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The term "IT infrastructure," which is an abbreviation for Information Technology

infrastructure, pertains to the fundamental elements and frameworks that facilitate the
computational requirements of an enterprise. The term "IT infrastructure" refers to a
comprehensive assortment of hardware, software, networks, and additional resources that are
essential for the provision, administration, and use of IT services within an organizational
setting. The proper functioning of enterprises relies heavily on IT infrastructure, which serves
as a crucial facilitator for a range of IT-related operations.
The progression of information technology infrastructure may be categorized into many
phases, each marked by certain technologies and catalysts. The following discourse delineates
the successive stages and underlying catalysts that have propelled the growth of IT
infrastructure, accompanied by illustrative instances:
1. The Mainframe Era refers to a specific period in the history of computing
characterized by the dominance and widespread use of mainframe computers.
 The temporal span under consideration encompasses the years between the 1950s and
the 1970s.
 The key technologies utilized during this time period were mainframe computers,
punched cards, and batch processing.
 The drivers for business data processing include the need for centralized computers.
 The IBM System/360 mainframe computers were extensively utilized for several
functions, such as the processing of payroll and the management of inventories.
 The era of client-server computing.

2. The temporal span under consideration ranges from the 1980s through the 1990s.
 The primary technologies including personal computers (PCs), local area networks
(LANs), and relational databases are of significant importance.
 The drivers for the adoption of distributed computing include enhanced user
accessibility and the ability to develop scalable systems.
 The utilization of Microsoft Windows operating system and SQL Server database
software facilitated the implementation of client-server computing.
 The Enterprise Era refers to a certain period in business history characterized by the
growth and development of enterprises.

3. The temporal span under consideration extends from the late 1990s to the early 2000s.
4. The primary technologies under consideration include the Internet, e-commerce, and
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
 The factors driving the current trends in the corporate landscape include
globalization, increased internet connectivity, and the integration of company
 Companies have used enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems such as
SAP and Oracle in order to achieve integrated management of their business
 The Cloud Era refers to the current period in which cloud computing
technologies have become increasingly prevalent and influential in various
industries and sectors.

5. The temporal span under consideration ranges from the mid-2000s to the
contemporary era.
 The key technologies encompassed in this discussion are cloud computing,
virtualization, and Software as a Service (SaaS).
 The key factors that drivers consider in their decision-making process include cost
efficiency, scalability, flexibility, and remote access.
 Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are
prominent providers of cloud infrastructure and services in the market.

6. The Emergence of Edge Computing:

 Temporal Epoch: Nascent Phenomenon in the Decade of the 2020s and Subsequent
 The primary technologies under consideration include edge computing devices, 5G
networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
 The key factors that drivers prioritize in their decision-making process are low
latency, real-time processing, and data decentralization.
 Autonomous cars, smart cities, and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications
heavily depend on edge computing in order to facilitate rapid decision-making

7. The Emergence of the Quantum Computing Era

 Time Frame: Anticipated during the forthcoming decades.
 The primary technologies under consideration are quantum computers and quantum
 Drivers: Addressing intricate challenges, cryptographic techniques, scientific
 Quantum computers possess the capacity to fundamentally transform several domains,
including encryption and drug discovery.

The progression of IT infrastructure is propelled by developments in technology, evolving

business requirements, and the pursuit of enhanced efficiency, performance, and scalability.
In order to maintain competitiveness and effectively address the requirements of the
contemporary digital era, organizations are compelled to adjust and conform to these dynamic
stages of evolution.

Drechsler, Katharina & Grisold, Thomas & Gau, Michael & Seidel, Stefan. (2022). Digital
Infrastructure Evolution: A Digital Trace Data Study.
Michel, Léonard & Ralyte, Jolita. (2017). Handling the Evolution of Information Systems: An
Overview of Challenges and Prospective Solutions. 10.1007/978-3-319-67271-7_15.
Skobelev, Dmitry. (2020). Evolution of Technology and Technology Governance. Journal of
Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 6. 22. 10.3390/joitmc6020022.

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