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Challenge Basic mental processes


1. Enter your identification information.

Student name:
Ezequiel Vázquez Monroy

Module Name:
Biological bases of behavior v2
Assessor name:
Jorge Heriberto
Date of elaboration:

2. Based on the information from the resources consulted, fill out the following table. In the columns where you must mention examples,
you need to do so from your perspective.
Identified disorder Areas or structures of Basic mental Example of
consulted Example of behavior
or dementia the brain involved processes identified neuroplasticity

-Dysfunction of the Absence of Irritability

frontal lobes knowledge .
The -Amnestic dysfunction
anosognosia Concession
in the “Alzheimer’s”
disease of
Alzheimer's: a
clinic for
study of the
Wernicke's aphasia: -Learning. Depending on the type of To improve
damage -Attention. aphasia there may be neuroplasticity:
to the temporal lobe of -Memory. behaviors: -Aphasia therapy.
- Aphasia the -Language.
Wernicke. Brain. -Motor skills. Although they can - The participation of
understand what they family is an essential
aphasia -Broca's aphasia: injury are part
- Aphasia
Drill. which mainly affects says and know what in the treatment of
The frontal lobe of the they mean, aphasia,
- Global aphasia. brain. many times they talk are encouraged to
With short sentences. help their
-Global aphasia: To be loved.
- Aphasia damage to They often stop
Driving. large portions of say short words -Speak using short
brain areas like “and”, “is” and “the” sentences and
related to the or Simple.
-anomic aphasia Language. "the".
- Repeat the content
- They understand a lot of the
well what they say words or write words
others, therefore, to
they often realize
of their difficulties and
can frustrate

3. When you finish filling out the table, save your document and send the Challenge to your advisor.

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