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Great advances

in history
Ximena Yépez 1BGU “A”

The invention of the telephone

The invention of the telephone was done
by a group of individuals, many different
companies. However, it is believed that the
telephone was invented by Alexander
Graham Bell in 1875 with the help of his
friend Thomas A. Edison.

Bell and Watson created a device that uses vibration to

produce and receive sound waves through electrical
signals. In June 1876, Bell traveled to the Philadelphia
Centennial Exposition (the first World's Fair in the
United States) to demonstrate this device to an
international audience.
The invention of the
Internet allows people to get information,
videos and generally to communicate anywhere
in the world where there is internet connection.
In the late 1960´s, the first type of internet
connection was developed by the US military for
the purpose of military and research services.
Nowadays, we can use the verb to surf on any
kind of information.

After a series of investigations by scientists at the United States

Department of Defense, the ARPANET was finally developed. It
began to function on November 21, 1969 between the universities
of Standford and UCLA. By 1970 it had already crossed the entire
United States, and by 1971 it had connected 23 computers from
different research centers and universities.
invention of
the wheel
The wheel was invented a long time
ago, we do not know precisely who
invented it, but we are totally sure of
its importance to the development of
society. The idea of ​wheel is used in
a lot of different everyday objects,
and for thousands of different

The first wheel is supposed to have been invented

after humans used to use cylindrical tree trunks to
move heavy things.
Invention of the
Before the printing press, to write many
books used to be very difficult. Many
people used to write the books with her
own hands. It used to need a lot of time
and work. Some say that printing press
was invented by Johannes Guttenberg in
Germany. However, it is known that
before Guttenberg printing press was
invented by Chinese people many ago .

The discovery of
Early people used to have many
problems to get food. They used to
gather grains, fruit and kill animal to
eat. The agriculture changed the way
to live for human beings. Agriculture
were discovered by human beings in
different periods of time and places
thought de world.
Invention of
One hundred years ago people used to
walk a lot to go different place. It is
true that steam engine mobilized
industry. But the automobile mobilized
people! Although there were ideas
about a personal vehicle to transport
people, it was Karl Benz in 1885 who
developed a Motorwagen. The
greatest thing about Benz’ idea was
that his vehicle was powered by
internal combustion.

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