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Control on Amazon is when a manufacturer’s brand image is being represented with integrity and its
products are being sold through authorized seller(s) at authorized pricing. Pattern’s ecommerce
acceleration platform of proprietary technology and resources helps brands gain control on Amazon.

The Bank’s corporate social responsibility focuses on developing communities through advocacy
programs focusing on three vital areas, namely, decent shelter, sustainable livelihood, and practical
education for the marginalized sector of society.
The controlling function in Coca-Cola is done through periodic reviews of managerial and salespersons
performance. Towards this end, an appraisal system based on objective evaluation of whether the
employee being appraised has met his or her targets forms the backbone of the controlling function in
the company.



The range of political factors that affect Amazon include but not limited to the political stability or
instability in the country, the influence of home market lobbying and pressure groups and the attitude
of the government towards e-commerce and retail industries in particular

The Bank believes that all directors, officers and staff are accountable to its stakeholders for their
actions guided by respect for the rights of the minority shareholders, integrity in everything it does, and
transparency in all its dealings.

The Coca-Cola Company’s public policy agenda is built around our mission to refresh the world and
make a difference. In the U.S. and Canada, our policy priorities include environmental sustainability,
consumer preference, tax and trade, and workplace and economic inclusion.

Social and Cultural Influence

Customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational
excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company,
Earth’s best employer, and Earth’s safest place to work

We work hard. We’re confident of what we do. And we never give up. We nurture and foster success
among our employees through our corporate culture where excellence, integrity, teamwork,
professionalism, and performance are valued.

Coca-Cola has expanded its reach into many cultures and lives all over the world. Its influence can be
seen in its presence in our movies, television programs, decorations, vending machines on every corner,
and its myriad advertisements. In addition, Coca-Cola has worked its way into traditions.


Beyond our own workforce, Amazon’s investments have supported nearly 1.6 million indirect jobs in
fields like construction and hospitality. We also actively work to help communities by responding to the
urgent needs of reducing hunger and homelessness and investing in education for children and young

The Bank contributes to national economic development not just through financial inclusion but also
through financing of infrastructure, eco-friendly solutions, and clean and renewable energy sources

Coca-Cola has been declared the worst plastic polluter in the world. It pumps out 200,000 bottles a
minute, an equivalent of 3 million tons of plastic packaging a year. Coca-Cola admits it produces 3m
tonnes of plastic packaging a year

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