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Booking Confirmation

Stays Location
Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson 12th Mile, Jalan Pantai(Pasir Panjang)

Email Telephone
reservations@lexishibisc 60-66602626

Booking No.: TUP015898 Property Agency 295838835 Property

Reference No: Reference

This booking was made through webBeds and is already paid. Please check the supplier
confirmation number.

Booking Details

Number of 2 Number of 0 Number of 1

Adults: Children: Rooms:

Room Type: PREMIUM POOL Bed Type: Bed type Check-in 22 Apr 2 0 2 2
VILLA FOR 2 arranged at Date:
PAX check-in

Check-out 23 Apr 2 0 2 2 Guest for Varunesh

Date: Room 1: Shamini

Contact info
Phone number 60-175353033

Email address

Order Summary
Payme nt De tails: The booking price and fe e s (if any) have be e n paid. Ple ase pay any re maining
balance and/or additional fe e s on arrival.

Cance l and Re fund Policy: Once confirme d, your booking cannot be ame nde d or cance lle d

Bre akfast Policy: Bre akfast for 2

Important information
Rate Note s:Hote l Tariff Note s:Ple ase be informe d, with e ffe ct from 1 Se pte mbe r 2017, the mandatory Tourism Tax
RM10 will be impose d on all hote l room rate s on a pe r room pe r night basis to be paid by e ve ry staying gue st at
all hote ls/se rvice re side nce s (fore ign nationals). This is in addition to all pre vailing fe e s, taxe s & se rvice
charge s. Tourism Tax is colle cte d on be half of the Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Royal Malaysian Customs
De partme nt and it is mandatory by law (subje ct to change de pe nding on imple me ntation)

Check-in Information
Che ck-in Time 3:00 PM ~ midnight
Che ck-out Time 11:00 AM
Note : Che ck-in policie s vary by prope rty. Ple ase che ck care fully be fore booking
1. Front de sk staff will gre e t gue sts on arrival. This prope rty can only acce pt bookings for e sse ntial trave l or
stays. You may be aske d to provide e vide nce of this on arrival. For more information, che ck local advisorie s
be fore you book. For more de tails, ple ase contact the prope rty using the information on the booking
confirmation. All gue sts staying in the Panorama Pool Villa are re quire d to che ck-in at the Lighthouse bar.
2. The gue st re sponsible for che ck-in must be age d 19 or above
3. Extra-pe rson charge s may apply and vary de pe nding on prope rty policy
4. Gove rnme nt-issue d photo ide ntification and a cre dit card, de bit card, or cash de posit may be re quire d at
che ck-in for incide ntal charge s
5. Spe cial re que sts are subje ct to availability upon che ck-in and may incur additional charge s; spe cial re que sts
cannot be guarante e d
6. The name on the cre dit card use d at che ck-in to pay for incide ntals must be the primary name on the
gue stroom re se rvation
7. This prope rty acce pts cre dit cards, de bit cards, and cash
8. Safe ty fe ature s at this prope rty include a carbon monoxide de te ctor, a fire e xtinguishe r, a smoke de te ctor, a
se curity syste m, a first aid kit, and window guards
9. Ple ase note that cultural norms and gue st policie s may diffe r by country and by prope rty; the policie s liste d
are provide d by the prope rty
11. Ple ase note that cooking is not pe rmitte d in the rooms, and outside food and fishing are not pe rmitte d on the
pre mise s.
12. This prope rty charge s a fe e for spe cific room re que sts at che ck-in. The surcharge amount varie s with the
room type .
13. Fe e s apply if the numbe r of gue sts che cking in varie s from the numbe r of gue sts e stablishe d at booking.

- Ple ase pre se nt all re le vant trave l docume nts whe n che cking in. The prope rty may re fuse che ck-in if the re is any
issue with your trave l docume nts
- Should you fail to che ck-in on your se le cte d date s, the prope rty may re -book your room for othe r gue sts.
Ple ase re fe r to the prope rty’s che ck-in policy for de tails
- For othe r se rvice s provide d by the prope rty, such as laundry, cate ring, e tc., ple ase contact the prope rty
- We will inform the prope rty of any spe cial re quire me nts made but ple ase note that fulfilling re que sts is subje ct
to availability

Online Payment Summary

The price of the booking is shown he re be fore any Klook cre dits, gift cards or promo code s have be e n applie d.
Ple ase che ck the booking de tails for the total price .

Room 1 RM 747.95
22 Apr 2 0 2 2 - 23 Apr 2 0 2 2 (1 nights)

Online payment RM 747.95

Klook customer service: 852-800931187(support hour: GMT+8 8 AM - 10 PM)

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