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Nama : Maya Rosydiana Luthfiah

Kelas : MP 22 C

NIM : 22010714112

Resume Kuliah Tamu (Petra Adam Cava) “Guest Lecture”

7 essential soft skills in demand

1. Teamwork
With effective teamwork, teams are more productive, deadlines are met, relationships
with your team members are stronger and knowledge is shared. It makes the workplace
a better place to be in. If work well in a team, achieve common goals while supporting
and complementing the strengths of others.

2. Problem solving
Effective problem solvers identify the real problem being faced, are diligent in
researching the situation and processes behind the problem, understand all the
complexities, then draw on their critical thinking to brainstorm possible solutions and
determine the best possible resolution. Find out how to develop your problem solving

3. Communication
Strong communicators know their audience, stick to the point, use clear and concise
language and are empathetic.

4. Adaptability
If you’re adaptable, you’ll make sure to completely understand an impending change
and keep an open mind. You’ll look for opportunities in the change and plan the
practical actions needed to adopt or perform differently as a result of the change. You’ll
be able to focus on the positives and you’re not afraid to step outside of your comfort
zone to establish a new routine.

5. Critical thinking
They allow you to effectively analyse information given to you and make informed
decisions. Through this, you can form successful plans, perform efficiently, take
advantage of opportunities and always respond rationally to situations and challenges.

6. Time management
Knowing how to effectively manage your time at work helps you take control of your day
and alleviate the stress that can come with not knowing how to prioritise your day-to-
day tasks. This ensures you achieve all your most important and urgent tasks, without
having to work extended hours, to the benefit of your employer, team and career.

7. Interpersonal
Interpersonal skills are those that allow you to build relationships and communicate well
with others.

7 Hard Skills Examples

 Technical skills.
 Computer skills.
 Writing skills.
 Analytical skills.
 Marketing skills.
 Design skills.
 Language skills.

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