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Introduction :
Acide and base titration is used to find the concentration of a
solution,it is a set of measurement operations that are carried
out under specific conditions using measuring devices and
tools based on international standards.

Practical objective :Determination of the unknown

concentration of the base NaOH.

Materials and substance used :burette,

Erlenmeyer Flask, pipette,HCl solution with a concentration of
0,1N,NaOh solution of unknown concentration ,colored

Procedure :
Fill the burette with HCl , introduce 10ml of NaOH solution
(Vnaoh) into the Erlenmeyer Flask,add 3drops of the colored
indicator,then begin the titration by slowly adding HCl drop by
drop to the NaOh solution while stirring continuously(refer
the figure below).stop adding HCl when the pink color of the
solution disappear (place a white sheat of paper beneath the
Erlenmeyer Flask to better observe the Change in solution
color).Record the volume of consumed Hcl solution (Vhcl)
required to reach the endpoint.


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