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Test Description: Answer the following correctly.

Click the answer of your choice

1) This nouns are used to name a GENERAL type of person, place or thing.

A.Proper Nouns B.Mass Noun C.Compound Nouns D.Common Nouns

2) This nouns are used to name a SPECIFIC person, place or thing. This noun begins with a
capital letter.

A.Compound Noun B.Concrete Noun C.Abstract Noun D.Proper Noun

3) What type of nouns are two or more words that create a noun. This noun is sometimes
one word or words joined by a hyphen.

A.Countable Noun B.Proper Noun C.Abstract Noun D.Compound Noun

4) This noun that CAN be counted. They have a singular and a plural form and can be used
with a number.

A.Compound Noun B.Mass Noun C.Countable Noun D.Collective Noun

5) The nouns are nouns that CANNOT be counted.

A.Abstract Noun B.Compound Noun C.Mass Noun D.Countable Noun

6) This noun is a word/s that refer to a set or group of people, animals or things.

A.Proper Noun B.Collective Noun C.Abstract Noun D.Compound Noun

7) The nouns which refer to people and things that exist physically and that at least one of
the senses can detect

A.Abstract Noun B.Mass Noun C.Concrete Noun D.Common Noun

8) The nouns that have no physical existence and are not concrete. They refer to ideas,
emotions or concepts so you CANNOT see, touch, hear, smell or taste something

A.Proper Noun B.Common Noun C.Countable Noun D.Abstract Noun

9) Honesty is the best policy. The word 'honesty' is what type of nouns?

A.Countable Noun B.Common Noun C.Proper Noun D.Abstract Noun

10) My family lives in that house. The word 'family' is what type of nouns?
A.Common Noun B.Count Noun C.Collective Noun D.Concrete Noun

11) My sister is a doctor. The word 'sister' is what type of nouns?

A.Count Noun B.Concrete Noun C.Compound Noun D.Common Noun

12) Cleanliness is next to godliness.The word 'cleanliness' is what type of nouns?

A.Abstract Noun B.Concrete Noun C.Proper Noun D.Mass Noun

13) James is a bright student. The word 'student' is what type of nouns?

A.Mass Noun B.Common Noun C.Proper Noun D.Compound Noun

14) Wisdom is better than riches.The word 'riches' is what type of nouns?

A.Concrete Noun B.Count Noun C.Abstract Noun D.Proper Noun

15) A teacher must have patience. The word 'teacher' is what type of nouns?

A.Common Noun B.Proper Noun C.Mass Noun D.Concrete Noun

16) Dr. Jose Rizal is my natinalo hero. The word 'Dr. Jose Rizal' is what type of nouns?

A.Proper Noun B.Common Noun C.Concrete Noun D.Compound Noun

17) Solomon was famous for his wisdom. The word 'Solomon' is what type of nouns?

A.Collective Noun B.Common Noun C.Proper Noun D.Abstract Noun

18) I didn’t believe the girl’s story. The word 'girl's' is what type of nouns?

A.Proper Noun B.Common Noun C.Abstract Noun D.Collective Noun

19) A bouquet of flowers was given to Anna. The word 'bouquet' is what type of nouns?

A.Concrete Noun B.Abstract Noun C.Mass Noun D.Collective Noun

20) This mountain is high. The word 'mountain' is what type of nouns?

A.Proper Noun B.Common Noun C.Mass Noun D.Concrete Noun

Directions: Tell the use of the underlined nouns/pronouns in the following sentences.
21-) The restaurant served three kinds of barbeque.
A.Subject B.Direct Object C.Object of the Preposition

22-) The family hikes the Appalachian Trail every year.

A.Subject B.Direct Object C.Object of the Preposition

23) My mother gave me new shoes.

A.Subject B.Direct Object C. Indirect Object

24-) The people elected the young candidate governor.

A.Objective Complement B.Direct Object C. Indirect Object

25-) Maryanne is one of the sisters in Sense and Sensibility.

A.Subject B.Direct Object C.Object of the Preposition

26-)That boy never gave me the time of day.

A.Objective Complement B. Direct Object C. Indirect Object
27- Jane Austen wrote six full novels.
A.Subject B.Direct Object C.Object of the Preposition
28-) England's most celebrated novelist, Jane Austen loves by many.
A.Subject B.Direct Object C.Noun in Apposition
29-) Pride and Prejudice is famous novel.
A.Subject B.Subjective Complement C.Direct Object
30-) Elizabeth ruled England until 1603.
A.Subject B.Subjective Complement C.Direct Object

Choose the correct pronoun to go in the gap.

1 .If someone sees a crime; __________ should report it to the police.

1. he or she
2. they
3. it

2. Neither of the boys has done __________ homework.

1. their
2. his
3. his or her

3.Each of the employees works hard in __________ job.

1. his or her
2. their
3. themselves

4.Several of the MPs have voted how ____________ want.

1. he or she
2. themselves
3. they

5.Anybody who wants to come is welcome, but ________ must sign in first

1. they
2. he or she
3. him or her

6.Some of the children held _________ mother’s hand.

1. his or her
2. its
3. their

7.Some of the roof has lost _________ tiles.

1. his or her
2. its
3. their

8.Both of the women agreed _________ food was not good.

1. their
2. her
3. its

9.None of the drivers have passed _________ driving test.

1. his or her
2. they
3. their

10.One of my uncles has changed _________ address.

1. his
2. their
3. his or her

Directions : Choose the most suitable answer that identifies the pronoun in the

Q 1. Sherry’s mother asked _____not to open the door for strangers.

a) Him
b) Her
c) Someone
d) Anyone

Answer – Her

Q 2. _____is a demonstrative pronoun?

a) Each other
b) Myself
c) It
d) This

Answer - This

Q 3. ‘You are my best friend’ - Which one is the subject pronoun?

a) My
b) Are
c) You
d) Friend

Answer - You

Q 4. ‘My baby dropped her hanky on the ground’- Which one is the possessive

a) My
b) Her
c) The
d) On

Answer - Her

Q 5. ‘You must trust yourself’ – Which one is a reflexive pronoun?

a) You
b) Must
c) Yourself
d) None of the above

Answer – Yourself

Q 6. Laura was born is France, but _______mother was born in Germany.

a) His
b) Their
c) Her
d) Whose

Answer - Her

Directions: Select the answer choice that identifies the verb in the sentence.

1. The interior temperatures of even the coolest stars are measured in millions of

1. Coolest
2. Of even
3. Are measured
4. In millions
2. Thomas Edison tried many filaments for his incandescent lamp.

1. Many
2. For his
3. Filaments
4. Tried
3. Jill sets the plates on the table.

1. The
2. Plates
3. Table
4. Sets
4. The child’s balloon was slowly rising into the sky.

1. Rising
2. Slowly
3. Into
4. Balloon
5. The shoes were still lying where Ethan had left them.

1. Still
2. Were
3. Them
4. Shoes
6. Several changes in classroom procedures were affected by the new principal.

1. Changes
2. In
3. By
4. Affected
7. The soaked papers were laid in the sunlight.

1. Soaked
2. Papers
3. Laid
4. In the
8. The letter from the teacher implied that the child was not turning in his work.

1. From
2. Not
3. His
4. Implied
9. Luke didn’t mean to hurt you during the baseball game.

1. Baseball
2. During
3. Joe
4. Mean
10. Amber used to recite the alphabet in Chinese.

1. The
2. Alphabet
3. In
4. used

Directions : Check the answers of your best choice.

1. Maths is ____________ than science.

more easy
more easier

2. Who is ________________ tennis player in this class?

the better
the good

the best

better than

3. Tom Hanks is ______________ than me.

more famous

the most famous


the more famous

4. Gold isn't ____________ as platinum.

more expensive

the most expensive

the more expensiver

as expensive

5. This is ___________ animal in the forest.

the rarest

the most rarest


the more rare

6. What's _______________ sport?

the most dangerous

the more dangerous

more dangerous

dangerous than

7. Your watch is _________ than mine.

the most cheap


more cheap

the more cheaper

8. The station is ___________ as the bus stop.

as nearer

more nearer

as near


9. Warsaw is __________ in Poland.

the most largest

the more larger

larger than

the largest

10. The plane is ___________ way to travel.


the fastest

more faster

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