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Group Members
Muhammad Shabbir Ali
Shahryar Abbasi
Muhammad Shahzad
Yousaf Raza
• An invention is a unique or novel device,
method, composition or process.

• The invention process is a process within

an overall engineering and product
development process.

• It may be an improvement upon a

machine or product or a new process for
creating an object or a result.
Greatest Invention of
all time.
• It can be argued that fire was discovered rather than invented.
Certainly, early humans observed incidents of fire, but it wasn’t until
they figured out how to control it and produce it themselves that
humans could really make use of everything this new tool had to offer.

• The earliest use of fire goes back as far as Two Million years ago, while
a widespread way to utilize this technology has been dated to about
125,000 years ago.

• Fire gave us warmth, protection, and led to a host of other key

inventions and skills like cooking. The ability to cook helped us get the
nutrients to support our expanding brains, giving us an indisputable
advantage over other primates.

• The wheel was invented by Mesopotamians

around 3500 B.C. to be used in the creation of

• About 300 years after that, the wheel was put on a

chariot and the rest is history.

• Wheels are ubiquitous in our everyday life,

facilitating our transportation and commerce.
Optical Lenses
• From glasses to microscopes and telescopes,
optical lenses have greatly expanded the
possibilities of our vision.

• They have a long history, first developed by

ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key
theories of light and vision contributed by Ancient

• Optical lenses were also instrumental components

in the creation of media technologies involved in
photography, film and television.

• This navigational device has been a major

force in human exploration.

• The earliest compasses were made of

lodestone in China between 300 and 200 B.C.

• Although he was not the only one

working on this kind of tech, Scottish-born
inventor Alexander Graham Bell got the
first patent for an electric telephone in

• Certainly, this instrument has

revolutionized our ability to communicate.
• While sometimes controversial, the practice of vaccination is
responsible for eradicating diseases and extending the human

• The first vaccine (for smallpox) was developed by Edward

Jenner in 1796.

• A rabies vaccine was developed by the French chemist and

biologist Louis Pasteur in 1885, who is credited with making
vaccination the major part of medicine that is it today.

• Pasteur is also responsible for inventing the food safety process

of pasteurization, that bears his name.

• Discovered by the Scottish scientist

Alexander Fleming in 1928, this drug
transformed medicine by its ability to
cure infectious bacterial diseases. It
began the era of antibiotics.

• While the worldwide network of computers has

been in development since the 1960s, when it
took the shape of U.S. Defense Department’s
ARPANET, the Internet as we know it today is an
even more modern invention.

• 1990s creation of the World Wide Web by

England's Tim Berners-Lee is responsible for
transforming our communication, commerce,
entertainment, politics, you name it.

• Throughout history, many bright minds have

thought of many great ideas.

• Some of those ideas have brought about

inventions that changed our lives forever.

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