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I kill. I good cat.

- Dex-Starr

Art by Dauntingfire


OPL: 12; SPL: 1; DPL: 11; FWPL: 9; HP: 1
Real Name: Dexter
Age: 5
Height: 1-6
Weight: 8
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Blue
Skin: Pink
Race: Earth Cat
Identity: Public
Alignment: Neutral
Status: Active
Occupation: Red Lantern
Base of Operations: Ysmault
Team Affiliations: Red Lantern Corps


SKILLS: Acrobatics 3 (+7), Athletics (-1/+7), Close Combat [Nastiest Hairballs in the Universe] 4 (+11),
Deception (-2/+10) [Taunt], Insight 3 (+5), Intimidation (-2/-6), Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion (-2),
Ranged Combat [Power Ring] 9 (+9), Stealth (+4/+12)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack, Evasion (1), Grabbing Finesse, Improved Initiative (1), Improved Trip,
Power Attack (1) (Nastiest Hairballs in the Universe), Taunt

Rage Kitty: Enhanced Fortitude 12 (Flaw: Limited to Power Ring effects); 6 pts
Cute Little Angry Blue Cat Size: Shrinking 8 (-2 Str, +4 Dodge/Parry, +8 Stealth, -4 Intimidation, Speed
-2, -2 Mass; Extra: Innate); 17 pts
Cat Senses: Senses 5 (Low-Light Vision, Scent [Acute, Ranged], Normal Hearing [Extended], Ultra-
Hearing); 5 pts
Aw…isn't he cute? Wait a minute…is he coughing up something…? AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!:
Enhanced Skills 6 (Deception 12 ranks), Enhanced Advantages 1 (Taunt), (Flaw: Sense-Dependent
[Visual]); 4 pts
Cat Class and Cat Style: Enhanced Skills 4 (Athletics 8 ranks, Flaw: Limited [climb checks only]), Speed
3 (16 [4] mph/250 [30] fpr), Movement 1 (Slow Fall, Flaw: Limited [half-effect]); 6 pts
Red Lantern Power Ring: 146 pts Traits, Removable (-29 pts); 117 pts
Attention Red Lantern...: Features 2 (A.I. and Red Lantern Corps Database); 2 pts
Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link to Central Power Battery); 1 pt
Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Speak, Read, Understand, Understood in All Languages); 8 pts
Red Lantern's Light: Environment 2 (60 ft radius; Light [reduce partial concealment to none, total
concealment to partial]); 2 pts
Ring Flight: Flight 14 (32,000 mph/60 mpr), Movement 4 (Environment Adaptation [Zero G], Space
Travel 3 [Any star system]), Feature 1 (Use Fortitude [DC20 check] to increase Flight speed instead of
Athletics); 37 pts
Force Field: Protection 9 (Flaw: Sustained), Impervious Toughness 7 (Flaw: Sustained), Immunity 10
(Life Support); 26 pts
Heartless: Feature 1 (Heart and other vital organs not critical to survival), Regeneration 1 (1/every 9
rounds); 2 pts
Mindless Rage: Immunity 15 (Mental Effects, Flaw: Limited [half-effect], Interaction Effects); 10 pts
Power of Rage: Enhanced Strength 2, Enhanced Stamina 2, Enhanced Agility 1, Enhanced Fighting 4,
Senses 4 (Detect Rage [Mental; Ranged, Acute, Extended], Feature 3 (all power rings except Blue
Rings lose charge faster when defending against Red Power Ring effects); 25 pts
Red Light of Rage: 30 pt Array; 33 pts
Nastiest Hairballs in the Universe: Acid Damage 9 (Extras: Reach 3 [15 ft], Duration [Sustained,
extinguished by a cessation of rage or the Blue Light of Hope]); 30 pts
Claws of Rage: Multiattack Slashing Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous, Split); 1 pt
Rage Constructs: Create 15 (Force Objects); 1 pt
Fires of Rage: Ranged Fire Damage 15; 1 pt


Initiative +8
Close Attack +7 [Unarmed -1; Claws of Rage +1, Critical 19-20, Multiattack]
Nastiest Hairballs in the Universe +11 [Nastiest Hairballs in the Universe +9]
Ranged Attack +0
Power Ring +9 [Fires of Kitty Rage +15; Rage Constructs Create +15]

Dodge +14 [DC24] Parry +14 [DC24]
Toughness -1 (+8 with Force Field, +4 Impervious with Force Field), Fortitude +3 (+15 for Power Ring
effects), Will +4

Disability: Dex-Starr can only speak short, non-complex sentences and he cannot use his paws for
fine manipulation of objects.
Enemy: Krypto and Cosmo HATE him and Lockjaw isn't real fond of him either.
Motivation: Finding and killing the murderer of his owner.
Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning when its power runs low.
Reputation: Nobody really trusts cats…
Responsibility: To shine the Red Light of Rage throughout Sector 2814.
Servant of Rage: Red Lanterns cannot remove their ring without risking death. The ring also inspires
mindless rage in its bearer. The light of a Blue Lantern ring can help counteract these effects.
Weakness: Red Lantern Corps power rings depend on the ability of the wielders to feel rage. The
maximum rank of the ring’s effects is equal to the user’s Fortitude Rank to reflect the being’s capacity
for raw fury. Calming thoughts and hopeful feelings, such as those inspired by the Blue Lanterns, can
cause the ring to fail.

Abilities -4 + Skills 11 (22 ranks) + Advantages 6 + Powers 155 + Defenses 15 = 183 / 183

Build Comments: Perhaps…no, I take that back, there is no perhaps to this...THE most awesome
Lantern creation that Geoff Johns produced in his epic Green Lantern run, Dex-Starr, the most vicious
of all the Red Lanterns and one of the most feared creatures in the entire Thorpacoverse.

He was so much fun to build. He was apparently originally drawn as a joke by Shane Davis for one of
the big War of Light splash panels that Johns wanted but after the good laugh, Johns decided to run
with him and a legend was born. Those panels that show him all Puss in Boots cute, then puking that
acid blood on people are some of the funniest things in comic history. Love him.

And I love that he is paired with Atrocitus in the Injustice 2 game where he’s zapping people from the
ring on his tail. It’s too cute yet vicious!
Secret Origins: Dex-Starr's real name is Dexter and he was just an ordinary house cat from Earth. He
was abandoned at and later adopted from the Brooklyn Animal Shelter. His new owner loved Dexter
because he was always there to keep her company. One night someone broke into their home and
Dexter scratched the burglar. As he screamed in pain, Dexter's owner woke up and called for help,
but unfortunately help never arrived. The next day, two cops outside the apartment talked about
how it was a burglary that went bad as Dexter sat outside the door and the fate of Dexter's owner is

Just then the cops kicked Dexter out saying that the cat could contaminate the scene (apparently
unknowing that Dexter was a resident of the apartment). Dexter was left homeless for an unknown
amount of time, living in a box on the street when two thugs called him out and bag him. To their
amusement, they decided to throw Dexter (while still inside the bag) off the Brooklyn Bridge to see
him drown. Just as they throw him to the river and discuss whether or not he will die on impact, a
Red Power Ring flies in detecting the rage in his heart and turned him into a Red Lantern and thus
embraced his new identity as Dex-Starr.

To this day he remembers his owner’s last kind words to him" "You make my life better you silly cat,
and I know if you could talk, you would tell me the same thing." Dexter, having the red ring express
his rage in coherent thoughts, vowed to find the person who hurt his owner and then kill him.
Because he is a good kitty.

The Story so Far: As a member of the Red Lantern Corps, Dex-Starr has accompanied the Corps on
many missions and has become one of the most feared members of their, or any Lantern Corps.

Characterization: Dex-Starr is one of the most malicious Red Lanterns.Dex-Starr's favorite tactic is to
fly up, looking deceptively innocent and cute. With his opponent off-guard, he then spews energized

Friends and Foes: He is one of Atrocitus’ closest confidants.

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