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Raymond Edmonds

Dr. Brunson

Phil 109.W03


Homework 13

Chapter 4, section 1, part I #1-8

In the following categorical propositions identify the quantifier, subject term, copula,
and predicate term.

1. Some airport screeners are officials who harass frail grandmothers.

Quantifier: some; subject term: airport screeners; copula: are; predicate term: officials
who harass frail grandmothers.

2. No persons who live near airports are persons who appreciate the noise of jets.

Subject term: persons who live near; predicate term: persons who appreciate the noise of
jets; quantifier: No; copula: are

3. All oil-based paints are products that contribute significantly to photochemical


Subject term: oil-based plants; predicate term: products that contribute significantly to
photochemical smog; quantifier: All; copula: are

4. Some preachers who are intolerant of others’ beliefs are not television evangelists.

Quantifier: some; subject term: preachers who are intolerant of others’ beliefs; copula: are
not; predicate term: television evangelists.

5. All trials in which a coerced confession is read to the jury are trials in which a

guilty verdict can be reversed.

Subject term: trials in which a coerced confession is read to the jury; predicate term: trials

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in which a guilty verdict can be reversed; quantifier: All; copula: are

6. Some artificial hearts are mechanisms that are prone to failure.

Subject term: artificial hearts; predicate term: mechanisms that are prone to failure;
quantifier: Some; copula: are

7. No sex education courses that are taught competently are programs that are currently

eroding public morals.

Quantifier: no; subject term: sex education courses that are taught competently; copula:
are; predicate term: programs that are currently eroding public morals.

8. Some universities that emphasize research are not institutions that neglect

undergraduate education.

Subject term: universities that emphasize research; predicate terms: institutions that
neglect undergraduate education; quantifier: Some; copula: are not

Chapter 4, section 2, parts I, II, & III #all

I. For each of the following categorical propositions identify the letter name, quantity,

and quality. Then state whether the subject and predicate terms are distributed

or undistributed.

1. No butterfly ballots are trustworthy election tools.

E proposition, universal, negative, subject and predicate terms are distributed.

2. All governments that bargain with terrorists are governments that encourage


A proposition, affirmative universal, subject distributed, predicate undistributed.

3. Some symphony orchestras are organizations on the brink of bankruptcy.

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I proposition, particular, quality affirmative, terms distributed: none

4. Some Chinese leaders are not thoroughgoing opponents of capitalist economics.

O proposition, particular, negative, subject term undistributed, predicate term distributed.

5. All human contacts with benzene are potential causes of cancer.

A proposition, affirmative, universal, subject distributed, predicate not distributed

6. No labor strikes are events welcomed by management.

E proposition, universal, negative, subject and predicate terms are distributed.

7. Some hospitals are organizations that overcharge the Medicare program.

I proposition, particular, affirmative, subject and predicate terms undistributed.

8. Some affirmative action plans are not programs that result in reverse discrimination.

O proposition, particular, negative, subject term undistributed, predicate term distributed.

II. Change the quality but not the quantity of the following statements:

1. All drunk drivers are threats to others on the highway.

No drunk drivers are threats to others on the highway.

2. No wildlife refuges are locations suitable for condominium developments.

All wildlife refuges are locations suitable for condominium development.

3. Some slumlords are persons who eventually wind up in jail.

Some slumlords are not persons who eventually wind up in jail.

4. Some CIA operatives are not champions of human rights.

Some CIA operatives are champions of human rights.

III. Change the quantity but not the quality of the following statements:

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1. All owners of pit bull terriers are persons who can expect expensive lawsuits.

Some owners of pit bull terriers are persons who can expect expensive lawsuits.

2. No tax proposals that favor the rich are fair proposals.

Some tax proposals that favor the rich are not fair proposals.

3. Some grade school administrators are persons who choke the educational


All grade school administrators are persons who choke the educational process.

4. Some residents of Manhattan are not people who can afford to live there.

No residents of Manhattan are people who can afford to live there.

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