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PIC 1:


Unintended Consequences: The science of genetic editing is difficult and not perfect.
Unexpected health problems in the modified people could result from accidental genetic
changes or off-target effects. The potential harm to the edited people is an ethical problem.

Long-Term Effects: Little is known about how genetic alterations may affect subsequent
generations in the long run. The possibility of unintended genetic and societal effects is also an
ethical problem.

Informed Consent: Consent is a cornerstone of bioethics. Editing the genes of embryos raises
challenges regarding informed consent, as the individuals affected cannot provide consent
themselves. Decisions are typically made by parents or researchers, raising questions about
autonomy and the rights of the future offspring.

Disease Prevention: The application of genetic editing may be able to prevent or lessen the risk
of developing a number of hereditary illnesses and diseases. This has the potential to lessen
suffering among people and advance general health.

Medical Developments: Genetic editing research may increase our knowledge of genetics and
human biology, which may have wider scientific and medical implications.

Ethical Use: Under strict ethical guidelines and oversight, genetic editing may be used to
address serious medical conditions in a responsible and controlled manner. For instance, for
individuals with genetic disorders, genetic editing could offer the possibility of a cure or effective
treatment. This has ethical implications related to the relief of suffering and improved quality of

PIC 2:


Health Risks: Unhygienic food preparation practices can lead to the contamination of food with
pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Consuming contaminated food can result in
foodborne illnesses, which can have serious health consequences and even be life-threatening;
and could potentially leading to outbreaks.

Consumer Trust: The food sector depends heavily on consumer trust. When street food sellers
use unclean methods, they lose the faith of their customers, which can have a long-lasting
detrimental impact on their businesses and the reputation of the street food industry as a whole.

Food Safety: Ensuring food safety is an ethical responsibility for food vendors. When street food
vendors fail to follow basic hygiene practices, they put their customers at risk, which is ethically


It is difficult to think of any moral or practical benefits to using unkempt methods for preparing
meals. However, it's crucial to take into account the wider context:

Cultural Traditions: In some places, the methods used to prepare street food may have had a
long tradition. Despite the fact that these customs may seem unsanitary to Westerners, it's
crucial to appreciate and be sensitive to cultural differences.
It's crucial to remember that, even in areas where unsanitary practises are common, there is
frequently a rising understanding of the necessity for higher standards of food safety and

PIC 3:

Enhancing nutrients: By adding necessary nutrients to plants through chemical processes, one
might potentially raise the nutritional value of food derived from these plants. This is in
accordance with moral guidelines for enhancing human health through improved diet.

Increased Crop Yield: Chemical modifications can potentially enhance crop yield, helping to
address food shortages and hunger in some regions. This aligns with ethical principles related
to food security and reducing world hunger.

Reduced Pesticide Use: Some chemical modifications can make plants more resistant to pests
and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. This can have environmental benefits
by decreasing chemical pollution and potential harm to non-target organisms.

Safety Concerns: There may be unknown or poorly understood risks associated with chemical
modifications of plants. These risks could include unintended health effects in animals and
humans who consume these modified plants, posing ethical concerns about safety.

Transparency and Informed Consent: When bringing modified plants into the food chain, ethical
standards of transparency and informed consent are essential. Customers have a right to know
whether the goods they buy have been chemically or genetically altered, and they should have
the option to refuse.

Environmental Impact: When modified plants are brought into ecosystems, chemical alterations
have the potential to have unforeseen ecological effects. This raises questions about the health
of the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of consuming chemically modified plants are not
always well-understood. Ethical considerations include the need for ongoing monitoring and
research to assess any potential health impacts.

PIC 4:

Improved Safety: Instruction labels can give crucial safety information, like how to set up, use,
and maintain the device. This can lower the possibility of mishaps, injuries, and poor handling,
improving general safety.

Public health: In the case of water coolers, precise instructions can guarantee that users adhere
to good hygiene and sanitation practises when using the device. This may aid in limiting the
spread of contamination or illness involving water.
Ethical Responsibility: Manufacturers have an ethical responsibility to provide information that
enables users to safely and effectively use their products. This responsibility aligns with
principles of honesty and transparency.

Complexity: Some instruction labels may be unnecessarily complicated or challenging to
comprehend, particularly for people with weak reading or language skills. This may cause
misunderstandings and improper use of the device.

Neglect: Instruction labels may not cover all potential risks or issues associated with the
appliance. Users might encounter unexpected situations or problems that are not addressed in
the provided instructions. Some users may rely on instruction labels for initial setup but neglect
regular maintenance and safety checks, assuming that the label covers all necessary

Environmental Impact: Producing instruction labels can add to environmental waste and spark
ethical questions about sustainability, especially if they are printed on non-recyclable materials.

PIC 5:

Environmental Impact: Automobiles are a significant source of air pollution, emitting harmful
pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), and particulate matter (PM). This pollution contributes to air quality degradation, smog
formation, and various environmental problems, including climate change.

Health Risks: Auto pollution is associated with a range of health problems, including respiratory
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and premature death. Vulnerable populations, such as
children, the elderly, and those with preexisting health conditions, are particularly at risk. Ethical
concerns arise when auto pollution disproportionately affects disadvantaged communities.

Resource Depletion: The production, use, and disposal of automobiles consume significant
natural resources, including fossil fuels and metals. This can raise ethical questions about
resource conservation and sustainable practices.

Mobility and Accessibility: Automobiles provide essential mobility and access to economic
opportunities, education, healthcare, and social services. They enable people to connect with
distant locations, which can have positive social and economic impacts.

Economic Benefits: The automobile industry contributes significantly to job creation, economic
growth, and technological innovation. This can have positive ethical implications in terms of
employment and economic development.

Innovation: The auto industry has the potential to drive innovation in clean and sustainable
transportation technologies, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and alternative fuels. Ethical
considerations include promoting these technological advancements for a more sustainable

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