology: The influence of the universe on something determined

Axiom: Proposition or statement so obvious that it is considered not to require proof.

""The whole is greater than the part" is an axiom"

Attribute: That has attitudes to keep you within a parameter without going to extremes

Concept: Basic summary of the whole

The position of each plate in the book of Toth is determined by the letter of the Egyptian alphabet to which each plate
relates. This alphabet consists of 24 phonograms and each letter is expressed through the Arcana represented, which
symbolize the action of that letter on the physical, mental, and spiritual plane of man. In the arrangement that the
Hebrew wise men gave to said book, the first 22 letters are associated with one of the 22 letters that make up their


Spiritual plane:
A Falcon appears in the upper left corner of the card. For the Egyptians, the Falcon brought
light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of good over evil, which is why it helped man to
elevate and regenerate.
At the center of the Spiritual Plane are the Eyes of Horus , a symbol of the clarity that finds a
way out of conflicts. It allows you to see the future.
I can't recognize the symbol that is between both eyes. However it refers me to the "third eye"
(also known as the "inner eye"). It refers to an invisible eye or energetic and etheric vortex that
would provide perception beyond what could be perceived with ordinary sight.

The background on which all the previous symbology stands out is pink . This color represents
the love of God, revealed love.

Mental Plane:
The main figure character is Osiris , the god who represents the sun at its birth each new day.
On his forehead he has a snake, a cobra. For the Egyptians, the cobra was beneficial and
protective, representing cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun,
resurrection to a new life and eternity.

The lower part of their clothing is green, a symbol of fertility and the power of procreation. It
also ends in a point. Whenever the Egyptians represented clothing like this it was a symbol that
something was about to begin.

His right hand points downward and his right, holding a scepter, points upward. This recalls the
axiom of the Egyptian mystic Hermes Trismegistus, "as above, so below; as below, so above." It
is also known that Christ appears on some occasions making exactly the same gesture.
Trismegistus affirmed that this principle occurs in the three great Planes: the Spiritual Plane,
the Mental Plane and the Physical Plane. This axiom is consistent with what many religions
affirm, including the Catholic one, that we are part of God (or the universe, the universal
consciousness or however each one interprets it). If we are part of the Whole, we have the
same qualities of the Whole. Therefore we have all the "divine" possibilities and potentialities,
up to and including that of working miracles.

As we saw, in his left hand he holds a scepter , which in this case would be the equivalent of
the wands of the Tarot of Marseille. As a scepter, it represents material and also spiritual
power. As "coarse" it represents the element Fire (will, energy, passion, power). Finally, Osiris
seems to move towards the right of the card, that is, towards the future.

On the table there is a pitcher , symbolizing the element of Water (emotions and feelings) that
the pitcher is capable of containing. This magician also has a sword (Air element: the mind,
thoughts, the word) and a gold coin ( Earth element: the material, the concrete).

Finally we see that under the table there is an Ibis , a migratory bird venerated in Egypt
because it was considered the incarnation of Dyehuty, the creator god of all words, writing,
articulate language, hieroglyphics and libraries. He was the patron saint of scribes, the lord of
convincing speeches, divine words and the superior being who handled concepts. He was also
the inventor of the lyre, the divinity of music, of inventors, mathematics, astronomy, of all
sciences and creative arts; also of cunning, wisdom and knowledge, of spells, spells and magic
in general.

Physical Plan:
On this plane there is a single symbol and the blue background represents the Nile River
(fertility, source of life and purification).

The mentioned symbol can be interpreted as the Cornerstone (the first stone on which the
future construction will rest) or as a Cube (symbol of stability, perfection, mastery over
material things)

Base Symbology:
The Sun in the sign Leo : Externalization, will, vitality, ambition, authority, organization,
haughtiness and nobility, frankness, sincerity, fidelity, confidence and magnanimity.

On the right is the Hebrew letter Aleph (or Aleph) , which would have its correlation in the
letter A of our alphabet...
It symbolizes the beginning, the beginning. Continuity, equity, stability.
It is the power of primary energy, the origin of everything, without beginning or end. It is the
link between the upper and lower worlds, between earth and sky, between the world and the

Finally, the number 1 appears: It represents the concept of unity and individuality, the divinity
that contains everything and from which everything comes. From it arises the movement from
which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 have creativity, independence, originality, a sense of

SELF and self-sufficiency. They are individualistic and aggressive in nature. Initiators of actions,
pioneering spirit, courage, extraordinary will and determination. They are those with
capabilities and skills for command and leadership. Ambitious and willing to take risks to reach
the top. They are called to excel at work and business.
He is The Magician at the moment of creating and represents unity, the beginning of things,
the world in its manifestation. The foundation, the reason for all actions. Man as a living unit
complete in itself.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the synthesis of the whole, the initiation into the mysteries and the
power to decipher them and use them.

On the Mental Plane it represents the volitional power, that of transmutation and that of
coordination. It gives the ability to propose, consider and solve problems, awaken and
dominate passions.

On the Physical Plane it tends to the organization of natural elements and the mastery of
forces in motion, giving the ability to acquire and dispose, create, model and apply.


"Be in your works as you are in your thoughts"

The Magician tells us about:

Willpower. Security and self-confidence. Strength and energy to start projects and pursue
goals. Overcoming obstacles. Objectives achieved by force of will, perseverance and skill.
Positive start to a love relationship or a very rich and positive start for the couple.

New valuable and loyal friendships. New social relationships.

Very interesting new job opportunities. Work progress. Positions of greater responsibility.
New businesses or profitable investments.
Good health...

Now seeing the possibility of its negative side, considering what I had previously spoken about
duality, we could say (taking into account what the negative sides of the Sun, the sign Leo and
the number 1 tell us, that:

We can talk about excessive pride, pedantry and arrogance. It can also indicate excessive
desire for power and even authoritarianism. Aggressiveness.
In relationships, arguments can arise due to a feeling of superiority. Destructive relationships.
Unrequited love.
Fake or envious friendships.
In labor and economic terms, stagnation, dismissal from work. Deprivations.
Anxiety and depression in the mood.

If this Arcanum represented a person, it would be a self-confident man, with a strong

personality, a creative mind and great will and perseverance. Able to solve problems,
overcome obstacles and master the circumstances that arise.

Spiritual Plane:
On the left we can see a Crane . For the Egyptians, this bird represented or symbolized loyalty,
fidelity, happiness, good omens, prosperity, observation, discretion and caution.

Towards the center is the symbol of the Moon in its three phases : waxing, full and waning:
Symbols of perpetual renewal and immortality.

Mental Plane: On the Mental Plane we see the goddess Isis, the virgin lunar goddess.
It is virgin because it keeps the latent wisdom (kept in the subconscious and not yet revealed)
of human beings. It is the representation of the subconscious, with all its potential for good
and evil, the creative and the destructive. It is the duality that manifests itself in everything:
good and evil, light and darkness, feminine and masculine, etc...

She wears a veil, which symbolizes purity.

On her skirt and held in one of her hands is a papyrus that contains the secrets of the hidden
world and esoteric wisdom.

In his right hand and resting on his heart he holds an Ank or Egyptian ansada cross, a symbol of
the triumph of life over death and control over evil.

Bare breasts mean care and love, the ability to love, seduction and female fertility.

The woman is sitting in a firm and secure position, which is the representation of her character
and her way of acting and the two columns that are seen on each side of her, one illuminated
and the other in shadow, represent the conscious and the unconscious in equal proportion...

Physical Plan:
In the lower sector (Physical Plane) we see two columns. One like a silhouette and the other
very clear. These columns symbolize duality, opposites. The conscious and the unconscious.
The positive and the negative...

Base Symbology:
In the lower left corner appears the Moon in Cancer , which gives people the following general
characteristics: They are sensitive and emotional, especially receptive to environments. They
are very susceptible and when they feel injured they retreat to a protected space. The mood
and emotions of those around them directly affect their own mood.
Maternal, protective, they feel good taking care of others. Their family ties are strong.
They are interested in the past.

Towards the right side the Hebrew letter Beit appears first, which has the following meanings:
Home. Inside. Inside. Nutritious. Nutrition. Coat. Repair. Family life (couple). Home. Bowl.
Family. Dynasty. Town. Tribe. School (in the sense of current of thought). Womb (of the
woman). The sense of belonging, discretion, intimacy, privacy, hospitality, the wife, femininity,
the power to create, duality...
Finally it appears in number 2 : It symbolically represents empathy, cooperation, adaptability,
consideration for others and supersensitivity towards the needs of others. It is a symbol of
balance, union and receptivity.
In their positive aspect, they have artistic tendencies and have great sensitivity. They are
romantic. At work they distinguish themselves by being good colleagues, patient and having
good ideas, especially working as a team. They are not to monopolize the limelight.

On the negative side, they appear shy, they get too complicated with details, they can suffer
from some fears and they can also fall into depression.

The Priestess in the act of exercising her priesthood. It represents the divine substance, the
shaping principle, the mother, the Imagination, the hidden and manifest science, the past and
the future made an image in the present.

On the Spiritual Plane it represents the matrix in which the images take shape, the thesis
posing the antithesis, the source that accumulates the waters of the spring.

On the Mental Plane it is duality, the sense of opposites, the reason that compares, the
Positive and the Negative, the masculine and the feminine, the visible and the invisible, light
and shadow.

On the Physical Plane it tends to the fusion of desires, chemical affinity, the relationship of the
sexes, commerce, exchange, duality and duplicity.
Axiom: "The wind and waves always go in favor of those who know how to navigate"


Inner peace, compassion, imagination, caution, maternal feeling, intuitive intelligence, wisdom,
clairvoyance, calm and serene situations, capacity for observation and learning from
experience. Analysis and deep reflection to make decisions that end up being correct and
positive. Faith in destiny. Great sensitivity. It is the representation of femininity...

Committed romantic relationships, with a lot of love and fidelity.

Sincere and loyal friendships.
Positive start to projects, economic security and job stability.

Possible desired pregnancy.

Specifically as a person, it represents the mother or wife. To cultured, mentally balanced,

discreet, prudent women, with knowledge of esotericism. It could even represent a
psychologist or parapsychologist.


The Moon can negatively accentuate certain aspects of the Cancer sign. For example:

Emotional instability, doubts, fears. Hypersensitivity. Volubility...

Disorientation, internal confusion. Bad choices due to decisions made without the necessary
Infidelity, cold and distant relationships. Tricks.
Unreliable, false or hypocritical friendships

Economic problems. Unemployment. Projects with a dubious future...

Neurosis, depression, imbalances...

Possible problems during pregnancy.


Spiritual Plane:
On the right side of the card there is a vessel , which is a symbol of life, containment,
temperance, patience, protection and wisdom.
In the center and also invading and influencing the Mental Plane, the 12 stars , representative
of a life cycle, the period of time necessary for all gestation during which spirit unites with
The Spiritual Plane is partly separated from the Mental Plane by two segments much wider
than usual, one pink (The Love of God. Love revealed) and another blue one (Illusion. The
depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth). The
stars alternate the same colors.

Mental Plane:
The empress is represented by the goddess Mut , wife of Amun who was considered "the great
In Ancient Egypt, Mut meant mother and also vulture (which appears as if heading towards
The vulture symbolized intuition, clairvoyance and insight.

The goddess has her breasts naked , symbolizing care and love, great capacity for loving,
female seduction and fertility.

In its lucky blue crown (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite,
the eternal and immortal truth). In it, The Empress holds a cobra , which in its positive aspect
was considered beneficial and protective as it represented cunning and caution, wisdom and
knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity.

In his right hand he holds the scepter that symbolizes power over material things.
Finally we see that The Empress is wearing a green dress (Fecundity and power of procreation)

Physical Plan:
In this plane the Moon is observed in the First Quarter (Symbol of activity, births, new
beginnings, new positive changes, development and prosperity. Good time to undertake
projects and businesses. Satisfactory encounters between people) on a pink background,
which, as already said, represents the love of God. Love revealed.

Base Symbology:

On the left side we see Jupiter in Sagittarius which marks that personal growth and approach
to life are related to the understanding of spiritual themes, existential questions and
philosophy. Jupiter in Sagittarius expands wisdom. The person is optimistic, confident,
independent and enthusiastic and feels the need to travel to broaden their horizons.

On the right side, first we see the Hebrew letter Gimel , which provides balance between two
opposing forces and merges them into a single, stable and coherent one. Designates a point
that joins two opposite spaces. It represents an energy of resolution that, seen from the point
of view of opposites, can mean both reward and punishment.
The root of the word gimel brings together two essential directions: the fact of witnessing
something to someone and of carrying out an action for good or evil.

Next to it, the number 3 : Inspiration, ideation, creation, production, fruition, realization,
optimism. Symbol of communication, interaction and neutrality. Tireless optimism, happiness
and enjoyment of life. They can be fun lovers.
They are capable of identifying and generating the most important ideas that can become key
in the spheres of thought, institutions or companies.
On the negative side, they are prone to dispersion of their efforts, exaggeration, unfinished
projects, lack of direction...

The Empress in the act of doing manifests her power. It is a symbol of the living dynamism
encrypted in the letter Guimel. It represents the divine nature, the organism in function, the
conjunction of forces that tend to the same end, the universal matter in its creative work, the
Word in function.

On the Spiritual Plane it represents the knowledge of the hidden and the manifested, the past
and the future becoming reality in the present.
On the Mental Plane it is ideation, generation and manifestation, the spiritual, the mental and
the physical. Creation, conservation and renewal.
On the Physical Plane, it tends to expand, multiply and concretize the ideas, desires and acts
that express the inner life.

Axiom: "Your loom is weaving, fabrics for your use and fabrics that you should not use"

It is a young woman of age or youthful character, self-confident, enthusiastic and with a desire
to live, to do and to know.
This card is said to represent fertility, and that is real. But not only or not exclusively referring
to fertility as a woman, in the maternal sense, which is also... but in the same proportion it
refers to mental and spiritual fertility. It symbolizes the creative power of the mind, desire and
will over the material and spiritual world. What the mind creates, imagines and focuses on, the
heart desires and the will drives, will inevitably materialize in reality. It is inspiration, ideation
and concretion...

Everything in this card expresses fertility. It is gestation, concretion and growth. From spiritual
and mental manifestation to material realization: of a child, a project, a desire, etc...

She is a woman who feels free and that is how she wants to live and how she lives. He
expresses this openly in his privacy, in his daily life and in family and social relationships. As
one of the expressions of this desire for freedom, she is a woman who likes to travel and
explore new places and situations. Because essentially she likes and tends to change because
she dislikes routine and because her curiosity and happy spirit drive her to do so.

It is usually said to represent the wife or mother. It is very likely, although not necessarily.

Considering other aspects for the purposes of reading the card in a given reading, it can be said
that in the case of romantic relationships it suggests that there is passion, loyalty and
commitment in the relationship. It can indicate marriage, desired pregnancy or the birth of a
child. Joy and harmony.
Friendships will surely be deep and loyal and there will be an active and rewarding social life.
Travel, moving house or a positive job change may take place. In this aspect, the work will be
profitable or the businesses will be fruitful. Good economic situation. Prosperity.

In the event that the position that this card occupies in the spread represents negative aspects,
it may indicate unhelpful imagination in the sense of being carried away by disproportionate
ideas or plans or baseless illusions that make us lose sight of the correct appreciation of reality.
Or embarking on projects that are later abandoned due to inconsistency due to an excessive
and compulsive desire for change.
It may also be that there is a dispersion of efforts when trying to carry out many projects at the
same time.

In your relationships you can adopt extremist positions in order to satisfy your desires without
considering those of others. There may be friction in the relationship or marriage and even
probable breakups due perhaps to cheating or parallel relationships. Regular to bad
relationship with children.
In the social or friendship aspect, problems arise due to jealousy or because they are not deep
relationships, but rather superficial ones that do not contribute anything too valuable on a
personal level.
In terms of work and finances, serious problems will appear due to inconsistency or changes in
direction that were not sufficiently considered and that do not make practical sense. Projects


Spiritual Plane:
On the left side there is a Hand , a symbol of help, support and protection. Attitude of giving
and receiving.
In the center appears, emerging from the Mental Plane and connecting with it, the crown of
the pharaoh with the "ureus" which is a diadem with the figure of a cobra and which
symbolizes protection against enemies.
Both the hand and the cobra are blue , which symbolizes illusion. The depth of the immaterial
world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth.

Mental Plane:
The Emperor is represented by the god Amun-Ra , the solar god of the Egyptians, the creator.
The hidden power of the gods.
With his right hand he firmly holds the Heka Scepter , which represents material and spiritual
power at the same time.
On his shoulders, a kind of green cloak, which represents fertility and the power of
The left fist is tightly clenched, thus indicating the care of what has been achieved, of what was
built in the past, preserving it for the future (The Emperor is looking to the left, towards the
On the Emperor's seat you can see the figure of a cat , an animal that protects homes and
family life, also considered a symbol of motherhood, protecting women during pregnancy.

Physical Plan:
Here we see a hieroglyph of which I do not have the meaning. I only identify the Uas Scepter
Was) that is linked to power and strength and is associated with well-being, domination and
divine power.
The background on which this hieroglyph is inscribed is yellow , representing energy, clarity,
life, light.

Base Symbology:
On the left side the conjunction of Uranus appears in Aquarius : Originality and intellectual
independence, but you need the support of others in your ideas. Acts better in a group and
seeks cooperation.
Your idealism and humanistic nature can influence your environment and cause changes on a
general level.
Progressive and futuristic. They find the relationship between the most disparate concepts.

At the other extreme and in the foreground is the Hebrew letter Dalet , which, among other
meanings, has these that concern this letter: It is the stability of creation. It is a symbol of
balance, of stability that designates the door or door frame of a building, a house, a sanctuary
or a city. It symbolizes a person who becomes aware and owns the world. It also represents the
consciousness of the ego.
Finally, the number 4 appears: It is the symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness,
order, stability and organization.
The person with this number is practical and down to earth. It is methodical and organized,
systematic, controlled, and determined. Use a logical, step-by-step approach to problem
solving. Once committed, he does not give up easily. Use work to build a career and seek to
establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and perseverant, you have great potential for
success, but only if you are able to overcome the limitations and obstacles that you so often
Justice and honesty are sacred to him. It is reliable and safe. Although he is not an idealist, he is
willing to work for a better world in the community. Your potential for success is especially
good in areas such as banking, accounting, management, organization, construction,
agriculture, science, law and jurisprudence.
Like everything, it can have opposite or negative characteristics, such as intransigence, rigidity,
stubbornness, imbalance, obsession and pessimism. You may also be rigid in your ideas and
may be too quick to judge others.
Because of its systematic nature it can easily become rigid and attached to its dogmas. You may
also be overly cautious when quick changes or modifications are needed. This can cause you to
miss out on certain opportunities that may arise.
Seeking your own definition of justice you may become obsessed and may even harbor feelings
of revenge.

The Emperor in the act of ruling his domains is a symbol of materialized unity, will, authority
and power. It represents intelligible and tangible reality, the absolute principle emanating its

Attributes: On the Spiritual Plane it is the constant materialization of divine virtue in man. The
hierarchical progression in which life manifests itself.
On the Mental Plane it represents the four concordances of Affirmation and Negation,
Discussion and Solution in its work of concretion.
On the Physical Plane it tends to the realization of material things, the crystallization of effort
and the obtaining of power.

"To the work of your hands, give blessing, and to the work of thought, put your heart"

If personified, he represents an important man who may be the father, the husband or
someone with real or moral authority.
If we look at it symbolically, it is the solid and fertile foundation essential for life to develop and
reach its full fertile potential.

The Emperor is a character with authority and decision-making capacity, self-confident,

independent, active and who looks after the well-being of his people and those around him. It
means balance, stability and organization. The concrete and solid.
It is methodical and practical. Respectful of the law and rules, with a sense of morality and
always ready to take action to overcome obstacles or inconveniences that may arise.
He is loyal and committed to the people who come into his sphere of influence, both
emotionally and in everything else. He is responsible and consistent with his obligations and
the objectives he sets.

If we take this to the different areas of life, we can say that emotionally he is a committed,
loyal and protective person. Deep and stable feelings, although perhaps not too
demonstrative. Good husband and father.

He will also show commitment to friendship. Relationships will be solid, stable and lasting.

In the workplace, it promises a safe, stable and responsible job or you will enjoy prestige and
possibilities for good development if you are a professional.
The financial situation will be good or very good and in the case of businesses or investments,
they will be productive and with very good future prospects.
Security and economic prosperity...

A character with these characteristics that manifests itself in its negative aspect can end up
being someone very rigid, schematic, stubborn or obsessive. With fixed ideas and excessively
severe in his judgments and attitudes, he can even be vindictive.


Spiritual Plane:
The first is the symbol called the Covered Space , which is a symbol of the breath of life, of the
abode and the home.
In the center is the Divine Flame that represents spiritual help, the light of understanding and
universal love.

Mental Plane:
The divinity that represents the Hierarch is Anubis . He was the protective god who presided
over embalming. It represents twilight. It was said of him that he opened the roads. His job was
to introduce the souls of those who departed into the divine hidden land.
His right hand holds the Royal Scepter , a symbol of power.
Anubis was represented with the head of a Jackal . This animal was in turn a symbol of loyalty.
Normally this god was black, however we see that in this card he is made to appear with a
yellow body, representing energy, clarity, life, light. Her dress and bracelets are pink , a symbol
of God's love. Love revealed.

Physical Plan:
A "cartridge" appears here that contains symbolism. Two triangles joined by their upper
vertices by means of a bar. The union of the spiritual and the material. The equilibrium.

The set is on a blue background: Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth.
Base Symbols:
Astrologically it corresponds to Mercury in Virgo : Mercury in Virgo enhances intelligence.
They are analytically minded people who pay close attention to details. Perfectionists and
Logical, practical and organized in their ideas. Somewhat conservative. They tend to focus on
small things and find it difficult to perceive the whole picture.

The Hebrew letter that identifies it is Hai : It is the letter of the vital breath, of communication
through the five senses, of the mastery of the four elements (air, fire, water, earth), of
protection against difficulties, of center of gravity of all things, of the instant
Hai represents the prayer of a human being, with arms raised towards the sky in an attitude of
adoration, expressing joy and also rootlessness. It can also be interpreted as a cry of triumph
that manifests a liberation or a change in natural state. The three lines of Hai indicate the mark
of the world to come and symbolize the three ways that the soul has to manifest itself:
thought, word and action.

Finally, the number 5 corresponds to this Arcanum: This number represents the mental aspect
of human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive
and sociable, with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and
exploratory; ingenious in using freedom constructively.

Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.

It is also the number of fortune, magic and adventure. They are people who are attracted to
the unknown, the strange, the mysterious.

On the negative side, too much restlessness, sometimes dissatisfied and dissatisfied, with a
tense temperament, usually making many hasty decisions, impatient, lacking application to the

The Hierarch in the act of imparting the grace of his ministry. It is a symbol of the mystery of
the living fire that infuses and spreads. It represents the principle of divine light, the light that
gives life, universal religion, initiation into sacred rites.
On the Spiritual Plane it is the Universal Law through which the Creator manifests himself to his
creations, the mystical sense, the quintessence of things, cosmic magnetism.
On the Mental Plane it represents Law and Freedom, teaching and knowledge, mastery of
passions and identification with ourselves and others.
On the Physical Plane it tends to give direction and control to natural forces, grant freedom
within the discipline and grant effectiveness to organic processes and physical and mental

"I had heard you by hearsay; but now my eyes see you and my heart feels you"

Although the image is that of a High Priest (the Pope in the European Tarot), in everyday life it
could represent the father, an older man or a boss or hierarchical superior. It can also be a
doctor, a teacher or a guide...

This is a person who understands and masters the material world thanks to his knowledge or
his intuition of the essentials and then transmits it to others, generally in the form of advice,
something that is inextricably linked to his personality. He brings his wisdom to the everyday,
to life and daily issues but passing everything through the sieve of higher feelings,
understanding of others and his great sense of solidarity. He likes and knows how to transmit
his thoughts, knowledge and the deductions he has obtained after his in-depth analysis.
He is someone who thinks a lot about things and deeply meditates on the situations that arise,
the decisions to be made and the actions he intends to take. He is very demanding of himself,
analytical and precise.
He is curious and meticulous in everything, especially in unraveling the secret or hidden of all
He has a deep sense of morality. He is generous and supportive.

Taking these qualities into account, it can be said that romantic relationships will be balanced,
loyal and committed, with great dedication to family and home.
Friendships will be sincere and loyal, with mutual support and help when necessary.

The economic situation, balanced and calm. Maybe not so loose, but enough to not cause
shocks. Effort and work capacity. Secure and stable employment.

In its negative expression, it may be a person who is hypercritical of others and even of himself.
Nothing completes him, which is why he also ends up feeling dissatisfied.
Lack of commitment to others and a strong emotional detachment.
Disloyalty, deception.
It can manifest itself as a person who is too tense, hasty in his decisions and impatient.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of the Spiritual Plane is yellow , which represents energy, clarity, life, light. On
the left side the horned snake appears, a sign of protection for being observant, cunning and
agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion and
In the center and like Cupid, an archer appears (covering part of both planes: the

Spiritual and Mental and that indicates a state of semi-awareness of its presence). The archer is
the personification of the awakening of consciousness, which discovers the cause and origin of
all temptation and indecision and the significance of each of the acts committed.

Mental Plane:
On each side of the young man located in the central part there are two women in the same
attitude and with identical gestures. Both are demanding that the central character make a
decision. The woman on the left of the card (from the past) is dressed more formally and wears
a diadem with a cobra , which among other things was considered beneficial and protective as
it represents cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power . For all this, this woman can
represent the young man's mother and in that sense, she would symbolize what is moral, what
is due, what is correct, what is constituted.
The woman on the right is younger and wears a translucent dress, leaving her almost naked.
Nudity especially symbolizes innocence, purity and freedom.
One encourages you to decide on what is known, what is safe, and possibly what is right. The
youngest to choose what her heart and desire tell her. The archer would be telling you which is
the best option so that you can finally take a leap in your personal growth.

The young man is evidently facing a dilemma that is extremely difficult for him to overcome.
We see it in his body attitude. His arms are crossed over his chest and his body also seems to
want to go towards the older woman while his gaze is focused on the woman to his left.
We must also note that the figure of this young man is half on the Mental Plane and half on the
Physical Plane, indicating that he is in a new stage of his awareness of reality. In a painful
process but one that will help you mature and grow to begin a higher stage of your spiritual
and personal development.

Physical Plan:
Reaffirming what was said for the Mental Plane, behind the young man's legs you can see an
inverted triangle , an image of matter and the physical world, a place in which man must live to
overcome the tests necessary for his evolution and spiritual realization. The triangle, in turn, is
black , a symbol of pain and suffering.

Base Symbology:

At the base of the card, on the left, the symbology of Venus in Taurus appears: They are very
sensual people in love, lovers of pleasure, attracted by beauty. They need emotional and
material security. Very deep, faithful, but possessive loving bonds in relationships.
They value tranquility. They like to go slowly and show their affection in a warm and firm way.
They seek security and comfort.

On the right side the Hebrew letter Vav appears in the foreground, which symbolizes the art of
harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that allows you to create, manufacture
and build. It represents a nail, which is used to fix something, or a dowel used to make an
assembly. It indicates everything that links things and people to each other, linking and
unifying them to give it a new form.
The letter Vav is the creation, attraction, magnetism, fertilization, feeling, affection and desire
that attracts two beings to each other. That is why it is also related to sex and affections. It is a
link, an incentive, a suggestion and a temptation.
In another order, Vav also represents the peg of a musical instrument, which regulates the
strings so that they can be expressed in harmony. It is the inner vibration from which
transformation results and also perseverance.

Vav is what allows two substances to react and transform, producing a new substance. In
chemistry it is a catalyst that produces a reaction of different factors. It literally means a hook
and symbolizes communication. It is the primordial bond that unites spirit and matter, heaven
and earth. But its shape represents the male sex.

Finally, the number 6 : It is the symbol of beauty, harmony, perfection, family, love,
responsibility. Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others,
supersensitivity to the needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat.
It is the number of artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.
If they find the right partner they can live and make a great romantic love story live for many

On the negative side, they are shy, they can “drown” in details, generate some fears and fall
into depression. They can also be excessively demanding, they can fall into idealization or

Indecision in the act of choosing between two paths. It is the symbol of the mystery of the
operative cause that acts in each being. It represents the principle of the Word as an efficient
cause, the knowledge of Good and Evil, Natural Law, vice and virtue as elements of
transcendent action.

On the Spiritual Plane it represents the instinctive knowledge of what is proper and improper,
the moral law that governs conscience and gives transcendence to actions.
On the Mental Plane it is Abstinence and Gluttony, Freedom and Necessity, Duty and Right as
operating forces.
On the Physical Plane it tends to determine behavior, to marriage or celibacy, to abstain from
the inclinations of appetite or to the unlimited enjoyment of its pleasures.

"You give me jobs, Lord, but with them strength"

It is possible that this card is one of those that most strongly symbolizes duality, both of the
mind and of the emotions. Of the intimate moral contradictions. Between what is "due" and
what is desired.

In the European Tarot this card is called The Lovers. However, it does not refer only to a
question of a love relationship, where one must choose between one person or another. It
refers to all kinds of choices...

What I have no doubt about is that this choice, to be correct and satisfactory, rather than with
the mind, must be made from the heart, from what our inner SELF tells us. The same one that
we sometimes refuse to listen to because the temptation and desire are stronger...

Although it is governed by the so-called "law of attraction" of opposites, this card strongly
implies the need for a choice that will necessarily exclude one of the options at play. The
central issue is that both options attract us and hence the need to choose between what can
satisfy us immediately and what will allow us to grow personally, spiritually and in love
(understood in the broadest sense). senses)

It is said (quite accurately, I think) that this card represents adolescence. That moment in life
when not only does sexuality flourish with all its power, but it is also when the desire for
independence and making one's own decisions appear. And precisely in this sense, this
crossroads that Indecision poses is choosing between what desire demands of us or what will
open the best paths for the future...

If we consider the positive side of the card, that is, when the final decision is the correct one, it
can be said that in sentimental themes there will be love, mutual attraction, a very good sex
life, passion, understanding, loyalty and a consolidated and lasting relationship due to reason.
from all of this. Fidelity...
A courtship that is strengthened or a new, very positive relationship.

The end of problematic situations thanks to correct, thoughtful and prudent decisions. Very
strong and loyal friendships and an active and satisfying social life.

A good job, stable work. Interesting proposals. Salary promotion or improvement. Investments
or productive businesses thanks to good decisions made in a timely manner.

If the position of the card corresponds to something that predicts negative issues or if it is
surrounded by "bad" cards, then we would have to consider the negative aspects of duality.

This way you can think about relationship problems, doubts, fears, secrets, deception, jealousy,
End of love. Incomprehension. Divorce...

Job insecurity or loss of employment. Dissatisfaction with the work being done. Bad work
environment with bosses or colleagues.
Stagnant businesses, unhappy investments. Money losses.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of the Spiritual Plane is yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.
On the far left of the card appears a bird with outstretched wings , which for the Egyptians
represented the embodiment of joy and happiness. Symbol of communication, of the
manifestation of news and messages, of fortunate movements and trips by land, sea and air.

I couldn't identify the other two symbols...

On the border between the Spiritual Plane and the Mental Plane, the winged Sun is
represented, symbolizing life after death.
Mental Plane:
The aforementioned winged Sun, supported by four columns, acts as a roof and protection for
the young pharaoh installed in the chariot. The four columns represent stability, the four
cardinal points, the four seasons, the four elements (earth, water, air, fire). The character on
the card wears the diadem with a cobra. Cobra : Embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective as it represents
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity.
In his left hand he holds the scepter (symbol of material power) and in his right a sword or
saber (air element: the mind, thought, ideation, the word).
Physical Plan:
In reality the Mental Plane and the Physical Plane appear here as merged into one. Perhaps
indicating the intimate union between thought and action.
Two sphinxes are seen as traction elements of the chariot. They appear uncoordinated since
one looks to one side and the other to the opposite side. None of them face forward, making
driving the car not completely safe. As an aside, the young man traveling in this car is not
actually in control. He does not have reins or any other useful element to direct the sphinxes.
One has blue hair (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth) and the black body, like the hair of the other sphinx. The color
black symbolizes or represents pain and suffering. The body of the sphinx on the right is green,
a symbol of fertility and procreative power.

Base Symbology:
Astrologically we find Neptune in Pisces : A lot of imagination, danger of moving away from
Great sensitivity and sense of sacrifice for causes and people. Renunciation of one's own
interests in favor of those of others.

The Hebrew letter that appears on the right side of the card is Zain : It represents discernment,
free will and the power to decide to do something or not. It shows the way to assume a
situation, to take responsibility and to face oppositions. Clarifies the ideas you have about the
goals to be achieved and the positions that should be occupied. And it indicates the paths that
must be taken to obtain the expected results.
It also means “to feed.” The shape of the letter must have originally been a sword or a knife,
because not only the blade but also the handle to handle it are represented. That has analogies
with strength, victory and power in war or peace.
The letter Zain is associated with the number 7 . The seventh day, which means rest after
having completed a task, having carried out a task or obtaining an objective. The goal to
achieve is for each person to be aware of what they are and the place they have in the world.

Basic Concept:
The Triumph in the act of evidencing its dual nature. It is a symbol of the astral Light as a
luminous and incandescent emanation. It represents the principle of final cause, the spirit
made form, the operative cause as a force that operates, the reason for the purpose and the
power that allows it to be realized.

On the Spiritual Plane it symbolizes the ascendancy of spirit over matter, the knowledge of the
7 principles that direct creative acts, the potential existence of the 7 virtues that give
effectiveness to these acts.
On the Mental Plane it represents the vanishing of doubt by the light of the intellect, the
elimination of errors by the gradual possession of the truth.
On the Physical Plane it tends to inspire desires and impulses to improve, create contrasts
between the inner and outer world and determine hesitations and resolutions, the former
depressing, the latter fortunate.

"When knowledge enters your heart and wisdom is sweet to your soul, ask and it will be given
to you."

The "stage of adolescence" of Arcanum 6 (Indecision) is followed by The Triumph, which can be
said to represent the moment of entry into maturity. It is the time when decisions must be
made and begin to have a certain direction in life. When the balance must be found between
emotions and reason. Without canceling either of them, straighten them so that they "pull"
together and evenly. It is the right union between intellect and intuition. The victory over the
spiritual, mental and physical conjunction. It is self-discipline, the power of the will to improve
oneself and overcome obstacles. It is self-confidence.

It is achieving the ability to discern between the different options that arise and freely choose
the best path. It is also the ability to accept defeats without giving in to pessimism. It is the
optimism of the one who knows his own strength and puts his car back on track towards the
set goal, of which he never lost the reins.

It is, above all things, as I already said, self-discipline and the will to triumph over external
obstacles, but mainly over ourselves, over our weaknesses and temptations.

For all this, for the divinatory aspect it can be said that the obstacles that arise will be
overcome with will, perseverance and effort. The objectives will be achieved and the projects
will be completed. Pending issues will be resolved quickly. Inner strength, decision-making
capacity, maturity, discipline, responsibility and absence of doubts. In terms of work and
economics there will be relevant achievements as a result of effort and perseverance. Salary
increase or promotion to positions of greater responsibility and importance. Advantageous

Regarding romantic relationships, any couple difficulties will be overcome. Reconciliation.

Numerous, firm and loyal friendships.

Possible trip for professional reasons, advantageous change of job or move of residence.
Favorable court ruling.

In its negative aspect, the letter would indicate obstacles in ongoing projects, delays, failures.
Loss of control over situations and over oneself. Apathy, lack of will. Wrong decisions. Doubts
that delay issues.
Sentimentally, strong arguments, incompatibilities, disagreements, disappointments,
infidelities. Breaking off. Disloyal friends.

Labor problems. Stagnation. Loss of employment or not being taken into account for
promotions or job improvements. Stalled businesses. Economic losses due to wrong decisions
in investments or businesses.
Court ruling against.
Complicated and bumpy trips.


Spiritual Plane:
On the far left is the symbol of the placenta , which represents the origin, the beginning of life,
the beginning, birth, food, fruit, fertility, the capacity for regeneration and rebirth to a new life.
In the center, on the line that separates the Spiritual Plane from the Mental Plane, we see a
compound symbol. I do not know its name and the specific meaning, but it can be deduced by
knowing what each symbol that composes it represents.
Ox horns can be seen below and rising to both sides: sacrifice, patient work, will, strength and
In the center, the solar circle : Life, light, clarity, energy.
At the top, two ostrich feathers in a mirror: Allegory of the analysis and discernment that is
necessary to carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not dominate or confuse our
Above this symbol is another one, the Nejej Scepter or flagellum , used by the pharaohs of
Egypt, it became a symbol of authority and its primary function was to demonstrate the ability
to lead the deceased to the afterlife, connecting its bearer with other entities. from beyond.

Mental Plane:
The central figure represents Maat , goddess of justice, truth and order, both cosmic and
political and social. On her head she carries the symbols that represent her, the sun and the
ostrich feathers already seen on the Spiritual Plane. The goddess is outlined towards our left,
symbolizing that what she analyzes is the past, what has already happened, the acts already
carried out.

With his right hand (his conscious and rational side), Maat points to the scales , a symbol of
balance and equanimity.

In the other hand he carries a sword in a perfectly vertical manner (it is not a threatening
posture, ready for punishment but it also indicates balance by not leaning towards either side).
The sword represents the air element (the mind, thoughts, ideation, mental analysis,
discernment). At the same time, it should be noted that the goddess Maat holds it with her left
hand (the heart, representing emotions). Therefore, the analysis that your mind makes will be
colored by emotions, which must also maintain a perfect balance (like the sword) to avoid
falling into excesses, injustices or revenge).

Maat is placed on a pedestal, indicating the importance and hierarchy she represents.

Physical Plan:
Located on the Physical Plane, but partly affecting the Mental Plane, there is a snake that bites
its own tail. It refers to the cyclical nature of time and the eternal return. The snake devouring
itself and being reborn, a symbol of purification, which represents the eternal cycles of life and
death just like the Sun , also represented in the center of the circle formed by the snake.

Base Symbology:
Saturn in Capricorn indicates that the person is ambitious and can force or manipulate things
to achieve their goals. His discipline and patience ensure social success.
At the far right of the letter we find the Hebrew letter Jeit that designates the barrier or border
that separates the interior from the exterior, in order to delimit a property. It indicates the
separation between things, between values, between duty and right. Jeit symbolizes a
continent or a container. It refers to a reserve or an energy that must be measured: strength,
culture, nutrition, receptivity, the subtle limit between masculine and feminine energies. It
obviously refers to the law that is made to be used and also to indicate the limits that must not
be crossed or transgressed.

Jeit indicates a closed and limited place. It is a scale that allows you to determine, separate and
extract the parts of a whole. Each limited part that indicates a property and that is enclosed
protected by the law of the place or domain in which it is located. Thus, each one can own his
share if he accepts that the others own theirs. In the same way, Jeit symbolizes a treaty or a
contract that has the power to bring together differences, giving the share or merit to each

The letter Jeit has the sound of the Spanish letter J. It is associated with the number 8 and
indicates something that can extend, transform and find new balances following natural laws.
The number 8 in this case has the meaning of Being and Acting, transforming and following a
plan or project, adopting a certain way or manner predefined by the nature of things. In this
way, Jeit represents a change within legality to go even further, towards infinity. It suggests an
interaction between the material and the immaterial following a perpetual movement. In the
social domain, it suggests the organization where each person has a well-determined part and
a specific function.

Justice in the act of knowing and ruling in reason. It is a symbol of the mystery of the Plasma
Mater in whose womb life slumbers. It represents the principle of elementary existence,
equitable distribution, consciousness as a source of knowledge.
On the Spiritual Plane it is pure reason, the absolute in action, rigor and moderation, Justice as
the fatal law of existence.
On the Mental Plane it represents the force of right, the achievement of happiness as a
consequence of moderation in right thinking.
On the Physical Plane it tends towards evolution and involution, attraction and repulsion,
towards what is pleasant and ungrateful simultaneously.

"Build an altar in your heart, but do not make your heart an altar"
Obviously this card represents the need for balance, righteousness, stability, impartiality,
reasoning, analysis and reflection. But it not only refers to justice as an institution, but perhaps
more especially to that which involves us as people, applying our critical judgment towards
others in the same way that we apply it to ourselves. What is usually said to "measure with the
same yardstick" to everyone, starting with us.

It is the awakening of consciousness, of deep knowledge of oneself after evaluating our

positive and negative values and "judging ourselves" with truth and honesty.

Act in the present, evaluating the past to be able to see the future with greater clarity and
certainty, with the necessary balance to be able to move forward free of burdens that delay us,
after paying off the debts we have with life and, above all, with our own conscience. .

It is the search for balance between creative potential and negative impulses. It is the idea of
limits that cannot and should not be transgressed. It is the fair distribution of goods or
responsibilities. It is also a learning that leads to the transformation of negative into positive.

At any level that we consider Justice, it necessarily implies integrity, honesty, perseverance,
discipline and self-discipline.

At the divinatory level, something obvious can be said, such as deserving rewards for positive
actions carried out in the past.
Balanced situations, honest decisions, righteousness and honesty.
Judgment won or bureaucratic issues that are unstuck.
Legal agreements or dealings.

Stable and consolidated, committed and loyal romantic relationships. Civil marriage.
Secure employment, job stability. Contracts, payment for work or services provided.
It can also indicate that an inheritance or donation will be received.

In the negative aspect it can mean or indicate the need to assume the consequences of what
was done poorly or of past bad decisions. Unstable, unbalanced situations. Doubts and
indecisions or bad decisions.
Lack of honesty and trustworthiness. Imprudence, recklessness.
Adverse judicial ruling, delays and bureaucratic problems.
Unstable, insecure employment. Unfavorable or illegal contracts.
Economic insecurity.
Disagreements in romantic relationships. Discussions. Little commitment in marriage.
Possibility of divorce or separation.

Spiritual Plane:
The Spiritual Plane has a pink background that symbolizes the love of God, revealed love.
On the left side is the symbol of chaining , representative of the intuition that warns of the
dangers that can cause the loss of freedom to act.

Mental Plane:
In the center, and invading part of the Spiritual Plane, is the Sun , symbol of life, light, clarity
and energy. However, three arrows also appear heading from El Eremita towards the Sun itself,
meaning that his spiritual process rises towards the Sun with those same characteristics that
the star represents.
In the background of the scene you can see a palm tree , which was the symbol of the
masculine principle in nature and represented the god Thot, inventor of writing and god of
wisdom and science.

In his left hand he carries a lamp . It is a representation of the human being because it was
made of clay and contained a kind of "vital force", which was the oil that was burned. At the
same time she was the carrier of the spirit symbolized by the flame.
With the other hand they hold a Uas scepter , a symbol of power and dominance.
It is covered with a cape. On the outside it is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world,
the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and inside black (pain and suffering)
Finally, The Eremita walks decisively to his left, towards the future.

Physical Plan:
In the center (and partly touching the Mental Plane) you see a circle : It is perfection because it
is a self-contained figure since it lacks a beginning and an end. Movement and continuity.
The background over which the circle stands out is pink : The love of God. Love revealed.

Base Symbology:
On the left side of the card the symbols of Mars appear in Aries : They are impulsive, active,
energetic, and have a conquering and competitive spirit. They are people with initiative but
who tend not to finish what they start. They do not spend much time reflecting before acting.
Direct. Impatient.

At the other end appear the Hebrew letter Teith and the number 9 ...
Teith symbolizes change of state, security, refuge, introspection and spiritual search. But the
term properly associated with this letter is good and protection. Teith means shield, covering,
preservation, resistance, barrier, safeguard and general protection.

Teith also symbolizes humility and respect for authority. It represents the terrestrial time that
ends with the limits of matter. They are the nine months of gestation in the protection of the
mother's womb, withdrawal into oneself in order to grow, to know oneself and to assume
oneself. It is the promise that is preparing to become reality. The number 9 , associated with
Teith, predicts the end and the beginning. Withdrawal, detachment or present mourning
announcing a future event and the fulfillment of a promise.
The Hermit in the act of illuminating his inner world. It is the symbol of the mystery of the
unfathomable. It represents the principle of love as a pure act, the element of conservation
and renewal, the protective genius, prudence, initiation into the arcana (mysteries) of the
higher life.

Attribute :
On the Spiritual Plane it is the manifestation of divine light in human works, absolute wisdom,
the communion of the thinker with his thought and the thing thought.
On the Mental Plane it represents discretion, charity and knowledge; the selection between
what is true and what is false, the liking and disliking of what is moral or immoral, the
judgment that compares and resolves.
On the Physical Plane it tends towards molecular development, the culmination of everything
that comes before, the decoration of the completed work and the ascension to higher planes.

"Go up the mountain and see the promised land; but I do not tell you that you will enter it."

The Hermit represents the moment when a person needs to withdraw, withdraw into himself
in order to grow, is to find a safe and protected refuge, the inner peace that allows him to
access his own source of wisdom. It does not mean that you completely isolate yourself from
those around you, although it can also happen. He will take refuge in himself to learn to know
himself, to do a self-examination that brings him closer to his own inner light, to his true Self,
to that wisdom that he carries within but that has not yet manifested or that has not fully
manifested itself. the clarity that would be desirable.
It is the prelude to a new beginning, with more wisdom and more peace of mind. In reality it is
the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new and higher one.

It will be a stage of deep reflection, less social contact and austerity. Material issues will take a
backseat and you will live your interiority more intensely in search of your inner power, your
own light, as symbolized in the card by the Was scepter and the lamp that you carry in your

It will leave many things in the past that until now were important, but are no longer
important. Things, situations or feelings that kept him spiritually chained, making his growth
and expansion impossible.

Time will be perceived differently. Everything will seem to happen more slowly because the
only thing you want and need is to achieve that knowledge of yourself, which cannot be
adjusted to the usual temporal canons of the material world. It is a stage of meditation that
will connect you with higher spheres of your own being, that is, with your divine part...

In the positive divinatory aspect one can speak of the need to isolate oneself, to meditate and
to take refuge in oneself. Of patience and perseverance and the successes that can be achieved
thanks to these virtues.
Successful and long-lasting projects.
Maturity, inner peace, security and self-confidence.
Successful decisions because they are prudent, carefully considered.

Romantic relationships and friendships will be solid, lasting and based on mutual
Selfless aid that is offered or received.

Stability and austerity in economic matters. Stable and secure employment.

As a negative counterpart, recklessness, immaturity. Hasty and erroneous decisions. Not

finding solutions to overcome obstacles.
Not learning from one's own experience.
Feeling of insecurity.

Sentimentally, isolation, loneliness, lack of mutual understanding. Distances.

Unreliable friendships. Disloyalty, bad advice. Critics.

Job insecurity. Unstable and unprofitable business. Possible losses. Waste of money.

Possible episodes of depression or imbalances.


Spiritual Plan:

On the left end of the chart you can see two parallel bars : Change and cyclical movement.
Duality in balance and opposing energies (positive and negative; good and evil)
In the center appears a winged sphinx , a symbol of the ineluctable; brings up the idea of the
enigma. It represents the beginning of a destiny, which is both mystery and necessity. The
sphinx looks to its right, meaning that what it announces is a consequence of the past.
Between its legs it holds a Uas scepter , a symbol of power and dominance.

Mental Plane:
In the center is the wheel of life : The law of Karma (cause and effect)
I have not been able to identify the two beings that are on each side of the wheel. One of them
is with its head down in evident sharp descent. The one on the other side is squatting and
operating the wheel. This indicates that the turning of the wheel has been caused by the
second and is the cause of the fall of the other being. This corresponds to the question of
"cause and effect" mentioned just above. Every cause produces an effect, every action entails a

Physical Plan:
In this shot we see two cobras on two eggs. Both are in a mirror position, one looking towards
the past and the other towards the future.
The cobra embodies the opposites, the duality of human existence. On the one hand they
symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and the suffering that this entails. On
the other hand, it is beneficial and protective as it represents cunning and caution, wisdom and
knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity.
While the egg is a sign of the generating matrix.
The background on which they stand out is blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world,
the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth.

Base Symbology:
Astrologically this letter is signed by Pluto in Scorpio : Deep and intense transformations.
Research and exploration of unknown terrain and interest in taboo topics. Great intuition and
ease of delving into the social psyche and exerting influence on it. Lots of regeneration

On the right side you can see the Hebrew letter Yod and the number 10...

Yod represents hands with ten fingers extended. It is the ability to act, individual expression,
interaction in the world, the realization of unity, the wheel (time in full evolution), creation. It
means starting over after a first experience, renewing oneself, moving forward from something
that is finished, but with a new baggage of knowledge or experience. But it also means
something that expires after fullness, decline, sunset and sunrise.

The number 10 represents the realization of the unit, that is, the unit is complete and ready to
repeat itself, since with it a new ten begins.
Ten is the symbol of complete growth and its unity.
New beginning, beginning of a new cycle, death and resurrection.

Retribution in its retributive work. It is a symbol of the mystery of the law of compensation. It
represents the principle of the embodied Word, the order and necessity of its existence,
periodicity, karma, cause and effect, the wheel of life in its infinite rounds.
On the Spiritual Plane it is the succession of time and circumstances as the cause of perfection,
the eternal resumption of things, the essence that vivifies and the matter to be vivified. On the
Mental Plane it represents induction and deduction, time and interval, the generation of
emotions and the regulation of passions, the projection of thoughts in their infinite aspects.
On the Physical Plane it tends towards action and reaction, the application of the moral to the
material, the confrontation of deferred duties.

"It is expensive to know that you buy with experience, and more expensive is the one that you
still have to buy"

As its name indicates, this Major Arcana represents retributive action, the so-called "law of
compensation" in the present for what was done in the past. The Karma.
The turning of the wheel marks the periodicity of life, the cycles that are fulfilled and the new
ones about to begin. Death and resurrection. The action of time, its continuous succession. The
time and interval. Time in full evolution.

It is the logic of action and reaction, for better or worse.

It is facing the tasks that have not been completed at the time. It is the consequence, not the
They are necessary and also inevitable changes. Generally these changes come unexpectedly,
although they are not unexpected.
It forces us to start over after having accumulated certain experiences, to renew ourselves and
look for new paths. It is the change that gives no possibility of turning back. When the wheel
turns, nothing will be the same as before. It is a break with the past and the force that drives

For the divinatory aspect of this card we must refer to the duality that it manifests almost by
definition. There will be compensations and "punishments" determined by so-called Karma.

In its positive aspect, it will mark unexpected favorable changes in any area, a favorable
beginning of a new stage.
A happy start to a romantic relationship and a positive period for the couple.
Commitment. Marriage. Desired pregnancy or birth of a child.
New friendships.

Unexpected arrival of money. Donations or inheritance.

Favorable work stage. Ascent. Very desirable new job opportunities.
Healthy economy, positive business or investments.

Positive move or trip.

Disease that is completely cured.

In the negative aspect it also predicts unexpected changes, but of a negative sign. Paralysis or
failure of projects. Stagnations. Obstacles that become very difficult to overcome.

Couple crisis. Separation, breakup or divorce. Unwanted pregnancy that produces a crisis.
Estrangement from friends.
Unexpected expenses. Unstable economy, with many ups and downs and generally negative
Job instability or loss of employment. Lack of job or professional opportunities.

Move or trip that is eventful or has setbacks.


Spiritual Plane: On the far left of the card we see a shape of a vessel , a symbol of life,
containment, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom.
In the center, an inverted triangle , an image of matter and the physical world, the place where
man must live to overcome the tests necessary for his evolution and spiritual realization.
The background color is pink , which represents the love of God. Love revealed.
The vessel is yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.
The triangle, blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth.
Mental Plane:
This plane is occupied by a lion and the goddess Sekhet (or Sejmet).
The lion as a symbol of strength and power.
The goddess Sekhet was normally symbolized with the body of a woman and the head of a
lion. Her name meant "the most powerful." It was a symbol of strength and power. She was
considered the goddess of war and revenge, but also the goddess of healing. It was said that
his breath created the desert. She was the protector of the pharaohs and guided them in war.
The goddess wears a diadem with a cobra . In its positive aspect, the cobra is beneficial and
protective, representing cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun,
resurrection to new life and eternity.
The goddess also shows her naked breasts , a symbol of care and love, great capacity for
loving, female seduction and fertility.

Physical Plan:
Here a Falcon appears raised and dominating the other being, which represents the god Apep.
Falcon : Provides light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of good over evil, which is why it
helped man to elevate and regenerate.
God Apep : Powerful and indestructible snake, representation of evil forces.
Above the Falcon appears the Nejej scepter , used by the pharaohs. It was originally used by
shepherds to drive cattle.

Base Symbology:
On the left side of the base of the card, the Sun appears in Aries : They are people of action,
endowed with great vitality and initiative. Independent and with a competitive spirit, they like
to start projects and implement new things, seeking recognition through competition and self-
Aries is direct, he doesn't spend much time reflecting and wants to act now.

At the other ends, the Hebrew letter Kaf is seen in the foreground. It represents the palm of
the hand, symbolizing the end of the acceptance tests, and the laws that guarantee the good
corollary of the work. The result is the consequence of a mental and physical effort that reveals
the ability to use potential.
Kaf is an outstretched hand, ready to receive in every sense of the term, addressing someone
to welcome them, showing that he did not have a weapon and that he has peaceful intentions.

Finally, the number 11 : It is an information channel between the higher and the lower,
between the realm of archetypes and the objective world. Ideas, thoughts, understanding and
knowledge come to him without having to go through a rational thought process. It is as if
there is a bridge, or a connection between the conscious and unconscious levels through which
he passes with a high level of intuition and through which information can flow to his mind. All
this gives him a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets
and prominent figures in history have had the number 11 as the predominant number of their
numerological theme.

Persuasion in the gentle act of persuading. It is a symbol of the mystery of the operating force
encrypted in the letter Kaf. It represents the hermaphrodite principle of the cosmogonic
matrix, the effort of the spirit, the reflex acts, the moral power, what is superior in man.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the hierarchical principle of the acting forces, the action of the spirit
on matter, of the imponderable on what is.
On the Mental Plane it represents the intellect, the faculty of creating and dominating through
the determination that comes from knowing the truth.
On the Physical Plane it tends to dominate the lower passions, the conservation of one's own
moral integrity, and the creation of material elements through faith.

Axiom: "Rejoice in hope, suffer in tribulation, be constant in prayer"

This card symbolizes inner strength defeating matter. In the European Tarot it is called
Strength, perhaps making its interpretation confusing. At least with the naked eye. It can be
thought that it is physical strength that dominates the lion. However, it is the strength of our
convictions and our values that overcome our own primary and primitive instincts.
As the letter Kaf says, the card represents the woman showing her hands to the lion, indicating
that she does not have a weapon and that she has peaceful intentions. It does not dominate
him physically, but spiritually.

What it also tells us is that we must be attentive to our inner life and the need for us to take
destiny into our own hands.
It is channeling our instincts to be able to use them in a positive and effective way.
It is knowing how to distribute and direct effort. Avoid wasting energy on foolish questions and
avoiding getting lost in vain searches.
In case of conflict, force will always give a resounding victory to those who know how to
control their impatience and their desire for revenge.

It is intelligence used for good, the ability to face fears and overcome obstacles. It is self-
confidence, self-control, energy, spirit, vitality, courage, power, success.

The positive part of divination tells us that the problems and obstacles that arise will be
overcome, that a period of prosperity and favorable in all aspects begins.
Situations will be able to be handled intelligently to achieve the set objectives.
Courage, self-confidence, self-control, sense of responsibility and discipline.
Rapport and complementation in love. Passion.
Deep friendships.
Businesses, shops or investments that will bear good results. Very fruitful work development.
Excellent health. Vitality.

In its negative aspect, this card speaks of obstacles that cannot be overcome, lack of conviction
in the goals sought, wanting to impose our criteria authoritatively. Insecurity, fear, pessimism,
confusion, inconstancy, indecision, recklessness.
Strong arguments between the couple. Lack of emotional and sexual rapport. Infidelity,
Failure in business or investment matters. Low productivity. Professional failures, especially
due to lack of convictions and initiative.
Exhaustion. Loss of physical energy.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth.
Towards the left appears the god Amun . This divinity represented fertility, power of creation,
peace, tranquility and the ability to absorb negative energies to transform them into positive
In the center (and from where the rope that holds the central character appears to emerge) is
the wheel of life , which represents the law of Karma (cause and effect).

Mental Plane:
On each side of the card in this plane, multicolored columns appear. They can represent the
material world and the spiritual world in all their nuances and aspects in which they exist.
The young man hangs upside down (as a symbol of detachment and reversal of values). One
foot is restrained and the other free. Between both legs it forms the number 4 , which is the
symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and organization.
His hands are also tied, but he manages to open them and release three coins . It is a clear sign
of detachment from all the material things that money represents.

Physical Plan:
The symbol seen here is the trident , a reflection of pain, suffering and sadness. The cartridge
that contains it is yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)
The background of the Physical Plane is green (Fecundity and power of procreation)
Base Symbology:
Here we find the Moon in Taurus , which represents people who like the pleasures that life and
nature provide. They feel at ease among their belongings and with things that have special
meaning to them. They need their space and their moments of solitude. They don't like to
argue. Sometimes stubborn. They are affectionate and somewhat possessive people.
Committed, emotionally stable and faithful, somewhat reserved and reluctant to change.

On the right side the Hebrew letter Lamed appears in the first place: It designates the fact of
teaching, of learning, of instructing, of going from a passive state to an active state. It indicates
a goal toward which we must move, but it also implies the transition one is in before reaching a
Lamed designates the sting that teaches us that everything must be followed by concrete
actions and that what we have learned is not a simple theory without a real basis.

The number 12 identifies this Arcanum. Twelve represents intuition, self-expression, the union
of body, mind and soul. Due to its root of 3, it has the strong desire to live in harmony, to act
according to ethics and morality, to use logical thinking, reasoning and intellect.
The 1 gives you harmony, individualism, creativity. The 2 adds cooperation, receptivity,
sensitivity and diplomacy.

The Apostolate in the act of consummating its mission. It is a symbol of the unfolding of the
wing encrypted in the letter Lamed. It represents the beginning of the expansive movement,
the consummation of voluntary sacrifice, altruism as a creative force, the desire to serve,

On the Spiritual Plane it is the element by which the higher is sacrificed so that the lower
evolves, complacency in the good that is achieved.
On the Mental Plane it represents the law of one's own repression, the antagonism of mental
creations, circumspection when deciding, what is painful in acting.
On the Physical Plane, it tends to revert values, the uneasiness of the material produced by the
predominance of the moral, self-denial as an expansive force.

"Although the sun wearies you by day and the moon grieves you at night, do not put your foot
on the slide nor sleep when you are on guard."

This card in the European Tarot in general is called The Hanged Man and in my opinion, this has
led many people to misinterpret it, at least in large part.
It is often said that it is a situation in which the consultant is blocked, that he is tied without
being able to react to a certain situation, as if things happen and inevitably nothing can be
done to avoid it. It's like a misfortune that has no way out...

However, the real vision is, in principle, the one that tells us the name of the Arcanum and the
image of the man who privileges the moral over the material, dropping the coins he was
carrying in his hands.
I do not deny that on some occasions it can mean that type of obstacle, that involuntary
blockage. But it will depend not only on the position in which the card appears, but also on the
type of influence that the cards surrounding it may have.

An apostle is one who teaches others, he is one who sacrifices himself and carries the weight of
others on his shoulders. It also represents knowing how to wait for things to reach the correct
point of maturity and then act.
The Apostolate (or The Hanged Man) shows an attitude of patient waiting until conditions are
conducive to action. It indicates hope, a patient and peaceful wait. It is the patience that comes
from inner elevation, the patience that needs discipline and a spirit of sacrifice. It is the
acceptance of the destiny that has befallen us, it is love for others and the ability to forgive
oneself and others.

In its positive aspect regarding the divinatory part, this card speaks of solidarity, self-sacrifice
for the sake of a higher objective or another person. Prioritization of duty over one's own
interests. Necessary renunciation, inner growth. Altruism. Capacity for forgiveness. Absence of
Deep love and very close and supportive friendships.
New job or contract renewal. Good professional prospects.
Economic progress...

In the possible negative part of the Arcanum, the following can be mentioned: Dissatisfaction
with one's own life, not accepting destiny. Stagnant unpleasant or bad situations that do not
improve or change.
Disappointments. Sacrifices that do not provide satisfaction. Hopelessness. Lack of spirit of
Unrequited love. Lack of compromise.
Egoism in friendship relationships. Distances.
Projects that are delayed. Job stagnation or unemployment with no prospects for a solution.
Lack of professional possibilities. Debts. Poor economy.
Depression. Evasion of reality.
Sanctions. Prison.

19ZaJnmortality 213
Spiritual Plane:
In the foreground a Falcon appears, which provides light and clarity. It symbolized the victory
of good over evil, which is why it helped man to elevate and regenerate.
In the center, at the top, a symbol appears that I could not identify but that resembles two
planes, the one at the top smaller and as if emerging.
Also in the center but partly covering the Mental Plane, two Papyrus flowers that form a kind
of arch. The Papyrus flower symbolizes affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The
rebirth and regeneration of the world.
Mental Plane:
The central image corresponds to Nefertem , god of Nature: It represents the heat of the rising
sun. Its function was to grant the continuity of life in the world to come.
Behind you can see three Lotus flowers. The Lotus flower represented creation, spiritual
revelation and rebirth.
These flowers are green , a symbol of fertility and procreative power.

Physical Plan:
With her scythe, Nefertem cuts the ears of wheat. Wheat established the link between the
celebration of the seasons, the death and rebirth of the god (Osiris) and the possibility of a life
beyond the grave.
The already cut spike is green , a symbol of fertility and procreative power. The background of
this plane is pink which represents the love of God. Love revealed.

Base Symbology:
At the base of the card, on the far left, the symbols of Mercury appear in Gemini , which
represents curious and open-minded people, who like to know everything and be up to date on
very varied topics. Intelligent, versatile, self-taught, with a quick and inventive mind. Accessible
in relationships and adaptable to all types of people. They like to talk and express themselves

On the other side appears the Hebrew letter Mem : It symbolizes a return inward to teach us
that each question is a reflection of another question. This introspective attitude leads us to
question our existence. Mem is the symbol of the current of life and water that reveals to us
what is hidden.
The shape of this letter evokes the idea of a “womb” and represents the womb of the woman
who has the natural ability to give life. Mem also symbolizes a turning inward to produce a
transformation, a kind of centripetal force. It indicates the ebb and flow of changes caused by
birth and death. This is the reforming principle of life, which is done through successive
transformations, generating the perpetual movement of life. These changes drive renewal and
produce a permanent rebirth.

Purifying and healing water.

Finally, the number 13 : Represents a decisive step towards another higher state of
consciousness. For this reason it is also considered an evolutionary and karmic number.
Immortality in the act of renewing life. It is a symbol of the mystery of primordial water
encrypted in the letter Mem. It represents the principle of conception, embodiment, renewal,
rebirth by which some elements are transmuted into others and man continues in his works.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the renewal of life through the disintegration of its parts, the
liberation of the essence through the transformation of the matter that contains it.
On the Mental Plane it represents action and reaction, the dissolution that precedes formation,
the inductive that gives rise to the deductive, inertia as a function of movement.
On the Physical Plane it tends to processes that favor lethargy, drowsiness, petrification,
sleepwalking, what is corrupted, what is destroyed, what perishes to be reborn in a different

"The night has passed and the new day has arrived. "So put on the weapons of light."

This name is probably more correct than the one it has in the European Tarot: Death...
But ultimately, any of the names is nothing more than a symbol. The thing is that although we
talk about death, it is more specifically that type of death necessary for something new to be
born, for a necessary renewal in any area. It is about those small deaths that every person
necessarily goes through throughout their life.
Life cannot be understood or valued without death. It is part of the duality of the universe

It marks radical changes, transcendental transformations. The end of one cycle and the
beginning of another. Old forms that end and new ones that emerge and that are generally
Death as something necessary for new life to emerge is part of the meaning of fertility and
It is the permanent movement of creation. For the new to emerge, the old must necessarily
And as the image shows, what was sown is harvested while the new thing is being born.
In the extreme case of physical death, it also represents rebirth to another life.

On the positive level of the divination part, we can think of:

Positive transformations that end old structures. Arrival of news. Reborn to a new life after
painful situations or stages. Collect the fruits of what was previously planted.
New love.
Reconciliation in the couple or new positive stage.
Pregnancy that brings positive changes in the relationship.
New friends arriving.
Job or business opportunities.
Economy that is recovering satisfactorily.
Healing of a disease.

Regarding the negative aspect:

Pain and sadness at the end of a positive stage.

Obstacles that delay projects. Stagnation.
Pessimism. Love disappointments. End of a relationship or friendship.
Separation, divorce or widowhood.
Grief for the death of a loved one.
Loss of employment.
Economic difficulties. Bankruptcy, losses...
Chronic or incurable disease.


Spiritual Plane:
On the left is the symbol of the essential waters , the primary source from which life springs. It
is a symbol of beginning, new birth and regeneration.
In the center appears the sun, which also partly encompasses the Mental Plane. However, in
this plane it appears with rays, as if indicating that it is the rising sun , which emerges after its
night journey. having defeated the forces of evil, darkness, chaos.

Mental Plane:
Here you can see the goddess Neit (or Neith) . Among other things, Neit was in charge of
restoring souls, to whom she offered bread and water after their long journey from the world
of the living.
His clothes are blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth) and yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)
He holds a vessel in each hand (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance, patience, protection and
wisdom) and pours liquids, one blue in color and the other black. They could be blue water
(Symbol of life, containment, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom) (The depth of the
immaterial world, inner life, infinity, eternal and immortal truth) and black water (Pain and
suffering ).
The goddess is inclined to the left of the Arcanum (the past)

Physical Plan:
Here appears the symbol of the Lotus flower , which represents creation, spiritual revelation
and rebirth. Ascending one of them, a cobra snake appears (It embodies the opposites, the
duality of human existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal
of divine laws and the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and
protective by representing cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the
Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity)

Base Symbology:
Jupiter in Cancer speaks of sensitive, loving, protective and compassionate people with others.
Closely linked to the family and its traditions, they need a serene family environment where
harmony reigns.
Personal growth is linked to traditional values and beliefs and caring for the people you love.
On the right side is the Hebrew letter Nun , which represents reversibility and emergence, the
harmony of mixed and contrary, everything that a seed produces, the balance of oppositions.
Nun evokes what is hidden and submerged in the depths. It has a feminine connotation and
indicates an intimacy that seeks to be preserved from prying eyes.

It symbolizes both the principles of evil and those of salvation. “Nun” is the letter of fertility
and proliferation, it represents everything that germinates from a seed. “Nun” opens
perspectives of hope, redemption and resurrection. According to the Sefer Hab bahir, it is a
symbol of the foundation since it evokes what is hidden or submerged in the depths. The letter
“nun” often also has a feminine connotation, and reports an intimacy that we try to protect,
which is why it can allude to fertilization and births to come.
Finally we find the number 14 . This number is synonymous with help, healing, kindness and

Temperance in the act of sharing the virtues. It is a symbol of the mystery of the Idea and the
Word encrypted in the letter Nun. It represents the principle of the Divine Androgyny, the
primary emanation that is infused through light and heat, the affinity of opposites, the
reversibility of the elements, mercy in its work of giving things the right proportion.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the eternal activity of life, the intimate affinity of opposite elements,
the priesthood as the link between the inner and outer world.
On the Mental Plane it represents the solidarity of emotions, the association of ideas, the
reciprocity of affections, the correspondence between vices and virtues.
On the Physical Plane it tends to regulate the relations of the sexes, the balance of the vital
force, frugality, chastity, which tempers the emotions and counteracts the passions.

"Do not be like chaff before the wind, nor like wind before chaff"

Temperance is a card that comforts and sustains; It is always the announcement of a
rediscovered harmony, of pleasant and fruitful exchanges, of pleasant encounters under the
sign of friendship and sympathy. It is an overall positive card, representing Grace, Beauty and
Wisdom. It encourages communication, dialogue and understanding.
She gives a beneficial global vision of the situation, and represents, like no other, the guardian
It is the harmonious mixture and adaptation of opposites (of opposite energies). Your balance.
The power of moderation in pleasures and passions. The creative and destructive forces acting
together and their result.

For this reason, for divination the following can be recorded on its positive side:

Harmony, serenity...
Correct decisions.
Common sense. Sanity. Moderation. Tolerance.
Balanced situations.
The end of bad situations.
Changes and their rapid assimilation.
Affinity between people.

Union and deep love in couples. Fidelity.

Courtship, cohabitation or marriage.

Stable employment. Prosperous businesses with good future prospects.

Professional projects that advance.
Healthy economy.
Associations, collaborations, agreements.

Cure of a disease.

In its negative aspects:

Instability and stagnation.

Bad decisions. Imprudence.
Inadaptability to new circumstances.
Hesitations, cyclothymias.
Egoism, intolerance. Hostility.

Lack of communication and misunderstanding in the couple.

Conflicts, infidelity.
Separation. Divorce.

Job instability.
Businesses or investments with little or no return.
Disagreements and conflicts with partners or collaborators.

Emotional imbalances. Prolonged illness.



Spiritual Plane:
The first is the symbol of the knot , which is a representation of negative ties, ties and
impediments and of the man who remains incarnate.
The head of the divinity emerges from the center. It is represented with horns that, being
horizontal, indicate the obvious separation that exists between the spiritual and mental parts.
On each side of the horns are two cobras (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective as it represents
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity. The cobras only punished those who deserved it) and on the head of each one
of them, an egg (they allude to changes and renewal. They symbolize the testicles as
generators of life)
Finally, in the center of the horns you can see two ostrich feathers (Allegory of the analysis and
discernment that is necessary to carry out when dealing with emotions so that they do not
dominate or confuse our mind)

Mental Plane:
The main figure represents the god Seht . He personifies darkness, he has always been linked
to malevolence due to the murder of Osiris. It represents the hidden and darkness.
In his right hand he holds a cobra and in his left, a Uas scepter , a symbol of power. Seht has a
man's body and a woman's breasts. This indicates its confusing nature, masculine strength and
feminine subtlety and seduction.

Physical Plan:
In this plane you can see a blue triangle (represents man divided into body, mind and soul)
(Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.) that within itself contains another black triangle (Pain and suffering). This
figure taken in its entirety symbolizes a tomb (death in life).

Base Symbology:
In the foreground are the symbols of Neptune in Leo : Imagination and creativity that enhance
artistic skills. Ability to capture essential issues.
On the right side, in the foreground, is the Hebrew letter Samech , which symbolizes the path
that is followed without discernment, without questioning and without guarding against the
risk of traversing a vicious circle. It represents the attachments and passions on which one
relies, and which in the end lock us in as if in a trap. Paradoxically, this path is followed seeking
security and support, without realizing that a pact that is difficult to break has been made. In
that sense, Samech is shown as destiny, a circular movement, which can be put into tension
like the string of a bow or like the serpent of Genesis.
This letter also symbolizes the “support of the world”, without which it would fall apart. It is
the tree of Life of tradition, the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the Garden of Eden,
the tree of the sefirot. But this letter also symbolizes the end of a cycle after having crossed a

Finally, number 15 : It warns against abandoning responsibilities, especially at the family level.
The test of this number is knowing how to find harmony by accepting the challenge of
responsibility for our own life and our own actions. Family responsibilities were abandoned,
leaving them in the hands of other people.

Passion in the act of emanating its enhanced effluvia. It is a symbol of the mystery of the astral
light encrypted in the letter Samech. It represents the principle of individual will, the attraction
of mystery, the creative fire, destiny as an efficient cause.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the manifestation of individual will, a force refractory to the
established order and a principle that urges us to unravel the mysteries.
On the Mental Plane it represents the chain of passions, the force of desire, the constant
controversy in which the spirit stirs and drives us to seek the opposite.
On the Physical Plane, it tends to the processes of generation, intense desires, malice, discord,
fear and anger, fire and the water that extinguishes it.

Axiom: "They made me a keeper of vineyards, and I did not keep my vineyard, which was

At first glance, this Arcanum is negative, although I am convinced that a good part of it is
positive. Everything will depend on the approach given to it in the interpretation. But in order
to be a little clearer about one or the other meaning, I will also discriminate it into "positive"
and "negative." This last aspect will come first in this case...
Negative divinatory meanings:

Negative stage, of frustrations and stagnation.

Chaining to harmful situations. Lack of clarity. Decisions made based on desires, hasty and
Accidents, misfortunes, adversities.
Feelings of guilt. Confusion. Disorientation. Fears

Harmful romantic relationships. Uncontrolled and destructive passion. Lust.

Sentimental failures. Violent arguments in the couple. Painful, traumatic separation or divorce.
Disloyalty, infidelity, betrayal.
Resentment, resentment...

Loss of employment. Professional career blocked or without horizons.

Lack of goals and projects.
Frustrated business. Ruinous investments. Economic losses. Bankruptcy.

Heart or sexual diseases.


Positive divinatory meanings:

Beginning of a positive stage with new possibilities for the future.

End of ties and obstacles.
Security and trust.
Clear goals.
Correct, thoughtful and serene decisions.
Will, certainty...

Deep and strong love, mutual understanding.

Fidelity, sincerity and honesty.
Final reconciliation of the couple.
Solid and loyal friendships.

Economic recovery.
Satisfactory economic situation.
Stable employment. Possibilities for promotion and recognition.
Cure of diseases.
Recovery and overcoming addictions.
Disappearance of bad influences

Spiritual Plane:
The background of the Spiritual Plane is yellow (energy, clarity, life, light)
On the left there are a series of dots in a line that represent the sands of the desert (Image of
memories of the past such as what was but is no longer, what is temporary and how fleeting
the present moment is)
The center is occupied by the image of a pink lightning bolt (symbol of destruction) (the love of
God, revealed love). Therefore this destructive ray is of "divine" origin. It comes from the
Spiritual Plane and reaches the Mental Plane.
Mental Plane:
What is destroyed in all European tarots is a tower, in the case of the Egyptian Tarot it is
represented by an obelisk , which symbolized stability and permanence, and all the powers of
rebirth, virility, fertility and creative force that Ra, the Sun god , owned...

On each side of the obelisk, two people fall headlong, a man and a woman. The symbolism is
the fall of what the colors of their clothes mean or represent: The color blue (The illusion. The
depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and
the color yellow (energy, clarity, life, light)
These colors, especially blue, are also present in the obelisk that the divine lightning has

Physical Plan:
Under the obelisk and with a pink background (the love of God, revealed love) are the three
intersected Egyptian scepters , which represent material power and spiritual power.
In turn, on each side there is a cobra snake (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

Base Symbology:
Astrologically this card is represented by Mercury in Virgo : They are people with an analytical
mind who pay close attention to details. Perfectionists and critics. Logical, practical and
organized in their ideas. Somewhat conservative. They tend to focus on small things and find it
difficult to perceive the whole picture.

The Hebrew letter that gives meaning to this card is Ayin : It is the eye similar to the Egyptian
“udjat” (the eye of Horus) that brings vision and insight to escape the conditioning of “Samech”
and the misconceptions that fall relentlessly. Ayin is also the source that receives all things that
can be perceived when barriers fall, when delusions dissolve. It is the evidence, the revelation,
the passage from the invisible to the visible. The eye receives light to illuminate us internally.
Ayin is the perception of the material world as it manifests. By resemblance, it also means to
notice, to spy, to see through something, to resemble.

In the sense of “source” Ayin symbolizes the direct perception of reality without
intermediaries. Every good eye must perceive the origin and cause of things without stopping
at appearances. The first appearance of this letter in Genesis does not designate an eye but a
fountain. “They made a turning movement and thus came to the fountain (Ayin) of judgment”
(Genesis 14 7).
Ayin represents the essential organ of imagination that allows the mind to create images, even
those in dreams and those that do not exist in reality. Thus she symbolizes what fills inner
emptiness and the power that allows us to leave the beaten path. She symbolizes the
beginning of an individual revolt and destruction through antagonism. By extension, this letter
represents personality and the appearance of certain inner manifestations in the material and
limited world. Thus, ayin can sometimes mean mistaken appearances of the passage from the
invisible to the visible.

Finally there is the number 16: It is related to excess pride, position and the possible loss of
that position that forces you to fight to regain it.
There may be several beginnings until a balance is achieved that, if the lesson is learned, will be
There was an abuse of power in his previous life.

Fragility in the act of consummating the designs of divine providence. It is a symbol of the
mystery of severe surveillance encrypted in the letter Ayin. It represents the principle of the
inscrutable, of the temporal, of the perishable as the determining cause of the evolution of
beings and things.

On the Spiritual Plane it is the awakening of understanding by virtue of the affliction that
moves the spirit, the light of the higher becoming visible in the lower.
On the Mental Plane it represents the nullity of material values, the poverty of intellectual
achievements, the learning of pride.
On the Physical Plane it tends to afflictive processes, rigor, severity, which in some way
awakens latent powers and dispels dreams for temporary values.

"Dawn light, midday light, evening light: what matters is that it is light"

The Fragility to which this Arcanum refers is largely that of vanity, arrogance and the excessive
aspirations of human beings that make us believe that our works are or can be eternal, unique
and indestructible. It is the destruction of everything that in reality does not have and never
had solid and real foundations, beyond our desires and fantasies. It was only supported by
inconsistent foundations, which appeared to be strong but were nothing more than mere
On the one hand, it warns us about the need to be proactive and, on the other, not to cling
excessively to material things. But at the same time we can think of this in terms of mental
schemes, the rigidity of our beliefs and the lightness of our convictions.

It is the painful collapse of structures that we ourselves knew intimately had no reason to exist,
but that we did not dare to change. Or that we didn't do it for simple convenience.
Lightning or life itself is responsible for destroying what can no longer be sustained...

It is the inconsistency of false constructions, death as an expression of the fragility and

transitory nature of human existence, the warning against bad choices.

And something to keep in mind is that after the lightning destroyed this fake tower, nothing
will ever be the same as before. Something new must emerge in its place and must necessarily
be stronger and more resilient.

Regarding the divination question for this card, there is a kind of more or less general
consensus to consider that when it comes out in an inverted position (if this way of reading the
cards is preferred) or in a certain position in the spread, the Predictions should be considered
more benignly. That is, with the negative consequences that it entails, but milder...

Inability to foresee problems and difficulties. Ignore the dangers.

Unexpected accidents.
Sudden and painful drastic changes.
Projects that fail.

Deceptions, betrayals, disloyalties that come to light.

Breakups, separations.
Arguments and disappointments in love and friendships.

Labor obstacles. Dismissal. Unemployment.

Bad businesses that end up producing heavy losses.
Bad decisions.
Scarcity, poor.

Emotional crisis. Depression.

Illness that appears suddenly.
Hospital admission.

Problems with the law.

Trial, sanctions, prison.

Natural or social catastrophes.

HOPE (Major Arcana No. 17 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background is pink : the love of God, the love revealed.
The symbol located on the far left is a lattice : Image of hope in the face of the pain of the
material world, of imagination and creativity.

In the center and occupying equally part of the Spiritual Plane and the Mental Plane, an eight-
pointed star : It symbolizes perfection, stability on the material and spiritual planes, complete
balance between heart and mind, regeneration of the soul and fulfillment on a spiritual level.
This star is green : Fecundity and procreative power.
Mental Plane:
In the center, the goddess Hathor , goddess of beauty, love and joy.
She is naked , a symbol of having ethical and moral values, innocence, purity and freedom.
He is squatting in an attitude of humility and in each hand he carries a vessel (Symbol of life,
restraint, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom.) with water (Source of life and a
means of purification) that he pours in equal proportion. One on land and the other on water
(perhaps a river, the Nile for sure) (land and water can mean the material and the emotional)
His body is oriented towards the left of the card, that is, towards the past.
On his head he has a Papyrus flower (Affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The
rebirth and regeneration of the world) and an ostrich feather (Allegory of the analysis and
discernment that is necessary to carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not
dominate or confuse our mind)

Physical Plan:
Symbol of two united triangles (Expression of agreement and alliance, affinity and harmony)
The background is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite,
the eternal and immortal truth)

Base Symbology:
First of all we find Saturn in Libra : Search for social recognition and need to shine socially. The
person is courteous. He likes cooperating with others and teamwork.

At the other end, the Hebrew letter Peh : Expresses the natural divine forces, the raw material
and the breath that animates it. Linked to the Word, Peh is what is found inside. The Word is
the inner Sound. This letter symbolizes both the word and silence (the mouth speaks but also
remains silent). In the Hebrew alphabet, Ayin, the eye, precedes Peh, the mouth, since the eye
sees and the mouth expresses. This means that the sensitivity of Ayin (the eye associated with
the physical sense organs) allows us to memorize and create images that fill the void of our
inner life. But these sensitive images can be communicated or kept silent sometimes secretly.

Peh (the mouth) externalizes and transmits what the eye has memorized and preserved
internally. The mouth symbolizes the word and the expression of interiority without the
influence of external forces. Thus Peh represents the creative power of the word. In addition,
breath and food also pass through the mouth, which represents exchange and communication
with the world, a door of access and exteriorization of the vital breath.
Finally, the number 17 : It is a number that provides vitality, courage, bravery, and ambition to
achieve a wide variety of projects. It is considered the number of fortune and happiness. It is
also related to inner understanding, good judgment, the search for the validity of all things.

Hope in the act of transmuting the primordial elements. It is a symbol of the cosmogonic
breath encrypted in the letter Peh. It represents the principle of the word in the act, the
immortality of existence, the creative force of faith.

On the Spiritual Plane it is self-denial as a source of life, faith as an acting element, primary
intelligence (unconscious) expressing itself through secondary intelligence (conscious).
On the Mental Plane it represents the illumination of knowledge through the evidence of
proof, the light of past experiences, the cause united to its effect.
On the Physical Plane, it tends towards processes that feed optimism, expectations, genius,
charity and everything that strengthens the spirit even if it brings deprivation.

"Some men ask for signs to believe, and others ask for wisdom to act; but the hopeful heart
has everything in its hope."

It can be said that this is a serene, peaceful letter. A card that announces luck and happiness.

As its name clearly indicates, this card is that of hope and everything that this implies that is
positive in every sense.
It is joy, inspiration, paths that open.
It is also spiritual evolution. The harmonization of spirit and matter...
The awakening of consciousness.
Confidence and faith in yourself and others.
The dreams that come true, the arrival at our destination, the fulfillment of dreams.
On the positive side for prediction, the following can be deduced:

Hope. Optimism.
Absence of doubts.
Trust in destiny.
Good news.
Positive changes.

Healthy, stable and satisfying romantic relationships.

Reconciliation of the couple.
Fidelity, trust.
Consolidated courtship. Marriage.
Sincere, loyal and honest friendships.

Economic progress.
Stable and comforting employment.
Very promising businesses or investments. Positive and fruitful.

Pregnancy or birth of a child.

Good health.
Cure of a disease.

On the negative side, he predicts:


Bad decisions.
Doubts and fears. Unsafety.
Discouragement. Lack of faith in destiny.
Negative changes.
Bad news.

Disagreements and sentimental frustrations.

Love that decays.
Infidelity. Deception.
Separation. Divorce.
Friends who move away. Disloyalties.

Unproductive projects, businesses or investments with an uncertain future.

Lack of opportunities.
Job instability.
Complicated economy.

Inability to achieve pregnancy.

Health problems.

Spiritual Plane:
On the far left appears the horned snake , a sign of protection for being observant, cunning
and agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion
and dangers.
In the center and above, a Nejej scepter , a symbol of authority and judicial punishment
Below that is the moon in the last quarter (The color yellow is energy and clarity, and is linked
to the mental level of man. But this lunar phase offers poor lighting, so the qualities of this
color are distorted. The lack of light causes the person to deform their own reality, plunging
them into uncertainty and confusing their mind, which creates mirages, chimeras and false
illusions. This state of mind attracts negative influences and all kinds of dangers from outside.)
Mental Plane:
In the background you can see two pyramids (a vortex that attracts cosmic energies). One of
them is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal
and immortal truth) and the other black color (Pain and suffering)
In front of the pyramids there are two dogs (or two jackals ): Loyalty. One is black (Pain and
suffering) and the other is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

Physical Plan:
In the center of this plane you can see a scorpion (It symbolizes evil, but if it is mastered it has
healing properties) within an inverted triangle (Image of matter and the physical world, a place
in which man must live to overcome the necessary tests for your evolution and spiritual
realization) white (light, goodness, innocence, purity, virginity, optimism, perfection,
innocence, isolation, cold)
All this framed in a green background (Fecundity and procreative power)

Base Symbology:
Astrologically represented by Uranus in Scorpio : The person is attracted to the hidden and the
mysterious. A lot of sensitivity. Great capacity for regeneration and transformation.
Very radical psychic changes. Deep emotions and heightened intuition that allow you to see
beyond the superficial.

On the other side appears the Hebrew letter Tsadeh (or Tzadik) : It is a very beloved letter for
its particular shape and its symbolism. The layout of this letter gives the impression of a
sculpture with two heads, two “Yod” that face each other and that evoke the double figure of
duality, of an androgyne, of two seraphim who are face to face in the “Ark of the Alliance".
The letter represents a line that makes sharing the current world with the world to come. It
symbolizes a sublimation in order to access another level of existence or consciousness, or a
change of cycle. This transformation can be carried out in various ways: by the process of death
that will lead towards a spiritual existence or, more prosaically, by evolution through a chain by
which our actions will allow other beings to perpetuate themselves beyond ourselves. It is, for
example, the image of a food chain in which the life of one kingdom of nature allows another
kingdom to feed in order for life to continue. The ideogram of this letter evokes a hook that
allows you to fish and feed.
The Sefer Ab Bahir presents the letter Tsadeh as the letter of the “tsadik”, of what is just, which
knew how to sublimate and become a foundation on which other existences can continue to
exist. Tradition teaches that for the world to subsist it is imperative that there always be 36
righteous people on earth. It also symbolizes the simultaneous life of two worlds, the present
world (omal azéh) and the future world (olam abah).

At the most extreme on the right side, the number 18 : It is the number of great leaders,
changes, convulsions, great beliefs and their transgression. On the other hand, it has an
emotional and intellectual nature. The 1 and the 8 combine independence, efficiency and
power, judgment alternates with intuition.
The Twilight in the act of manifesting the magical power of light. It is a symbol of the mystery
of the serpentine power encrypted in the letter Tsadeh. It represents the beginning of the force
of magnetism, the clamor that inquires, the emanation that fascinates, the power of
On the Spiritual Plane it is the infinite abyss in which creation moves, the mysterious power by
which things have their being.
On the Mental Plane it represents the force of denial as evidence of affirmation, the negative
as an exponent of the positive.
On the Physical Plane it tends to processes linked to the manifestation of hidden powers, the
action of subtle forces, which requires deliberation without reaching resolution.

"Let your charity be an inexhaustible granary, and your patience no less inexhaustible than
your charity."

Twilight, that area of the day when light and shadow begin to mix, marks the synthesis of this
Arcanum. It is another clear expression of the duality present in all things.
It is the unconscious that can deceive the conscience. The deceptive appearances, the distance
from reality. The imagination that creates non-existent ghosts.
Real or imaginary fears. Disorientation.
But it also symbolizes the feminine, the inspiration related to the dream world, to dreams and
reveries, to the deep instincts that we must listen to, to the subtle worlds that we have to feed.
Fluctuations and changes. The growths and decreases.
It can be deduced then that in the negative part of the divinatory aspect, we have:

Doubts and fears.

Disorientation and lack of clarity.
Insecurity and confusion...
Uncertain situations that cannot be clarified.

Emotional disappointments, infidelities, coldness.

Lies, secrets.
Sick loves...

Disloyal friends. Hypocrisy. Falsehood.

Friends out of interest.
Hidden or disguised enemies.

Wrong decisions due to lack of clarity of circumstances.

Unfortunate business.
Projects hindered.
Unstable and little or no satisfactory economy.
Economic losses.
Frauds. Scams.

Depression. Fears that come from the past.

Emotional imbalance.

As for its positive side, The Twilight talks about:

Inner peace. Serenity.

Clear vision of reality.
Liberation from bad situations.
Clarity of objectives and goals.
Absence of doubts.
Willpower. Security. Trust.
Positive changes.
Sincere and honest love. Fidelity.
Loyal and firm friendships.

Projects and purposes that are realized.

Triumphs. Achievements.
Correct and clear decisions.
Economic progress.
Productive and promising investments and businesses.

Cure of diseases.
Overcoming addictions.

Imagination and positive fantasies.

Artistic inspiration.
Prophetic dreams.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of the Spiritual Plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the
inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
On the left side is the symbol of spiritual bread (increasing divine inspiration and illumination)
In the center appears the sun, which also covers part of the Mental Plane. However, in this
plane, because it is half of the star, it is interpreted as the rising sun (it arises after its nocturnal
journey. having defeated the forces of evil, darkness, chaos)
Mental Plane:
The part of the sun that appears in this plane has several arms that extend downward toward
the Earth. It is the symbol of the god Aten : The vital and creative force of the universe, the
creator god of all things, who gave life. The vital power that animated and nourished
everything on Earth. Offers help, protection and blessings.

In the center, a young man and woman holding hands and looking directly into each other's
eyes. They symbolize communion, affinity, sincerity. Love embodied.
He wears green clothing (Fecundity and procreative power) and she wears blue (Illusion. The
depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
The woman has her breasts naked : Care and love, great capacity for loving, female seduction
and fertility.

Physical Plan:
In the center, three Lotus flowers.
Number 3 : It is the number of creation, since it is the result of the sum of 2 + 1, that is, the
feminine receptive principle of 2 added to the masculine principle of 1.
Lotus Flower : Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth
The flowers are white (light, goodness, innocence, purity, virginity, optimism, perfection,
innocence, isolation, cold) and have a green base (Fecundity and power of procreation) within
a circle (It is perfection by be a self-contained figure since it lacks a beginning and an end. It
contains the ideas of movement and continuity, representing eternity and everything that is
infinite, unlimited and endless)
The circle is yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)

Finally, the whole set is against a pink background (The love of God. love revealed)

Base Symbology:
Astrologically it is represented by Pluto in Sagittarius : Transformations on a spiritual and
philosophical level. Interest in other cultures. The truth is pursued and old spiritual beliefs are
questioned. The conviction of their own ideas can lead them to fanaticism and


On the right side and in the foreground, the Hebrew letter Kuf : It means both the “eye of a
needle”, an “axe” and a “monkey”. The symbol of the “eye of a needle” is the most interesting
since it calls for the reunification of forces to cross the narrow gate, separating with
discernment (with the ax) everything that prevents this passage. The “eye of a needle” was a
narrow gate that the walls had on the side to enter Jerusalem and other walled cities. The main
gate was closed after a certain hour and merchants who arrived late had to enter through the
“eye of the needle”, which was very difficult to do with a camel. We had to take away his
burden, kneel him and make him enter through that door. The “monkey” symbol has the
meaning of wisdom, similar to that in Chinese tradition, where the monkey represents the wise
man in the form of the three seated monkeys; With the fingers of his hand, one covers his
eyes, the other his mouth and the third his ears. We are faced with gestures that give access to
the world of initiation. The initiate or the wise man is the one who tries to close his senses to
the outside world in order to be completely receptive to the divine. This letter also symbolizes
spontaneity, love of life, exuberance, community, fulfillment, subtle emergence and spiritual

Finally, the number 19 : Great inner strength, power of creation, positive changes,
materialization of desires, complete fulfillment, authentic successes.

Inspiration in the act of radiating its emanations. It is a symbol of the mystery of the knotted
cord encrypted in the letter Kuf. It represents the principle of creative fire, the nutrition of
nature, the succession of acts, the mysterious force that is clamor, pain and glory

On the Spiritual Plane it is the divine light, the beginning of all knowledge, the fundamental
truth from which all truths emerge.
On the Mental Plane it represents the intelligence that formulates knowledge, the spring that
feeds the sources in which the images are reflected.
On the Physical Plane it tends to processes that facilitate the union of the masculine and
feminine element, the materialization of ideas into acts.

"Take the shield of your faith and advance with a determined step, whether against the wind
or against all winds"

Inspiration is creation, the inexhaustible source of energy, the light shining in all its fullness.
Just like the Sun in the European Tarot.
It is fulfillment and success.
It is the triumph of man over himself. It is time to give back what has been received, it is time
to take action and be dynamic.
It is the overcoming of our own limitations. The balance between emotions and reason.
It is the elimination of inner duality. Personal evolution. The inner strength.
Energy and vitality, well-being, abundance, happiness...

Inspiration predicts:

Triumphs. Successes. Happiness and fortune.

Self-realization, initiative, willpower.
Security and confidence in oneself and destiny.
Clarity. Mental clarity...

Harmonious romantic relationships with excellent communication.

Commitment. Marriage.
Desired motherhood.
Firm, sincere and loyal friendships...

Work progress. Responsibility positions.

Excellent professional career development.
Profitable, prosperous societies, businesses or investments.
Recognition of your work.

Donation or inheritance.

Excellent health.

Full cure of a disease...

On the negative side:

Negative situations that remain stagnant, without changes.

Obstacles, failures.
Pessimism. Lack of energy.
Unsafety. Lack of self confidence.
Confusion. Doubts.

Lack of communication in the couple.

Discussions and disagreements.
Breaking of engagement.
Fake friends. Disloyalty.

Job that does not satisfy.

Lack of opportunities.
Businesses or societies that do not prosper.

Weakness. Lack of physical energy. Anemia.


Spiritual Plane:
On the left appears the mouth of God : the word and divine love.

In the center, emerging from the Mental Plane, the goddess Ba (for the Greeks she was the
Phoenix): Personification of the history of man in flight, of cosmic consciousness and of the
spiritual essence of the human being. It symbolized eternity, defense and imperishable

The background against which these symbols are silhouetted is orange (energy, joy, happiness,
attraction, creativity)
Mental Plane:
In addition to the goddess Ba , at the base of this plane you can see a mummy : Allegory of
physical death, of the end of pain and suffering, of faith in existence after death, of the
resurrection of the soul and the rebirth to a new life.
Physical Plan:
Unfortunately I could not identify the symbol that appears on this plan.

Base Symbology:
Mars in Capricorn : Although their impulses are strong, they are practical people with a lot of
self-control and discipline, who fear rejection. Ambitious and determined in their objectives,
hard-working, orderly, organized, constant and competent. They are traditional. Their action is
tenacious and focuses on concrete achievements and achieving good social status and
They pursue their own interests until they achieve them.

On the right side of the card is the Hebrew letter Reish : It symbolizes the intellect, the mind,
which manifests itself in everything that exists. It also represents the renewal of things through
destruction and regeneration. As the letter Beit ( ,)‫ ב‬it is oriented towards the left, in the sense
of writing, it opens towards the future.
The letter Reish is the projection of divine forces, the entire universe, the countless stars and
all the planets, the ideas that impose themselves without allowing themselves to be controlled.
This card is a step through which man can rise. It also evokes poverty and misery that
encourages one to improve oneself, to start again from scratch. That is why she also represents
the force of power and justice within the framework of humility.

Ultimately, the number 20 : Represents complete and undifferentiated union of opposite

energies, resolution of internal duality, perfect balance between the inner and outer world,
elevated spirituality.

The Resurrection in the act of awakening spirituality. It is a symbol of the mystery of the
autonomy of each living being encrypted in the letter Reish. It represents the principle of the
intellective, deliberation, opinion, decision; life as a succession of forms, and acts as a
succession of ideas.
On the Spiritual Plane it is inner illumination, the awakening of latent forces, inspiration in
On the Mental Plane it represents the revolution of genius, the stimulus towards higher things,
the conversion of the lower to the higher.
On the Physical Plane it tends to processes that establish a harmonious correspondence
between the subconscious and the conscience, between the moral and the material, between
what we feel, think and act.

"Flower on the apple tree, fruit on the vine, planted at maturity"

The Resurrection is equivalent to the Judgment or Final Judgment of the European Tarot and
tells us about a metamorphosis and a change that in principle is favorable, about profound
transformations. It is the rising from the ashes, the capacity for improvement and
regeneration, the achievement of wisdom and sublimated knowledge. It is the channeling of
energy towards positive and constructive purposes.

It is the renewal of things through the destruction and regeneration of what is no longer. It is
the end of suffering, always in the aspect that covers the position of the card in the spread...
It is a birth, the arrival of something new, a new life.

On the positive side, he predicts:

Solution of problems and conflicts.

Ending blockages or stagnation.
Favorable changes.
New illusions. Optimism.

Arrival of good news.

Full, serene and deep sentimental relationship.

Committed, deep and honest friendship.
Reconciliation of the couple or with a friend.
A friend or love from the past who returns...

Very satisfactory work.

Favorable job change.
Work progress.
Excellent professional opportunities.
Overcoming problematic economic situations.
Trial won.
Inheritance or donation.

Complete recovery from an illness.

Regarding its negative part:

Conflicts and problems that worsen.

Situations that stagnate.
Unfavorable changes.
Bad news is received.
Plans that are frustrated, complications to achieve the proposed objectives.
Instability, overwhelm, pessimism.
Society that breaks.

Separation or divorce.
Disagreements, discussions.
Friends who move away.

Job that does not satisfy.

Job instability.
Lack of recognition for the tasks performed.
Unsatisfactory salary.
Professional activity that does not evolve.
Lost court case.

Physical and mental weakness.

Old illness that reappears.


Spiritual Plane:
On a pink background (The love of God. Love revealed) the symbol of flowers and knots
appears (Protection and joy.)

In the center and covering part of the two planes is the snake, urea (symbol of resurrection and
new life, it was related to the goddess Wadyet or Uto [Cobra goddess] and linked to the solar
myths of the transit of the Sun through the sky and the underworld) that surrounds or contains
a black sun ( Atum-Ra ), father of all the gods, the androgyne of double sexuality, Nothing and
Everything, the totality of existence and non-existence.

Mental Plane:
In the first place and at the top of this plane you can see four divinities in a row, all of them
carrying an Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life over death and
control over evil)

From left to right, the divinities are as follows:

Sacred Bull Apis: Symbol of the creative energy of the human being, which can be channeled
wisely through keys and techniques that can be learned in gnosis studies Sekmet: Symbolizes
the Law, the drinking gold of alchemy, wisdom
Isis: Symbol of the power achieved by those who are capable of transmuting their internal
forces. Sebek: Represents our Being, of a beneficial nature, creator of the Nile that would have
arisen from his sweat; god of fertility, vegetation and life.

The main figure is a goddess that I have not been able to identify. Possibly Isis herself. He is
playing the harp , the sound of which was intended to please the gods.
On his head he wears the diadem with the cobra , which in its beneficial aspect symbolized
protection by representing cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the
Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity.
He also carries an ostrich feather (Allegory of the analysis and discernment that is necessary to
carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not dominate or confuse our mind)

Physical Plan:
The symbol that appears here is composed of four bells joined together and oriented towards
the four cardinal points. It is a call spread everywhere.
The number 4 is the symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and
The background against which the bells stand out is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial
world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
What keeps the four bells together is a circle (It is perfection because it is a self-contained
figure since it lacks a beginning and an end. It contains the ideas of movement and continuity,
representing eternity and everything that is infinite, unlimited and endless) in white (Purity)
Two of the bells are yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light) and two are orange (energy, joy,
happiness, attraction, creativity)

Base Symbology:
On the far left appear the symbols of Uranus in Aquarius : Originality and intellectual
independence, but you need the support of others in your ideas. Acts better in a group and
seeks cooperation.
Your idealism and humanistic nature can influence your environment and cause changes on a
general level.
Progressive and futuristic. They find the relationship between the most disparate concepts.

The Hebrew letter Shin corresponds to this card: It represents a “tooth” as a symbol of vital
force, spirit, energy in motion, emotion, the goal of life and individuality.
Shin means to be different, to change, to modify, to transgress. Shin symbolizes the patriarchs.
It is the root of the tree of life (or the sefirot).
Being located after Reish, Shin is the spirit that animates all lives. This twenty-first letter is the
dynamic movement of the element Fire, the active and expansive forces of the universe, the
movement of everything that exists. Everything lives by its action. The domain of Shin, as a
major symbol, gives access to the roots of creation and offers the possibility of unifying the
different active forces of the universe. It is the symbol of the alliance between the creator and
his creation.
This letter radiates and shows the expansion through its arms, which represent the three
powers of the soul: Nefesh, Ruach and Néshamat (emotion, will, intelligence). The three linked
heads show the distinction of their units: feelings, life purpose and individuality.

Lastly, the number 21 appears: The superconsciousness or undifferentiated union of the

conscious and subconscious minds, a state of complete harmony and freedom at an internal
and external level.

Transmutation in the act of transmuting. It is a symbol of the mystery of what operates the
changes encrypted in the letter Shin. It represents the principle of the Word in its triple
function of creative, renewing and conservative power, the cosmogonic matrix in birth, the
faculty by which it is possible to be a bull, a lion, an eagle and a man.
On the Spiritual Plane it is the immortality of the soul, the evolution of ideas, the power to
manifest life in infinite forms.
On the Mental Plane it represents the principle of supreme knowledge as the origin of all
knowledge, beatitude.
In Physical Power, it tends towards processes that favor stimulation, successful inspirations,
remunerative work, generous rewards, acts that tend towards improvement.

"The sun rises and the sun sets, and again it returns to its place where it is born again"

According to many, this Arcanum could be considered the best card in the Tarot.
Its presence in a Tarot reading would practically nullify the negative influence of any other
card. This is possibly because, among other things, this Arcanum marks the end of a person's

It is the appearance or revelation of a new order, the evolution of ideas. The lighting.
It is a complete internal transformation.
But behind the greatness and achievements of this Arcanum, there is also a warning. It is
difficult or impossible to remain at such a high level. Although the victories are intense and can
give moments of satisfaction, you must always return to work.

Positively, The Transmutation predicts: Personal satisfaction.

Ambitions that become concrete.
Successful projects thanks to effort.
Success in what has been undertaken.
Correct decisions and choices.

Happy romantic relationship.

Lucky and harmonious marriage.
Very close friendships. Intimate friends...

Moving or changing workplace or workplace.

Excellent job.
Important job promotion. Salary increase. Recognition of your work or professional
performance. Awards. Rewards.
Inheritance, donations or gifts of value.
Prosperous economy.

Excellent health.
Cure of a disease.
"Miraculous" healing...

In its negative aspect, the letter talks about:

Plans and ambitions that do not come to fruition.

Poor achievements.
Stagnations and blockages.
Negative changes.
Wrong decisions...

Unsatisfactory romantic relationship.

Routine and lack of motivation.
Problematic friendships. Disagreements.

Little or no job opportunities.

Professional projects that take excessively long.
Economy in difficulties. Debts.

Resentful health.
Physical and mental weakness.
Difficulties in healing an ailment.
Disease that returns...


Spiritual Plane:
On the left side you can see the symbol of the arm of God holding a pyramid (it was believed
that they were the contact between mortals and the gods and that they attracted cosmic
energies). In the center the symbol of the solar eclipse (unfavorable moment. Difficulties. What
humanity still has to experience to continue evolving spiritually.)
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

Mental Plane:
Above the head of the god Horus (identified with the rising sun) is an arch (Reflection of
protection, happiness and contentment, of the entry of the new, of victory over adversity and
enemies) that covers part of the Spiritual Plane.
Covering him, he wears a feline skin (Symbol of experience and the need to abandon
everything that is primitive and limiting in human nature, to sublimate instincts and primary
passions to evolve spiritually) . In his left hand he carries the Was (or Uas) scepter , a symbol of
power. In the other hand, the Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life
over death and control over evil) Walks towards the right of the card, that is, towards the

Physical Plan:
Partially encompassing the Mental Plane, a crocodile appears (Fertility and abundance.
Triumph of man over his own negative aspect and over himself. Incarnation of destructive
forces and expression of the eternal struggle that men and gods wage against chaos). The
animal is oriented towards the past and also appears threatening, so the negative aspect
The background of this plane is yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)

Base Symbology:
The astrological aspect is represented by Venus in Pisces: Romantic and unrealistic people,
with a compassionate and very sensitive nature, who easily identify with the feelings of others.
They give themselves in their relationships in a selfless and affectionate way.
Tendency to idealize the partner.

The Hebrew letter that corresponds to this Arcanum is Tav: Last letter of the Hebrew alphabet,
Tav represents the culmination of creation and all created things. It is the culmination of a
teaching, an initiation, a step towards perfection. It is the summary of everything in the Whole,
the integral science of the absolute, the mystery revealing itself directly to the soul. It is also
the cross that symbolizes the complete path and the goal.
Tav is the absolute perfection of creation, allowing the dynamic breath of Shin to produce the
diversity of forms. It is the truth, the perfection and the culmination of a project. This card
opposes the possibility of excluding an act, and this makes the future and destiny become
present. Let us notice that the last three letters of the Hebrew alphabet form the word “rishet”
which means: intersect, showing the complete, formed and structured creation.

Finally, the number 22: It is the symbol of great ambitions, visionary genius and great
achievements. But it is also the great creator of excess tension, depression and self-

22 is possibly the most powerful of all numbers. He has great potential in life: on the one hand,
he can be the chief boatswain of a great work and the person capable of perceiving something
great in the archetypal world, but on the other hand he can easily slip into the darkest depths
and anguish. . Its strength and power are double-edged, the vibration of 22 can take you to
great heights or to violent turbulence, depression, or self-destruction if everything turns
against you. The number 22 can mobilize collective forces where it is capable of bringing
together all the necessary elements to achieve its great objectives. He should take care to
integrate certain apparently contradictory characteristics within his inspiring vision and his
natural practical sense. Briefly, 22 can be a down-to-earth visionary.

He is especially good at business and politics. The number 22 easily assimilates to relevant
functions and possesses a true ability to think and act on a general level. In this sense it shares
the vocations of number 4. You are able to see the beauty and power of an idea, but you can
also easily perceive what doesn't work. He has great intuition that allows him to evaluate the
possibilities of a company or a social movement. It is the most promising number but also the
most difficult to assume. He often has great ambition that allows him to carry out important

Generally, the number 22 is someone who is romantically stable and constant in any
relationship. Their advice is judicious, coherent and can provide solid emotional support. He is
not conventional in thought or action, despite being someone with a traditional appearance. In
general he is not someone arrogant or pretentious. Your challenge is to involve others in your
vision of the world and at the same time allow others to make their personal contribution. His
fantasy is not excessive and he is naturally resistant to any emotional excess. Your challenge is
to make others share your vision of the world and allow others to offer their own contribution.
This requires flexibility and tolerance on your part, but this is perhaps your weakest
characteristic. He often lacks confidence in the abilities of others. Consequently, he frequently
tends to control the situations he finds himself in and manipulate the people around him. 22 is
a master number, and it has the ability to do things for humanity. He has excellent
organizational skills, has a focused mind and high ideals. The number 22 thinks big and builds
big things.

Return as an act of reintegration. It is a symbol of the mystery of the law that comprises all the
laws encrypted in the letter Tav. It represents the principle of light that vivifies, living heat, the
transmigration of the soul through infinite experiences, knowledge as an exponent of all

On the Spiritual Plane it is the inscrutability of divine laws, the mystery of the reason for things,
the transcendent motive with which every act is accompanied.
On the Mental Plane it represents the principle of credulity as a synthesis of ignorance,
audacity as a cause of error, recklessness as an element of danger.
On the Physical Plane it tends to processes that favor recklessness, extravagance, delirium,
conceit, and the unbridling of passions in search of gratification.

"Let not my soul enter into its secret, nor my ship into its port."

This Arcanum means the achievement of wisdom. Perfection, stability, fulfillment.
It is the completed work, the return for a new beginning...
Which gives rise to complete harmony and freedom, the human soul returning to the "light",
the world from which it came.

It is also the unforeseen, sudden, fast or unexpected departure. With him everything goes
quickly and we must be willing to follow him...

Often, depending on the position it occupies in a spread, it can announce the worst and the
best, but in general it is threatening to all those who do not wish to be disturbed in their
customs and lives. However, we must also see a positive aspect in it, the indication of a
forgotten freedom, a movement towards another way of life, another area or perhaps, a
different job.
But it also corresponds, depending on its position in the spread, to possible natural disasters,
contingencies, accidents, breakdowns, strikes, fires.

On its positive side, The Return predicts:

Positive and satisfactory changes.

Liberation from bad situations and beginning of a happy phase.
Wishes realized.
Mental clarity, internal illumination.
Faith in yourself. Absence of doubts.
Optimism. Feeling of self-actualization.
Overcoming any obstacle.
Streamlining any project or matter.

Deep love.
Happy and promising new beginning of a romantic relationship.
Romantic expressions.
Reconciliation or new beginning of the couple.
Return of a loved one.

Work that brings satisfaction and happiness.

Promising and satisfactory job change.
Stable and healthy economy.
Desired trip, move or new place of work.

In the negative sense, El Regreso announces:

Insecurity, instability.
Negative changes difficult to reverse.
Bad choices.
Haste, thoughtlessness. Wrong, unconsidered decisions.
Foolish plans or attitudes.
Doubts. Pessimism.
Matters that are delayed.

Negative passions.
Low instincts. Lust.
Negative relationships.
Difficult and traumatic couple separation.
Friends who are leaving. Disloyalty.
Loved being who is missed.

Unbalanced economy. Shortage.

Unstable employment or unemployment.
Difficult for professional development.

Emotional or mental imbalance.

The Minor Arcana act on the everyday things of life, which is why they have less doctrinal importance and greater
applicational importance. The keys to its interpretation are the following:

At the top they have a Hebrew letter, a mystical one, and an Egyptian symbol of the attributes of a deity, a symbol of a
certain dynamism that acts on the spiritual plane.

In the middle part, a graphic of an image that interprets the meaning of that dynamism, acts on the mental plane.

At the bottom are the astral and alphabetic, cabalistic symbols, through which this dynamism fulfills its purpose on the
physical plane.

THE LABRADOR (Minor Arcana No. 23 - EGYPTIAN


Spiritual Plane:
On a blue background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite,
the eternal and immortal truth) the Hebrew letter Tav appears in the foreground (It
corresponds to the Latin letter T )
In the center the symbol of the covered space: It represents the breath of life, of the dwelling
and the home.

Mental Plane:
In the upper central part you first see an arch (reflection of protection, happiness and
contentment, of the entrance of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies) under which
there is a crane (a sign of spiritual ascension, of loyalty, fidelity, well-being, prosperity, good
fortune, observation, discretion and caution)
Below appears the farmer in his task of opening furrows in the land directing the plow, thus
preparing the land to bear fruit in the future. Two oxen pull the plow, a symbol of daily effort,
energy, strength, the spirit of sacrifice and patience.
The plow is green (Fecundity and procreative power) and the oxen are orange (energy, joy,
happiness, attraction, creativity)
Below we find the symbol of the God Aten (The vital and creative force of the universe, the
creator god of all things, who gave life. The vital power that animated and nourished
everything on Earth. Offers help, protection and blessings)

Physical Plan:
The planet that this card represents is Mercury : It represents the principles of communication,
mindset, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and variability. It governs
teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors, siblings and cousins,
transportation over short distances, messages and forms of communication such as mail, email
and telephone, newspapers, journalism and writing, skills of information gathering and physical
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

On the other side and in the foreground, the letter T (which corresponds to the Hebrew letter

Last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav represents the culmination of creation and all created
things. It is the culmination of a teaching, an initiation, a step towards perfection. It is the
summary of everything in the Whole, the integral science of the absolute, the mystery
revealing itself directly to the soul. It is also the cross that symbolizes the complete path and
the goal.

Tav is the absolute perfection of creation, allowing the dynamic breath of Shin to produce the
diversity of forms. It is the truth, the perfection and the culmination of a project. This card
opposes the possibility of excluding an act, and this makes the future and destiny become
present. Let us notice that the last three letters of the Hebrew alphabet form the word “rishet”
which means: intersect, showing the complete, formed and structured creation.

Finally, the number 5 (23 → 2+3=5): This number represents the mental aspect of human
nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the traveling and
adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive and sociable,
with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and exploratory; ingenious
in using freedom constructively.
Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.
It is also the number of fortune, magic and adventure. They are people who are attracted to
the unknown, the strange, the mysterious.
On the negative side, too much restlessness, sometimes dissatisfied and dissatisfied, with a
tense temperament, usually making many hasty decisions, impatient, lacking application to the

The Farmer in the act of cultivating the land and his conscience. It symbolizes the human virtue
of self-realization.

It is associated with the action of the planet Mercury, the letter T and the number 5. It
represents elemental intelligence in its work of knowing and taking advantage of the fruits of


"My mill grinds flour for me and flour for my neighbor"

The Labrador is a hard-working, hard-working and methodical man. He concentrates on his
work, does not disperse his efforts and thus manages to be more effective and productive. It is
precisely the virtue of achieving self-realization through work and human effort.
This Labrador represents the application of what has been learned, the experience put at your
service and for the benefit of your personal development.
It is the knowledge, awareness and understanding of your own reality and, therefore, the
ability to act correctly on it.

This image as a whole speaks of prosperity, protection, growth, confidence that what is
harvested will be rewarded at the time of sowing. Oxen can represent effort, patience, sacrifice
and perseverance. Also the help that the farmer receives when he needs it because he knows
how to gain trust and recognition.

These concepts are the ones that we must use and adapt appropriately at the time of reading
the cards, as appropriate to a position related to work, sentimentality, thought, the past, the
future or what it occasionally represents. Of course it will also depend on the cards that
surround it and the sensitivity and intuition of each tarot reader...

Spiritual Plane:
To the left and covering part of the Mental Plane appears Hathor (nurturing goddess, goddess
of love, joy, dance and musical arts) breastfeeding. The background is green (Fecundity and
procreative power)
Meanwhile, the general background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction,

On the left is the Hebrew letter Vav , which corresponds to the Latin letter U.
In the center, the horned snake (Sign of protection for being observant, cunning and agile, who
knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion and dangers)
Mental Plane:
With patience, dedication and skill, the woman intertwines the threads on her loom for her
creations that will provide protection, warmth and coverage for her and her family.
She wears her breasts naked (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female seduction and
fertility) and her dress is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
Below it and on a blue background, there appears a cartouche containing flowers and a cobra
(Life is joy, but also suffering) and below, a lattice (Image of hope in the face of the pain of the
material world, of imagination and creativity )

Physical Plan:
The planet Venus identifies this card (It is associated with the principles of harmony, beauty,
balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy and unity with others. It is
involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods, comfort,
and easy living. It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the
arts, fashion, and social life. Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love
and harmony.)

The Latin letter U , which corresponds to the Hebrew letter Vav (or Vau) : Vav symbolizes the
art of harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that allows you to create,
manufacture and build. It represents a nail, which is used to fix something, or a dowel used to
make an assembly. It indicates everything that links things and people to each other, linking
and unifying them to give it a new form.
The letter Vav is the creation, attraction, magnetism, fertilization, feeling, affection and desire
that attracts two beings to each other. That is why it is also related to sex and affections. It is a
link, an incentive, a suggestion and a temptation.
In another order, Vav also represents the peg of a musical instrument, which regulates the
strings so that they can be expressed in harmony. It is the inner vibration from which
transformation results and also perseverance.

Vav is what allows two substances to react and transform, producing a new substance. In
chemistry it is a catalyst that produces a reaction of different factors. It literally means a hook
and symbolizes communication. It is the primordial bond that unites spirit and matter, heaven
and earth. But its shape represents the male sex.

Finally, reducing the number 24 to unity, the number 6 appears: It is the symbol of beauty,
harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility. Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability,
consideration for others, supersensitivity to the needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat. It is the number of
artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.
If they find the right partner they can live and make a great romantic love story live for many

On the negative side, they are shy, they can “drown” in details, generate some fears and fall
into depression. They can also be excessively demanding, they can fall into idealization or

The Weaver in the act of cultivating domestic virtues. It symbolizes the industrious woman as
guardian of the home and honor.

It is associated with the action of the planet Venus, the letter U and the number 6. It
represents elemental intelligence in its work of applying the fruits of what has been learned.

"My loom weaves mesh after mesh, cloth for my honor and cloth to honor."

Although this card speaks of a woman in her daily work, as in reality with all arcana, its
meaning can be extrapolated to any person, activity or situation that is presented in a Tarot
reading, with the adjustments that correspond in each case. ...

La Tejedora is a woman who carries out her tasks with great dedication and care. Applies
knowledge gained through own experience or inherited experience. Takes the time necessary
to do the job to the best of his ability and dedicates himself completely to it without distracting
attention or effort. She knows how to give everything its time and space. He is constant, every
day he applies the same dedication and effort to his tasks. She is patient, meticulous and
She prefers to work alone, in her own way. But that doesn't isolate her from others. He is
sociable and enjoys sharing and exchanging with his relationships.

She finds satisfaction in a job well done and puts her love into it as well as her dedication and
effort. She does it for the benefit of the group, her family and her home and is aware that what
she achieves will, sooner or later, be for the common good.

The letter also tells us about harmony, fidelity and family unity. Of hospitality and feminine
protection. It also suggests good use of economic resources.

Obviously it also talks about motherhood. Of the care that it implies and of loving dedication...
Wisdom in life, knowledge and acceptance that life is joy, but it is also sadness.

Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a pink background (The love of God. love revealed)
The Hebrew letter Zayin that corresponds to the letter V...
In the center, above, a bird with outstretched wings (Embodiment of joy and happiness.
Symbol of communication, of the manifestation of news and messages, of fortunate
movements and trips by land, sea and air)
Below an upright dog (Symbol of the vigilant companion in battle, of loyalty and care) and an
upright cobra (Symbol of sagacity that warns of the need to be foreseen)

The Argonaut's hand and part of his head emerge into this plane. In his hand he carries a
yellow scepter (symbol of power) (Energy, clarity, life, light) .
On his head he wears a diadem with a cobra (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

Mental Plane:
The Argonaut carries an oar in his left hand that serves to propel himself and protect himself
from possible dangers.
He is standing firmly on the boat, which has a kind of railing that serves as support and
The boat is green (Fecundity and power of procreation) and also pink (The love of God. love
Just below the boat there is a snake ( Personification of evil, pain and suffering) and
underneath everything, a crocodile (Fertility and abundance. Triumph of man over his own
negative aspect and over himself. Incarnation of destructive forces and expression of the
eternal struggle that men and gods wage against chaos)

Physical Plan:
The planet that represents it is Neptune : Astrologically and for modern Western astrologers
the image of the planet is associated with idealism and compassion, but also with illusion,
confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and mysticism, mass media, creativity in art
and music, drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and imagination, psychic phenomena and altered
states of consciousness. Neptune rules hospitals, prisons, mental institutions, and any place,
such as monasteries, that involves a withdrawal from society.
Neptune's traits are eminently romantic (creativity, fantasy, freedom, feelings, imperfection,
evocation...) and reactive towards the rational.

The Latin letter V corresponds to the Hebrew letter Zain: It represents discernment, free will
and the power to decide to do something or not. It shows the way to assume a situation, to
take responsibility and to face oppositions. Clarifies the ideas you have about the goals to be
achieved and the positions that should be occupied. And it indicates the paths that must be
taken to obtain the expected results.
Zain also means “to feed.” The shape of the letter must have originally been a sword or a knife,
because not only the blade but also the handle to handle it are represented. That has analogies
with strength, victory and power in war or peace.

The letter Zain is associated with the number 7: Sign of thought, spirituality, consciousness,
psychic analysis, wisdom.
The number of intellect, idealism and repression.
They are people who love reading, studying and the desire to learn. Tendant to project their
life in a sphere of idealism and intellectual activity. Skills for analysis and research and the
intelligent search for knowledge; scientific-minded and inventive; studious, meditator;
charming personality; lovers of solitude and peace; perfectionists.

On the negative side: ulterior motives; very reserved, they love to argue with silence or
sarcasm; tendency to isolation, to inflexible positions, they are irritated by distractions.

The Argonaut in the act of setting out in search of the unknown. It symbolizes the human virtue
of inspiration itself.

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter V and the number 7...
It represents the courageous man who faces the dangers of the unknown.

"Sail my boat, sail stubbornly; sail at night, sail by day"

The Argonaut represents man facing the future and his destiny with determination and
enthusiasm. It could be said that more than anything it represents a young man (or woman)
with all his enthusiasm, enthusiasm and dreams. With a great load of idealism and projects,
some realistic and others utopian.

He doesn't know what awaits him on this journey, but he is determined to face whatever
destiny puts in front of him. You have dreams and projects that you want and need to achieve,
objectives to achieve and goals to achieve. He feels self-confident and has hope, inner strength
and also a great desire to learn.
However, you should know that enthusiasm alone is not enough. That if you do not take some
precaution or are not attentive to the dangers that may arise or that may lurk in the most
unexpected places, it may happen that your vigorous impulses to broaden your horizons turn
against you or become frustrating or harmful. That instead of being an advance, implies a
blockage or a delay in your path. In any case, you should learn from any of these possibilities
that will be useful in the future.
It is necessary that you become aware of what surrounds you on your journey to be able to
move forward with greater certainty and confidence in the steps you are taking, but even more
so you need to have self-control and know how to direct your mind and your emotions so that
both move in the same direction. and that they do not run in opposite or contradictory

While this is an undertaking you must face alone, it does not mean you should isolate yourself
from the world. Great achievements, learning and personal fulfillment depend on ourselves
but they also need affection or occasional "journey companions" who encourage us or support
us in times of doubt or difficulties.

This card undoubtedly announces changes and these changes are generally very important and
even radical. They will modify the Argonaut's life and perception of the world. For better or
These may be trips, certainly long in distance and time. Or even moves, change of activity or
even small big changes in daily life that in one way or another will modify you as a person...

Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a yellow background (Energy, clarity, life, light). On the left is the Hebrew letter
Hai, which corresponds to the Latin letter X.

In the center and at the top, the symbol of the placenta (The origin, the beginning of life, the
beginning, birth, food, fruit, fertility, the capacity for regeneration and rebirth to a new life )
Below the goddess Isis : the great magician, the queen of the afterlife and the goddess of the
On his head he has three Lotus flowers.
The number 3 : Inspiration, ideation, creation, production, fruition, realization, optimism. Lotus
Flower : Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth.

Mental Plane:
In the center there is a man with his arms extended, as if in prayer. He looks to his right, that is,
towards the past. and his clothing ends in a sharp point, a representation that something is
about to happen.
Here the Lotus flowers also appear on each side of the character.
We found some colors that stand out:
The color pink (The love of God. Love revealed), the color green (Fecundity and power of
procreation), the color blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth), the color orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction,
creativity) and the color yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)

Below man and looking towards the future is the god Sobek : He was believed to have
emerged from the waters of chaos in the creation of the world, of a beneficial nature, creator
of the Nile. God of fertility, vegetation and life.

Physical Plan:
On the left is the planet Saturn : It is associated with the principles of limitation, restrictions,
limits, practice and reality, crystallization and structures. Saturn rules ambition, career,
authority and hierarchy, and social structures. It is about a person's sense of service, discipline
and responsibility, and their physical and emotional resilience during difficulties. Saturn is also
considered to represent the part of a person concerned with long-term planning. It is said to
mark important events in each person's life.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter , earth), of protection against
difficulties, of the center of gravity of all things, of the present moment.
Hai represents the prayer of a human being, with his arms raised towards the sky in an attitude
of adoration, expressing joy and also rootlessness. It can also be interpreted as a cry of triumph
that manifests a liberation or a change in natural state. The three lines of Hai indicate the mark
of the world to come and symbolize the three ways that the soul has to manifest itself:
thought, word and action.

Finally, the number 8 , resulting from the reduction to one digit of the number 26: Sign of
power, executive ability, management, material power and a tendency to sacrifice but also to
have no scruples. Political skills, expert in managing power and authority, they work for causes
and to achieve recognition, decision-making capacity and command.
Inner strength. Internal transformation that transmutes the negative into positive. It
symbolizes self-sufficiency, material success and firmness of approach. They are self-
demanding, ambitious and skilled at achieving material achievements such as businesses,
companies, profits of all kinds.

On the negative side: they are workaholic, excessively ambitious, lacking humanitarian
instincts, can poorly manage money, repress subordinates, become impatient with people in
general, prone to stress and materialism.

The Prodigy in the act of consummation. It symbolizes the human virtue of creating the
surprising and seeking wonders.
It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter X and the number 8. It represents the action
of time as justice and power of manifestation.

"It was time to break and time to sew; time to speak and time to be silent"

As its name indicates, The Prodigy represents everything that seems wonderful, surprising,
Creations that amaze, manifestation of surprising facts...
Successes and achievements that seem to be achieved unexpectedly, almost "magically."
Favorable events that occur as if by miracle.

However, these things are not a matter of magic or chance. It's really about the creative mind,
because that's where true miracles happen. It is what thought has been forging for a long time
and that finds its right moment to manifest itself in concrete form. Conviction and deep and
sincere desire is what creates our reality.

These concretions can manifest at any time, unexpectedly. This is so because it is at the
moment when our thoughts, our conviction and desires align exactly with the unknown forces
of the universe, which provides all its potential to make what we dream of come true...
All of this is also valid with respect to health issues, producing those healings that seem
incredible or impossible. The miraculous healings that even astonish doctors because they are
not measurable or possible to explain scientifically...

This letter also leaves us with a warning. Just as the mind can create realities we desire and
make them manifest as miracles, it can also create the opposite. If our thoughts are negative or
pessimistic, The Miracle will surely be reversed. It will manifest itself negatively.
That is why it is so important to be able to control and govern our thoughts because what we
think and desire will come to fruition at some point in our lives...

Spiritual Plane:
On the far left is the Hebrew letter Teith, which is related to the Latin letter Y.
In the center and above, the sign of chaining : Symbol of intuition that warns of the dangers
that can cause the loss of freedom to act.
Below, the representation of the god Osiris : The god of resurrection, of the triumph of good
over evil. He taught men to cultivate the desert land, to build and gave them knowledge of
how to form a civilization.

Mental Plane:
The central character of this shot is an archer who points his arrow towards the past. ( Archer :
Personification of the awakening of conscience, which discovers the cause and origin of all
temptation and indecision and the significance of each of the acts committed)
He has orange hair (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity) and both his clothes and the
arrow are blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth)

Below him a scorpion appears in a threatening attitude, ready to attack the archer. ( Scorpion :
Symbolizes evil, but if controlled it has healing properties)

Physical Plan:
On the left side, the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and self-assertion,
aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsivity.
Mars rules sports, contests, and physical activities in general.

Then the Latin letter Y , associated with the Hebrew letter Teith : It symbolizes the change of
state, security, refuge, introspection and spiritual search. But the term properly associated
with this letter is good and protection. Teith means shield, covering, preservation, resistance,
barrier, safeguard and general protection.

And as a result of the reduction to unity of the number 27, the number 9 : Represents intuition
and spirituality. It is the culmination of the numerical series from 1 to 9 and from there another
cycle begins. The esoteric significance of the number 9 is the divine Spirit. In Astrology it is
related to the planet Mars and the signs of Capricorn and Scorpio.

The Unexpected in the act of becoming manifest. It symbolizes the human virtue of
subconscious processes.

It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter Y and the number 9. It represents the interior
life as the determining cause of the exterior.

"No excess of honey to sweeten, nor vainglory to prosper"

The Unexpected presents us with a fact, a situation or an event that apparently takes us by
surprise. I say "apparently" because our subconscious contains all the wisdom, it has all the
knowledge of the past, the present and the future. However, our consciousness normally does
not register it. Only through what we call intuition, premonition, vision, etc...

But for the specifics of the prediction, this card speaks of something that has to happen
without our being previously aware of it. Something sudden, sudden. There is no possibility of
taking time to reflect on what is the best thing we can do to deal with it. We must act now.
The planet Mars encourages us to do this, to face it with courage and determination.
Meanwhile, the number 9 tells us that we have the knowledge and experience necessary to do
it in the best way possible. The real problem is that we must react immediately and in the rush
we may make an error in judgment. However, in this case it is more important to face the
problem than the result itself. If this final result is not the best or most satisfactory, we will
later have the possibility of tempering the consequences.
Furthermore, the Hebrew letter Teith predicts the end and the beginning. Hence also the need
for the impulse to face the event immediately because then everything will end right there and
will not extend over time. It also promises protection and coverage, so although there is the
possibility of making a mistake or not having the most appropriate answer, the chances of
getting it right are greater. And ultimately, we can be sure that it will all end right there...
Finally, in the image itself, the archer appears determined and aiming directly at his prey. It is
the moment in which our conscience will illuminate us to clear all doubts and indecisions...

The unexpected will come, but we have every chance to react in the best way and not allow
circumstances to paralyze us.

Spiritual Plane:
At the top of this plane two bars are represented, a symbol of change and cyclical movement.
Duality in balance and opposing energies (positive and negative; good and evil)
Below and in connection with the Mental Plane, the black star in a circle (Depression,
blockage, suffering). Despite its negative meaning, the star is on a pink background: The love of
God. Love revealed.

Mental Plane:
Here two men appear (Two, duality) who with their gestures indicate opposite directions but
who converge with their gazes and look into each other's eyes. The one on the left carries a
Was scepter in one hand (symbolizing power, strength and dominance) and the other hand is
raised. Perhaps indicating the direction you believe is correct or perhaps asking for divine help.
The other man has his two hands free and raised, as if pointing to the eye of Horus (Symbol of
the clarity that finds a way out of conflicts. It allows you to see the future) The predominant
colors are blue and green.
Blue color (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal
and immortal truth)
Green color (Fecundity and procreative power)
Below the men is the Isis knot (Symbol of female regeneration, well-being and life)

Physical Plan
On the left side is the symbol of the planet Pluto : Pluto is called "the great renewer", and is
considered to represent the part of a person that destroys itself in order to renew itself, by
bringing out that which is buried but that It is very intense, bringing it to the surface and
expressing it, even destroying the existing order.
It governs deep and radical changes, destruction and transformation on a psychic level. Breaks
with the past and the force that drives towards renewal. To live "necessary deaths" in any field
of existence.
A common keyword usage for Pluto is "transformation." It is associated with power and
personal mastery and the need to cooperate and share with others, to avoid being destroyed.
It governs big business and wealth, mining, surgery, detective work, and any enterprise they
have to dig beneath the surface to bring the truth to light. Pluto is also associated with extreme
power and corruption.

The Latin letter Z is associated with the Hebrew letter Zain : It represents discernment, free will
and the power to decide to do something or not. It shows the way to assume a situation, to
take responsibility and to face oppositions. Clarifies the ideas you have about the goals to be
achieved and the positions that should be occupied. And it indicates the paths that must be
taken to obtain the expected results.

Finally, as a result of reducing the number 28 to one digit, we have the number 1 : It
represents the concept of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and
from which everything comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 possess creativity, independence, originality, sense of SELF and self-
sufficiency. They are individualistic and aggressive in nature. Initiators of actions, pioneering
spirit, courage, extraordinary will and determination. They are those with capabilities and skills
for command and leadership. Ambitious and willing to take risks to reach the top. They are
called to excel at work and business.

Uncertainty in the act of deliberating. It symbolizes the human virtue of self-determination.

It is associated with the planet Pluto, the letter Z and the number 1. It represents the judgment
as the determining cause of the acts.

"Do not seek in others what is in you; nor seek in yourself what is in others"

Uncertainty is that state of confusion of ideas and deep contradiction that prevents us from
directing our thoughts and decisions to overcome obstacles that arise.
It then proposes that we meditate and evaluate all the options that are presented to us in
order to end the blockage to regain the lost balance.

The men in the image represent that duality. The disorientation that does not allow us to be
clear about where we should go. Even their bodies are oriented to one side and their heads to
the opposite side. It is the representation of the internal division, which is what must be

One of them holds the Was scepter, which symbolizes power, strength and dominance. The
man on the right points towards the Eye of Horus, which is the symbol of clarity and the way
out of conflicts.

On the other hand, the number 1 symbolizes the beginning, the beginning, the power, the
unity, the primary and creative impulse, the beginning of light...

Therefore, we have within us and at our disposal all the elements and all the strength to
overcome this moment that paralyzes us and causes us suffering and blocks our paths to
continue moving forward. It all depends on us and our own impulse. Of our power of initiative.
The possibilities are there...
Perhaps the solution lies in breaking with old schemes or concepts that we have internalized,
but that no longer serve us. This is what the planet Pluto proposes to us...

We should probably see this difficult circumstance as the chaos that precedes creation. In that
primal chaos the elements that make up the whole are present. The disorder does not allow us
to distinguish them clearly or we do not know in what order to place them, but there is a
moment when clarity is achieved and everything makes sense. It is there where creation
occurs. It is there where we find the solution to our dilemma and free ourselves from the
bonds of uncertainty.

Spiritual Plane:
On the left is the Hebrew letter Beit , which on the Physical Plane is represented by its
equivalent, the Latin letter B.
In the center and above, the symbol of the vessel (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance,
patience, protection and wisdom)

Also in the center, but partially invading the Mental Plane, one sees
a beetle (Symbol of eternal life and the beginning of all the transformations that living beings
undergo) enclosed in a circle (It is perfection because it is a figure
self-contained since it lacks a beginning and an end. It contains the ideas of movement and
continuity, representing eternity and everything that is infinite, unlimited and endless). The
inside of that circle is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

Mental Plane:
The main image is a boy taking a goat by the horns, as if leading it.
The goat has a predilection for great heights and this symbolizes spiritual ambition. They also
love to climb and climb, which tells us about progress and achievements. The goat approaches
the precipice with ease and enthusiasm, this means that the goat seeks the stimulus to seek
answers in the high and inaccessible places of our being.
The goat is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth)
Below, on a pink background (The love of God. love revealed) there is
a green vessel (Symbol of life, containment, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom)
(Fecundity and power of procreation)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 29 appears the symbol of the moon : It governs the perceptive SELF, the
intuitive SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.
It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions.
Grant faith in destiny. Sensitivity.
It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles of existence. With oscillations,
especially emotional ones...

On the other side and in the foreground, the Latin letter B (associated with the Hebrew letter
Beit): It means home. Inside. Inside. Nutritious. Nutrition. Coat. Repair. Family life (couple).
Home. Bowl. Family. Dynasty. Town. Tribe. School (in the sense of current of thought). Womb
(of the woman). The sense of belonging, discretion, intimacy, privacy, hospitality, the wife,
femininity, the power to create, duality...

Finally, reducing the number 29 to unity we arrive at the number 2 : It symbolically represents
empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity towards the
needs of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.

People whose number is 2, in their positive aspect, have artistic tendencies and have great
sensitivity and are romantic.
At work they distinguish themselves by being good colleagues, patient and having good ideas,
especially working as a team. They are not to monopolize the limelight.

Domesticity as an act of harmony. It symbolizes the human virtue of mastery by persuasion.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter B and the number 2. It represents the peace of
nature, the balance of the elements, country joy.

Axiom :
"Eyes of youth be your eyes; and your word be the prudence of an old man."

This letter refers to the ability to adapt; to everyday learning based on affection and trust.
It also represents the changes that occur in the process towards maturity. It is perhaps the
time of the most profound transformations that will mark the rest of our existence. They are
the teachings that are lavished with love, understanding, gentleness and persuasion.
The acceptance of advice and its incorporation for our growth. Harmony, concord and respect
in love. Also sometimes a certain conformism.

For this reason, what it predicts are calm situations, understanding and mutual support.
Couple in which there is complementarity and where both grow together in the relationship.
Reflection, right decisions. Progress that is achieved thanks to will. Objectives that are achieved
after effort and struggle, but that bring rewards.

Agreements and partnerships. Cooperation. Help from friends.

Wise advice received.
Growing family. Pregnancy or birth of a child.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)
In the center and above appears the representation of the god Amun (Fecundity, power of
creation, peace, tranquility and the ability to absorb negative energies to transform them into
positive ones)

I have not been able to identify the symbol reproduced in the central and lower part for now.
Mental Plane:
The main image is that of two men (The number 2 symbolically represents empathy,
cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity towards the needs of
others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.)
These men are exchanging or bartering merchandise. From their attitude and from the fact
that they are facing each other, it is evident that they do so by mutual agreement, with
honesty and with the full agreement of both.

The predominant colors are:

The color blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth), the color green (Fecundity and power of procreation) and the
color pink (The love of God. love revealed)
Below them are two triangles joined by one of their vertices (Expression of agreement and
alliance, affinity and harmony)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 3 appears the symbol of the planet Jupiter : It is associated with the
principles of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune, and a person's internal sense of
justice, morality, their highest ideals and goals. Jupiter rules long distance and foreign travel,
higher knowledge, religion and law. It is also associated with the desire for freedom and
exploration, aid or humanitarian and protective actions, and with play and fun or joviality.
It makes people lucky and provides support in healing processes at all levels: physical,
emotional and psychological.

On the right side we see the Latin letter C that corresponds to the Hebrew letter Kaf : It
represents the palm of the hand, symbolizing the end of the acceptance tests, and the laws
that guarantee the good corollary of the work. The result is the consequence of a mental and
physical effort that reveals the ability to use potential.
It is an outstretched hand, ready to receive in every sense of the term, addressing someone to
welcome them, showing that they did not have a weapon and that they have peaceful

Finally, as a result of reducing the number 30 to one digit, we find the number 3 : Inspiration,
ideation, creation, production, fruition, realization, optimism.

People No. 3 have great communication skills and multiple aspects to do so. It is the number
that represents artistic expression, sociability and friendliness. Also superficiality and a
wasteful spirit.
Symbol of communication, interaction and neutrality. Tireless optimism, happiness and
enjoyment of life. They can be fun lovers.
They are capable of identifying and generating the most important ideas that can become key
in the spheres of thought, institutions or companies.
Exchange as an act of reciprocal convenience. It symbolizes the human virtue of life in society.

It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter C and the number 3. It represents individual
expansion through commercial convenience.

"Reap your land carefully, but do not glean your harvest with greed."

Here we are talking about human relationships and not just a commercial, material issue...
It is the need to privilege justice and equity, harmony and dignity in human exchange of all
kinds: in business and in life itself. The desirable and necessary balance...

In a broad sense, this card speaks of healthy and beneficial social life for all, which predicts
harmonious and satisfactory growth for everyone in general.
The same can apply to romantic relationships, family or partnerships.
commercial, agreements and contracts.

Community life precisely requires harmony and balance to ensure an acceptable level of well-
being for all its members, growth and prosperity. To strengthen and consolidate emotional ties
and the idea of common destiny and the creation of new opportunities and projects, to
imagine and achieve increasingly ambitious goals...


Spiritual Plane:
At the far left appears the Hebrew letter Mem, which is related to the Latin letter Ch.

In the center and above, a falcon (It provides light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of good
over evil, so it helped man to rise and regenerate) who has his body towards the future, but
looks to the past.

Below, the symbol of the offering (It represents the offering as a sign of love based on
reverence, of the possibility of comforting our hearts through surrender)

The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

Mental Plane:
The main image is a woman and two boys.
The woman seems to be trying to satisfy the children's demand. One of them has his hand in
the woman's bag or apron, as if trying to get something out of there. It could be interpreted as
taking away the woman's (probably the mother's) time or energy. Maybe both.
The predominant colors in it are green (Fecundity and procreative power) and blue (Illusion.
The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

Below you can see the sun represented under the moon in the last quarter.
The sun (light, energy, joy, life) cannot bring all its beneficial properties to women because the
moon in the waning quarter prevents it (Absence of heat and clarity, as well as sorrows and

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 31 we find the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is the planet of sudden and
unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of misfortune. The arrival of spectacular
new things and the elimination of what is no longer useful in a person's life. Freedom and
originality govern. In society, radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that alter
established structures.

On the other side, the Latin letter CH , related to the Hebrew letter Mem: Symbolizes a return
inward to teach us that each question is a reflection of another question. This introspective
attitude leads us to question our existence. It is the symbol of the current of life and water that
reveals to us what is hidden.

Finally, after reducing the number 31 to a single digit we arrive at the number 4 : It is the
symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and organization. The
person with this number is practical and down to earth. It is methodical and organized,
systematic, controlled, and determined. Use a logical, step-by-step approach to problem
solving. Once committed, he does not give up easily. Use work to build a career and seek to
establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and perseverant, you have great potential for
success, but only if you are able to overcome the limitations and obstacles that you so often

Impediments as an incentive to develop one's own efficiency. It symbolizes the human virtue of
reaction to opposition.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter Ch and the number 4...
It represents the principle of purification as an element of progress.

"Do not exercise judgment without mercy, nor have mercy without judgment"

Obstacles and difficulties that delay us, that prevent us from advancing in our purposes or
meeting the objectives we intend to achieve...
These may be fortuitous impediments or those that have arisen from bad decisions we made in
the past. Or for not having acted in the most appropriate way.
The causes may be multiple but what really matters now is finding the answer, the way out of
this situation...

Most likely, the solution will not be found by taking a single action. In principle, the main thing
is to act with maturity, which may ultimately be the origin of the problem: Knowing how to
make the most correct decisions at the right time.
What the woman in the image carries in the small bags she holds in her left hand symbolically
represent her thoughts and ideas. They are in those bags meaning that they are locked up,
being the main and original cause of the impediments that hinder it today.
These obstacles should help us develop efficiency, to foresee in advance and consequently,
make the most correct decisions.
The presence of the planet Uranus in the chart encourages us to eliminate from our lives what
is no longer useful to us. Old concepts or values that make us make mistakes when making
decisions. There is something wrong with them and it is time to update in order to progress...
But now this letter warns us of delays, restrictions and obstacles in our affairs.
Abrupt or sudden changes that are negative.
Problems that test our aptitudes and abilities.
People who oppose the achievement of our purposes.
Unkept promises.
Economic losses due to delays and obstacles.
Woman who faces life alone...

Spiritual Plane:
The background color of this plane is white (purity, depth, clarity)
In the center, above, the symbol of the essential waters (primary source from which life
springs. It is a symbol of beginning, new birth and regeneration)

I don't recognize the symbol that appears in the center, but it is made up of two papyrus
flowers (Affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The rebirth and regeneration of
the world). Between the two, a circle (It is perfection because it is a self-contained figure since
it lacks a beginning and an end. Movement and continuity). Its interior is blue (Illusion. The
depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and
with a pink border (The love of God. love revealed)

Mental Plane:
The main figure represents two women conversing and in an apparent attitude of equals,
although one is younger than the other. Despite everything, the older woman maintains a
position of superiority over the younger one. This younger woman has her breasts uncovered,
while the other has a somewhat transparent dress. This shows that they are both having that
conversation with mutual sincerity and honesty.
The youngest raises a hand, as if in a gesture of requesting something. The other holds the
hand that holds a fan (Symbol of breathing and therefore of life. It conveys the symbolic
message: "The breath of life is with you" ).
The predominant colors are blue and pink .
Below them and on a green background (Fecundity and procreative power) you can see a leg
of cattle (Product of work and effort, gifts and inheritances)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 32, the symbol of the planet Mercury : It represents the principles of
communication, mentality, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and
variability. It governs teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors,
siblings and cousins, transportation over short distances, messages and forms of
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

At the other extreme, the Latin letter D that corresponds to the Hebrew letter Dalet: It is the
stability of creation. It is a symbol of balance, of stability that designates the door or door
frame of a building, a house, a sanctuary or a city. It also means an exit, a change of
environment, which can be positive or negative, enriching or impoverishing. It symbolizes a
person who becomes aware and owns the world. When we are outside a building, we perceive
the interior through the door. That is the meaning of the opening it represents, which allows us
to perceive the forces of infinity through nature.

Reducing the number 32 to a single digit, we obtain the number 5 : The mental aspect of
human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive
and sociable, with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and
exploratory; ingenious in using freedom constructively.
Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.

Magnificence as an act of material communion. It symbolizes the human virtue of showing
one's own power.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter D and the number 5. It represents the
principle of ostentation as a cause for discussion.

"Exhaust the resources of your intelligence, but do not exhaust those of your heart"

Splendor and generosity, but with people of the same socioeconomic level. It is what is called
"material communion" and one of the ways in which some people assert themselves.

This letter refers more than anything to people or issues related to economic power and as I
said before, it talks about generosity but between equals. Also about wealth, opulence,
ostentation and the envy or hatred that this can generate, as well as the enjoyment of life
based on economic security.
It can also be said that it warns of failures due to luxury, that is, waste with no more meaning
than showing off one's wealth instead of using it to create or produce goods, to invest in
projects or to create conditions that benefit a more harmonious general development. .
For all this, the Magnificence arcana in its positive aspect, among other things, predicts:
Possessions, economic abundance, investments and profitable businesses.
Cooperation between people of equal hierarchy in the workplace.
Reciprocity between people of the same social level.
Sentimental relationships based on giving and receiving.


Spiritual Plane:

This plane has a pink background (The love of God. Love revealed) and in the upper central
part, the symbol of the knot (Symbol of negative ties, ties and impediments and of the man
who remains incarnate). Below and covering part of the Mental Plane, the knot of Isis (Symbol
of feminine regeneration, well-being and life).

Mental Plane:
A couple holding hands and looking into each other's eyes in a clear manifestation of harmony,
commitment and consubstantiation.
The two hold an Ank in one of their hands (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph
of life over death and control over evil)
They also both wear a diadem with a cobra (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

The predominant colors in this image are green (Fecundity and procreative power), blue
(Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth) and the color pink (The love of God. love revealed)

Below them, an inverted triangle (Image of matter and the physical world, the place where
man must live to overcome the tests necessary for his evolution and spiritual realization). This
triangle is black (pain and suffering) but it is on a pink background, which means that you will
have to overcome bad times with love and understanding.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 33 appears the symbol of the planet Venus : It is associated with the
principles of harmony, beauty, balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy
and unity with others.
It is involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods,
comfort, and easy living.
It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion,
and social life.
Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love and harmony.

The Latin letter E is identified with the Hebrew letter Beit: Home. Inside. Inside. Nutritious.
Nutrition. Coat. Repair. Family life (couple). Home. Bowl. Family. Dynasty. Town. Tribe. School
(in the sense of current of thought). Womb (of the woman). The sense of belonging, discretion,
intimacy, privacy, hospitality, the wife, femininity, the power to create, duality.

As a result of reducing the number 33 to unity, we find the number 6 : Symbol of beauty,
harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility. Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability,
consideration for others, supersensitivity to the needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat.
It is the number of artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.

If they find the right partner they can live and make a great romantic love story live for many

The Alliance as an act of communion between equals. It symbolizes the human virtue of affinity
for identity.

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter E and the number 6...
It represents the principle of self-realization by association.

"Rejoice in the love of your youth and rejoice more in the love of your maturity."


The Alliance refers to the principle of universal attraction. The bond between people by
Self-realization through the alliance in love. The couple. Marriage...
It also refers in the same sense of affinity with respect to commercial companies or any type.
This is how compensation, cooperation, solidarity and generosity are included here.
It is the attraction of opposites, complementarity. The union that leads to progress and
It implies the ability to give and surrender, to harmonize with others...

Always in the positive aspect, this arcane predicts:

Full rapport with others.

Unforeseen situations that will be fortunate and positive.
Successful pacts or associations that will last over time.
Expanding economy. Prosperity.
Fruitful businesses or investments.

Happy and lasting romantic relationships.

Love based on understanding, rapport, fidelity and commitment.
Character compatibility.
Intimate, sincere and loyal friendships.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center and above, the symbol of the desert sands (Image of the memories of the past as
of what was but is no longer, of what is temporary and the fleeting of the present moment)
Below, the god Amun (Fecundity, power of creation, peace, tranquility and the ability to
absorb negative energies to transform them into positive ones) looking towards the future and
in connection with the Mental Plane.
Mental Plane:
The main figure is a man crossing a supposed portal, as if indicating that he has found the exit.
Said "portal" has three colors.
The number 3 represents inspiration, ideation, creation, production, fruition, realization,
The colors are blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth), the yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light) and the pink (The love of
God. love revealed).
The clothes of the character we are talking about are also blue.
He wears the diadem with an upright cobra (Symbol of sagacity that warns of the need to be
His left hand holds the Was scepter (Symbol of material power) and in his right hand he carries
an Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life over death and control over

At his waist he carries a papyrus with the knowledge he has acquired and that he has applied
to innovate on something pre-existing.

Below and with a blue background, a cobra that looks to the future (It embodies the opposites,
the duality of human existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the
betrayal of divine laws and the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and
protective by representing cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the
Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 34, the symbol of the planet Neptune : Associated with idealism and
compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and
mysticism, creativity in art and music , drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and imagination,
psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness. Neptune's traits are eminently
romantic (creativity, fantasy, freedom, feelings, imperfection, evocation)

On the other side, in the first place, the Latin letter F , associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin:
It is the evidence, the revelation, the passage from the invisible to the visible.
It is the perception of the material world as it manifests. By resemblance, it also means to
notice, to spy, to see through something, to resemble. It represents the essential organ of the
imagination that allows the mind to create images, even those in dreams and those that do not
exist in reality. Thus she symbolizes what fills inner emptiness and the power that allows us to
leave the beaten path.

As a product of the reduction to unity of the number 34, we obtain the number 7 : Sign of
thought, spirituality, consciousness, psychic analysis, wisdom.
The number of intellect, idealism and repression.
They are people who love reading, studying and the desire to learn. Tendant to project their
life in a sphere of idealism and intellectual activity. Skills for analysis and research and the
intelligent search for knowledge; scientific-minded and inventive; studious, meditator;
charming personality; lovers of solitude and peace; perfectionists.

Innovation as an element of evolution.
It symbolizes the human virtue of directed effort.

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter F and the number 7...
It represents the principle of one's own inspiration as a guide to activities.

"Length of days are in your right hand; and in your left hand there is work and honor."

Innovation represents the creativity and inspiration that are built on knowledge to make an
evolutionary leap. It is human history itself that produces new creations and knowledge based
on what has already been created, learned and established by those who preceded us.

New challenges constantly appear, new situations and conditions occur that force us to
imagine new, original and effective solutions. These solutions do not arise by spontaneous
generation but are born from what we already know, from the knowledge accumulated
previously and then introducing some modifications that improve the previous. You can even
create something totally new, which did not exist, but always with already known elements
that are assigned a different function or modified in a certain way.

Innovation is a way to symbolize man. It is his constant struggle to overcome limits and to
surpass himself. It is abstract thinking and inspiration...

Based on this, this card announces solved problems and conflicts, progress based on creativity
and inspiration, deep and positive internal changes, fortunate discoveries that bring fame and
recognition, new projects that will be successful, optimism, self-confidence.
Sentimental relationships full of vitality and imagination.
Possible positive trips or change of address or work...

Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a blue background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
In the center and at the top, the symbol of the trellis (Image of hope in the face of the pain of
the material world, of imagination and creativity)

Mental Plane: This plane is represented by a woman with a gesture of pain, despair...
One of his hands is raised, as if in supplication. He approaches his head, on which he carries a
Lotus flower (Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth)
He has black hair (Pain and suffering)
The dress is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth)
She also has her breasts naked (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female seduction and

Below and on a green background (Fecundity and procreative power), the Eye of Horus
(Symbol of clarity that finds a way out of conflicts. Allows you to see the future)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 35 is the symbol of the planet Saturn : It is associated with the principles
of limitation, restrictions, limits, practice and reality, crystallization and structures. Saturn rules
ambition, career, authority and hierarchy, and social structures. It is about a person's sense of
service, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and emotional resilience during
difficulties. Saturn is also considered to represent the part of a person concerned with long-
term planning. It is said to mark important events in each person's life.
Saturn symbolizes processes and things that were dry and extremely cold and therefore hostile
to life.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter G : Letter with power and psychic
force. It is associated with the meaning of "give." You can give a reward as a punishment, since
it is linked to effort and sacrifice for a good spiritual evolution of the soul.

Finally, by reducing the number 35 to unity, the number 8 appears: Inner strength. Internal
transformation that transmutes the negative into positive.

Heartbreak as an act of moral affliction.
It symbolizes the human virtue of tribulation in its purifying work.

It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter G and the number 8... It represents the
beginning of knowledge of one's own insufficiency.

"After now comes what was before; and before was what will be now."

It is a time of pain, bitterness, suffering and loss. It is the recognition of our inability to change
things. We have no other alternative but to endure and wait for everything to pass little by
little and then it will be time to learn from the pain. Because bitterness has a purifying power if
we know how to handle it, if we know how to assimilate it and reconvert it into greater
maturity for the future, but if we only stop at that, in reliving the pain over and over again, the
only thing we will achieve is to close ourselves in on ourselves, in seeing life with bitterness and
allowing the future to only be more pain and resentment.

We become disconsolate when we are aware of our inadequacy to face it. Because we are not
prepared, because we missed the mark or because there is no possible solution. A death of a
loved one is something that we can in no way remedy, for example. We only have to wait for
the pain to pass or to transform into something else. That depends on us...

Crying and grief is the expression of the soul. Perhaps one of the most sincere expressions. It is
the escape valve we have to avoid an internal crisis with worse consequences...

In this context, this card will announce great unexpected sadness caused by other people or by
situations that we do not control. Bad situations that have their origin in the past (recent or
more distant).
Problems, disappointments. Blockages and delays for our objectives or projects.
Pain caused by someone you love or by the illness of a loved one. Sorrow, bitterness,
depression. Somatization. Affliction, anguish...

With this arcana we can no longer talk about a positive and a negative side. In the event that it
is necessary to give it another meaning due to the position that the card occupies in a spread,
listed above will not become positive but the difference is that the consultant faces all this
that happens to him with greater strength, temperance and resignation.


Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a yellow background (Energy, clarity, life, light)

In the upper central part, the horned snake (Sign of protection for being observant, cunning
and agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion
and dangers)
Mental Plane:
In the center of this plane and partly touching the Spiritual Plane, appears Tauret , goddess of
fertility, protector of pregnant women. Pregnant women wore amulets with their image to
promote the abundance of breast milk.
Tauret is represented with the color pink (The love of God. Love revealed) and the color white
(purity, depth)
In front of the goddess (as if protected by her), a pregnant woman carrying an Ank in her hand
(Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life over death and control over evil).

Both Tauret and the woman walk towards the future.

Below, on a yellow background (Energy, clarity, life, light) and within a circle (It is perfection
because it is a self-contained figure since it lacks a beginning and an end. It contains the ideas
of movement and continuity, representing eternity and everything that is infinite, unlimited
and endless), the symbol of the mother and child appears.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 36 is the symbol of the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and
self-affirmation, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsivity.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter H , associated with the Hebrew letter
Hai: It is the letter of the vital breath, of communication through the five senses, of the
mastery of the four elements (air, fire, water, earth), of protection against difficulties, of the
center of gravity of all things, of the present moment.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 36, we find the number 9 : It is the symbol
of the ideal, of knowledge, of the Spiritual, of altruism, of self-denial, of sensitivity, of
compassion and of generosity, but It is also the symbol of withdrawal, reflection, unsociability,
shyness and austerity. The 9 represents intuition and spirituality. It is the culmination of the
numerical series from 1 to 9 and from there another cycle begins.


Initiation as an act of revivification.

It symbolizes the human virtue of the progressive updating of powers.

It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter H and the number 9...
It represents the principle of unfolding one's own virtues.

"Sweet is the playing, sweet is the singing, sweet is the listening"

Every day we experience deaths and rebirths. Something ends so that something totally new
can emerge.
On the one hand, Initiation symbolizes the phase of that rebirth, the moment when the new
begins to manifest.

And it also represents the moment in which everything that we have been patiently
developing, the projects for which we have built solid foundations through our knowledge and
previous experiences, to which we dedicate our time and in which we deposit our hopes,
finally come. the light. They are beginning to materialize. They are a reality...

These concepts become clear by seeing the meaning of some of the symbols that the card
shows us.

The number 9, for example, means or represents, among other things, the following: "the nine
months of gestation, the fruit, the drive to start projects and fight for them until their

Meanwhile, the planet Mars governs "the initiating force and helps to channel the vital force
towards a certain path, to overcome all the limitations and obstacles that may be found
following our goals."
Initiation, in short, represents the multiplication of one's own capabilities, the birth of the new,
emerging challenges and success in any company...

For all this, it can be said synthetically that this arcane, in terms of divination, announces: the
beginning of a new and beautiful stage, postponed projects that finally come to fruition, arrival
of very positive news, new future possibilities, birth of a child...


Spiritual Plane:

This plane has a pink background (The love of God. love revealed)
In the center and at the top, the symbol of spiritual bread (Increase of divine inspiration and

Mental Plane:
The separation between this plane and the Spiritual Plane is constituted by an arch (Reflection
of protection, happiness and contentment, of the entry of the new, of victory over adversities
and enemies)

Under that arch and also partly touching the Spiritual Plane, the symbol that represents the
god Amun (personification of the occult and the creative power associated with the primitive

The central character represents the moment when man applies his art and science in creation.
The color blue predominates in the image (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the
inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth), the color green (Fecundity and power of
procreation), the color yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light) and the color pink .

Below and on a blue background, the representation of the god Sobeck (He favors fertility and
abundance. It means the triumph of man over his own negative aspect and over himself, to
definitively unite with his inner light. It was the expression of the eternal struggle that men and
gods must carry out against the powers of Chaos)

Physical Plan
On the left appears the symbol of the Sun : It represents the conscious SELF, power, pride,
authority and leadership capacity. Self-confidence. The great decisions and triumphs in all
aspects. Healthy ambition and joy.
Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and mental strength.
Dignified character. Nobility, loyalty and generosity. He is passionate and gives great
importance to affections. You are concerned about prestige and reputation.

On the right, the Latin letter I , which is related to the Hebrew letter Kuf: In part, it represents
the initiate or the wise man who tries to close his senses to the outside world in order to be
completely receptive to the divine. This letter also symbolizes spontaneity, love of life,
exuberance, community, fulfillment, subtle emergence and spiritual energy.

As a result of reducing the number 37 to unity, the number 1 is obtained: It represents the
concept of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and from which
everything comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 possess creativity, independence, originality, sense of SELF and self-

Art and Science as factors of individual evolution. It symbolizes the human virtue of discipline
itself as an element of progress.

It is associated with the Sun, the letter I and the number 1...
It represents the principle of creation through applied knowledge.

"Land of promise before my eyes; help me, foot, to reach it"

Art and Science symbolizes the primary and creative impulse, the manifestation of knowledge
and skills in concrete works. It also tells us about originality, will and initiative.

It symbolizes individual evolution and progress through discipline and applied knowledge.
It is the resolution of problems and the elimination of obstacles through the knowledge
learned and what we have acquired through experience, applying them effectively.

The central figure shows us the man using his science and his art, with total dedication and
concentration. Avoiding dispersing and going towards your objective with determination,
suitability and confidence in oneself, in one's knowledge and abilities.

For this reason, the card predicts, among other things, a stage of personal growth and
evolution, offering new professional or economic opportunities. A favorable time to start a
career or scientific or artistic studies. Inspiration. New hobbies. Selfless support and help.
Strangers who will end up becoming loyal and sincere friends...


Spiritual Plane:

The Spiritual Plane has a blue background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the
inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
The figure that appears in the center and partially invades the Mental Plane is the goddess Isis
(She represented femininity par excellence, goddess of the Moon)
The background on which the goddess is cut out is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

Mental Plane:
The woman who is the central character of this plane, touches the symbol of the goddess Isis
with her head, thus marking the predominantly feminine character of this card. Duality
(represented by the Moon) or Duplicity.
On his head he wears a papyrus flower (Affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The
rebirth and regeneration of the world)
Both the flower and the clothes she wears are blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial
world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
Her dress is transparent and shows her nakedness (Symbol of the possession of ethical and
moral values, innocence, purity and freedom)
In one hand he carries an ostrich feather (Allegory of the analysis and discernment that is
necessary to carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not dominate or confuse our
mind) while in the other he has a fan (Symbol of breathing and therefore, of life. Conveys the
symbolic message: "The breath of life is with you" )

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 38 appears the symbol of the Moon : It governs the perceptive
SELF, the intuitive SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.
It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions. Grant faith in
destiny. Sensitivity.
It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles of existence. With oscillations,
especially emotional ones.

Towards the right of the letter and in the foreground, the Latin letter J , which corresponds to
the Hebrew letter Jeit: Designates the barrier or border that separates the interior from the
exterior, in order to delimit a property. It indicates the separation between things, between
values, between duty and right. Jeit symbolizes a continent or a container. It refers to a reserve
or an energy that must be measured: strength, culture, nutrition, receptivity, the subtle limit
between masculine and feminine energies. It obviously refers to the law that is made to be
used and also to indicate the limits that must not be crossed or transgressed.
Jeit indicates a closed and limited place. It is a scale that allows you to determine, separate and
extract the parts of a whole. Each limited part that indicates a property and that is enclosed
protected by the law of the place or domain in which it is located. Thus, each one can own his
share if he accepts that the others own theirs. In the same way, Jeit symbolizes a treaty or a
contract that has the power to bring together differences, giving the share or merit to each

The reduction to unity of the number 38 results in the number 2 : It symbolically represents
duality, empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity
towards the needs of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
People whose number is 2, in their positive aspect, have artistic tendencies and have great
sensitivity and are romantic.

Duplicity as an act of sagacity.
It symbolizes the human virtue of voluntarily induced knowledge.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter J and the number 2...
It represents the principle of antonyms as an element of comparison and selection.

"Virtuous woman, not everyone who sees your works sees your virtues"

In a way this card symbolizes doubt when faced with a certain choice. It refers to the duplicity
of the mind and the need to choose between two things or two different options. For that
choice it is necessary to compare both options. It's time to "choose well"...

The choice that must be made oscillates between what is moral and what can be classified as
correct. Between what is good and what pleases or attracts us for some reason.

The woman is a beautiful young woman dressed in sensual clothes because she precisely
represents youth and sensuality. The flowers that she wears on her head are the reflection of
intelligence, beauty, feminine sensuality, attraction and love. At the same time, they are an
allusion to the transience of physical beauty.

Meanwhile, the ostrich feather that she holds in her right hand is the emblem of the goddess
Maat, personification of righteousness and moderation on a physical and moral level, deity of
Justice, Truth, Harmony and Cosmic Order.

Obviously the meaning of this card does not refer only to the virtue or not of the woman, but it
symbolizes in it any type of choice that is necessary to make in any field of life or in any
circumstance, where a decision must be made between two options.

For all this, this card synthetically predicts: Overcoming obstacles and obstacles that delay our
achievements using our intelligence, solving matters with wisdom, virtue and honesty, many
times thanks to the influence of women who enjoy these virtues.
Harmonious and stable sentimental relationship, love for family and home.
Healthy friendships. Positive influences.
It is a stage in which two jobs are carried out or two studies are carried out simultaneously.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center, the symbol of flowers and knots (Protection and joy) above the symbol of God or
the third eye (the eye that sees everything)

Mental Plane:
The separation with the Spiritual Plane is shaped like an arch (reflection of protection,
happiness and contentment, of the entry of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies)

The central figure is a young man carrying a goat on his shoulders, as a symbol of an offering or
proof of something. The goat is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)
The goat has a predilection for great heights and this symbolizes spiritual ambition. They also
love to climb and climb, which speaks of progress and achievements. The goat approaches the
precipice with ease and enthusiasm, this means that the goat seeks the stimulus to seek
answers in the high and inaccessible places of our being.

Below you can see the extended hand (Symbol of help, support and protection. Give and
receive attitude)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 39 is the symbol of the planet Jupiter : It is associated with the principles
of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune, and a person's inner sense of justice,
morality, of their highest ideals and goals. Jupiter rules long distance and foreign travel, higher
knowledge, religion and law. It is also associated with the desire for freedom and exploration,
aid or humanitarian and protective actions, and with play and fun or joviality.
It makes people lucky and provides support in healing processes at all levels: physical,
emotional and psychological.

The Latin letter K , represented by the Hebrew letter Kaf: Represents the palm of the hand,
symbolizing the end of the acceptance tests, and the laws that guarantee the good corollary of
the work. The result is the consequence of a mental and physical effort that reveals the ability
to use potential.
Kaf is an outstretched hand, ready to receive in every sense of the term, addressing someone
to welcome them, showing that he did not have a weapon and that he has peaceful intentions.

Reducing the number 39 to unity, we arrive at the number 3 : Inspiration, ideation, creation,
production, fruition, realization, optimism. Symbol of communication, interaction and
neutrality. Tireless optimism, happiness and enjoyment of life. They can be fun lovers.

Testimony as irrefutable evidence.
It symbolizes the human virtue of verification by proof.
It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter K and the number 3...
It represents the principle of demonstration as an element of conviction.

"Make your intentions a witness before yourself, but make your works a witness before

Testimony or proof is the verification of something thanks to compelling and indisputable

The image of the young man carrying the animal is the representation of the manifestation, the
demonstration, the act of showing something.
In other words, this letter tells us about the need for truth, certainty, the value of the word
supported by facts, as well as the value of the promises made.

On this occasion there will be something that we can verify because we have the necessary
evidence to certify the facts. Or on the contrary, we must prove something we have said or
done by showing that evidence.
Perhaps it is the need for our word endorsing what someone else has done or said or perhaps
it is legal testimony, in a trial for example.
Whatever it may be, the essential thing will be to have or offer the certainty of the truth of an
action, a fact or a given word...

In the field of prediction the following can be said:

Correct choices thanks to the use of common sense, protection on a spiritual and material
level, correct decisions after prudent and deep reflection.
People who approach us and who we have been waiting for to happen for a long time.
Sudden trips.
Marriage that arrives late, but that provides stability and balance.
Will. Inheritance.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the lower central part there is a circle with two cobras and a green background.
The symbol as a whole represents perception, intuition and the 2 cerebral hemispheres.

Green color : Fertility and procreative power

Above the two cobras is the symbol of the divine flame (Spiritual help, the light of
understanding and universal love)

Mental Plane:
The central figure corresponds to a man and a woman who raise their hands as if waiting for
something (they look towards the future).
The man carries in one of his hands the symbol of the signet ring , which was used to frame
and "protect" the name of the pharaohs.
Two colors predominate in these characters: the color blue (Illusion. The depth of the
immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and the color pink
(The love of God. love revealed)

Below them, on a blue background, a cartouche containing the symbol of the mouth of God
(the word and divine love) above the symbol of the placenta (The origin, the beginning of life,
the beginning, the birth, food, fruit, fertility, the capacity for regeneration and rebirth to a new
life). Both, on a yellow background (Energy, clarity, life, light)

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 40, the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is the planet of sudden and
unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of misfortune. The arrival of spectacular
new things and the elimination of what is no longer useful in a person's life. Freedom and
originality govern. In society, radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that alter
established structures.

On the left and in the foreground, the Latin letter L , which is associated with the Hebrew letter
Lamed: Designates the act of teaching, learning, instructing, going from a passive state to an
active state. Lamed indicates a goal toward which we must move, but it also implies the
transition one is in before reaching a goal.
Lamed designates the sting that teaches us that everything must be followed by concrete
actions and that what we have learned is not a simple theory without a real basis.

Finally, as a result of the reduction to unity of the number 40, the number 4 appears: It is the
symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and organization.
The person with this number is practical and down to earth. It is methodical and organized,
systematic, controlled, and determined. Use a logical, step-by-step approach to problem
The Presentiment as instinctive knowledge. It symbolizes the human virtue of advance
knowledge of what is to happen.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter L and the number 4... It represents the
principle of prescience as a natural faculty.

"Do not be a man whose eyes are open to covetousness, nor a woman whose ears are open to

There will be something that will tell us that something is going to happen. Or it will announce
to us that the project we have in mind may work well. Or maybe that inner voice tells us

The truth is that this card tells us that about the matter we are talking about, the consultant
will have a correct premonition. You can count on your intuition as something safe and

We all have the ability to anticipate events, we just don't exercise it or we have forgotten it.
Some retain some of this even as adults and some also have greater capacity than others. The
materiality of the world in which we live makes us lose many things that we were born with
and that we still maintain in early childhood, skills and gifts that little by little become dormant
because our conscious part begins to dominate more than the subconscious. .

However, as I said, this card announces to us that we are at a time when we will be able to
make use of this magnificent tool that is intuition, this natural ability to sense. Furthermore,
the conviction in what we sense...

The symbols of this card say it clearly, especially the two cobras enclosed in a circle, which
represent perception, intuition and the two hemispheres of the brain.

For all this, this arcana indicates:

Predictions that come true.
Decisions and actions guided by precise intuition and reflection.
Clarity of what is to come.
"Connection" with other people.
Intuitive (or "skin level") affinity with people of the opposite sex.
Intuition that helps us understand certain things or situations.
Very good performance in our job or profession thanks to our knowledge and intuition to solve
problems or overcome obstacles.
DISEASE (Minor Arcana No. 41 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
In the upper central part, the symbol of the Falcon (It brings light and clarity. It symbolized the
victory of good over evil, so it helped man to elevate and regenerate)

Below, the symbol of the lasso (Image of worries, difficulties and the search for a solution)

Mental Plane:

Four women appear in this shot.

Number 4 in its negative aspect: Intransigence, rigidity, stubbornness, imbalance, obsession
and pessimism. You may also be rigid in your ideas and may be too quick to judge others.

They look agitated and nervous, as if arguing, without agreeing.

In the center, one of them is kneeling. Perhaps as a sign of asking for things to calm down. The
predominant colors are:
Blue color : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal
and immortal truth.
Dark blue color : Can cause depression.
Green color : Fertility and procreative power.
Pink color : The love of God. Love revealed.

Below the image of women, the symbol of the inverted vessel (It indicates losses and
separations plus the suffering that painful processes entail)

Mental Plane:
On the left side of this card, the symbol of the planet Mercury : Represents the principles of
communication, mentality, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and
variability. It governs teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors,
siblings and cousins, transportation over short distances, messages and forms of
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter LL, which is similar to the Hebrew
letter Ayin: It brings the vision and insight to get rid of conditioning and misconceptions. It is
also the source that receives all the things that can be perceived when barriers fall, when
delusions dissolve. It is the evidence, the revelation, the passage from the invisible to the

Finally, after reducing the number 41 to unity, we find the number 5 : The mental aspect of
human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive
and sociable, with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and
exploratory; ingenious in using freedom constructively. Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual
On the negative side, too much restlessness, sometimes dissatisfied and dissatisfied, with a
tense temperament, usually making many hasty decisions, impatient, lacking application to the

Restlessness as an act of mental restlessness. It symbolizes the human virtue of the constant
search for the best.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter LL and the number 5... It represents the
beginning of citizen life.

"The bows of the strong were broken and the weak were girded with strength."

The tranquility, the calm, was lost. These are times of restlessness and spirits are altered.

Restlessness speaks of restlessness, curiosity about what is not known, impatience, the
absence of something or someone, shortcomings that manifest themselves or perhaps the
impossibility of finding a way out or a solution to something, the lack of clarity that disturbs the

The central image shows four women. Although this sensation may represent something
derived from something referring only to a group of women, this is not the case. It also
represents life in family or society that can produce these types of situations of emotional

The truth is that, for the reading, it will be necessary to consider the cards that accompany it or
those that surround it in order to have the possibility of knowing what the reason for the
Disquiet is. But in general terms, this arcana predicts:

Concern, family or social concerns.

Discussions between family members.
Restlessness, irritation.
Friends or known people who move away.
New friendships that will end up causing problems and misunderstandings.
Old loves arrive that cause restlessness or sleeplessness.
Obstacles and delays...


Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a blue background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
In the center, the symbol of the crane (Sign of spiritual ascension, loyalty, fidelity, well-being,
prosperity, good fortune, observation, discretion and caution)
Mental Plane:
At the top and covering the entire width of the card, the symbol of the winged solar disk
(Represents life after death)
The central figure comprises four men carrying the Pharaoh sitting on his throne on their
shoulders. Together they make up a group of five characters: The number 5 represents the
mental aspect of human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom,
adaptability, the traveling and adventurous spirit. You need to apply discipline to find your
inner freedom and open-mindedness.

Below this main image, the symbol of the Was scepter (symbol of material power) on a green
background (Fecundity and power of procreation)

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 42, the symbol of the planet Venus : It is associated with the
principles of harmony, beauty, balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy
and unity with others.
It is involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods,
comfort, and easy living.
It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion,
and social life.
Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love and harmony.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter M , which is identified with the Hebrew
letter Vav: It symbolizes the art of harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that
allows you to create, manufacture and build. It represents a nail, which is used to fix
something, or a dowel used to make an assembly. It indicates everything that links things and
people to each other, linking and unifying them to give it a new form.
The letter Vav is the creation, attraction, magnetism, fertilization, feeling, affection and desire
that attracts two beings to each other. That is why it is also related to sex and affections. It is a
link, an incentive, a suggestion and a temptation.
In another order, Vav also represents the peg of a musical instrument, which regulates the
strings so that they can be expressed in harmony. It is the inner vibration from which
transformation results and also perseverance.

Finally, reducing the number 42 to unity you obtain the number 6 : It is the symbol of beauty,
harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility.
Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others, supersensitivity to the
needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat.
It is the number of artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.

Preeminence as recognition of superiority. It symbolizes the human virtue of acceptance of
hierarchical order.

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter M and the number 6...
It represents the principle of power and voluntary obedience.

"Principal in dignity, principal in power; be principal in merits"

The meaning of this arcana has a double reading since it represents the power and privileges
that one person enjoys over another. On the other hand, it also symbolizes the acceptance of
the hierarchical order, obedience...

It tells us about Preeminence or the power gained with ability, effort and justice. And to
endorse it it must be exercised without arrogance, arrogance, ostentation or in an
authoritarian or despotic manner.
That power must be exercised with equity, justice, understanding and generosity...
If this is so, those who are in an inferior position will accept that preeminence and abide by its
directives because they will thus find a way of balance and growth...

Therefore, this card predicts the following:

Power, high social status, economic opulence.

Aid and advantages in all areas.
Conquests based on own merits.
Achieve the planned objectives thanks to voluntary obedience.
Perseverance, tenacity.
Love based on loyalty.
Business trip.

Spiritual Plane:
The background in this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)
In the center appears the symbol of the vessel (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance, patience,
protection and wisdom)

Mental Plane:
Towards the right side of the card you can see the symbol of the Sistrum (musical instrument.
It gave peace and tranquility to the divinities and protected against evil spirits)
The woman seen here is dancing, showing joy. It is oriented towards the left of the card, that
is, towards the past. Something that already happened gives you that feeling.
She shows her nakedness (Symbol of the possession of ethical and moral values, innocence,
purity and freedom)
He only wears a small blue garment (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
Below her you can see the god Suty (He embodies hostile powers, the ideas of fury, disorder,
violence, war, destruction, crime and villainy. It is the force that seeks to sink man and the
symbol of everything that ends or dies)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 43, the symbol of the planet Neptune : Associated with idealism and
compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and
mysticism, creativity in art and music , drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and imagination,
psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness.

On the right and in the foreground, the Latin letter N , identified with the Hebrew letter Nun: It
symbolizes both the principles of evil and those of salvation. It is the letter of fertility and
proliferation, it represents everything that germinates from a seed. It opens perspectives of
hope, redemption and resurrection. It is a symbol of the foundation since it evokes what is
hidden or submerged in the depths. It often also has a feminine connotation and informs about
an intimacy that we try to protect, which is why it can allude to fertilization and births to come.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 43, we obtain the number 7 : Sign of
thought, spirituality, consciousness, psychic analysis, wisdom. The number of intellect, idealism
and repression.

Hallucination as an act of joy of the spirit. It symbolizes the human virtue of expressing

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter N and the number 7...
It represents the creative principle of induced ideas.
"Joy of the heart makes my face beautiful"

Like many of the Tarot cards, this arcana has two possible meanings. On the one hand, it
alludes to the expression of joy in an open way. On the other, the mental inability to see
So much so, that the half-naked woman in the central painting represents a dancer and dance,
but also the state of mental alienation.

Thus we have the two possibilities that this card represents...

It will depend on the position that the card occupies in a spread to read one or another
possibility. Or if you prefer to do the reading considering the cards in an inverted position.

To use it as a means of divination, The Hallucination predicts:

Joy, joy, enthusiasm.

Satisfactions in all areas.
Entertainment, porpularity.
Arrival of a seductive woman.
Economic prosperity.

Displeasures and obstacles in all orders.

Anguish, sadness, affliction.
Forbidden love. Unhealthy passions.
Deception, intrigue, infidelities.
Divorce or separation.
Poor economy. Ruin...
THOUGHT (Minor Arcana No. 44 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center, the symbol of the hand (Symbol of help, support and protection. Give and
receive attitude)

Mental Plane: The image represents a man sculpting the figure of a pharaoh.
The man looks to the right of the card (towards the future). Her hair is pink (The love of God.
Love revealed) and is covered with a yellow garment (Energy, clarity, life, light)
The figure of the pharaoh that he is sculpting is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial
world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth), which also encompasses part
of the Spiritual Plane.
The space behind the pharaoh is also pink .

Below you can see a head , a symbol of the mind, of thought, of imagination, of reflection.

Physical Plan:
On the left side and next to the number 44 is the symbol of the planet Saturn : It is associated
with the principles of limitation, restrictions, limits, practice and reality, crystallization and
structures. Saturn rules ambition, career, authority and hierarchy, and shapes social structures.
It is about a person's sense of service, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and
emotional resilience during difficulties. Saturn is also considered to represent the part of a
person concerned with long-term planning. It is said to mark important events in each person's

On the other side and in the foreground the letter Ñ , associated with the letter Hai: It is the
letter of the vital breath, of communication through the five senses, of the mastery of the four
elements (air, fire, water, earth), of protection against difficulties, of the center of gravity of all
things, of the present moment.
Hai represents the prayer of a human being, with arms raised towards the sky in an attitude of
adoration, expressing joy and also rootlessness. It can also be interpreted as a cry of triumph
that manifests a liberation or a change in natural state. The three lines of Hai indicate the mark
of the world to come and symbolize the three ways that the soul has to manifest itself:
thought, word and action.

Finally, as a result of the reduction to unity of the number 44, the number 8 : Inner strength.
Internal transformation that transmutes the negative into positive. It symbolizes self-
sufficiency, material success and firmness of approach. They are self-demanding, ambitious
and skilled at achieving material achievements.

Thought as a creative element.
It symbolizes the human virtue of giving sensible form to that which has it intelligible.

It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter Ñ and the number 8... It represents the
principle of self-edification.

"Overcome misgivings with wisdom and enjoy what is yours in hope"

Thought symbolizes or represents the creative aspect of the human mind. The concretion in
reality of our thoughts. It is the security that what the mind creates as accurate and positive
thoughts will finally take concrete form. It is the way the spirit finds its way to its tangible

The central image shows us the sculptor working on his creation. He represents the thought,
the ideation that then concretes the hand and gives it shape and meaning. But just as its task is
not simple nor can it be done quickly, Thought also tells us that to make our thoughts come
true, perseverance, will, deep desire and effort will be necessary...

Therefore, this Arcanum tells us:

Time of great creativity.

Stable and clear thoughts.
Problem solving through analysis and reflection.
Necessity of debate to draw valid conclusions.
Goals that are met.
Concretion of what is desired, but after efforts and great will and perseverance. Business and
personal relationships of full mutual understanding.
Innovative and promising projects that reach us.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the center, the symbol of the Dyed Pillar (Emblem of balance, stability, regeneration. Of
everything that is imperishable, of the time of light over darkness) that is found on a blue
background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal
and immortal truth)

Mental Plane:
The scene depicts a Pharaoh attempting to place a Dyed Pillar in its correct position. The
Pharaoh is looking to the left of the card, that is, towards the past. He wears the blue crown
and the diadem with the cobra (cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility,
the Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity) He wears a colored cloak green (Fecundity and
power of procreation), the yellow torso (Energy, clarity, life, light) and the pink skirt (The love
of God. love revealed)

Below an ear (Symbolizes the germination process, the fruit and the harvest, work and money)
on a green background.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 45, the symbol of the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and
self-affirmation, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsiveness.

On the other side, the Latin letter O , associated with the Hebrew letter Tzadik: Represents a
line that shares the current world with the world to come. It symbolizes a sublimation in order
to access another level of existence or consciousness, or a change of cycle. This transformation
can be carried out in various ways: by the process of death that will lead towards a spiritual
existence or, more prosaically, by evolution through a chain by which our actions will allow
other beings to perpetuate themselves beyond ourselves.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 45, the number 9 : It is the symbol of the
ideal, of knowledge, of the Spiritual, of altruism, of self-denial, of sensitivity, of compassion and
generosity, but also It is the symbol of withdrawal, reflection, unsociability, shyness and
austerity. The 9 represents intuition and spirituality. It is the culmination of the numerical
series from 1 to 9 and from there another cycle begins. The esoteric significance of the number
9 is the divine Spirit. In Astrology it is related to the planet Mars and the signs of Capricorn and


Regeneration as the act of reiterating.

It symbolizes the human virtue of remembering the past and foreseeing the future.

It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter O and the number 9...
It represents the principle of memorization and visualization.

"Everything is beautiful in its time and everything is delicious in its season"

Regeneration tells us about the necessary renewal of ourselves that we must undertake. New
values, new ways of seeing things, different points of view that give us a broader picture of
what surrounds us and what we are inside.

It is not about discarding the past, nor is it about anchoring ourselves in it. There are simply
values, concepts and attitudes that are no longer useful to us and that delay us on our path.
What it is about is to build on all that baggage that we bring with us and about them, to look
up to see beyond. We grow based on what we were and did in the past. Nothing arises by
spontaneous generation...

Regenerating ourselves is reconverting us. Make the changes that we understand need to be
made. Meditate and reflect on ourselves to get to know ourselves and from there, change to
move forward...
We have wisdom and strength hidden in our subconscious, in our hearts and in our own
history. It is just a matter of being alone with ourselves until it is revealed to us. That will be the
beginning of our regeneration...

So when it appears in the spread, this card predicts:

Evaluation of past events.

Happy childhood memories.
Innovation, positive changes.
Encouraging news.
Energy, initiative.
Strength and self-confidence.
People who leave and others who arrive.
Sentimental breakup and beginning of a new one.
Job proposals.
Economic prosperity.


Spiritual Plane:
The background in this plane is dark green (money, riches)
In the center and above, the horned snake (Sign of protection for being observant, cunning
and agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion
and dangers)
Below, the sun symbol with thick black border (Mourning for a loved one and the inheritance
that comes with tears).

Mental Plane:
In this shot you can see a woman firmly seated, settled. The seat is dark blue (it was associated
with infinity, immortality, royalty, the sacred. It was the color of the divinities, pharaohs and
His hair is black (Pain and suffering)
The woman appears naked. Nudity (Symbol of the possession of ethical and moral values,
innocence, purity and freedom)
He is wearing a necklace with a scarab (Symbol of eternal life and the beginning of all the
transformations that living beings undergo)
In one hand she holds a scepter (symbol of power) and the other hand is resting on her lap in
an apparent attitude of receiving.
In front of her, two men bringing goods that will be given to the woman or that belong to her.

Below this image, the symbol of the cattle leg (Product of work and effort, gifts and
inheritances) on a yellow background (Energy, clarity, life, light)

Physical Plan:
On the left side and to one side of the number 46, the symbol of the Sun : It represents the
conscious SELF, power, pride, authority and leadership capacity. Self-confidence. The great
decisions and triumphs in all aspects. Healthy ambition and joy.
Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and mental strength.
Dignified character. Nobility, loyalty and generosity. He is passionate and gives great
importance to affections. You are concerned about prestige and reputation.

On the right and in the foreground the Latin letter P , which corresponds to the Hebrew letter
Zain: It represents discernment, free will and the power to decide to do something or not. It
shows the way to assume a situation, to take responsibility and to face oppositions. It clarifies
the ideas one has about the goals to be achieved and the positions that must be occupied and
indicates the paths that must be taken to obtain the expected results.
The goal to achieve is for each person to be aware of what they are and the place they have in
the world.

Ultimately, after reducing the number 46 to unity, we find the number 1 : It represents the
concept of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and from which
everything comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 possess creativity, independence, originality, sense of SELF and self-

Heritage as an act of continuity.
It symbolizes the human virtue of possession by inheritance.

It is associated with the Sun, the letter P and the number 1...
It represents the principle of natural continuation.

"Contentment in little opens the doors of much"

Heritage is the symbol of the possessions that man acquires by inheritance. It also represents
protection, heritage and cultural heritage.

It can be said that this card predicts or announces an inheritance, but it also warns about the
good use that should be made of it and the assets that are collected, that it must be used with
wisdom and generosity and that it must be maintained with work and effort. . The good use of
wealth results in the recognition of others and also in the increase of wealth.
For all this, this Arcanum predicts:

Economic security.
Opening of a will, legacies, donations.
Inheritances from friends or family that will not be economical.
Enduring triumphs.
Marital stability.
It may possibly be a stage in which you do two jobs or have two businesses at the same time.


Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)
In the center you can see the symbol of the bird with outstretched wings (Embodiment of joy
and happiness. Symbol of communication, of the manifestation of news and messages, of
fortunate movements and trips by land, sea and air)

Mental Plane:
To the left and right there is a strip that separates the two dark blue planes (it was associated
with infinity, immortality, royalty, the sacred. It was the color of the divinities, pharaohs and
In the center, and partly touching the Spiritual Plane, the frame of a door (the door as a symbol
also has inherent that of a threshold. Crossing the door or threshold is the crucial moment of
change, it is a point of no return. To cross the threshold is to verify a transformation of the
condition of being). That frame or door is pink . The background seen inside the door is green
(Fecundity and procreative power)
The man has a raised hand, as if pointing to a goal that is clear and goes towards the future.
On its forehead it has the symbol of the cobra (it is beneficial and protective as it represents
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)
Below this scene and on a blue background (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the
inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) is the symbol of the father and the
children .

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 47 is the symbol of the Moon : It governs the perceptive SELF, the intuitive
SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.
It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions.
Grant faith in destiny. Sensitivity. It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles
of existence. With oscillations, especially emotional ones.

On the other hand, the Latin letter Q , which is related to the Hebrew letter Kuf: The letter Kuf
means both the “eye of a needle”, an “axe” and a “monkey”. The symbol of the “eye of a
needle” is the most interesting since it calls for the reunification of forces to cross the narrow
gate, separating with discernment (with the ax) everything that prevents this passage.

Finally, reducing the number 47 to unity we arrive at the number 2 : It symbolically represents
empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity towards the
needs of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
Conjecture as an act of knowledge.
It symbolizes the human virtue of knowing by own inspiration.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter Q and the number 2...
It represents the principle of deduction as an element of illumination.

"To be brilliance in the light and warmth in the fire, is your mission for now and for later"

Conjecture is the deduction that is drawn from indications or suspicions and means an act of
It is, precisely, the acquisition of knowledge through human inspiration itself.
The deduction, the search for a way out. The decisive moment.

On the upper plane, the Hebrew letter Zayin symbolizes, among other things, "the elevated
state of consciousness" necessary to make an accurate guess. In this sense, this lyric also
speaks of "the arrow capable of hitting all targets, the effort directed towards an objective." It
is the evaluation of the evidence we have available to finally arrive at the conjecture that
synthesizes and gives certainty.
Therefore, this card predicts:

Decisive moment.
Reach conclusions. Full awareness in the choices we must make.
Firm and correct decisions.
Positive changes.
Growth. Maturity.
Moving house or country. Trips.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center and above, the symbol of the placenta (The origin, the beginning of life, the
beginning, birth, food, fruit, fertility, the capacity for regeneration and rebirth to a new life)

Mental Plane:
The woman depicted here appears to be a pharaoh-queen and in the position in which
Egyptian monarchs were mummified.
His head is almost completely in the Spiritual Plane.
He wears the crown with two ostrich feathers (Allegory of the analysis and discernment that is
necessary to carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not dominate or confuse our
He also wears the diadem with the cobra (He embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

The head and feet face the past, while the rest of the body faces forward (in the present)
Behind her, the symbol of the tomb.

Below and on a green background (Fecundity and procreative power) appears the symbol of
the Moon over the Sun (Absence of heat and clarity, as well as sorrows and difficulties)

Physical Plan:
Following the number 48 is the symbol of the planet Jupiter : Enthusiasm, optimism and great
faith in life and destiny. He drives projects with a feeling of certainty and confidence, always
relying on his belief in a higher power.

On the other side and in the foreground, the Latin letter R , which is associated with the
Hebrew letter Reish: It represents the head, seat of intelligence, will and conscience. In this
same sense, it symbolizes the mind, which manifests itself in everything that exists. It also
represents the renewal of things through destruction and regeneration.
It is the projection of divine forces, the entire universe, the countless stars and all the planets,
the ideas that impose themselves without allowing themselves to be controlled. It also evokes
poverty and misery that encourages one to improve oneself, to start again from scratch. That is
why she also represents the force of power and justice within the framework of humility.

Finally, after reducing the number 48 to unity, we obtain the number 3 : The consequence,
creation, production, fruition, success.

The Consummation as an act of plenitude.
It symbolizes the human virtue of self-confidence.

It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter R and the number 3... It represents the human
virtue of determination of conduct.

"Drink the drop of your cistern, or the floods of your well"

The end of a situation...
Whatever it is about, it's a fact. It has been fully consummated.
That which had been brewing previously, by others or by ourselves, is done. A solution, a
project, a fact that will allow us to move forward with what was planned. Whatever it is, it has
already been finalized.
The end point of a solution. Everything that is irremediable.

Because what this letter announces, as I said at the beginning, is that a situation has come to
an end (whatever it may be).

For all this, The Consummation predicts:

Favorable, positive resolutions.

Conflicts or problems that are overcome.
Concretion of what is desired thanks to effort and perseverance.
Pending or delayed jobs that conclude.
Achieve the goal.

Stable and firm sentimental relationship. Requited love.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is navy blue (stability, depth, loyalty, trust, wisdom, mind,
intelligence, faith, truth, eternity)

In the center and above, the symbol of chaining (the intuition that warns of the dangers that
can cause the loss of freedom to act)

Mental Plane:
In the center you can see an arch (Reflection of protection, happiness and contentment, of the
entrance of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies). This arc also covers part of the
Spiritual Plane.

Below it is the god Anubis : God of the dead. He mummified bodies to make them incorruptible
and eternal, purified hearts and gills contaminated by earthly baseness, evaluated souls by
weighing the heart, and provided many food offerings so that the deceased could attain the
rank of worthy ancestor.

The main character is a woman who wears Lotus flowers on her head (Creation, spiritual
revelation and rebirth)
Hair is green (nature, harmony, growth, exuberance, fertility, freshness, stability, resistance.)
She is naked. Nudity : Symbol of the possession of ethical and moral values, innocence, purity
and freedom.
In his hands he has two vessels (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance, patience, protection and
wisdom), one pink (The love of God. Love revealed) and another blue one (Illusion. The depth
of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
His body is oriented towards the right of the card, that is, towards the future.

Below, on a light blue background (generosity, health, healing, freshness, understanding,

tranquility) you can see two columns with lintels , representing balance and harmony.

Physical Plan:
Following the number 49 is the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is associated with the
principles of genius, the idea of individuality, novelty and the unconventional. Uranus rules
societies and associations.
It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of
misfortune. The arrival of spectacular new things and the elimination of what is no longer
useful in a person's life. Freedom and originality govern.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter S, which is related to the Hebrew letter
Tzadik: The letter represents a line that shares the current world with the world to come. It
symbolizes a sublimation in order to access another level of existence or consciousness, or a
change of cycle. This transformation can be carried out in various ways: by the process of death
that will lead towards a spiritual existence or, more prosaically, by evolution through a chain by
which our actions will allow other beings to perpetuate themselves beyond ourselves.
It also symbolizes the simultaneous life of two worlds, the present world and the future world.
On the far right, the number 4 : Symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order,
stability and organization.

Versatility as an act of reciprocity.
It symbolizes the human virtue of correspondence in equivalents.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter S and the number 4...
It represents the principle of exchange as an element of prosperity.

"Sweet is the work of those who work happily and sweet is the rest of those who deserve it"

Versatility refers to the need for the ability to combine opposites, to harmonize them.
The ability to adapt to the inevitable changes that life constantly poses, but without losing sight
of the objectives and goals.

It is the period in which ideas are generated, when a project begins to mature, when situations
or facts must be evaluated and a value judgment must be concluded. It is choosing between
two opposites or finding their synthesis.
It is making a decision that is harmonious with the circumstances on which we must define

All these issues (the gestation of an idea, the maturation of a project, the judgment we make,
etc.) must always be based on the harmony and balance of the mind and emotions. That is why
it is necessary that it is not only decided with the head, but the heart must also be taken into

Without the ability to adapt to the reality that presents itself, especially that which changes or
appears unexpectedly, we will be promised more unpleasant moments than happy ones, more
setbacks than solutions, more restlessness than tranquility...
Versatility then predicts:

Innovations that will help change the course of our lives.

Moves that will produce positive changes in all fields.
Period of balance and stability.
Positive news.

Appearance of different job offers.

Very good professional prospects.
Economy that gives security and tranquility.

New affections and friendships.

Versatile people, with the ability to adapt to circumstances.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)
In the center and covering part of the Mental Plane, a cartouche with a pink background (The
love of God. Love revealed) and where Hathor is seen (cosmic divinity, nurturing goddess,
goddess of love, joy, dance and musical arts) and above the goddess, the symbol of the two
bars : Change and cyclical movement. Duality in balance and opposing energies (positive and
negative; good and evil)

Mental Plane:
The main figure is a woman looking into the future and who carries papyrus flowers on her
head and right hand (Affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The rebirth and
regeneration of the world).
She is wearing a navy blue dress (stability, depth, loyalty, trust, wisdom, mind, intelligence,
faith, truth, eternity) and her breasts are bare (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female
seduction and fertility)

Below the woman and on a navy blue background is the symbol of the Crescent Moon : Symbol
of activity, births, new beginnings, new positive changes, development and prosperity. Good
time to undertake projects and businesses. Satisfying encounters between people.

Physical Plan:
On one side of the number 50, the symbol of the planet Mercury : It represents the principles
of communication, mentality, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and
variability. It governs teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors,
siblings and cousins, transportation over short distances, messages and forms of
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again.

On the other side, the Latin letter T that corresponds to the Hebrew letter Yod: It is the ability
to act, individual expression, interaction in the world, the realization of unity, the wheel (time
in full evolution), the creation.
It expresses the love and dedication given to one's neighbor or something else. It represents a
person leaning in an attitude of prayer, with hope.

Finally, after reducing the number 50 to unity, there is the number 5 : The mental aspect of
human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit.
Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.

Affinity as an efficient cause of the awakening of emotions.
It symbolizes the human virtue of personal attractiveness.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter T and the number 5...
It represents the principle of natural incentive as a shaping power of actions.

"You are a firebrand in the fire, woman; and you, man, are the wind that fans the fire."

This card tells us about attraction and reciprocity with our peers. About the importance that
affinity has in all areas of life. Both personally, at work, in social relationships and, of course, in
romantic relationships.
The affinity with people, but also with situations...

It is the spiritual connection with the material in the physical world. It is duality in balance, in

This card tells us that it is a good time to undertake projects and businesses, for family,
emotional and loving relationships and for all types of encounters with people...

Based on all this, this card predicts:

Stage of illusions and hopes.

People will arrive who will help us in our objectives.
Positive changes.
Equitable business relationships.
Pleasant encounters.
Friendships and family relationships that are similar and harmonious.
Sentimental relationships with great rapport and mutual understanding.
Deep love.
The perfect couple.

ADVICE (Minor Arcana No. 51 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The plane has a pink background (The love of God. love revealed)
In the upper central part, the symbol of the vessel (Symbol of life, containment, temperance,
patience, protection and wisdom)
At the bottom and sharing equally with the Mental Plane, a cartridge that I don't know what it
means. However, we can recognize some of its symbols.

The background is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite,
the eternal and immortal truth). There is an ostrich feather (Allegory of the analysis and
discernment that is necessary to carry out in the face of emotions so that they do not
dominate or confuse our mind) and a head (symbol of the mind, of thought, of imagination, of
reflection) who has a diadem with a cobra (cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge,
power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity)

Mental Plane:
The man standing is the advisor. In that position he demonstrates the superiority he represents
(at least on the topic in question). He wears green clothing (Fecundity and procreative power)
and yellow clothing (Energy, clarity, life, light). In his hands, a blue papyrus.
In front of him a woman on her knees, demonstrating humility and respect in receiving the
advisor's advice.

Below, against a blue background, the symbol of the jackal (Loyalty)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 51, the symbol of the planet Venus : Associated with the principles of
harmony, beauty, balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy and unity with
It is involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods,
comfort, and easy living. It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships,
sex, the arts, fashion, and social life.
Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love and harmony.

On the other side, the Latin letter U , associated with the Hebrew letter Kaf: It represents the
palm of the hand, symbolizing the end of the acceptance tests, and the laws that guarantee the
good corollary of the work. The result is the consequence of a mental and physical effort that
reveals the ability to use potential.

Kaf is an outstretched hand, ready to receive in every sense of the term, addressing someone
to welcome them, showing that he did not have a weapon and that he has peaceful intentions.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 51, the number 6 : It is the symbol of
beauty, harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility.
Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others, supersensitivity to the
needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
It is a good partner, companion or partner; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat.

Advice as an act of prudent advice.
It symbolizes the human virtue of reverence for knowledge and responsibility for what is

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter U and the number 6... It represents the
principle of respect for the established order.

"The advice of the wise is a silver word and the word of gold is that of those who seek it and
follow it."

Advice represents good advice, prudence when advising. Respect for the knowledge of those
who have greater knowledge, as well as the need to take responsibility for one's own.
Containment, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom.

It also represents the intervention of an advisor (lawyer, accountant, etc.), respect for laws and
regulations. Intelligent, prudent, honest and inspired advice. The inclination to give help
The ability to understand issues in order to provide the best advice.
Based on this, The Advisory predicts:

Intervention of a counselor.
Prudent advice, right decisions.
Good judgment to resolve conflicts and/or judicial issues.
Honesty, moderation, balance, responsibility.
Compliance with obligations.
A person who works with lawyers, engineers, accountants and similar professionals.


Physical Plan:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center and above, the symbol of the god Amun (Fecundity, power of creation, peace,
tranquility and the ability to absorb negative energies to transform them into positive ones)
Below the symbol of the Sun : Self-confidence. The great decisions and triumphs in all aspects.
Healthy ambition and joy. Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and
mental strength.
The arrows that go towards the Sun indicate the direction of the energies, contrary to usual.

Mental Plane:
The woman depicted here is a pharaoh-queen looking into the future. He is under an arch
(Reflection of protection, happiness and contentment, of the entrance of the new, of victory
over adversities and enemies) and wears a diadem with a cobra (Represents cunning and
caution, wisdom and knowledge , power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to new life and

She is wearing a navy blue dress (stability, depth, loyalty, trust, wisdom, mind, intelligence,
faith, truth, eternity) and her breasts are bare (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female
seduction and fertility).
In his left hand he holds a Lotus flower (Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth)
Below is the symbol of the sphinxes (They represent the struggle and opposition between the
past and the future, the mental block and a turning point). These sphinxes are colored
yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light) and are on a blue background and the whole on another
green background (Fecundity and procreative power)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 52 is the symbol of the planet Neptune : It is associated with idealism and
compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and
mysticism, the media, creativity. in art and music, drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and
imagination, psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness.

On the other side, the Latin letter V , which is related to the Hebrew letter Vav: Symbolizes the
art of harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that allows you to create,
manufacture and build. It indicates everything that links things and people to each other,
linking and unifying them to give it a new form.
Vav is what allows two substances to react and transform, producing a new substance. In
chemistry it is a catalyst that produces a reaction of different factors.

Finally, the reduction to unity of the number 52 leads to the number 7 : Sign of thought,
spirituality, consciousness, psychic analysis, wisdom. The number of intellect, idealism and

Premeditation as an act of calculation.
It symbolizes the human virtue of preconceiving the results desired.

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter V and the number 7... It represents the
principle of factor evaluation.

"Put your heart in all your words, but do not put all the words in your heart"

Premeditation represents the prior calculation, the careful and systematic evaluation that is
necessary to arrive at the desired results.
It refers to intellectual activity, inventiveness, research ability, thinking, meditative and
perfectionist nature.
In short, it represents the evaluation of factors, reflection and premeditation before acting,
careful planning that achieves the achievement of purposes, in order to develop our potential.

For this reason, this card in its divinatory aspect tells us:

Detailed and organized analysis of the plans.

Consider and meditate on the ideas we have in mind.
Achievements and successes thanks to careful reflection of our projects or purposes.
Inner evolution.
Learn from our experiences and those of others and take advantage of it.
Cunning used for good.
Positive energies.
Economic wellness.
Mental and physical energy.
Ease of conceiving. Fertility...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is navy blue (stability, depth, loyalty, trust, wisdom, mind,
intelligence, faith, truth, eternity)
In the center is the symbol of the Falcon (It brings light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of
good over evil, so it helped man to elevate and regenerate)

Mental Plane: In the central scene two men appear fighting. One of them dominating the
other. He raises his sword (a double-edged offensive weapon) before those who no longer
have the possibility of defense.
The predominant colors are blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth), the green (Fecundity and power of procreation) and
the yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)
Below, and separated by a thick black line (Pain, physical, mental and emotional suffering) an
arm with an offensive element (represents revenge, hatred, punishment)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 53 is the symbol of the planet Saturn : It is associated with the principles
of limitation, restrictions, limits, practice and reality, crystallization and structures. Saturn rules
ambition, career, authority and hierarchy. It symbolizes processes and things that were dry and
extremely cold and therefore hostile to life.

On the right side, the Latin letter It represents the attachments and passions on which one
relies, and which in the end lock us in as if in a trap. Paradoxically, this path is followed seeking
security and support, without realizing that a pact that is difficult to break has been made. In
that sense, Samech is shown as destiny, a circular movement, which can be put into tension
like the string of a bow or like the serpent of Genesis.

Finally, the number 8 : Sign of power, executive ability, management, material power and a
tendency to sacrifice but also to have no scruples.
On the negative side: they are excessively ambitious, lack humanitarian instincts, can poorly
manage money, repress subordinates, are impatient with people in general, prone to stress
and materialism.

Resentment as an act of the offended spirit.
It symbolizes the human virtue of self-defense.


It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter X and the number 8...
It represents the principle of retaliation.

"Do not wield the avenging sword nor fear the restorative sword."

The Resentment card is the emblem of the offended spirit or also of envy that fuels hatred,
retaliation, revenge. It is also the betrayal that causes moral damage. It is all that hatred and
desire for revenge that is not resolved positively, that accumulates and increases, creating a
highly negative and pernicious vicious circle. Even dangerous...

It exposes the inability to transform the negative (what has damaged or harmed us in some
way) into something positive or a lesson for the future. It is necessary to cut off the law of
reciprocity or Karma in order to regain balance and harmony and this can only be achieved by
purifying and healing ourselves through forgiveness. Otherwise, Resentment will only lead to
pain, physical, emotional and mental suffering or destruction of the offender and the

This is how this card predicts:

Bitterness from bad experiences in the past.

Conflicts and difficult situations arising from a lack of reflection.
Imprudence that brings bad consequences.
Uncontrolled anger that produces emotional or psychological instability.
Criticism, slander, offenses.
Gossip that harms and offends.
Anger, attacks, arguments, reproaches.
Resentment, revenge, retaliation, retaliation.
Need to defend oneself from enemies.
Sentimental break. Friends who are lost.
Assault. Heist.
Accidents caused by fire.
EXAM (Minor Arcana No. 54 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)
In the center and above, the symbol of the essential waters (primary source from which life
springs. It is a symbol of beginning, new birth and regeneration)
The divinity that appears in the center, emerging from the Mental Plane, is the god Thoth (The

Secretary of the gods, Thoth is the one who possesses and dominates the effective word. He
divides time, sets the calendar, presides over the writing of history. Authenticate decisions.
Thoth is judge)
Mental Plane:
At the foot of the scales, the god Anubis (god of mummification who accompanied the
deceased before the court) appears symbolized.
The scales allude to the "judgment of Osiris" (Anubis magically extracted the heart, which
represents conscience and morality, and placed it on one of the two plates of a scale. The heart
was counterbalanced with the feather of Maat, symbol of Truth and Universal Justice, located
on the other plate)

The color navy blue predominates (knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning) and the color green (nature, harmony, growth,
exuberance, fertility, freshness, stability, resistance)

Below awaits the goddess Ammyt (the devourer of the dead or devourer of hearts, she was
the Egyptian goddess who devoured the heart of a recently deceased human being if the soul
of the deceased was guilty and/or sinful, and if it was not, it was rewarded. with eternal life)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 54 is the symbol of the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and
self-affirmation, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsivity.
Mars rules sports, contests, and physical activities in general.

On the right side, the Latin letter Y , associated with the Hebrew letter Teith: Symbolizes
humility and respect for authority. It represents the terrestrial time that ends with the limits of
matter. They are the nine months of gestation in the protection of the mother's womb,
withdrawal into oneself in order to grow, to know oneself and to assume oneself. It is the
promise that is preparing to become reality.

Finally, the number 9 , associated with Teith, predicts the end and the beginning. Withdrawal,
detachment or present mourning announcing a future event and the fulfillment of a promise.

The Exam as deliberation of the spirit in the conclusion.
It symbolizes the human virtue of proceeding in justice.

It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter Y and the number 9...
It represents the principle of free debate.

"Search your vineyard and collect the fallen grains, but do not search for resentments or collect

The Exam represents an obstacle to overcome, a challenge that must be overcome or a test to
advance on our path. But it can also be about the need to do an examination of conscience or
self-examination to evaluate ourselves, discover our faults and virtues, our weaknesses and our
strengths... and from a sincere and honest evaluation, know for sure which path is the right
one. that we must follow for our personal and spiritual evolution...

It is the debate that leads to the resolution of an issue. It is totally free deliberation, the
analysis of situations. The correspondence between thought and action...

From this, it can be thought that the card predicts:

Examination of conscience that will produce very positive consequences.

Reason, reconsider.
Analyze a situation.
Reflection necessary to advance in the pursuit of objectives.
Solution of problems and conflicts.
Conversations that clarify confusing situations.
Passed exams.
Clinical analyzes with positive results.
Honest Men of Justice.
Favorable court ruling.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of the plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)
In the upper center, the knot symbol (Represents negative ties, ties and impediments. The man
who remains incarnate.)
Between this plane and the Mental Plane is the symbol of the vulture (a bird considered a
protective mother).

Mental Plane
First of all, Pharaoh is seen sitting on his throne. Thus demonstrating its stability and power. On
the other side you can see two legs of cattle (product of work and effort, gifts and
inheritances) and other animals and elements that will be given to the Pharaoh.
Below, a slave in a submissive and begging attitude. He appears before the monarch on his
knees and tied.

Below, the figure of the slave who has been freed and in an attitude of gratitude. Its body is
brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility) and its head is blue (Illusion. The depth of the
immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

The rest of the colors that can be mainly observed in this plane are:

Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning
Green : Fertility and procreative power.
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.

Physical Plan:
On one side of the number 55 is the symbol of the planet Pluto : It is called "the great
renewer", and is considered to represent the part of a person that destroys itself in order to
renew itself, by removing what is buried. but it is very intense, bringing it to the surface and
expressing it, even destroying the existing order.
It governs deep and radical changes, destruction and transformation on a psychic level. Breaks
with the past and the force that drives towards renewal. To live "necessary deaths" in any field
of existence.

On the other hand, the Latin letter A , which in this case is associated with the Hebrew letter
Yod: It means to begin again after a first experience, to renew, to move forward from
something that is finished, but with a new baggage of knowledge or experience. . But it also
means something that expires after fullness, decline, sunset and sunrise.
It represents a person leaning in an attitude of prayer, with hope. Knees on the ground but
with the heart directed towards the sky.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 55, the number 1 : Represents the concept
of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and from which everything
comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
Contrition as an act of repentance.
It symbolizes the human virtue of recognizing one's own error.

It is associated with the planet Pluto, the letter A and the number 1...
It represents the principle of voluntary reparation.

"Do not sow mixture in your garden nor cultivate it in your heart"

Contrition is the emblem of sincere and deep repentance. It is the recognition of our mistakes,
the admission of guilt, the recognition of our own failures. But at the same time that a
wrongdoing is admitted, it is necessary to accompany this recognition with the firm will to
repair the damage caused, to correct the error.
This attitude will allow the release of situations that keep the person tied, they are negative
ties that prevent progress and that manifest as ties and impediments that paralyze.

It is time to face responsibilities and admit the wrong things that have been done in the past. A
bad attitude, a decision that harmed someone else, or perhaps an action that needed to be
taken and was not done. It is necessary to free oneself from those ties and once again have
free hands and a lighter heart to be able to continue on our path...

Thus, Contrition predicts:

Regret for mistakes and bad actions committed in the past.

Recognition of one's own errors.
Feelings of guilt. Wailing. Bitterness.
Shame. Sorrows, sadness, affliction of spirit. Moral pains.
Dejection of spirit that will cause stoppages and delays in projects and aspirations.
Will to repair.
Overcoming resentments and hatred.
Cleansing of the heart, positive transformation and inner evolution.
Meager earnings that will not be enough.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is green (nature, harmony, growth, exuberance, fertility,
freshness, stability, resistance)

In the central and upper part, the symbol of the desert sands (Image of the memories of the
past as that which was but that is no longer, of what is temporary and the fleetingness of the
present moment)

The symbol that appears below represents the evolutions of the Sun and the Earth, producing
the effect of death and rebirth with its sunsets and sunrises.

Mental Plane:
The central figure represents a man "on his way", without hesitation and with determination.
She is wearing the diadem with a cobra (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human
existence. On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and
the suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

His hair and clothing are navy blue (knowledge, mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning)
He also wears a feline skin (Symbol of experience and the need to change skin, abandoning
everything that is primitive and limiting in human nature, of the need to sublimate instincts
and primary passions in order to evolve spiritually. )

Behind him he also carries a fan (Symbol of breathing and therefore of life. Transmits the
symbolic message: "The breath of life is with you" ) in orange color (energy, joy, happiness,
attraction, creativity)

Below it, the symbol of an inverted vessel (It indicates losses and separations plus the suffering
that painful processes entail)

Physical Plan:
On one side of the number 56, the symbol of the Moon : It governs the perceptive SELF, the
intuitive SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.

It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions. Grant faith in
destiny. Sensitivity.
It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles of existence. With oscillations,
especially emotional ones...

On the right side, the Latin letter B , which in this case is related to the Hebrew letter Ayin: It is
the evidence, the revelation, the passage from the invisible to the visible. It symbolizes the
direct perception of reality without intermediaries. It symbolizes what fills the inner void and
the power that allows us to get off the beaten path. She symbolizes the beginning of an
individual revolt and destruction through antagonism. By extension, this letter represents
personality and the appearance of certain inner manifestations in the material and limited
world. Thus, ayin can sometimes mean mistaken appearances of the passage from the invisible
to the visible.

Reducing the number 56 to unity, we obtain the number 2 : It symbolically represents

empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity to the needs
of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.

The Pilgrimage as an act of inner purification. It symbolizes the human virtue of affliction.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter B and the number 2... It represents the beginning of
one's own redemption.

"Encourage and comfort the troubled and sustain courage in your tribulations"

The Pilgrimage represents the journey (real or symbolic) that, in certain circumstances or at a
specific point in an individual's life, becomes essential to undertake to leave behind painful
situations. The heartbreak that drives him to seek his own salvation by taking new paths that
take him away from pain.
A cycle has closed or needs to be closed, even when this departure (or profound changes)
result in losses and separations, with the suffering that always entails.
The Pilgrimage is to catch your breath to resume the path of spiritual and personal growth...
Taking all this into account and its possible consequences, The Pilgrimage predicts:
Problems and suffering that end.
Changes that end up being positive and satisfactory.
Short trip.
Person who usually travels frequently.
Search for oneself, goals and ideals.
Moments of worry before achieving success, but they are endured with optimism.
Dangers and obstacles that will be known to be avoided and overcome.
Achievement of material goods thanks to personal effort.
Long period of introversion and singleness.
Purification and personal evolution.
RIVALRY (Minor Arcana No. 57 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the center and above, the symbol of the trellis (Image of hope in the face of the pain of the
material world, of imagination and creativity)
Below, the symbol of the two sphinxes (They represent the struggle and opposition between
the past and the future, the mental block and a turning point)

Mental Plane:
In this shot two men playing a game and as a demonstration of rivalry.
The predominant colors are:
Green : Fertility and procreative power.
Blue: Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.

These characters are squatting on a thick black line (Pain, physical, mental and emotional
Below and on a navy blue background (Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning), two arms represented in opposite orientations
and carrying weapons. They represent duality and these opposite directions indicate the
confrontation, struggle and strong opposition between both.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 57, the symbol of the planet Jupiter : It is associated with the principles of
growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune, and a person's inner sense of justice,
morality, of their highest ideals and goals.

On the right side, the Latin letter C , associated with the Hebrew letter Lamed: Designates the
fact of teaching, of learning, of instructing, of going from a passive state to an active state.
Lamed indicates a goal toward which we must move, but it also implies the transition one is in
before reaching a goal.
Lamed designates the sting that teaches us that everything must be followed by concrete
actions and that what we have learned is not a simple theory without a real basis.

Finally, reducing the number 57 to unity, the number 3 emerges: Inspiration, ideation,
creation, production, fruition, realization, optimism.

Rivalry as a test of competition between opponents.
It symbolizes the human virtue of self-esteem.

It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter C and the number 3...
It represents the principle of skill.
"The righteous man falls seven times, and if he is righteous, he gets up again seven times."

Rivalry as opposition and confrontation. It is the fight and competition between opponents in
which it is necessary to show skill and balance.

It is another form of manifestation of duality in which opposites confront each other and thus,
in a certain way, complement each other. This is suggested in the central image in which one of
the men has a piece in each hand as a symbol of duality, while the other character has both
hands raised as a sign of balance.

Well-understood Rivalry should manifest itself in the form of healthy competition given the
presence of Jupiter, which, among other things, governs serenity and mental balance. Under its
achieves the necessary capacity to be able to integrate opposite or different ideas, since Jupiter
has the key to merge reason and intuition, passion and reflection. Meanwhile, the number 3
represents synthesis and harmony, the fruit, the son, the result, the consequence, success...

Taking all this into account, it can be deduced that this arcana predicts:

Ability to perceive what could not be seen before.

Fruitful conversations that clarify situations and open new perspectives.
Discussions that lead to a solution.
Healthy competition between opponents.
Absence of fear of the opponent or rival.
Act with integrity and courage in the face of conflicts.
Overcoming problems and adversities.
Possible trips for professional or work reasons...

Spiritual Plane:
The background in this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center and above, the horned snake (Sign of protection for being observant, cunning
and agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad temptations, confusion
and dangers)

Below the symbol of the cube with eyes (It represents the worldview or way of conceiving and
interpreting the world, based on the 4 elements. The worldview allows a general image of
reality and from there, make assessments of the environment)

Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The central character is a woman firmly seated (demonstrating poise and security) in an
attitude of evaluating and becoming fully aware of things in order to have everything under
She is sitting looking to the left of the card, that is, she is facing the future.
On his head he has the symbol of the cobra (It is beneficial and protective as it represents
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

His hair is green (nature, harmony, growth, exuberance, fertility, freshness, stability,
resistance) and his clothing is navy blue (Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning )

Below and on a green background you can see the symbol of the ostrich feather (Allegory of
the analysis and discernment that is necessary to carry out when dealing with emotions so that
they do not dominate or confuse our mind)

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 58 is the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is associated with the
principles of genius, the idea of individuality, novelty and unconventionality, scientific
It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of
misfortune. The arrival of spectacular new things and the elimination of what is no longer
useful in a person's life.

On the other hand, the Latin letter CH , which is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem:
Symbolizes a return inward to teach us that each question is a reflection of another question.
This introspective attitude leads us to question our existence. It is the symbol of the current of
life and water that reveals to us what is hidden.

Finally, after reducing the number 58 to one digit we arrive at the number 4 : It is the symbol
of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and organization. The person with
this number is practical and down to earth. It is methodical and organized, systematic,
controlled, and determined. Use a logical, step-by-step approach to problem solving. Once
committed, he does not give up easily. Use work to build a career and seek to establish a solid
foundation. Precise, tenacious and perseverant, you have great potential for success, but only
if you are able to overcome the limitations and obstacles that you so often encounter.

Retraining as an act of reconsideration of factors.
It symbolizes the human virtue of evaluating opposites.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter CH and the number 4... It represents the
principle of conjecture by examination.

"If your neighbor leaves you confused, consult the case with your own heart."

Retraining is the need to take into consideration all events. It is the constant analysis of factors,
situations and opposite or contradictory events. Introspection. Exam. Observation.

It is the search for the harmony necessary to evaluate something, balancing mind and
emotions so that the latter do not confuse our reasoning, although it is also the ability to
consult one's own heart when someone in the environment creates confusion...

Taking these premises into account, Retraining predicts: Aptitude to make observations at the
right time.
See reality.
Vigilance and attention that manages to avoid dangers.
Courage to face setbacks and suffering.
Find solutions thanks to careful and methodical analysis.
Act with caution and caution.
Consider all factors before acting.
Clarity of vision and ideas.
Ability to cause the desired changes.

Also, beginning of good fortune.

Hopes that are fulfilled.
Restoration of harmony between friends and family...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the center and above, the symbol of spiritual bread (Food of divine inspiration and
Below, the representation of the god Thoth (god of wisdom, writing, music, spells, mastery of
dreams, magical spells and symbol of the Moon in ancient Egyptian mythology)

Mental Plane:
The separation with the Spiritual Plane is shaped like an arc (Reflection of protection,
happiness and contentment, of the entry of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies)

On each side of this plane you can see two columns that resemble the frame of a door (the
door as a symbol also has inherent that of a threshold. Crossing the door or threshold is the
crucial moment of change, it is a point of no return. Crossing the threshold is confirming a
transformation of the condition of being. Each column has these colors:
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.
Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.

In the center and with a brown background (stability, realism, caution, fertility) you can see the
Pharaoh. He is naked ( Nudity : Symbol of the possession of ethical and moral values,
innocence, purity and freedom). He is making a gesture that denotes "enlightenment." He has
had a revelation.
In his left hand he carries an Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life over
death and control over evil)

Below, the symbol of the messenger (Represents communication and news about the territory
of the concrete)

Physical Plan:

Next to the number 59, the symbol of the planet Mercury : It represents the principles of
communication, mentality, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and
variability. It governs teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors,
siblings and cousins, transportation over short distances, messages and forms of
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

At the other extreme, the Latin letter D that corresponds to the Hebrew letter Dalet: It is the
stability of creation. It is a symbol of balance, of stability that designates the door or door
frame of a building, a house, a sanctuary or a city. It also means an exit, a change of
environment, which can be positive or negative, enriching or impoverishing. It symbolizes a
person who becomes aware of and owns the world. When we are outside a building, we
perceive the interior through the door. That is the meaning of the opening it represents, which
allows us to perceive the forces of infinity through nature.

Reducing the number 59 to a single digit, we obtain the number 5 : The mental aspect of
human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive
and sociable, with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and
exploratory; ingenious in using freedom constructively.
Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.

Revelation as an act of declaring the hidden.
It symbolizes the human virtue of making intelligible what was not.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter D and the number 5... It represents the
principle of manifestation.

"Metals are tested by fire and the worth of man by the mouth of those who praise or censure


Revelation is the principle by which something that was hidden from our consciousness is
clearly manifested to us.

To see what this meaning is based on, the number 5 symbolizes, among other things, "the five
senses, what is temporary, mutable and perishable, the mental aspect of human nature, quick
and agile mind, expansive mentality, of new and visionary ideas, restless, curious, free spirit,
traveler and adventurer, attraction to the unknown, strange and mysterious." Meanwhile, the
planet Mercury rules "the world of the mind, reason, logic, intellect, the capacity for criticism,
analysis and attention to detail. It represents intelligence, intellectual perfection, reasoning,
perception, study, contacts with the world through knowledge. It governs the functions of
reasoning, associating, deducing, learning, transmitting."

For all this, Revelation is not something that happens "magically or coincidentally" (or not
only), but based on intellectual activity, reasoning, association and deduction...

This is how Revelation allows us to predict:

Satisfying discoveries.
Achievement of aspirations.
Arrival of something that was expected.
Messengers who bring good news.
Positive calls, letters or messages.
Excellent friendly or family relationships.
Happy courtship.
Conducive and positive trips or movements.
Healthy and growing economy...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center and above, the symbol of the mouth of God (the word and divine love)
Below, the goddess Ba (Personification of the history of man in flight, of cosmic consciousness
and of the spiritual essence of the human being. It symbolized eternity, defense and
imperishable protection)

Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)
The central image represents a man walking to the right (future) and heading towards a
mummy (Allegory of physical death, of the end of pain and suffering, of faith in existence after
death, of the resurrection of the soul and rebirth to a new life)

The man carries a feline skin on his shoulder (Symbol of experience and the need to abandon
everything that is primitive and limiting in human nature, to sublimate instincts and primary
passions to evolve spiritually) and in his right hand , a vessel (Symbol of life, containment,
temperance, patience, protection and wisdom)

I have not been able to find out the meaning of the symbol or hieroglyph that is below this

The predominant colors here are:

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 60 is the symbol of the planet Venus : It is associated with the principles of
harmony, beauty, balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy and unity with
It is involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods,
comfort, and easy living.
It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion,
and social life.
Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love and harmony.

On the other hand, the Latin letter E , which in this case is related to the Hebrew letter Aleph:
It symbolizes the beginning, the beginning. Continuity, equity, stability. It is the power of
primary energy, the origin of everything, without beginning or end. It is the link between the
upper and lower worlds, between earth and sky, between the world and the cosmos.

As a result of reducing the number 60 to unity, we arrive at the number 6 : It is the symbol of
beauty, harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility.
Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others, supersensitivity to the
needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and receptivity.

Evolution as a transformation process.
It symbolizes the human virtue of the successive awakening of consciousness.

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter E and the number 6...
It represents the beginning of metamorphosis.

"He who plants and he who waters are one and the same with the seed."

This arcana is the emblem of evolution as a process of transformation. It symbolizes the human
virtue of gradually awakening consciousness.
They are the spiritual processes in natural life. The deep conversion at an internal level, the
necessary transformation in the processes of evolution and personal growth.
It is also the beginning of metamorphosis of everything, of all things.
They are the actions that ultimately cause changes. It is the sowing that later will mean a
It is the gradual awakening of consciousness...

This means that in the concrete divinatory aspect, this Arcanum predicts:

End of a cycle (generally difficult or painful) and beginning of another positive one.
Beneficial changes, happy events.
Abandonment of preconceptions to approach favorable personal development.
Internal transformation process.
Awakening of consciousness.

In the aspect of economics, the need to suffer some losses and then make profits. Economic
ups and downs that will be constantly overcome.
Harmony in love and friendship.

Good health.
Progressive cure of a disease.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the center and above, the symbol of flowers and knots (Protection and joy)
Below, the symbol of the Sun : It represents the conscious SELF, power, pride, authority and
leadership capacity. Self-confidence. The great decisions and triumphs in all aspects. Healthy
ambition and joy.
Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and mental strength.

Dignified character. Nobility, loyalty and generosity. He is passionate and gives great
importance to affections. You are concerned about prestige and reputation.

Mental Plane:
This plane is separated from the Spiritual Plane by an arc (Reflection of protection, happiness
and contentment, of the entrance of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies) of
orange color (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

Below, five stars (Sign of protection, spiritual strength and opening of positive paths)
The number 5 represents The mental aspect of human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is
the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of
inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive and sociable, with new and visionary ideas;
quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and exploratory; ingenious in using freedom

The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The main figure is a woman crouching and looking into the future.
She wears a Lotus flower in her hair (Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth) She has her
breasts bare (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female seduction and fertility) and a
green dress (Fecundity and power of procreation)

Below it and on a navy blue background (Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning) is the symbol of the black star (Depression,
blockage, suffering)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 61, the symbol of the planet Neptune : Associated with idealism and
compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and
mysticism, creativity in art and music , drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and imagination,
psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness. Neptune's traits are eminently
romantic (creativity, fantasy, freedom, feelings, imperfection, evocation)

On the other side, in the first place, the Latin letter F , associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin:
It is the evidence, the revelation, the passage from the invisible to the visible.
It is the perception of the material world as it manifests. By resemblance, it also means to
notice, to spy, to see through something, to resemble. It represents the essential organ of the
imagination that allows the mind to create images, even those in dreams and those that do not
exist in reality. Thus she symbolizes what fills inner emptiness and the power that allows us to
leave the beaten path.

As a product of the reduction to unity of the number 61, we obtain the number 7 : Sign of
thought, spirituality, consciousness, psychic analysis, wisdom.
The number of intellect, idealism and repression.
They are people who love reading, studying and the desire to learn. Tendant to project their
life in a sphere of idealism and intellectual activity. Skills for analysis and research and the
intelligent search for knowledge; scientific-minded and inventive; studious, meditator;
charming personality; lovers of solitude and peace; perfectionists.

Solitude as an act of concentration of the spirit.
It symbolizes the human virtue of inner contemplation.

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter F and the number 7... It represents the
principle of isolation.

"Pay what you owe; to whom tribute, tribute; to whom chest, chest; to whom honor, honor"

The Solitude to which this Arcanum refers is a desired solitude. A solitude or isolation
necessary to be able to reflect. Something similar to what we already saw with El Eremita...
This Arcanum is the emblem of the action in which one's own will is concentrated. It
symbolizes the human virtue of inner contemplation, becoming aware of oneself.
It is a period or a moment in which it is necessary for recollection, for inner contemplation and
for this solitude is necessary, which can be by isolating oneself from others or by withdrawing
into oneself...

Based on the above, La Soledad predicts:

Caution, precaution, vigilance, observation, prevention, maturity, good judgment, good sense.
Need to be alone, voluntarily withdraw from social life.
Evaluation of oneself and one's own life, reflection.
Carefully consider all the decisions to make, listen to yourself before acting.
Courage to overcome problems and suffering.
Saving people, healthy administration of the economy.
Middle-aged woman, single or widowed.

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center and above, the symbol of the divine flame (Spiritual help, the light of
understanding and universal love)
Emerging from the Mental Plane, the yellow crown of Pharaoh is seen (Energy, clarity, life,
light). Also the right hand holding a scepter of punishment.

Mental Plane:
The Pharaoh looks into the past, he wears pink clothing (The love of God. love revealed)
From his waist falls a symbol that has two cobras (Perception, intuition and the 2 cerebral
hemispheres) and in his left hand he carries an Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, of
the triumph of life over death and of control over the evil)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 62 is the symbol of the planet Saturn : It is associated with the principles
of limitation, restrictions, limits, practice and reality, crystallization and structures. Saturn rules
ambition, career, authority and hierarchy, and social structures. It is about a person's sense of
service, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and emotional resilience during
difficulties. Saturn is also considered to represent the part of a person concerned with long-
term planning. It is said to mark important events in each person's life.
Saturn symbolizes processes and things that were dry and extremely cold and therefore hostile
to life.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter G : Letter with power and psychic
force. It is associated with the meaning of "give." You can give a reward as a punishment, since
it is linked to effort and sacrifice for a good spiritual evolution of the soul.

Finally, by reducing the number 62 to unity, the number 8 appears: Inner strength. Internal
transformation that transmutes the negative into positive.

Proscription as an act of dispersion.
It symbolizes the human virtue of counteracting and warding off what is harmful.

It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter G and the number 8...
It represents the principle of incompatibility.

Axiom: "He who guards his tongue, guards his soul"

This Arcanum represents the limitations and restrictions, which can be the product of someone
with greater moral authority in any order of the person's life, by legal or religious authority, by
own or someone else's moral issues or by the rule of circumstances.

In principle, it can be interpreted as representing some type of power that imposes limits or
restricts the ability to act at a certain time or situation.
But in general the greatest probability is that it involves personal issues of a moral nature of
any kind, including religious ones.

It refers to what is incompatible, to disagreement, disagreements, disunity, discord. To expel or

eliminate what is harmful or harmful.

From all this it can be deduced that The Ban predicts:

Arduous tasks, laborious and painful work, goals and projects that are difficult to see fulfilled.
Finding ourselves on a path full of temptations that we must learn to prevent so as not to fall
into them.
Law enforcement. Military or police skills.

Time in which numerous antipathies, opposition, division, antagonism, aversion, controversy,

absences, loneliness will be harvested.

A person who lives repressed and limited by himself or those around him.

Affective and sentimental relationships where arguments and discord will be a constant that
will lead to mutual estrangement.

Spiritual Plane:
The background is pink (The love of God. love revealed)
In the center and above, the symbol of the Falcon (It brings light and clarity. It symbolized the
victory of good over evil, so it helped man to elevate and regenerate)
Below, the symbol of the five-pointed star (Sign of protection, spiritual strength and opening
of positive paths). On the sides and as if arriving from the Mental Plane there are two arrows
that converge on the star. They are the energies emitted by the couple who is on that plane.

Mental Plane:
The main figure is represented by a couple in an evident attitude of emotional proximity.

The man wears green clothes (Fecundity and procreative power) and the woman wears an
orange dress (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity) and her breasts are bare (Care and
love, great capacity for loving, seduction and female fertility)

The man has a fan in one of his hands (Symbol of breathing and therefore of life. Transmits the
symbolic message: "The breath of life is with you") formed by a Papyrus flower (Affinity with
people and situations. Prosperity, joy. Rebirth and regeneration of the world) and a Lotus
flower (Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth)

Below them, the symbol of the flame of cosmic light (Image of spiritual force, of the essence of
creation. It is the fire that symbolizes spiritual help, the light of understanding and universal

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 63 is the symbol of the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and
self-affirmation, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsivity.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter H , associated with the Hebrew letter
Hai: It is the letter of the vital breath, of communication through the five senses, of the
mastery of the four elements (air, fire, water, earth), of protection against difficulties, of the
center of gravity of all things, of the present moment.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 63, we find the number 9 : It is the symbol
of the ideal, of knowledge, of the Spiritual, of altruism, of self-denial, of sensitivity, of
compassion and of generosity, but It is also the symbol of withdrawal, reflection, unsociability,
shyness and austerity. The 9 represents intuition and spirituality. It is the culmination of the
numerical series from 1 to 9 and from there another cycle begins.

Communion as an act of sharing and identification.
It symbolizes the human virtue of sharing.

It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter H and the number 9...
It represents the principle of unity in diversity.

"Give seed to him who wants to sow but does not have it, and advice to him who wants to get
it right but does not know."

Communion represents unity within diversity, spiritual union, rapport, mutual understanding.

It is the emblem of collaboration and unity and symbolizes the human virtue of knowing how
to share, collaborate and participate with others.

We find the essential part of its meaning in the number 9, which symbolizes "the humanitarian
sense, generosity, dedication to others, selfless nature, unconditional and universal love, the
capacity for compassion and forgiveness."

Then Arcanum No. 63 predicts:

Sympathy, cordiality, proximity, attachment.

Good communication.
Loyalty, fidelity, nobility, frankness, honesty.
Affinity in friendly relationships.
Reciprocity of feelings, reciprocated love.
Total surrender, happy moments of intimacy.
Stable and balanced romantic relationship.
Know how to share.
Fight together for common ideals.
Mutual defense and protection against third party attacks

Connection in business relationships.

Cooperations, collaborations and help in the professional field.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center and above, the symbol of the crane (Sign of spiritual ascent, loyalty, fidelity, well-
being, prosperity, good fortune, observation, discretion and caution)
Below, the symbol of the god Suty (He embodies hostile powers, the ideas of fury, disorder,
violence, war, destruction, crime and villainy. It is the force that seeks to sink man and the
symbol of everything that ends or dies)

Mental Plane:
The background of the plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)
The image shows the god Andyity with his Hénou crown who wields his scepter (symbol of
power) as if it were a weapon with which he is preparing to attack a man who is already
defeated. The god has an animal tail protruding from behind, which represents primitive
On the right side you can see a kind of black column (Pain and Suffering) that also has a yellow
border (Energy, clarity, life, light) and another pink border (The love of God. love revealed)
In addition to those already mentioned, the image predominantly shows the color green
(Fecundity and procreative power), the color blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world,
the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and the color navy blue (Knowledge,
the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study, assimilation, learning)

Below appears the symbol of the Falcon (It brings light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of
good over evil, so it helped man to elevate and regenerate)

Physical Plan:
On the left appears the symbol of the Sun : It represents the conscious SELF, power, pride,
authority and leadership capacity. Self-confidence. The great decisions and triumphs in all
aspects. Healthy ambition and joy.
Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and psychological strength.
Dignified character. Nobility, loyalty and generosity. He is passionate and gives great
importance to affections. You are concerned about prestige and reputation.

On the right appears the Latin letter A , associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph: It symbolizes
the beginning, the beginning. Continuity, equity, stability. It is the power of primary energy, the
origin of everything, without beginning or end.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 64, the number 1 is obtained: It represents
the concept of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and from which
everything comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 possess creativity, independence, originality, sense of SELF and self-

Vehemence as an exalted expression of the spirit.
It symbolizes the human virtue of ardent desire.

It is associated with the Sun, the letter A and the number 1...
It represents the principle of inner fire.

"Strength is wisdom, and strength is the desire that moves it"

Like all Tarot cards, The Vehemence has two different ways of interpreting it, depending on the
position in the spread of the cards or the cards that surround it. Also if it comes out inverted
(for those who use this modality). Perhaps in this case that duality or ambiguity in
interpretation is somewhat more evident than in other letters...

The central image will mainly lead us to one of these interpretations, which is that of the
exaltation of the spirit, the unbridled expression of passions, the manifestation of anger,
uncontrolled impulses, primary attitudes.

While the other possibility is the interpretation as the virtue of developing ardent, vehement
and impetuous desire. Or the strength that conviction or wisdom gives us in some matter and
the strength of our desire that drives it. What is commonly called "the inner fire"...

The number 1 refers us to this last interpretation since it symbolizes "the beginning, the
beginning, the Father, the power, the unity, the primary and creative impulse, the principle of
light, the world of manifestation, independence, self-sufficiency, meaning of self, creativity,
originality, enthusiasm, courage, will, initiative, ambition, determination, ability to take risks,
command and leadership skills."
Meanwhile, the Sun in its negative aspect "inclines towards theatricality, exhibitionism,
ostentation. He becomes haughty, egocentric and narcissistic, filled with pride and selfishness.
It tends, inevitably, to despotism, abuse of authority, cruelty, excess of arrogance and
arrogance, along with great arrogance."

For this reason, La Vehemencia predicts:

Extreme passions, exacerbated emotions.

States of uncontrolled anger, fury, outburst.
Antipathies that cause people to distance themselves from our circle of friends. Animosity,
enmities, arguments, fights, mistreatment.
Danger of suffering physical assault.
People with a dominant, possessive and violent character.

Development of strength, determination and courage that make it possible to achieve the
proposed goals. Projects that will require great struggle and effort to be realized.

Love affairs will be carried out with great success.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the center and above, the symbol of the vessel (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance,
patience, protection and wisdom)
Below is the god Anubis : God of the dead. He mummified bodies to make them incorruptible
and eternal, purified hearts and gills contaminated by earthly baseness, evaluated souls by
weighing the heart, and provided many food offerings so that the deceased could attain the
rank of worthy ancestor.
Mental Plane:
The main scene represents a father in an attitude of lovingly teaching his son. The background
of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility). The other colors that predominate
here are:

Pink color (The love of God. love revealed)

Blue color (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal
and immortal truth)
Navy blue color (Knowledge, mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning)
Yellow color (Energy, clarity, life, light)
Green color (nature, harmony, growth, exuberance, fertility, freshness, stability, resistance)

Below these images appear the symbols of the Sun and the Crescent Moon. Sun (Nobility,
loyalty and generosity)
Crescent Moon (Symbol of activity, births, new beginnings, new positive changes, development
and prosperity)

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 65 appears the symbol of the Moon : It governs the perceptive
SELF, the intuitive SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.
It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions. Grant faith in
destiny. Sensitivity.
It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles of existence. With oscillations,
especially emotional ones.

Towards the right of the letter and in the foreground, the Latin letter J , which corresponds to
the Hebrew letter Jeit: Designates the barrier or border that separates the interior from the
exterior, in order to delimit a property. It indicates the separation between things, between
values, between duty and right. Jeit symbolizes a continent or a container. It refers to a reserve
or an energy that must be measured: strength, culture, nutrition, receptivity, the subtle limit
between masculine and feminine energies. It obviously refers to the law that is made to be
used and also to indicate the limits that must not be crossed or

Jeit indicates a closed and limited place. It is a scale that allows you to determine, separate and
extract the parts of a whole. Each limited part that indicates a property and that is enclosed
protected by the law of the place or domain in which it is located. Thus, each one can own his
share if he accepts that the others own theirs. In the same way, Jeit symbolizes a treaty or a
contract that has the power to bring together differences, giving the share or merit to each

The reduction to unity of the number 65 results in the number 2 : It symbolically represents
duality, empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity
towards the needs of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
People whose number is 2, in their positive aspect, have artistic tendencies and have great
sensitivity and are romantic.

Learning as teaching and warning.
It symbolizes the human virtue of knowledge by experience.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter J and the number 2... It represents the principle of
discipline itself.

"Whoever adds knowledge, adds pain, day or night, for good"

This Arcanum refers to self-discipline, rigor and order applied to oneself. Also to the acquisition
of moral values and a code of conduct. To the experience and inner growth that knowledge

It symbolizes the human virtue of acquiring wisdom and knowledge through experiences.


Learning predicts:

Development of self-discipline.
Learn to act with caution and prudence in order to avoid unnecessary failures Acquisition of
teachings at an internal and external level that lead to inner growth and evolution.
Healthy lessons and warnings from close people.

Excellent relationship between parents and children.

Friendships and affections from which we learn through their experience.

Stages of progress and others of decline.

Greater fortune in the future than what can be thought at this time.

Person older or in a better economic position than the consultant who will provide protection...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is green (Fecundity and procreative power)

In the center and above, the hand symbol (Symbol of help, support and protection. Give and
receive attitude)
Below and partly touching the Mental Plane, the symbol of the Sun over the Crescent Moon.
Sun (Nobility, loyalty and generosity)

Crescent Moon (Symbol of activity, births, new beginnings, new positive changes, development
and prosperity)
Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The main image represents a naked woman ( Nudity : Symbol of the possession of ethical and
moral values, innocence, purity and freedom) holding a Lotus flower in one hand (Creation,
spiritual revelation and rebirth) and in the other, a snake (Personification of evil, pain and
suffering). Their attitude is that of doubt when faced with the need to choose between one or
the other.

Below and on a navy blue background (Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning) the symbol of duality (The duality of contrary and
antagonistic forces)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 66 is the symbol of the planet Jupiter : It is associated with the principles
of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune, and a person's inner sense of justice,
morality, of their highest ideals and goals. Jupiter rules long distance and foreign travel, higher
knowledge, religion and law. It is also associated with the desire for freedom and exploration,
aid or humanitarian and protective actions, and with play and fun or joviality.
It makes people lucky and provides support in healing processes at all levels: physical,
emotional and psychological.

The Latin letter K , represented by the Hebrew letter Kaf: Represents the palm of the hand,
symbolizing the end of the acceptance tests, and the laws that guarantee the good corollary of
the work. The result is the consequence of a mental and physical effort that reveals the ability
to use potential.
Kaf is an outstretched hand, ready to receive in every sense of the term, addressing someone
to welcome them, showing that he did not have a weapon and that he has peaceful intentions.

Reducing the number 66 to unity, we arrive at the number 3 : Synthesis and harmony, the son,
the fruit of man and woman, the consequence, creation.

Perplexity as an act of indecision when preferring.
It symbolizes the human virtue of selection.
It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter K and the number 3...
It represents the principle of fairness in decisions.

"He who ripens the stones will have work to do; and he who cuts the wood will be in danger
when he cuts it."

Perplexity indicates indecision at the moment of having to choose what is preferred between
two or more possibilities. It is the need to select between different paths to follow...

It is the well-known duality of the human mind as the origin and reason for indecision. It is the
difficulty of reaching a fair appreciation of the elements at stake when making a determination
or making a choice. It is the examination of each of these determinations that must be made...

This Arcanum predicts:

Free will, vital choice, ability to choose.

Knowing how to let things mature before making a selection.
Deliberate each resolution.
Moments of greatest hesitation and confusion when faced with decisions to make.
Ambivalent internal situations and states.
Stages of economic progress and stages of regression.
Moments of security and others of insecurity.
Hopes on one hand and fears on the other.
Surprises for better or worse.
Issues that, depending on the time, will remain stagnant or will be mobilized.
Feeling of hope and confidence in the face of obstacles.

Adolescents, internally young and happy people.


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. love revealed)
In the center and above, the symbol of the covered space (Symbol of the breath of life, of the
abode and home)

The separation of the Spiritual Plane and the Mental Plane is marked by two lines, one blue
(Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth) and the other green color (Fecundity and power of procreation)

Towards the right side of the card and covering part of both planes, the symbol of the flame of
cosmic light (Image of the spiritual force, of the essence of creation. It is the fire that
symbolizes spiritual help, the light of understanding and universal love)

Mental Plane:
The main figure is a woman expressing happiness and gratitude, while looking towards the
symbol of the cosmic light flame.
The background of this shot is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility) and the dress is
yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light), but it reveals her bare breasts (Care and love, great capacity
for love, female seduction and fertility)

Below and on a navy blue background (Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning) you can see a cartridge with an orange
background (energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity) that It contains the figure of a Jackal
(Loyalty) lying down and looking into the future.

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 67, the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is the planet of sudden and
unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of misfortune. The arrival of spectacular
new things and the elimination of what is no longer useful in a person's life. Freedom and
originality govern. In society, radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that alter
established structures.

On the left and in the foreground, the Latin letter L , which is associated with the Hebrew letter
Lamed: Designates the act of teaching, learning, instructing, going from a passive state to an
active state. Lamed indicates a goal toward which we must move, but it also implies the
transition one is in before reaching a goal.

Lamed designates the sting that teaches us that everything must be followed by concrete
actions and that what we have learned is not a simple theory without a real basis.

Finally, as a result of the reduction to unity of the number 67, the number 4 appears: It is the
symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order, stability and organization.
The person with this number is practical and down to earth. It is methodical and organized,
systematic, controlled, and determined. Use a logical, step-by-step approach to problem

Friendship as an act of devotion in affection.
It symbolizes the human virtue of veneration.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter L and the number 4...
It represents the principle of pure love.

"Hand ready to give; foot quick to comply, with you I am on the slope or on the plain"

The Arcanum Friendship is pure love, perfect friendship, loyalty, clean and honest feelings.
It is the emblem of devotion in affection.
It symbolizes the human virtue of developing veneration for others.

This card predicts:

True love and affection, pure and sincere love.

Fortitude, serenity, calm mood.
Respect and consideration for others, tolerance, understanding, patience.

Selfless feelings.
Deep and honest friendship.
Trust, openness, transparency.
Arrival of new friends.
Help and support from family and friends.
Predisposition to be with those you love in good times and bad.
Honesty, loyalty, fidelity, will, perseverance.
Obligations and duties fulfilled that generate profits.
Ability to overcome difficulties.
Triumph over obstacles...


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
In the center and above, the symbol of the horned snake (Sign of protection for being
observant, cunning and agile, who knows how to stay alert. This symbol warns against bad
temptations, confusion and dangers)
In the center and below, the balance of the scale appears from the Mental Plane.

Mental Plane:
The main figure is a squatting man looking attentively at the scales. On one of the plates you
can see coins and on the other, a cow. The scale is perfectly balanced
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The predominant colors here are:

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth
Green : Fertility and procreative power.
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.

Below and on a dark green background (Money) appears the bee (symbol of the soul of men.
Image of survival of the soul after death)

Physical Plan:
On the left side of this card, the symbol of the planet Mercury : Represents the principles of
communication, mentality, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and
variability. It governs teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors,
siblings and cousins, transportation over short distances, messages and forms of
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter LL, which is similar to the Hebrew
letter Ayin: It brings the vision and insight to get rid of conditioning and misconceptions. It is
also the source that receives all the things that can be perceived when barriers fall, when
delusions dissolve. It is the evidence, the revelation, the passage from the invisible to the

Finally, after reducing the number 68 to unity, we find the number 5 : The mental aspect of
human nature. Sign of action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the
traveling and adventurous spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive
and sociable, with new and visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and
exploratory; ingenious in using freedom constructively. Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual

On the negative side, too much restlessness, sometimes dissatisfied and dissatisfied, with a
tense temperament, usually making many hasty decisions, impatient, lacking application to the

Speculation as an act of appreciating values. It symbolizes the human virtue of reasoning.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter LL and the number 5... It represents the
principle of directed industry.

"Let them see your eyes without fear, and your hands with love"


Contrary to the meaning usually attributed to it in today's economy, the Arcanum of

Speculation represents the action of estimating or calculating the value of things in their fair
The faculty of thinking that allows us to organize ideas and concepts.
Well-directed and channeled industriousness.

No. 5 symbolizes "man, the five senses, what is temporary, mutable and perishable, the mental
aspect of human nature, quick and agile mind, expansive mentality", while the planet Mercury,
among other things, governs the ability of "reasoning, associating, deducing, learning, ordering,
communicating, being understood, transmitting, discussing, negotiating, etc. It makes possible
the capacity for reasoning, association, deduction, perception, criticism, analysis, attention to
detail, study, cultivate oneself and contact the world through knowledge"
For all this, Speculation predicts:

Intelligence, logical, agile and alert mind.

Sense of organization and order.
Ability to capture new ideas, curiosity and concern about everything that is innovative. Study
capacity, acquisition of knowledge, productive learning.
Reasoning and reflection of actions and their consequences, objectivity, perception of all the
details of each situation and reality itself.
Good communication with others, understanding.
Versatility, great ease in adapting to changes.
Smart and resourceful worker.

Arrival of positive news on economic matters.

Start of trades and businesses calculated correctly.
Positive and fruitful professional collaborations.
Possession of abundant material goods.
CHANCE (Minor Arcana No. 69 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of the Spiritual Plane is green (Fecundity and power of procreation)
In the central part and above, the symbol of the placenta (The origin, the beginning of life, the
beginning, birth, food, fruit, fertility, the capacity for regeneration and rebirth to a new life)

Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The image represents the goddess Nut : Protector of the dead, who came to her for food and
protection, she gave the deceased the power to be reborn. It represents the celestial vault. Nut
gave birth daily to the Sun, which traveled over her body and reached her mouth, disappearing
inside, and being reborn the next day.
In turn, its position is that of an arch (Reflection of protection, happiness and contentment, of
the entrance of the new, of victory over adversities and enemies)
Beneath that "arch" of the goddess Nut, a man walks towards the future covering his eyes,
without worrying about what might lie ahead.

Below and on a pink background (The love of God. Love revealed), the symbol of the scorpion
(It symbolizes evil, but if controlled it has healing properties) moving away from man.

Physical Plan:
To the right of the number 69, the symbol of the planet Venus : It is associated with the
principles of harmony, beauty, balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy
and unity with others.
It is involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods,
comfort, and easy living.
It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion,
and social life.
Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love and harmony.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter M , which is identified with the Hebrew
letter Vav: It symbolizes the art of harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that
allows you to create, manufacture and build. It represents a nail, which is used to fix
something, or a dowel used to make an assembly. It indicates everything that links things and
people to each other, linking and unifying them to give it a new form.
The letter Vav is the creation, attraction, magnetism, fertilization, feeling, affection and desire
that attracts two beings to each other. That is why it is also related to sex and affections. It is a
link, an incentive, a suggestion and a temptation.
In another order, Vav also represents the peg of a musical instrument, which regulates the
strings so that they can be expressed in harmony. It is the inner vibration from which
transformation results and also perseverance.

Finally, reducing the number 69 to unity you obtain the number 6 : It is the symbol of beauty,
harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility.
Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others, supersensitivity to the
needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and receptivity.
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat.
It is the number of artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.

Chance as a law that instinct knows.
It symbolizes the human virtue of transcendent knowledge.

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter M and the number 6...
It represents the beginning of the primary faculties as a guide on the path of life.

"In every labor there is a fruit, and in every fruit a labor"

Chance symbolizes the knowledge provided by instinct, the human virtue of acquiring
transcendental wisdom that transcends the limits of the physical world and those that are
created by the conscious mind.

It is the unforeseeable, the changes of course directed by destiny, the events dictated by
It is chance as a law that instinct knows, the importance of the primary and instinctive faculties
that guide and direct man on his earthly path.

Among its meanings, the Hebrew letter Zayin includes "the elevated state of consciousness, the
arrow capable of hitting all targets." The number 6 speaks of "spirit and matter" in conjunction
and harmony, while the planet Venus has as "one of its purposes to bring harmony to our
existence and achieve mastery of rationality and intuition at the same time, achieving that
both faculties function in perfect agreement."
For this reason, Chance predicts:

Deep desires that are fulfilled in a spontaneous way.

Beneficial chance events.
Lucky transformations dictated by chance, favorable changes that will bring many satisfactions.
Perks, rewards.

Arrival of opportunities that will allow you to achieve a better position.

Opportunity for professional advancement.
Successful businesses and investments.
Profitable real estate buying and selling businesses.

Sudden and unexpected love attractions.


Spiritual Plane:
The color blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the
eternal and immortal truth) is what covers the entire depth of this plane.
In the center and above, the symbol of the bird with outstretched wings (Embodiment of joy
and happiness. Symbol of communication, of the manifestation of news and messages, of
fortunate movements and trips by land, sea and air)

In the center, the upper part of the column emerges from the Mental Plane, which has a Lotus
flower as its capital (Creation, spiritual revelation and rebirth)
Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The main figure represents two men working together on the construction of the column.
Together and coordinated, the work will have a much greater chance of being successful.

The predominant colors here are the following:

Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.

Green : Fertility and procreative power.
Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.
Orange : Energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity

Below is the head of an ox with a bird on it, symbolizing cooperation.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 70, the symbol of the planet Neptune : Associated with idealism and
compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception, with religion, spirituality and
mysticism, creativity in art and music , drugs, extreme sensitivity, fantasy and imagination,
psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness.

On the right and in the foreground, the Latin letter N , identified with the Hebrew letter Nun: It
symbolizes both the principles of evil and those of salvation. It is the letter of fertility and
proliferation, it represents everything that germinates from a seed. It opens perspectives of
hope, redemption and resurrection. It is a symbol of the foundation since it evokes what is
hidden or submerged in the depths. It often also has a feminine connotation and informs about
an intimacy that we try to protect, which is why it can allude to fertilization and births to come.

As a result of reducing the number 70 to unity, we obtain the number 7 : Sign of thought,
spirituality, consciousness, psychic analysis, wisdom. The number of intellect, idealism and
Cooperation as an act of collaboration in the effort.
It symbolizes the human virtue of knowing how to complement one another.

It is associated with the planet Neptune, the letter N and the number 7...
It represents the principle of reciprocity.

"There is no man without science, nor science without men"

Arcanum number 70 is Cooperation and is the representation of collaboration in effort or
shared effort in pursuit of a common goal. It is the virtue of knowing how to complement each
other, covering each other's shortcomings and enhancing the virtues of each one.

It represents reciprocity, mutual correspondence between two or more people, cooperation in

achieving purposes...

7 is the mystical number of "Divine Harmony". It symbolizes the dominance of the spiritual
over the material, consciousness, perfection. While the planet Neptune "makes people
altruistic, always willing to give of themselves emotionally, always sensitive to the problems of

Based on this, the Cooperation Arcanum predicts:

Commit to work.
Compliance with obligations and tasks.

Fruitful exchanges.
Ability to complement each other, beneficial collaboration between friends, family or partners.
Cooperations that lead to the achievement of desires and aspirations.
Courage, courage, effort, commitment, tenacity, perseverance, responsibility.
Application of arts and sciences that achieves progress and prosperity.
Selfless help.
Sincere and true love.
Fidelity. Fulfillment of promises made.
Ability to adapt, give and surrender.

GREED (Minor Arcana No. 71 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (Energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center and above, the symbol of chaining (Symbol of intuition that warns of the dangers
that can cause the loss of freedom to act)
Below, and above an inverted arc that encompasses part of the Mental Plane, the symbol of
the solar eclipse (unfavorable moment. Difficulties. What humanity still has to experience to
continue evolving spiritually)
Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The image shows a man controlling what he owns and leaving everything recorded with his
The predominant colors are:

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.
Green : Fertility and procreative power.

Below there is a vessel (Symbol of life, restraint, temperance, patience, protection and
wisdom) with two cobras as clubs (It embodies the opposites, the duality of human existence.
On the one hand they symbolize the forces of Chaos, the betrayal of divine laws and the
suffering that this entails. On the other hand, it is beneficial and protective by representing
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

Physical Plan:

On the left side and next to the number 71 is the symbol of the planet Saturn : It is associated
with the principles of limitation, restrictions, limits, practice and reality, crystallization and
structures. Saturn rules ambition, career, authority and hierarchy, and shapes social structures.
It is about a person's sense of service, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and
emotional resilience during difficulties. Saturn is also considered to represent the part of a
person concerned with long-term planning. It is said to mark important events in each person's

On the other side and in the foreground the letter Ñ , associated with the letter Hai: It is the
letter of the vital breath, of communication through the five senses, of the mastery of the four
elements (air, fire, water, earth), of protection against difficulties, of the center of gravity of all
things, of the present moment.
Hai represents the prayer of a human being, with arms raised towards the sky in an attitude of
adoration, expressing joy and also rootlessness. It can also be interpreted as a cry of triumph
that manifests a liberation or a change in natural state. The three lines of Hai indicate the mark
of the world to come and symbolize the three ways that the soul has to manifest itself:
thought, word and action.

Finally, as a result of the reduction to unity of the number 71, the number 8 : Inner strength.
Internal transformation that transmutes the negative into positive. It symbolizes self-
sufficiency, material success and firmness of approach. They are self-demanding, ambitious
and skilled at achieving material achievements.

Greed as an act of interested calculation. It symbolizes the human virtue of lust for power.

It is associated with the planet Saturn, the letter Ñ and the number 8... It represents the
principle of prevention.

Axiom: "Greed is greedy, full of miseries and abundant in sorrows"

This Arcanum represents acting out of interest.
It is the human need to covet power, but also the chain to that achieved power.
It is exaggerated or greedy foresight.
Greed. The attitude that creates enemies.
Also the precaution and care that manage to avoid dangers.

The number 8 represents the "spirit of sacrifice, self-demand, ambition, ability to achieve
material achievements" and the negative side of the planet Saturn "expresses delays and
impediments, failures, misfortunes, bad luck, tenacious enemies, loneliness and isolation. It
makes the individual greedy, pessimistic, selfish, it leads him to evil, hypocrisy, envy and

For this reason, Greed predicts:

Excessive attention to self-interest.

Possession of wealth and power that are the result of egocentric desires, theft or fraud.
Authority abuse.
Situations in which speculation will be present.
Slavery to material goods.
Displeasures and disappointments brought about by an excess of greed.
Selfish character that creates enemies and leads to loneliness.
Tendency towards egocentrism and usury that cause the loss of social and professional
Fear of losing the assets one has.
Internal insecurity, hopes and aspirations that are illusory, that have no real foundation.
Risk of theft and scams...

Spiritual Plane:
In this shot, the background is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)
Above is the symbol of the two bars: Change and cyclical movement. Duality in balance and
opposing energies (positive and negative; good and evil)

Below, the god Horus (the lord of the east, where the sun rises every morning. He was also
designated as a healing god, since he has nothing to fear from dangerous animals) A thick
yellow line (Energy, clarity, life, light) separates the Spiritual Plane from the Mental.
Mental Plane:
On a brown background (stability, realism, caution, fertility) there is a man walking towards the
future and on whom blue waters fall (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and yellow (Energy, clarity, life, light)
The vessels (Symbol of life, containment, temperance, patience, protection and wisdom) are
green (Fecundity and power of procreation) and pink (The love of God. love revealed)

The man wears a diadem with a cobra (it is protective as it represents cunning and caution,
wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new life and eternity)

In his left hand he has an Ank (Symbol of the search for immortality, the triumph of life over
death and control over evil)
Below, a fish (Symbol of life and rebirth)

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 72, the symbol of the planet Mars : It is associated with confidence and
self-affirmation, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsivity.

On the other side, the Latin letter O , associated with the Hebrew letter Tzadik: Represents a
line that shares the current world with the world to come. It symbolizes a sublimation in order
to access another level of existence or consciousness, or a change of cycle. This transformation
can be carried out in various ways: by the process of death that will lead towards a spiritual
existence or, more prosaically, by evolution through a chain by which our actions will allow
other beings to perpetuate themselves beyond ourselves.

As a result of the reduction to unity of the number 72, the number 9 : It is the symbol of the
ideal, of knowledge, of the Spiritual, of altruism, of self-denial, of sensitivity, of

compassion and generosity, but it is also the symbol of withdrawal, reflection, unsociability,
shyness and austerity. The 9 represents intuition and spirituality. It is the culmination of the
numerical series from 1 to 9 and from there another cycle begins. The esoteric significance of
the number 9 is the divine Spirit. In Astrology it is related to the planet Mars and the signs of
Capricorn and Scorpio.

Purification as a purifying act. It symbolizes the human virtue of self-improvement.
It is associated with the planet Mars, the letter O, and the number 9. It represents the
beginning of one's own liberation.

“Hear the doctrine of your father, and do not disdain the direction of your mother.”

Purification actually refers to self-purification. That which we are constantly doing, even
without being fully aware of it.
It is internal purification, the liberation of the spirit by eliminating everything negative and
strange or transforming the negative into positive.
It is paying off the debts we have with the past and knowing how to forgive and forgive
ourselves and thus achieve deep inner liberation...
Number 9 speaks of "spiritual healing" and the "capacity for compassion and forgiveness."
It is achieving the balance of duality, as indicated by the ideogram of the two parallel bars that
appear on the superior or spiritual plane of the card...
For these reasons, Arcanum number 72 predicts:
Liberation from bad situations and everything negative.
Lucidity, clarity, optimism.
Courage and courage in the face of difficulties.
Knowing how to overcome and surpass oneself in the face of obstacles.
Willingness to pursue goals and objectives.
Determination to pursue the fulfillment of aspirations.
Decision capacity.
Satisfying news.
Continuous effort that achieves good economic gains.
Kind and generous character...

Spiritual Plane:
This plane has a navy blue background (Knowledge, mental, integrity, power, seriousness,
concentration, study, assimilation, learning)

In the center and above, the symbol of a vessel (Symbolizes life, containment, temperance,
patience, protection and wisdom)

In the center, below and occupying part of the Mental Plane, the symbol of the goddess Bastet
: Her mission was to protect the home and she symbolized the joy of living, as she was
considered the deity of harmony and happiness.
Mental Plane:
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)
The main image represents a couple expressing their love for each other.
The woman carries her bare breasts (Care and love, great capacity for loving, female seduction
and fertility) and the man has an Ank in his right hand (Symbol of the search for immortality, of
the triumph of life over death and of control over evil)

Below you can see a Papyrus flower (Affinity with people and situations. Prosperity, joy. The
rebirth and regeneration of the world) and a cobra (it was protective by representing cunning
and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new life and

The predominant colors in this plane are:

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.
Green : Fertility and procreative power.
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.

Physical Plan:
On the left side and to one side of the number 73, the symbol of the Sun : It represents the
conscious SELF, power, pride, authority and leadership capacity. Self-confidence. The great
decisions and triumphs in all aspects. Healthy ambition and joy.
Will, energy, courage in the face of adversity and great physical and mental strength.
Dignified character. Nobility, loyalty and generosity. He is passionate and gives great
importance to affections. You are concerned about prestige and reputation.

On the right and in the foreground the Latin letter P , which corresponds to the Hebrew letter
Zain: It represents discernment, free will and the power to decide to do something or not. It
shows the way to assume a situation, to take responsibility and to face oppositions. It clarifies
the ideas one has about the goals to be achieved and the positions that must be occupied and
indicates the paths that must be taken to obtain the expected results.
The goal to achieve is for each person to be aware of what they are and the place they have in
the world.

Ultimately, after reducing the number 73 to unity, we find the number 1 : It represents the
concept of unity and individuality, the divinity that contains everything and from which
everything comes. From it arises the movement from which the universe appears.
People whose number is 1 possess creativity, independence, originality, sense of SELF and self-

Love and desire, as natural stimuli. It symbolizes the human virtue of possessing the elements
that give one's own delight.

It is associated with the Sun, the Small Letter and the number 1. It represents the principle of
natural science.

“Shuttle of my loom, weave the cloth that will keep me warm.”

Love and Desire refers to everything that we want to achieve and that gives us satisfaction. Are
the natural stimuli that drive us. It is the vital energy...

It is the mutual attraction between two people, falling in love, passion and harmony. They are
the natural forces that satisfy one's own pleasure...

The number 1 symbolizes, among other things, "the primary and creative impulse, the principle
of light, the world of manifestation", while the Sun grants healthy ambition and fills people
with joy and the desire to live. In the loving aspect, it makes people extremely passionate and
warm and gives great importance to love and affections in general."

Taking this into account, Arcanum 73 predicts:

Satisfaction, happiness, enthusiasm, hopes, optimism, healthy desires and ambitions.

Personal growth stage.
Power of seduction.
Sexual attraction.
Intense passion.
Loving encounters.
Consolidation of a couple.
Feelings of togetherness.
Hopes placed on people of the opposite sex.
Harmonious relationship, fidelity, trust.
Loyal friendships.

Material successes achieved thanks to personal effort.

Obtaining goods that were not expected.
Economic security...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is orange (Energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity)

In the center and above, the symbol of the god Amun (Fecundity, power of creation, peace,
tranquility and the ability to absorb negative energies to transform them into positive ones).
Below and in contact with the Mental Plane, the Pharaoh sitting on his throne and with all the
attributes of his power.

Mental Plane:
The background here is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)
The main image is a woman worshiping and respecting authority.
The woman wears the diadem with a cobra (it is beneficial and protective as it represents
cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the Sun, resurrection to a new
life and eternity)

The colors that predominate in this plane are:

Rosa : The love of God. love revealed

Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning.
Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth
Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.

Physical Plan:
Next to the number 74 is the symbol of the Moon : It governs the perceptive SELF, the intuitive
SELF, the irrational aspect, the emotional world and psychic reactions.
It is linked to the soul, with subconscious memory and extrasensory perceptions.
Grant faith in destiny. Sensitivity. It is very intimately linked to the natural changes and cycles
of existence. With oscillations, especially emotional ones.

On the other hand, the Latin letter Q , which is related to the Hebrew letter Kuf: The letter Kuf
means both the “eye of a needle”, an “axe” and a “monkey”. The symbol of the “eye of a
needle” is the most interesting since it calls for the reunification of forces to cross the narrow
gate, separating with discernment (with the ax) everything that prevents this passage.

Finally, reducing the number 74 to unity we arrive at the number 2 : It symbolically represents
empathy, cooperation, adaptability, consideration for others and supersensitivity towards the
needs of others. It is a symbol of balance, union and receptivity.

The Offering as a propitiatory act.
It symbolizes the human virtue of worshiping the superior.

It is associated with the Moon, the letter Q and the number 2...
It represents the principle of reverent love.

"Offering of fine flour in the best of your dishes, be your gift to the afflicted heart"

Arcanum 74 is the emblem of the appropriate act.
It represents the virtue of devotion and worshiping the superior.
It is also about providing comfort to the afflicted through the offering. It is selfless help to
Thus, The Offering predicts:
Mysticism, spirituality.
Place faith and trust in life and destiny.
Capacity for sacrifice and dedication.
Help others altruistically.
Selfless and sincere affections.
Respect and affinity between people.
Harmonious relationships.
Couples united by deep love and intense passion.
Put fervor in each act.
Inspired thoughts that allow many projects to be completed.
Business relationships based on trust and mutual encouragement.
Stage of abundance, growth and fertility...


Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is pink (The love of God. Love revealed) In the center and above,
the symbol of the Falcon (Brings light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of good over evil, so
it helped man to elevate and regenerate)
At the bottom and pouring its blessings towards the Mental Plane, the symbol of the god
Aten : The vital and creative force of the universe, the creator god of all things who gave life.
The vital power that animated and nourished everything on Earth. Offers help, protection and

Mental Plane:

Between the separation of both planes and the columns on the sides, an arch is formed:
Reflection of protection, happiness and contentment, of the arrival of the new, of victory over
adversities and enemies.
This bow has two colors: Blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the
infinite, the eternal and immortal truth) and rose (The love of God. love revealed)

The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The main image is a woman squatting and offering a tray with different fruits, demonstrating
generosity and humility.
Her dress is pink and she has a feline skin on top (Symbol of experience and the need to
abandon everything that is primitive and limiting in human nature, to sublimate primary
instincts and passions to evolve spiritually)

Below and on a green background (Fecundity and procreative power), the image of a slave
waiting to be freed.

Physical Plan:
Following the number 75 is the symbol of the planet Jupiter : Enthusiasm, optimism and great
faith in life and destiny. He drives projects with a feeling of certainty and confidence, always
relying on his belief in a higher power.

On the other side and in the foreground, the Latin letter R , which is associated with the
Hebrew letter Reish: It represents the head, seat of intelligence, will and conscience. In this
same sense, it symbolizes the mind, which manifests itself in everything that exists. It also
represents the renewal of things through destruction and regeneration.
It is the projection of divine forces, the entire universe, the countless stars and all the planets,
the ideas that impose themselves without allowing themselves to be controlled. It also evokes
poverty and misery that encourages one to improve oneself, to start again from scratch. That is
why she also represents the force of power and justice within the framework of humility.
Finally, after reducing the number 75 to unity, we obtain the number 3 : The consequence,
creation, production, fruition, success.
Generosity as a magnanimous act.
It symbolizes the human virtue of liberality.

It is associated with the planet Jupiter, the letter R and the number 3...
It represents the principle of self-denial.

"Fruits pleasing to the palate, as sweet when receiving as when giving"

Generosity tells us about the selfless attitude, about detachment.
To give to those who need it without expecting anything in return. But it is also not about
giving what is left over or what is no longer useful to us or what we are not interested in
keeping. It is giving, precisely, what the other person needs without thinking about our need or
desire. That is generosity and detachment...
And not only does this refer to getting rid of material things, but it can also mean providing
support, containment or simply our time accompanying someone when they need it.

We talk about altruism, self-denial, voluntary sacrifice in favor of others.

It is the act of giving and receiving, since whoever gives selflessly will receive the same or more
in return at some point in their life, materially or emotionally. That is, the providence that
provides for the magnanimous.
It is acquiring and distributing. Generous actions...

It is the planet Jupiter that has the most influence in this card, as it governs "dignity, generous
action, sympathy, benevolence, pacifism, philanthropy, the sense of justice and piety."

Based on all of the above, La Generosity predicts:

Stage full of rewards, gratifications, donations and gifts due to selfless acts.
Receive spiritual help.
Change of life for the better, positive turns, correct and satisfying decisions.
Distribution of assets.
Legacies in life.
Deserved inheritances that do not come from deaths.
Giving without expecting anything in return.
Tolerance, respect for other people's opinions.

Acquisition of wealth.
Stable economy for a long period...

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is green (Fecundity and procreative power)

In the upper central part, the symbol of the essential waters (primary source from which life
springs. It is a symbol of beginning, new birth and regeneration)
Below, the symbol of the Sun absorbing negative energies.

Mental Plane:
The main image represents Pharaoh distributing gifts to those in need. Its orange crown
(energy, joy, happiness, attraction, creativity) enters the Spiritual Plane.
On one side and on the diadem of the Pharaoh, the symbols of the cobra (it is beneficial and
protective as it represents cunning and caution, wisdom and knowledge, power, fertility, the
Sun, the resurrection to a new life and the eternity)

The background is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility) and on each side, yellow columns
(Energy, clarity, life, light)
The rest of the colors are:

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth
Navy blue : Knowledge, the mental, integrity, power, seriousness, concentration, study,
assimilation, learning.
Rosa : The love of God. Love revealed.

Below and on a yellow background, the symbol of the god Amun (Fecundity, power of creation,
peace, tranquility and the ability to absorb negative energies to transform them into positive

Physical Plan:

Following the number 76 is the symbol of the planet Uranus : It is associated with the
principles of genius, the idea of individuality, novelty and the unconventional. Uranus rules
societies and associations.
It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, strokes of fortune and moments of
misfortune. The arrival of spectacular new things and the elimination of what is no longer
useful in a person's life. Freedom and originality govern.

On the right side and in the foreground, the Latin letter S, which is related to the Hebrew letter
Tzadik: The letter represents a line that shares the current world with the world to come. It
symbolizes a sublimation in order to access another level of existence or consciousness, or a
change of cycle. This transformation can be carried out in various ways: by the process of death
that will lead towards a spiritual existence or, more prosaically, by evolution through a chain by
which our actions will allow other beings to perpetuate themselves beyond ourselves.
It also symbolizes the simultaneous life of two worlds, the present world and the future world.
On the far right, the number 4 : Symbol of construction, achievement, concreteness, order,
stability and organization.

The Dispenser in the act of imparting grace.
It symbolizes the human virtue of mercy.

It is associated with the planet Uranus, the letter S and the number 4...
It represents the principle of human providence.

"Come in, stranger, and eat our bread and the sauce of mine."

The Dispenser represents the principle of providence, charity, the action of distributing and
providing gifts to those in need.
It is the emblem of mercy and benevolence and symbolizes the virtue of clemency and

This card is mainly defined by Uranus, which is the planet that, among other things, governs
the feeling of universal brotherhood, the sociable nature, the pleasure of relating with others,
the detachment of the ego and the search for prominence. It is associated with ideals of truth,
justice, freedom, fraternity and equality, which are its high ideals.

Therefore, The Dispenser predicts:

Altruism, generosity, charity, acts marked by greatness and splendor.

Noble and merciful character.
Consideration and respect for others.

People who offer their selfless help and support.

Favors, donations.
Beginning of a positive stage in all areas of life.
Problems that are solved with great agility.
Dedication to a creative occupation.
Fertile work and ingenuity to make it profitable.
Well-paid employment, performance, productivity.
Arrival of economic benefits.

Requited love.
Very satisfying romantic relationship...

Spiritual Plane:
In this shot, the background is pink (The love of God. love revealed)

In the upper central part, the symbol of the knot (Symbol of negative ties, ties and
impediments and of the man who remains incarnate). Below this, the symbol of a Baboon with
a dog's head (Symbol of intelligence and joy. "The architect who knew the layouts and routes
of all things")

Mental Plane:
This plane is separated from the Spiritual Plane by a thick black line (Pain, physical, mental and
emotional suffering). As you can see, the man who walks to one side but looks to the other
touches this black line with his head.
The background of this plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)
The other predominant colors are:

Yellow : Energy, clarity, life, light.

Blue : Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life, the infinite, the eternal and
immortal truth.
Green : Fertility and procreative power.

Below is a cartridge whose meaning I don't know, although you can know the meaning of some
of the components. For example:

Birds : Deities with healing powers. Spirituality and higher states of being. Falcon : Provides
light and clarity. It symbolized the victory of good over evil, which is why it helped man to
elevate and regenerate.
Flowers and knots : Protection and joy.

Mental Plane:
The planet that this card represents is Mercury : It represents the principles of communication,
mindset, thought patterns, rationality and reasoning, adaptability and variability. It governs
teaching and education, the immediate environment of neighbors, siblings and cousins,
transportation over short distances, messages and forms of communication such as mail, email
and telephone, newspapers, journalism and writing, skills of information gathering and physical
It is the planet of everyday expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things
apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly without
emotion (which corresponds to the Moon) and with a lot of curiosity.

On the other side and in the foreground, the letter T (which corresponds to the Hebrew letter
Tav): Last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav represents the culmination of creation and all
created things. It is the culmination of a teaching, an initiation, a step towards perfection. It is
the summary of everything in the Whole, the integral science of the absolute, the mystery
revealing itself directly to the soul. It is also the cross that symbolizes the complete path and
the goal.
Tav is the absolute perfection of creation, allowing the dynamic breath of Shin to produce the
diversity of forms. It is the truth, the perfection and the culmination of a project. This card
opposes the possibility of excluding an act, and this makes the future and destiny become
present. Let us notice that the last three letters of the Hebrew alphabet form the word “rishet”
which means: intersect, showing the complete, formed and structured creation.

Finally, the number 5 : This number represents the mental aspect of human nature. Sign of
action and concern. It is the symbol of freedom, adaptability, the traveling and adventurous
spirit, but also of inconsistency and abuse of the senses. Expansive and sociable, with new and
visionary ideas; quick-thinking, multifaceted, curious and exploratory; ingenious in using
freedom constructively. Changes that bear fruit. Spiritual growth.
It is also the number of fortune, magic and adventure. They are people who are attracted to
the unknown, the strange, the mysterious.
On the negative side, too much restlessness, sometimes dissatisfied and dissatisfied, with a
tense temperament, usually making many hasty decisions, impatient, lacking application to the

Disorientation as an act of retraining.
It symbolizes the human virtue of recognizing and reflecting.

It is associated with the planet Mercury, the letter T and the number 5... It represents the
principle of association of ideas.

"The diligent foot requires paths; the laborious hand requires tools."


The Arcanum of Disorientation anticipates blockages, confusion, loss of direction. It represents

the principle of association of ideas and concepts that make possible a deep understanding of
oneself and one's own reality.
It announces or invites self-examination and reflection to become aware of one's mistakes in
order to correct them and treasure them as valuable experience for the future and for one's
own personal growth.

The number 5 represents the mental nature of the human being and the planet Mercury in its
negative aspect represents ambiguity and confusion. It incurs imbalance and instability,
excessive rationalization and mental obsession.

Therefore, this card predicts:

Conflictive and complex situations.

Stagnation stage.
Unforeseen obstacles that must be faced.
Affliction, sadness, despondency, discouragement.
Doubts, confusion of ideas.
Perplexity about the decisions that must be made.
Unsafety. Imbalance. Instability.
Need for help.
REBIRTH (Minor Arcana No. 78 - EGYPTIAN TAROT)

Spiritual Plane:
The background of this plane is blue (Illusion. The depth of the immaterial world, the inner life,
the infinite, the eternal and immortal truth)

In the center and above, the symbol of the desert sands (Image of the memories of the past as
that which was but is no longer, of what is temporary and the fleetingness of the present
Below and arising from the Mental Plane, the goddess Ba (Personification of the history of the

man in flight, of cosmic consciousness and of the spiritual essence of the human being. It
symbolized eternity, defense and imperishable protection)

Mental Plane:
In the center and above you can see an arch (Reflection of protection, happiness and loyalty,
fidelity, well-being, discretion and caution)

The background of the plane is brown (stability, realism, caution, fertility)

The main image is a woman drinking from the essential waters (primary source from which life
springs. It is a symbol of beginning, new birth and regeneration)

Her dress is pink (The love of God. Love revealed) and also orange color (energy, joy,
happiness, attraction, creativity). In turn, the dress ends in points, an indicator that something
new is beginning.
In his left hand he carries a fan (Symbol of breathing and therefore of life. Conveys the
symbolic message: "The breath of life is with you" )
Further to the right appears a palm tree , a symbol of the masculine principle in nature,
representing the god Thot, inventor of writing and god of wisdom and science.

Below and on a green background (Fecundity and power of procreation) is the symbol of the
mummy (Allegory of physical death, of the end of pain and suffering, of faith in existence after
death, of resurrection of the soul and rebirth to a new life)

Physical Plan:
The planet Venus identifies this card (It is associated with the principles of harmony, beauty,
balance, feelings and affections, and the impulse of sympathy and unity with others. It is
involved with the desire for pleasure and sensuality, as well as with personal goods, comfort,
and easy living. It governs romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the
arts, fashion, and social life. Capacity for devotion, giving and surrender. Generosity, joy, love
and harmony.)

The Latin letter U , which corresponds to the Hebrew letter Vav (or Vau) : Vav symbolizes the
art of harmonizing things with each other. It is the element that allows you to create,
manufacture and build. It represents a nail, which is used to fix something, or a dowel used to
make an assembly. It indicates everything that links things and people to each other, linking
and unifying them to give it a new form.
The letter Vav is the creation, attraction, magnetism, fertilization, feeling, affection and desire
that attracts two beings to each other. That is why it is also related to sex and affections. It is a
link, an incentive, a suggestion and a temptation.
In another order, Vav also represents the peg of a musical instrument, which regulates the
strings so that they can be expressed in harmony. It is the inner vibration from which
transformation results and also perseverance.

Vav is what allows two substances to react and transform, producing a new substance. In
chemistry it is a catalyst that produces a reaction of different factors. It literally means a hook
and symbolizes communication. It is the primordial bond that unites spirit and matter, heaven
and earth. But its shape represents the male sex.

Finally, reducing the number 78 to unity, the number 6 appears: It is the symbol of beauty,
harmony, perfection, family, love, responsibility. Sign of empathy, cooperation, adaptability,
consideration for others, supersensitivity to the needs of others. Symbol of balance, union and
It is a good partner, companion or couple; He also plays a magnificent role as an arbitrator or
mediator: He is modest, sincere, spiritually influential and a good diplomat. It is the number of
artists and people with romantic sensitivity and tendencies.
At work they are good companions and patients, they have good ideas for working as a team
and they are not inclined to take the initiative or monopolize the limelight themselves.
If they find the right partner they can live and make a great romantic love story live for many

On the negative side, they are shy, they can “drown” in details, generate some fears and fall
into depression. They can also be excessively demanding, they can fall into idealization or

The Renaissance as an act of initiation.
It symbolizes the human virtue of achieving successive preeminences.

It is associated with the planet Venus, the letter U and the number 6...
It represents the principle of natural evolution.

"Days of sun, nights of moon, thanks for good or bad fortune"

The Renaissance refers to the natural development of man, the evolution, the transformation
in the different levels of consciousness. To action based on initiation, elevation, the need to be
grateful for our fortune, whether good or bad, growth.

It is the triumph, the emblem of superconsciousness, of the state of perfect harmony and inner

Number 6 speaks of "progress and evolution, spirit and matter." For its part, the Hebrew letter
Ayin symbolizes evidence, revelation, the passage from the invisible to the visible.

Therefore, The Renaissance predicts:

Internal and external wealth.

Resurgence of positive situations thanks to the perception of love.
Friendly and sentimental relationships that will provide pure satisfaction.
Activities in all areas that will be entirely pleasant because they will offer us moral and material
Complete satisfaction and happiness, pure joy, ecstasy, victory, triumph.
Luck and honorability that will be on our side for a long time.
New hopes and aspirations.
Rebirth to a new life.
Spiritual growth and elevation.

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