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Scrum Foundations Professional Certificate (SFPC)

1. What is the time box for a Sprint?

a) 4 hours always.
b) 15 minutes.
c) Depends on the product, project or service.
d) 2 hours always.

Answer: c

Justification: The Sprint, is a block of time (time-box) of one month or less during
which a usable and potentially deployable "Finished" product increment is created. It
is more convenient if the duration of Sprints is consistent throughout the
development effort.

2. The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that Scrum is understood and

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: a

Justification: The Scrum Master is responsible for guiding the Development Team
in organizational environments where Scrum has not yet been fully adopted and

3. Which of the following is a value of the Agile Manifesto?

a) Team on the project manager.

b) Respond to change by following a plan.
c) Following a plan on how to respond to change.
d) Contract negotiation about following a plan.

Answer: b

Justification: The Manifesto for Agile Software Development, is made up of four values:
1. Individuals and interactions on processes and tools.
2. Software running on extensive documentation.
3. Collaboration with the client on contract negotiation.
4. Response to change about following a plan.

4. Who is in charge of teaching the team to stay within the time-boxes in the Sprint

a) Team.
b) Stakeholders.
c) Product Owner.
d) Scrum Master.

Answer: d

Rationale: The Scrum Master facilitates all Scrum events as required or needed,
including the Sprint Retrospective, during which, it must be ensured that it stays
within the time-box established for the meeting.

5. Scrum Masters ensure that the Scrum Team works according to Scrum theory,
practices, and rules.

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: a

Rationale: The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as
defined in the Scrum Guide. Scrum Masters do this by helping everyone understand
Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values.

6. Which of the following is a Scrum principle?

a) Team on the project manager.

b) Respond to change by following a plan.
c) Following a plan on how to respond to change.
d) Contract negotiation about following a plan.

Answer: b

Justification: The Manifesto for Agile Software Development, is made up of four values:
1. Individuals and interactions on processes and tools.
2. Software running on extensive documentation.
3. Collaboration with the client on contract negotiation.
4. Response to change about following a plan.

7. Does the Scrum Master or Product Owner have control over the performance of
the development team?

a) The Scrum Master.

b) The Product Owner.
c) Both.
d) None.

Answer: d

Justification: Development Teams are self-organizing. No one (not even the Scrum
Master or Product Owner) tells the Development Team how to convert items in the
Product List into potentially deployable Increments of functionality.

8. Scrum prescribes four formal events that are contained within the Sprint, these
focused on inspection and adaptation of product development. The events are:

1. Sprint Planning Meeting (Sprint Planning Meeting)

2. Sprint Review
3. Daily Scrum (Daily Scrum)
4. Sprint Retrospective

a) Only 1 and 2.
b) Only 1, 2 and 3.
c) Only 1, 2 and 4.
d) All options.

Answer: d

Justification: Sprints contain the following four formal events: in Sprint Planning
(Sprint Planning), Daily Scrums (Daily Scrums), Sprint Review (Sprint Review), and
Sprint Retrospective (Sprint Retrospective).

9. Who presents the product demo to the customer and when?

a) Scrum Master, Sprint Retrospective.

b) Product Owner, Refinement.
c) Development Team, Daily Meeting
d) Development Team, Sprint Review.

Answer: d

Rationale: During the Sprint Review the Development Team demonstrates the work
that has been "Completed" and also answers all questions about the Increment.

10. According to the official Scrum Guide. Scrum is?

a) Adaptive.
b) Predictive.

Answer: a

Rationale: Scrum is a framework by which people can address complex adaptive

problems while delivering products of the highest possible value productively and
creatively. The essence of Scrum is a small team of people and is characterized by
being a highly flexible and adaptive team.

11. Who has the first contact with the customer for the issues of knowing the
product requirements?

a) Development Team and Product Owner.

b) Development Team.
c) Scrum Team.
d) The Product Owner.
Answer: d

Justification: The Product Owner is the person responsible for achieving maximum
business value for the project, as well as being responsible for articulating customer
requirements and maintaining the business justification for the project.

12. Is the Scrum Master a leader who is at the service of the Scrum Team?

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: a

Rationale: The Scrum Master is a leader who is at the service of the Scrum Team.
The preferred leadership style in Scrum is "servant leadership," which emphasizes
achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.

13. During the Sprint, the Scrum Master's role is to:

1. Remove Impediments.
2. Facilitate Inspection and Adaptation opportunities.
3. Manage the Scrum Team.
4. Add or Remove Team Members.

a) 1, 2, 3.
b) 2 y 3.
c) 1 y 2.
d) All of them.

Answer: c

Rationale: During the Sprint, the Scrum Master removes impediments to the
progress of the Development Team and facilitates each of the Scrum events that
constitute a formal opportunity for inspection and adaptation.
14. Guiding the Development Team in being self-organized and cross-functional is
one way to serve which role?

a) Scrum Master.
b) Product Owner.
c) Development Team.
d) IT Manager.

Answer: a

Justification: The Scrum Master provides services to the Development Team in

various ways, including guiding them in being self-organizing and cross-functional.
Having cross-functional, self-organizing teams allows the group to adapt and
manage ongoing work and some minor problems or changes without having to
obtain support or expertise from members outside the team.

15. Which statement best describes the responsibility of a Scrum Master?

a) Management and ensure that the work complies with commitments to

b) Team Coaching and Mentoring.
c) Keep stakeholders hands-off in development.
d) Team management as the Project Manager.

Answer: b

Rationale: The Scrum Master is the "servant leader" of the Scrum Team and is the
one who moderates and facilitates team interactions as the team's coach, mentor
and motivator. The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the team has a
productive work environment by protecting it from outside influences, removing all
obstacles, and enforcing compliance with Scrum principles, aspects, and processes.

16. The Product Owner ensures that the team selects enough items from the
Product Backlog for the Sprint to satisfy the Stakeholders.

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: b
Rationale: The Product Owner can help clarify selected Product List items and
make allowances. If the Development Team determines that it has too much work or
not enough work, it may renegotiate the selected Product List items with the Product

17. What could be the synonyms for Scrum?

1. Agility.
2. Incremental Development.
3. Adaptability.
4. Fast response to changes.

a) All of them.
b) None.
c) 1 y 3.
d) 1 y 2.

Answer: a

Rationale: The hallmark of Scrum is its tolerance and adaptation to change. Scrum
does not promote determining and establishing plans very firmly and in advance,
since it operates on the premise that project development is very prone to change
and risk. The result is a high degree of flexibility and tolerance to change. The
project is carried out and managed in an agile and incremental manner, so it is
generally easy to incorporate changes throughout the project.

18. The Sprint Backlog is the Product Backlog divided into deliverables.

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: b

Justification: The Sprint Backlog is the set of Product Backlog items selected for
the Sprint, plus a plan to deliver the Product Increment and achieve the Sprint Goal.
The Sprint Backlog is a prediction made by the Development Team about what
functionality will be part of the next Increment and the work required to deliver that
functionality in a "Finished" Increment.
19. Is Scrum a framework by which people can tackle complex adaptive problems?

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: a

Rationale: Scrum is a framework by which people can address complex adaptive

problems while delivering products of the highest possible value productively and

20. Each team member is fully responsible for his or her task / (Estimating, coding,

a) True.
b) False.

Answer: b

Rationale: Individual members of the Development Team may have specialized

skills and areas in which they are more focused, but the responsibility rests with the
Development Team as a whole.

21. Scrum is based on empirical process control theory or empiricism. There are
pillars in the Scrum Guide that support the entire implementation of empirical
process control. Select the appropriate one(s).

a) Transparency.
b) Inspection.
c) Adaptation.
d) All of the above.

Answer: d

Rationale: In Scrum, decisions are based on observation and experimentation

rather than detailed initial planning. The three main pillars that support the entire
implementation of empirical process control are: transparency, inspection and
adaptation. Transparency allows all facets of any Scrum process to be observed by
anyone. This promotes an easy and transparent flow of information throughout the
organization and creates an open work culture. Inspection in Scrum is represented
by the use of a common Scrum Dashboard and other information radiators that
show the Scrum Team's progress in completing the current sprint tasks. Inspection
and approval of the deliverables by the Product Owner and the customer in the
Sprint Review. Adaptation occurs when the Scrum core team and stakeholders
learn through transparency and inspection, and then adapt by making
improvements to the work they do.

22. Why is the Scrum Master responsible?

a) To define the Sprint.
b) Of the Scrum process being adopted and used correctly.
c) From the Product Backlog.
d) Sprint Backlog.

Answer: b

Rationale: The Scrum Master services the Development Team in a number of

ways, including guiding the Development Team in organizational environments
where Scrum has not yet been fully adopted and understood. In addition, the Scrum
Master leads and guides the organization in adopting Scrum and helping employees
and stakeholders understand and perform Scrum correctly.

23. What does it mean that an event has a time-box?

a) The event must occur for a given time.

b) The event cannot take more than a maximum amount of time.
c) The event must occur within a set time.
d) The event must have at least a minimum amount of time.

Answer: b

Rationale: All Scrum events are time-boxes, so they all have a maximum duration.
Scrum treats time as one of the most important constraints in project management.
To address the time constraint, Scrum introduces a concept of Time-boxing (or
maximum time block allocation), which proposes setting a certain maximum amount
of time for each event in a Scrum project. This ensures that Scrum Team members
do not take up too much or too little time for a given job, and that they do not waste
their time and energy on work for which they have little clarity.

24. What are the roles assigned to the members of a development team? (Select all
that apply)

a) Scrum Tester.
b) Scrum Manager.
c) Product Owner.
d) Scrum Master.
e) None.

Answer: e

Rationale: Scrum does not recognize titles for members of a Development Team
regardless of the work performed by each person.

25. According to the official Scrum Guide, Scrum Guide. A Scrum core team (Scrum
Team) consists of:

a) Product Owner.
b) Development Team.
c) A Scrum Master.
d) All of the above.

Answer: d

Rationale: The Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team
and a Scrum Master.

26. The optimal size of the Development Team is small enough to remain agile and
large enough to complete a quantity of work, this means:

a) Must be less than 3 members.

b) Must be more than 9 members.
c) Must be between 3 and 9 members.
d) It must be of 6 members at all times.

Answer: c

Rationale: Having fewer than three members on the Development Team reduces
interaction and results in smaller productivity gains. Smaller Development Teams
may encounter limitations on the skills needed during a Sprint, causing the
Development Team to be unable to deliver an Increment that can potentially be put
into production. Having more than nine team members requires too much
coordination. Large Development Teams generate too much complexity for an
empirical process to be useful.

27. What does it mean for a team to be Multifunctional?

a) The team should include someone from IT, design, quality control and testing.
b) The team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to perform, test,
c) The development team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to
contribute to doing what is necessary to deliver a product enhancement.
d) The team speaks different languages.

Answer: c

Justification: Cross-functional teams have all the necessary skills to get the job
done without relying on others who are not part of the team. In Scrum, Development
Teams are cross-functional, as they have all the skills needed to create a Product
Increment. The use of cross-functional teams also ensures that all the skills and
knowledge necessary to carry out the project work exist within the team.

28. How many hours per day should a person work on a Scrum team?

a) As much as possible.
b) The Product Owner decides.
c) The Scrum Master decides.
d) At a sustainable pace, usually 7 - 8 hours per day.

Answer: d

Rationale: It is recommended that Team members work full time on the project, so
they will generally be spending most of their time doing the work necessary to
generate the Sprint Increment.

29. Which of the following are Scrum feedback loops?

a) Daily Meeting.
b) Sprint Review.
c) Sprint Restrospective.
d) All of the above.

Answer: d

Rationale: Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing

opportunities for feedback through Scrum events, including: the Daily Scrums (Daily
Scrums), the Sprint Review (Sprint Review), and the Sprint Retrospective (Sprint

30. The Scrum framework consists of:

1. Scrum Teams.
2. Roles.
3. Events.
4. Artifacts and rules.

a) Only 1 and 2.
b) Only 1, 2 and 3.
c) Only 1, 2 and 4.
d) All options.

Answer: d
Rationale: The Scrum framework consists of Scrum Teams and their associated
roles, events, artifacts, and rules. Each component within the framework serves a
specific purpose and is essential to the success of Scrum and its use.

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