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Trisha Gabrielle A.

Rodriguez October 19, 2023

Grade 11 STEM-2 EAPP

Leveraging Digital Technology for a Future in STEM

Digital technology encompasses a wide range of electronic devices and systems that utilize

digital information and logic to perform tasks, solve problems, and enhance our lives. This paper

aims to define, clarify, and elucidate the concept of digital technology to provide a foundational

understanding of its importance and applications. In the digital age, understanding Digital

Technology is paramount for educational and professional success. This seeks to demystify Digital

Technology for Grade 10 Completers, offering a comprehensive perspective on its definition, core

components, and applications. In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Digital Technology is the

cornerstone of our modern world. This is tailored to provide Grade 10 Completers with a deep

understanding of Digital Technology, from its definition to its practical applications, to prepare

them for the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technology into all aspects of

business operations or societal functions, resulting in fundamental changes in how organizations

or individuals operate and deliver value. It involves the use of digital tools, technologies, and data

to enhance efficiency, productivity, innovation, and customer experience. Digital Technology

encompasses a broad spectrum of electronic tools and systems that rely on binary code (0s and 1s)

to process, transmit, and manipulate data. It includes both hardware, such as computers and

smartphones, and software, which consists of applications, operating systems, and more. These

components work in tandem to enable the functioning of modern technology.

Hardware perspective focuses on the physical components that constitute digital devices.

These components are the building blocks of any digital technology. They include
microprocessors, which function as the central processing units (CPUs) and are akin to the brains

of the device. Memory, such as RAM (Random Access Memory), is used for temporary data

storage, while storage devices like hard drives or solid-state drives are employed for long-term

data storage. Input/output systems include components like keyboards, screens, and various

peripherals that enable users to interact with the device. The hardware perspective is essential as

it forms the foundation upon which digital devices are built. Understanding these components is

vital for comprehending how digital technology operates.

Software perspective delves into the intangible aspect of Digital Technology. Software

comprises a wide array of instructions, programs, and applications that operate on the hardware.

These software elements are what enable the hardware to perform a diverse range of functions and

tasks. Operating systems, like Windows, macOS, or Linux, provide a platform for other software

to run on. Applications, including web browsers, word processors, video editors, and countless

others, are what end-users interact with and use to accomplish specific tasks. The software

perspective is crucial because it exemplifies how the hardware is given purpose and functionality

through software.

Connectivity and communication are fundamental aspects of Digital Technology, and this

perspective places a spotlight on them. Networks are the backbone of global connectivity, enabling

data exchange and communication between devices, systems, and individuals. The internet serves

as a vast global network that connects people and information worldwide. Networks are

responsible for making data accessible from virtually anywhere on the planet. The networking

perspective helps us understand how data is transmitted, routed, and made available for

communication, research, entertainment, and more.

The ability to process, store, and analyze data lies at the core of Digital Technology. This

perspective delves into the methods and systems used for managing data. It includes data storage,

such as databases and cloud storage, data processing through algorithms and programs that

manipulate and interpret data, and data analysis for various purposes. Data processing is the engine

that drives numerous applications of digital technology, such as business intelligence, scientific

research, artificial intelligence, and more. It forms the basis for making informed decisions,

developing insights, and solving complex problems.

Exploring Digital Technology through these four specialized lenses in computer science

and information technology is crucial for a focused and in-depth understanding of the discipline.

Each perspective plays a vital role in computer science, from hardware design and software

development to network management and data processing. These perspectives provide the

foundation for careers and research in the field, ensuring that professionals are well-equipped to

navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology.

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