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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

1. Dining room Ruang Makan ‫َم ْطَعٌم‬ I buy some foods in the students cooperation section
I go to the dining room to take my breakfast ‫َأْش ِرَت ى َط امًا ِفي ا ِعَّيِة ال ا ِنَّيِة ِللَّطَل ِة‬
‫َب‬ ‫َجلْم َتَع ُو‬ ‫َع‬
‫َأْذَه ِإىَل ا ْطَعِم ِلَتَنا ِل اِإل ْفَطاِر‬ 8. Drink Minuman ‫ َم ْش ُر ْو ٌب‬/ ‫َش َر اٌب‬
‫ُو‬ ‫ُب َمل‬
2. Kitchen Dapur ‫َم ْطَبٌخ‬ I take some drink after breakfast
My mother is cooking rice in the kitchen ‫َأَتَنا ُل َش ابًا َبْع َد اِإل ْفَطاِر‬
‫َو َر‬
‫َتْطَبُخ ُأِّم ي ُر زًّا يِف ا ْطَبِخ‬ 9. Breakfast Makan pagi ‫َفُطْو ٌر‬
3. Plate Piring ‫َص ْح ٌن‬ Did you have your breakfast
I wash my plate after having my breakfast ‫َأ َتَناَو ْلَت َفُطْو َر َك‬
‫َأَخ َذ َحُمَّمٌد َصْح َنُه َقْبَل ِاْس ِتْع َم اِلِه ِلَألْك ِل‬ 10. Lunch Makan siang ‫َغَذ اٌء‬
4. Spoon Sendok ‫ِم ْلَع َقٌة‬ ‫َأَتَناَو ُل َغَذ اِئي َبْع َد َص َالِة الُظْه ِر‬

I buy the new spoon at Students Cooperation Section I take my lunch after Zhuhur praying
‫َغَسَل َأِخ ي اْلِم ْلَعَقَة َبْع َد ْاَألْك ِل‬ 11. Dinner Makan malam ‫َعَش اٌء‬
5. Knife Pisau ‫ِس ِّك ْيٌن‬ ‫ال شَا يِف ال ا ِة ال اِب ِة‬
‫َع ُء َس َع َس َع‬
I cut the meat with knife The dinner is at seven
‫َمَح َأيِب الِّس ِّك َنْي ِلَق ْطِع ْحَلِم ْالَبَق ِة‬ 12. Refrigerator Lemari es ‫َثَّالَج ٌة‬
‫َر‬ ‫َل‬
6. Fork Garpu ‫َش ْو َك ٌة‬ I freeze the ice in the refrigerator
‫ِة ِل‬
I eat the vegetables with the fork ‫َأَض ُع الَّثْلَج يِف الَّثَّالَج َيْبُر َد‬
‫َأَك ْل اْل ْك َنَة ِبالَّش َك ِة‬
‫ْو‬ ‫ُت َم ُر ْو‬ 13. Bathroom Kamar mandi ‫َّمَحاٌم‬
7. Food Makanan ‫َطَعاٌم‬

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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

I clean the bathroom once in a week Use the soap to make your body fresh
‫َأْق ُأ الُّد َعا ْب ُدُخ ِل ا َّم اِم‬ ‫ َأْن َتْأ َذ ىِل الَّصا َن يِف اِخْل اَنِة‬, ‫ِم َفْض ِلَك‬
‫َء َق َل ْو َحْل‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َز‬ ‫ُبْو‬ ‫ُخ‬ ‫ْن‬
14. Water scoop Gayung ‫ِم ْغَر َفٌة‬ 20.
Koperasi Pelajar ‫ْمَجِعَّيٌة ا ِنَّيٌة ِللَطَل ِة‬
‫َب‬ ‫َتَع ُو‬
!Pass the waterscoop to me please I visit the student’s cooperation for buying my necessary
‫اْش ى َفِر ْيٌد اْلِم ْغ َفَة ِلِال ْس ِتْح اِم‬ ‫َأ اِت اْل ْد ِس َّيِة يِف ا ِعَّيِة الَّت ا ِنَّيِة ِللَّطَل ِة‬
‫َم‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َتَر‬ ‫َب‬ ‫َع ُو‬ ‫َجْلْم‬ ‫اْش َتَر ْيُت َدَو َم َر‬
15. Towel Handuk ‫ِم ْنَش َفٌة‬ 21. Library Perpustakaan ‫َم ْك َتَبٌة‬
!Hang my towel after using please I want to look for the Islamic book in the library
‫ُأ ِّف ُف اْلِم ْنَشَفَة ْع َد ْاال ِتْع اِل‬ ‫َأ ْا ْك َت َة ِل ِث ِن ْالُك ُتِب ْاِإل َالِم َّيِة‬
‫َب ْس َم‬ ‫َج‬ ‫ْس‬ ‫ُز ْو ُر َمل َب َبْح َع‬
16. Tooth brush Sikat gigi ‫ِفْر َجْو ٌن‬ 22. Dormitory Asrama ‫َمْس َك ٌن‬
I clean my teeth before sleeping with a tooth brush The students are staying in the dormitory
‫ُأَنِّظ َأ َنايِن ِباْلِف ِن ُك ِّل َالٍة‬
‫ْر َجْو َقْبَل َص‬ ‫ُف ْس‬ ) ‫َيْس ُك ُن الَطَلَبُة يِف ا ْس َك ِن (ا َس اِكِن‬
‫َمل‬ ‫َمل‬
17. Tap Kran ‫َح َنِف َّيٌة‬ ‫ِف‬
23. Mattress Kasur ‫َر اٌش‬
The water flows from the tap I have the thick mattress for sleeping
‫ْخَي ا ا ِم ا َنِف َّيِة‬ ‫َأ ِم ْالِف ا الَّثِخ ِال ْطِم ايِن ِع الَّن ِم‬
‫ُرُج َمل ُء َن َحل‬ ‫ْئَن ْنَد ْو‬ ‫ْس َتْع ُل َر َش َنْي‬
18. Tooth paste Pasta gigi ‫َمْعٌج ْو ٌن‬ 24. Pillow Bantal ‫ِو َس اَدٌة‬
! Buy the tooth paste for me I use the pillow to sleep well
‫َه ْل ْمُمِكن َأْن َأْطُلَب َم ْع ُجْو َنَك ؟‬ ! ‫َر ِّتِب اْلِو َس اَدَة َعَلى ْالِف َر اِش‬
19. Soap Sabun ‫َص اُبْو ٌن‬ 25. Blanket Selimut ‫َبَطاِنَّيٌة‬

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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

The blanket is useful in the cold weather Fasten your belt to make it closer
! ‫ِاْس َتْع ِم ِل اْلَبَطاِنَّيَة ِلَد ْفِع اْلُبُر ْو َدَة يِف الَّلْيِل‬ ‫َأ ِبُط ْاِإل ا ِباِحْل اِم ِعْنَد الَّصَالِة‬
‫َز َر َز‬ ‫ْر‬
26. Cupboard Almari ‫ِخ َز اَنٌة‬ 32. Shoes Sepatu ‫َذ اٌء‬

I paint my cupboard by the blue colour I blacken my black shoes by the shoe polish
‫َأ ِمَج ْاَأل اِت اْل ِم َّيِة يِف اِخْل اَنِة‬ ‫َأَض اِحْلَذ ا يِف ِّف اِحْلَذ اِء ْع َد ْاِال ِتْع اِل‬
‫َز‬ ‫َض ُع ْيَع َدَو َيْو‬ ‫َب ْس َم‬ ‫ُع َء َر‬
27. Hanger Gantungan baju ‫ْش َجٌب‬ 33. Socks Kaos kaki ‫َجْو َر ٌب‬
I hang my clothes with hangers I wash my socks once in a week
‫ُأَعِّلُق ِلَباِس ى باِملْش َج ِب‬ ‫ًأْغ ِس ُل اَجْلْو َرَب َم َّرًة يِف ْاُألْس ُبْو ِع‬
‫ِم‬ ‫َح َو اَلٌة‬
28. Cloth Kemeja ‫َق ْيٌص‬ 34. Money order Wesel
I want to iron my cloth My parent sends me money order monthly
‫َأْك ِو ي اْلَق ِم ْيَص ِلَيُك ْو َن ُمَر َّتبًا‬ ‫َأْر َس َل يِل َأبِي احلََو اَلَة َش ْه ِر ًّيا‬

29. Trousers Celana ‫ِس ْر َو اٌل‬ 35. Parcel Paket ‫ِرْز َم ٌة‬
That trouser is too long for me Ahmad gets the parcel from his mother
‫ِا َل َأ ُد ال ِْز َة ِم ال ِت‬
‫َه َذ ا الِّس ْر َو اُل َطِو ْيٌل َعَلَّي‬ ‫ْسَت َم َمْح ّر َم َن َبْي‬
30. Sarong Sarung ‫ِإَز اٌر‬ 36. Letter Surat ‫ِر َس اَلٌة‬
Moslems are wearing the sarong when prayer I receive the letter from my mother
‫َأ ِم ْاِإل ا ِعْنَد ُك ِّل َالٍة‬ ‫َت َّلْم ُت الِر َس اَلَة ِم ْن َو اِلَد يِت‬
‫َص‬ ‫ْس َتْع ُل َز َر‬ ‫َس‬
‫ِح‬ Kotak Surat / ‫ْنُد ُق الِرَب ِد‬
31. Belt Sabuk / Gesper ‫َز اٌم‬ 37. Letter box ‫ْي‬ ‫ُص ْو‬
Kotak Pos

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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

You put your letter into the letter box My father likes tennis sport
‫ُأْد ِخ الِّر اَلَة ِإىَل ْنُد ِق اْلِرَب ِد َد ِكَتا ِة ْال اِن‬ ‫َأنَا ِحُمٌّب ِبَلْع ِب ُك ِة اْلِم ْض ِب‬
‫َب ُعْنَو‬ ‫ْي َبْع‬ ‫ُص ْو‬ ‫ُل َس‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َر‬
38. Postman Tukang pos ‫اِعي الِرَب ِد‬ 44. Badminton Bulu tangkis ‫ُك ُة الِر َش ِة‬
‫ْي‬ ‫َس‬ ‫َر ْي‬
The postman send the letters to the houses Badminton is the favorite sport for the Indonesian
‫اِعي اْلِرَب ِد الِّر اَلَة ِإىَل اْل ِت‬ ‫ِن ِس‬ ‫ِة ِم‬
‫ُبُيْو‬ ‫ْي َس‬ ‫َأْر َس َل َس‬ ‫ِإَّن ُك َر َة الِّر ْيَش ْن ُمَف َّض ِل ْاِإل ْنُد ْو ْي ِّيَنْي‬
Self defense ‫ِد َفاُع الَّنْف ِس‬
39. Field Lapangan ‫َم ْلَعٌب‬ 45. Bela diri
The students watches the competition in the field I like self defense when I was child
‫َلِع ْاَألْو َالُد ُك َة ْالَقَد ِم يِف ْا ْلَعِب‬ ‫ُأِح ُّب َتْد ِر ْيَب ِد َفاِع الَّنْف ِس‬
‫َمل‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َب‬
Football / ‫ُك ُة الَقَد ِم‬ ‫ُك ُة ال َّلِة‬
40. Sepak bola ‫َر‬ 46. Basketball Bola basket ‫َر َس‬
I watch football match I play the basketball in every evening
‫ُأَش اِه ُد ا اَة ُك ِة الَقَد ِم‬ ‫ِة ِة ِحُي‬ ‫ِإ‬
‫ُمَب َر َر‬ ‫َّن َلْع َب ُك َر الَّس َّل ُّبُه الِّر َج اُل َو الِّنَس اُء‬
41. Volleyball Bola voly ‫ُك ٌة الَّطاِئ ِة‬ Sprinting /
‫َر‬ ‫َر‬ 47.
Olahraga lari ‫َعْد ٌو‬
Volley ball is my hobby I am following sprinting match in my school
‫َلِع ْاُأل َتاُذ ُك َة الَّطاِئ ِة يِف ْا َد اِن‬ ‫َأْش ِرَت ُك يِف ا َق ِة اْل ْد ِو يِف اْل ْد ِة‬
‫َملْي‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َب ْس َر‬ ‫َم َرَس‬ ‫ُم َس َب َع‬
Table tennis / ‫ُك ُة الَطاِو َلِة‬
Tenis meja ‫َر‬ 48. Sprinter Pelari ‫َعَّداٌء‬
Ping pong is the good sport for me You are a good sprinter in this school
‫َقُد ا َقُة ُك ِة الَّطاِو َلِة يِف ْا ِد‬ ‫َأْن َّدا اِئ يِف اْل ْد ِة‬
‫َملْعَه‬ ‫ُتْع ُمَس َب َر‬ ‫َت َع ٌء َر ٌع َم َرَس‬
43. Tennis Tenis lapangan ‫ُك ُة اِملْض ِب‬ 49. Whistle Peluit ‫َص َّفاَر ٌة‬
‫َر‬ ‫َر‬

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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

Blowing a whistle is a sign that the game is over Ahmad is a good striker for our club
‫َأ ُف الَّصَّفا َة ِعْنَد اْنتِـ اِء اْل ْقِت‬ ‫ى اْل اِج ِإىَل اْل ى ِل ُف اْلُك َة ِإَل ِه‬
‫َه َو‬ ‫َر‬ ‫ْن ُخ‬ ‫َمْر َم َيْر َس َر ْي‬ ‫َج َر ُم َه ُم‬
‫ِع ِا ِت ِط‬
50. Referee Wasit ‫َح َك ٌم‬ 56. Substitutes Pemain cadangan ‫َال ٌب ْح َيا ٌّي‬
Mr. Jhones is a good referee in the soccer competition ! Prepare some persons for the substitutes player
‫ا َك ِم يِف ِذِه اْل ا َق ِة‬ ‫َل َالِع ا ِت اِط يِف اِنِب اْل َد اِن‬
‫َه ُمَس َب‬ ‫َأْنَت َأْح َسُن َحْل‬ ‫َم ْي‬ ‫َج َس ٌب ْح َي ٌّي َج َو‬
51. Captain Kapten tim ‫َقاِئُد الَف ِر ْيِق‬ 57. Real player Pemain inti ‫ِس‬ ‫ِع‬
‫َال ٌب َأَس ا ٌّي‬
‫أَمْحُد َقاِئُد الَف ِر ْيِق اِإل ْنُد ْو ِنْيِس ي‬ There are eleven persons as the real player in soccer
Ahmad is Indonesian team captain ‫َلِع َحُمَّمٌد َكَالِعٍب َأَس اِس ٍّي َهِلَذ ا اْلَف ِر ْيِق‬
52. Playmaker Playmaker ‫اِن اَألْل اِب‬ 58. Goal keeper ‫َح اِر ُس ا ْر َم ى‬
Penjaga gawang
‫َص ُع َع‬ ‫َمل‬
Budi is the playmaker in this match Oliver Kahn is the best goal keeper in this season
‫اِن ْاَألْل اِب ِم َفِر ِقِه‬
‫اْخَتاَر اْلُم َد ِّر ُب َص َع َع ْن ْي‬ ‫َو َثَب َح اِر ُث اْلَمْر َم ى ِلَق ْبِض اْلُك َر َة‬
‫اِعٍد‬ ‫ِه‬
53. Halfback Pemain tengah ‫َظ ْيُر ُمَس‬ 59. Team Tim ‫َفِر ْيٌق‬
I was chosen as the halfback in the match Make the good team from ourselves
‫َأ اْل َد ِّر َأ َد يِف ِذِه اْل ا َق ِة َك َظِهِرْي اِعٍد‬
‫ُمَس‬ ‫ْد َخ َل ُم ُب َمْح َه ُمَس َب‬ ‫َالُبَّد َلنَا َأْن َنْبَيِن ِاَحِّتاًدا َم ِتْينًا ِلَف ِر ْيِق نَا‬
54. Backfield Bek ‫ُمَد ا ٌع‬ 60. Coach Pelatih ‫ُمَد ِّر ٌب‬
The strong backfield is a good defense We pay much for the good coach for our team
‫َر َفَس اْلُم َد اِفُع اْلُك َر َة َأَم اَم اْلَمْر َم ي‬ ‫ِإَّن اْل َد ِّر ا ِّيَد َأِّس ِإىَل اْلَف ِر ِق ا ِّيِد‬
‫ْي َجْل‬ ‫ُم َب َجْل ُي ُس‬
55. Striker Penyerang ‫ُمَه ا ٌم‬ 61. Spectator Penonton ‫ُمَتَفِّر ٌج‬

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Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

The spectator supports our team Throw in is given for Indonesian team
‫شَاَه َد اْل َتَفِّر َن اْلُمَبا اَة َبَنْي اْلَف ِر ْيَق ِنْي‬ ‫َرَم ى الَالِع اِإل ْنُد ْو ِنْيِس ُّي َرْمَيًة َج اِنِبَّيًةِ َألَّن الُك َة َخ َج ْت ِم ا ْلَعِب‬
‫َر‬ ‫ُم ُجْو‬ ‫َن َمل‬ ‫َر َر‬ ‫ُب‬
62. Commentator Komentator ‫ُمَعِّلٌق‬ 68. Captain Kapten ٌ‫ نَِقْيب‬,‫س‬
ٌ ‫َرِئْي‬

The commentator comments on every club Rizki is the captain of Indonesian team
‫َعَّلَق اْلُم َعِّلُق َتْع ِلْيًق ا ِلَف ِر ْيِق ِإْنُد ْو ِنْيِس َيا‬ ‫اْخ تَا َنِق اْلِف َقِة الَّالِعِبَنْي ِللَّد ِر ْاَألَّو ِل‬
‫ْو‬ ‫َر ْيُب ْر‬
‫ُة ا اِء‬
63. Supporter Suporter ‫ُمَش ِّج ٌع‬ 69. Penalty Penalti ‫َض ْر َب َجلَز‬
The supporters are coming to stadium to support their team The referee awarded a penalty to the home team
‫ا َش ِّج َن ِإىَل ا ْل ِب ِلَتْش ِج ِع َفِر ِقِه‬
‫ْي ْي‬ ‫َمل َع‬ ‫ْحَيُضُر ُمل ُعْو‬ ‫َأْه َد ى اَحْلَك ُم َض ْر َبَة اَجْلَز اِء ِإىَل َفِر ْيِق ِإْنُد ْو ِنْيِس يَا‬
64. Goal Gawang ‫َمْر َم ى‬ 70. Corner Kick Tendangan sudut ‫َض ْر َبٌة ُر ْك ِنَّيٌة‬
The goal is too high for that goal keeper Ahmad will kick a ball as the corner kick
‫َح ِف َظ اَحْلاِر ُس ِم ْن ُدُخ ْو ِل اْلُك َر ِة ِِإىَل اْلَمْر َم ى‬ ‫َتنَا َل َفِر ْيُق ِإْنُد ْو ِنْيِس َيا َض َبًة ْك ِنَّيًة َبْع َد ُخ ْو ِج اْلُك ِة‬
‫َر‬ ‫ُر‬ ‫ْر ُر‬ ‫َو‬
‫ُّل‬ ‫َض ْر َبٌة ُح َّر ٌة‬
65. Offside Offside ‫َتَس ٌل‬ 71. Free Kick Tendangan bebas
Budi was in offside when playing football The referee gave a free kick to Budi’s team
‫ِإ اِز ا َد ِف‬ ‫ِل‬ ‫َأْد َخ َحُمَّمٌد اْلُك َة ِم ْن َض َبٍة ُح َّر ٍة‬
‫َو َقَع َع ٌّي يِف الَتَس ُّلِل َقْبَل ْح َر َهل‬ ‫ْر‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َل‬
66. Hands Ball Handsball ‫َل ال ِد‬ 72. Ball Bola ‫ُك َر ٌة‬
‫ْم ُس َي‬
The referee blows the whistle for the hands ball I kick the ball to the goal
‫َف ا اِك الَّصَّفا َة ِلَل ِس اْل ِد‬ ‫َأْر ُفُس اْلُك َر َةِ ِإل ْد َخ اَهِلا ِإىَل اْلَمْر َم ى‬
‫َر ْم َي‬ ‫َن َخ َحْل ُم‬
Lemparan ke Indoor sports
67. Throw In ‫َرْمَيٌة َج اِنِبَّيٌة‬ 73. Gedung olah raga ‫اب ْالمَُغَّطِاة‬
ِ ‫صالَُة ْاَألْلَع‬
dalam hall

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‫َأْذَه ُب ِإيَل الَّصاَلِة ا َغَّطاِة َبْع َد َص َالِة اْلَعْص ِر‬ My mother send my brother to the pediatrician
I am going to indoor sports hall ‫ا َق ِت ْْاُألُّم َلَد َه ا اْل ِر ِإىَل َطِب ِب ْاَألْطَف اِل‬
‫ْي‬ ‫َم ْيَض‬ ‫َو‬ ‫َر َف‬
74. Clinic BKSM/Puskesmas ‫ِعَياَدٌة ِط ِّبَّيٌة‬ Nurse /
80. doctor’s Perawat ‫ َمُمِّر َض ٌة‬/ ‫َمُمِّر ٌض‬
‫ُك اْل ِر ىِف الِع ا ِة الِط ِّبَّيِة‬ assistant
‫َي َد‬ ‫َيْس ُن َم ْيُض‬
The sick stays in the clinic My sister wants to be a nurse
ْ ‫سَت‬
ْ ُ‫ضُة ِفي الْم‬
َ ‫ الْمُمَِّر‬/ ‫ض‬
ُ ‫َيعْمَُل ْالمُمَِّر‬
75. Medicine Obat ‫َدَو اٌء‬
‫ْش ا ِر الَّد َاء ِلِش َف اِئِه‬
‫َي َر ُب َمل ْيُض َو‬
81. Cotton Kapas ‫ُقْطٌن‬

The sick drinks a medicine for his recovery The doctor needs cotton
‫ِج‬ ‫الَطِبْيُب ْحَيَتاُج ِإىَل الُق ْطِن ِ ِإل ْغَالِق اُجْلْر ِح‬
76. Efficacious Manjur / Mujarab ‫َنا ٌع‬
The medicine is efficacious 82. Bandage Perban ‫ِض َم اَدٌة‬
‫ِج‬ ‫ِذ‬ The bandage is very useful for the injury
‫ِإَّن الَّد َو اَء اَّل ي َأْع َطاُه الَّطِبْيُب َنا ٌع‬
‫َه اِت ىِل الِّضَم اَدَةِ ُألْغِلَق َهِبا اُجْلْر ح‬
77. Doctor Dokter ‫َطِبْيٌب‬
That doctor is very kind to me 83. Injection Suntikan ‫ُح ْق َنٌة‬

‫َأنَا َأَو ُّد َأْن َأُك ْو َن َطِبْيبًا يِف اْلُمْس َتْق َبِل‬ The doctor gives me an injection

‫َطِب اَأل َناِن‬ ‫َأْع َطايِن الَّطِبْيُب اُحْلْقَنَة ِلَد ْفِع اْلَعْد َو ى ِم ْن ُجْر ِح ي‬
78. Dentist Dokter gigi ‫ْيُب ْس‬
My father is a dentist in that hospital 84. First aid
pertama ‫ِإْسَعاٌف َأَّو ٌّيِل‬

‫ِإَّن َطِبْيَب ْاَألْس نَاِن ْخَمُصْو ٌص ِبِإْش فَاِء َو ْج ِع الِّسِّن‬ We must give the first aid for our friend

79. Pediatrician Dokter Anak ‫اَألْطَف اِل‬ ‫ِب‬

‫َط ْيُب‬ ‫ُأْع ِط َي ْاِإل ْس عَاُف ْاَألَّو ُّيِل ِإىَل َمْن َأَص اَبِت اْلُم ِص ْيَبُة ُمَف اَج َأًة‬
85. Poisoned Keracunan ‫َتَس ُّم ٌم‬

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He was poisoned after eating a fish I get the ill in my heel

‫َت ًّم ْم ُت َبْع َد َأْك ِل الَّلْح ِم يِف اْلَم ْطَعِم‬ ‫َأَص اَبيِن اْلَمَر ُض يِف َك ْع يِب‬
86. Operasi bedah ‫َعَم ِلَّيٌة ِج َر اِح َّيٌة‬ 92. Breath Nafas ‫س‬
ُ ‫َّالنَف‬
The doctor must give the surgical operation to my uncle The perfume incense makes a hard breath

‫َقَّر َر الَّطِبْيُب ِإىَل َتْأِد َيِة اْلَعَم ِلَّيِة اِجْلَر اِح َّيِة ْحَنَو َج ِّدي‬ ‫اَجْلْر ُي ْجَيَعُل الَّنَف َس َصْع بًا‬

87. Ambulance Ambulan ‫َّيا ُة ِإ اٍف‬

‫َس َر ْسَع‬
93. Bone Tulang ‫َعْظٌم‬

I will the ambulance for the accident I drink a milk to make a strong bone
‫َأْش ُب الَّلَنَب ُك َّل َصَباٍح ِلَتْق ِو َيِة ْالَعْظِم‬
‫َدَعا َحُمَّمٌد َس َّياَر َة ِإْسَعاٍف َحِلْم ِل َأِبْيِه ِإىَل اْلُمْس َتْشَف ى‬ ‫َر‬

88. Pharmacy Apotek ‫َصْيَد ِلَّيٌة‬ 94. Muscle Otot ‫َعَض َلٌة‬

I will go to the pharmacy for buying the medicine Sport makes a strong muscle
‫الِّر ا ُة َقِّو ى ال َالِت‬
‫ِل ِة ِرَت‬ ‫ِإ‬ ‫َعَض‬ ‫َي َض ُت‬
‫َأْذَه ُب ىَل الَّصْيَد َّي ِ َألْش َي الَّد َو اَء‬
89. Pharmacist Apoteker ‫َصْيَدٌّيِل‬ 95. Lung Paru-paru ‫ِر َئٌة‬

My brother is a pharmacist in that pharmacy Some animals has a lung in their body
‫ا اِن ِبالِّرَئِة‬
‫َأْظ ىِل الَّصْيَدُّيِل ْاَألْد ِو َة ِللُّز َك اِم‬
‫َي‬ ‫َه َر‬ ‫َتَنَّف َس َبْعُض َحْلَيَو‬

90. Spine Tulang punggung ‫َعُمْو ٌد ِفَق ِر ٌّي‬ 96. Mucus Ingus ‫َخُماٌط‬

My friend’s spine was broken after having accident I see the mucus in his nose
‫اْل اُط ِم َأْنِف َذِل اْل َلِد‬
! ‫اْح َذ ْر ِم َن ْالُعُمْو ِد ْالِف َق ِر ِّي ِ َألَّنُه َض ِعْيٌف‬ ‫َك َو‬ ‫َخ َرَج ُم َخ ْن‬
97. Blood Darah ‫َدٌم‬
91. Heel Tumit ‫َك ْع ٌب‬

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There is a blood in his foot after falling down My brother get the fever in the night
‫اَل الَّد ِم ِد ى َد َأْن َق ْط ِم الَّد َّر ا ِة‬ ‫َأَص اَبيِن اُحْلَّم ى يِف الَّلْيِل‬
‫َس ُت َن َج‬ ‫ُم ْن َي َبْع‬ ‫َس‬
98. Nosebleed Mimisan ‫ُر َعاٌف‬ 104. Bloody Fever Demam Berdarah ‫اُحلَّم ى الَّد َم ِو ُّي‬
I am suffering a nosebleed Bloody fever is very danger for the child
‫َأَص اَبيِن الُّر َعاُف َبْع َد َأْن َض َر َبيِن َص اِح يِب‬ ‫َذَه َب َفِر ْيٌد ِإىَل اْلُمْس َتْشَف ىِ ِإل ْشَف اِء اُحْلَّم ى الَّد َم ِو ُّي‬
‫ِه‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ِإْسَه اٌل‬
99. Pale Pucat ‫ بَا ٌت‬, ‫َش ا ٌب‬ 104. Dysentery Disentri
She has a pale complexion You are very weak after having dysentery
‫ َأَأْنَت َم ِر ْيٌض ؟‬, ‫َيْبُد و َأَّنَك َش اِح ٌب‬ ‫َك اَن َحُمَّمٌد َض ِعْيفًا َبْع َد َأْن َأَص اَبُه ْاِإل ْسَه اُل‬

100. Prescription Resep ‫َو ْص َفٌة ِط ِّبَّيٌة‬ 105. Dizzy Pusing ‫ ُصَد اٌع‬/ ‫ُدَو اٌر‬
I get the prescription from the doctor I am feeling a bit dizzy
‫َأْطُل اْل ْص َفَة الِّطِّبَّيِة َبْع َد َأْن َتَد ا ْيُت ِإىَل الَّطِبْيِب‬ ‫َش ُعْر ُت ِبالُّد َو اِر ِعْنَد َذَه اىِب ِإىَل اْلَف ْص ِل‬
‫َو‬ ‫ُب َو‬
101. Eye drops Obat tetes mata ‫َقْط ٌة ِلْل ِن‬ 106. Influenza Influensa ‫اَألْنفُلِو ْنزَا‬
‫َر ُعُيْو‬
I buy the eye drops at La-Tansa pharmacist I get the influenza after getting caught in rain
‫ِا‬ ‫ِل ِن‬ ‫ِم‬ ! ‫اْح َذ ْر َعْن َم َر ِض َأْنُف ُلِو ْنزَا ِعْنَد ُنُزْو ِل اْلَم َطِر‬
‫َأْس َتْع ُل َقْطَر ًة ْلُعُيْو َبْع َد َأْن َمْحَّر ْت َعْينَاَي‬
‫ِا ِت‬
102. Twisted Keseleo ‫ْل َو اٌء‬ 107. Infection Infeksi ‫َعْد َو ى‬

I am twisted when running after my friend ! Don’t let your injure get the infection
‫ِإ ا ِة ْاِإل ْلِت اِء‬ ‫ِف‬ ‫َأنَا َأَتَنَّبُه ِم ْن َعْد َو ى َم َر ِض ي‬
‫َر َقْد ُت َعَلى ْال َر اِش َبْع َد َص َب َو‬
103. Fever Demam ‫َّمُحى‬ 108. Itch Gatal ‫َج َر ٌب‬

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The worm is itch to touch ASIA ‫آِس ا ِلَت ِو ِر ا َنَد اِت‬

114 Fotocopy Asia ‫َي ْص ْي ُملْس َت‬
‫َه َذ ا اَحْلَيَو اُن ُيَس ِّبُب ِإىَل َج َر ِب ِج ْس ِم نَا‬ I copy this letter at Asia Photocopy
109. Colic Mulas ‫َم ْغٌص‬ ‫ِذِه الِّر اَلَة يِف آِس ا ِلَت ِو ِر اْل َنَد اِت‬
‫َي ْص ْي ُمْس َت‬ ‫َس‬ ‫َأْنَس ُخ َه‬
I get colic after eating many foods Darussalam Percetakan ‫ْط ُة َداِر ال َالِم‬
115 ‫َس‬ ‫َم َبَع‬
Press Darussalam
‫َأَص اَبيِن اْل ْغُص َبْع َد َأْك ِل ْاَألْطِع ِة اْلَك ِثْي ِة‬
‫َر‬ ‫َم‬ ‫َم‬ All books in this boarding school are printed in Darussalam
110 Rheumatism Rematik / Encok ‫ُرْو مَاِتْز م‬ Press
‫َطَبَع اْلَم ْعَه ُد اْلُك ُتَب الِّد َر اِس َّيَة يِف َم ْطَبَع َداِر الَّسَالم‬
Rheumatism is the usual ill for the old man
La Tansa
Toko Besi La ‫َال ْن ِلْل َد اِيِد‬
‫ِإَّن ُر وَم اِتْز م ُيِص ْيُب ِإىَل ْاَألْج َد اِد َك ِثْيًر ا‬ 116 Building ‫َت َس َح‬
Material Store
111 Cough Batuk ‫ُسَعاٌل‬
I must find the iron in La Tansa Building Material Store
Come to the doctor for your cough ‫َأْش ِرَت ي الُّز ا َة يِف َال ْن ِلْل َد اِيِد‬
‫َت َس َح‬ ‫َج َج‬
‫َلَقْد َأ يِن الُّس اُل ِع الَّن ِم‬
‫َع ْنَد ْو‬ ‫ْز َعَج‬ La Tansa
Household ‫َال ْن ِلأل اِت ا ْنِز ِلَّيِة‬
112 Office Kantor ‫َم ْك َتٌب‬ 117
La Tansa Palen
‫َت َس َدَو َمل‬
Make your office comfortable for who comes Store
The all tools in the hostel are bought from La Tansa
‫يَا َأِخ ي َعَلْيَك ْاِإل ْتيَاُن ِإىَل َم ْك َتيِب َبْع َد اْلَعْص ِر َمَتامًا‬ Household Furnishings store
‫ٌة يِف َال ْن ِ َأل اِت اْل ْنِز َّيِة‬ ‫ِل‬
The prosperity
‫ْمَجِعَّيٌة َتَعا ِنَّيٌة ِلَك َف اَلِة ُأْس ِة‬ ‫َت َس َدَو َم‬ ‫اَألَدَو اُت اْلَم ْنِز َّيُة ُك ُّلَه ا َمْو ُجْو َد‬
cooperation of ‫َر‬ ‫ُو‬
UKK ‫ا ِد‬ 118 Rice Mill Selep ‫ِم ْطَح َنُة اَألُر ِّز‬
school family
All kitchens in Gontor takes the rice from the rice mill
I always go to the prosperity cooperation in the evening
‫َو َّز َع ْاُألْس َتاُذ ْاُألْج َر َة ِلُعَّم اِل ِم ْطَح َنِة ْاَألُر ِّز‬
‫اٍء‬ ‫ِن ِة‬ ‫ِع ِة‬ ‫ِإ‬
‫َأْذَه ُب ىَل اَجْلْم ًّي الَّتعَاُو َّي ُك َّل َم َس‬ La Tansa Book Toko buku La
Store Tansa ‫َم ْك َتَبُة َال َتْنَس‬

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You can find the various books in La Tansa Book Store The letter is written by the type writer
‫ِس ِة ِب‬ ‫ِن ِب‬ ‫َك َت الِّر اَلَة ِبآَلِة اْلَك اِت ِة‬
‫َأَحْبُث َع ْالُك ُت الِّد َر ا َّي َمِبْك َت َال َتْنَس‬ ‫َب‬ ‫ْبُت َس‬
La Tansa Ice Pabrik es La
‫ْخَمَبز َال َتْنَس‬ ‫َخ ْتٌم‬
120 127 Stamp Cap stempel
Mill Tansa
You may buy the ice from La Tansa Ice Mill The stamp is the sign of the letter’s originality
‫اَخْلْت ُد ُّل َلى َأ اَلِة الِّر اَلِة‬
‫َأْذَه ُب ِإىَل ْخَمَبِز َال َتْنَس ِلِش َر اِء الَّثْلِج‬ ‫َس‬ ‫ُم َي َع َص‬
La Tansa ‫َال ْن ِل ِب ِة اِمل اِه‬ 128 Letter file Berkas surat ‫َلُّف الِر اَلِة‬
‫َت َس َتْع َئ َي‬
Pabrik air minum ‫َس‬ ‫َم‬
121 drinking Water ‫ا َد ِنَّيِة‬
La Tansa ‫َملْع‬ Put the letter file in the save place!
La Tansa drinking water takes the mountain water ‫َأَض ُع َم َلَّف الِّر َس اَلِة يِف َم َك اٍن آِم ٍن‬
‫َأْش اْل ا ِم َال ْن ِل ِبَئِة اْلِم اِه اْل ِد ِنَّيِة‬ 129 Agenda Agenda kerja ‫ْد ُل َأْع اٍل‬
‫َي َم ْع ْي‬ ‫َر ُب َم َء ْن َت َس َتْع‬ ‫َج َو َم‬
Secretary ‫َم ْك َتُب ِس ْك ِر ِتِرْي َّية‬ The agenda for this week end is full
123 Kantor sekretariat
I will take my diploma in the secretary office ‫مَا َج ْد َو ُل َأْعَم اِلَنا َهِلِذِه ْاَأليَّاِم ؟‬
Buku agenda ‫ِم‬
‫آُخ ُذ الَّش َه اَدَة َمِبْك َتِب ِس ْك ِر ِتِرْي َّية‬ 130 Diary ‫َيْو َّياٌت‬
‫ِس ِت‬
124 Secretary Sekretaris ‫ْك ِر رْي‬ You must keep the secret of your diary
My sister is the secretary of this company ‫َك َتْبُت َأْعَم ايِل ْالَيْو ِم َّيِة يِف َيْو ِم َّيايِت‬
‫ِد‬ ‫ِس ِة ِس ِت‬ ‫ِج‬
‫َقَّد ْمُت َمْس َأَليِت الِّد َر ا َّي ِإىَل ْك ِر رْي َه َذ ا اْلَم ْعَه‬ 131 Archives Arsip ‫ َأْر ِش ْيٌف‬/ ‫ِس َّالٌت‬
125 Signature Tanda tangan ‫ِق‬ The archives must be kept well
‫َتْو ْيٌع‬
Give your signature on this paper !
‫ُأِض الَّت ِق َلى ِل اِحْل اَلِة‬ ‫َدْم َغٌة‬
‫ْيُف ْو ْيَع َع َو ْص َو‬ 132 Revenue stamp Materai
126 Typewriter Mesin ketik ‫اآلَلُة الَك اِتَبُة‬

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!Buy the revenue stamp for me in the post office The neat register is the good administration

‫َخ َّر اَم ٌة‬ Monthly

133 Punch Pelubang kertas 139 Uang bulanan ‫َمَص اِر ْيُف َش ْه ِر َّيٌة‬
Make a hole in the paper by the punch The students must keep the money for the monthly expense

134 Stapler Staples ‫َدَّباَس ٌة‬ 140 Receipt Kwitansi ‫ِإْيَص اٌل‬
!Pass the stapler in front of you to me Ask the receipt for every payment

Financial ‫ِق ا اِلَّيِة‬ ‫ِبَطاَقُة ال ِد ِد‬

135 Bagian Bendahara
Section ‫ْسُم َمل‬ 141 Payment card Kartu pembayaran ‫َتْس ْي‬
Financial section is the principal section in OPPM !Bring your payment card when paying the school fee

136 Accountant Bendahara ‫ُل املَاِلَّيِة‬ 142 Debt Hutang

‫َمْس ُؤ ْو‬ ‫َدْيٌن‬
He is the accountant of this organization We must pay all debts before the dead line

Administrasi / ‫َم ْك َتُب اَألْم ِن‬

137 Administration ‫ِإَداَر ٌة‬ 143 Security Office Kantor Keamanan
Tata usaha
Make the good administration for this organization Do not be afraid to come to the security office!

138 Register
Buku catatan
‫َدْفَتٌر َم اٌّيِل‬
144 Punishment Hukuman ‫ال َق اُب‬
Every trespasser has the special punishment according to his

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150 Sport Section Bagian Olah raga ‫ِق الِر ا ِة‬

‫ْسُم َي َض‬
Instruction Bagian ‫ِق الَتْع ِلْيِم‬
145 ‫ْسُم‬
Section Pengajaran Sport section manages all sport club in this boarding school
Do not break the Instruction Section law

151 Art Section Bagian Kesenian ‫ِق الُف ِن‬

‫ْسُم ُنْو‬
Afternoon ‫الَّد ْر اِإل َض ايِف‬
146 Pelajaran sore ‫ُس‬ Art is a part of art section
Do not be absent from afternoon lesson
Handy Craft Bagian ‫ِق ا ا ِة ال َد ِو َّيِة‬
152 ‫ْسُم َملَه َر َي‬
Section Keterampilan
Bagian Pengurus ‫ِم ِرْي ا ِج ِد‬ ‫ِق‬ Handy craft section open some courses
147 Activity ‫ْسُم َتْع َملْس‬
Mosque activity council has the special job in the mosque Guest
Bagian ‫ِف‬ ‫ِت ِل‬ ‫ِق‬
153 Reception
Penerimaan Tamu ‫ْسُم اْس ْق َبا الُضُيْو‬
Bagian Penggerak ‫ِق ِإ اِء الُّلَغِة‬ Guest reception section is the face of this boarding school
148 Language ‫ْسُم ْحَي‬
All managers of central language improvement are clever in
English and Arabic 154 Canteen Kafetaria )‫َم ْق َص ٌف (َك اِفتَاِر َيا‬

Do not spend your money just for going to canteen

Bagian ‫ِق اِإل ْعَالِم‬
149 Information ‫ْسُم‬
Department 155 Laundry Penatu ‫َم ْص َبَغٌة‬
Central information department gives the good
announcement If you do not want to wash your cloth just bring it to the

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156 Bundle Buntelan ‫ ُلَّف ـٌة‬,‫ُح ْز َم ٌة‬ Construction Bagian ‫ِق الِبَناِء الَتْع ِم ِرْي‬
162 ‫َو‬ ‫ْسُم‬
Section Pembangunan
Bring your bundle to laundry section to wash I will borrow the saw from construction section

Photography ‫ِق الَتْص ِو ْيِر‬

Bagian Fotografi ‫ْسُم‬ 163 Screw driver Obeng ‫ِم َف ٌّك‬

I take a picture in photography section ?Can you lend me your screw driver

158 Picture Foto ‫ُصْو َر ٌة‬ 164 Hammer Palu ‫ِم ْطَر َقٌة‬
You make a good picture in that place Hammer is used for hitting nail or other

‫ُمَنَّظَم ٌة‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ِم‬

159 Organization Organisasi 165 Nail Paku ‫ َم َس ا رْي‬:‫ْسَم اٌر ج‬
The good member make a good organization I step on the nail when walking to the class

‫َطاِل ا اِم ِة‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ِم‬

160 Collegian Mahasiswa ‫ُب َجْل َع‬ 166 Thumbtack Paku Jamur ‫ْسَم اٌر ِإْبَه ا ٌّي‬
My brother is a collegian in Darussalam Institute for Islamic Watch your step! There are many thumbtack on the street
Studies ( ISID )

161 Suargo radio Suargo FM ‫ِإَذاَعُة قونتور‬ 167 Compass Kompas ‫الُبْو َص َلُة‬

I want to listen to Suargo FM broadcasting

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We can find the wind direction by compass Be careful from the electric

168 Computer komputer ‫اَحلاِس َبُة‬ 174 Lamp Lampu ‫ْص َباٌح‬

You can learn about the computer by your self The white lamp is brighter than the yellow one

169 File File ‫َم َلٌّف‬ 175 Candle Lilin ‫ْمَشَعٌة‬

I want to rent the computer in DCC Prepare the candle in every room!

La Tansa Sport Toko alat-alat ‫َال ْن َأل اِت الِر ا ِة‬
‫َي َض‬ ‫َت َس َدَو‬ 176 Fan Kipas angin ‫ِم ْر َو َح ٌة‬
Article olah raga
You may buy the shoes in La Tansa Sport Article Switch on the fan to freshen our body

171 Guest Tamu 177 Mobile Ponsel ‫ ْحَمُمْو ٌل‬, ‫َج َّو اٌل‬
‫َض ْيٌف‬
Make the good image for the guest about Gontor !Bring your mobile wherever and whenever you are

Darussalam Playgroup/TK ‫َض اَنُة َداِر ال َالِم‬ 178 Iron Setrika ‫ِم ْك َو اٌة‬
172 ‫َس‬ ‫َح‬
nursery school Darussalam
You must use the iron to tidy up your shirt
Many children play in Darussalam nursery school

179 Radio Radio ‫ ِم ْذ َياٌع‬/ ‫َر ا ُيْو‬
173 Electric Listrik ‫َك ْه ُر َباٌء‬
I listen to the radio

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180 Television Televisi ‫ِتِلِف ْز ُيْو ن‬ 186 Taxi Taksi ‫َس َّيا ُة اُألْج ِة‬
‫َر‬ ‫َر‬
Television is not at all good entertainment for the human I take a taxi when going back to my house

181 Bag Tas ‫َح ِق ْيَبٌة‬ 187 Capital Ibukota ‫َعاِص َم ٌة‬

I put my articles into my bag Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia

182 Ticket Tiket ‫َتْذ ِكَر ٌة‬ 188 City Kota ‫َم ِد ْيَنٌة‬

You have to get your ticket before entering the carriage Jakarta is the larger city in Indonesia

183 Passport Paspor ‫َج اُز َس َف ٍر‬ 189 Village Desa ‫َقْر َيٌة‬
Show your passport when you enter the airport! To live in village to live in paradise

184 Map Peta ‫َخ ِر ْيَطٌة‬ 190 Port Pelabuhan ‫ْيَناٌء‬

Look at the map if you do not know the way to Gontor I want to go to the port to pick up my friend

Surat Izin ‫ُة الِق ا ِة‬ 191 Airport Bandara ‫ ِم ْيَناٌء َج ِّوٌّي‬/ ‫َم َطاٌر‬
185 Driving license ‫ُر ْخ َص َي َد‬
You can see many planes in the airport
Driving license is the obligation for who wants to drive a car

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192 Departure
Jam ‫َس اَعُة ا َغاَد ِة‬
‫ُمل َر‬ 198 Ship Kapal ‫َس ِف ْيَنٌة‬
We know the departure from the time table Titanic is the biggest ship in the world

‫ِل‬ 199 Car Mobil ‫َس َّياَر ٌة‬

193 Arrival Jam kedatangan ‫َس اَعُة الُوُصْو‬
You must know the arrival to pick up your brother Car is the suitable vehicle for the journey

194 Vehicles Kendaraan ‫ُمَو اَص َالٌت‬
200 Train Kereta api ‫َطاٌر‬

You can take many vehicles in the way to Jakarta Hurry up otherwise we will miss the train

Telephone ‫َم ْر َك ُز اِالِتَص االت‬

195 Traffic Lalu lintas ‫َح َك ُة اْل ْو ِر‬ 201 Wartel
‫َر ُمُر‬ shop
Obey the traffic to drive in the large street! I want to call my family in the telephone shop

196 Traffic jam Kemacetan ‫َزَمْحُة الَّس ِرْي‬ International

Sambungan ‫اتصال دويل‬
202 communicatio
I am trapped in the traffic jam n
You must call your brother in Japan by the international
197 Air plane Pesawat ‫َطاِئَر ٌة‬
I want to go to America by air plane Local
203 communicatio Sambungan lokal ‫اتصال حملي‬
Local communication is used in the local district

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210 Lamp Lampu ‫ْص َباٌح‬
204 Wire Kawat ‫ِس ْلٌك‬ Please switch on the light!
I use the wire to dry the clothes ‫َأْش َعْلُت اِملْص َباَح ىِف الَّلْيِل‬
‫ُأ ِّف ُف ا َالِب َعَلى الِّس ْلِك‬ 211. Porridge Bubur ‫َثِر ْيٌد‬
‫َج َمل َس‬
205 Ointment Salep ‫ِد َه اٌن‬ The baby eats porridge every day
I need an ointment for my itchy leg ‫َال آُك الُّر َّز َبْل الَّثِر ْيَد ِعْنَد ا َر ِض‬
‫َمل‬ ‫ُل‬
‫أْنُش ُر الِّد َه اَن َعَلى اَجلْر ِح َك ْي ِجَي َّف‬ 212 Cup Cangkir ‫ِفْنَج اٌن‬
206 Bell Bel ‫َجَرٌس‬ I need the cup to drink a tea
When the bell rings we must get into the class ‫َأْش ِفْن اَن اٍء‬
‫َر ُب َج َم‬
‫ُيَد ُّق اَجلَر ُس َأَم اَم قَاَعِة اِال ْج ِتَم اَعاِت َم َّرًة‬ 213 Bald Gundul ‫ْحَمُلْو ُق الَّر ْأِس‬

207 Hoe Cangkul ‫ِم ْع َو ٌل‬ I’m bald because of my mistake

The farmers flow the field with hoe ‫َأَنا ْحَمُلْو ُق الَّر ْأِس َأِلَّنىِن ُأَج اِو ُز الِّنَظاَم‬
‫ْحَي ُث الَف َّال ا ْق بِاِملْع ِل‬ 214. Scissors Gunting ‫ِم َق ٌّص‬
‫ُح َحل َل َو‬ ‫ُر‬
208. Red onion Bawang merah ‫َبَص ٌل‬ I need a scissor to cut a paper
‫ِه‬ ‫ِمل ِل‬ ‫ِا‬
My mother needs the red onion ‫ْس َتْع َم َل اَخلَّياُط ا َق َّص َيُق َّص ِب الُقَّم اَش‬
‫ِاْش ْت اُألُّم ال ىِف الُّس ِق‬ 215. Electric Iron Setrika listrik ‫ِم ْك َو اٌة َك ْه َر َباِئَّيٌة‬
‫ْو‬ ‫َبَص َل‬ ‫َتَر‬
209. Garlic Bawang putih ‫َثْو ٌم‬ I am ironing my clothes with the electric iron
Garlic is very important for cooking ‫َأْك ِو ى الِّل ا ِباِملْك اِة الَك اِئَّيِة‬
‫ْه َر َب‬ ‫َب َس َو‬
‫الَّثْو ُم ُمِه ٌّم ىِف ِص َناَعِة الَطْبِق‬ 216. Bicycle Sepeda ‫َدَّر اَج ٌة‬

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The bicycle is our daily need ‫ىِف ْلىِب َش ٌّك جَن َاِح ى ىِف اِال ِت اِن‬
‫ْم َح‬ ‫َعْن‬ ‫َق‬
‫ِك الَّد َّر ا َة ِعْنَد الَّذ اِب ِإىَل ا ْد ِة‬ 223 Rope Tali
‫َمل َرَس‬ ‫َه‬ ‫َج‬ ‫َر ْبُت‬ ‫َحْبٌل‬
217. Coconut oil Minyak kelapa ‫َزْيُت الَّناَر ِج ْيِل‬ I cut a rope by a scissor
We use the coconut oil to fry ‫َأْر ُبُط اِحلَص اَن بِاَحلْبِل‬
‫َتْق ِلى اُألُّم ا ْو َز ِبَزْيِت الَّناَر ِج ْيِل‬ 224. Boxing Tinju ‫ُمَالَك َم ٌة‬
218 Pin Peniti ‫َدُّبْو ٌس‬ Boxing is my favorite sport
I use the pin to change the cloth button ‫َأْش َه ُد ا َالَك َة ىِف الِتْلَف اِز‬
‫ُمل َم‬
‫َأ ُث الَّد ُّب ِس ىِف اِخل اَنِة‬
‫َز‬ ‫َحْب َعْن ْو‬ 225. Trainer Pelatih ‫ُمَد ِّر ٌب‬
219. Delicious Sedap ‫َش ِه ٌّي‬ Sapri is a good trainer in soccer
This food is very delicious taste ‫َد ِّر ا َد ِّر الَّالِعِب َلى َل ٍب ِّيٍد‬
‫َنْي َع ْع َج‬ ‫ُي ُب ُمل ُب‬
‫َك اَن الَّطَعاُم َش ِه ًّيا ِج ًّدا‬ 226. Spectator Penonton ‫ُمَتَفِّر ٌج‬
220. Fireplace Tungku ‫ُمْو ِقٌد‬ We see the spectators around the square
‫َل ا َد اِن‬ ‫ِج‬
There is a fireplace in every house ‫َر َأْيُت اُملَتَفِّر َنْي َحْو َملْي‬
‫َن اِإل َنا َلى ا ِقِد‬ 227. Whistle Peluit ‫َص َّفاَر ٌة‬
‫َض ُع َء َع َملْو‬
221. Energetic Lincah ‫َنِش ْيٌط‬ The child blows a whistle
Hendrawan is very energetic person ‫َم َس َك اَحلَك ُم الَّصَّفاَر َة‬
‫َك اَن َأِخ ى الَك ِبْي َنِش ْيًطا ىِف َلْع ِب ُك ِة الَقَد ِم‬ 228. Megaphone Megaphone ‫َك ِّب الَّص ِت‬
‫َر‬ ‫ُر‬ ‫ُم ُر ْو‬
222 Doubt Keragu-raguan ‫َش ٌّك‬ I listen to the new megaphone
He is always in doubt ‫َن ِد َك ِّب الَّص ِت ِعْنَد الَك َالِم َأ ا ا ا ِة‬
‫َم َم َجلَم َع‬ ‫ْس َتْخ ُم ُم َر ْو‬

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‫ِف ِف‬
229. Chili Cabe ‫ْل ٌل‬
My sister hates a chili
‫ِاْش ْت اُألُّم الِف ْلِف ِم الُّس ِق‬
‫َل َن ْو‬ ‫َتَر‬
230. Dining table Meja makan ‫َم اِئَد ٌة‬
We put our meal on the dinning table
‫َّيَأ ا اِد ُة الِغَذ ا َلى ا اِئَد ِة‬
‫َء َع َمل‬ ‫َه ْت َخل َم‬
231. Gift Oleh-oleh ‫ْمَث ُة ال ِد‬
‫َر َي‬
The child gets a gift from his brother
‫َمَح َأىِب ْمَث َة الَيِد ِعْنَد ُرُجْو ِعِه ِم َن الَّسَف ِر‬ 162.
‫َر‬ ‫َل‬
232. Dictionary Kamus ‫َقاُمْو ٌس‬
I always bring a dictionary everywhere
‫َأِلِج َد ا الَك ِل اِت‬
‫َمَع َىِن َم‬ ‫َأْفَتُح اُملْع َج َم‬
233. Pillowcase Sarung bantal ‫ِك الِو ا ِة‬
‫ْيُس َس َد‬
We wash many pillowcases once in a week
‫َغَس ْلُت ِكْيَس الِو َس اَدِة ُكًَّل ُأْس ُبْو ٍع‬

234 Motorbike Sepeda motor ‫َج َّو اَلٌة‬

Be careful to drive the motorbike!
‫َل ا ِد َنِة ِب ُك ِب ا َّو اَلِة‬
‫َأُدْو ُر َحْو َمل ْي ُر ْو َجل‬

Language Section Improvement 21-22 Language Section Improvement 21-22

Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int





Language Section Improvement 21-22 Language Section Improvement 21-22

Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int Selected Vocabularies of Class 1 and Int

Language Section Improvement 21-22 Language Section Improvement 21-22

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