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Properties and Overview of Immune

Historians often credit Thucydides, in the fifth century

INNATE AND ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY, 2 bc in Athens, as having first mentioned immunity to an
infection that he called “plague” (but that was probably
not the bubonic plague we recognize today). The concept
ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY, 4 of protective immunity may have existed long before, as
Cardinal Features of Adaptive Immune Responses, 4 suggested by the ancient Chinese custom of making chil-
dren resistant to smallpox by having them inhale pow-
Overview of Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity, 6 ders made from the skin lesions of patients recovering
Initiation and Development of Adaptive Immune Responses, 8 from the disease. Immunology, in its modern form, is an
Humoral Immunity, 10 experimental science in which explanations of immuno-
logic phenomena are based on experimental observations
Cell-Mediated Immunity, 10 and the conclusions drawn from them. The develop-
SUMMARY, 11 ment of immunology as an experimental discipline has
depended on our ability to manipulate the function of
the immune system under controlled conditions.
Historically, the first clear example of this manipulation,
and one that remains among the most dramatic ever recorded,
The term immunity is derived from the Latin word was Edward Jenner’s successful vaccination against small-
immunitas, which referred to the protection from legal pox. Jenner, an English physician, was aware of an obser-
prosecution offered to Roman senators during their ten- vation in rural England that milkmaids who had recovered
ures in office. Historically, immunity meant protection from cowpox did not contract the more serious smallpox. On
from disease and, more specifically, infectious disease. the basis of this observation, he injected the material from
The cells and molecules responsible for immunity con- a cowpox pustule into the arm of an 8-year-old boy. When
stitute the immune system, and their collective and this boy was later intentionally inoculated with smallpox,
coordinated response to the introduction of foreign sub- the disease did not develop. Jenner’s landmark treatise on
stances is called the immune response. vaccination (Latin vaccinus, of or from cows) was published
The physiologic function of the immune system is in 1798. The principles of infectious diseases and vaccination
defense against infectious microbes; however, even were firmly established by the work of Louis Pasteur and
noninfectious foreign substances and products of our Robert Koch a hundred years later. These advances led to the
own damaged and malignant (tumor) cells can elicit widespread acceptance of the method for inducing immu-
immune responses. Furthermore, mechanisms that nor- nity, and vaccination remains the most effective strategy for
mally protect individuals from infection and eliminate preventing infections (Table 1.1). An eloquent testament to
foreign substances also are capable of causing tissue the importance of immunology was the announcement by
injury and disease in some situations. In some situa- the World Health Organization in 1980 that smallpox was
tions, even self molecules can elicit immune responses the first disease that had been eradicated worldwide by a pro-
(so-called autoimmune responses). Therefore, a more gram of vaccination. The significance of the immune system
inclusive definition of the immune response is a reac- has been dramatically and tragically highlighted by the AIDS
tion to microbes and to molecules that are recognized (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) epidemic, caused
as foreign or abnormal, regardless of the physiologic or by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), that started in the
pathologic consequence of such a reaction. Immunol- 1980s, and the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the corona-
ogy is the study of immune responses in this broader virus SARS-CoV-2, that started in 2019. Both have caused
sense and of the cellular and molecular events that severe morbidity and many deaths, and have had a devastat-
occur after an organism encounters microbes and other ing impact on society. The development of effective vaccines
foreign macromolecules. for both diseases is a high priority.
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2 Chapter 1 – Properties and Overview of Immune Responses

TABLE 1.1 Effectiveness of Vaccines for Some Since the 1960s, there has been a remarkable transfor-
Common Infectious Diseases mation in our understanding of the immune system and
its functions. Advances in cell culture techniques (includ-
Maximum Number ing monoclonal antibody production), immunochemistry,
Number of of Cases Percentage recombinant DNA methodology, next-generation DNA
Disease Cases (Year) in 2018 Change sequencing, x-ray crystallography, and creation of geneti-
cally altered animals (especially transgenic and knockout
Diphtheria 206,939 (1921) 1 −99.99 mice) have changed immunology from a largely descriptive
science into one in which diverse immune phenomena can
Measles 894,134 (1941) 375 −99.95
be explained in structural and biochemical terms. Some of
Mumps 152,209 (1968) 2,515 −95.82 the most important advances in immunology have come
since the 1990s, with the development of therapies targeting
Pertussis 265,269 (1934) 15, 609 −94.11 different components of the immune system that are based
on fundamental science and are dramatically altering the
Polio 21,269 (1952) 0 −100.0 progression of human inflammatory diseases and cancers.
(paralytic) In this chapter, we outline the general features of
Rubella 57,686 (1969) 4 −99.99 immune responses and introduce the concepts that form
the cornerstones of modern immunology and that recur
Tetanus 1,560 (1923) 23 −98.52 throughout this book.

Haemophilus ∼20,000 (1984) 38 −99.83

type B
Defense against microbes is mediated by sequential and
Hepatitis B 26,611 (1985) 3,322 −87.51 coordinated responses that are called innate and adaptive
immunity (Fig. 1.1 and Table 1.2). Innate immunity (also
This table illustrates the striking decrease in the incidence of
called natural immunity or native immunity) is essential for
selected infectious diseases in the United States for which effective
defending against microbes in the first few hours or days after
vaccines have been developed.
infection, before adaptive immune responses have devel-
Data from Orenstein WA, Hinman AR, Bart KJ, Hadler SC.
oped. Innate immunity is mediated by mechanisms that are
Immunization. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles
in place even before an infection occurs (hence innate) and
and Practices of Infectious Diseases. 4th ed. New York, NY: Churchill
are capable of reacting rapidly to invading microbes.
Livingstone; 1995; and Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases and
In contrast to innate immunity, there are other immune
Conditions, United States: 2018 Annual Tables.
responses that are stimulated by exposure to infectious

Innate immunity Adaptive immunity

barriers B lymphocytes Antibodies

Phagocytes Dendritic
T lymphocytes T cells
NK cells
and other
Complement ILCs
Hours Days
0 6 12 1 4 7
Time after infection
FIGURE 1.1 Innate and adaptive immunity. The mechanisms of innate immunity provide the
initial defense against infections. Adaptive immune responses develop later and require the activation of
lymphocytes. The kinetics of the innate and adaptive immune responses are approximations and may vary
in different infections. Only selected cell types are shown. ILCs, Innate lymphoid cells; NK, natural killer.

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Innate Immunity 3

TABLE 1.2 Features of Innate and Adaptive Immunity

Innate Adaptive

Specificity For molecules shared by groups of related For many different microbial and nonmicrobial
microbes and molecules produced by antigens
damaged host cells

Diversity Low; recognition molecules encoded Very high; many antigen receptors are generated
by inherited (germline) genes by somatic recombination of gene segments in

Memory Limited Yes

Nonreactivity to self Yes Yes


Cellular and chemical Skin, mucosal epithelia; antimicrobial Lymphocytes in epithelia; antibodies secreted at
barriers molecules epithelial surfaces

Secreted proteins Complement, various lectins Antibodies

Cells Phagocytes (macrophages, neutrophils), Lymphocytes

dendritic cells, natural killer cells,
mast cells, innate lymphoid cells
Many of the components of innate immunity also serve important functions in adaptive immune responses, as we will discuss in later chapters.

agents and increase in magnitude and defensive capabili- variable antibodies and T cell receptors that appeared later
ties with each successive exposure to a particular microbe. in evolution. The more specialized defense mechanisms
Because this form of immunity develops as a response to that constitute adaptive immunity are found only in ver-
infection and thus adapts to the infection, it is called adap- tebrates. Most of the components of the adaptive immune
tive immunity (also called specific immunity or acquired system, including lymphocytes with diverse antigen recep-
immunity). The adaptive immune system recognizes and tors, antibodies, and specialized lymphoid tissues, evolved
reacts to a large number of microbial and nonmicrobial coordinately within a short time in jawed vertebrates (e.g.,
substances, called antigens. Although many pathogens sharks) approximately 360 million years ago.
have evolved to resist the innate immune response, the
stronger and more specialized adaptive immune responses
are capable of eradicating many of these infections. There INNATE IMMUNITY
are also numerous connections between innate and adap-
tive immune responses. The innate immune response The innate immune system responds almost immediately to
to microbes provides early danger signals that stimu- microbes and injured cells, and repeated exposures induce
late adaptive immune responses. Conversely, adaptive virtually identical innate immune responses. The receptors
immune responses often work by enhancing the protec- of innate immunity are specific for structures that are com-
tive mechanisms of innate immunity, making them more mon to groups of related microbes and do not distinguish
capable of effectively combating microbes. fine differences among microbes. The principal components
Every individual’s immune system is able to recognize, of innate immunity are (1) physical and chemical barriers,
respond to, and eliminate many foreign (nonself) anti- such as epithelia and antimicrobial chemicals produced at
gens but does not usually react against that individual’s epithelial surfaces; (2) phagocytic cells (neutrophils, mac-
own (self) antigens and tissues. Different mechanisms are rophages), dendritic cells (DCs), mast cells, natural killer
used by the innate and adaptive immune systems to pre- (NK cells), and other innate lymphoid cells; and (3) blood
vent reactions against healthy host cells. proteins, including components of the complement sys-
Mechanisms for defending the host against microbes tem and other mediators of inflammation. Many innate
are present in all multicellular organisms. The phyloge- immune cells, such as DCs, some macrophages, and mast
netically oldest mechanisms of host defense are those of cells, are tissue resident, and they function as sentinels to
innate immunity, which are present even in plants and keep watch for microbes that may invade the tissues. The
insects. Approximately 500 million years ago, jawless innate immune response combats microbes by two main
fish, such as lampreys and hagfish, developed an immune strategies—by recruiting phagocytes and other leukocytes
system containing lymphocyte-like cells that may func- that destroy the microbes, in the process called inflam-
tion like lymphocytes in more advanced species and even mation; and by blocking viral replication or killing virus-
respond to immunization. The antigen receptors on these infected cells by mechanisms distinct from inflammatory
cells are proteins with limited variability that are capable of reactions. We will discuss the features, mechanisms, and
recognizing many antigens but are distinct from the highly components of innate immunity in Chapter 4.
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4 Chapter 1 – Properties and Overview of Immune Responses

ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY antigens. According to this hypothesis, which is now a

proven feature of adaptive immunity, antigen-specific
The adaptive immune response is mediated by cells called clones of lymphocytes develop before and indepen-
lymphocytes and their products. Lymphocytes express dent of exposure to antigen. An introduced antigen
highly diverse receptors that are capable of recognizing a binds to (selects) the cells of the preexisting anti-
vast number of antigens. There are two major populations gen-specific clone and activates them, leading to an
of lymphocytes, called B lymphocytes and T lympho- immune response specific for that antigen. The total
cytes, which mediate different types of adaptive immune number of antigenic specificities of the lymphocytes
responses. We will first summarize the important proper- in an individual, called the lymphocyte repertoire,
ties of the adaptive immune system and then describe the is extremely large. It is estimated that the immune
different types of adaptive immune responses. system of an individual can discriminate 107 to 109
distinct antigenic determinants. This ability of the lym-
Cardinal Features of Adaptive Immune Responses phocyte repertoire to recognize a very large number of
antigens, called diversity, is the result of variability in
The fundamental properties of the adaptive immune sys- the structures of the antigen-binding sites of lympho-
tem reflect the properties of the lymphocytes that medi- cyte receptors for antigens. In other words, there are
ate these responses. many different clones of lymphocytes and each clone
has a unique antigen receptor and therefore a singu-
• Specificity and diversity. Immune responses are spe- lar antigen specificity, contributing to a total repertoire
cific for distinct antigens and often for different por- that is extremely diverse. The expression of different
tions of a single complex protein, polysaccharide, or antigen receptors in different clones of T and B cells is
other macromolecule (Fig. 1.2). The parts of complex the reason why these receptors are said to be clonally
antigens that are specifically recognized by lympho- distributed. The molecular mechanisms that generate
cytes are called determinants or epitopes. This such diverse antigen receptors are discussed in Chap-
fine specificity exists because individual lymphocytes ter 8. Diversity is essential if the immune system is to
express membrane receptors that can distinguish sub- defend individuals against the many potential patho-
tle structural differences between distinct epitopes. gens in the environment.
Clones of lymphocytes with different specificities are •Memory. Exposure of the immune system to a for-
present in unimmunized individuals and are able to eign antigen enhances its ability to respond again to
recognize and respond to foreign antigens (Fig. 1.3). that antigen. Responses to second and subsequent
This fundamental concept is called clonal selection. exposures to the same antigen, called secondary
It was clearly enunciated by Macfarlane Burnet in immune responses, are usually more rapid, greater
1957 as a hypothesis to explain how the immune sys- in ­magnitude, and often qualitatively different from
tem could respond to a large number and variety of the first, or primary, immune response to that antigen

Plasma cells
Antigen X Antigen X
+ Antigen Y
Anti-X B cell
Anti-Y B cell

Plasma Secondary Memory

cell anti-X B cells
Serum antibody titer

Memory Plasma
B cells cells
Primary Memory
anti-X Primary B cells
response anti-Y
Naive B cells

2 4 6 8 10
FIGURE 1.2 Specificity, memory, and contraction of adaptive immune responses.
Antigens X and Y activate different clones of B cells and induce the production of different antibodies (specific­
ity). The secondary response to antigen X is more rapid and larger than the primary response (memory).
Antibody levels decline with time after each immunization (contraction, the process that maintains homeo­
stasis). The same features are seen in T cell–mediated immune responses.

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Adaptive Immunity 5

precursor Mature
Lymphocyte lymphocyte
clones mature
in generative
lymphoid organs,
in the absence
of antigens

Clones of mature
specific for diverse
antigens enter
lymphoid tissues Antigen X

clones are
by antigens

responses occur Anti-X
FIGURE 1.3 Clonal selection. Each antigen (X) selects a preexisting clone of specific lymphocytes
and stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of that clone. The diagram shows only B lymphocytes
giving rise to antibody-secreting effector cells, but the same principle applies to T lymphocytes.

(see Fig. 1.2). Immunologic memory occurs because may result in disorders called autoimmune diseases.
each exposure to an antigen generates long-lived The mechanisms of self-tolerance and its failure are
memory cells specific for the antigen. There are two discussed in Chapter 15.
reasons why secondary responses are typically stron-
ger than primary immune responses—memory cells In addition to these cardinal features of adaptive
accumulate and become more numerous than the immunity, these responses have some other important
naive lymphocytes specific for the antigen that exist properties.
at the time of initial antigen exposure, and mem-
ory cells react more rapidly and vigorously to anti- • B ecause of the ability of lymphocytes and other immune
gen challenge than do naive lymphocytes. Memory cells to circulate among tissues, adaptive immunity is
enables the immune system to mount heightened systemic, meaning that even if an immune response is
responses to persistent or recurring exposure to initiated at one site it can provide protection at distant
the same antigen and thus to combat infections by sites. This feature is, of course, essential for the success
microbes that are prevalent in the environment and of vaccination—a vaccine administered in the subcu-
are encountered repeatedly. taneous or muscle tissue of the arm can protect from
Nonreactivity to self (self-tolerance). One of the most infections in any tissue.
remarkable properties of every normal individual’s • Immune responses are regulated by a system of positive
immune system is its ability to recognize, respond to, feedback loops that amplify the reaction and by control
and eliminate many foreign (nonself) antigens while mechanisms that prevent inappropriate or pathologic
not reacting harmfully to that individual’s own (self) reactions. When lymphocytes are activated, they trig-
antigens. Immunologic unresponsiveness is also called ger mechanisms that further increase the magnitude
tolerance. Tolerance to self antigens, or self-tolerance, of the response. This positive feedback is important to
is maintained by several mechanisms. These include enable the small number of lymphocytes that are spe-
eliminating lymphocytes that express receptors specific cific for any microbe to generate the large response
for some self antigens, inactivating self-reactive lym- needed to eradicate that infection. Many control
phocytes, or suppressing these cells by the actions of mechanisms become active during immune responses,
other (regulatory) cells. Abnormalities in the induc- which prevent excessive activation of lymphocytes
tion or maintenance of self-tolerance lead to immune that could cause collateral damage to normal tissues,
responses against self (autologous) antigens, which and also prevent responses against self antigens.

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6 Chapter 1 – Properties and Overview of Immune Responses

Humoral Cell-mediated
immunity immunity


Microbe Extracellular Intracellular microbes

microbes Phagocytosed (e.g., viruses)
microbes that can live replicating within
within macrophages infected cell

Helper Cytotoxic
B lymphocyte T lymphocyte T lymphocyte
Activated Cytokines
infected cell

Antibodies prevent Cytokine- CTLs kill infected

Functions infections and activated cells and eliminate
eliminate extracellular phagocytes reservoirs
microbes kill microbes of infection

FIGURE 1.4 Types of adaptive immunity. In humoral immunity, B lymphocytes secrete antibod­
ies that prevent infections and eliminate extracellular microbes. In cell-mediated immunity, helper T lym­
phocytes activate macrophages and neutrophils to kill phagocytosed microbes or cytotoxic T lymphocytes
directly destroy infected cells.

Overview of Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity

promotes the destruction of microbes inside phagocytes
There are two types of adaptive immunity, called humoral and the killing of infected cells to eliminate reservoirs of
immunity and cell-mediated immunity, which are medi- infection.
ated by different types of lymphocytes and function to Different classes of lymphocytes may be distinguished
eliminate different types of microbes (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5). by the expression of membrane proteins, many of which
Humoral immunity is mediated by molecules in the are designated by CD numbers. These surface molecules
blood and mucosal secretions, called antibodies, which are also involved in the functions of the lymphocytes.
are produced by B lymphocytes. Antibodies recog- We will introduce some of the surface molecules that are
nize microbial antigens, neutralize the infectivity of the used to identify lymphocyte classes in Chapter 2 and dis-
microbes, and target microbes for elimination by phago- cuss them further in later chapters. A summary of the
cytes and the complement system. Humoral immunity molecules designated by CD numbers mentioned in the
is the principal defense mechanism against microbes book is provided in Appendix I.
and their toxins located outside cells (e.g., in the lumens Protective immunity against a microbe may be pro-
of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts and in the vided either by the host’s response to the microbe or by
blood) because secreted antibodies can bind to these the transfer of antibodies that defend against the microbe
microbes and toxins, neutralize them, and assist in their (Fig. 1.6). The form of immunity that is induced by expo-
elimination. sure to a foreign antigen is called active immunity
Cell-mediated immunity, also called cellular immu- because the immunized individual plays an active role in
nity, is mediated by T lymphocytes. Many microbes are responding to the antigen. Individuals and lymphocytes
ingested by but survive within phagocytes, and some that have not encountered a particular antigen are said to
microbes, notably viruses, infect and replicate in vari- be naive, implying that they are immunologically inexpe-
ous host cells. In these locations the microbes are inac- rienced. Individuals who have responded to a microbial
cessible to circulating antibodies. Defense against such antigen and are protected from subsequent exposures to
infections is a function of cell-mediated immunity, which that microbe are said to be immune.

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Adaptive Immunity 7

Antigen recognition Effector functions

B of microbe,
+ phagocytosis,
Microbe complement

Activation of

Helper T Microbial antigen
lymphocyte presented
by antigen- Activation
presenting cell (proliferation and
of T and B

Infected cell expressing

microbial antigen
Cytotoxic T Killing of
lymphocyte infected cell

T lymphocyte

T lymphocyte Suppression of
other lymphocytes
T lymphocyte
FIGURE 1.5 Classes of lymphocytes. B lymphocytes recognize many different types of antigens
and develop into antibody-secreting cells. Helper T lymphocytes recognize antigens on the surfaces of
antigen-presenting cells and secrete cytokines, which stimulate different mechanisms of immunity and
inflammation. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize antigens in infected cells and kill these cells. Regulatory
T cells suppress immune responses (e.g., to self antigens).

Immunity also can be conferred on an individual by immunization against potentially lethal toxins by the
transferring antibodies from an immunized individual administration of antibodies from immunized animals or
into an individual who has not encountered the antigen people is a lifesaving treatment for rabies infection and
(see Fig. 1.6). The recipient of such a transfer becomes snake bites. Patients with some genetic immunodefi-
immune to the particular antigen without ever hav- ciency diseases are passively immunized by transfer of
ing been exposed to or having responded to that anti- pooled antibodies from healthy donors.
gen. Therefore, this form of immunity is called passive The first demonstration of humoral immunity was pro-
immunity. A physiologically important example of vided by Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in
passive immunity is the transfer of maternal antibodies 1890, using a passive immunization strategy. They showed
through the placenta to the fetus, which enables new- that if serum from animals that had been immunized with
borns to combat infections for several months before an attenuated form of diphtheria toxin was transferred
they develop the ability to produce antibodies them- to naive animals, the recipients became specifically resis-
selves. Passive immunization is also a medically useful tant to diphtheria infection. The active components of the
method for conferring resistance rapidly, without having serum were called antitoxins because they neutralized the
to wait for an active immune response to develop. Passive pathologic effects of the diphtheria toxin. This result led

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8 Chapter 1 – Properties and Overview of Immune Responses

Microbial Specificity Memory

(vaccine Infection
or infection)

Active Recovery Yes Yes

immunity Days or (immunity)

Serum (antibodies)
from immune Infection

Passive Yes No
immunity Recovery
Administration (immunity)
of serum to
FIGURE 1.6 Active and passive immunity. Active immunity is conferred by a host response to
a microbe or microbial antigen, whereas passive immunity is conferred by adoptive transfer of antibodies
or T lymphocytes specific for the microbe. Both forms of immunity provide resistance to infection and are
specific for microbial antigens, but only active immune responses generate immunologic memory. Pas­
sive transfer of antibodies occurs during pregnancy (from mother to fetus), and injection of antibodies is
used therapeutically to rapidly confer passive protective immunity against lethal toxins. Lymphocytes can
be transferred only among genetically identical animals; in humans, lymphocytes from another individual
would be recognized as foreign and rejected.

to the treatment of otherwise lethal diphtheria infection immune serum enhanced the phagocytosis of bacteria by
by the administration of antitoxin, an achievement that coating the bacteria, a process known as opsonization,
was recognized by the award of the first Nobel Prize in lent support to the belief that antibodies prepare microbes
Physiology or Medicine to von Behring. In the 1890s Paul for ingestion by phagocytes. These early cellularists were
Ehrlich postulated that immune cells use receptors, which unable to prove that specific immunity to microbes could
he called side chains, to recognize microbial toxins and, be mediated by cells. The importance of cellular immunity
subsequently, secrete these receptors to combat microbes. in host defense became firmly established in the 1950s,
He coined the term antibodies (antikörper in German) for when it was shown that resistance to an intracellular
the serum proteins that bound foreign substances, such bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, could be transferred to
as toxins, and the substances that generated antibodies animals with cells but not with serum. We now know
were called antigens. The modern definition of antigens that the specificity of cell-mediated immunity is due to T
includes molecules that bind to specific lymphocyte recep- lymphocytes, which often function in concert with other
tors, whether or not they stimulate immune responses. cells, such as phagocytes, to eliminate microbes.
According to strict definitions, substances that stimulate In the clinical setting, immunity to a previously
immune responses are called immunogens, but the term encountered microbe is measured indirectly, either
antigen is often used interchangeably with immunogen. by assaying for the presence of products of immune
The properties of antibodies and antigens are described in responses (such as serum antibodies specific for microbial
Chapter 5. Ehrlich’s concepts were a remarkably prescient antigens) or by administering substances purified from
model for the specificity of adaptive immunity. These early the microbe and measuring reactions to these substances.
studies of antibodies led to the general acceptance of the A reaction to an antigen is detectable only in individuals
humoral theory of immunity, according to which host who have previously encountered the antigen, reflecting
defense against infections is mediated by substances pres- memory for that antigen. These individuals are said to be
ent in body fluids (once called humors). sensitized to the antigen, and the reaction is an indica-
Ilya Metchnikoff initially championed the cellu- tion of sensitivity. Such a reaction to a microbial antigen
lar theory of immunity, which stated that host cells are implies that the sensitized individual is capable of mount-
the principal mediators of immunity. His demonstration ing a protective immune response to the microbe.
of phagocytes surrounding a thorn stuck into a translu-
cent starfish larva, published in 1883, was perhaps the Initiation and Development of Adaptive Immune
first experimental evidence that cells respond to foreign Responses
invaders. Ehrlich and Metchnikoff shared the Nobel Prize
in 1908, in recognition of their contributions to establish- Adaptive immune responses develop in several steps,
ing these fundamental principles of immunity. Sir Alm- starting with the capture of antigen, followed by the acti-
roth Wright’s observation in the early 1900s that factors in vation of specific lymphocytes (Fig. 1.7).

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Adaptive Immunity 9

Antigen Lymphocyte Antigen Contraction

recognition activation elimination (homeostasis)
Effector T
Antibody- lymphocyte


and effector Surviving
T cells memory
Magnitude of response

presenting Clonal
cell expansion
Naive T

Naive B Apoptosis

0 7 14 21
Days after antigen exposure
FIGURE 1.7 Development of adaptive immune responses. Adaptive immune responses consist of distinct
steps, the first three being the recognition of antigen, the activation of lymphocytes, and the elimination of antigen (the
effector phase). The response contracts (declines) as antigen-stimulated lymphocytes die by apoptosis, restoring homeo­
stasis, and the antigen-specific cells that survive are responsible for memory. The duration of each phase may vary in
different immune responses. The y-axis represents an arbitrary measure of the magnitude of the response. These princi­
ples apply to humoral immunity (mediated by B lymphocytes) and cell-mediated immunity (mediated by T lymphocytes).

Most microbes and other antigens enter through of other, nonlymphoid cells, such as macrophages and
epithelial barriers and colonize tissues, and adaptive neutrophils, which are also sometimes called effector
immune responses to these antigens develop in secondary cells. These steps in lymphocyte activation and differen-
(peripheral) lymphoid organs. The initiation of adaptive tiation into effector cells typically take a few days, which
immune responses requires that antigens be captured and explains why the adaptive response is slow to develop
displayed to specific lymphocytes. The cells that serve this and innate immunity has to provide protection initially.
role are called antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The After the adaptive immune response has eradicated
most specialized APCs are dendritic cells (DCs), which the infection, the stimuli for lymphocyte activation dis-
capture microbial antigens that enter from the exter- sipate and most of the effector cells die, resulting in the
nal environment, transport these antigens to lymphoid decline of the response. Memory cells remain, ready to
organs, and present the antigens to naive T lymphocytes respond vigorously if the same infection recurs.
to initiate immune responses. Other cell types function The cells of the immune system interact with one
as APCs at different stages of cell-mediated and humoral another and with other host cells via secreted proteins
immune responses. We will describe the functions of called cytokines. Such interactions are essential during
APCs in Chapter 6. both the initiation and effector stages of innate and adap-
Naive lymphocytes express antigen receptors but tive immune responses. Cytokines are a large group of
have not responded to antigen. The activation of these secreted proteins with diverse structures and functions,
lymphocytes by antigen leads to the proliferation of these which regulate and coordinate many activities of the cells
cells, resulting in an increase in the size of the antigen- of innate and adaptive immunity. All cells of the immune
specific clones, called clonal expansion. This is followed system secrete at least some cytokines and express spe-
by differentiation of the activated lymphocytes into cells cific signaling receptors for several cytokines. Among the
capable of eliminating the antigen, called effector cells many functions of cytokines we will discuss throughout
because they mediate the ultimate effect of the immune this book are promoting the growth and differentiation
response, and memory cells that survive for long periods of immune cells, activating the functions of lymphocytes
and mount strong responses to repeat antigen encoun- and phagocytes that eliminate microbes (called effec-
ter. Antigen elimination often requires the participation tor functions), and stimulating directed movement of

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10 Chapter 1 – Properties and Overview of Immune Responses

immune cells from blood into tissues and within tissues. immediate protection if the microbe returns to infect the
A large subset of structurally related cytokines that regu- individual. More effective protection is provided by mem-
late cell adhesion and migration are called chemokines. ory cells that are activated by the microbe and rapidly dif-
Cytokines also are involved in immunological diseases, ferentiate to generate large numbers of plasma cells.
and some of the most effective drugs developed to treat
these diseases target cytokines. We will describe the func- Cell-Mediated Immunity
tions of individual cytokines when we discuss immune
responses in which these proteins play important roles. A T lymphocytes, the cells of cell-mediated immunity, recog-
list of cytokines and a brief summary of their properties nize the antigens of cell-associated microbes, and different
are provided in Appendix II. types of T cells help phagocytes to destroy these microbes
or kill the infected cells. T cells do not produce antibody
Humoral Immunity molecules. Their antigen receptors are membrane mol-
ecules distinct from but structurally related to antibodies
B lymphocytes that recognize antigens proliferate and (see Chapter 7). T lymphocytes have a restricted speci-
differentiate into plasma cells that secrete different classes ficity for antigens; they recognize peptides derived from
of antibodies with distinct functions. Each clone of B foreign proteins that are bound to host proteins called
cells expresses a cell surface antigen receptor, which is a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules,
membrane-bound form of antibody, with a unique anti- which are expressed on the surfaces of other cells. As a
gen specificity. Many different types of antigens, includ- result, these T cells recognize and respond to cell-associ-
ing proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and small molecules, ated but not soluble antigens (see Chapter 6).
are capable of eliciting antibody responses. The response T lymphocytes consist of functionally distinct popu-
of B cells to protein antigens requires activating signals lations, the best defined of which are helper T cells
(help) from CD4+ T cells (which is the historical reason and cytotoxic (or cytolytic) T lymphocytes (CTLs).
for calling these T cells helper cells). B cells can respond Helper T cells function mainly by secreted cytokines and
to many nonprotein antigens without the participation membrane molecules, which activate other cells to kill
of helper T cells. Each plasma cell secretes antibodies that microbes, whereas CTLs produce molecules that directly
have the same antigen-binding site as the B cell surface kill infected host cells. Some T lymphocytes, which are
antigen receptor that first recognized the antigen. Poly- called regulatory T cells, function mainly to inhibit
saccharides and lipids stimulate secretion mainly of the immune responses. We will return to a more detailed
antibody class (isotype) called immunoglobulin M (IgM). discussion of the properties of lymphocytes in Chapter 2
Protein antigens induce the production of antibodies of and in later chapters.
different classes (IgG, IgA, IgE) from a single clone of Upon activation in secondary lymphoid organs, naive
B cells, a process called heavy-chain class (or isotype) T lymphocytes differentiate into effector cells, and many
switching. These different antibody classes serve distinct of them leave the lymphoid organs and migrate to sites
functions, mentioned later. Helper T cells also stimu- of infection. When these effector T cells again encoun-
late the production of antibodies with increased affinity ter cell-associated microbes, they are activated to per-
for the antigen. This process, called affinity maturation, form the functions that are responsible for elimination
improves the quality of the humoral immune response. of the microbes. Cytokines produced by CD4+ helper T
The humoral immune response combats microbes in cells recruit leukocytes, and both cytokines and plasma
many ways. Antibodies bind to microbes and prevent membrane proteins stimulate production of microbicidal
them from infecting cells, thus neutralizing the microbes. substances in phagocytes. Thus, these T cells help phago-
Antibody-mediated neutralization is the only mechanism cytes to kill the infectious pathogens. Other CD4+ helper
of adaptive immunity that stops an infection before it is T cells secrete cytokines that help B cells to produce a
established; this is why eliciting the production of potent type of antibody called IgE and activate leukocytes called
neutralizing antibodies is a key goal of vaccination. IgG eosinophils, which are able to kill helminths that may be
antibodies coat microbes and target them for phagocyto- too large to be phagocytosed. Some CD4+ helper T cells
sis because phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) stay in the lymphoid organs and use membrane mole-
express receptors for parts of IgG molecules. IgG and IgM cules and cytokines to stimulate B cells to make highly
activate the complement system, and complement prod- effective and functionally specialized antibodies.
ucts promote phagocytosis and destruction of microbes. CD8+ CTLs kill cells harboring microbes in the cyto-
IgA is secreted from mucosal epithelia and neutralizes plasm. These microbes may be viruses that infect many
microbes in the lumens of mucosal tissues, such as the cell types or bacteria that are ingested by macrophages
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, thus preventing but escape from phagocytic vesicles into the cytoplasm
inhaled and ingested microbes from infecting the host. (where they are inaccessible to the killing machinery
Maternal IgG is actively transported across the placenta of phagocytes, which is largely confined to vesicles). By
and protects the newborn until the baby’s immune system destroying the infected cells, CTLs eliminate the reser-
becomes mature. Most IgG antibodies have half-lives in voirs of infection. CTLs also kill tumor cells that express
the circulation of approximately 3 weeks, whereas other antigens that are recognized as foreign.
classes of antibodies have half-lives of just a few days.
Some antibody-secreting plasma cells migrate to the bone In the remainder of the book, we describe in detail the
marrow or mucosal tissues and live for years, continu- recognition, activation, regulation, and effector phases of
ing to produce low levels of antibodies. The antibodies innate and adaptive immune responses. The principles
that are secreted by these long-lived plasma cells provide introduced in this chapter recur throughout this book.

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Adaptive Immunity 11


Y Protective immunity against microbes is mediated *Indicates publications of historical interest, generally re-
by the early reactions of innate immunity and porting the discovery of a phenomenon or process that
the later responses of adaptive immunity. Innate was later shown to be of fundamental importance in the
immune system. Many (but not all) of these discoveries
immune responses are stimulated by molecular
led to Nobel Prizes for the discoverer(s). The nature of the
structures shared by groups of microbes and by discovery is summarized briefly in each reference.
molecules expressed by damaged host cells. Adap-
tive immunity is specific for different microbial and
nonmicrobial antigens and is increased by repeated Historical Ideas
exposures to antigen (immunologic memory). *Burnet FM. A modification of Jerne’s theory of antibody pro-
Y Many features of adaptive immunity are of funda- duction using the concept of clonal selection. Aust J Sci.
mental importance for its normal functions. These 1957;20:67–69. (A description of the clonal selection theory. Bur-
include specificity for different antigens, a diverse net received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the understand-
repertoire capable of recognizing a wide variety ing of immune recognition of self vs nonself. See https://www.nob
of antigens, memory of antigen exposure, and the
ability to discriminate between foreign antigens Cohn M, Mitchison NA, Paul WE, et al. Reflections on the clon-
and self antigens. al-selection theory. Nat Rev Immunol. 2007;7:823–830.
*Ehrlich P. Croonian lecture: on immunity with special refer-
Y Immunity may be acquired by a response to anti-
ence to cell life. Proc Royal Soc Lond. 1900. Also Ehrlich, P.,
gens (active immunity) or conferred by transfer of Nobel lecture: partial cell functions. (Ehrlich’s side-chain theory
antibodies or effector cells (passive immunity). was the first idea about specific antigen receptors in the immune sys-
Y Lymphocytes are the only cells capable of specifi- tem. See
cally recognizing antigens and are thus the princi- s/1908/ehrlich%5dlecture.pdf.)
pal cells of adaptive immunity. The total population Jerne NK. The natural-selection theory of antibody formation.
of lymphocytes consists of many clones, each with Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1955;41:849–857.
a unique antigen receptor and specificity. The two *Metchnikoff E. Nobel lecture: on the present state of the
major subsets of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells, question of immunity in infectious diseases. (The discov-
and they differ in their antigen receptors and func- ery of phagocytosis in defense against foreign invaders. See.
Y The adaptive immune response is initiated by the
Silverstein AM. Cellular versus humoral immunology: a centu-
recognition of foreign antigens by specific lympho- ry-long dispute. Nat Immunol. 2003;4:425–428.
cytes. Specialized antigen-presenting cells capture Turk JL. Almroth Wright: phagocytosis and opsonization. J Roy
microbial antigens and display these antigens for Soc Med. 1994;87:576–577.
recognition by lymphocytes. Lymphocytes respond *von Behring E. Nobel lecture: serum therapy in therapeutics
by proliferating and by differentiating into effec- and medical science. (The discovery of passive immunization with
tor cells, whose function is to eliminate the anti- antibodies for the treatment of diphtheria and other infectious dis-
gen, and into memory cells, which show enhanced eases. See
responses on subsequent encounters with the anti- behring/lecture.)
*Wright AE. Studies on Immunisation. London: Constable; 1909.
gen. The elimination of antigens often requires the
See also Turk JL. Almroth Wright: phagocytosis and opso-
participation of various effector cells. nization. J Roy Soc Med. 1994;87:576-577. (The discovery of an-
Y Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies tibody-mediated opsonization for phagocytosis. Wright’s friendship
secreted by B lymphocytes and their differentiated with the playwright George Bernard Shaw led to Shaw modeling a
progeny, plasma cells, and is the mechanism of main character in his play The Doctor’s Dilemma after Wright and
defense against extracellular microbes. Antibodies attributing to him the proposed treatment for disease—“Stimulate
neutralize the infectivity of microbes and promote the phagocytes!”)
the elimination of microbes by phagocytes and by
activation of the complement system.
Y Cell-mediated immunity is mediated by T lym- Evolution of the Immune System
phocytes and their products, such as cytokines, Boehm T, Swann JB. Origin and evolution of adaptive immu-
and is important for defense against intracellular nity. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 2014;2:259–283.
microbes. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes help macro- Flajnik MF. A cold-blooded view of adaptive immunity. Nat Rev
phages to eliminate ingested microbes and help B Immunol. 2018;18:438–453.
Litman GW, Rast JP, Fugmann SD. The origins of vertebrate
cells to produce antibodies. CD8+ cytotoxic T lym-
adaptive immunity. Nat Rev Immunol. 2010;10:543–553.
phocytes kill cells harboring intracellular patho-
gens, thus eliminating reservoirs of infection.

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February 15, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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