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Inventors and inventions

Topic: How the inventions have changed our lives

Throughout history we
have had many brilliant
minds who have
created inventions to
help humanity, among
these we have Thomas
Edison or Sir Humphry
Davy (who was a true
inventor, who carried
out the experiments and
prototypes but was
never attributed this
achievement) who invented the incandescent light bulb or James Watt who
invented steam engines. All of them are considered an open source of ideas and
inspiration for new generations, inventions changed our day to day making it
easier to help us do things that were believed impossible at the time.

The internet was created in 1969 without a doubt one of the inventions of the
twentieth century that has benefited humanity the most, making it easier for us to
find information and today it is used for almost everything. The inventor of the
airplane was Richard Pearse in 1903 but since it was never patented with his
name, it did not receive the credit it deserved, this invention has allowed us to
move from one place to another comfortably and to make long trips without
worries, thus facilitating the mobility not only of the people but also of certain
products made by the industry. Josephine Cochrane the inventor of the
dishwasher, whose invention was used in restaurants and hotels to save time.

We can say that the discoveries

made by men and women have
made our lives easier in many
respects, today there are many
trademarks that manufacture
these inventions to be marketed
to the public, although some of
them, being patented, have

Claarissa Clavijo

3 ciencias A

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