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This transcript was exported on Apr 05, 2019 - view latest version here.
Speaker 1: Okay this next tool is awesome, simple, but really powerful as well. It's called Ideas
Worth Doing. Before I go through it, which will be really quick, I wanna share the
importance of this and frame the mastermind. This is a framework you want to have
everyone in that room, or virtually, feel.

Masterminds are different, in my opinion, than just going to an event, or just going
through a course. Because you can leave with such powerful wisdom from someone
who's already done it, that sometimes it's just one thing. Or maybe three things max,
that if you implement, you will have a massive shift in your business, your life, your
health, your love affair, or whatever it is that you're teaching for your clients. It will
happen like that with just one or two shifts. Because they're so foundational. They're so
embedded in actual success, and not theory. That's the reason masterminds are so

So I like to frame when I first start a mastermind, "Hey write down all the notes you
have." Take notes crazy, non-stop. But put two, three, five stars next to the ones you
know could be the one thing, or the few things that can move the needle the most in
your life.

So Ideas Worth Doing is a tool you're gonna want to share with them right away. Or at
the end of going into lunch. Or at the end of day one, or the end of day two. To say,
"Hey take all the notes you've took in your journal, or your notebook, or whatever it is
you do, or on your computer, and physically write down the ones that can impact your
life, your income, and your future success the most."

That's what this sheet is for. It makes people extract like, "Good, good, good. Oh my
God that was great. I gotta do it." And it goes on the Ideas Worth Doing sheet. It's real
simple. Ideas Worth Doing. You write down what was the idea, then immediately while
you're in this space, you want to teach them ... You need to do this exercise too. Is, what
is the first action? If you watched all the tools, what's one of the tools that you found an
Idea Worth Doing? That you know you had to do. What would be the first action? And
then what is the start date? First action is to make the call, register the URL. I'm doing it

What could this mean to me? Projected value could be a dollar amount. It could be
freedom. It could be control. It could be more time. Whatever it is, what is the projected
value of you accomplishing this? And then the last part is, who can help you accomplish

This is an amazing tool. Again, you need to do it, but this is one you're going to want to
do at every mastermind. Virtual or in person.

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